Location of muscle cars (preparing for “Big Snatch”). The Big Score Gta 5 last robbery preparation

I think many people have had difficulty finding muscle cars in preparation for the Big Snatch mission or the robbery of a federal storage facility. If you don't know where muscle cars are, then this article is for you.

Of course, the game developers planned that each gamer would search for cars on their own. But I think many, like me, were too lazy to drive around the city and spend a lot of time searching. Therefore, let's leave this matter to the most devoted fans of the series, who like to play through the game slowly, enjoying every moment. And for those who want to quickly find these cars and continue the passage, this article was written.

Map of finding muscle cars in GTA 5 (Gauntlet). Click on the map to enlarge its size. Yellow dots mark the places where muscle cars are located in GTA 5. The first, second and third Gauntlet are marked.

And here is a close-up map of the location of muscle cars:

The first muscle car is located in a multi-level parking lot, to be more precise, on the fourth tier. In the screenshot below, the entrance to the parking lot.

We boldly rise and find our Gauntlet.

Finding the second and third muscle car in GTA 5 will not be a problem; if you just go to the points indicated on the map above, you will easily find them. Muscle cars will be waiting for you in plain sight:

Location of the second muscle car:

Location of the third muscle car:

I hope that many screenshots with the location of muscle cars (muscle cars), or as they can also be called - Gauntlets, helped you to find them. If you have any questions or would like to add to the article, feel free to write in the comments.

Good afternoon everyone. Gamebizclub team is in touch. Today we will talk about such a thing as money in GTA 5. Currency was a priority goal in all parts of the franchise - if you remember GTA Vice City or San Andreas, then all players were faced with meager payments for missions. But I wanted to buy all the real estate and weapons at once.

But since there wasn’t enough for anything, we had to become malicious cheaters. And if there were a lot of weapons, there weren’t enough for various types of buildings.

Having seen a golf club in the fifth part for $150,000,000, there was a great desire to buy it. If you play the game correctly, and know what and how to make money, then your cash will be many times greater than this 150 million, and the cache of all three characters will be measured in several billion dollars.

First, let's prioritize:

  • Don’t expect a miracle - if GTA 5 is completed, then repeating the missions according to our guide will not bring additional money.
  • Do not touch the assassination missions that Lester Crest gives out, except for those that need to be completed, we will indicate them. You will find completing Lester's missions not described in this article in our guide - how to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5.
  • Don’t spend what you earn, or spend as little as possible – every penny counts until you start playing on the stock exchange.

So, it’s enough to generalize everything - let’s move on to the specifics, namely the missions themselves.

From this article you will learn:

First case - The Jewel Store Job

Preparatory stage: some accomplices open up only after you help them get out of some kind of trouble. In this case, you will need a shooter, who is not in the list of accomplices by default.

To open it, walk to the Dollar Pills pharmacy near Aunt Franklin's house located in Strawberry:

Here you will have the opportunity to complete a random task from the category of weirdos and other strangers, which is called Getaway Driver. Patrick (Pucky) McReary, familiar to you from the fourth part, stands near the pharmacy with his partner, holding the pharmacist at gunpoint, and bickering about the lack of escape transport.

Franklin needs to quickly get a four-door car and, as soon as the bandits get into the car, break away from the police, fortunately there will be only two wanted stars, and there are railway tracks nearby where you can hide from pursuit.

It is important to avoid accidents, otherwise unlucky fellow travelers may run away from you. If everything is in order, they will give you $1000 and offer further cooperation.

In this mission, Michael de Santa and Franklin Clinton must rob the Vangelico jewelry store located in Little Portola in Rockford Hills. You are offered to choose between a quiet and loud option, everything is simple here - we choose the quiet one, because the less noise produced, the better.

Now let's select the command:

The role of the hacker is best played by Ricky, who was fired from LifeInvander. After the Friend Request mission, where you need to insert a bomb into a prototype phone, Ricky will call Michael and offer his services.

Although his skills look worse than those of other candidates for this role, there will be enough time to collect everything. Of course, you can hire a more experienced hacker, but he will have to pay more.

The shooter will be Packy, we described above how to open him. You may be wondering: why him?, and the answer is simple - he will be no less useful than Gustavo Mota, but at the same time his payment will be two percent less, and, as we said earlier, savings are everything to us.

If you compare Packie and Norm Richards, then everything is completely transparent - no matter how you go through the first robbery - you will lose Norm when trying to escape from the police.

In addition to the fact that you will lose an experienced shooter, thanks to whom there is a chance to earn extra money during the last robbery, you will also lose some of the money if you cannot drive through the bag accurately.

When choosing a driver, choose Karim Dents. Let's face it, he makes the chase a little more difficult since he chooses road motorcycles, but his services cost six percent less than Eddie To's, and the type of motorcycles, as you know, does not affect the amount of revenue.

Now, after the whole team is complete, you can go through the preparatory stages, and then proceed directly to the robbery; we won’t tell you how to break windows and ride motorcycles, otherwise there will be too much theory.

Case Two - The Merryweather Heist

Have you played as Trevor yet? Have you become familiar with his unique style and vision of the world? Now it’s time to tell you the whole truth - no matter what option you choose, no matter how ideally you implement it - everything is in vain, everything is meaningless.

How could a hot-tempered choleric like Mr. Phillips be trusted to plan a heist? Let's not languish, we will be able to pull off the robbery, however, there will be no payment, so here we suggest you take the path of least resistance, namely, choose the plan that is easiest to implement, in your opinion.

Lester's first kill

We will describe this mission in detail in our next article on how to make money on the stock exchange, but there are some nuances that you need to know now.

The “Murder – Hotel” task will have to be completed at a time when you still don’t have much money to trade on the stock exchange, but, nevertheless, there will be revenue, which means you won’t be able to miss this moment.

Before starting the mission with each character, go to the in-game Internet, namely the BAWSAQ exchange and invest all available funds in BettaPharmaceuticals.

Now destroy the target and wait the game day. As soon as the increase on PC is 50%, and on Xbox or PS3 it is 80%, sell assets.

Now wait another day and go to LCN, there buy Bilkinton shares, which have fallen in price by more than 30 percent, and be patient, because you will have to wait about 8 game days, after the shares have recovered in price, you can safely get rid of them, which will bring you approximately double your income.

Third case – Blitz Play

Just like in the second robbery, your characters will not gain any income, and this is understandable - carrying out dirty deeds that state organizations entrust to three bandits is a free activity by default. Thank you for not taking away the earlier loot.

Case Four - The Paleto Robbery (The Paleto Score)

Your characters are planning to rob a bank located in Paleto Bay. Unlike the first two cases, there is no choice in approach here, and team formation is limited to the selection of one shooter.

But you should not underestimate this choice, since a tidy sum depends on it, so we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with our tips below.

You will have five shooters to choose from, each with their own characteristics and payment terms. First of all, ignore Gustavo Mota - his share of 14 percent is not justified in any way, you have at your disposal no less experienced shooters who will do the job for less money.

Also brush aside Norm Richards, yes, that same long-suffering Norm who should have died in the first heist. The reason for this decision is simple - if you choose Mr. Richards, a police car will smash him against the wall and you will have to run after his bag of money.

Another shooter with a relatively low price for his services is Daryl Jones - he too will be put on the back burner for now, because the fate prepared for him in this case is identical to the fate of Norm Richards.

So, that leaves the Chief, Trevor’s business accomplice, and Packie, already familiar to you. In the default characteristics they are the same, and their share is two percent less than Gustavo's, so you can choose anyone.

Let's add - if you completed the first robbery using Patrick, then you should choose him, since the skill he acquired in the first robbery will make him more experienced than the Chief.

Whichever of these two you choose, they will be able to avoid death under the wheels of a car, and will also take some of the attackers with them.

Now you have a complete knowledge base for choosing a shooter; note that when leaving the bank, each character will have eight million dollars with a small tail on their back.

If you do not allow (or almost not allow) the pharaohs to shoot at bags of cash, then by the end of the task you will only lose that very small tail, and you will have $8,000,000 left behind.

Case Five - The Bureau Raid

Preparatory stage: as in the first case, you will need an accomplice who is not on the default list, so you will have to take on an additional mission. The event under discussion opens after the first mission, which must be completed as Trevor.

Drive any character along the highway between Paleto Bay and Grapeseed, in the place marked in the screenshot, you will find an overturned car, and next to her there will be a wounded girl - Taliana Martinez, after the protagonist's offer to visit the hospital, she will refuse and ask to take her to her friends in Sandy Shorrs .

Be careful, because too extreme driving with accidents or, conversely, driving like a snail, can lead to the death of a potential accomplice.

After the girl ends up at the alma mater of her friends, she will give her consent to the hero’s unequivocal proposal for further cooperation.

Once Taliana appears in your assets, you can proceed directly to choosing an approach and forming a team. Since only Franklin gets the cash for a successful case, choosing between the options is not so difficult - we suggest choosing option “B”, which involves entering from the roof, because it will bring 30 thousand more.

Finally, you can choose Norm Richards for the role of the shooter; of course, you can take a more experienced one, but, again, this will cost a pretty penny. It's important to remember that Norm is no worse than a minor horror movie hero - he dies wherever possible, so when choosing option "A", it is better to take Packy and Gustavo Mota.

The hacker will be Ricky Lukens - after the first robbery he gained a little experience, and this will be enough to implement your idea. Of course, you can choose a more skilled hacker, which will speed up the completion of mini-games, but we are saving money.

Driver. If you have gone through the preparatory stage described above, then there is no need to choose - Taliana is no worse than Eddie To, and the amount that you will have to pay her is much less - only 5 percent of the proceeds.

However, if Taliana is not open, we hope that Karim was involved in your first robbery - thanks to the experience gained in the first robbery, Mr. Denz will behave in the same way as other experienced drivers - will be waiting for you in an ambulance (for which he deserves special thanks from Michael, of course, not without a caustic mention of road motorcycles from the first case).

If Karim did not participate in the robbery of the jewelry store, you will have to run away from the cops at full speed in a minivan, which he will kindly provide.

The sixth case - The Big Score

The final robbery, which promises mountains of gold for your characters, can also be completed in two ways. Discard option “A” immediately, since by acting according to this scenario, you will earn 6 million less than possible. Therefore, select “B” and start selecting a team.

You will need two drivers - make Taliana the helicopter pilot, because with such driving skills and a small percentage for the work, she will be an ideal teammate.

Karim will be the train driver - he will cope with this very well, but if you put him at the helm of a helicopter, there is a chance of losing it.

You also need two shooters - considering the “obvious” option, it must be said that arrows do not really affect the completion of this task, so choose the cheapest ones available.

Random Events

So, we’ve dealt with the robberies, all that remains is a random event that will add $100,000 to your piggy bank, not so much if we consider it in the scale of existing finances, however, the ease of execution makes this money easy prey.

We are talking about the “City of Bicycle Thieves” events, of which there are only 2, but we are only interested in one of them, in which we have to return a stolen bicycle to the owner of the AnimalArk corporation. In gratitude, the guy will give you shares of his company worth about one hundred thousand dollars.

To kick off the event, visit Little Bighorn Avenue in the Ranch:

That's all for today. Share the guide with your friends on social networks and subscribe to blog updates. Bye everyone.

Participants: Michael, Trevor, Franklin

Depending on what is selected, this mission opens after completing tasks “” (Plan A) or “” (Plan B).

Plan A: Subtle

This is a less extreme version of the mission. We get into the car and drive to the point in the tunnel and wait for the collectors.
“Dude, relax. I have to shit my pants out of fear. I'm going to rob the biggest bank in the world."
© Michael
At Trevor’s signal, we drop the road spikes and leave. A cutscene begins. After it, we and the armored vehicles, whose wheels had been changed, reach the next point - the Federal storage facility.

Control is transferred to Franklin and he must control traffic lights to confuse opponents. Mikes and Tees are indicated by blue arrows. You need to let them pass at the green light, and keep Merryweather (red arrows) at the red light as long as possible to allow Michael and Trevor to drive away to safety. Everything is very simple - the traffic light has two positions: green or red.

After the traffic lights, our heroes are ambushed by Merryweather under a bridge. We take out our weapons and start killing everyone, using cover and dashes. There will be several waves of enemies, so use switching between characters as actively as possible.

When everything is clear, it's time to leave. We jump into the Charger and follow Michael.

Seeing a checkpoint at the other end of the street, we turn left and then right, exiting onto the highway. Use Franklin's special abilities to navigate turns.

Once you're under the bridge, drive up to the open doors of the truck and inside.

To get there quickly, use Franklin to slow down time. After this, we go to Michael’s house to complete the mission and watch a very emotional cut-scene with a quarrel between Trevor and Michael and Lester.

Completing the mission “Huge Jackpot - Subtly” by 100% (gold):
- Perform less than 10 traffic light changes.
- Finish the mission with at least 60% shot accuracy.

Plan B: Obviously

A more complex and confusing version of completing the mission, but, in successful scenarios, more profitable financially. Before this mission, you better buy each hero an RPG or grenade launcher with the maximum number of cartridges.
“The gold is not ours yet, but it’s already very close!”
© Michael
We get into the car and go to the bank. Once you get there, control will switch to Franklin. We begin to drill the wall with a tunnel boring machine.

We drive the driller back, go into the bank and place bombs on the grates (to the left and right of the hole). We blow them up.

After this, the police will appear from the room through which you drilled into the bank. We take a position and fire back. There will be two waves - the first will come from the south, the second from the opposite end, from the north.

We run and attach the grille to the helicopter cables. We hold back the NUP attack (they will appear from the hole in the bank wall) while the cells are lifted up.

Control switches to Trevor and we fly in a helicopter, carrying the gold. But soon control switches to Michael. We need to get out of the building with our partner.

We use cover and special abilities. When the helicopter appears, take the rocket launcher under the stairs and destroy it. We switch to Franklin and shoot down the second helicopter. Next, the opponents will alternate with helicopters, but we need to run to the desired point.

As a result, we will go down the stairs and find ourselves in the garage, there is a parking lot with wheelbarrows for departure. But before you leave there, you will need to fight off several waves of attacks. Use the rocket launcher or grenade launcher that we advised you to buy at the very beginning. But don't blow up the escape vehicles!

It would seem that everything is already done, but no. Three Merryweather helicopters will intercept your two helicopters. To get rid of them, just line up roughly in line with them, not too close, and Lester will shoot them down with the rocket launcher. Don't hover in the air or stop, act quickly.

Having gotten rid of Merryweather, we load the gold onto the train and return to the airfield to watch the cut-scene.

Unlike the finale of the “subtle” approach, there will be very little emotion in this video, in contrast to the money received.

Completing the mission “Huge Jackpot - Obviously” 100% (gold):
- Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.
- Drop gold on the train within 30 seconds.
- Complete a mission with at least 60% shooting accuracy.
GRC advice: therefore, it is better not to use

Michael and Trevor interact in this mission. They have to take away the entire train along with the locomotive. They will need a train in order to commit the most self-confident and ambitious crime of their lives.
We are moving to the railway station. We stay at a distance and shoot with a rifle at a couple of workers who are at the station. We see one in the control room, the other on the left platform. We go to the rails and redo something there. We transfer control to Michael. We fly in a cargo helicopter to the locomotive. We need to carefully fly up to the train from behind, fly along the train and attach the magnet to the locomotive when the moment is most appropriate. We pick it up and fly away to the trailer. Then we repeat the procedure in reverse order. We turn the helicopter using the tail rotor.
We do the same with the platform. We lower it onto the second trailer. This completes the mission.

100% completion
The task must be completed in no longer than 4 minutes 30 seconds.
During the capture of the railway line, you need to remain unnoticed.

The Big Score

This mission is the penultimate one. The passage described below assumes that the option of stealing a drilling machine was chosen. In this task, the heroes undertake the most ambitious undertaking of their lives. If everything goes as it should, they and their loved ones will not need anything until old age.
We select Michael and move to the robbery site. Michael will have to deal with distractions. We transfer control to Franklin when we reach the bank. Using a drilling machine we make a hole in the wall. Directly behind the hole are bars on which you need to install sticky grenades. We install and run to the side to blow them up. After that we go to the drilling machine. We take a position to kill the guards, who will begin to chase us through the tunnels. The first detachment will be in the south, the second will be in the north. We hide behind the structure, which is located near the exit from the tunnel.
After that, we run to the hole and attach helicopter hooks to the grille. A new wave of security will come towards us. We shoot everyone. We turn around and see guards descending on us from the hole. We get out of there by helicopter. Control passes to Michael.
We move to the gallery together with the mercenaries. We go down the stairs. We take out the grenade launcher and shoot down the turntable. We go to Franklin and run forward. Then we destroy another helicopter. We transfer control to Franklin. The NOSE team is rushing towards us along the alley, we deal with it. We make our way to the next gallery. We go up the stairs. You need to stay close to the team. We run forward and take out the grenade launcher. We shoot down a helicopter.
Now we follow the team around the building. There will be supports in the garage that you can hide behind. We escape there and fight off the attackers. We shoot at our opponents with a grenade launcher, but we need to do this in such a way as not to blow up the car in which we have to get away from the chase. We get into the car and leave. The task is not an easy one - to escape the chase with a five-star level. There will be so many cars chasing us that it will be almost impossible to pass. But we have an armored vehicle, which means we can drive through ravines, mountains and any off-road terrain in general, which is what we will do. We escape from the chase using walls and embankments. We use the radar to hide securely. It is better not to engage in battles, but simply to run away.
However, it doesn't end there. Enemy Merryweather helicopters want to intercept our helicopters, and we need to get rid of them. We fly up to each of them, staying in the air at the same level. You shouldn't get too close, otherwise Lester will be able to shoot down enemy air transport with missiles. We need to do this quickly, otherwise we will be shot down, and then the mission will fail.
We move towards the train, wait for it to pass under the bridge and take a more direct path, and drop the gold on it. Well, here we are, committing the most significant robbery in the lives of our heroes.

100% completion
The task must be completed in no longer than 16 minutes.
The accuracy of all hits during a mission must exceed 60%.
The gold must be lowered onto the train in 30 seconds.

The Last Dash (The Third Way)

This mission is the final one in GTA 5, and in it Franklin will have to make a difficult choice. In this description we provide one of three ending options.
We choose the option “Save both” and end the game in this way. We turn to Lester for advice. He says the best thing to do would be to set up an ambush at the factory. Michael and Trevor are already there. Everyone will take their place in the room and wait for a crowd of thugs.
There will be so many opponents that there will be no time to think about shelter. We behave quietly and run to another place only at the moment when such a need arises. The best weapon to choose is an assault shotgun. Franklin falls into a trap. At this moment we transfer control to Michael and clear the site. We transfer control back to Franklin when we hear Lamar. We get out of the shelter and go down the stairs. We get out through the door in the control room. We hide behind the car and fight off our opponents.
We transfer control to Michael again and kill the enemies in the center of the room. We run across the room and take a position near Trevor. A crowd of thugs will rush towards us again. We kill them and transfer control to Trevor. Together with Michael, we kill the mercenaries who will enter the room through the doors. We run after Michael and kill the enemies who attack Franklin. After that, we take out a grenade launcher and shoot at the cars that are coming towards us. Now we take the machine gun and clear the upper levels. We go around the building, hiding in shelters. First we kill the guards, and then we shoot down the helicopters with missiles.
And now the fun begins. Every hero wants to get even with the dudes who ruined their lives. Franklin attacks Chinese gangsters. He meets with the son of the underworld boss, and it turns out that the boss is also there. We get on the motorcycle and drive closer to the security. We go onto the highway and shoot the car in the center, then all the other cars will stop. Now we are going towards the rocks along the highway. We take out a grenade launcher and shoot at the boss.
We transfer control to Trevor. We go to the amusement park and stop halfway to the Ferris wheel. Using the scope on the sniper rifle, we find the FBI agents. We take a grenade launcher and break into their car. We get into our car and get out.
We switch to Michael. We're going to Stretch and his gang. We get out of the car and turn on Michael’s special skills. We take out a rapid-fire cannon and shoot everyone. These dudes are best shot in open combat.
We transfer control back to Trevor. We go through the main gate to the house, after that we go around it. We take out a machine gun. We shoot when we turn a corner or see a target. You can use Trevor's special skill. We find Devin in a basket near the pool. We're taking him to the coast. Game over.

100% completion
The task must be completed in no longer than 21 minutes 30 seconds.
20 people need to be shot with a precise shot to the head.
The accuracy of all hits during a mission must exceed 70%.
Stretch must be killed in hand-to-hand combat.
Steve Hynas needs to be shot with a clean shot to the head.
Chen needs to be killed with a sticky bomb.

How to make quick money in GTA 5. Profitable missions, robberies, GTA 5 tasks. Ways to make money.

Make money quickly GTA 5

In Game GTA 5 money is the main thing! To make money on a real estate car, you need to earn a lot of money. The user immediately faces the question “how to quickly earn bucks in GTA 5”, we will help answer this question: we will show you the most correct passage of missions (tasks), how to use the BAWSAQ exchange and much more.

The most important secret of making money in GTA 5 is to hold off on completing missions from Lester other than those necessary for the storyline), and during the gameplay spend your money sparingly. The main rule: The more money the character had before the task, the more earnings.

Earn money GTA 5 from robberies

Robberies bring the player the lion's share of money earned in GTA 5 (bucks are given only during the initial completion of the task, if you replay, the amount will not increase). The most profitable and profitable choice of heist plan is (almost always) the one where the partners make the least money.

    List of the most profitable missions - robberies (very quick money earnings):
  • 1) Jewelry Store GTA 5/ The Jewel Store Job
    Command structure:
    We choose Karim Denz as the driver, we hire the shooter Packie McReary and the network hacker Ricky Lukens.
    We choose tactic B. To get the maximum amount of time to collect jewelry, you need to take Ricky Lukens, recently fired from LifeInvader, into the team. The shooter Packie McCreary will cost us 2% less than Gustavo Mota, but will cope with the task no worse (this character will be unlocked after completing the mission at Franklin's house (Packie will look for a driver for his business).

    If your choice of shooter falls on Norm Richards, then you can lose a third of the money (during an epic chase with the police, he will fall off his motorcycle)

  • 2) The Paleto Heist / The Paleto Score (earn 8 million GTA 5 money)
  • Team members: choose the shooter Packie McReary (provided that he participated in the first task) or the Chief. The choice of tactics is not possible. Earning money in this case can be $8,016,020. But keep in mind that every time you are hit, the amount will decrease. You should not choose Gustavo Mota as a shooter, since his price is 2% higher than the others. Norm Richards and Daryl Jones will die from auto cops, after which you will most likely lose a third of the money.
  • 3) The Bureau Raid
    Tactics for earning the most money in GTA 5: (option B - you need to enter from the roof).
    The right team choice: shooter - Norm Richards, network hacker - Ricky Lukens, right driver Karim Denz or Taliana Martinez

    Franklin gets the money, and tactic B will add 30 thousand to the loot.

    Experienced hacker Ricky Lukens will hack the mini-game much faster. Norm Richards will do just fine if everything goes according to plan B (if he chooses A, he will die). Talian's driver will do his job without incident (cheaper than Eddie To by 9%).

    To unlock this character, you will have to go to the northeast. Taliana Martinez was in an accident and was near an overturned car; she would need to be taken (before she died) to Sandy Shores.

  • 4) “Huge Jackpot” / The Big Score (huge amount of GTA 5 money)
    A tactic called "obvious", B
    Team composition: Karim Denz should be the driver, Taliana Martinez will fly the helicopter, the shooter is not important, except for Gustavo.

    This is the most dangerous and money-making business in GTA 5, where you can get $41,664,000 for each of the characters. Taliana will ask for 5% of the money from the loot, and will be the best pilot, Karim is best suited for the driver, because the helicopter will crash and you will earn less money.

  • Earn GTA 5 money the right way!
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