Mods for 1.7.10 taumcraft 2


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TaumKraft- this is a big addition (that adds a magical component, a bunch of new items and features, as well as a research system unique for this game. Roughly speaking, all the magic and essence of the ThaumCraft 4 mod revolves around this research: special magic items will be needed to study objects; practicing alchemy - combining various aspects to obtain new ones; creating unusual allies and much more.

The first thing to do when playing MineCraft with this mod is to craft a magic wand and a bookcase. For a start, the simplest stick will do (recipe in the picture). After that, you need to take a stick in your hand and, aiming at the bookcase, right-click. This will create one of the most important items in the TaumCraft mod - Thaumonomikon... This is a book that contains notes on the study of new subjects and other useful information on TaumCraft 4.

When the world is generated, special stones with ore are created, during the excavation of which the corresponding fragments are formed. There are 6 types of this ore - exactly as well as basic aspects. At the initial stage, they will be needed to create an important item - the Thaumometer.

TaumKraft 4 aspects - the basis

With the help of the thaumometer, players will be able to explore any object in the game. After research, points of aspects are given, which in the future will be useful for creating and studying new objects. These aspects are many, but the following are standard:

  • Aer- water and air;
  • Aqua- water;
  • Ignis- Fire;
  • Terra- Earth;
  • Pedritop- chaos;
  • Ordo- order.

The ThaumCraft mod allows you to combine aspects with each other to get new, rarer ones, which will be useful for researching cool things.

More detailed information in the corresponding article - aspects in Taumcraft.

Just like in previous versions of the add-on, the Thaumometer allows you to quickly find the nodes of the aura. They are necessary to recharge the magic wand with aspects.

Thaumcraft- a mod that allows you to use magical energy ("vis") to solve various problems and create magical items.
To make the mod easier to find when searching, I write the name in Russian: Taumcraft, and with a typo - Taumcraft.

Witchcraft ... it requires a certain order in order to create the unusual, in the name of attainable senses and delightful minds.

Sorcery is the magician's ability to create miracles. The one who practices it is a sorcerer, miracle worker, wizard.

This is what this mod is about: creating magical energy from physical objects and turning it into a miracle.

Thaumcraft mod recipes:

First of all, you need a wand. At first, you only have the Apprentice's Rod, which is made according to the following recipe (using a stick and iron nuggets):

Then you have to install the bookcase and click on it with the wand (right click). This will create a Thaumonomicon that will explain everything there is to know about the Thaumcraft mod.

How to install Thaumcraft mod for Minecraft:

  1. Download and install.

  2. Download the Thaumcraft mod.

  3. Move the .zip file of the mod to the ".minecraft / mods" folder without extracting its contents. If such a folder does not exist, create it.

  4. All is ready.
Adding mod generation to existing worlds

You can add ores, trees and other mod elements to existing worlds with just a few changes in the configuration files. Remember: this is a risky business, so back up your saves.

  • If this is your first time loading your save with a Thaumcraft mod, you can leave the regen_key ('DEFAULT') value untouched. Otherwise, set a different value.

  • You need to choose what should be generated. It is strongly recommended to set the aura_nodes value to 'true'. Without the aura, 99.9% of the mod's functionality will be inaccessible.

  • Start the game. It will slow down for a while, and you will see a console message about chunk regeneration. It should be so - just wait. It won't take very long. If the world is widely explored, the console message will show up over and over again. It's okay too.

  • If, for some reason, you want to repeat the operation, or if your save file is somehow damaged and the aura nodes are not working, all you have to do is set a different regen_key value. Anything seems to do the trick.
ATTENTION: If you decide to generate ores and similar mod elements in the existing world, it is best not to touch the config file. Mod elements will be generated in the chunks that you did not have time to visit.

Thaumcraft Mod 1.12.2 / 1.10.2 allows you to use the magic around you in the form of “vis” (pronounced “Veece”) to perform different tasks and create fantastic items. This mod adds bunch of magical arcane blocks and items into your game. Although the Thaumonomicon is the in-game “wiki”, it doesn’t cover everything.

Thaumaturgy ... which giveth certain order to make strange works, of the sense to be perceived and of men greatly to be wondered at. Thaumaturgy is the capability of a magician to work miracles. A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a thaumaturge, thaumaturgist or miracle worker.

This is what this mod is all about - drawing magic from physical objects in the form of Essentia and reshaping it to perform miracles.


Crafting Recipes:

The first thing you will need to craft is a wand. The first one available to you is the Wand of the Apprentice crafted as shown here (using a stick and iron nuggets):

You then place a bookshelf in the world and right click on it with the wand. This gives you the Thaumonomicon which explains almost everything else you will need to know about Thaumcraft.

Adding Thaumcaft world generation to existing worlds:

Yes, you heard that right. You can add all the ores, trees and other worldgen features to existing worlds by changing a few things in your config files. Remember: this could be risky so always backup your saves beforehand.

  • If this is the first time loading Thaumcraft with that save, you can leave the regen_key setting as 'DEFAULT' otherwise set it to anything else.
  • You need to choose what to regenerate. I strongly recommend you set aura_nodes to ‘True’ if this is the first time you are doing this. Without the aura you won’t be able to do 99.9% of the things you could in Thaumcraft.
  • Run the game. It will lag for a while and you should see some console spam about chunks being regenerated. This is fine - just wait it out. It shouldn’t take too long. If the world had been explored a lot you might see the message reappear every now and again. This is also normal.
  • If, for some reason, you wish to do this again or somehow your savefile got corrupted and your aura nodes have gone missing, all you need to do is set the regen_key value to something else. Any word would do.

Important: If you chose to generate TC ores and such in an existing world It is best to keep the config as-is. Do not switch everything off again after running the game or server once. As you explore chunks that have been explored in the past, but you haven’t visited yet the new TC will regen in them as well. If you turn it off before you get a chance to revisit them nothing will be genererated and you will have to do the regeneration from scratch to add it to those chunks which could cause doubling of ores and nodes.

Today we will tell you about a very entertaining mod called ThaumCraft 3 - this is, in our opinion, the coolest magical and mysterious mod that adds magic, sorcery and sorcery to the world of minecraft. By installing it, you will arrange for yourself the real world of Harry Potter with a variety of new recipes (there will be more than 100 of them), a research system and many famous artifacts. All artifacts have a variety of features that will surprise you. But we want to warn you that you would be careful - after all, magic is an unpredictable thing. Minecraft mod download thaumcraft you can on this page, on our website. To do this, go down and click on the "Download Thaumcraft 3 Mod" button and wait for the download to finish. the new version you can on the main page of the site.

How to install the thaumcraft mod:

  • You will need first a clean minecraft.jar in which you have to put Forge
  • Then download the thaumcraft mod itself (download the mod for minecraft taunkraft).
  • Finally, drag the downloaded mod to the .minecraft / mods folder and you're done.
  • The new version of taumcraft is suitable for, so if you want to download minecraft 151 with mods, then you better do not. Otherwise, you will not install taumcraft, we advise you to download a clean client.

So, in the new version of taumcraft everything begins with this recipe:

Thus, you will make a magic wand with which you can get the book, and she, in turn, will be your main assistant. After all, without it, you cannot do anything. It will display your research and knowledge, and in it you will find all the recipes for crafting in taumcraft.

A little trick in taumcraft:

I'll burn you one topic right away. Explore the golems as soon as possible - these are such small mechanical creatures that do not have intelligence, but their main feature is to help you, namely they can:

  • Move resources back and forth
  • Harvest
  • Pour liquid

And do many other useful actions. They are good helpers. We wish you after you download the taunkraft 3 mod and install it - it's a pleasure to play.

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