Is it possible to create a portal to the ender world. What to do in the Land. Is it possible to build a portal to the Ender world

Edge is the third world of Minecraft, in addition to the original and Downworld, which was added after the 1.0.0 update. Journey to the End is the very last part of the game for the player in terms of progress, as it is the habitat of the final boss - the Dragon of the End. It should also be borne in mind that you can only get out of there by opening a portal after defeating the Dragon, therefore it is recommended to think several times before heading there, this is really not the easiest journey.

Ender structure
The world, for the most part, consists of only two blocks. The first is a unique edge stone that is blast-resistant, and looks like a cobblestone, but has a white color. The second is a block that can be found in the original world, made artificially, but, nevertheless, for the extraction of which only the best pickaxe is needed - obsidian. It is the landscape of the world, obsidian - pillars, like strange trees, rushes up. There is always low lighting, so the player will have to be careful.

How to get to the world of Ender?
The door to the Land, as in the case of the Downworld, is a teleport. But unlike obsidian, which leads to the prototype of Minecraft hell, it cannot be made artificially, although you still have to craft to activate it. Initially, the edge portal is a natural structure that consists of 12 blocks that surround an empty space with a frame, above which is a lava pool. This empty space is the future teleport. In order for it to activate, each block of the frame must contain an eye of Ender. This is where you need craft from the player. When you fill in each block and activate, you get a full-fledged door, a portal to the world of the Endermans.

How to find Ender's portal in Minecraft?
After extracting the ingredients and you need to find him. He is always housed in a fortress, a natural playable structure that is randomly generated. Besides the fact that the Eye of Ender needs to be placed within the portal, it also helps to find it! To do this, the player needs to take his hand and use it by pressing the right mouse button. The eye will fly into the sky, strictly towards the gate and will scatter purple particles behind it, similar to those that appear at Enderman during teleportation. After flying, approximately 3 seconds, the Eye of the End will either fall to the ground, after which it can be picked up and launched again, or disappears (moves). When using the eye in the vicinity of the gate, it will begin to descend into the ground and head straight towards it. After finding the portal, you need to place 12 eyes in each frame, after which the portal will open, while giving the player the opportunity to test himself in a new world and fight the boss. It's no secret that you don't always want to play on the official worlds: ping, griefers and other problems. If you want to raise your shard, you need to know where you can buy a server so that its hardware can handle the load when creating a game, saving and processing databases. Quite good servers are offered by WESTCOMP, prices are quite reasonable, you can even start professional hosting of gaming worlds.

The edge, aka Ender, is the third of the worlds of the Minecraft game, in addition to the original and hell. Traveling there is considered the last step for a gamer who decides to complete the game. It is there that the last boss lives - the dragon.

You can get out of there only if you open the portal, defeating this evil and powerful creature. So think carefully before setting off as the hike will be challenging. How to find Ender and the portal to it in Minecraft?

What does it look like

Ender's components are two blocks. The first of them is a unique explosive component of this world, visually resembling a white cobblestone. The second is found in the original world and can be artificially created, but to get it, you need an obsidian pickaxe. There are also obsidian pillars in the shape of bizarre tall trees. It is also quite dark in this world, so try to navigate carefully.

How to get to Ender?

You can get to Ender through a special portal. It is somewhat reminiscent of the one that a gamer must make to move to hell, but it has a fundamental difference - it will not work to create it by an artificial method. If you thought that they would not force you to craft, then you are mistaken. Visually, the portal looks like a structure of 12 blocks surrounding an empty space, above which is lava. This is where you should go in order to be transported to the next world. To activate the mechanism, the eye of Ender must be placed in each of the blocks of the frame, which the player will need to create. When you complete all the components of the portal and activate it, a door will open leading you to the end of the game about building from cubes.

The last push

To craft an eye, you need fire powder and pearls. The latter falls from the Endermen - dangerous opponents with the ability to teleport. The second can be knocked out of Ifrit - a fiery spirit that lives in hell. A feasible task, but not an easy one. When you collect everything, start searching.

  • We take the eye of Ender in hand, using the right mouse button.
  • It will soar into the sky, and then fly towards the gate, leaving behind a trail of purple particles.
  • After flying three seconds, it will fall to the ground. After that, it can teleport or stay in place.
  • So you must continue to use it until you get to the gate. When they are found, the eye will descend underground and head towards the portal.
  • When you find the gate, place an eye in each of the cubes, after which they will open.

The world of Minecraft is much larger than you can imagine. Not only is it practically infinite, but there are also two well-known dimensions: the ordinary world and Hell, which were the first to be added to the game. However, during the release of the game (the release of version 1.0), another dimension was added - the Ender world or the Edge, where the endermen and a huge black dragon live. There are no resources in this world other than the endstone and obsidian. Many players ask the question: "How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft?" The answer is simple - nothing.

First of all, the portal is not done, but is located. But after you have found it, the blocks can be broken and taken with you.

How to get to the Ender world (Edge)

To get to the Land, on the one hand, is simple, but on the other, quite difficult. Because the portal to the Ender world can only be found in the underground fortress.

In order to find the portal to the End, you need to craft the Eye of the End from:

  • Pearls of Ender falling from Endermen;
  • Efrite powder that falls out of efreet.

They need to be thrown into the air and go in the direction where they fly. When the Eye begins to fall right on you, you can safely dig down. Directly below you is a portal to the Ender world. However, you need to dig very carefully, as there is a high probability of falling into the lava located directly under the portal.

What to do in the Ender world?

Your main task is to kill the main boss - the dragon of the End, which will appear immediately as soon as you enter the Ender world. The dragon will start circling, trying to attack you. Your task is to first destroy the crystals on the obsidian towers that heal the dragon, and then deal with it yourself. After killing a dragon, you will receive a dragon egg, which, without installing mods, performs a purely decorative function, as well as a reverse portal.

After killing the dragon, the only useful property of the End will remain that there are a lot of Endermen, from which the pearls of Ender fall.

How to get back from the Ender world (End)

So, you teleported to the Ender world, defeated the dragon, but how do you get back? There are two ways: die or use the portal that appeared at the place where the Ender Dragon died. For obvious reasons, I recommend the second method, because in this case your things will remain safe and sound.

How to find the portal to the Ender world (Edge) video

How to make a portal to the Ender world (Edge) video

Thus, the answer to the question "How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft?" does not exist, because this portal can only be found. Good luck with your search, Steve!

The Minecraft game world is incredibly large and besides there are several dimensions, including the Ender world, where the main boss and the endermen live. Apart from obsidian and the Enderstone, there is nothing useful here. Many will ask a quite reasonable question: "What then to do in this dimension, poor in resources?" Everything is very simple.

The fact is that to complete the Minecraft game, you need to destroy the main boss - the Dragon of the Ender. However, in order to kill him, you first need to penetrate into the End, and this can only be done through a special passage, which can be found only in the fortress. To find the portal, you will have to create an Eye of the End, and for this you will need efreet powder, which falls from efreet and Ender pearls, which crumble from endermen.

These ingredients need to be thrown into the air and moved in the direction of their flight. As soon as the Eye begins to descend on you, start excavations under you - this is where the entrance to the "End" will be. Care should be taken to excavate the passage, however, as there is a high likelihood of falling into the lava directly below the passage.

If you have no desire to waste time looking for a passage to the Ender world, then you can build it yourself. This is only possible with the TooManyItems mod or using administrative commands. The passage to the End can be made using 12 portal blocks and 12 enderman eyes, which are obtained in two ways.

Creating a portal using commands

Portal blocks, without which it is impossible to create a passage to Ender, can be obtained using a special command. To do this, open the panel by pressing (T) and enter / give 120 12, where the first number is the item ID, and the second is the number.

In the event that you have not yet managed to make a sufficient number of "Eye of the End" and you do not have the required resources - 12 enderman pearls and 12 powders, then all this can also be collected through the command line. To do this, enter / give 381 12.


This mod for Minecraft allows you to greatly simplify the gameplay and reduces the time required to achieve various goals in the game. TooManyItems gives you the ability to select the required items for yourself in one click, enchant without restrictions, change the weather and much more. So download the mod and get everything you need.

After you have all the components, you can finally make a portal to the End. To do this, you need to install 12 portal blocks in such a way that a frame is formed. To activate the portal, it is necessary to place one "Eye of the End" on each of the blocks. The passage is now ready.

What to do in the Land

Once in Ender, you will have to fight the Ender dragon, which attacks immediately after the player enters this world. You need to destroy the crystals on the obsidian towers that heal the main boss and only then tackle the dragon. After destruction, a dragon egg will drop out of the boss, which, without installing mods, plays only a decorative role. There will also be a passage that allows you to return to the familiar world.

After the death of the main boss, the Edge will be useful only because many endermen live here, from which the Ender pearls fall.

Return to the familiar world

So, you found yourself in the Edge and destroyed the main boss, but how do you get back to the familiar world? There are two options: to die or exit through a special portal that will appear where the dragon Ender died. It is better to use the portal, because then all trophies and valuables will remain with you in complete safety.

As soon as you start playing Minecraft, it becomes clear that you need to get to Ender, or the Edge, as soon as possible. There are three worlds in the game - Heaven, Hell and Ender. The edge is the final of all worlds. To get there, you must first complete your mission in Hell and Paradise. In other words, the most stubborn players with pumped skills fall into Ender. However, some still learn how to make a portal to Ender, and get into it ahead of time.

Before entering there, you need to know that the way back lies through the corpse of the boss. Otherwise, death awaits you. The coolest boss of Minecraft - the Dragon of Ender - lives in Ender, and you need to fight him. In this regard, before entering the Land, you must undergo thorough preparation.

Ender's world is an island in a state of zero gravity. Of the living creatures, only the Dragon Ender and the Endermen live there - white-eyed men of black color. They wander around the island. Also in this world there are pillars made of obsidian. The edge, or Ender, is a rather gloomy, desolate place. There is no change of day and night here, and the sky is always dull purple.

Step-by-step instruction

So, in order to get into Ender, you first need to find a portal to it. For game versions 1.5.2, 1.7.2, 1.7.5 and 1.8.3, this can be done as follows:

  • If you want to construct a portal, spending as few resources as possible, and generally make everything faster, then you will need 12 blocks and the same number of Eye of Ender artifacts. To create a portal to the End, blocks are placed on the surface of the earth in the form of a square with a side of 4 blocks, and the Eye is on top. Well, then a transition appears.

  • Here you will need the Eye again - you need to throw it, and it will fall in the direction where the portal is located. To find the portal, you have to wander through the labyrinth located below the surface of the earth. In this case, you need an artifact. When you find the portal, there will be 12 cells. You need to put artifacts in them, and then the passage between the worlds will begin to work.

Before moving to Ender, you need to sleep well. You also need to put things in a box, and in order not to lose them when entering the world, you should arm yourself with a sword carved out of stone.

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