Wow the heart of Azeroth horde where to start. Heart of Azeroth: artifact overview, Azerite armor and knowledge levels. Obtaining the Heart of Azeroth

- the legendary necklace that Magni Bronzebeard will give us in this expansion. Immediately after completing the quest and purchasing it, You will receive the achievement Matters of the heart. In Battle for Azeroth, this artifact will be common to all specializations of our class, and not for each one separately, as it was in Legion.

Heart of Azeroth Enhancement

The strengthening scheme for the Heart of AZeroth is somewhat reminiscent of the artifacts in the Legion. We will also collect some Azerite. Thanks to him, we will increase the level of our necklace. At the very beginning it will be level 280. For each improvement we will receive +2 to the item level. At certain stages of leveling up, new skills on equipment will become available to us.

How to find out what level our Heart of Azeroth is? In the equipment slot where our necklace is located, it is indicated by a number.

Where to get the Heart of Azeroth

How to get the Heart of Azeroth? It’s simple, in addition, we immediately receive a starting quest for it in the capital. The quest chain to obtain it is quite simple. Therefore, you will not have any problem in getting the necklace.

Azerite Armor

The Azerite armor that will give us bonuses consists of 3 things - Head, Shoulders and Body. The way the system will work is that you need to reach a certain Heart of Azeroth level to unlock new skills.

  • Thus, Rare items have three levels of Azerite skill slots.
  • Epic items have four Azerite skill slots.

Also, Azeri armor is not exchangeable. Right-click on armor to open the skill selection menu.

Here we have two epic quality items, level 355 Azerite Armor. As you can see from the screenshots, he has four Azerite skill slots that are not immediately available because they require a certain level of Heart of Azeroth to unlock. And for each piece of equipment, as we see, the numbers will be different.

As we see on Rob, to obtain the first skill we need level 17 of the Heart of Azeroth. While for the shoulders you already need at least level 18.

Azerite Skills

As we can see, things will have 4 skill slots located on 3 circles and one in the middle of our menu. Each slot has a specific skill specificity

Tier 1 (outer circle) contains specialization skills, PVP skills, PVE skills, and skills for different zones

Tier 2 (middle circle) will contain class skills depending on your role, that is, Damagers will receive skills to increase damage, healers to improve healing, and tanks to improve survivability/

Tier 3 (inner circle) serves for defensive and utility skills.

Tier4 (middle) it always has the same single skill that increases the level of an item by 5 units.

How to reset Azerite Skills

You can reset selected skills from special NPCs located in their locations

  • For the Horde, this will be Nadara the Reforger located in Zuldazar, in the Grand Bazaar area, next to the transmog.
  • For the Alliance, this will be Razzie the Incarnator, which is located in Tiragarde Sound in Boralus, right next to the market

You also need to know that the reset is not free. And for each subsequent one you will pay more and more money. Therefore, be careful and judicious when choosing skills.

Recently in Silithus...
With the support of the heroes of Azeroth, armed with powerful artifact weapons, the herald Magni Bronzebeard managed to stop the terrible wound inflicted on the planet. Azeroth's condition is stable for now, but a small poultice is not enough for her to fully recover.

The road to the future...

The events in Silithus are only the first step towards healing the planet. Players will continue this endeavor in Zandalar and Kul Tiras, where they will explore sources of Azerite, hoping to help their factions. Herald Magni knows a way to help Azeroth while strengthening your armor, and the key to this is the Heart of Azeroth. Thanks to this powerful artifact, you will be able to “awaken” the amazing dormant power of various armor elements with the help of Azerite.

Obtaining the Heart of Azeroth

Once Battle for Azeroth is released and you have completed the Battle for Lordaeron quest, you will need to meet Magni again in the Desert of Silithus. He will give you the Heart of Azeroth, a powerful amulet with which you will go on an adventure to Kul Tiras and Zandalar. The Heart of Azeroth will allow you to extract the power of Azerite and heal the wounds of the planet, and once it gains enough power, this artifact will begin to evolve along with your character. As the Heart's power grows, its characteristics also increase. It will also allow you to enhance special helmets, chest armor and shoulder pads.

Each piece of Azerite-enhanced armor has three to four traits, distributed across special rings that will unlock as the Heart of Azeroth evolves. New item trait rings can be unlocked to increase the power of the Heart of Azeroth. You should definitely equip your hero with all three types of Azerite armor, and their properties can be seen and changed by opening a special menu using the Shift + right mouse button combination.

Each feature ring has specific bonuses to choose from.

  • Outer ring: The properties in this ring will often depend on where exactly the item was obtained. They may also relate to a specific specialization.

Pauldrons of Vile Corruption
Harmful transfusion
(passive effect)
Damaging abilities have a chance to create a corrupted swamp beneath the target, draining them of 8,628 damage. health for 6 seconds.

  • Second ring: These properties usually increase the effectiveness of fulfilling a certain role on the battlefield: increase the damage of fighters, allow tanks to absorb more damage, increase the healing rates of healers.

Example:"Savior" - your healing spells cast on targets with less than 35% health have a chance to restore them to an additional 942 health. health.

  • Third ring: this includes protective and auxiliary properties.

Example: Azerite Bastion (passive) - when stunned, immobilized, or knocked back, you are restored to 1,852. health.

  • Fourth ring: Azerite buff is located in the central fourth ring and increases item level by 5.

Epic quality equipment (like rewards in raid dungeons) can have a fourth level of properties, which acts as a second ring for armor. Low-level items usually have a limit of three rings, and this additional ring is not included in their set.

If you change your mind and want to change the properties, you can contact the Azerite blacksmith in Boralus or Zuldazar. Although the initial cost of reforging will be quite low (only 5 gold), it will increase each time. However, high prices will not last forever, and they will be reduced every two days.

They meet you by their clothes

When it comes to Azerite armor, there are several factors to consider. These items have no secondary stats, so you don't have to worry about them when choosing mods. Additionally, unlike Heart of Azeroth, these items cannot be enchanted.

Another interesting feature of Azerite armor is that each of them has its own properties. If you liked the properties of a particular item, you can get exactly the same one, only at a higher level. For example, in terms of their properties, items obtained in raids found using the search system and in Mythic mode have the same properties, but in the second case, the armor has a higher level, characteristics and power in general. In addition, we have distributed the items in such a way that you will know in advance where to find the item you need. Rewards for completing Mythic dungeons and participating in PVP also vary in level.

Below are the item options obtained at different levels of the Tol Dagor Mythic dungeon.

Warden's Helm
Seven Winds
(passive effect)
Your spells and abilities have a chance to increase your Mastery by 287 for 15 sec. When the effect ends, it jumps to a nearby ally, increasing their Mastery by 144 for 8 sec.

Requires Level 16 Heart of Azeroth.

Azerite-enhanced armor can be obtained in a variety of ways: as rewards for quests, for participating in raids and PvP battles. The level of each such item will depend on the place and method of obtaining it. If you want to get the best gear, it can be earned by participating in weekly events such as going to raids, killing raid bosses and bosses outside of dungeons, fighting on warfronts and in ranked PvP battles, or even found in treasure chests ( weekly reward for completing Mythic dungeons).

It is also worth completing world quests for Magni Bronzebeard. It will play an important role in strengthening your Heart of Azeroth. By building a relationship with him and moving from friendship to exalted, you will be rewarded with Azerite and can take advantage of the chance to obtain Azerite armor.

Catch up and overtake

Like the artifact knowledge in Legion, the Heart of Azeroth will help players keep up with the ever-increasing pace of the race for power. Over time, the amount of Azerite needed to level up the Heart of Azeroth will decrease, allowing players to catch up with their teammates. This system will help you if necessary, but increasing the strength of the Heart will still require some effort.

While you're healing Azeroth, you'll have plenty of opportunities to optimize your gear for your playstyle, whatever that may be.

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At the very beginning of the new expansion, Magni Bronzebeard gives each player Heart of Azeroth. This is an artifact that allows you to enhance special items of equipment, the so-called Azerite armor. In this guide, we will tell you about the Heart of Azeroth and how to improve it using the power of the artifact. You will also learn what knowledge about an artifact is and how it affects the amount of artifact power received.

Who is Azeroth?

In the depths of the planet called Azeroth lives a mysterious creature called the “soul of the world.” It is believed that this creature, which is also called Azeroth, surpasses in strength all the titans of the Pantheon and even Sargeras himself. After the defeat of the Burning Legion on Argus, Sargeras inflicted a terrible wound on Azeroth by plunging his sword into the planet. The heroes' victory was overshadowed. Returning home, they saw the huge sword of Sargeras sticking out of the ground in Silithus. The dark energy of the sword seeped into the bowels of the planet and poisoned Azeroth. The soul of the world was dying, and the heroes had to heal it at all costs.

How to get the Heart of Azeroth

After Sargeras' blow, Azeroth bled to death. She asked Magni Bronzebeard to find a hero who could help her, and offered help in return. Magni Bronzebeard led level 110 players to the Hall of Heart and gave each of them a Heart of Azeroth. Magni told the players to keep the amulet with them at all times, while he set out to find ways to heal the planet. Since then, the Heart of Azeroth has allowed Magni to telepathically communicate with players and relay orders to them.

Magni Bronzebeard: "The voice of Azeroth grows weaker by the minute. If the seal that protects this chamber fails, the soul of Azeroth will be lost! We have the only chance left to save all that is dear to us. Absorb the Azerite that is in this chamber with the help of Hearts of Azeroth. Then release the amulet's power to close the rift at the center of the chamber. Azerite brings destruction, but if channeled through the amulet, it can heal our world!"

To complete this storyline, you must complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario, which was added to the game in the prepatch.

Chain for obtaining the Heart of Azeroth for the Alliance:

  1. Short-lived peace: Find Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind Bay.
    2. Battle for Lordaeron: Complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario.
    3. Dying world
    4. Heart of Azeroth
    5. Heart Strengthening

Chain for obtaining the Heart of Azeroth for the Horde:

  1. Hour of Reckoning: Speak with Warlord Saurfang at Grommash Keep.
    Battle for Lordaeron: Complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario.
    3. Dying World: Find Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus.
    4. Heart of Azeroth: Go to the Hall of Heart and talk to Azeroth.
    5. Heart Empowerment: Consume Azerite to empower the Heart of Azeroth.

Heart of Azeroth Level

Initially, the Heart of Azeroth has the first Azerite level and item level 280. The Heart of Azeroth can be strengthened by collecting Azerite, which gives artifact power. Unlike Legion, in Battle for Azeroth the power of the artifact is absorbed directly by the Heart of Azeroth, and items that provide this power do not take up space in bags.

Having gained a certain amount of artifact power, the Heart of Azeroth receives a new Azerite level and +2 units. to item level. To obtain each subsequent Azerite level of the Heart of Azeroth, more and more artifact power is required:

  • From levels 1 to 10, the amount of artifact power required to upgrade the Heart of Azeroth increases linearly.
  • After level 10, each subsequent Azerite level requires 30% more artifact power, which makes it easy to calculate the threshold value above which the increase will be minimal.
Azerite level Item Level
1 300 280
2 350 282
3 400 284
4 450 286
5 500 288
6 550 290
7 600 292
8 650 294
9 700 296
10 750 298
11 1 160 300
12 1 730 302
13 2 530 304
14 3 650 306
15 5 220 308
16 6 790 310
17 8 830 312
18 11 480 314
19 14 920 316
20 19 400 318

The graphs below show the dynamics of the increase in the amount of artifact power required to pump up the Heart of Azeroth at each level.

The amount of artifact power to level up to level 60

Azerite level Base amount of artifact power to next level Item Level
1 300 280
2 350 282
3 400 284
4 450 286
5 500 288
6 550 290
7 600 292
8 650 294
9 700 296
10 750 298
11 1 160 300
12 1 730 302
13 2 530 304
14 3 650 306
15 5 220 308
16 6 790 310
17 8 830 312
18 11 480 314
19 14 920 316
20 19 400 318
21 25 220 320
22 32 790 322
23 42 630 324
24 55 420 326
25 72 050 328
26 93 670 330
27 121 770 332
28 158 300 334
29 205 790 336
30 267 530 338
31 347 790 340
32 452 130 342
33 587 770 344
34 764 100 346
35 993 300 348
36 1 291 300 350
37 1 678 700 352
38 2 182 300 354
39 2 837 000 356
40 3 688 100 358
41 4 794 500 360
42 6 232 900 362
43 8 102 800 364
44 10 533 600 366
45 13 693 700 368
46 17 801 800 370
47 23 142 300 372
48 30 085 000 374
49 39 110 500 376
50 50 843 700 378
51 66 096 800 380
52 85 925 800 382
53 111 703 500 384
54 145 214 600 386
55 188 779 000 388
56 245 412 700 390
57 319 036 500 392
58 414 747 500 394
59 539 171 800 396
60 700 923 300 398

In addition to the immediate stat bonus, leveling up the Heart of Azeroth allows you to gain access to talents on Azerite armor.

Artifact Knowledge

In Battle for Azeroth, we again saw the Artifact Knowledge mechanic, which will allow lagging players to level up the Heart of Azeroth faster. Unlike the start of Legion, in Battle for Azeroth knowledge about the artifact will automatically trigger at the beginning of each week, meaning you won't have to log into the game every few days and place orders.

Each subsequent level of Artifact Knowledge increases the speed of pumping the Heart of Azeroth by 30%, but instead of increasing the amount of power received, it reduces the requirements for obtaining Heart of Azeroth levels, which avoids the numbers being too high.

The exact values ​​for each knowledge level are presented below.

At the start of Battle for Azeroth, the level of knowledge about the artifact is 1. The next week, the level of knowledge increases to 2, but this does not affect the values. Next, the levels and their corresponding values ​​look like this:

Gaining Artifact Power

In Battle for Azeroth, Azerite can be obtained in a variety of ways. Azerite is required to enhance the Heart of Azeroth and gain access to Azerite armor talents. Azerite is given for killing rare monsters, completing dungeons and raids, and even for world quests. We recommend that you read others.

Expeditions to the islands

  • Azerite for Horde / Azerite for Alliance (weekly) - 2500 units Azerite
  • Wait, I'll listen to rare items - 700 units Azerite for each (total 14000 units)
  • Expedition to the islands in Mythic mode, victory - 300 units. Azerite
  • Expedition to the islands in PvP mode, victory - 300 units. Azerite
  • Expedition to the islands in heroic mode, victory - 225 units. Azerite
  • Expedition to the islands in normal mode, victory - 175 units. Azerite


  • Battlefront: Battle for Stromgarde (Weekly) - 750 units Azerite
  • Contribution to the development of the front (weekly) - 500 units. Azerite for each (total 5500 units)
  • Exorcism (weekly) - 300 units Azerite
  • Victory at the front - 150 units. Azerite
  • Rare monsters Arathi (weekly) - 20 units. for everyone


  • Boss in a Mythic dungeon - 35 units. Azerite
  • The final boss in a Mythic dungeon - 150 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for the first heroic dungeon of the day - 300 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for a heroic dungeon - 150 units. Azerite
  • The last boss in the heroic dungeon - 90 units. Azerite
  • Boss in the heroic dungeon - 35 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for the first normal dungeon of the day - 125 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for a normal dungeon - 75 units. Azerite
  • Boss in a normal dungeon
  • The last boss in a normal dungeon - 30 units. Azerite


  • First victory of the day on a random battlefield - 151 units. Azerite
  • Victory on a random battlefield - 76 units. Azerite
  • Victory on a random epic battlefield - 301 units. Azerite
  • PvP brawl - 151 units. Azerite
  • Skirmish in the arena - 16 units. Azerite
  • War mode supply chest - 300 units. Azerite

Story and world quests

  • Local quest for the world boss - 500 units. Azerite
  • Envoy's task - 400 or 1000 units. Azerite
  • Local task - 100-400 units. Azerite
  • Local quest from the Defenders of Azeroth - 200-300 units. Azerite
  • Local quest from the Defenders of Azeroth - up to 200 units. Azerite (optional)
  • Task for associates - 65-400 units. Azerite
  • Introductory missions of the military campaign - 500 units. Azerite
  • Main tasks of the military campaign - 350 units. Azerite
  • Dungeon quests (for example, [Atal "dazar: Fallen Princess Yazma] -: Ask Magni Bronzebeard to strengthen the Heart of Azeroth. Increases the level of the Heart of Azeroth item by 15 units.
  • Magni Bronzebeard: "The soul of this world grows stronger, hero. But the fight is not over yet. Azeroth suffers from wounds, it becomes difficult to control itself. You have proven your loyalty to Azeroth. I thank you for your deeds! I sense great power in your amulet. Azeroth is calling to us! She wants the heart you carry with you to become even stronger. Are you ready?"


    Magni Bronzebeard: "Your amulet has become even stronger, but to unlock its full potential, we need to get even closer to Azeroth. Heart Chamber! I know things didn't go well the last time you were there. Let's try again "I think now we will be able to heal the wounds of our world."

Given to players by Magni Brazenbeard, it unlocks the ability to use Azerite Talents in a new type of gear - Azerite Armor. The guide talks about the Heart of Azeroth, strengthening it with the help of artifact power, and the artifact knowledge system, which affects the amount of power required to increase the level of the Heart of Azeroth.

  • Who is Azeroth?
  • Obtaining the Heart of Azeroth
  • Heart of Azeroth Level
  • Artifact Knowledge
  • Gaining Artifact Power
  • Reputation of the Champions of Azeroth
  • Azerite Armor
    • Mechanics of Azerite Armor
    • Reforging Azerite Armor

Who is Azeroth?

Deep in the bowels of the planet lies a mysterious entity called the “soul of the world.” Supposedly the soul of the world (named Azeroth) is more powerful than any of the members of the Titan Pantheon and even Sargeras himself. Following the defeat of the Burning Legion on Argus, Sargeras inflicted truly horrific damage on Azeroth, plunging his sword deep into the heart of the planet. Returning home, the heroes realized that they had won a bitter victory. The sword of Sargeras practically destroyed the territory of Silithus, leaving a terrible rift on the surface, and the dark energy from the sword began to seep into the core of the planet. Azeroth is dying and now, more than ever, it needs heroes to heal its wounds before it is too late.

You can learn more about the Heart of Azeroth in the developer article “Battle for Azeroth Review: At the Heart of Azeroth.”

Obtaining the Heart of Azeroth

After being wounded by the sword of Sargeras in Silithus, Azeroth's wound bleeds profusely, causing the planet to ask Magni to find a hero to help it and offers his help in return, which leads to the players visiting the Hall of Hearts and receiving the Heart of Azeroth at level 110. Magni asks that the Heart of Azeroth be kept with him at all times while he tries to find a way to undo the damage Sargeras has caused. The Heart of Azeroth will act as a way to telepathically communicate with Magni.

Magni Bronzebeard: The voice of Azeroth grows weaker by the minute. If the seal that protects this chamber fails, the soul of Azeroth will be lost! We have the only opportunity left to save everything that is dear to us. Absorb the Azerite in this chamber using the Heart of Azeroth. Then release the amulet's power to close the crack in the center of the hall. Azerite brings destruction, but if you channel its power through the amulet, it can heal our world!

To receive this quest chain you must complete
the initial quests for the Battle for Azeroth and the Battle for Lordaeron scenario.

Alliance Chain

Horde Chain

Heart of Azeroth Level

Upon receiving the Heart of Azeroth, the level of this artifact will be 1, and the level of the item itself will be 280. Players have the opportunity to strengthen the Heart of Azeroth by collecting Azerite, which acts as the power of the artifact. Unlike the Legion mechanic, the artifact's power will automatically be absorbed by your Heart of Azeroth, so there's no need to worry about overfilling your bags.

After reaching the set artifact power, your Heart of Azeroth will increase its artifact level by 1 and its item level by 2. Each subsequent artifact level requires more and more artifact power:

  • The required artifact power in the range of 1-10 levels increases linearly.
  • At higher levels, the required amount of Artifact Power increases by 30% of what was required for the previous level.

In addition to increasing stats, leveling up an artifact will unlock Azerite talents on Azerite armor.

Quantity of power up to
next level
1 350 280
2 400 282
3 450 284
4 500 286
5 550 288
6 600 290
7 650 292
8 700 294
9 1.050 296
10 1.580 298
11 2.370 300
12 3.560 302
13 5.350 304
14 8.000 306
15 10.400 308
16 13.500 310
17 22.800 312
18 29.650 314
19 38.550 316
20 50.100 318

Artifact Knowledge

As with class artifacts, the Heart of Azeroth has an artifact knowledge system.

  • Artifact Knowledge is a system that helps level 120 players develop artifacts faster by reducing the amount of artifact power required to level up.
  • Artifact knowledge is a global parameter and all characters have the same level.
  • The player is not required to take any action to increase the artifact's knowledge level.
  • Each level of artifact knowledge reduces the amount of artifact power required to the next level by ~23%.
  • The system will help players who started in the middle of the expansion quickly catch up with players who have been playing from the beginning.
  • Artifact knowledge level increases when you reset your weekly save (every Wednesday morning).
  • The system does not recalculate the previously obtained artifact power to the new values. If you had 10% left before increasing the level of the Heart of Azeroth, then when you increase the level of knowledge of the artifact, you will still have 10% left until the next level, but the amount of power of the artifact to it will be reduced.
  • From the previous paragraph we can conclude that if you postpone submitting a task with a large amount of artifact power in the reward (messenger quests, for example) until Wednesday, then the resulting artifact power will be 30% more effective than if you submitted these tasks before increasing the level of knowledge of the artifact .

Gaining Artifact Power

Players can earn Azerite from many different activities - killing rare creatures, dungeons, raids, island expeditions, warfronts, world quests, etc.

Island expeditions

  • Azerite for Horde / Azerite for Alliance (weekly) – 2500 Azerite
  • Wait, I'll listen - rare items that start the quest - 700 Azerite each (14000 Azerite total)
  • PvP mode of island expeditions – 300 Azerite
  • Mythic Island Expeditions - 300 Azerite
  • Heroic Island Expeditions – 225 Azerite
  • Normal Island Expeditions – 175 Azerite

Fronts and Arathi Highlands

  • Front: Battle for Stromgarde (once per cycle) – 750 Azerite
  • Emergency Exorcism (once per cycle) – 300 Azerite
  • Resource Contribution Quests – 500 Azerite each (5500 Azerite total)
  • Victory at the Front – 150 Azerite
  • Rare creatures in Arathi Highlands - 20 Azerite each


  • Mythic Dungeon Bosses – 35 Azerite
  • Heroic Dungeon Bosses – 30 Azerite
  • Completing a Heroic Dungeon – 50 Azerite
  • Daily Bonus for Random Heroic Dungeon – 150 Azerite
  • Regular Dungeon Bosses – 15 Azerite
  • Completing a Normal Dungeon – 50 Azerite
  • Daily bonus for a random normal dungeon – 100 Azerite
  • Random Battleground (first win of the day) – 151 Azerite
  • Win on a random battlefield – 76 Azerite
  • Win an Epic Random Battleground - 301 Azerite
  • Brawl – 151 Azerite
  • Arena Skirmishes – 16 Azerite
  • War Supply Crate – 300 Azerite


  • World Boss World Quest – 500 Azerite
  • Envoy's task - 400 or 1000 Azerite
  • World quests – 100-400 Azerite
  • World quest Defenders of Azeroth – 200-300 Azerite
  • Additional Azerite from Defenders of Azeroth world quests – up to ~200 Azerite
  • War Campaign Starting Quests – 500 Azerite
  • War Campaign Key Quests – 600 Azerite each
  • Dungeon Quests – 600 Azerite each
  • Rare creatures – 35 Azerite
  • Key quests during leveling – 50 Azerite

Reputation of the Champions of Azeroth

The Champions of Azeroth are one of the new factions introduced in Battle for Azeroth. Upon reaching certain reputation levels, quests will open, each of which will reward you with a bonus +15 to the item level of the Heart of Azeroth.


  • Horde: Salvation Azeroth / Alliance: Salvation of Azeroth.
  • Power of the Heart to the Heart of Azeroth.

Magni Bronzebeard: the soul of the world has strengthened, but the situation is still dangerous. Azerite is oozing from the wounds of the planet, and a serious struggle has begun for its possession. You have valiantly defended Azeroth, and the amulet around your neck holds great power. Azeroth is calling us again. She wants me to help you find even more strength for your Heart. Are you ready?


  • Heart's Power - gives an additional 15 item levels to the Heart of Azeroth.

Magni Bronzebeard: The Heart of Azeroth grows stronger. I think I can reveal new possibilities for the amulet. Soon you will need all his strength. Half the world is already hunting for Azerite, and now the servants of the Ancient Gods are also after it! Let's go. We will use the Azerite you collected to strengthen the Heart.


  • Hall of Heart - gives an additional 15 item levels to the Heart of Azeroth.

Magni Bronzebeard: The amulet is gaining power. However, its full potential can only be realized next to the soul of Azeroth. I will be waiting for you in the Heart Hall! Last time he looked, frankly, unimportant. But now you will see for yourself that we have healed many of the wounds of this world!

Azerite Armor

A special type of armor was introduced in Battle for Azeroth - Azerite armor. It is unique in that it can be upgraded with the Heart of Azeroth. Armor is only available for 3 equipment slots: head, shoulders and chest. Azerite armor has no secondary characteristics, but provides a very significant increase in primary ones. Azerite armor cannot be hardened when dropped or gain a tertiary stat.

Each item of this type has a certain number of talent rings that strengthen your character. These talents are not distributed randomly, as was the case in Netherlight Crucible in Legion - the talents on the same armor will remain unchanged.

Getting Azerite Armor

Azerite armor drops from the same sources as other equipment - world quests, dungeons, raids, etc. However, for Azerite armor level 340 and above, drop sources are always limited to weekly saves.

Reward for tasks

For the missions that complete the plot, you will receive Azerite armor with a level in the range of 270-300.

Sources without dependence on weekly saves

  • Regular Dungeons - Item Level 310
  • Heroic Dungeons - Item Level 325
  • World quests – item level 325

Sources dependent on weekly saves

  • Mythic Dungeons – Item Level 340
  • Envoy Rewards – Item Level 340
  • World Bosses – Item Level 355
  • Exalted with Champions of Azeroth - item level 355
  • World Front Bosses – Item Level 370
  • Uldir raid bosses:
      • Raid Finder - Item Level 340
      • Normal mode – item level 355
      • Heroic Mode - Item Level 370
      • Mythic Mode - Item Level 385
  • Weekly chest for Mythic+ dungeon:
      • Keys level 2-3 – item level 340
      • Keys level 4-6 – item level 355
      • Keys level 7-9 – item level 370
      • Keys level 10+ – item level 385

Mechanics of Azerite Armor


Each Azerite item has 3 or 4 talent rings:

  • 3 rings – item level< 340
  • 4 rings – item level >= 340

You can only select one talent per ring. An item's talents can be viewed by holding Shift and right-clicking on the item. The strength of talents depends on the level of armor. The rings open one by one, starting with the outer one.

Outer Ring - Class Talents

Always contains specialization talents and one source talent. The source talent is determined by where you got the armor from - Uldir, PvP, profession, etc. The outer ring will have one talent for each of your specializations.

Middle Ring - Roleplaying Talents

This ring is only found on armor level 340 or higher and gives you a choice of 3 role talents. If a class can't be a tank/healer, it will have fewer talents available. Many of the abilities in this circle cannot be called purely tanky or purely healing - they can suit anyone. You can choose any talent regardless of your role.

Inner Ring – Defensive Talents

The ring provides 2 defensive talents to choose from. Most of them are available to absolutely all specializations and roles, but each class has 2 unique abilities.

Central ring

The only central talent is the same for any Azerite item - it simply gives +5 to item level.

Unlocking Talent Rings

The next Azerite Armor talent ring is unlocked as the Heart of Azeroth reaches a certain level. The higher your heart level, the further you advance in armor talents, and the stronger the abilities you unlock.

To find Azerite Talents, you can use the Azerite Power Finder tool on Wowhead.

Reforging Azerite Armor

There will often be situations where the selected Azerite gear abilities are not suitable for the current fight, in which case they can be reset and selected again. To reset, you need to visit an armor reforger in Zulzadar or Boralus.


Representatives of the Horde can change Azerite armor talents in Zuldazar. The location is marked on the map below:


Alliance members can change Azerite armor talents in Boralus. The location is marked on the map below:

Each reforging will cost twice as much as the previous one. The base price is 5 gold, which is quite cheap, but with frequent reforging, the amount becomes noticeable very quickly. However, every three days the amount of gold required for reforging will be halved.

5 – 10 – 20 – 40 – 80 – 160 – 320 – 640 – 1280 – 2560 – 5120 – 10240 – 20480 – 40960 – 81920 – 163840 – …

We have prepared a guide to the Heart of Azeroth in WOW. We'll tell you what an artifact is, how to get it and upgrade it, how to get Azerite for the Heart of Azeroth, and much more.

As the story progresses, Magni will ask the player to keep the medallion nearby at all times while they search for ways to heal the damage caused by Sargeras' sword. Thanks to the amulet, Magni can maintain a telepathic connection with the player.

Important information: To unlock the Heart of Azeroth quest chain, you must first complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario, which has been available since pre-patch 8.0.1.

A series of quests for the Heart of Azeroth:

  1. A Short-Lived Peace: Speak to Anduin Wrynn / Hour of Reckoning: Speak to High Overlord Saurfang.
  2. Battle for Lordaeron: Complete the Battle for Lordaeron storyline.
  3. A Dying World: Meet Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus.
  4. The Heart of Azeroth: Proceed to the Chamber of Heart and speak with Azeroth.
  5. Heart Empowerment: Consume Azerite to empower the Heart of Azeroth.
Magni Bronzebeard

Artifact level

When you receive the Heart of Azeroth artifact, its level will be 1, and its ilvl will be 280. You can increase these levels by collecting Azerite - it will be automatically absorbed by the amulet when you are near its source.

All Azerite absorbed guarantees a certain amount of Artifact Power.

  • from level 1 to 10 of the item required to upgrade the Heart of Azeroth, the amount of artifact power required increases linearly: +50 for each level (300, 350, 400, 450, etc.)
  • after level 10, each subsequent level will require 30% more artifact power than the previous one - 750, 1160, 1730, 2530, etc. Thus, to level up to level 20 you will need 19400 artifact power.

Important: The Heart of Azeroth will need to be leveled up if you want to unlock Azerite armor upgrades and new Azerite talents.

Below is a table with the level of Azerite, the amount of experience for pumping and the level of the Heart of Azeroth item.

Azerite level
Required for the following. level
Item Level
1 300 280
2 350 282
3 400 284
4 450 286
5 500 288
6 550 290
7 600 292
8 650 294
9 700 296
10 750 298
11 1,160 300
12 1,730 302
13 2,530 304
14 3,650 306
15 5,220 308
16 6,790 310
17 8,830 312
18 11,480 314
19 14,920 316
20 19,400 318

Base item level – 280

Artifact Knowledge

The concept of Artifact Knowledge has returned to the game in Battle for Azeroth in a new form. The difference with the Legion is that now Knowledge about the artifact is automatically awarded to all characters during maintenance, and there is no need for each of them to log into the game and collect scrolls daily.

Some things have remained unchanged - each level of Artifact Knowledge still increases the speed of pumping the artifact (in this case, the Heart of Azeroth) by 30%.

However, there is an important difference - in Legion the amount of artifact power received increased, while in Battle for Azeroth, on the contrary, the amount of artifact power needed to pump up is reduced. That is, technically, Knowledge about the artifact increases the pumping speed by 30%, but this solution helps to avoid large, six-digit values.

How to get artifact power

In Battle for Azeroth, players will receive Azerite for almost all actions in new locations and events.

This will gradually open up access to new Azerite armor and unlock unique abilities associated with this armor.

Thus, in order to increase the level of the Heart of Azeroth, you simply need to collect Azerite in huge quantities.

How to get Azerite in WoW

Azerite in Battle for Azeroth can be obtained from many sources.

How to get Azerite quantity
Island expeditions
Azerite for Horde / Azerite for Alliance (weekly quest) 2000
Wait, I'll listen Each item collected for this achievement will reward you with 750 Azerite (15,000 if completed completely)
Winning the Island Expedition at Mythic/PvP 250
Win the Island Expedition on Normal difficulty 125
Win the Island Expedition on Heroic difficulty 175
Fronts and Arathi Highlands
Battle for Stromgarde (weekly quest) 750
Weekly quests-contributions to the start of the battle at the front 750 Azerite for each (8250 Azerite when completing all)
Executing Exorcisms (weekly quest) 300
Victory at the front 150
Rare mobs in Arathi Highlands (weekly)

20 each

Dungeons of Battle for Azeroth
Boss on Mythic difficulty 150
First Heroic Dungeon of the Day 300
Subsequent Heroic Dungeons 100
Final boss on Heroic difficulty 75
Normal boss on Heroic difficulty 35
First normal dungeon of the day 200
Subsequent dungeons on normal difficulty 50
First victory on a random battlefield 255
Subsequent victories on a random battlefield 100
Win a random epic battlefield 255
PvP Brawl 255
Victory in the arena 105
War Mode Supply Chest 300
Regular and World Quests
World quest to kill a local boss 500
Envoy's Quest 350 or 850
World quests 100-300
Local quest
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