Pokemon games where you can catch them. Catch them all. How the Pokemon game drove the whole world crazy. The rarest Pokemon in the game

Released in early July, a mobile phone game called Pokémon GO instantly rocketed to the top of the App Store and Google Play. It drives millions of people crazy in the USA and New Zealand (the game is currently only available in these and some other countries). We decided to figure out what kind of game this is and why everyone who has ever heard of Pokemon is playing it now.

Well, another Pokemon game came out, so what? There are hundreds of such games.

This game is not quite ordinary. The fact is that it uses the technology of so-called “augmented” reality: you turn on the camera on your smartphone, and a virtual image is superimposed on the image of the real world around you, with which you can interact. This technology has already been used previously in games such as Ingress. The most important thing is that during the game you do not sit in one place - in order to succeed, you need to constantly move around. So, when playing Pokemon GO, you will combine business with pleasure.

And how to play it?

It's very simple to play. You walk around the city and use your phone to scan everything around in search of treasured Pokemon. Here's a look at this video:

When you find one of the Pokemon, a virtual ball, the so-called “Pokeball,” will appear on your screen, by throwing which you can catch the Pokemon. Once you catch a few Pokemon, you can battle other players, gain experience, evolve your monsters, and eventually catch them all.

Sounds interesting. Why is there so much buzz around this game?

Well, firstly, because this game involves not just sitting at home in front of the monitor screen, but going outside. And there are other people on the street. Some of them also play Pokemon GO. This game involves live communication with people, and not virtual chats with strangers.

Secondly, in the short time that has passed since the game was released (the game was released in early July), it has managed to acquire a huge number of funny (and not so funny) incidents.

Come on, what happened?

To begin with, it’s worth saying that Nintendo shares rose by more than 25% after the release of Pokemon GO, increasing the company’s capitalization by $7 billion.

Some people find a girlfriend thanks to this game. So, one of the Reddit users said that during his next walk in search of Pokemon, he met a girl who also played Pokemon GO. As a result, the two discussed their collections of pocket monsters, and the guy asked the girl out on a date. And what do you think? She agreed. Checkmate, people who believe that gamers cannot find a girlfriend.

Another guy was driving around his city on a skateboard, trying to find his Pokemon. Completely immersed in this process, he did not notice the hole in the road, and the hunt for Pokemon ended with a broken face and a broken phone.

For some, this game helps restore relationships with loved ones - one guy very rarely communicated with his parents, and one day while going out for coffee with his mother, they decided to play Pokemon GO. As a result, after walking in nature for several hours, mother and son had a great time and agreed to go on the next walk with the whole family (they even decided to take the dog).

Nothing can distract a true Pokemon trainer from what he loves - not even the birth of a child. This guy decided to hunt right in the room where his wife was lying, who was ready to give birth any minute.

Some stories are not so rosy. For example, a girl from the USA found... a corpse during her Pokemon hunt. According to her, she was looking for Pokemon in the local river area when she noticed something strange in the water. As she came closer, she realized that it was a human body. The young hunter was not at a loss and quickly called 911, after which the police took up the matter. It was recently revealed that a group of robbers were using this app to ambush unsuspecting people in dark alleys. It's good that the criminals were eventually caught. Despite the fact that the game is extremely exciting, it is always worth looking around and monitoring what is happening around you.

That's it, I can't wait to go find these cute little creatures myself. When will this appear in Russia?

Soon. The developers have not yet given official comments (when they do, we will definitely write about it), but they simply cannot ignore such a huge audience in the person of Russian Pokemon fans. So get ready - soon an army of Pokemon seekers will take to the streets, exploring every crevice and loophole of Russian cities just to get their hands on the coveted monster.

If you ask any person what the name of the game is, where to look for Pokemon, then, of course, everyone will answer without hesitation - Pokemon GO. This mobile application has recently become the most popular entertainment around the world. In this small guide, we will tell you where and how to look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO, and also reveal some secrets of the game.

Catch 'em all

It is already known that the Pokemon GO universe has about 150 creatures. And since the franchise’s motto is “Catch them all,” most players can’t stop searching. So if you want to succeed in this matter, then it will be useful for you to know where and how to look for Pokemon. First of all, it is worth understanding that a creature can appear anywhere. You can catch Pokemon both on a busy street and in nature, in a cafe, cinema or even at home.

Common creatures, such as rats, birds or caterpillars, can be found in any park or in a flower bed near the entrance. But you will have to thoroughly hunt for rare pets. Many players make real forays into the industrial zone, to bodies of water, and far beyond the city limits.

Starter Pokemon

Each player will receive their first pet at the very beginning of the game. In this case, you can choose one of three Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charmander. Each of them has their own abilities and skills, so you should approach your choice with the utmost caution. After you acquire your first pocket monster, the game gives you complete freedom of action. From this moment on, most players think about how to look for Pokemon within the city.

Unfortunately, the zoning of the game does not yet work perfectly. So don't be surprised if you find a Pokemon in the middle of the street that definitely shouldn't be there. And at the same time, in an area that seems in all respects suitable for searching, you may not find creatures.

How to search for Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

There are several search methods. First of all, you can just circle around the city, hoping for luck. Of course, no one is saying that such tactics do not bring results, because many players acquired pets thanks to a successful coincidence of circumstances. But much greater results will come from following the tracks of specific monsters. How to search for Pokemon this way? You will learn about this in the next block.

Chasing a pet

First of all, select the Pokemon closest to you in the Nearby tab. After this, count the number of tracks leading to the creature. Now you need to go in search of a monster, which will take place according to the “hot and cold” principle. Moreover, if the number of traces increases, it means you have chosen the wrong direction. Go back and go the other way.

Remember that you are playing in the real world, and tracks, crosswalks, ditches and other obstacles are still there, so be careful. In addition, Pokemon GO in Russia is quite crude, so many users complain about frequent server freezes. So if the number of traces remains at the same level for a long time (3 legs), then there may be problems with the game, and you should wait until the connection is established.

Catching creatures

We've figured out how to look for Pokemon, now let's discuss how to catch them. Finally you have found a new pocket monster. Now click on the Pokemon with your finger so that it appears in full size. Next, you need to hold the pokeball and point it at the creature. In this case, you must get into the green or yellow circle. If the attempt was successful, then you will be able to watch how the trap draws in the Pokemon. In addition, the Pokéball should close, which will indicate that the monster has been captured.

But don’t be too happy about your victory, because the creature will continue to resist and may even break free. At the same time, the rarity and strength of the Pokemon determines whether the monster will escape from the trap. Stronger creatures must be caught using special improved Pokeballs, which can be purchased in the game store.

Special programs and add-ons

The game where Pokemon are searched - Pokemon Go - has acquired many applications and additional services that help all users better understand the mechanics of the search. The main set of such projects is concentrated on the main idea - “catch them all”. The essence of such applications is quite simple - users share information about where and when they caught this or that monster, after which this information is plotted on the map.

The absolute leader of such services is Poke Radar. This application for iOS platforms displays a map with the locations of captured Pokemon. Players can only study the map and, hoping for a lucky break, go on a search.

Since the “population” of monsters is quite dense, for convenience Poke Radar has acquired a filter that allows you to select and search for a specific Pokemon. In general, the application is quite useful and convenient, but you should not believe all the coordinates, because the database is unofficial, and therefore, many “unscrupulous” users enter false information.

Owners of the Android platform should not be upset, because many additional applications have been created for them to make it easier to find Pokemon. Of course, many of these services today are not as developed and advanced as Poke Radar, but by going to Google Play, you can find a useful program, for example, Poke Live. This application searches for the Pokémon closest to the user and shows their location on the map. The only drawback of the program is that the search area is limited only to the nearby area. That is, you will not be able to see Pokemon living on the other side of the city and, based on this data, plot a successful route.

Today there are many useful applications. These include Pokevision, Pokeflex, Pokefind, PokeCrew and others. Moreover, they are all free. But it is worth considering that the game appeared in our country relatively recently, so the data presented on these servers is still incomplete. But you can also get useful information from them.

Classification of pocket monsters

There are currently 18 types of creatures in Pokemon Go. Where to look for Pokemon depending on classification? First of all, you need to understand the range of a particular type of creature. As you know, the game divides the map of the real world into certain areas - biomes. Each of these areas is home to one of the types of Pokemon. And depending on the type of creature you want to find, you need to go to the area that is most suitable for searching.

Where can I find fighting type Pokemon?

Pocket monsters like Machoke or Primeape love to get into fights. So the best places to search for this type of Pokemon will be stadiums, sports centers and gyms.

Water type

The name itself tells you where to look for Pokemon of this type. Creatures like Slowpoke and Squirtle prefer to settle near water. So you need to look for them near rivers, streams, lakes and on beaches.

Magic type

Creatures of this species prefer to settle near landmarks, as well as in cemeteries and near and inside churches.


Pokemon of this type, as well as magical ones, live near attractions. So to find them, check the marks on the map.

Ground Pokemon

To look for such creatures, it is better to go to parking lots and playgrounds. In addition, these Pokemon can be found near roads, as well as near muddy streams and canals. In general, any cityscape will definitely attract Ground-type Pokémon.

Stone type

This type of Pokemon can be found near parking lots, train stations, highways, and any large buildings. In addition, such creatures love to settle in large shopping centers.

Ice Pokemon

In order to find creatures of this type, it is not necessary to go to the frozen corners of our planet. In warm countries, ice creatures nest in the grass growing near bodies of water. If you are looking for Pokemon in a colder country, then pay attention to any icy surfaces.

Flying monsters

Most often, Pokemon of this type live near agricultural land. In addition, these animals can be found in parks, forests, gardens, playgrounds, and places where there is a lot of grass.


These Pokemon prefer to settle near farms, in gardens, forests, parks and playgrounds. In general, any area with thick grass will do; even a flower bed near your house can become a home for the insect.

Regular Pokemon

Such pocket monsters can be found anywhere, even in your apartment.

Fire creatures

To search for such creatures, it is not necessary to climb into the mouth of a volcano and look for sources of open fire. type prefer to live in residential areas, but choose warm and dry places. In addition, you can find such monsters near the beaches.


This type is very rare and only a few players can boast of catching them. These Pokémon appear randomly near churches, and some trainers have reported catching these creatures in parking lots at night.

Psychic Monsters

Some Pokémon of this type, such as Abra, can be found in grassy areas, but such locations do not apply to the entire species. With a high probability, you can find psychic Pokemon in residential areas, but only at night. In addition, there is a high chance of meeting such a monster near and inside hospitals.

Steel creatures

Such Pokemon are most often combined with some other type, which greatly simplifies their search. After all, such combinations significantly expand the search area due to the additional type. Steel Pokémon can be found near large buildings, as well as near train tracks and forks.

Grass Pokemon

The name itself tells you where to look for Pokemon GO of this type. Such creatures prefer to inhabit areas with dense grass, such as forests and farms, as well as parks, gardens and golf courses.

Electric monsters

Such creatures can only be found in industrial areas, as well as in schools, institutes, and colleges. In general, to find an electric Pokemon, for example Pikachu, you need to go to a place with a high content of concrete.

Poisonous monsters

Of course, you don't have to go to polluted or dangerous areas to catch these creatures. After all, you can find poisonous Pokemon in places with high humidity. For example, in ponds or lakes. In addition, this type of monster sometimes appears in industrial areas of the city, as well as in large buildings, but this happens quite rarely.

This concludes our review of where and how to look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO. We hope our tips will help you find as many creatures as possible, making your collection of pocket monsters the richest and most diverse.

On the Internet, including in Russian, the game Pokemon GO from Nintendo, released a couple of weeks ago, is rapidly gaining popularity. Pokemon are caught all over the world, including in Russia and even in Revda - and this despite the fact that the official server has not yet been launched in our country. Even those who have not yet tried to catch them talk about Pokemon. Who are they and how does it work?

What is Pokemon GO?

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game created by Nintendo. The game, which gained enormous popularity, was released on June 6, 2016. A toy for smartphones and tablets running Android and iOS increased the price of shares of the Japanese company by 1.5 times in a week and a half. People catch Pokemon absolutely everywhere: in parks, hospitals, museums, offices. Regardless of social status. Thus, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin wrote about the caught Pokemon on his Facebook page.

The game has not yet been officially released in our country, but users have found ways to install it using workarounds and catching monsters.

Official video of the game

Who are Pokemon?

Pokemon is a "pocket monster" with unusual abilities. Nineteen years ago they were invented by the Japanese company Nintendo. She also released a series of games and an animated series, the filming of which is still ongoing. In Russia, they learned about Pokemon in the 2000s thanks to the series that was shown on TV. The main character of the cartoon was Pikachu.

The rarest Pokemon in the game

1st place - Blastoise. Transforms from Bartortle at level 36. II place - Ivysaur. The first stage is Bulbasaur. Evolves at level 16. Level 32 - Venusaur. III place - Machamp. Transforms from Machop upon reaching development level 28. In turn, during the exchange it turns from Machouka.

The Pokémon story is based on a fantasy world in which hundreds of different Pokémon live. In the games and cartoon series, they are caught and trained by people who call themselves trainers. Their main goal is to collect all the Pokemon and become the best trainer in the world.

Why is the game so popular?

First of all, it's free, so it's easy to download, install, and use. Secondly, an entire generation grew up with Pokemon, and for millions of people it’s nostalgia for childhood. They remember back then dreaming about what it would be like if Pokémon really existed in our world. And now their dream has become a reality. And thirdly, people are attracted to novelty. The phenomenon of the Pokemon GO game is in the rules by which it works.

What to do and how to play?

The rules are simple: you catch and train Pokemon. In order to catch a Pokemon, just start the game and turn on the camera, after which the “augmented reality” mode is activated. The player looks at the world around him through the smartphone’s camera, while the program overlays layers of virtual objects on familiar landscapes. There are three in total:

  1. The Pokémon themselves, which appear on the screen depending on criteria known only to the developers. There are currently 151 Pokemon in the game.
  2. PokeStops are places where you can get balls for catching Pokemon and other useful items. For example, eggs from which full-fledged Pokemon hatch (a Pokemon from an egg hatches when you walk 10 km).
  3. Sites where you can train Pokemon after reaching level five.

Yes, the game is designed for portable gadgets (phones and tablets), but you won’t be able to play while sitting, lying down, or driving a car. You can only search for Pokemon while walking: if you move at a speed higher than 16 km/h, movement (for example, that is required for a Pokemon to hatch from an egg) will not be counted.

Secrets add variety to the game: for example, you can catch ghost Pokemon at night, forest Pokemon in parks, and water Pokemon live on the banks of rivers, lakes and seas.

If the game itself is free, then some items for leveling up Pokemon need to be purchased for real money. From this, the game creators earn more than $1.5 million per day.

How to catch a Pokemon?

To start, you need to find the Pokemon on the map. And when it appears on the phone screen, you will need to throw a special red and white ball by sliding your finger across the touch screen. Hitting the Pokemon is not that difficult because it stands still. But if you miss, he will run away. The higher a Pokemon's level, the more likely it is to be able to break out of a Pokeball (red and white ball).

Photo // holographica.space

After leveling up your Pokemon in Pokemon Go to level five, you can train your Pokemon, then join a team and fight against other teams. There is such a proposal - about creating teams - in Revda right now.

To raise the level you need to catch Pokemon and visit different locations. In addition to improving characteristics, valuable in-game items are given for a new level.

Is it possible to download the game in Russia?

There is already a server for Russia, but not yet launched. You can download the game in application stores for Apple gadgets and Android devices. You should not download the game from unofficial sources.

Google Play, for example, has already noticed fake applications that look like a popular game, so don’t rush to download. Pokemon Go Ultimate has been downloaded by more than 50,000 inattentive users. As a result, the downloaded “game” turned out to be a screen blocker, which is transformed into a porn clicker - a program that generates traffic to “adult” sites.

Detailed instructions for downloading Pokemon GO:


  1. Sign out of your Apple ID. To do this, go to the App Store, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on Apple ID and sign out of your account.
  2. Open settings, in the “General” tab, find “Language and Region” and select USA.
  3. Try to download any free application from the App Store - you can go straight to Pokemon GO if the region has already been updated. You will be prompted to create an account.
  4. Submit it to the second post office, select USA in the “Country of Residence” column, then come up with an address (any) and postal code (you need a real one). Avoid filling out bank details.
  5. The game will start downloading. You can return to your native Apple ID, but then the application will not be updated. Internal purchases will also be impossible.


  1. Go to settings, in the “Screen lock and security” tab, allow the installation of applications not only from Google Play.
  2. Download the installation file. You can get it from the APK Mirror website.
  3. Click on installation and wait for it to finish.

Tricks for Pokemon GO

Like any game, Pokemon GO has its tricks. Both inside the game and outside it.

  1. You can't do without an external battery. At most, you will have time to catch a couple of Pokemon. The game is resource-intensive: three-dimensional graphics, real-time rendering, GPS, and camera mercilessly eat up battery power.
  2. The only thing you can use to get your Pokemon in order is potions.
  3. Evolve your Pokemon to at least level 10, and only then rush into battle. A character's power directly depends on his level.
  4. Can't drive a car looking for Pokemon? Take a bike. This way, finding Pokemon will be both faster and healthier.
  5. To save Internet traffic and battery power, download Google Maps offline maps. They are the basis of the game.
  6. And be smarter. To catch a Pokemon, you don't need to climb into buildings, climb over fences, or crash into passers-by. And it’s still worth looking around, and not just at the phone screen.

Public reaction

Disputes about the game, which instantly gained popularity around the world, are growing every day. Everyone considers it their duty to express their opinion about the sensational application. And Russian officials have already stated that the game was created by intelligence services to collect video information throughout the world.

Rospotrebnadzor issued a call to psychologists and teachers with a request to draw up an expert opinion on the possible consequences of the game Pokemon Go, TASS reports with reference to the head of the department, Anna Popova. Meanwhile, Sberbank and other banks are coming up with insurance for accidents while playing Pokemon GO.

Businesses are navigating the situation even faster: in the United States, owners of small cafes are installing modules to attract Pokemon. And it works. People over twenty years old are excited to catch imaginary animals on the screen of their smartphone. True, playing Pokemon GO can be dangerous.

So, in the USA, armed robbers were waiting for victims near the Poke Stop. They left beacons that attracted Pokemon, and therefore those who wanted to catch these Pokemon - who were holding expensive smartphones.

Criminals armed with pistols managed to rob eleven teenagers aged 16 to 18 years.

Just recently, social networks and the Internet in general were blown up by a new game from Niantic. This terribly interesting virus is called Pokemon Go. Very little time has passed since the official release of the application on smartphones (June 7, 2016), and residents of Australia, New Zealand and the USA were the first to catch Pokemon. A few days later, European countries joined the already multi-million army of players. In Russia, the game was released on July 17.

The developers' plans are amazing! In the future, they want to make the game available in 200 countries around the world, which will undoubtedly lead to the Pokemonization of the entire planet.

Who is Pokemon Go and how to play?

Pokemon Go is an augmented virtual reality game. Here you need to search and find Pokemon. The main highlight of the application is a journey through a real map of your locality. You can catch Pokemon on the street, in the forest, at the market and in the store. They can hide anywhere, which adds extra excitement to the game.

The developers made sure that Pokemon Go was as close as possible to the cartoon that was released back in 1997 at the same time as the cult one.

The game involves a real journey around the city, including training your pets, battles in arenas, etc. Thus, trainers (as Pokemon owners are called) will not have to be bored, locked in their rooms, but walk in the fresh air, collecting bonuses, coins, candies, eggs and much more.

How to catch Pokemon and why is it needed?

Catching animals is one of the main tasks in the game, which will allow you to gain experience points and get a really strong pet. Catching them is easier than or. But to do this, you first need to wander the streets, taking the name of the pokeballs with you.

Pokemon can be found in a variety of places. Moreover, their types depend on the area where they are located. For example, in the forest there are all sorts of worms, plants, and butterflies. In the city you can find various birds, ghosts and rats.

The distance to the Pokemon is determined by special trail icons in the main interface. One track is approximately 40 meters. As soon as a monster appears on the map near you, feel free to click on it!

This starts combat mode. Additionally, it is recommended to disable AR mode, as it is less convenient and consumes more battery power. You will definitely need it again.

Having discovered an animal in front of you, you need to hold down the Pokeball icon on the phone screen. At the same time, 2 circles will appear on the animal itself: a white, stationary one and a colored, dynamic one. There are 2 parameters here that determine a number of characteristics:

  • The larger the circle, the greater the chance of hitting a Pokemon and becoming its owner.
  • The color of the circle determines the difficulty of catching. So, a green tint means that it will be quite easy to take possession of a pet. Yellow color indicates medium difficulty. But red guarantees many problems in catching.

You can launch a Pokeball at a Pokemon by throwing it in its direction. The more accurate it is, the higher the likelihood of success and, accordingly, receiving a bonus in the form of XP. At the same time, you need to be prepared that when catching a Pokemon with a red circle, you will need to release a dozen Pokeballs, and they are not endless.

Collecting Pokeballs

Collecting pokeballs, like coins with eggs, can be done in 2 ways: buy or find. The first method is the simplest and does not require much knowledge or effort. But the second one is worth working on.

The first step is to find the blue dot on the map (PokeStop) and head there. As you get closer, you will see a cube starting to gradually rotate. When a sign appears in place of the figure, you need to untwist it. As a result, you can get several eggs, pokeballs, experience points, etc.

Blue dots can be located anywhere, be it a regular shopping center. For residents of small towns, the search may be difficult due to the small number of PokeStops. At the same time, there may be no training halls in small towns at all, which will become a big problem for the players.

Player level and inventory in Pokemon Go

When you have already taken possession of a fresh Pokemon, you can start leveling it up. The main indicator of an animal's strength is combat power - the average indicator of all capabilities, from hit points to age.

Additionally, each Pokemon has a maximum level of possible upgrade, corresponding to the level of the player himself. When increasing your level, it is recommended to upgrade your army of the most powerful characters. At the same time, you shouldn’t be disdainful of “trash” characters, since in the future you can turn them in to the professor and get candies with which you can upgrade your strongest pets.

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