Series of books “Warcraft. Universe "Warcraft". Books, reading order Warcraft reading chronology

The Warcraft universe has long been loved by millions of people scattered across the globe. The unique fantasy world, which became the first of its kind, has turned into a separate page in life for many fans of the series. They grew up with their favorite game, followed the new parts, immersed themselves in the plot and sincerely cared about the characters. Subsequently, the Blizzard company released an online version of Warcraft, and the equally famous game Dota appeared, the first and then the second part. With the release of the film, interest in the universe grew significantly. The Warcraft book series has become a gift for people who fell in love with this world thanks to the movie and want to learn more about it without going through all parts of the game. But not everyone understands in what order one should begin studying literature. The chronology of the Warcraft books is still of interest not only to new, but also to long-time fans of the series.

"Rise of the Horde"

You need to start reading the Warcraft books in order from this work. Events take place before the gates open. Despite the fact that the young but promising leader Thrall has defeated the curse of terrible demons that have plagued the orcs for centuries, they are forced to continue to fight the shadows of past events. United into a powerful fighting machine called the Horde, the orcs took part in countless battles against the main enemy - the Alliance. But the lust for murder and anger, forcing them to destroy everything they encountered on the way to their goal, turned against them.

Many years ago, when peace and order reigned in the mysterious Draenor, the orcs were a noble clan that lived in harmony with their interesting and numerous neighbors - the draenei. However, the Burning Legion has its own plans for both sides of the conflict. Kil'jaeden, the leader of the demons, launched a terrifying mechanism of events, the work of which led to the almost complete extinction of the draenei, and united the orcs into a single force thirsting for blood and destruction.

"The Last Guardian"

While studying the Warcraft universe, books, and reading order, you can stumble upon this work, which is the second in the series. In a world where the life of every person directly depends on the ornate flows of magic, it is very difficult to exist. It is not always possible to accurately understand the events taking place: what is truth and what is fiction? How to distinguish the future from the past? Looking for answers to these questions, the young and talented Khadgar traveled to a tower full of mysteries, in which the strongest magician in existence lives, in order to enroll as his student. However, Medivh is a difficult person. No one has yet been able to find out what is going on in his soul.

Whose side did he take: Darkness or, perhaps, Light? Although not immediately, the curiosity and persistence of the young sorcerer helped him find out what was happening to Medivh. The essence of the magician is unstable: he embodies both sides of the eternal conflict. Who will win? A fair and strong magician or a fierce enemy of the entire human race - Zargeras, leader of the Burning Legion?

"Streams of Darkness"

This work should be of interest to all students of Warcraft. The books and the order in which they are read suggest that this part should be viewed after The Last Guardian.

The death of the dishonest orc leader Blackhand allowed Orgrimm Doomhammer to quickly seize power over the large Horde. His intentions include conquering the rest of Azeroth so that the orcs who came from the dying Draenor could rightfully call this world a new home. Lothar could not calmly look at the troubles caused by foreigners, he gathered the surviving people and crossed the Great Sea with them in the hope of finding help in Lordaeron. Where, with the help of Terenas, he can gather a force capable of resisting the Horde - the Alliance. Noble elves, as well as Trolls and Dwarves, become embroiled in a whirlwind of events that marks the beginning of an eternal struggle between two great factions. Will the Alliance forces be able to win, or will the Horde conquer all of Azeroth?

Other books in the series

The chronology of the Warcraft books is much wider than it might seem.

  • The fourth book in the series was “Beyond the Dark Portal,” which tells about the invasion of the dying world of Draenor.
  • Next comes “Day of the Dragon”; in stores this book can be found under a different name - “Revenge of the Orcs”.
  • “Lord of Clans” is the sixth book in the series of the same name, and fully reveals the story of Thrall.

This is only a small part of the Warcraft universe. Books whose reading order is very important for understanding the fantasy world are widely available.

A few rules for more comfortable reading

When studying the Warcraft universe, books, and the order of reading works, you can encounter fascinating plot twists that rewrite the course of history. This is not the authors' fault. It is also best to read works in the original language, if you have the appropriate knowledge. Fan translations are not always accurate.

Warcraft's action takes place in the fantasy worlds of Azeroth and Draenor. At first it was assumed that the first consisted only of the eastern kingdoms of Lordaeron and Azeroth. But the repeated invasion of the Burning Legion forced the inhabitants of Azeroth to map the long-forgotten kingdoms of their world, including the homeland of the mysterious Night Elves Kalimdor (both the Wastelands of the south and the rich forests of Ashenvale to the north) In search of the source of the Undead plague, the people of Lordaeron and the night elves of Quel Thalas found themselves in the snowy desert of the Ice Rift - the habitat of the Lich King Nerzhul. In other words, the lands of Azeroth are very diverse and serve as home for many races: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Trolls and Dragons.The following is a timeline of the Warcraft universe from the creation of Azeroth by the Titans to the advent of World of Warcraft:

Prehistoric times

Distant past:

The universe was created. In the millennia following her birth, the Titans sculpt worlds, putting in order the formless infinity of the Great Beyond Darkness. The most powerful of the Titans, Sargeras, protects their myriad creations. However, Sargeras succumbs to the influence of evil entities from the Bottomless Wasteland and decides to destroy the works of his brothers. To achieve this goal, he subjugates Eredar and Nathrezim. Over time, Eredar and Nathrezim also acquire servants, enslaving various creatures, such as the Lords of Hell. The army of Sargeras, now known as the Burning Legion, sets out on a path of destruction, destroying every world it discovers.

Millions of years ago:
Having defeated and imprisoned the Ancient Gods of the primeval world of Azeroth in an unknown prison, the Titans establish order in it. They then continue to work on the physical properties of Azeroth.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago:
The Titans create life forms that will later inhabit Azeroth. Dragons appear first, then Kaldorei, Humans, Dwarves and other creatures.

The night elves (Kaldorei) awaken and found a great society in the heart of Kalimdor. They play with primitive magic and accidentally spread it throughout Azeroth.

Brothers Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage are born.

Tyrande Whisperwind is born.

The demonic Burning Legion, attracted by the energy resulting from the Kaldorei experiments, begins a massive invasion of Kalimdor in order to deplete the natural reserves of magic. The night elves, unable to drive away the furious Demons on their own, team up with the ancient Dragons. The ensuing clashes are so apocalyptic that much of Kalimdor's landmass falls apart and sinks under the sea. Fearing the Legion's return, the night elves vow never to use magic again.

For his crime against the night elves, Illidan is imprisoned in a cell deep underground.

Alexstrasza the Lifegiver, Malygos the Spellweaver, Nozdormu the Eternal and Isera the Dreamer, collectively known as the Four Kinds of Dragons, combine their magical powers and create the Demon Soul - a powerful artifact that can be used to both control dragons and fight the Burning Legion . Neltharion the Earthwarden (later known as Deathwing) did not participate in the creation of the Demon Soul, and as a result retained his powers, becoming the most powerful of the dragons.

Alexstrasza, Ysera and Nozdormu help the night elves become a strong race in case the Legion returns. Alexstrasza places a magical acorn in the new Well of Eternity, from which the mighty World Tree Nordrassil grows. Ysera binds the World Tree to the Emerald Dream and makes a pact with the Kaldorei druids. Nozdormu casts a spell on Nordrassil: as long as this oak tree stands, the night elves will be immortal.

A small group of night elves, unwilling to stop experimenting with magic, are expelled from Kalimdor. Traveling through the newly formed eastern lands, they found the kingdom of Quel Thalas and began to call themselves the High Elves. They are constantly attacked by gangs of local trolls.

In Lordaeron, humans found the Empire of Arathor.

The high elves, on the verge of defeat in the ongoing war with the trolls, seek help from the people of Arathor. In exchange for military support, they agree to teach people magic. The combined army succeeds in destroying most of the trolls in Lordaeron.

Due to human negligence in the use of magic, agents of the Burning Legion are once again finding their way into Azeroth. The Order of Tirisfal is founded. The mighty Guardians of Tirisfal must wage war against agents of the Legion unknown to the common populace.

Due to internal divisions and expanding borders, the Empire of Arathor splits into seven autonomous states: Alterac, Azeroth, Dalaran, Gilnis, Kul Tiras, Lordaeron and Stromgarde.

Aegwynn, Guardian of Azeroth, is born.

Guardian Aegwynn defeats Sargeras, Lord of the Burning Legion, in a duel. The evil spirit of Sargeras unites with the soul of her unborn son.

Muradin Bronzebeard is born.

Kaen Bloodhoof is born.

Kiljaeden, assistant to Sargeras, makes a deal with NerZhul, the leader of the orcs from Draenor. In exchange for submission to the Legion, the Orcs (especially NerZhul) will gain enormous power and the ability to conquer new worlds.

Expelled from Azeroth, the Burning Legion continues, with the help of NerZhul, to subjugate the orc clans from the world of Draenor. Once noble clans of orc shamans begin to unite, turning into a furious Horde.

Guldan is born.

The Horde defeats the Draenei and other races of the world of Draenor. This massacre temporarily quenches the bloodthirstiness of the Orcs, but soon the clans begin to conflict with each other.

Antonidas is born.

Anduin Lothar is born.

Uther the Light Bringer is born.

Guldan, having demonstrated extraordinary abilities in orc magic, becomes Nerzhul's student.

Aegwynn gives birth to a son, Medivh, who is destined to become the last of the Guardians. Kelthuzad is born.

Prince Llane of Azeroth is born.

Under Kiljaden's guidance, Guldan begins to study demon magic. Khadgar is born.

NerZhul, repenting of his decision to help subjugate the orcs to the Legion, breaks his agreement with Kiljaeden. The demon swears revenge on the shaman and invites Guldan to continue the work begun by Nerzhul. Guldan immediately agrees and forms a Council of Darkness to control the Horde, which begins to search in the Bottomless Wasteland for new worlds that have not yet been conquered by the Horde.

On Medivhu's twelfth birthday, the full power of the Guardian is revealed, causing him to fall into a coma. Grom Hellscream is born.

Prince Llane reaches the age of Ascension. Medivh awakens from his coma. Despite his power, he is effectively subordinate to Sargeras. Medivh heads to Karazkhan's tower to continue his training.

Medivh contacts Guldan and the Council of Darkness for the first time.

Medivh and Guldan come to a fateful agreement: Medivh will open a portal between Azeroth and Draenor and show Guldan the tomb of Sargeras; in turn, the Horde will conquer the human states and kill the enemies of Medivh. Neither side realizes that this agreement benefits Kiljaedan.

Medivh, besotted with the spirit of Sargeras, opens the Portal of Darkness, and the Horde invades Azeroth. Orcs attack Hurricane Wind Tower, but cannot destroy the fortress. The leaders of the Horde begin to conflict with each other.

Prince Llane sits on the throne, becoming the new King of Azeroth. Realizing that the Horde needs a new leader to unite the clans (and give Guldan even more power), the Council of Darkness appoints the Black Hand of the Destroyer as leader of the Horde.

Aegwynn, sensing Sargeras's influence on her son, confronts Medivh. However, the Magus expels her from Karazkhan. Aegwynn informs King Llane of Medivh's involvement in the appearance of orcs in Azeroth and of his dark power. In view of the inevitability of war with the Horde, mobilization begins in Azeroth. Prince Arthas, son and heir of King Terenas of Lordaeron, is born. Thrall, son of Darotan, is born.

The magician Khadgar comes to Medivh in Karazkhan. Sent by the Kirin Tor, he becomes Medivh's apprentice and spies for Dalaran. Darotan, chieftain of the Ice Wolf clan, meets secretly with Orgrim Doomhammer to discuss Guldan's actions and his detrimental reign to the Horde. After the meeting, Guldan's assassins kill Darotan and his companion, leaving little Thrall alone in the wilderness. A group of human hunters led by Lieutenant Aedelas Blackmoore finds Thrall and takes him with them to Durnholde Fortress. Blackmoore makes a slave and a gladiator out of a small orc. Jaina Proudmoore is born.

WarCraft: Orcs and Humans

Medivh is killed by his best friend Lord Lothar and his own apprentice Khadgar. Guldan, having possessed Medivh at the moment of his death, fell into an unconscious state. Having lost his leader in the person of the sorcerer, the Black Hand could not resist Orgrim's Hammer of Fate.

The half-orc Garona kills King Llain. Stormwind Tower has been captured by the Horde.

The future reincarnation of Medivha returns to Karazkhan and takes the magical energy of the tower. Medivh plans to use this energy to fight the Burning Legion when they return. His mission completed, Medivh returns in 617 and begins preparing to fight the Legion.

After five years of grueling war, the Horde finally conquers the states of Azeroth and KhazModan and claims Blackrock Spire as its base. Lord Lothar leads the refugees to the northern lands of Lordaeron. Once there, he convinces the rulers of seven states to unite in the fight against the Horde. The individual states of the Arathorian Empire once again become the Alliance of Lordaeron.

WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness

Orgrim Doomhammer, leader of the Horde, leads his powerful fleet to the shores of Lordaeron. The unstoppable Horde reaches the very heart of Lordaeron and successfully destroys the ancient high elf kingdom of Quel Thalas.

Alliance forces counterattack, but Lord Lothar is killed during the siege of Blackrock Spire. Enraged by the death of their beloved commander, the Alliance warriors destroy the Spire and push the Horde to the threshold of the Portal of Darkness.

The Portal of Darkness is destroyed, the Horde is defeated.

Nekros Skullcrusher uses the Demon Soul to gain control of the red dragons and use them to further the Horde's plans.

The renegade orcs are rounded up and herded into internment camps.

Dragon Day

Nekros, a sorcerer from the Dragonmaw clan, continues to use Alexstrasza and the entire flight of red dragons. With their help, he carries out targeted strikes on the Alliance forces, and then retreats again to his base in Grim Batol. Nekros controls Alexstrasza using the Demon Soul artifact. The Kirin Tor makes a last attempt to neutralize the threat from the Orcs: the magician Ronin, the elven huntress Verise and the dwarf Folstad are tasked with destroying the Demon Soul, thereby freeing the dragons. They successfully complete the task, not only destroying the last major clan of orcs in Azeroth, but also thwarting the plans of the dragon Deathwing, who hoped to use the artifact to defeat his brothers and claim Azeroth as his domain.

WarCraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal

The old orc shaman NerZhul rallies the remaining clans on Draenor and reopens the Portal of Darkness. He orders the theft of several artifacts from Azeroth that will allow him to open numerous portals in Draenor. The Alliance sends its troops through the Portal of Darkness, led by the magician Khadgar. The goal is to disrupt Nerzhul's plans. Two armies have been fighting across the vast world of Draenor for months.

Having drawn strength from the stolen artifacts, NerZhul opens several portals in Draenor. But before he can guide the orcs through them, the energy of the artifacts goes out of the shaman’s control and begins to destroy the very matter of the world of Draenor. The heroes of the Alliance, realizing that they will be trapped, destroy the Portal of Darkness so that Azeroth is not destroyed by the raging elements.

The world of Draenor is being torn apart. His remains would later be known as Outland.

NerZhul and other orcs from the Dark Moon clan are caught by Kiljaeden as they enter the Bottomless Wasteland. Nerzhul is transformed into the Lich King, encased in a cube of ice, and thrown back into Azeroth, into the glaciers of the Northern Rift. Nerzhul's sorcerers are gutted and turned into Liches, completely subordinate to his iron will.

As new camps open for orcs, the Alliance becomes restless. Only a few scattered clans have escaped the wrath of people and eke out a miserable existence in the harsh conditions of the wild.

Spider War: Nerzhulov's undead are trying to protect their bases in the Northern Rift from the warriors of the mysterious Aziel-Nerub empire. The arachnid Nerubians are eventually overwhelmed by the Lich King's countless fighters and the Dread Lords. Finally, Nerzhul can call the icy continent his own.

Thrall's Story: Leader of the Clans

Thrall, a young orc raised by humans as a slave and gladitor, escapes and embarks on a quest to find his stolen heritage. Thrall successfully unites several clans of renegade orcs and raises them to rebel against the local authorities of the Alliance.

With the looming threat of the emergence of a new Horde, the Alliance is becoming less and less united. Tension between state leaders is growing. Thrall becomes the new leader of the Horde and helps his fellow tribesmen return to the abandoned culture of shamans. An invigorated Horde finally rids itself of the last traces of the Legion's demonic influence. Civil war rages in the Alliance, when a new, unprecedented enemy appears - the Burning Legion has returned...

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

Led by a mysterious prophet, Thrall guides the Horde across the sea to the lands of Kalimdor.

The Prophet travels to Lordaeron to warn King Terenas about the plague of the Undead and the approach of the Legion. But the king refuses to do anything, believing that the internal affairs of the Alliance are much more important.

Nerzhul, the lord of the undead, begins to infect the lands of Lordaeron with his plague. The noble paladin Arthas, having witnessed the corruption of his homeland, decides to even the score and goes to the Northern Rift. Finding himself in the icy desert of the roof of the world, he submits to the will of Nerzhul. Having become a Death Knight, Arthas returns to Lordaeron, kills King Terenas and betrays the kingdom to the power of the Scourge.

An army of undead completely destroys the night elf kingdom of Quel Thalas, including its capital, the Silver Moon. At this time, Arthas, using the energy of the Sunwell, resurrects the wizard KelThuzad in the guise of a Lich. On the hill overlooking Dalaran, KelThuzad summons Archimonde the Defiler to Azeroth - one of Sargeras' two lieutenants - who continues to lay waste to Dalaran with his demonic spells.

The Burning Legion begins its invasion of Azeroth by conquering Lordaeron and Quel Thalas, killing most of the surviving inhabitants of these lands. In Kalimdor, the Horde splits: Thrall follows the prophet while Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan establish a new settlement. They inadvertently make enemies of the night elves as they desecrate the forests of Ashenvale.

As a result of the cunning machinations of Mannoroth the Destroyer and Tichondrius the Darkener, the Warsong clan kills Cenarius, one of the main defenders of Ashen Vale and the World Tree.

Having escaped from the ruins of Lordaeron, Jaina Proudmoore and her loyal people negotiate with Thrall to rid Grom of Mannoroth's bloody obsession.

Grom Hellscream dies in battle with Mannoroth. But before dying, he manages to kill the demon and free himself and the Horde from the curse of the Burning Legion.

Hoping to defeat the night elves and absorb the magic of the World Tree, the Burning Legion invades Ashen Vale.

Tyrande frees Illidan from prison.

Submitting to Arthas and the Lich King, Illidan steals the skull of Guldan, thanks to which he turns into a hybrid of a night elf and a demon. Filled with the energy of the artifact, Illidan kills Tichondrius and prevents Archimonde from carrying out his plans. Furion drives his unpredictable brother out of Kalimdor, and Illidan leaves in anger.

The leaders of the night elves Furion and Tyrande cause a real magical storm in Kalimdor, while Thrall and Jaina desperately repel Archimonde's attack. Finally, having broken through the defenses, the demon rushes to the World Tree to absorb its magic, but is destroyed by the forces of the spellcasters and the Tree itself.

The Prophet turns out to be Medivh, a magician who once opened the Portal of Darkness. He came to hand over the reins of Azeroth to the truce humans, orcs and night elves. Azeroth began to slowly be reborn.

WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne

The orcs who settled in the deserted land of the southern part of Kalimdor call it Darotar. This area was so named by Thrall, the leader of the Orcs, in honor of his father who died heroically in battle.

A group of surviving Lordaeronians led by Jaina Proudmoore also settle in the Wasteland, erecting a fortress called Theramore on one of the islands.

The remnants of the high elves decide to take revenge on the Undead and the Legion for the loss of their homeland during the invasion. In keeping with this intention, they call themselves Blood Elves.

Arthas has a vision of Nerzhul's Frozen Throne in the Northern Rift as the Lich King orders him to return to the snowy continent immediately.

Kiljaedan the Treacherous appears to Illidan and orders him to destroy the Frozen Throne, as the demon lord realized that the Lich King had betrayed him. To achieve this goal, Illidan raises the ancient Naga race from the sea and sails to the Broken Isles of the Vortex. The Naga are the descendants of the Highborne of Queen Azshara, and now they are eager to follow Illidan. In the Broken Isles region lies the legendary Tomb of Sargeras. Illidan lays claim to the demonic artifact inside her, the Eye of Sargeras, with which he plans to end the Scourge by destroying the Icecrown glacier from afar. Arriving in the destroyed Dalaran, he tries to implement his plan. However, Malfurion, Tyrande, and Maiev's ruler Darksong destroy the Eye before the spell could be completed. Realizing that he cannot kill Nerzhul from afar, Illidan decides to flee Azeroth. He opens a dimensional portal to the Outlands and leaves. However, Maiev, overwhelmed by anger, follows him, trying to capture the traitor. Furion and Tyrande return to Kalimdor.

Kael and the blood elves loyal to him approach the base of Grand Marshal Garithos and await instructions. While carrying out several minor tasks for Garithos, the blood elves stumble upon a group of Nagas led by Lady Vashi. Vash offers his help to the blood elves, since they have a common enemy - the undead. However, Garithos does not approve of such an alliance and imprisons the elves as traitors.

Awaiting execution, Kael and his elves are freed from Dalaran's prison by Lady Vasha, and both races escape to the Outlands through the same portal that Archimonde used to enter Azeroth.

Arriving in the Outlands, the Naga and the blood elves save Illidan from Maiev's army and talk with their leader. Illidan decides to destroy the Hell Lord Masteridon and take over the Outlands in order to hide from the wrath of Kiljaeden. While Illidan's armies (with the help of the surviving Draenei) complete this task, they cannot hide from Kiljaeden. The demon orders Illidan to return to the Northern Rift and destroy the Frozen Throne or risk the consequences of betraying the demon lord.

With the Lich King's power diminished, a group of Dread Lords seize control of most of the Scourge in Lordaeron and attempt to overthrow King Arthas. While they destroy the capital of Lordaeron, Arthas flees the city and heads to the Northern Rift to protect the Lich King from Illidan's forces.

Sylvanas Windrunner, former Ranger General of the army of Quel Thalas, becomes the Undead Dark Ranger. Due to the weakening of Nerzhul, Silvanas again becomes independent and seeks to leave its mark on history. Now, having won over one of the Dread Lords to her side, she is able to overthrow the other two and completely free herself from the influence of the Scourge. Calling themselves "the forsaken," Sylvanas and her companions hunkered down in the plague lands of Lordaeron, plotting their actions against King Arthas and the Scourge.

The Lord of the Crypts named AnubArak comes to the aid of Arthas, who has reached the Northern Rift and is trying to get to the Frozen Throne before Illidan. Having overcome many dangers in the gloomy dungeons of Aziel Nerub, the Death Knight successfully reaches the Snow Crown glacier. Having defeated Illidan's army and opened the dungeon, Arthas comes face to face with Illidan. Arthas gains the upper hand and enters the glacier. Immediately after the liberation of the Lich King, Arthas' body is captured by a former prisoner. Two evil entities united. Sitting on top of the glacier, they contemplate their next move.

Meanwhile, in the orc city of Orgrimmar, MokNathal, known as Rexxxar, teams up with Thrall and the Horde to protect Darotar, as... an army of people begins to violate their borders. Confident that these armies will be stationed in Jaina's fortress on Theramore Island, Thrall sends Rexxar with a report to the sorceress, hoping that she can explain the behavior of the people invading their domain.

Ancient and powerful druids join forces to grow a new world tree on the island of Kalidar, not far from the northern coast of Kalimdor. They call it Teldrassil, which means "Crown of the Earth" in their language. On the branches of Teldrassil, the night elves make their homes. They are rebuilding their little world again, planting trees and letting flowing rivers, drowning in the endless night that has descended on the elven lands since the beginning of time. Night elves flock to Kalimdor as a sanctuary, and the forests of Ashenvale are cleared of the last traces of the demonic Legion.

Christy Golden


Moonlight washed over the throne room of Stormwind, making the royal throne of white stone seem to glow with its own radiance, and the golden lions sitting at its foot turned into silver beasts with deathly eyes. A cold, milky light shone on the edges of the weapons hanging on the walls, and the shadows in the corners, where the pale fingers of the moon did not reach, seemed like lakes of impenetrable darkness. In this unearthly radiance, a person with a rich imagination could well imagine that the decorative armor, frozen like sentinels, was not so empty.

The triumph of the moon was disrupted by the light of a single lamp, casting warm, reddish reflections on the boy’s determined face. He held in his hands two toys carved from wood. The first was a soldier, wearing a painted version of armor that darkened throughout the silent hall. The second is a hunched creature: green, with boar tusks and an ax half the height of her wooden opponent.

There were other soldiers and monsters scattered across the floor. Most of the toy monsters were still standing. Most of the soldiers were defeated.

When the door opened, the room became lighter. The boy turned around, annoyed at being interrupted, and gave the newcomer a quick, angry look before returning to his game.

“The prince is not hiding,” the boy thought. - He goes wherever he wants when he wants to be alone. This is not hide and seek."

The man approached him. In the dim light of the lamp, his hair did not seem as gray, and the scar that cuts his face from chin to eye - as ugly as in daylight. He looked down at the scene the boy was enacting.

How is the battle going?

“It’s like he doesn’t see. It’s like he doesn’t remember.”

At first the boy silently looked at the small green figures, and then said angrily:

Every orc deserves to die. When I become king, I will be like Lothar and kill them all!

“Lothar is a soldier,” the man answered without a hint of anger. - He fights because that is his duty. And you will be king. Your duty will be to make a just peace. Don't you think we've had enough of wars?

The boy didn't answer. "A Just World". "No more wars."


I hate them! - he shouted.

“I know,” the man answered calmly. The fact that he did not condemn the boy’s outburst slightly cooled his young interlocutor.

But war is not always the right solution. You should understand that not all orcs are evil, even if they seem that way.

The boy frowned and looked at the man with a skeptical look. Khadgar was very wise, but what he said seemed incredible to the prince.

“You know,” Khadgar continued, “that the orcs came from another world, which is very far from ours.

Raising his hand, he moved his fingers, and a reddish-orange ball appeared in his palm. Now the boy looked with interest. He loved watching Khadgar work his magic. The ball began to spin, surrounded by a crackling greenish halo of energy.

Their world was dying,” Khadgar continued. - He was consumed by the dark magic known as Fel.

The prince's eyes widened as a strange emerald shimmer began to consume the brown, dust-covered world.

The orcs were forced to flee. If they had stayed... they would have died too.

The prince was not at all sorry for the orcs and their dying world. He clutched the toy orc figurine tighter in his fingers.

This means that these green monsters have invaded our world!

Not all orcs were green when they came to Azeroth. But you didn't know about it.

The prince chose to remain silent so as not to admit his ignorance, but now he was overcome by curiosity.

Only those of them who were poisoned by Fel,” Khadgar continued his story. - She changed them. But one day we met an orc who managed to resist her. The one who almost managed to stop the war forever. His name was... Durotan.

* * *

There was no need for windows in the Air Chambers. As the name implied, these were the palaces of Air - consisting of it and located in it.

Outsiders might marvel at the sight, admire its beauty, and be horrified at the same time, wondering how the Council of Six could sit here without worrying about their own safety. But strangers have never penetrated here and will never penetrate here, into the Violet Citadel of the Kirin Tor.

Like magic itself, the hall was intended only for the magicians themselves.

The blue sky and white clouds that served as the ceiling and walls set off the gold and purple of the stone floor. In addition, a symbol was laid out on the floor - a stylized, staring eye. The boy who had entered the hall and was now standing in its center thought that this symbol was especially appropriate today.

He was eleven. Not too tall, with brown hair and eyes that changed color from blue to green depending on the lighting. And yet, it was this boy in the white tunic that now had the attention of all members of the Kirin Tor Council.

They stood much higher, on a circular platform, and were dressed in purple robes with an embroidered symbol - the same Eye that was now looking from the floor. Both the members of the Council and the Eyes embroidered on their vestments looked down on the child, as he himself might look down on an insect. However, the boy was not embarrassed by their attention. Rather, he felt curiosity, and, raising his eyebrow, boldly looked at the magicians.

One of the Council members, a tall, skinny old man with a beard as white as the magic flowing along the walls of this tower, met the boy’s gaze and nodded slightly. Then he spoke, and his sonorous voice resounded imperiously throughout the vast hall.

There is a theory according to which each star in the sky is a separate world, proclaimed Archmage Antonidas. - And each of these worlds is inhabited by its own inhabitants. What will our novice say to this?

The novice did not hesitate to answer.

No world compares to Azeroth, he said. - The beauty of Azeroth, its vitality and abundance are unique.

And who can you trust to take care of such a treasure?

To the one who can call upon the powers of magic to protect our world. To the guard.

It's clear.

The slightest hint of a smile crossed Antonidas’s thin lips. The novice wondered: shouldn't he have changed his tone to a slightly more humble one? But let's be honest, he learned all this a long time ago.

All the strength? - Antonidas continued.

“No,” the novice quickly responded. - Dark forces are forbidden. Dark forces are the mirror of Fel.

He realized that he was mumbling, as if written, and bit his lip hard. It would be bad if the magicians decided that he did not take what he read seriously.

Dark forces,” he repeated, this time more solemnly, “pervert the original goals of those who resort to them.

So what lesson do we learn from this?

Magic is dangerous and should not be trusted by anyone who has not received proper training. No races - not humans, not dwarves, not dwarves, not elves - no one except initiates of the Kirin Tor are allowed to use magic.

“All this is just for us,” the novice thought, watching the stream of silver-white liquid curl along the walls and ceiling of the Airy Hall. “Not because we are greedy, but because we know how to handle it.”

The boy looked carefully at Antonidas and noticed that the archmage’s shoulders relaxed. They were done with the first part and he didn't screw up anywhere. Fine.

The elderly magician smiled slightly, looking graciously at the novice.

We feel your strength, Medivh,” he said. - We admire your determination and thirst for knowledge. And we test and verify these qualities as much as possible - but, unfortunately, we will not get an answer to the most important question until it is too late.

Medivh tensed. Too late? What was Antonidas talking about?

The life of a Guardian requires sacrifices that you cannot even imagine. However, we ask now - you, boy - to take on this burden forever.

“Well, it has begun,” Medivh thought.

Are you ready to begin your full preparations for the day when you become the ruler of Karazhan?

Ready,” the novice answered without hesitation.

Then prove it!

This creature was generated by shadows inaccessible to the magic of Light. From a fragment of darkness it quickly turned into a material, black as night, distorted something that towered over the boy. Medivh instinctively took a fighting stance - a reaction that had been drilled into him for so long that the boy immediately began to act, even if he was taken by surprise. The creature opened its mouth, lined with fangs as long as Medivh's forearm, and made a series of sounds that made his stomach churn. As the creature loomed over him, the boy noticed that the alien had neither true depth nor clear outlines, which made him even more frightening. It was a creature from nightmares, and its ghostly paws were crowned with razor-sharp claws.

Any person who has once immersed himself in the magical world of World of Warcraft will sooner or later begin to notice that the game world is somewhat smaller than the entire world of the Warcraft universe.

It would seem - why? You can spend thousands of hours in the game, explore hundreds of kilometers of territory on different planets, complete thousands of tasks and go through dungeons countless times and destroy the most dangerous opponents and villains...

However, the more you get acquainted with the world of military craft, the more you realize that the game contains many references to the plot of previous games. There are a lot of blind spots in the story, which even in such an incredible online game are very difficult to close. After this, many people begin to get acquainted with Warcraft books. Over the two decades of Azeroth’s existence, dozens of books and stories have been published, and we will now tell you how to avoid getting lost and lost.

In what order should I read Warcraft books and stories?

At the time of writing this article, the world of our wonderful game has already accumulated almost a hundred works of fiction, including full-length novels, short stories, comics and manga. There is even a wonderful movie! So let's move on to review of World of Warcraf books in chronological order.

The periods relative to the WoW game were chosen as the time frame.

Before the events of World of Warcraft

The books and stories in question tell about ancient times, when demons emerged from the Twisting Void, the Ancient Gods ruled, and the mighty Titans exercised their will. The period covers the times before the very first games, Warcraft 1-2 and partly Warcraft 3.

Encyclopedia Warcraft: Chronicles. volume 1

World of Warcraft: Chronicle (Chris Metzen)
by chronology: #1 / importance level: incredible (legendary)

For the release of the Legion expansion, Blizzard decided that the main conflict between the peoples of Azeroth and the Burning Legion needed to be embellished with details about ancient times, when elves did not even exist on the planet. The old gods, the Titan Pantheon, the origin of life and the cosmology of the Warcraft universe are the main topics of the first volume of the encyclopedia.

Everything that was once known only in myths and legends has now found meaningful expression through the hands of the main ideologist of the world of Warcraft - Chris Metzen.

What I want to say about this book is that it is an amazing publication. Hard cover, beautiful illustrations - this book will be a great gift for any Warcraft fan. There are details about the world here that you will never find - not in the game, not in other books. In addition, there are stunning illustrations from Paul Sams and Joseph Lacroix.

  • Is it worth reading: Yes! Hell yes! Definitely, the game community has been waiting for this book since the release of the very first game!
  • Is it worth buying: Yes! For such a nice publication, with such high-quality illustrations, no money would be spared. The best prices: here / here / and here

Warcraft comic. Saga (Chris Metzen)

Warcraft. Saga
by chronology: #3 / importance level: rare (rare)

A tiny (only 8 pages including cover) comic about the creation of the Burning Legion. The information fits into just a few bubbles of text. A little about the work of the Titans to transform the worlds, about the fall of Sargeras and the creation of a countless army of demons.

In fact, any player knows many times more and this comic will not reveal anything new to you, besides, a lot was revealed in more detail and changed in the latest Chronicles. The only interesting thing is the beautiful art.

story Death from Heaven (Robert Brooks)

Death From Above
by chronology: #4 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

Admit it, one of the expansion's most misunderstood factions Mists of Pandaria became a race of intelligent mantises - the Klaxxi. A dark gloomy location located at the very end of the quest chain (many players leveled up to level 90 without even reaching this zone), unpleasant and arrogant insects, long and tedious daily quests and a gorgeous amber scorpion as a mount. Remember? Just the mount and the pain from the dailies? We don't blame, we understand.

Brooks's tale takes you twelve thousand years before the opening of the Dark Portal, long before the creation of the Alliance and the Horde. In Pandaria, wars were already raging between the Mogu Empire and the mantis race. Main character - Kil'ruk, warrior and leader of the modern Klaxxi. It was he who became the herald of his people and concluded an alliance between the Alliance and the Horde against Garrosh, who fell under the influence of the ancient god Ysharaj.

In fact, the story is not suitable for everyone: pretentious and confusing names, references to Pandaria quests - the text is very difficult to comprehend, but there are interesting points here about the military traditions of the mantises and the slavery of the pandarens.

video Legends of Shaohao

The Burdens of Shaohao (Blizzard)
by chronology: #5 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

A series of videos about the myths and legends of early Pandaria. Should I watch? If you missed the addon about pandas, you definitely should.

trilogy book War of the Ancients (Richard Knaack)

Warcraft: War of the Ancients
by chronology: #6 / importance level: legendary

In ancient days, everyone knew what happened in the kingdom of the elves. Leader Azshara was influenced by Sargeras and opened the way to Azeroth for hordes of demons of the Burning Legion.

But in order to reveal in more detail the history of the conflict between the fallen Titan and the inhabitants of our beloved planet, Blizzard, together with Richard Knaak, sent three unlucky heroes into the past and created a temporary anomaly. They took history in a new direction.

manga First Guardian (Louise Simonson)

The First Guardian (included in the book Warcraft. Legends. Volume 5.)
by chronology: #7 / importance level: rare (rare)

An excellent manga that will take you back to the shores of Lake Lordemer, where a handful of hermit magicians from the first state of people founded a settlement where magic was not illegal and controlled. Here people studied the science of witchcraft and sorcery without fear of persecution by the authorities. Thus the great city of Dalaran was founded.

But life in this city was not calm - more and more magicians attracted the attention of demons, for whom the city shone as a Beacon in the Twisting Nether. To protect their city and Azeroth, magicians created the Order of the Guardians of Tirisfal.

Manga Became a Warrior (Christy Golden)

A Warrior Made (included in the book Warcraft. Legends. Volume 5.)
by chronology: #8 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

One of the most seasoned authors of Warcraft took on a unique job - she talked about the life of Draka. An amazing story of the development of a weak girl (even an orc) into the strongest warrior of the Frost Wolves clan. If you are interested in the story of Thrall's mother, this is a must read. On the other hand, there is nothing very interesting there, and there are no things that influence modern Warcraft. You can skip it if you are not a fan of orcs.

book Birth of the Horde (Christy Golden)

Rise of the Horde
Chronologically: #9 / Severity Level: Epic

Once upon a time in peaceful Draenor... Although... this planet has always been the abode of war and battles. The Ogre Empire, Draenei cities and numerous orc clans. All this was boiled in a cauldron of constant skirmishes until the arrival of the emissaries of the Burning Legion.

The book “Birth of the Horde” will take you back to the ancient past, when one of the demon generals, Kil’jaeden, subjugated the orcs to his power and created from them an angry crowd of murderers, intoxicated with a thirst for blood.

First, the ogres fell, the cities of the draenei were plundered, and once former hunters, shamans and warriors moved to a new world wanting to destroy everyone... They went to Azeroth through the Dark Portal.

book of Durotan (Christy Golden)

by chronology: #10 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

By the release of the film, there was a need to tell more about the main character, but also to sort out some of the discrepancies that arose when transferring Azeroth to the big screen.

Now the film and the Warcraft universe are on different planes and the film is not considered canon. Honestly, you can skip it.

graphic novel Bonds of Brotherhood (Chris Metzen)

Chronologically: #11 / Level of importance: can be skipped (common)

Let's return to the film again. Bonds of Brotherhood is a graphic novel (that is, a cool comic book) about Lothar, Llane and Medivh and their dubious adventures and adventures for the glory of the Alliance. I, without a twinge of conscience, missed it because I don't really like comics.

Warcraft movie (Blizzard Entertainment, Legendary Pictures)

by chronology: #12 / importance level: legendary

The events of the film describe the day when Blackhand, resorting to magic, opens a portal to Azeroth. Fleeing from a catastrophe that would destroy the entire race, the orc race follows the leader and penetrates the world. People are not going to put up with aggression, and war comes to Azeroth with the orcs. While the main focus is on Durotan and Anduin Lothar, the story also briefly touches on events surrounding Medivh.

In any case, no matter what concessions the filmmakers make regarding the canonical plot - the Warcraft movie... Damn! It's a Warcraft movie! We have been promised it since 2006! What could be better for a fan?

by chronology: #13 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

Completely repeats the events of the film - the orcs leaving Draenor, their confrontation with people, the story of Durotan and Anduin.

Chronologically: #14 / Severity Level: Epic

The book describes the story of Medivh, who would have been destined to become the great guardian of the Order of Tirisfal and fight against the Burning Legion if he had not been overcome by darkness. A fierce struggle between good and evil unfolds within Medivh, changing the fate of Azeroth forever.

Tides of Darkness
Chronologically: #15 / Severity Level: Epic

The plot of the story covers the formation of the Horde and the Alliance, thanks to more and more races entering the war between the orcs and humans. After Blackhand's death, Orgrimm becomes the leader of the orcs. Soon the Horde finds allies in the trolls.

Things are no worse for people - Anduin Lothar goes to Lordaeron, where he receives the support of King Terenas. Soon armies of night elves and dwarves will join the Alliance.

The book tells the story of the confrontation between two worlds, briefly touches on the history of Cho Gall, and introduces the reader more closely to Anduin and the famous paladin Turalyon.

Chronologically: #16 / Severity Level: Epic

At the center of events is a new orc invasion through the Dark Portal, opened by the shaman Ner'zhul. Khadgar, along with Turalyon, who has taken command of the Alliance forces, are in the Netherguard Fortress, which is stormed by orcs.

Khadgar begins to realize that the invasion did not happen without reason. Soon, black dragons appear on the orcs' side, which further complicates the situation. Ner'zhul must be stopped, and to do this, the Alliance will have to penetrate Draenor to stop the shaman from destroying two worlds at once.

Day of the Dragon
Chronologically: #17 / Severity Level: Epic

The plot follows the journey of the rebel mage Rhonin, who is sent on a mission to Grim Batol by the Kirin Tor council of mages. Inside the mountain there is an orc clan led by Nekros, owner of the Demon Soul. Ronin will have to uncover a large-scale conspiracy and team up with the ancient creatures of air and fire.

Particular attention is paid to Deathwing, who meanwhile disguises himself as an aristocrat in order to infiltrate the highest royal caste and wipe out Azeroth from the face of the earth.

Chronologically: #18 / Severity Level: Epic

The novel is entirely devoted to the story of Thrall, who tried the roles of a slave, a gladiator and a shaman, and went a long way, ultimately becoming a great leader. He was raised by humans, thanks to which he adopted many human knowledge. A stranger among his own, Thrall had to free himself from the shackles of slavery in order to revive the ancient orcish traditions.

Chronologically: #19 / Severity Level: Epic

Tyrion never treated orcs with respect, considering them vile creatures. Paladin has dedicated his entire life to fighting on behalf of humanity. However, one incident made him doubt his own principles and think about who the monster really is.

Rise of the Lich King
Chronologically: #20 / Severity Level: Epic

The story of the crown prince of Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil, before he turned into the ruthless Lich King. Arthas was a loyal paladin, student of Uther, Knight of the Silver Hand. The invasion of the plague became a great threat to the prince's homeland, forcing Arthas to go in search of salvation.

Arthas Menethil committed a series of terrible acts that eventually led him to unite his own soul with the spirit of the shaman Ner'zhul. This is how the Lich King appeared - a powerful and majestic being, sitting on the Frozen Throne and making plans to destroy all of Azeroth.

Road to Damnation
by chronology: #21 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

A story about the creation of the Cult of the Damned, which introduces the reader to Kel'Thuzad and explains what Naxxramas is.

World of Warcraft Events

It is worth noting that the global plot that Blizzard came up with in the latest additions was not in the original WoW. There was a set of quests, there was a world and several leitmotifs. Therefore, the chronology regarding the game is not strict.

by chronology: #22 / severity level: rare

The story of the Ashbringer, a blade in the hands of Highlord Mograine. In the future, not only the sword, but also its owner will be called by this name. Events take place at a time when the Plague of the Undead is attacking Lordaeron with might and main.

manga Warcraft. Legends

Warcraft. Legends
by chronology: #23 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Five volumes, each containing several short stories about the inhabitants of Azeroth. The stories are not related to each other, but occur approximately in the same time period.

by chronology: #24 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Malygos, a member of an ancient line of blue dragonflight, notices a surge in the energy of the Sunwell, which seemed to be lost after the Third War. Kalecgos, taking human form, goes in search of the Well. On his way he meets serious rivals. To survive and fulfill his destiny, Kalecgos is forced to accept the help of the beautiful girl Anveena.

Chronologically: #25 / Severity Level: Epic

The Burning Legion is defeated. Kalimdor was divided between the people of Theramore and the orcs of Durotar. Their representatives, Jaina Proudmoore and Chief Thrall, made a tentative peace that would not last long. The two races still burn with hatred for each other, and the leaders are trying to do everything to prevent another bloody war.

Jaina Paudmoore investigates the increasing attacks on the lands of Durotar in search of those responsible. A shocking discovery awaits her, a truth that could once again change the world of Azeroth.

by chronology: #26 / level of importance: can be skipped (common)

A night elf's memories of how and why the Scarab Wall appeared in Silithus. There is not enough information, it is better to read the Chronicles.

Events of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

The game world has expanded beyond its native Azeroth. The homeworld of the orcs, destroyed by the war of the Burning Legion, has once again opened the gates to its wounded land. Blades sparkled again, hearts leaped again, war again... In the distant Outlands, in his native Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.

by chronology: #27 / severity level: rare

When the war with the orcs ended, many draenei were exposed to the destructive effects of fel and received the name "Broken". At the center of the story is Nobundo, a broken draenei exile who received a special gift from Velen himself and wants to regain the trust of his people.

by chronology: #28 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The main character of the story is the elven priestess Liadrin. The story tells of the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas, after which Liadrin becomes the leader of the blood elf order.

World of Warcraft comic series (Walter Simonson)

Crimson Circle
by chronology: #29 / severity level: rare

The story of a man who came to his senses without memories on the shores of Durotar. Noticing his fighting prowess, the orc shaman Regar accepts the man into the team of gladiators. Three allies help him remember the past and recognize himself, with whom the warrior will have to overcome many obstacles.

by chronology: #30 / importance level: legendary

The book fully reveals the story of one of the greatest creatures in the world of World of Warcraft - Illidan Stormrage. This is the story of a wizard who made every effort to stop the invasion of the world by demons of the Burning Legion. In order to accomplish his plan, Illidan had to infiltrate the ranks of demons. His people considered such an act a real betrayal, forever imprisoning the hero in an isolated dungeon.

The Legion's invasion was the reason why Illidan was released from prison, since he alone could resist the demons. Having gained freedom, Illidan Stormrage gathers a real army of his loyal comrades. However, Guardian Maiev Shadowsong, along with the Guardians, consider all the hero’s plans to be only a desire to gain unprecedented power. They go to Outland and plan to stop the wizard in any way possible.

by chronology: #31 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The manga consists of two volumes, the first is called "Dragons of Outland" and the second is called "Nexus". At the center of events is the Outer Lands, where a new Dark Portal has recently been opened, causing a bloody war to break out between the warriors of Azeroth and the demons of the Burning Legion. In this part of Draenor, certain ghostly entities began to appear, imaginary dragons of the Void.

Chronologically: #32 / Severity Level: Epic

Terrible things once happened in Grim Batol. One day, the orcs enslaved the children of the dragon queen Alexstrasza in order to use them in the battle against the people. That time, the heroes were able to defeat evil and save the little dragons, but a curse remained on the mountain forever.

The book is dedicated to the return of ancient evil, which was felt in Mount Grim Batol by the red dragon Korialstrasz. Krasus intends to fight it only with his own strength, however, it soon becomes clear that it is not only the dragon that is drawn to the mighty mountain. And the events that will soon occur may affect all of Azeroth, marking the beginning of a new dark era.

by chronology: #33 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story and thoughts of the Lord of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar Theron, who became regent after the betrayal and death of Kael'thas.

Events of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

The war with the Scourge is in full swing. Hordes of undead have overrun Northrend. Legions of the dead, enslaved undead beetles, and the ancient peoples of the north clashed in battle with the united forces of Azeroth on the territory of an unknown and ancient continent.

by chronology: #34 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of Thassarian, a brave knight who managed to overcome the power of the Lich King, freeing himself from its shackles. Thassarian fights bravely against the army of the king of the dead, but still cannot win the trust of living beings.

by chronology: #35 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The manga tells the story of Aodan Falamar, a young man who, against his father’s will, fled to Dalaran to learn magic and become a great sorcerer.

by chronology: #36 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of Garrosh Hellscream, a story about his adventures and exploits, about his friendship with Thrall. The story of how an orc turned into a leader.

Chronologically: #37 / Severity Level: Epic

Green dragons are among the most mysterious creatures in Azeroth. The Emerald Dream, its nightmares and secrets, are known only to the Druids, who have been immersed in it for centuries. They maintained the delicate balance of nature in Azeroth, maintaining balance and peace.

Peaceful dreams come to an end. The Emerald Nightmare zone is growing too quickly, filling the entire Dream. The nightmare engulfs the green dragons, after which they awaken, having lost their minds and distorted their bodies. It becomes almost impossible for druids to escape from the horror-stricken Sleep.

Every living thing in Azeroth feels the approach of dark times. This even affected the greatest and most ancient druid, Malfurion Stormrage. In order to stop the endless Nightmare and defeat the enemies of nature, it was decided to find and rescue the chief druid at all costs.

And then it will become clear why he is called Stormrage.

by chronology: #38 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story takes place in Gnomeregan, covering the story of Gelbin Mekkatorque - chief mechanic and king of the dwarves.

by chronology: #39 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

A story about a meeting of the Earth Rings - shamans from the nomadic tribe of tauren. The shamans are excited by the appearance of Ragnaros the Fire Lord, summoned by Turissan's spell...

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Events

Azeroth was attacked by one of the most terrible dragon-destroyers in history. The insidious Deathwing, with just his appearance, forever changed the outlines of the continents and doomed hundreds of thousands of living beings...

Chronologically: #40 / Severity Level: Epic

Many centuries have passed since the great shamans learned to communicate with the world of spirits, cope with the natural elements with their help, bringing harmony to the world of Azeroth. Suddenly, the connection with the spirit world begins to thin and disappear. Thrall is one of the first to notice this. Having gone in search of answers to why the elements suddenly stopped responding to the call of the shamans, Thrall does not notice how poor the orcish people are. Resources are dwindling, and the hostility of the night elves is growing.

Varian Wrynn is preparing a bloody campaign designed to take a decisive step in the feud between the Horde and the Alliance. Even his own son does not support the King of Stormwind, trying to find another solution to the conflict.

Tension between the main races of Azeroth is growing every day, while the behavior of the elemental spirits is turning into a global problem that can turn the whole world into real chaos and cataclysm.

by chronology: #41 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

At the center of the story are the dwarves of Ironforge, namely three great leaders. The Bronzebeard, Wildhammer and Dark Iron clans must find a compromise on which the fate of the ancient city depends.

by chronology: #42 / importance level: legendary

The story of the High Priestess of Elune, about the trials that befell her with the advent of the Cataclysm, and about the relationship between Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage.

I'm afraid that all books related to Illidan and Sargeras will receive the status of legend. This is, after all, the fundamental motif of the entire Warcraft universe.

by chronology: #43 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

The story is written from the perspective of a merchant prince who, in a humorous manner, reveals to the reader the secret of his success. Quite a satirical story, but goblins... who likes goblins?

by chronology: #44 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

In search of a stolen powerful artifact, the magician meets his son, who is accused of murder. At the same time, the righteous priest studies the Cult of the Wolf. Their paths converge so that the priest and the magician together experience amazing events and find out what really lies behind the Dark Riders and the wild cult.

by chronology: #45 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Readers are transported to Gilneas - a city securely hidden from the outside world behind strong walls, through which a series of mysterious and terrible murders took place. A famous detective sets off in search of the truth. The detective will find out more than he was looking for. Plunging into the abyss of the past, he learns terrible things that concern the fate of all of Gilneas.

by chronology: #46 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of the very young Genn Greymane, the path he had to go through to one day become a great Leader.

Chronologically: #47 / Severity Level: Epic

Azeroth will survive the Cataclysm, but relations between the Horde and the Alliance have become even worse. The shortage of resources and food forces the Horde to break into the domain of the night elves - Ashenvale. Garrosh Hellscream is going to deal with the defenders of the forest with all the cruelty so that the orcs can completely capture this territory.

Not everything is going smoothly in the ranks of the Alliance. There is debate over whether the worgen of Gilneas should be included in the worgen alliance. Varian Wrynn is distrustful of this idea, harboring a grudge against Genn Greymane and his people for their long isolation from the rest of the world.

The ancient night elves, considered immortal, begin to die of old age. There is debate about the return of the Highborne, whose reckless use of magic once caused much destruction. Soon, several murdered Highborne are found on the outskirts of Darnassus. To stop the unrest, Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind are forced to turn to guard Maiev Shadowsong for help.

Will the Alliance representatives be strong enough to stop Garrosh and protect Ashenvale from capture?

by chronology: #48 / importance level: legendary

Sylvanas Windrunner will find herself in the world of the dead and face endless darkness there. The future queen of the forsaken will discover what the Lich King is capable of and will make one fateful agreement.

It should be noted that this story received Legendary status not because it is an example of literary excellence. He is worthy because This story is the beginning of one of the turning points in Azeroth, which occurred after the fall of the Lich King. Sylvanas made a decision, after which the Forsaken began their campaign of conquest. They are building up their forces, strengthening their defenses, and actively fighting the Alliance. In Legion, their leader led the entire Horde. She will also be a main character in the new Battle for Azeroth expansion. It is in this story that the reasons for her greatness are shown.

by chronology: #49 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of the tauren leader, Baine Bloodhoof, who makes every effort to preserve his father's legacy. He will have to go through many tests and unite the nomadic tribes.

by chronology: #50 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The main characters of the story are the leader of the Dark Spear and his best friend. The young trolls will have to pass the test of the Loa spirits in order for Vol'jin to become a full-fledged Dark Hunter.

by chronology: #51 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Prophet Velen is visited by various visions during the Cataclysm. One of these developments is the army, where the Horde and Alliance fight together and are joined by the Naaru.

by chronology: #52 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Events take place shortly after Deathwing's attack. The reader gets to know Varian Wrynn, the king of Stormwind and father. The story also touches on Anduin Wrynn and Jaina Proudmoore.

Chronologically: #53 / Severity Level: Epic

The Hour of Twilight is approaching. Attempts to warn about this were unsuccessful. Dragonflights must unite to fight evil and save Azeroth from certain destruction. Ysera sees many prerequisites for what is happening, plunging into the realm of the Emerald Dream. She feels who should be the main character in this story.

This is not a dragon. But he wants to protect Azeroth with all his heart. He is surprisingly different from his relatives - he does not want to be in charge, take command, destroy and conquer lands. It is he who is destined to unravel the great mystery and save Azeroth.

This is the story of Thrall, a one-of-a-kind shaman who kept the aspirations of the dragon clans in his heart, oscillating between two worlds. Unique.

by chronology: #54 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

To stop Deathwing and prevent the destruction of all of Azeroth, the dragon aspects are forced to convene a council at which the future fate of the entire world will be decided.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Events

A mysterious continent hidden in the depths of the seas of Azeroth is fraught with a dark past and an equally bleak future... The events of the add-on take place approximately a year after the end of the events of the Cataclysm add-on. Now that Deathwing had been defeated, the Horde and Alliance continued their war once again. However, they discovered a new continent, Pandaria, and a new race, the Pandaren.

Chronologically: #55 / Severity Level: Epic

The cataclysm is over, and Azeroth is gradually putting itself in order. Thrall is no longer Warchief of the Horde, and Garrosh Hellscream takes his place. Jaina Proudmoore, as before, is trying to create peace in the relationship between the Horde and the Alliance, but with the advent of Garrosh this becomes almost impossible. A new, open war is approaching, where the sorceress will have to make her choice once and for all, change her worldview and firmly take one of the sides.

Chronologically: #56 / Severity Level: Epic

The era of dragons is over, fearing the unknown, the guardians are looking for a new goal. The main character of the story is Kalecgos, the youngest Aspect. Near the heart of Northrend, Kalecgos finds a mysterious artifact, thanks to which he plunges into the times of proto-dragons and learns the history of the distant past of the most ancient Aspects.

An amazing discovery will reveal how the events that led to the dawn of the Aspects actually unfolded.

by chronology: #57 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

A collection of short stories about pandaren Lee Lee Stormstout, who is on the Great Turtle. Travels through Pandaria are described in detail.

by chronology: #58 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

At the center of the action is again young Li Li Stormstout. Still very young, she wants to leave her homeland and go in search of adventure, face the dangers that Azeroth conceals, and find the famous Uncle Chen.

by chronology: #59 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

The story is dedicated to a young pandaren thief. They call him "The Tenth". After attempting to steal the wallet of a Shado-Pan envoy, the monks offer the Tenth to undergo several tests, after which the young pandaren will be able to become one of the novices of the monastery.

by chronology: #60 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

An ancient and mysterious artifact ends up on the Wandering Island. Chen Stormstout, along with his young niece Li Li, embark on a dangerous journey in search of Pandaria, but on the outskirts of it they find themselves in the center of a war.

by chronology: #61 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

At the center of events is the servant of the sun Dezko, a tauren who headed to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in search of peace. However, the once quiet haven of legends becomes a place where a bloody war is about to break out. It is Dezko who is destined to return peace and tranquility to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, but the price for this may be prohibitively high.

by chronology: #62 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Garrosh Hellscream orders his subjects to thoroughly explore Pandaria to find what the Horde can use to achieve greater greatness. Two goblins discover an ancient dungeon on the northern coast that may earn them the chief's generous praise. To get inside, the goblins will need the help of the Lorekeeper.

by chronology: #63 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The scene of the action becomes the training ground of the Order of the Cloud Serpent, where the orc Koak from the Dragonmaw clan accidentally wanders. He perceives this as a chance to conquer the heavens, but everything turns out to be far from so simple, and the laws of the Order of the Cloud Serpent differ significantly from the laws of his native clan.

book Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde

Chronologically: #64 / Severity Level: Epic

Vol'jin is the leader of the Darkspear tribe, a brave troll who at one time passed the tests of the Loa spirits and became a Dark Hunter. Possessing incredible cunning and a keen mind, Vol'jin was a loyal ally of Thrall. The troll's life is threatened by the Shadows of the Horde, forcing him to flee to the lost continent to hide in a remote mountain monastery in Pandaria from members of his own faction.

The dark hunter is helped by the famous pandaren Chen Stormstout, but the troll still cannot catch his breath. Pandaria is under attack from the ancient Zandalari tribe, and Vol'jin himself, meanwhile, is increasingly visited by visions of the past. The leader of the Darkspear clan faces a serious test of loyalty, and not only the salvation or death of his people, but also the fate of the entire Horde depends on his decision.

by chronology: #65 / importance level: can be skipped (common)

The water element is raging. A certain Alliance warrior is facing imminent death in the waves of the ocean, but several pandaren fishermen manage to save the man. There are two things that pandarens love in life: fishing and great stories, so an Alliance warrior will definitely not be bored on the way to the shore.

by chronology: #66 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Maraad and Lialia are brave heroes of the Alliance who escort a war criminal through Pandaria. On their heels is a group consisting of the minions of the leader Garrosh. The battle promises to break out in the Valley of the Four Winds, where farmers have been working for many centuries and are not going to stand by.

by chronology: #67 / level of importance: can be skipped (common)

The main characters in this story are three dwarf masons from different clans. To complete the task of the Council of Three Hammers, they are forced to unite and find mutual understanding. What will be stronger - ancient enmity between clans or the need to fulfill an important assignment?

Chronologically: #68 / Severity Level: Epic

Garrosh Hellscream had no idea that he would one day become the most reviled orc in Azeroth. His enemies had to unite and work hard to end the siege of Orgrimmar and end Garrosh's tyranny over the Horde.

All the most famous leaders arrive in Pandaria to bring justice to the former leader. However, each of them is not without sin. During the trial, tension, mistrust and hostility towards each other are growing with every second. This could turn into a real disaster, and at the same time, all of Azeroth awaits the verdict that is about to be handed down to Garrosh Hellscream.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

by chronology: #69 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Fenris Brother of the Wolf is the son of the leader of the Frostwolves. He is full of courage and wants to prove himself more than anything else. Despite his father's words that family should come first, Fenris follows his dreams and leads a real double life. Under the cover of night, he transforms into a skilled warrior to hunt with the neighboring clan of Thunderlords, killing dangerous creatures with them.

Chronologically: #70 / Severity Level: Epic

The war in Draenor broke out long before the opening of the Dark Portal. There was a confrontation between harsh orc clans and each other, with oppressive ogres and noble draenei. The series of videos is worth watching to see the historical events and reasons why many legendary names became famous.

comic Blackhand (Robert Brooks)

by chronology: #71 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of Orc Blackhand - an unsurpassed tactician who can see the weak point of any enemy. Blackhand has skillfully defeated his enemies many times, but now he is faced with an impossible task - saving the Blackrock clan from ruthless ogres, several times outnumbered.

The tactician's cunning and intelligence are no longer enough, and in order to survive he has to accept help from unexpected allies. True, the price that will have to be paid for salvation may seem too high.

by chronology: #72 / importance level: rare (rare)

The story is a continuation of "War Crimes" and the beginning of "Warlords of Draenor". Garrosh goes back in time and tries to convince Grommash to give up the blood of Mannoroth to create the Iron Horde.

by chronology: #73 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Events take place immediately after the story "Hell Scream". The warlock Gul'dan believes that the orcs should submit to the Burning Legion, and only with the help of their demons will their fellow tribesmen gain power. The Warlock is full of energy, because he is driven by a thirst for power.

His opinion is not shared by a stranger dressed in a long cloak with a hood. He came to Gul'dan's headquarters to convey a certain message to the orc.

by chronology: #74 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of how the ogre leader, Emperor Mar'gok, becomes part of the Iron Horde to protect his clan. The once majestic empire of Highmaul was enslaved by the combined forces of the orc leaders of Draenor.

by chronology: #75 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The reader learns the history of the Arakkoa of the Spiers of Arak, their mysterious and dark secrets and difficult fate.

World of Warcraft: Legion events

Crowds of powerful creatures of the Burning Legion are going to war on Azeroth. In the last battle for the fate of our world, you need to gather all possible forces: from the best warriors of the Horde and Alliance to the most vile traitors... In this last battle, every blade will be important!

by chronology: #76 / level of importance: legendary

The warlock Gul'dan's attempts to infect the Iron Horde with fel were unsuccessful. The Burning Legion is unhappy with the orc's failure, but gives him one last chance to atone. The warlock is ordered to find the tomb of Sargeras, but he has no desire to submit to the demons again. Meanwhile, Archmage Khadgar tracks down Gul'dan, and the two soon find themselves on the Broken Isles.

I became acquainted with this work only recently, but I can already say for sure that such presentation in the form of an audio play is an excellent find for Warcraft. The voices of the actors, the effects, the presenter - everything is great.

comic Heart of Stone (Matt Burns)

Magni. Fault Lines
by chronology: #77 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Four years ago, Magni Bronzebeard, leader of the Ironforge dwarves, underwent a dangerous ritual to unite with the land in order to save the kingdom's capital from the attack of Deathwing. However, this turned out to be a very big disaster for him. For years, Magni was locked inside a diamond monolith; no one knew whether the king was alive, or whether the wise ruler and great warrior would ever return to life. Over the years, Magni was declared dead, and power over the kingdom passed to the Council of the Three Hammers. But one day... the diamond monolith split and Magni returned...

comic Highmountain: The Divided Mountain (Robert Brooks)

Mountain divided
by chronology: #78 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

For centuries, the most powerful weapons protected the tribes of Highmountain. Its very existence guaranteed peace to the tauren and drogbar tribes, but when the time came to use it against the advancing hordes of the Burning Legion, a bloody conflict arose between them.

by chronology: #79 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

Events take place in the capital of the Nightborne, the city of Suramar, where the warlock Gul'dan comes. He offers the elves a choice - either they will allow him to take a sip from the Nightwell to gain their power, or the demons of the Burning Legion will completely destroy the ancient city. Master Elisande must make a decision on which the lives of her people depend - to trust the enemy or to endanger the lives of all her fellow tribesmen?

by chronology: #80 / importance level: interesting (uncommon)

The story of Nathanos Blightcaller, Sylvanas's loyal servant. The consequences of his choice and loyalty are many trials. The story covers Nathanos's past, a series of decisions made by the hero, which ultimately led to his last reincarnation. The action takes place right before the first attack of the Burning Legion.

by chronology: #81 / importance level: legendary

The story of the paladin General Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner, whose disappearance is not at all connected with the end of the war - it is rather an omen of a new, even greater catastrophe. In the fight against the Burning Legion, the general and captain of the rangers join the Army of Light. The ominous homeland of demons opens before the heroes - Argus.

A terrible war with the demons of the Burning Legion, who have invaded Azeroth, divides Alleria and Turalyon, but both heroes continue to desperately search for an opportunity to hold back the advance of Sargeras, because his appearance could cause the death of all life that exists in Azeroth.

comic Anduin: Son of the Wolf (Robert Brooks)

Son of the Wolf
Chronologically: #82 / Severity Level: Epic

An amazing comic about the development of the character of Anduin, the son of the leader of the Alliance, Varian. Long ago, he accepted the path of a peaceful servant of light, trying to translate military conflicts into a peaceful channel of dialogue and mutual respect. On this path, many obstacles and failures awaited him, but there were also successes. He did a lot to ensure that Azeroth faced the attack of the Burning Legion with a united front.

In addition, the comic has an amazing frame that takes us into the distant future of World of Warcraft. Amazing, powerful thing!

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth events

The defeat of the fallen titan Sargeras and the expulsion of the Burning Legion turned into not a peaceful and calm era of prosperity, but a fierce battle between the Horde and the Alliance for the blood of dying Azeroth.

Before the Storm (Christie Golden)

Before the Storm
Chronologically: #83 / Severity Level: Epic

Together, the Horde and the Alliance defeated the demonic Burning Legion, but deep in the depths of the world an unprecedented catastrophe is brewing. The sword of Sargeras mortally wounded Azeroth to the very heart - this was the last atrocity of the fallen titan.

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