How to get to legion locations. Leveling up your character on the Broken Isles. Farm reputation with Legionbane Army

How the geography of Azeroth has changed over the course of the franchise is a topic that deserves a separate article. It seems that we are now living in the era of great geographical discoveries. Every couple of years, new geographical features appear on the map, which were previously rumored at best. Maybe we'll talk about this next time. Today we'll take a look at where the next expansion will take place - the Broken Isles archipelago. We will start, though not with them, but with one of the iconic places of Azeroth, which is key to the plot - the tomb of Sargeras.

For those who are not at all in the subject, a little background. Many centuries ago, to fight the demons of the Burning Legion and prevent a new invasion of the world, the magicians of Azeroth created the Order of Tirisfal. One of the mortals was chosen as a Guardian and endowed with powerful abilities that gave him the ability to fight demons. Approximately eight hundred years before the current moment in history, the Guardian of Tirisfal, Magna Aegwynn fought the avatar of Sargeras in the icy wastes of Northrend. Fearing that the demon's energy might enter the world through the remains of the physical shell, she hid them (attention!) at the bottom of the ocean. The underwater ruins of the elven city of Suramar were chosen as the burial site.

This place first appears on the maps of Azeroth in Warcraft II (see below).

As you can see, the flooding site is located between Kul Tiras and Balor Island, and very close to the “mainland”. Moreover, it’s not really clear from the map; it’s just a designation of a place or a lonely island.

Several years pass and the tomb is already on the Broken Isles. Here is a map from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Here we see several small islands. At the end of the Second War, Gul'dan and his clan arrived here and a powerful warlock raised a tomb from the bottom of the sea to take away some powerful artifacts. It was not possible to take the artifacts, because the main warlock was devoured by demons that escaped from the tomb. Later, already during the Third War, Illidan visited here, followed on his heels by Maiev Shadowsong. He discovered the ruins (!) of Suramar and the restless spirits of the orcs, who are waging endless battles. He found the Eye of Sargeras artifact and destroyed the tomb to get rid of the pursuers.

Thus, according to Warcraft II/III lore, the Broken Isles is a small archipelago, part of which was raised from the bottom of the sea some thirty years ago. As a result, the architecture consists of elven ruins, and the main population consists of restless orc spirits. It is also not known exactly where this archipelago is located. The most likely location is near the Whirlpool

What do we have now? Hmm... technically yes, there are islands there. At the same time, this entire economy looks like a full-fledged continent, on which there is the highest mountain in Azeroth, elven settlements, vrykuls with Valkyries and ancient tauren. Okay, God bless them with the tauren, but damn it, if Suramar was raised from the bottom of the sea thirty years ago, where did the living night elves come from here? They came up with some explanation (read below), but in general, we are once again asked to turn a blind eye to obvious mistakes and contradictions in the lore.

However, if we close our eyes to obvious inconsistencies and upcoming retcons, then we will see picturesque locations and a return to the lore with which Warcraft began. So read below a brief description of the new locations of the World f Warcraft: Legion add-on. To begin with, we will once again present the full map of the Broken Isles in the version that will be in WoW 7.0.x.

Now briefly on the new locations.


Location map

It was here that Malfurion began to comprehend the magic of nature, studying with the demigod Cenarius. This is why Val'sharah became a sacred place for the Druids. It is also home to Shaladrassil, another Tree of Life that is unfortunately afflicted by the Emerald Nightmare. The nightmare comes from the Darkheart Thicket. Dark magic is so strong that Malfurion, who arrived here to fight the Legion, falls under its influence - we will have to fight him in the raid. Also in Val'sharah is the Black Rook Fortress, which was a stronghold of the night elves during the War of the Ancients.

Looking at the first screenshots of the location, I remember Ashenvale and Darkshore. Overall nice, but not very original. However, these places have a special charm.


Location map

Azsuna is located in the southwestern part of the "continent". In this location, players will be able to see firsthand how devastating the consequences of the Schism were. It all seems to begin with a picturesque paradise, but gradually gloomy pictures of a cursed and devastated land begin to open. However, the destruction and ghosts that roam here are not only a consequence of the Schism. Queen Azshara, a powerful sorceress, sent a curse to these lands and thereby doomed thousands of her subjects to torment. You will meet here not only banshees, but also the male version of these ghosts (Spectre). We will have to find out why this happened while completing the quests.

In addition to the restless ghosts of the night elves, the remnants of the Blue Dragonflight also settled here, as well as the naga, subjects of the current Queen Azshara.

Like all similar locations - meaning the ancient night elves - this one is also made in the “ancient Greek” style.


Location map

Suramar, one of the major elven cities of ancient Kalimdor. Not as pompous as Zin-Azshara, but majestic nonetheless. Moreover, it was also located next to the Well of Eternity. The place is significant, if only because Malfurion, his brother Illidan and Tyrande spent their youth here, which became their “bone of discord.” In addition, Maiev Shadowsong and her brother, Jarod, lived here.

The Great Schism almost completely destroyed the city, although part of it still remained on land. One of the latest versions of the history of Azeroth says that part of the Highborne that survived the Sundering created a magical shield that preserved the surviving part of the city for 10,000 years. These elves believed that the world behind the shield was completely destroyed (here I get a déjà vu about another civilization that believed that there was nothing behind the fog). That is, if you believe the current legend, the Nightborne did not hear how Gul’dan raised the Tomb of Sargeras from the bottom of the sea, what a rustle the spirits and orcs there made. What can we say about such a minor incident as the clash between Illidan and Maiev.

Over hundreds of centuries of exposure, they evolved slightly and are now called Nightborne. Some of them have evolved in the wrong direction. Now these criminal elements live outside of Suramar.

This location is intended for top-level players, and the city itself is the pinnacle of Blizz's design ideas in virtual urban planning. At least that's what they promise. Honestly, after Shattrath City in WoD, I'm ready to believe in these promises. The city there turned out to be truly majestic.


Highmountain is the highest mountain in Azeroth. The ancient tauren and another race, the dragobars, live here. Before the arrival of the Legion, these tribes coexisted peacefully, but now they are in a state of war and it is clear whose fault it is.

What else is interesting here besides the highest mountain? Neltharion's Lair. The former Guardian of the Earth lived here and, despite the fact that the living space has long been abandoned and the owner has passed on to another world, there are still plenty of secrets here. They say that a powerful weapon forged from dragon scales is kept here, and an order of warriors that formed after the arrival of the Legion wants to get it.


Location map

If the presence of tauren can somehow be justified, then only Elune knows how the vrykul appeared here. The newest legends say that some of the vrykul left Northrend thousands of years ago and settled here. They were looking for their promised land and the missing gods. The Titans left two Guardians in Stormheim, who, according to a good established tradition, hit each other in the face (obviously, the Ancient Gods could not have done it here). Here is also one of the Pillars of Creation, which will help us drive out the Legion.

I would like to raise the topic of the twists and turns of the plot on the Broken Isles. Its inconsistencies with the overall story, and why Blizzard decided to return to the Legion theme. But first things first.

I’ll start with a little history in order to bring you up to date, so that you understand what we’ll be talking about in general. It all started with a secret order of mages known as the Order of Tirisfal or the Council of Tirisfal. One of the members of the Order was chosen as a Guardian, endowing him with special magical energy to confront the “Legion” and hordes of demons.

The penultimate Guardian was Magna Aegwynn, who fought the avatar of Sargeras, was able to defeat him (so she thought), and buried the remains at the bottom of the ocean in the flooded elven city of Suromar. As it turned out later, this was all an insidious plan of Sargeras, who was able to enter the mind of poor Magna, and slowly but surely drove her crazy. Later, Magna's son Aegwynn, known to us as Medivh, also possessed by Sargeras, will open the Dark Portal and release hordes of Orcs on Azeroth, starting the First War.

Already at the end of the second war, Gul'dan, driven by a thirst to find the powerful artifact "Eye of Sargeras", went in search of the Tomb of the founder of the Burning Legion. Since the tomb itself rested on the seabed, Gul'dan raised it from the bottom of the sea with the help of powerful sorcery, and at the same time formed several islands. But it didn't work out for him. The demons that were imprisoned in the tomb simply killed him. The island was quickly inhabited by the spirits of restless Orcs. After a while, Illidan (Warcraft 3 story company) visited the islands.

I would also like to point out that the “Broken Isles” had the name “Mysterious Isles”. Illidan managed to discover the Eye of Sargeras in the ruins, which Gul'dan had so zealously sought. But since Illidan was pursued by Maiev, he was forced to completely destroy the tomb.

Let us summarize what we now know about the “Broken” Isles according to history:

  1. Geographical features - These are really islands (on many maps there are 4-5 islands connected into a small archipelago).
  2. Location - located south of the Whirlpool.
  3. The population is the restless spirits of Orcs.
  4. Architecture - Elven Ruins.
  5. Tomb of Sargeras - Destroyed.

What we see now from the current alpha does not fit into the course of known history, and sometimes even common sense.

I'll start with the inconsistencies that strike me the most, especially for those who have played Warcraft (2 and 3) or follow the plot closely.

For the first time, "Broken Isles" can be found in the form of illustrations for the book Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game (this book was published in 2003).

As you can see, in the photo taken straight from the book, the islands are south of the whirlpool. In the form of islands going in a row one after another. It is implied that these are the four islands and the tomb itself.

At the time of Warcraft 2, the islands were in a flooded state, but were also already marked on the map as a small island that was closer to the mainland.

As we see, they are already in a slightly different place and have moved closer to the mainland of the Eastern Kingdoms. But nevertheless, they were still south of the Whirlpool.

In Warcraft 3, the islands began to appear for the first time as they were raised from the seabed. The map shows that in the center there is a tomb, and on the edges there are four islands; the whirlpool is no longer located to the south, but to the west of the islands. This can be explained by the fact that on the map in Warcraft 2 it was just a point, but in Warcraft 3 it was already a whole archipelago of islands. But, perhaps, this does not explain the discrepancy with the original 2003 map.

As you can see from the current map, it is very different from those that came before. And the Broken Isles themselves have become located closer to Northrend (from the Howling Fjord you can even swim or fly to the Islands). And it all looks like a full-fledged continent, and very little like scattered islands. In addition, the tomb itself has moved to the edge of the entire continent, and, according to available data, it does not look like it was destroyed. In the screenshot below we see what it looks like now.

Now it’s time to debunk the myths about the Broken Isles that have formed in our minds over many years of studying the world of Warcraft.

Therefore, we will debunk the first myth: the Broken Isles are not islands. As you can see from the maps above, these are anything but islands. Yes, there are a couple of islands there, but now it would be hard to call them the Broken Isles.

And immediately the second myth: as it turned out, now the Broken Isles are located northeast of the Maelstrom, but not to the south, as was described earlier, or as was on earlier maps. On the current map, which will most likely be added to the game, we see the Islands very close to Northrend, so close that the thought creeps in: why haven’t we seen them before? after all, an Alliance ship sails to Howling Fjord every day, and the Horde regularly had to fly over this territory.

Let's move on to debunking the following myth: The Broken Isles are inhabited by many races. These include the ancestors of the Tauren, the Vrykul, and even the Night Elves. How could all these races appear on islands where only Orc spirits lived? It remains a mystery (the developers only explained the appearance of the elves by saying that they managed to hide in the city, covering it with a shield and living like that for thousands of years). Thus, we debunk the third myth, about the population of the islands. You can refer to the proximity of Northrend and the movement of all races from there to the islands.

And, perhaps, the last thing: this is the architecture of the Islands. Due to the fact that the developers added races to each location that a priori should not have been there, they added their buildings there. But the bad luck is that their buildings also turned into ruins. It turns out that the Elves did not live, a split occurred, everything was destroyed, then the cities and islands in particular went under water. After which they are raised from the bottom, and settlers arrive to develop the raised lands, who also build their own buildings. But either the guys didn’t build it well, or some unknown force turned the local colorful architecture into ruins.

What happens in the end:

  1. Geographical features - it still looks like the mainland.
  2. Location - northeast of the Whirlpool.
  3. Population - Taurens, Vrykul, Elves. And a bunch of other less significant races (like the ancestors of the gnoles).
  4. The architecture is the ruins of all nationalities.
  5. Tomb of Sargeras - Safe and unharmed.

In the Legion cutscenes, we see Gul'dan freeing Illidan. Why did he do this? After all, Illidan is one of the most zealous champions of the forces of demons (demon hunters). Everything is very simple, he is sheathed by that ill-fated artifact for the sake of which “our” Gul’dan died, and the “other” Gul’dan again dreams of the same idea (oh, these divisions into “ours” and not “ours”, only the travelers add into the plot).

Why did Blizzard decide to return to the Broken Isles theme? I have a theory about this. Let's take as a basis a new player who has never played the Warcraft game series, just watches the movie and decides to dive into the game. What will he see? The Dark Portal that was mentioned in the film is outdated content, and all the main villains and heroes he saw in the film are long dead (the same Gul'dan is represented only by a skull in the Black Temple).

The actions of the film directly depend on the upcoming update (as well as on the current update), since the actions there take place during the beginning of the First War, it is symbolic to return to the original sources. What do we know about the first war? Medivh opened the Dark Portal and released the Orcs onto Azeroth. He was obsessed with Sargeras and the upcoming update comes in handy.

There is also a storyline of Gul'dan in the film, but, as we know, he was killed by demons during the third war. That's why the developers resurrected him in the form of a “double from another world.” It turns out that the newly minted adventurer will see many coincidences with the film, these are Sargeras and Gul’dan, and the souls of heroes of the past will also help us in the battle (for example, Anduin Lothar).

It turns out that the plot of Warlords of Draenor and Legion is tied to luring a player who has just watched the film into the game. Sad, very sad. And, as it’s fashionable to say these days, WoW is no longer a cake.

The Broken Isles are of particular importance to the Burning Legion, and it is from here that a new demonic invasion of Azeroth began, which was made possible by Gul'dan, who arrived from the alternative Draenor.


In the distant past, the Broken Isles were located on a single continent, Kalimdor, which was the largest on Azeroth. It was home to part of the night elf empire and the majestic city of Suramar, famous for its priestesses of Elune. A huge temple was built in the city in honor of the moon goddess, where the high priestess lived. Azsuna was also one of the centers of the night elf civilization and became famous throughout the world for its Academy of Mages. Several tauren tribes fought each other in Highmountain until Huln Highmountain forced them to unite. Druids settled in Val'sha, for whom this place became sacred when Malfurion Stormrage was trained here by Cenarius. Stormheim became the abode of the vrykul who sailed from Northrend for the tests of Odin, which allowed them to take possession of relics and step into the sacred halls of the Halls of Valor.

Landscape of modern Azsuna

During the War of the Ancients, many important events took place here. Huln Highmountain led the united tauren tribes into battle against the demons and, returning victorious, drove Deathwing from Highmountain. Prince Farondis attempted to thwart Azshara's plans, but was betrayed. The Queen shattered the Tidestone of Golganneth, and the released energy cursed the night elves who lived in Azsuna forever. The Black Rook Fortress in Val'shar became one of the centers of opposition to the Legion, and Kur'talos Ravencrest led the army of defenders at the beginning of the war. The Highborne of Suramar decided to abandon Azshara's plans and, using the Pillars of Creation, closed the portal that the demons were trying to open in the Temple of Elune. They created the Nightwell, which became a source of energy, and closed part of Suramar behind an impenetrable shield, trying to avoid the wrath of Azshara and the Legion.

The Great Schism, which divided the united Kalimdor into parts, turned these territories into islands, which later became known as the Broken Islands. Many inhabitants of the islands survived the Schism and continued their lives in new conditions. Travelers often arrived on the islands, but regular and large-scale contacts do not seem to have occurred. Most of Suramar, including the Temple of Elune, sank to the seabed, but a shield created by the Highborne protected several areas of the city. Their inhabitants were completely isolated and fed on the energy of the Night Well.

Thousands of years later, the sunken ruins of Suramar attracted the attention of Aegwynn, and she buried the remains of the avatar of Sargeras in the Temple of Elune, hoping that the seals of the Highborne could neutralize the Fel. She later built her underwater refuge here when the Guardians of Tirisfal forced her to leave Karazhan. During the Second War, Gul'dan, having learned of the location of the Tomb of Sargeras, arrived here with his servants and raised the sunken part of Suramar from the seabed. Entering what remained of the Temple of Elune, it was torn apart by the demons who had gathered here. After the Third War, the Tomb Sargeras was visited by Illidan Stormrage and Maiev Shadowsong, who pursued him.The raised area around the Temple of Elune was now called the Broken Shore, and battles took place here between Maiev's companions and the naga serving Illidan.

The existence of the Broken Isles was no secret to the inhabitants of Azeroth, but few had reason to visit them. Unless the druids of Moonglade sent some students to Val'sharah so that local craftsmen would share their wisdom with them. The night elves from Suramar, who became nightborne over thousands of years, did not seek contact, like the ghosts of Azsuna, cursed by Azshara.


Suramar after removing the shield

  • The Broken Shore is an island raised from the ocean floor that was part of Suramar in ancient times. The Temple of Elune, located here, became the Tomb of Sargeras and acted as the starting point for the demonic invasion. The first large-scale battle between the Legion and the armies of Azeroth took place on the Broken Shore, in which the mortal peoples were defeated.
  • Suramar is a major city that belonged to the night elf empire thousands of years ago, and the areas surrounding it. During the War of the Ancients, the highborn of Suramar closed the portal that the demons were trying to create and created the Night Well, which became a source of energy for them. The part of the city sealed off by a magical barrier did not sink during the Great Sundering, and the night elves living here became nightborne in the intervening time. Gul'dan forced the inhabitants of Suramar to side with the Burning Legion after the invasion began, and those who opposed this were expelled from the city.
  • Val'shara is a dense and beautiful forest in which Malfurion Stormrage became the first druid, studying with the demigod Cenarius. Since then, this area has been sacred to all druids, and the Tree of Life Shaladrassil was grown here. With the beginning of a new invasion of demons, the Tree of Life was desecrated by Xavius ​​and spreads around itself the Emerald Nightmare, under the corruption of which many majestic creatures that inhabited Val'shara fell.
  • Stormheim is the home of the vrykul, who left Northrend thousands of years ago in search of sacred land and access to the Halls of Valor. Here is a gate through which you can enter the heavenly fortress of the Valarjars, where the guardian Odin rules. The Kvaldir, serving Helya, attack the local vrykul and take their souls to the cursed Helheim. God-King Skovald, who ruled the vrykul, has sided with the Burning Legion and intends to take possession of the Aegis of Aggramar, which Odin holds.
  • Azsuna is the area where the elven city of Nar "talas was located, ruled by Prince Farondis. The academy built here was the most famous university of magic before the War of the Ancients. Farondis tried to resist Azshara, for which the queen split the Tidestone of Golganneth. Streams of energy forever cursed the night ones the elves who lived here and turned them into ghosts.Azsuna is the lair and nursery of a local group of blue dragons, led by the ancient Senegos... The naga sent by Azshara are trying to take possession of the shards of the Tidestone.
  • Highmountain is the homeland of the tauren, united by Huln Highmountain and receiving the blessing of Cenarius, expressed in the form of elk antlers. Here is a cave in which Deathwing once lived and the drogbar were enslaved. Huln managed to take possession of the Hammer of Khaz'Goroth and free the drogbars from slavery, banishing Deathwing from these lands forever. For thousands of years, the tauren and drogbars lived in peace until Dargrul the Dungeon King stole the Hammer to become ruler.
  • Dalaran is the flying city of the Kirin Tor, moved to the skies above the Broken Isles to search for the Pillars of Creation. The city became the main base for the heroes of the Alliance and Horde, who went to battle against the Burning Legion and their allies on the islands.


  • The Guardians' Vaults were a secret vault in which the Guardians kept the most dangerous creatures they had captured over the years. It was here that Illidan's remains and the sleeping demon hunters were located. The vaults were captured by the Burning Legion due to the betrayal of Cordana Felsong.
  • Black Rook Keep is an ancient stronghold that belonged to the Ravencrest family. Gul'dan performed a ritual here to separate Illidan's soul from his body, and a huge release of energy caused the ghosts of the night elves to awaken.
  • Neltharion's Lair is a complex of caves in which the black dragon Neltharion, later known as Deathwing, lived. Now the caves are full
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Legion has finally received a new patch 7.2, and players from all over the world have a long-awaited opportunity to get even with the Burning Legion for their past defeat. Now demons will not be able to hide from hundreds and thousands of people who want to farm the new currency - Void Shards, as well as those who just want to complete quests or get to new dungeons. This guide will help you understand all the new features related to setting up a base on the Broken Shore, as well as completing local quests and farming new currency.

How to get to the Broken Shore, where to start?

First of all, you will need a character of maximum level 110. Having entered the game with such a character after the release of patch 7.2, you will soon receive a message from Khadgar and with it a quest sending you to the Broken Shore. The quest is not difficult - you just need to complete the scenario by recapturing a piece of the Broken Shore from the Legion to build a base. After the base is built, all new local quests, hunting for mini-bosses, as well as events with farming Void Shards, which are necessary for purchasing equipment or toys for the new faction, will open to you.

At your base on the Broken Shore, you will also receive several simple one-time tasks, with which you will open new flight points in a new location and receive some Void Shards or supplies for constructing buildings at the base.

Among others, there will be a quest " Broken Shore: Exploration", the essence of which boils down to knocking out the item Mysterious rune-covered scroll. This scroll can fall from any inhabitant of the Broken Shore.

Hunting for rare mobs

From time to time on the map you will notice icons in the form of green skulls - these are rare mobs that carry with them exactly what you need - resources, currency, and sometimes even random equipment. You are unlikely to be able to cope with one such mini-boss alone, so it makes sense to take several friends on the hunt or just wait for other players to show up. Sometimes entire groups of players are hunting for mini-bosses - you can also simply follow them and help in battle.

Rare mobs are also required to complete the “Breaking the Tomb” achievement, and one of them, Lord Hel’Nurath, even carries around one of the color options for the Warlock class mount (you can read more in our guide on class mounts).

Also, after the Void Destroyer is built at the base, new world bosses will become available, which may well drop a level 890+ piece of equipment.

World quests on the Broken Shore

The essence of world quests has not changed from the fact that they are now available on the Broken Shore - you also receive certain useful items and reputation with the local faction for completing them. In addition to the usual stronghold resources, artifact power, gold and random pieces of equipment, Void Shards and Legionfall Army Supplies have also been added, which will only be useful on the Broken Shore. There's also something in store for experienced pet tamers - there are three new enemies with powerful pets on the Broken Shore.

All available local quests are displayed on the location map and now this is the only means of leveling up reputation with a new faction, except for some one-time quests.

Farming Void Shards

As soon as you visit two new merchants at your base on the Broken Shore, you immediately realize that the first thing you need is Void Shards. The fact is that new toys and a whole bunch of various items of equipment, including epic and legendary quality, are sold for this currency. Rare blue gear can be purchased for as little as 400 Void Shards, but you can usually only count on an item with random level 860 stats. If you want to get something really powerful, you will have to shell out 5000 Void Shards at once, but there is a chance that such an item will become legendary. However, you yourself can make epic equipment legendary, although it already costs 8000 Shards. The answer to the reasonable question “where to get such a mountain of Shards?” is a pharmaceutical

So, Shards are farmed only from ordinary demons, who come out of low-level portals in whole herds. At this stage, a difficulty may arise in front of you in the form of other players of the opposite faction, from whose blows the demons cease to bring you any benefit. To avoid such situations, you can simply choose a couple of portals, with no one near them, and also gather a group to farm Shards and independently take away mobs from representatives of the enemy faction. The greatest benefits when farming can come from classes with powerful AoE - warlocks, warriors, monks, etc., as well as tanks, which must carry everything that appears from the portals.

After you farm Shards at each Cerberax spawn point, you will receive the achievement “Looming Lights”.

If you do not have the time and desire to farm Void Shards, you can delegate this work to us. You can order Nether Shards farming on this page.

Buffs of the Broken Shore

There are various items scattered throughout the Broken Shore that can help you farm Shards and complete world quests, the main thing is to know what exactly to look for.

First, you can find elven sanctuaries - if you use a glowing orb in one of them, you will receive a buff for 1 hour that can increase damage dealt, reduce damage received, and also increase all basic or additional characteristics.

Secondly, corrupted flowers and books can also buff your abilities, but they increase damage taken or reduce your maximum health for the duration - consider whether such buffs are necessary.

Thirdly, if you come across a green core lying alone on the ground, then grab it without hesitation - with its help you can inflict huge damage to any enemy in a small area, but only once, after which you will need to find a new core.

Also, don’t forget to rummage around the caches scattered throughout the location - in them you can find gray items with a good value in gold, stronghold resources, Void Shards or Legionfall Army supplies.

Farm reputation with Legionbane Army

Reputation with the new faction is pumped up just as slowly as reputation with the Nightborne, but this must be done if you want to be able to fly around the Broken Isles and the opportunity to buy new toys.

Leveling up your reputation is very simple - with the help of local quests on the Broken Shore, but there are some other ways to do this. The first way is to complete one-time quests that are related to the main plot of the location, and which open gradually until the opening of a new raid - the Tomb of Sargeras. The second method is related to your class stronghold, but it depends solely on random chance - among the quests for companions in the stronghold, quests with a reward in the form of reputation may appear, and sometimes this is reputation with a new faction.

Try to visit the Broken Shore regularly to quickly discover flights to the Broken Isles.

Setting up a base on the Broken Shore

As soon as you appear at your base on the Broken Shore, you will be able to invest supplies from the Legion's Ruin Army into the construction of one of the special buildings - the Mage Tower, the Command Headquarters, or the Void Destroyer. Each building will allow you to advance in the Broken Shore story and get closer to flying in the Broken Isles.

Deciding which building will be built first is offered to all players in your game world, so if everyone decides to invest supplies in the Mage Tower, it will be the first. You can get supplies through world quests or from caches - you will need 100 units. in order to invest in construction. In addition to progressing one of the buildings, you will receive a chest with a random piece of equipment and reputation with the local faction, so saving up supplies is useful.

Once the building is built, you will receive significant bonuses, which will be discussed below, however, the demons will try to destroy the building. If the building is destroyed, you will have to repair it, which also requires an infusion of supplies, but the bonuses are worth it.

1) Tower of Mages

The Mage Tower is a useful thing. She can provide you with portals to all locations of the Broken Isles, as well as to Dalaran. The Mage Tower will also allow you to complete solo challenges, which reward you with new appearances for artifact weapons. And as a small bonus, you will be able to find more caches of resources throughout the Broken Shore.

If the tower is already built, then talk to Commander Chambers nearby to receive one of the buffs that lasts for the allotted time or until the tower is destroyed by demons:

1. Aware – You gain more artifact power in Broken Isles raids and dungeons.

2. Overwhelming Power – You receive more artifact power for completing world quests.

3. Worthy of Respect - You gain 30% more reputation with Legion's Ruin every time it is awarded.

4. Like a feather - you get the ability to ride on water if you are on a mount.

2) Command headquarters

The command headquarters is also a good help for heroes, providing the Order Strength bonus. This bonus will open up additional world quests for you in dungeons on the Broken Shore, and when fighting outside dungeons on the Broken Shore, ordinary NPC representatives of your class will help you. The class stronghold will also open additional tasks for teammates with good rewards.

Just as in the case of the Mage Tower, after building the Command Headquarters, you can choose one of the additional buffs:

1. Military campaign - you receive more supplies from the Legion's Ruin Army, which will allow you to invest them in construction more often.

2. Worthy Defenders – quests for companions in the stronghold can bring you legendary equipment for your companions.

3. Powerful buff – completing world quests on the Broken Shore, you have a certain chance of receiving a buff rune, which will be useful to you in Heroic and Mythic raids.

4. Full readiness - all your characteristics increase by 10% while you are in the territory of the Broken Shore.

3) Void Destroyer

The competition for the other two buildings is the Void Destroyer - a magical focus that, in the plot, copes well with demons, and in gameplay is a source of good bonuses. Firstly, the Destroyer is summoning 4 new world bosses to the Broken Shore, from each of which you can loot level 890+ equipment. Secondly, portals appear on the Broken Shore, from which mini-bosses can appear, carrying a whole lot of resources with them. Thirdly, players who have a leveled up profession that allows them to make equipment will be able to receive an Armorer's Letter of Recommendation, which is necessary for making legendary pieces of equipment.

A rebuilt Netherbreaker will also give you the opportunity to choose from several additional bonuses:

1. Determine your destiny - once a day you can receive an additional Seal of Broken Fate, which is used to obtain additional items in raids. You will receive the seal provided that the building was not destroyed by demons.

2. Fate smiles on you - when you use the Seal in a raid, you can get it back if instead of an item you received the power of artifacts.

3. Netherstorm - Whenever you receive Nether Shards, there is a chance that you will receive additional Shards.

4. Reinforced Reins - allows you to interact with objects and collect resources while riding a mount.

The Mage Tower is necessary for early mastery of the content of patch 7.2, and will also come in handy if you need more artifact power. The command headquarters will greatly simplify your daily visits to the Broken Shore and provide additional reinforcements for your allies. The Void Destroyer is necessary, first of all, to obtain additional and improved equipment, helping to equip your character faster.

This concludes the Broken Shore guide, but it may receive an update in the future. We hope that our guide was useful to you.

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The Broken Shore is similar to Tanaan Jungle and the Timeless Isle, but the content on it is unlocked in stages. The Broken Shore is home to the Cathedral of Eternal Night dungeon and the Tomb of Sargeras raid dungeon.

After speaking with Archmage Khadgar at Krasus's Playground in Dalaran, you can begin a scenario that opens access to the faction and the entire Broken Shore. After completing the scenario, you will be able to complete world quests on the Broken Shore and earn reputation with the new faction.

In patch 7.2, the old currency from the Legion pre-patch returned to the game, . It is used to purchase reputation rewards with the Legion's Ruin Army and "discarded" blanks for crafting equipment. Nether Shards can be obtained by completing new world quests or killing monsters, and can also be found in chests scattered throughout the Broken Shore.

1. Nether Shards

Nethershards are the currency of the Broken Shore and are used to purchase rewards.

2. Buildings

The main base on the Broken Shore is Deliverance Pinnacle. There you can contribute to the construction of buildings that provide various bonuses (including opening access to new content). The one-time contribution is 100 Supplies of the Legion's Ruin Army (given as a reward for completing tasks, obtained from rare elite monsters). Construction is being carried out by one faction from across the region.

You can build three different buildings (Mage Tower, Command Headquarters and Void Destroyer). Each building provides one permanent bonus that applies to everyone, and one random bonus that changes when a new building of this type is built. To receive bonuses, players need to speak with Commander Chambers after constructing a new structure.

After completing construction, the Legion armies will attack your building for 3 days until they completely destroy it. During the attack period, bonuses from the building do not apply. To start new construction, you must wait 1 day.

Tower of Mages

The permanent bonus from the Mage Tower is called Fel Treasures. It opens access to artifact trials, secret Parselmouth chests, and a network of portals.

  • Artifact Tests: The Council of Six will allow you to take part in a series of unique challenges: a great opportunity to put your skills to the test!
    • This is single-player content that allows you to try your hand at fighting powerful opponents. Upon successful completion, the player receives a new appearance for his artifact. For each attempt you have to pay with Void Shards. There are 7 different challenges for each specialization.
  • Secret Wraithtongue Chests: The power of the Mage Tower reveals the location of hidden Parselton chests on the Broken Shore.
    • Players gain the ability to see Unusual Parselmouth Caches. To open the chest, you need the Parselmouth Cache Key, which can be purchased for 500 Nether Shards from Treasure Hunter X"reeged. X"reeged appears after completing a chain of quests that begins with Spiders, then? . He sells Wandering Parselmouth Essence for 5,000,000 Nether Shards.
  • Network of portals: The mages of the Kirin Tor will give you access to portals that will allow you to quickly travel around the Broken Isles.
    • In the Tower of Mages there are portals that allow you to travel through the zones of the Broken Isles (Azsuna, Highmountain, Val'shara, Stormheim).

Random bonuses

  • Aware - Whenever you loot an item from a dungeon or raid that grants Artifact Power, you have a chance to gain an additional Artifact Power token.
  • Like a feather - While on a vehicle, you can move along the surface of the water.
  • Overwhelming Power - Completing a World Quest has a chance to grant you an additional Artifact Power token.
  • Worthy of Respect - The attitude of the Legion's Bane army improves 30% faster.

Command Headquarters

The permanent bonus from the command rate is called Order Forces. It opens up access to world quests in the Cathedral of Eternal Night, reinforcements for the Legionbane Army, and difficult quests for followers.

  • World quests in the cathedral: Having organized the command of your troops, you can concentrate your efforts on storming the Cathedral of Eternal Night.
    • Provides access to world quests in the Cathedral of Eternal Night.
  • Legionfall Army reinforcements: Legionfall Army commanders receive additional support in the Broken Isles.
    • When fighting monsters on the Broken Shore, you receive help from the Legion's Ruin Army (for example, demon hunters shoot at your opponents from above).
  • Difficult tasks: Send your most worthy defenders on challenging missions in the heart of the Broken Shore. If successful, a great reward awaits you!
    • Provides access to special tasks for teammates, allowing them to receive valuable rewards.

Random bonuses

  • Powerful Empowerment - Upon completion of a World Quest, you have a chance to receive a Corrupted Empowerment Rune.
  • War Campaign - When you receive Legionfall Army Supplies, you have a chance to receive additional supplies.
  • Full readiness - Increases all basic characteristics by 10%, only valid on the Broken Isles.
  • Worthy Defenders - Increases the chances of receiving a legendary piece of equipment from a follower.

Void Destroyer

The permanent bonus from the Nether Destroyer is called Epic Hunter. It provides access to local bosses, unstable Nether portals, and armorer's letters of recommendation.

  • Local bosses: The energy of the Void Destroyer attracts the most powerful opponents to the Broken Shore.
    • Opens access to four world bosses that drop level 890+ loot. Bosses do not appear until the Void Destroyer is built. The bosses themselves: Apocron, Brutall, Malificus and Si"your.
  • Unstable Nether Portals: When the Destroyer is activated, unstable Nether portals will appear on the Broken Shorethey can be activated to summon powerful enemies.
    • Activating the portal requires the Nethergate Destroyer. It can be purchased for 50 Nether Shards from Battle Mage Kat'lin. Monsters from the portal drop improved loot.
  • Broner's letters of recommendation: The highest level artisans will receive official commendations allowing them to craft legendary items.
    • This effect allows you to talk with Eliezer Hammerbeard and learn how to craft legendary items using professions.

Random bonuses

  • Fate Smiles on You - If you fail your bonus roll on the Broken Shore, there is a chance your Seal of Broken Fate will be returned to you.
  • Netherstorm - When collecting Nether Shards, it gives a chance to receive additional Nether Shards.
  • Reinforced Reins - While on a vehicle, you can interact with objects.
  • Determine Your Destiny - Each day while the Netherbreaker is active, you can return to the Broken Shore and complete a quest that provides a free Seal of Broken Fate as a reward.

3. Discarded blanks for crafting equipment and obtaining legendary items for certain slots

You can purchase discarded blanks and Vashrin the Wonderworker. Each blank costs 5000 Nether Shards. Using these blanks, you can get a piece of equipment for your specialization (with a small probability, legendary). These items are the equivalent of the goods from Kadala from Diablo3.

4. Cerberax

The Cerberax is a Legion gunship that flies over the Broken Shore and attacks specific areas. Enemies in Cerberax's shadow can drop beacons used to open portals containing demons. Demons drop Nether Shards as loot, materials for crafting items using professions, and enhanced beacons that summon additional enemies. There are several types of beacons.

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