Analysis of the atelier game. Designing a role-playing game “Atelier” with children of the preparatory group. stage – preparatory

Ekaterina Medvedeva
Designing a role-playing game “Atelier” with children of the preparatory group

1. Objectives:

To consolidate knowledge about the profession of seamstress, dressmaker, cutter, fashion designer.

Develop coherent speech, dialogic interaction between children. Expansion and activation of vocabulary (profession, work, studio, factory, seamstress, dressmaker, cutter, fashion designer, clothing, fabric, sewing machine, thread, scissors, meter, cut, sew).

Foster respect for the work of employees studio.

2. Preparing for the game:

Date Making attributes Enrichment with impressions Teaching game techniques


October Creation of a collection of fabrics, silk ribbons, threads, buttons.

Making clothing sketches

Collection of magazines about sewing, knitting, needlework

Prepare order forms

Prepare simple and colored pencils Observe the work of a wardrobe maid in a kindergarten

Reading works: S. Mikhalkov "Tailor Hare", S. Pero "Cinderella", Viktorov “I sewed a dress for my mother”

Examination of tissue samples.

Looking at fashion magazines.

Application "Doll in a beautiful dress".

Making attributes for games with the involvement of parents (set of fabrics, ribbons, buttons, threads). Learn to combine fabrics by color, texture, pattern

Introduce different types of fabric

Show how clothing sketches are created

Learn how to take measurements

Learn to walk on the catwalk

Learn to decorate clothes

3. Long-term plan preparation for the game"House of Fashion"

Subjects Roles Attributes Game actions Speech figures

"Fashion house"

Fashion designer

Fashion magazines, a collection of fabric, buttons, colored and simple pencils, colored paper, album sheets, clothing templates, a mirror.

They invent and create new clothing collections; draw sketches, select fabrics for new clothing models, decorations for them, accessories (buttons, zippers). I would advise you...

I can offer you.


Measuring tapes, notepad, screen. They take measurements from models, draw up and make patterns, and cut fabric. Turn around please...

Please raise your (hand...

Seamstress Measuring tapes, sewing machine, fabric, ironing board, iron, screen. Sew clothes adjust it to fit.

Please come tomorrow for a fitting...

Administrator Teaware, fashion magazines, telephone, computer. Greets clients, invites them to wait, treats them to coffee, tea, offers to look at magazines

Good afternoon, we are glad see you in our fashion house!

What can I offer you?

Goodbye, we will be waiting for you again.

Receptionist Order log, receipts, pen, pencil, ruler. Receives and issues orders to customers, prepares order documents.

Hello, please fill out the form.

Models Mirror, comb. Shows an outfit, walks along the catwalk Hello, we would like to present you a new collection...

Customer (client) Purse. Selects clothes, style, color of fabric. Places an order.

Try on the product, pay, pick up the order. Hello, I would like to sew (dress, trousers, blouse).

Can you help me?

Related stories

Security guard Walkie-talkie, uniform Maintains order Hello, if you have any problems, you can contact me...

4. Move games.

1) Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Cinderella well. The girl invited to the ball at the palace did not have a beautiful dress. The fairy godmother, with the help of her magic, was able to help her, and Cinderella danced at the ball in a beautiful, fluffy dress decorated with sequins and lace.

Sewing a dress with one wave of a magic wand is possible only in fairy tales.

2) Today I want to reveal the secret of creating clothes in real life, not in fairy tales. On the eve of our prom, I suggest you guys visit "Fashion house". There you can see the latest trends of this season, learn to combine different colors and textures of fabric with each other, choose fabric for sewing a ball gown, place an order for sewing the dress of your dreams!

To start our game, we need to assign roles. A magic chest will help us with this.

Children take turns taking out pieces of paper with the name of the role. Educator is a participant in the game process. His role is also determined using a magic chest. (Artist - fashion designer, cutter, seamstress, administrator, receptionist, customer, model). The number of players can be increased by adding the role of the customer and the model.

3) The fashion house opens its doors, clients are greeted by a friendly administrator. The rest of the children take their places according to their assigned role. The administrator accompanies the customer to the receptionist, where the order is placed and forms are filled out. The artist-fashion designer shows the client various styles of clothing and fabrics. Gives advice on choosing a dress. The cutter takes measurements. The seamstress, having in hand the dimensions, style of the product, and the fabric of the chosen color, begins to sew. During this time, the client can sit on the sofa, drink tea or coffee, watch a fashion show or look through magazines. Educator shows an example of dialogic interaction with participants in the game action. Next comes independent development plot, children's play interaction.

4) If necessary teacher can take on a role again, help children resolve conflict situations, and, if necessary, interest them in new things plot(arrival of new fabric samples, fashion magazines).

5. End games is a fashion show, demonstration of products. Conclusion games The end of the work of a fashion house can also serve.

6. By assessment games This may include children’s emotional responsiveness to the game, taking on the role assigned by lot, resolving conflict situations through an agreement among themselves, and maintaining their role until the end of the game action.

Elena Schemchik
Role-playing game “Atelier” for children of the preparatory group (6–7 years old)

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 36 "Naiyral" combined view of the city of Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva

Direct educational activities

« Role-playing game« Studio»

preparatory group



first qualification category

MBDOU No. 36, Kyzyl

Schemchik Elena Dombash-oolovna


Subject: story-based role-playing game"Studio"

Age children: preparatory group(6-7 years)

Integration of areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Types of children's activities: gaming.

Planned results: active use of substitute objects by children; the ability to organize a play space, forming friendly relationships in a children's team.

Target: Develop


Educational studio.

Developmental: to form a skill



Sewing tools (thread, measuring tape, tailor's ruler, thimble, scissors, crayons)

fashion magazine,

Order forms

Ironing board.

Rack for dresses.

Album with fabric samples

Samples of ribbons, locks, braid, lace, buttons, fabric samples, fabric

Patterns and fabric patterns.

Cash machine


Credit card




Doll clothes of various accessories (male, female)

Mannequin for dolls


Layouts of paper dolls and their clothes



Sewing machine

Tape measure,


8 tables

ICT: TV, laptop, stereo system.

Form of activity: joint activity between an adult and children.

Methods and techniques: game actions, discussion of the progress and results of the game, joint playing with children.

Vocabulary work: Expand words knowledge children: studio, seamstress, dressmaker, cutter, fashion designer, ironer, clothes, fabric, sewing machine, thread, scissors, meter, cut, sew, measuring tape, thimble. Improve speech activity children in role-playing dialogues. Educate through play friendly relationships between children, the ability to take into account the interests of peers.

Preliminary work: Presentation "Trip to studio» ;

looking at illustrations in magazines on the topic « Studio» And "How clothes are sewn". Experimental activities "Tissue Properties"

Conversations: Items that decorate clothing. "Types of clothing" "The Story Told by a Button". "Where do threads come from". "How to take care of your clothes". “What kind of fabric can you sew from?” Observing the work of a wardrobe maid in a kindergarten (repairs clothes). Meeting with sewing workers studio(parents) Reading works: S. Mikhalkov "Tailor Hare", B. Zakhoder "Dressmaker", M. Main "Button", Brothers Grimm "The Brave Little Tailor", N. N. Nosov "Patch".TO. Ldov "Seamstress".

Making riddles about sewing supplies. Didactic games: “What wool do you have?”. "Designer" Examination of tissue samples "National clothes". "Types of clothing". "Who's doing what?", "Arrange your clothes according to the season". “Name the details of the clothing”. "I'm not afraid of needles"(Goal: To consolidate the ability to safely handle a needle; develop fine motor skills, cultivate attention, perseverance).

Manual labor: "Sew on a button". Album making "Fabric samples". Creation of collections of buttons and threads. Making coins, banknotes, making origami wallets.

Drawing: “We decorate a sundress for a young lady” (Dymkovo painting). Application: “Let’s decorate the doll’s dress” Working with parents. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (display case, ironing boards, sets of fabrics, buttons, threads, patterns, etc.)

Roles in the game: customers - 3 children, receptionist - 1 child, cutter - 1 child, seamstress - 2 children, ironer - 1 child, sewing machine repair mechanic - 1 child, fashion designer - 1 child, photographer - 1 child, salesperson - 1 child, cashier - 1 child, administrator – teacher.

Progress of the game:

1. Organizational moment

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" to each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

“Hello!” and “Good afternoon!” to everyone;

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


(Singing a song "We're going, we're going, we're going" children get on the bus and pay for the fare, and when the song ends, they go to the bus stop « Studio» )

Beginning: Attention! Attention! Come to studio, fix the dress. Sew skirts and sundresses for Olya, Tanya, Katya. We complete orders on time! The atelier here is top class. Your blouse is ready, and you have your fitting again. A jacket for you, a vest for you, There is no more reliable atelier! (The children stand around teacher.)

2. Introductory part

Educator: - Guys, we will be there today play with you in the studio for our dolls.

Let's remember who works in studio(administrator, fashion designer, cutter, seamstress, ironer, sewing machine repair mechanic)

What kind of work does the receptionist do (this is the person who takes orders, writes down on receipts whose fabric it is and what they want to sew from it) -What does a fashion designer do? (he creates sketches of clothes)-What kind of work do seamstresses do? (a seamstress sews fabrics on a sewing machine); ironer (ironer - irons the linen on an ironing board using an iron; cutter (cutter - takes measurements with a centimeter tape and cuts on the fabric using scissors) - Craftsmen work atelier all together, friendly.

3. Main part

Educator: Well done boys! Now let's distribute the roles using a little counting rhyme.

Teacher distribute roles(counting rhyme)

They sat on the golden porch

Tsar, prince, king prince,

Fashion designer






The rest of the children are visitors « Fashion studio» .

I will be the director of our studio, monitor the work of all employees so that our visitors are satisfied. Children (workers studio) take their places at the tables, wear special clothes (aprons).

Educator: All jobs are occupied and we are opening! Administrator: - Welcome to our studio! Please come in, our receptionist will take your order! (Visitors enter with dolls.)

In the meantime, we invite the rest of the waiting visitors to sit comfortably near the coffee table and look through the new season's items in fashion magazines.

Receptionist: - Please sit down and tell me what you would like to sew

Customer: - “Hello, I would like to sew a new dress from you, please advise which style will suit me, what is the best fabric to choose for sewing the dress.

Administrator: - Our famous fashion designer can help you with this. He will help you choose the right fabric and style. This is not always easy to do. The models are different, the fabrics are different: chintz, cotton, silk. They can have different colors and different patterns. There are so many tricks here!

Fashion designer: what kind of dress would you like to sew for your doll - festive, business, home; long or short; with long or short sleeves, or sleeveless; with closed or open. Which fabric do you like best (the fashion designer offers to choose a sketch of a particular product, fabric of the customer’s choice)

Customer: Where can I buy fabric for a dress.

Receptionist: -You can purchase fabric in our store "Patch"

Salesman:- Hello, what kind of fabric would you like to purchase and why?

Buyer:- I would like to purchase fabric from you for a dress for a doll

Salesman: Choose fabric to suit your taste, our department sells lace, braid, threads, buttons, (buyer selects product)

Buyer: How much is it?

Salesman: From you.... rubles. The goods are paid for at the checkout, you can pay with a credit card. (buyer pays and presents a receipt for the goods). Thank you for your purchase!

Receptionist: Please tell me your details, I will place an order. (The receipt is issued in two copies, one of which the receptionist gives to the customer, and the other puts in the fabric and offers to come for a fitting the next day)

Receptionist: We will inform you about the finished order by phone. Now go to the cutter, she will take your measurements for your dress. (The cutter takes measurements.)

Please come tomorrow for a fitting

(During the game, the cutter makes patterns, cuts the fabric, selects a suitable pattern, traces the contours of the sample on the fabric with a simple pencil, then cuts (cuts) clothes and tries them on for customers.

The administrator receives a call from a seamstress that their sewing machine is broken and they urgently need to invite a machine repairman. (the master comes and repairs the machine)

Finger gymnastics

We all sew the dress together,

We won't let anyone down. (They sew like on a machine)

It took a long time to thread the thread, (depicts threading a needle)

The knot was then knitted, (do rotational movements with index fingers)

Cut off a piece (connect index and middle fingers)

Stitched along the stitch (depict wave-like movements from right to left)

Hot iron seam

They straightened him out so that he could lie down. (Run your fist horizontally across your palms) .

Everyone was invited to join us soon,

They dressed up and showed it off. (Make hands along the body from top to bottom)

Cutter cutting fabric (on album sheet) According to the pattern, the details of the clothing are taken to the seamstress, and then to the ironer. The ironer irons the clothes, hangs them on hangers, and takes the clothes to the receptionist.

During the game, the administrator supervises and directs the work in the workshop. Children perform play actions in accordance with the chosen role)

Administrator: Dear customers, while your order is being processed, we invite you to visit our display of finished products. (Pupils show various outfits on paper dolls in a semicircle "clients".)

Customer: See if my order is ready.

Receptionist: I'll gladly have a look. Your product is ready, you can pick it up and receive your order from the packer.

Customer: Thank you. Goodbye. Administrator: - You are satisfied with the work of our masters. We hope that this is not our last meeting. We did our best. Look how beautiful our dolls have become. You can capture models with a photographer

Thank you for visiting our studio!

The photographer offers to photograph their beautiful dolls.

During the game the teacher encourages politeness: “Clients, customers, do not forget to thank the craftsmen for the finished products.”

Goodbye. “The work day is over, it’s time to go home” The children get on the bus and return to kindergarten.

4. Outcome directly educational activities


Children tell themselves what they did (about his activities). Educator: Guys, today we played in the studio. Who worked on making our clothes?

Tell the receptionist what you ordered today? - Tell the fashion designer, what styles did you come up with and how did you decorate the clothes? - Tell me, seamstress, which outfit was the most difficult to sew? - Tell your clients, were you satisfied with the result? Did everyone get what they wanted?

Educator: Guys, let’s now show our clients what we’ve done. (Children demonstrate clothes like models to the music).

Educator: Tell us about the clients whose work you liked the most and why? Who was the most polite? Who would you contact again? ( Educator evaluates using a book "Feedback and suggestions") Educator: Guys, we have this book "Feedback and suggestions". Let's now take this book in our hands and say what you liked most, so that you change in our studio will we still be play in the studio?

Introspection role-playing game: « Studio» .

Educator: Schemchik E. D.

Target: Develop children's interest in role-playing games, help create a gaming environment. Learn to select attributes for the game.

Give an idea of ​​the different professions in studio. Cultivate friendships in the game.


Educational: introduction to the professions of workers studio.

Developmental: to form a skill children are divided into subgroups according to the plot games and, at the end of a given game action, unite again into a single team. Continue to expand and consolidate knowledge children about working in a sewing studio. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game.

Educational tasks: To cultivate respect for the work of seamstresses, fashion designers, cutters, to expand the idea that their work is collective, that the quality of another depends on the conscientious work of one person. Strengthen the ability to safely handle a needle; develop fine motor skills, cultivate attention and perseverance.

I built the game situation as follows.

In the organizational aspect, I used a greeting ritual.

Then she invited the children to get on the bus, where the children sang along to the song "We're going, we're going, we're going" children while on the bus. paid the fare with the conductor and got off at the stop when the song ended « Studio» .

Each child was given the opportunity to self-actualize; all children received roles with the help of a counting rhyme.

I think that children there was a steady interest in the game thanks to the created conditions, preliminary conversations, viewing pictures, preparation attributes through joint efforts children, teacher.

The children tried to follow the rules of the game and interacted with each other.

I am like teacher tried to form children the ability to correlate the role name with a specific set of actions and attributes; use different types of relationships between different role positions. ABOUT cognitive activity of my children one might say following: The children were interested attentive, active, friendly. Independence was observed in verbal communication with others.

I think the introduction of attributes into the game is pedagogically justified. The equipment I used in the game meets the aesthetic requirements. It's bright, colorful, attractive, safe and convenient to use. I believe that a game is of invaluable importance, first of all, for the social development of the child; it reveals for him the meaning of existence in society, the meaning of communication. Children have good knowledge of this topic. The game reflects all the tasks, they are age appropriate children. Story-based role-playing game was conducted with children 6-7 years old and lasted 35 minutes. I believe that the set goal and objectives have been achieved.

Game Atelier "Thumbelina"

Target. Formation of labor skills, development of children's creative imagination. Formation of preschoolers’ ideas about what an atelier is and why it is needed. Formation of the ability to comply with learned norms and rules of culture of behavior in public places. Fostering respect for the work of studio workers.

Game material. Album “Types of Fabric”, fashion magazine, cards of types of clothing, clothing patterns, cardboard, pencil, ruler, measuring tape, scissors, sewing machine, hoop and napkins for embroidery, threads of different colors, notebook, mirror, pieces of fabric of different types.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the studio. Excursion to ready-made clothing and fabric stores. Conversation with studio workers. Examination of illustrations on the topic “Atelier”. Making, together with the teacher, attributes for the game. Drawing clothing samples.

Game roles. Receptionist, cutter, dressmaker, customer, artist, studio manager.

The customer is looking at a fashion magazine, selecting fabric

Based on the chosen model, the cutter places the pattern on the material, traces it and cuts it out. The seamstress sews the pattern pieces.

Type of activity: Socialization.

Tasks: introduce the professions of fashion designer and secretary; fix the names of the profession of people who make clothes (seamstress, cutter, ironer); develop the ability to work with information; plan and carry out its activities; cultivate respect for the work of studio workers.

Goals: create a culture of behavior in public places; help create a play environment; establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles; develop the ability to play according to your own plans; stimulate creativity and friendliness.

Preliminary work: video presentation “Journey to the Atelier”; looking at illustrations in magazines on the topic “Atelier” and “How clothes are sewn”; drawing “Decorating a sundress for a young lady” (Dymkovo painting).

Materials for the lesson: ironing board, iron, sewing machine, fabrics, doll clothes of various accessories (men's, women's) on display hangers, models of paper dolls and their clothes, mannequin, measuring tape, thimble, notepad, telephone, dolls.

Progress of the lesson

Pupils stand around the teacher.

Educator: Guys, today we will play with you in the studio for our Thumbelina dolls. Let's get acquainted with the new professions of fashion designer and secretary. The secretary, guys, is the person who takes orders and answers phone calls, he will meet our visitors. The fashion designer creates the style of clothing, i.e. offers you, the customer, a sketch of what the finished product will look like, taking into account your wishes.

Tell me, please, what professions related to tailoring are you already familiar with?

Pupils' response : seamstress, ironer, cutter.

Educator: Please remind me of the tools and what is the work of each of these professions?

Pupils' answers : A seamstress sews fabrics on a sewing machine, an ironer irons clothes on an ironing board using an iron, a cutter takes measurements with a measuring tape and cuts them on fabric using scissors.

Educator: Well done boys!

Now let's distribute the roles:

Educator: I will be the director of our atelier, monitor the work of all workers so that our visitors are satisfied.

Secretary - Bogdan.

Fashion designers - Polina, Taisiya, Diana.

Cutters - Marina, Kirill.

Seamstress - Yesenia.

Ironer - Danil.

Educator: All jobs are occupied and we are opening!

Welcome to our atelier! Please come in, our secretary will take your order!

(Visitors enter with dolls.)

In the meantime, we invite the rest of the waiting visitors to sit comfortably near the coffee table and look through the new season's items in fashion magazines.

(Pupils who have placed an order go to the fashion designers, who offer to choose a sketch of a particular product, at the customer’s choice, select the fabric, then go to the cutters to take measurements. The cutters, having cut out the details of the clothing on the fabric according to the pattern, take them to the seamstress, and then to the ironer.)

Educator: Dear customers, while your order is being processed, we invite you to visit our display of finished products. (The students show various outfits on paper dolls to the “clients” located in a semicircle.)

Invite the students to continue the game themselves, changing places if desired.

Educator: Your order is waiting for you. Thank you for visiting our studio!

Nina Emelyanova
Designing the role-playing game "Atelier" in the senior group


1. Expand and enrich children’s understanding of the work of workers studio: dressmaker, cutter, receptionist, coherence in their work. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game.

2. Develop the ability to independently create game ideas, stimulate creative activity in the game

Improve your ability to interact with each other along the way games, perform game actions, acting in accordance with the rules and the general game plan.

3. Form friendly relationships in the game, cultivate responsiveness, skill kindly evaluate the actions of other people, enrich the vocabulary with formulas of verbal politeness.

2. Preparing for the game:

Making attributes:

Order forms

Catalog of clothing models

Cash machine (from cardboard)

Making clothing patterns

Cardboard figurines of dolls

Enrichment with impressions:

Excursion with parents to atelier and store"Fabrics"

Conversation based on pictures, postcards "What did you see in studio

Looking at illustrations on the topic

Didactic games: “Who has what?”, "Who can name more actions", "What from what", “Choose an outfit for the doll”

Reading fiction literature: B. Zakhoder "Dressmaker", M. Main "Button", A. Westley "Two Dressmakers"

Teaching gaming techniques:

Learn how to take measurements.

Learn to use a pattern for clothing patterns (dress, T-shirt)

Learn how to fill out order forms

Use sewing machines

3. Long-term game preparation plan « Studio»





Manager studio



Order forms

Sewing machines


Sewing tools (centimeter, scissors)

Clothes pattern


Ironing board

Catalog of clothing models

Ready-made dolls


Game actions:

Receptionist - takes the order, offers a catalog of clothing models and writes down on the order form whose fabric it is and what they want to sew from it.

The cutter measures the fabric, takes measurements from the customer, and makes a pattern from the fabric.

Dressmaker - basting clothes, then sewing them on a machine.

Manager studio– monitors order fulfillment and resolves conflict situations.

Cashier - receives money for work done, gives change.

Customers order clothes.

Speech figures:

“Hello, what would you like to order?”, “Check out the catalog of clothing models”, “I would advise you”, "Please", “Which fittings are suitable for this model”, "Let's use this pattern", “Give me this pattern”, "Thank you for your work".

Related stories:

shop "Fabrics"






All kinds of paper rolled into small rolls (textile)



Game actions:

Seller - listens to wishes buyer and offers different types of fabric, cuts off the required amount of fabric.

Buyer - chooses fabric, punches the receipt and takes away the purchase.

Speech figures:

“What kind of fabric did you want to buy?”, “How much fabric do you need to cut?”, "Thank you for your purchase".


Roles: taxi driver;

Attributes: a car made of chairs and a large builder, a steering wheel;

Game actions: Changes gear, steers, drives up to the store "Fabrics";

Speech figures: “Where do you need to go?”, "Please pay travel» .

4. Move games.

1) Techniques for creating interest in the game.

Educator: There is a saying “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted by your mind”. At all times a person is very attentively related to his appearance. And when you are going to kindergarten, you also choose an elegant suit or a beautiful dress. It's nice hear: “You look so good!”. Here are our dolls too Let's try to dress fashionably, stylish and beautiful. Help us solve this problem studio"Fashionista".

2) Conspiracy to play.

The children agree to play a game.

A) Educator together with the children, outlines a rough plan - game plot: taxi ride to the store "Fabrics", purchasing fabric, choosing a clothing style, placing an order, taking measurements, fulfilling the order, payment, issuing the finished product.

b) Children choose their own venue games and necessary attributes,

V) Educator Allows children to independently assign roles using a wonderful bag of cards. There may be a dispute over leading roles. In this case, you can contact the children themselves with question: “Who do you think would be better suited to play this role?”

Children play independently.

3) Techniques for teaching game actions.

If your child is having difficulty playing, teacher asks the stronger child to show how to play this role. Encourages politeness and mutual assistance. The teacher can show, how to use an imaginary needle, how to thread it, how to sew with it.

4) Techniques for maintenance and development games.

For supporting teacher games in the role of a journalist interviews the manager studio"Fashionista", in which he asks to talk about modern fashionable fabrics and new products of the season. Additional attributes (microphone, voice recorder).

5) Techniques for forming relationships in the game.

To attract inactive children to play, teacher proposes to introduce related stories: taxi driver (construction and management). Encourages communication, caring for each other and mutual assistance.

5. End games

1) Today at studio we did a good job and now let's try on new clothes for the dolls (with musical accompaniment). The teacher asks the children what role they liked.

2) Educator shows children figurines from fairy tales characters: Malvina, Cinderella, Snow White and offers to draw new outfits for them, showing your imagination.

6. Evaluation games

1. Educator Together with the children, he analyzes the relationships in the game, asks the children whether they played together and whether they always managed to come to an agreement. After the answers, he gives his assessment of the relationship.

2. Educator asks several guys if they coped with the role they played in the game. What were the difficulties? Was it easy to fulfill your role? What role would you like to play? About whom can we say that he will always come to the rescue in difficult times? At the end teacher expresses his opinion.

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