Installation via Droid4x. Game screenshots Sonic Dash

Play Sonic Dash on PC - Windows XP, 7,8,8.1 and MAC

4.6 (91.11%) 9 votes

Every person knows the famous character developed in the 90’s by SEGA. This character has now become one of the most known franchises of the world and is loved by people of all ages. This game is an elating experience and is an arcade style game based on the basic path provided by the all famous game temple run but the developers tempered beautifully and brilliantly with the idea which resulted into the excellent game sonic dash. The game starts with your usual sonic character but the characters of the saga like knuckles, tails, dr. egg man, shadow, Amy, blaze, silver, Rouge and an all new character andrionic is available for game play.

The game is a roller coaster of excitement and enthralling experience. Users start as they are given a 3d environment with a sprinting sonic and users have to sprint through the zigzag course, dodge the barriers, hit the crab by sonic signature roll and sliding beneath the logs. There are several boosters in the game which gives the players additional benefits. Like spring bonus gives the players additional score each time they hit a spring. Another booster enemy combo is worth bonus points, end score boosters will add up a bonus to the final score, ring streak gives a ring bonus while the golden badnik defeat power up will add up a 6 times multiplier to the players.

The game also offers awesome controls with a good and quick response. It has breath-taking graphics, excellent sound effects and the developers have pretty much met up to the expectation of the users. The game also offers different upgrades and power ups which help the player throughout their game. It also contains some exciting levels which is an elating journey through the past in which users get to experience the real magic of the SEGA game.

Pros: -

A revelation for the sonic fans which are all around the globe and this exodus will love the idea executed by the developers in a brilliant manner. The game contains all the favorite characters of the franchise like knuckles, Amy, shadow and many more. The physics engine is realistic and the graphics are just stunning. The music and sound effects just adds a cherry on the top of a perfect recipe. The game can be connected to Facebook to post live scores and compete around the globe.

Cons: -

The game does not offer much cons and detailed work has been done by the developers on the minor details. The game provides a past experience and grabs the elder users to their childhood except that its graphics are stunning and gameplay is enchanting.

Verdict: -

To wrap the talk in a nut shell, the game is bag of goodies and no less than a simple idea merged with one of the most loved characters of all times and resulted in this excellent game. This game is a must install and play for the users and they will love it for sure.

Downloads Required

Download the Bluestacks player for MAC or Windows, according to your operating system. If you want to install Sonic Dash on Mac, then download Bluestacks for OS X and if you want to install Sonic Dash on Windows PC, then download BlueStacks player for Windows.

How To Install Sonic Dash on Computer / PC

    1. Download and install Bluestacks on your respective operating system.
    2. Now download Sonic Dash apk for PC and place it anywhere on your desktop.
    3. Now open the Sonic Dash for PC apk and select Bluestacks to run it (If not selected by default).
    4. It will be installed and then you will receive a notification that installation is done.
    5. Open this notification and app will be started.
    6. Use mouse cursor as the finger to touch on the screen.

Our site helps you to install any apps / games available on Google Play Store. You can download apps / games to desktop of your PC with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. If you want to download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei ...). All you have to do is accessing Our site, typing name of desired app (or URL of that app on Google Play Store) in search box and following instruction steps to download apk files.

Steps to download Android apps / games for phone

To download and install applications or games from our website to your smartphone, please follow these steps:
1. Accept softwares installed from external sources (Settings -> Apps -> Unknown sources selected area)
2. Download the application you need (for example: Sonic Dash) and save to your phone
3. Open the downloaded apk file and install

How to Play Sonic Dash on PC, Laptop, Windows

1.Download and Install XePlayer Android Emulator.Click "Download XePlayer" to download.

2.Run XePlayer Android Emulator and login Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Sonic Dash and download,

or import the apk file from your PC Into XePlayer to install it.

4.Install Sonic Dash for PC.Now you can play Sonic Dash on PC.Have fun!

On RusGameLife you can download the game Sonic Dash torrent to your Windows computer for free. We all remember that old time when almost every home had a Sega console and every person, regardless of age, loved to spend his free time with it. Sonic Dash was one of the most popular games at the time. We watched cartoons with Sonic, played it on phones, and finally now it became possible to plunge into the wonderful world of adventures with this character on computers. Of course, each hero has his own friends who will accompany him throughout the journey. One of the main tasks will be to go through all the obstacles and difficulties encountered on your way. Collect as many bonuses and coins as possible, they will definitely come in handy in the future. If you download Sonic Dash to your computer, you can easily improve your personal qualities, the game will help you become more focused, as well as gain dexterity and notice important details. Try to run as far as possible and set a new record among your friends or surpass yourself!

Main plot

When starting this game, every lover of high-quality 3D graphics will definitely pay attention to it. You can also be pleased with a very interesting and high-quality design of many levels. You have to play as one character, which you can choose at your discretion, namely: Shadow, Sonic, Knuckles or Tails.

If you get bored with him or you want to try your hand at another runner, then you can change the character at any time and without any difficulties. Each of them has its own history and unique ability. They have different capabilities, which will help each of them to pass a certain level. Maybe any of you wondered why we offer to download the game Sonic Dash via torrent? The explanation is quite simple, the game is familiar to us from childhood and every adult remembers how much time he spent playing it at that time, and of course no one would refuse to continue the story of sonic on the big screen, besides the game got its name because the word “ Dash "translates as" throw ", and in this game one of the interesting features is exactly jumping, as well as the possibility of jumping up and stepping on various bonuses.

This ability is inherent only in the main character - Sonic, it allows him to run as fast as you can not imagine. But another advantage of this ability will be knocking various objects and animals out of its way. It is worth noting that if you want to score the maximum number of points, then you will have to work hard and not fall into various traps, but bypass them in various ways. Each of us has qualities that allow us to strive to become better than someone or simply surpass ourselves, a kind of competitive instinct. Maybe not everyone will have such an opportunity in life, but in this game you will definitely be able to realize your desires and become the best! If no one can beat your record, then you will forever remain the first in the standings!

Sonic's abilities include not only fast running and various jumps, but also the ability to fight off opponents with the help of attacking blows. It should be noted that if you download Sonic Dash to your computer, then you will have a unique opportunity to buy certain improvements that will allow virtual characters to realize their capabilities.

This game has absolutely simple controls, so there shouldn't be any problems with it. The further you can run for Sonic, the more you can collect various points and coins that will allow you to unlock new characters, as well as pump the ability of the "speed hedgehog". After a certain period of time, you will have a main battle against the boss Zazzo. You will have to use all the abilities of your characters to win. For this, you will also receive additional coins that you can spend on improving your hero, thereby opening up a dash, strength, agility, the ability to resurrect a character, which will help him continue running, and much more.


The longer you run in the Sonic Dash game on the computer, the more rewards you will receive.

In this game, it is possible to complete various missions so that the rewards increase or it becomes possible to receive additional points from your personal account. If you constantly go through these tasks, you can get many additional heroes.

Features of the game

  • The opportunity to enjoy stunning 3D graphics with many effects and details that are traced to the smallest detail. Due to it, all the characters in the game look so realistic and colorful that it's hard to even believe in it.
  • With the help of your agility, it will be possible to get even more unique trophies.
  • With the help of various bonus points, it becomes possible to pump your heroes and improve their abilities to the maximum, which will allow them to become much faster and better.
  • The ability to use the online store, which will allow you to buy various game improvements.
  • Lots of daily tasks and various challenges that will not let you get bored.
  • If you download Sonic Dash via torrent and log into the game every day, then you get the opportunity to multiply your counter of unique rewards.
  • Spin the wheel of fortune and get free rewards.
  • Various boss battles that make this game even more interesting. Fight and win, this will help test all Sonic's abilities and diversify the game.
  • The ability to set your own highscore and compete with friends using data synchronization and various game achievements. With the help of the leaderboard, you can keep track of how much you have surpassed other players.


Summary and comments

Sonic Dash is a very interesting and high-quality game that will allow you to plunge into the world of Sonic and his friends, learn how to control the most popular characters, as well as improve them to the maximum level. Earn rewards and unlock even more interesting heroes. What we should thank the developers for is that they made it possible to fight together with their friends, as well as set their own records by synchronizing data and publishing them in the standings. This game is suitable for all adventure lovers, as well as all those who like to brighten up their leisure time with worthwhile games and just escape from the bustle of the city. On RusGameLife you can download the game Sonic Dash torrent to your Windows computer for free.

Sega's iconic blue hedgehog is back! Your goal is to run as much as possible. An exciting journey across several levels and a fight with the main bosses is waiting for you. But they still need to get to. Download Sonic Dash to your computer and start running!


Agility and excellent reaction speed are all that a player needs. Sonic has no place for boring, drawn-out missions: everything needs to be done very, very quickly. If you miss a monster, your golden rings will get confused, and if you stumble upon an obstacle, then everything will need to start over.

In the game Sonic Dash on the PC, all the features of the mobile version are preserved. The character runs on his own, you only need to correct his movement: left and right. Crabmites and badniks encountered on the way can treacherously crawl into your lane - be careful not to stumble upon them. To eliminate the monsters, ride over them: a hedgehog rolled into a ball is a powerful weapon. If you are a pacifist, then just jump over the obstacle - this can also be done.

In addition to crabs clicking with claws and badniks stuck with needles, boxes, thorns sticking out of the ground, fallen columns, fences and pits will appear on your way. The Chopper fish will jump out of the water - to complete one mission you will need to kill it. In addition, with the help of this fish, you can jump over especially long holes.

Try to touch the mysterious boxes while running. You can find a lot of useful things in them: magnets, double points, attraction rings and shields that will be able to protect you from defeat for a while. Their validity is limited, but you can extend it. To do this, you will have to spend part of the rings in the store. In addition to shields and magnets, the game store offers other goods: jerks, resurrections, character sets. Rings will not always be accepted as payment: sometimes it will require red stars or real money. Stars can be obtained by completing game missions. All sorts of amenities can be obtained in the wheel of fortune - once a day it spins up for free.

There are many things in the game that make running easier: these are jerks at the start and Sonic Dash's signature hit. Collecting rings and knocking down monsters will speed up the filling of the Dash meter: activate it and see what your hero is capable of. In this mode, you are not afraid of anything: all obstacles will fly apart, and the rings themselves will be attracted to your account.

Besides Sonic, there are 10 more characters that you can play. They can be accessed through the store, the wheel of fortune and some missions. There are no special differences in skills, except that for a change, you can release the rabbit Krim or the cat Blaze on the track.

The passing of accelerators and dead loops will diversify the gameplay. Accelerating platforms with arrows are encountered periodically. At the time of the passage, you only need to change the lane along which Sonic is moving: there are no obstacles in these areas. Take the opportunity to calmly collect rings and feel dizzy from the rapidly changing picture.

The plot (if applicable to the runner) is dynamic: at the end of the stage, you will face a battle with one of the bosses: Dr. Eggman and the monster Zazz are waiting for you to practice their sabotage skills. However, if you cannot defeat them the first time, the game will continue anyway. Only points will be awarded less.

Features of the game

To start the race, download the game Sonic Dash on your windows 7 computer. In any version, you can compete with your friends on the Facebook social network. Set new records - the list of achievements is updated daily.

Sonic Dash is distinguished from other toys of this genre by a non-trivial plot. A lot of tasks, monsters and bosses, unexpected obstacles - all this makes the game exciting, drives away sleep and gives positive emotions.

Once you get into the game, you will be able to appreciate the graphics and landscapes sweeping by. Just do not look too closely, otherwise your hero, left to himself, will collide with a fence or fall into the claws of a crabmit.

How to install Sonic Dash on PC

To play Sonic Dash on your PC and enjoy the process, you need to install the program. To do this, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Download the emulator to your PC.
  2. We start the installation. In the process, we press all the necessary buttons that will be requested by the installer.
  3. We register using a Google account. If it is not there, then you will be offered to create a new one - do not refuse, the process is short-lived, but necessary.
  4. Then we are looking for the desired application - for this we type the name in the search bar and install it.
  5. Start playing!

Few of the modern players do not know the cartoon about a blue hedgehog running like lightning. If someone has not seen this story, then they probably heard about it. In the 90s, consoles with a hedgehog named Sonic and his friends were very popular.

And now, with the advent of new technologies, many developers are taking on a kind of re-release of old classic games. Sonic Dash on PC is just such a game. A simple arcade game in which a running character collects game bonuses and defeats opponents on his way, not forgetting to overcome numerous obstacles.

You can choose your character from several presented. In addition to Sonic himself, the following are available: Tails the fox, Knuckles the echidna and another Shadow hedgehog.

Gameplay: walkthrough, features

Three-dimensional bright graphics, very lively animation! The characters are recognizable to those who are already familiar with them, and simply pleasing to the eye for those who encounter them for the first time. The gameplay is very simple, the game is almost endless. Your character runs through numerous winding locations, collecting bonuses in order to fight the boss at the end of the level and go to the next, more difficult and interesting level

Possessing a special ability - dash - Sonic can dramatically increase the strength of his dash. This feature is very helpful when navigating difficult terrain. But it has its limitations: it takes time to recharge and is limited in use. But Sonic attacks enemies automatically, which greatly saves time and effort. All parameters of the super run can be additionally developed due to game bonuses that the playing character collects during his endless run. This will help a lot when fighting the main boss - Zazzo, but before you can get to him, you will have to defeat six of his assistants.

Minimum system requirements

Before downloading the Sonic Dash game to your computer, you should make sure that your operating system has the correct parameters. The game is very "lightweight" and can be installed on any Windows, starting from the XP version. The system is suitable for both 32 and 64 bits. To install on OS below 8.1, you must have an android device emulator. On operating systems from 8.1 and higher, the game can be launched without installing an emulator.

How to install Sonic Dash on your computer

To install Sonic Dash on a PC, you must first install an Android device emulator. Since the game was originally intended for mobile devices, it is indispensable.

After running the emulation program, find the game by its name by entering it into the search bar. Open the appropriate page from the proposed ones and click the "Install" button.

If necessary, click on the "Accept" button and the installation process will be launched automatically, without requiring additional control.

Sonic Dash for Android

Sonic Dash for iOS

Control system

Controls in the game are originally intended for a device with a touch screen, so at the training stage there will be tooltips suggesting such control: "draw a line", "touch the screen" and the like. When playing Sonic Dash on a computer, all of these functions carry over to the keyboard and computer mouse. You can customize the buttons convenient for you individually in a special tab of the android device emulation program.

When you first start, you will be provided with tutorial assistance, tips, pop-up tips for the passage process. According to the default settings, the main functions are tied to the keys indicating the directions: the "up" arrow is responsible for the jump, the "down" arrow is pressed to crawl under an obstacle or knock down the enemy with a roll. Direction arrows will help you swerve to collect as many coins as possible.

To activate the dash function, you must click on the strip with the same name at the bottom of the screen. Also this function is bound to "space" by default.

Among the analogs, the first thing to mention is Sonic Boom, which, in fact, is a continuation of the described application. The game was released 2 years after the first part had already acquired numerous fans. In the new version, locations have been added, the design of the environment and characters has been redesigned. A new hero has also appeared - a badger named Styx. To expand functions and locations, you can use several methods: accumulate game currency, view embedded ads, install third-party applications or deposit real money.

In fact, any runner games are a kind of analogs of the described game. All runners usually differ in plot and feature details. For example, "Smile" is a run through the office corridors of a huge corporation. "Parallyzed" - tells the story of the adventures of two sisters-elements, saving each other in a specific arcade runner. "Pepi skate 2" is a skate runner with which you can move around the city streets.

Sonic fans will love almost any races and runners of all varieties.

Conclusions: is it worth installing the game

Of course, this game does not have a large number of fundamental differences, but it will certainly appeal to all fans of arcades, runners and, of course, lovers of characters from the story of Sonic and his friends.

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