Means card 9 spades. The values ​​of the cards for fortune-telling. The designation of the rest of the cards

When fortune-telling, the correct interpretation of each card plays a very important role. In addition, you need to understand the meaning of each suit as a whole and know what combinations of different cards can mean. The value of the cards in fortune-telling will allow you to correctly interpret the information received.

The meaning of playing cards

Very often a deck with 36 cards is used for fortune telling. According to professional fortune-tellers, it provides reliable information. As a rule, divination layouts are not difficult, therefore, knowing the meanings of the cards when fortune-telling with 36 cards, you can perform the ceremony yourself.

Values ​​of the cards of the suit of spades

Peaks are associated with the element of air and reflect life events associated with losses and troubles.

Cards of this suit during fortune-telling are interpreted as follows:

  • Ace symbolizes winter and nighttime, it can herald the receipt of a message with bad news or bereavement;
  • Six is ​​a long and not very pleasant trip;
  • Seven - unforeseen quarrels and conflicts that will lead to nervous breakdowns and tears;
  • The eight symbolizes the house of a stranger, but a very important person, and also portends sadness and bad luck;
  • Nine - a break with your closest friend and the need to go on a long journey;
  • Ten - the emergence of a variety of problems that will not allow the dream to come true;
  • Jack indicates that there is a young brunette in your environment who is trying to harm you, and the card also warns of a possible fight or aggressive conflict;
  • The lady warns that there is an evil elderly woman next to you, weaving intrigues and spreading gossip;
  • The king focuses on the fact that a brunette man is your rival and can harm you greatly.

Values ​​of cards suit of clubs

Clubs are associated with the element of fire and determine a person's position in society and his financial condition.

Specific cards mean the following:

  • Ace portends favorable changes in various spheres of life;
  • Six warns that any undertakings in the near future will be useless, and trips will be unsuccessful;
  • Seven heralds the beginning of a successful life period;
  • The eight symbolizes the company of authoritative people or the emergence of love feelings in an unfree person;
  • Nine - doubts in the soul and a possible marriage of convenience;
  • The top ten predicts the onset of positive life changes;
  • The jack symbolizes a dark-haired young man and confirms the correctness of the card layout;
  • The lady symbolizes a friend, a dark-haired woman with a prosperous fate and portends theft;
  • The King is a successful, considerate and important dark-haired man who can help solve any of your problems.

The values ​​of the cards of the suit of hearts

Worms belong to the element of water and symbolize feelings between people.

The cards represent the following:

  • Ace symbolizes the home of family people and portends the beginning of a new relationship;
  • Six emphasizes absolute harmony in relationships with loved ones;
  • Seven - you need to listen to your intuition in order to find a way out of this situation;
  • Eight - love relationships can take an unexpected turn;
  • Nine - the successful development of a love relationship, which can lead to marriage;
  • Ten - the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • The jack symbolizes sympathy for the chosen one or the chosen one;
  • The lady indicates that there is a wise married woman next to you who is always ready to give good advice, and the card is also a confirmation of a strong family union;
  • The king symbolizes an adult, fair-haired man and focuses on the fact that soon someone will seek your favor and favor.

The values ​​of the cards of the suit of diamonds

Tambourines are controlled by the elements of the earth and determine the state of affairs in the business sphere of a person.

Maps mean the following:

  • Ace predicts positive changes in the professional sphere;
  • Six recommends reducing costs for a while and portends a pleasant and very rewarding trip;
  • Seven emphasizes family well-being and predicts good luck in all endeavors, as well as joy and fun;
  • Eight - strengthening the financial position and the possible purchase of real estate;
  • The nine portends useful acquaintances that will expand your business opportunities and lead to an improvement in your financial situation;
  • Ten - a blow from a loved one and a manifestation of ingratitude from loved ones is possible;
  • Jack foreshadows the good health of children and grandchildren;
  • The lady symbolizes a young beautiful girl in your environment and portends a possible betrayal;
  • The king foreshadows a meeting with a man who will become your husband in the future, and also indicates a strong partnership.

The combination of playing cards for fortune-telling

For the correct decoding of the alignment when fortune-telling, it is very important to take into account the combination of some cards. The most successful option is considered when all four aces in the layout fall out side by side. This is interpreted as the fulfillment of the most cherished desire, the beginning of a bright life streak, or the receipt of good news that will lead to positive life changes. Less strong, but the same positive value has four tens.

? What are the main combinations of spades cards?

In combination with the ace of clubs, it indicates the fear of a fortuneteller about some life reason.

With other cards, it can mean the following:

  • With 10 clubs - the receipt of money from an unexpected source;
  • With 10 tambourines - a conflict caused by financial issues.

Appearing in a layout with any card of spades, it symbolizes a favorable outcome of the planned event. But if he is with a lady and a jack, then this indicates that for this, influential people will come to help a person.

With other suits, a king of spades can represent the following:

  • With any card of heart portends reconciliation with a loved one;
  • With any card, a tambourine indicates a successful promotion;
  • With any card of clubs, it warns of a possible confrontation with influential people. Moreover, if there is a queen and jack of clubs with the king of spades, then this accentuates the hatred of the mighty of this world towards the fortuneteller.

Next to any peak card, it symbolizes an elderly woman who is nearby in real life and is always ready to help with deed or advice.

With cards of other suits, such a card means the following:

  • With a card of clubs, predicts the appearance of an unkind woman in the life of a fortuneteller;
  • With a card of diamonds, it symbolizes an insidious woman;
  • With a heart card indicates that a patroness will appear in life in matters of love and finance.

Next to the card, the peak symbolizes for a fortuneteller a faithful ally in life, and with cards of other suits it means the following:

  • With worms, it symbolizes a longtime friend;
  • With a club, it indicates that there is an insincere person next to the fortuneteller;
  • With a tambourine, predicts the appearance of a like-minded person in life.

When it appears in the layout with any card of the same suit, it portends a change for the worse. The nearby peak seven speaks of a change in life circumstances.

Other important for fortune-telling interpretations of combinations of cards with ten of spades:

  • Spades 9 and Ace bode well for good cash income;
  • With any card of the suit of clubs, it portends the onset of a streak of bad luck, and next to the nine of clubs predicts financial difficulties;
  • With a diamonds card - indicates the occurrence of problems in the work area;
  • With a card of heart - warns of discord in the family;
  • With an ace of any suit - focuses on the fact that the alarming news received will be false;
  • With 8 of any suit - indicates that the received unpleasant news will be true.

it is interpreted as not a good sign, it brings troubles, conflicts, troubles. Very important for fortune-telling is the combination of nine with aces of various suits, so this card:

  • With an ace of spades, heralds a serious illness for a fortuneteller;
  • With an ace of clubs, warns of deception and betrayal;
  • With an ace of hearts, predicts a fun party with friends;
  • With the ace of diamonds heralds a trial.

With absolutely any card of its suit, it symbolizes big troubles in the personal sphere, in the near future it is worth refraining from risky offers and rash decisions.

In layouts with other cards, it can mean:

  • If a lady of clubs fell next, then this indicates treason or betrayal of a loved one;
  • If in the layout where the eight of spades card fell, there are seven or more clubs, then this is a harbinger of great grief.

Always enhances the negative value of any card in his suit. If such a card falls out next to the nine of spades, then you should expect trouble from the closest relatives, and if with a ten of spades, then in reality there will be a change in any circumstances.

With other cards in the layout, she can focus on the following:

  • With any card of heart - a feeling of their own independence against the background of forgiveness of those who, willingly or unwillingly, have done evil;
  • With the jack of tambourine - soon, it is possible that any trade transactions will be carried out;
  • With a jack of clubs - enemies will try to harm;
  • With 8 of any suit - there will be a meeting;
  • With 6 tambourines - family problems await.

When it appears in the layout, it very often indicates a long path, and in combination with cards of various suits, it can indicate the following:

  • With worms heralds a meeting with loved ones and a pleasant journey;
  • With tambourines, it indicates that in reality a period filled with household chores is coming;
  • With a club, it symbolizes that a fortuneteller can take revenge on someone and at the same time go unpunished.

? What are the main combinations of tambourine cards?

In combination with cards, a tambourine portends prosperity and prosperity in the financial sector. And if he drops out with any spades or clubs, then this warns that serious troubles will arise in reality, due to which the life goal will be delayed indefinitely.

With any card, a tambourine portends enchanting success in the financial sector and luck, and with a six, the tambourine symbolizes the fulfillment of a long-cherished desire. With any card of hearts, the king of diamonds indicates a fun time in the company of close friends.

In addition, other specific combinations are very important for fortune-telling:

  • If the king of tambourine is located between any two ladies, then this indicates that the woman is deceiving the fortuneteller;
  • If the king of tambourine falls out between the nine of clubs and an ace of any suit, then in reality the fortuneteller will soon expect a promotion;
  • When four sevens fall around the king of diamonds, it portends quarrels and discord in his personal life. They can happen, both for trifles and for very good reasons.

And jacks next to cards of their suit are treated like the king of tambourines. But if, after the jack, any figure of a different suit appears in the layout, then this warns of the hypocrisy of the person she symbolizes.

in combination with the seven of tambourine means that a fortuneteller in real life will have to face fraud.

In combination with the lower cards of its suit, it is interpreted as follows:

  • 10 indicates the possible receipt of a large amount of money;
  • 8 portends monetary chores that will be very successful;
  • 7 predicts that the expectation of financial returns will drag on indefinitely;
  • 6 heralds the fulfillment of long-standing desires in the financial sector.

When it appears in the layout, it introduces positive accents in the interpretation. It is very good if she appears next to the Queen of Diamonds or the King. It symbolizes mutual love and lasting relationships. Also a good omen is the case when a ten of diamonds follows this card in the layout. This means that soon you should wait for the receipt of funds.

Other important combinations with cards of other suits:

  • Next to all four kings - meeting with friends and a cheerful conversation;
  • From peak 6 - financial trip and disappointment;
  • With a jack of hearts - a forced trip to distant lands.

Places financial accents next to any card of his suit. So, if the card appears next to the top ten, then one should expect conversations related to raising the career ladder. When a seven of diamonds follows in the layout, then there will be big household chores that will require spending money.

The following combinations are considered important with cards of other suits:

  • With a king of spades or a queen - the appearance in the immediate environment of a person who will seek to harm;
  • With 7 worms - it's time for new beginnings;
  • From 7 clubs - difficulties will arise in newly started cases;
  • With 6 clubs - all troubles will soon recede;
  • From peak 6 - routine things in everyday life.

This is a card that accentuates the hassle of all the events that other cards of this suit may portend. A particularly significant combination is considered to be a six and a ten of tambourines. In the first case, you need to prepare yourself for a big disappointment, as a result of some kind of conversation on the road. In the second case, on the contrary, one should expect pleasant troubles that will bring joy.

With cards of other suits, the seven of tambourines can mean the following:

  • With any piece, of any suit, portends a happy event or a given random opportunity;
  • The 10 peak indicates an unexpected proposal on an important issue;
  • With 10 clubs predicts great financial success.

It is considered one of the luckiest cards. And in combination with the ace of spades, it indicates that all the attacks of the enemies will be repulsed and the life of the fortuneteller will be filled with joy and happiness.

? What are the main card combinations of worms?

appearing in the layout next to the king of hearts and the ace of diamonds indicates that one should expect good news or a letter with joyful content.

Next to the cards of his suit, heralds the fortuneteller a major success in life. With all the cards of his suit, he portends success for a man in love in the love sphere.


  • If the king of hearts is located between the ten and the queen, then such a combination is a harbinger of success;
  • When the king of hearts drops out with a ten, it portends a pleasant surprise in the near future;
  • If a queen is located behind the king, and then a dozen, then in life one should expect a large loss, an unpleasant quarrel or other damage with unpleasant consequences;
  • If two eights of a dark suit fell in front of the king of hearts, then this indicates that the fortuneteller will be accompanied by all possible troubles in reality. But you should know that they will end as unexpectedly as they began.

With other suits, the appearance of the king of hearts in the layout can be interpreted as follows:

  • With cards, a tambourine portends financial success and strengthening of material well-being;
  • With cards of clubs, predicts exhausting household chores;
  • With cards, rush means trouble coming from all directions.

Falling out between two kings of any suit is a very good sign. He points out that influential patrons will appear in the life of a fortuneteller.

Other combinations of cards with a queen of hearts can mean the following:

  • Surrounded by four spades - big troubles or annoying incidents. And if there is a figure among the four peaks, then this may be a harbinger of the death of a loved one;
  • Next to a lady of clubs - indicates that the closest friend can become a widow;
  • If the lady is in front of the ace of spades and the seven, then this portends the illness of someone close to him;
  • When the queen is located between the eight and the seven of tambourines, this indicates that the fortuneteller will have to face the partner's infidelity.

In combination with cards of its own suit, it portends success in life. For young people in the period of their life formation, this may indicate that in reality they perform their first adult actions and prove their ability to make independent intelligent decisions. A jack of hearts next to the ace of its suit portends a declaration of love.

Other combinations of Jack of Hearts may indicate the following:

  • With 9 worms heralds a long journey;
  • With 9 tambourine indicates that an unwanted trip can be avoided;
  • If, surrounded by a jack of hearts, four eights fell out, then this portends a sincere conversation with a loved one;
  • With a lady or king of any suit - indicates long-awaited guests.

- the most important combinations in the layout:

  • With a lady or king of any suit - in the first case, for a man, it indicates the love and devotion of a woman, a similar interpretation is preserved for a woman in the second case;
  • With 10 of any suit - financial receipts should be expected;
  • With 8 hearts - a romantic date is planned.

And ten is a very good combination that portends long and mutual love. And if an eight and a seven of the same suit fall behind the nine of hearts, then this indicates a meeting with your soul mate and the successful development of relations.

a very positive card in itself, therefore it is able to smooth out the most unpleasant omens of other cards.

The combination with the following cards of its own suit is especially favorable:

  • With a jack - a pleasant conversation with a nice person is expected;
  • From 9 - a meeting with distant relatives is expected;
  • From 7 - receiving good news.

The following combinations are especially important with cards of other suits:

  • With 10 tambourines - receiving a large inheritance, such a pair of cards is especially strong if it is located next to the card, symbolizing the fortuneteller;
  • With 7 clubs - a possible addition to the family;
  • From peak 7 - meeting a new person;
  • With 6 clubs - traveling with a partner.

next to any card of its suit indicates that this or that predicted event will lead to significant life changes. If, next to this card, all four kings fell out in the layout, then this indicates that in the near future the fortuneteller will have a fun and easy conversation with nice people.

Important combinations in the layout with cards of other suits:

  • From clubs 7 - you will need to make financial plans;
  • From peak 7 - the end of the streak of bad luck;
  • With diamonds 7 - receiving long-awaited news;
  • From clubs 6 - accidental discovery of a secret;
  • With a peak of 10 - getting a very good deal.

In combination with any card of its suit, it portends the road to a certain person or in the direction of a particular event. In addition, with figures of various suits, this card accentuates the fact of how much a particular person is for a fortuneteller.

Combinations of sixes of various suits with this card are important in the layout, as follows:

  • With a 6 of tambourines, you should expect that during a conversation with your closest friend, you will be able to get very important information;
  • With Clubs 6, you should expect that a planned meeting with a colleague will have to be postponed;
  • From peak 6 - it is possible to receive unexpected news during a country trip.

? The main options for combinations of cards of clubs?

next to the king of clubs is a particularly good combination. This indicates that the desire will soon come true, and all the planned cases will be successfully completed.

Symbolizes an older man who may well become a patron. With any card of clubs, its interpretation changes and indicates that there is a faithful friend and loving person next to the fortuneteller. In addition, such a combination can be a harbinger of great happiness.

In the scenario, it symbolizes a gossip girl, who, most often, is an elderly woman, from whom any troubles can be expected.

Other important combinations of cards in the layout:

  • If after the lady of clubs a six of tambourines fell out, then this is a very good sign, indicating that the fortuneteller has reliable friends in his life;
  • When a seven or nine of tambourines appears next to a lady of clubs, this indicates that the gossip is involved in financial matters and it is better not to deal with her;
  • When an eight falls behind a lady of clubs, this indicates that you can count on the help of a relative or close friend.

In a fortune-telling scenario, it symbolizes a gossip and an intriguer.

If it drops near:

  • From the 7th peak, then betrayal awaits the fortuneteller;
  • With 8 clubs, heralds the inheritance.

In addition, if the jack of clubs is in the alignment between two queens of any suit, then this portends a serious quarrel with a loved one.

Next to any red card, it portends significant changes in life and, most often, they are positive.

Other combinations that are important for fortune-telling can be noted:

  • From clubs 6 - a long road awaits;
  • From clubs 7 - receiving good news;
  • From peak 7 - possible losses and tears;
  • From 9 peak - a great sorrow in life.

Next to the diamonds cards indicates that in the financial sector, the fortuneteller will have everything stable. Also, if she falls out with cards of hearts, then this portends well-being in the love sphere.

With an ace of clubs, it is considered the most successful combination for fortune telling. This portends the onset of a successful life period. And if a lady of clubs falls out next to the eight of clubs, then this indicates that a close relative or friend will come to the rescue in time. The combination of the eight and the seven of clubs indicates that events will occur in the fortuneteller's life that he did not expect.

Quite an indicative map in the layout, it may indicate the following:

  • With a jack of any suit, he accentuates doubts and experiences in the soul of a fortuneteller associated with a variety of waking events;
  • With a lady of hearts portends the receipt of sad news about a person with whom the fortuneteller is associated with friendly feelings;
  • Ace of diamonds indicates problems that may arise when receiving money;
  • With any card of spades, it symbolizes the fortuneteller's dissatisfaction with the situation that has developed in life.

It is of great importance in a fortune-telling scenario in combination with an ace of spades. This leaves a negative imprint on any conceived business and postpones the planned plans indefinitely.

Knowing the meaning of playing cards in fortune telling and their combinations, it is absolutely not difficult to understand what is happening to you in the present and get a forecast for the future. The main thing when interpreting the alignment is to listen to your intuition.

Fortune telling on ordinary playing cards is the easiest and most affordable way to find out the answers to many questions. To do this, you need to have a new deck and, of course, know the meanings. 9 spades is one of the heaviest cards in the deck. In this article, we will find out its meaning and consider combinations with other cards.

Direct position

Card 9 of spades symbolizes conflicts, problems, diseases. In Tarot, it corresponds to. The value of 9 spades largely depends on the layout in which it falls out, what place it occupies and what cards are next to it. In the upright position, it has a point upward and is interpreted quite negatively, but at the same time it carries a hidden meaning.

If, for example, we compare her with the Queen of Spades, then we can understand that she denotes troubles that depend on the person himself. But in the case of the Lady, problems should be expected from strangers. Peak 9 not only symbolizes negative events in a person's life, but also indicates that everything can be changed.

In some layouts, the card may indicate the need to deal with difficulties. No matter how negative the 9 peak is, it in any case indicates a chance to overcome any difficulties.

Inverted position

Sometimes the 9th peak falls out and points downward. In this case, it symbolizes tears and despair, but the cause of the occurrence can be recognized by the cards that are nearby. For example, with 8 tambourines, it can mean a breakdown of all plans, but with 10 clubs, it can mean a quarrel with a friend or girlfriend. In some cases, it portends the death or illness of a loved one. But this is only if the spades suit prevails in the layout, and next to the nine there is a figure card (Queen, Jack, King). If the 9th peak inverted falls out near the fortuneteller's card, then this most likely promises his illness. Moreover, with other peaks - lingering, with a tambourine - fast and easy, with hearts - heart, and with clubs - diseases in children.

It should be remembered that the value of 9 peak largely depends on what exactly the layout is being done. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Layouts for love and relationships

Such fortune-telling is performed quite often, because many are actually interested in what awaits them in the love sphere. What to do if 9 spades fall out in this situation. You should not panic, and you should carefully study the adjacent cards. It is also important in which position the 9 spades fall.

  • If in the past, then the fortuneteller and his second half had a lot of quarrels and conflicts.
  • In the present, difficulties await a couple. You should not put pressure on your partner. The union needs a certain amount of time.
  • In the future, 9 spades promise a break or a major quarrel.

If fortune-telling is performed by a person who does not have a second half, and he is interested in the prospect of a new relationship. In this case, peak 9 has a completely different meaning. The card indicates that the problem lies in the attitude of the fortuneteller to the representatives of the opposite sex. In other words, a person cannot find a soul mate, since he is too demanding of partners or does not know how to behave correctly with them.

It happens that in the layout, almost all cards have a positive meaning, and there is only one negative - 9 spades. In this case, she symbolizes the sexual desires of the partner. Perhaps you cannot satisfy them, and on this basis, there is a slight coolness in the relationship.

Layouts for fate

The value of 9 peak in fortune-telling for a person's future and his life goals is slightly different from other interpretations. The card indicates the fears of a person, his experiences. It is also important in what position it falls out. For example, in the "High Court" layout, the value of the card will largely depend on its location:

  • position "personality" - a person is prone to experiences and increased anxiety;
  • "Material sphere" - the 9th peak in this position indicates the inability to manage finances;
  • "Environment" - the fortuneteller is too negative about friends and acquaintances. Advice of the card - one should not expect a catch from everyone;
  • "Health" - problems in this area;
  • “The influence of the past on the future” - a negative attitude towards life brings many problems and conflicts.

Layouts for work and career

In this case, the value for fortune-telling 9 peaks is quite negative. If a fortuneteller asks about prospects for a new job, then this card symbolizes that they will not exist. Most likely, this type of activity is not suitable for you, or unforeseen complications will arise. If the question was about a promotion at work, then the 9th peak symbolizes interference. What they are connected with, other cards will tell. For example, the value of the King of Spades with 9 spades is the discontent of the authorities, unjustified punishment.

Sometimes, if the meaning of the card is difficult to understand, you can draw out another additional one. For example, a fortuneteller asks if he will get a better paid position. The drawn card 9 of spades clearly means - no. In this case, you can ask an additional question by taking out another one from the deck. You should ask: "Why not?" The Jack of Clubs, for example, would mean that a work colleague would get in the way. And if 9 worms fall out, a love relationship or family sphere will interfere with a person.

Combinations with other cards

As a rule, in most layouts, especially if they are large, it is difficult to interpret the cards individually. For this reason, combinations with other cards are used. Let's consider the most popular values:

  • 9 worms with 9 spades - unpleasant news awaits a person;
  • 9 tambourine - the fortuneteller will need to show more firmness;
  • 9 clubs - expected acquaintance;
  • ace of hearts - there is a reliable person near you;
  • ace of tambourine - a person is surrounded by lies and betrayal;
  • ace of spades - a strong disease;
  • ace of clubs - you may need help;
  • a dozen worms - a surprise.

An example of the alignment and the rules of fortune-telling

In order to get truthful answers to your questions, it is important to know some divination rituals. First, the deck must be new. It is forbidden to play with it or treat it casually. Maps should always be kept in a secluded place and should not be accessible to strangers. Before fortune-telling, it is recommended to light a church candle. This will protect the fortuneteller from otherworldly forces. On the table where the layout will be performed, it must be clean, foreign objects are not recommended.

One of the most relevant layouts is "What was, what is, what will be." The cards must be laid out in the following sequence:

The first card symbolizes a fortuneteller:

  • for dark-haired - cross, and for fair-haired women: for married - hearts, unmarried - tambourine;
  • for men with dark hair - cross,
  • for married fair-haired - hearts,
  • for unmarried - tambourine.

The next position - (3 cards each) answers the questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. What is in the present?
  3. What's in the future?
  4. What's in the heart.

In the example in the photo above, 9 the peak is inverted, while its value changes slightly. In addition, it should be noted that the card is in the "future" position. To the left of it there are 10 clubs, and to the right is an Ace of tambourine. These cards can tell a lot about the upcoming events. So, an inverted 9 spades in combination with 10 clubs means a quarrel with a friend or girlfriend. But with the Ace of tambourine - betrayal and lies. From all that has been written, we can conclude that a person familiar to him will substitute a person, which will bring grief to the fortuneteller.

Summing up, we can say that 9 spades is a card that has many meanings. In many respects, it all depends on the alignment and position in which it is located. When fortune-telling, it should always be remembered that cards can only give advice regarding various situations, and the choice still always remains with the person.

To find out the answers to questions of interest, to find out about the future, many people resort to fortune telling on cards. To make a prediction, you only need a deck of cards. 9 spades are considered one of the strongest in the deck. For correct interpretation in fortune-telling, you need to know its meaning.

Direct position

The value of the 9 spades card is the upcoming difficulties, conflicts that will have to be overcome. It is similar to the 9 Tarot card.

Symbolizes the upcoming illness, injury, death.

The interpretation also depends on the position and theme of the layout. If it falls out in a straight position, with the tip up, this promises an unpleasant situation and the presence of secrets.

Sometimes suggesting that solving a problem requires self-control, courage, and resilience. In a negative sense, it means the possible death of someone close to you. Predicts an upcoming trip, which may be caused by bad news.

In some fortune-telling, it indicates the need to deal with negativity and problems. Despite the unfavorable value, peak 9 indicates that there is still room for improvement.

Inverted position

The loss of a symbol in an inverted position speaks of grief and despair.

You can find out the details of the negative consequences by decoding the suits that are nearby:

  • 8 tambourines - disruption of planned cases;
  • 10 clubs - a scandal;
  • queen, jack, king - death, disease;

The value of 9 peak in fortune telling also depends on the reason for which the alignment is made.

The alignment for love

The question is often asked about what awaits a person on the love front. Falling out of the spades suit in such a prediction takes on a different meaning and depends on the position and the symbols dropped out next to it.

When guessing at the past, the value of the peak nine is deciphered as a misunderstanding; to the present - indicates future obstacles; for the future - predicts big disagreements, deterioration of relations.

If the fortuneteller does not have a relationship at the moment, the alignment is able to tell about entering into an alliance with someone in the future.

Peak 9 suggests that problems arise due to the fortuneteller and his high demands on the opposite sex. If positive cards and 9 spades fall out during the alignment, this indicates an intimate relationship. There are some sexual problems that need to be addressed.

Fortune-telling for the future

This prediction on the cards speaks of life's fears and experiences. In the case of the character, the sign indicates anxiety and excitement. In the field of finance, he warns that the fortuneteller is too wasteful. The layout for the general environment advises you to reconsider your own attitude towards friends and acquaintances.

Health prediction speaks of problems in this area.

Alignment for work

When predicting business and future opportunities, peak 9 is unfavorable. It means the collapse of plans, predicts that you will have to change your occupation. Fortune-telling speaks of problems on the robot. In combination with a king of the same suit, it promises a fine, indignation of the leadership.

If the value is difficult to interpret, draw out the second character. Sometimes nine peaks indicate that the situation can still be corrected. He also gives advice that before starting a business, you need to think carefully about all the details.

Ace of spades- pleasure and good intentions, but caution is required in legal matters. Ardent love is possible depending on the accompanying cards.

In an inverted position - bad news, possibly related to injury; warning about impending failure, risky, shortsighted venture or betrayal of deceitful friends.

From 10 ♦ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

With a six - a ride on a horse.

With Ace ♣ (both in an upright position) - fright.

KING OF PEAK- a high-ranking person, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. However, faithful in love.

In an inverted position - a greedy, shameless type, whose maliciousness is limited only by a lack of opportunities.

With the Lady and the Knave - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

С ♠ - portends good.

From 8 ♠ (on the sides of your card) - long-term troubles and grief; if the King is there and then ♦ - the help of a noble person.

С - his hatred, opposition and villainy.

C ♦ - its location.

C is its location.

QUEEN OF SPADES- a friendly, generous nature, often very greedy for flattery, but once deceived, it can become unnecessarily distrustful; possibly a widow; the complexion is swarthy.

In an inverted position - a very romantic and at the same time purposeful nature, ready for anything to achieve the goal; her cunning and cunning can harm her; perhaps an old woman.

Between two figures - a disagreement between them, (near your card) - grief, trouble, especially at 7 ♣ or 9 ♠.

C ♠, except for 9, is a kind old woman.

C ♣ is the villainess.

С ♦ - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

9 and 10 - happiness.

JACK PIK- quarrel or fight; rude, ill-mannered type, although often intelligent and diligent. Can be a helpful friend by refraining from criticism.

In an inverted position - a hypocrite, outwardly friendly, but loves to spy. Doesn't deserve the slightest trust.

S ♠ is generally a loyal ally.

С ♣ - liar, envious, gossip.

С ♦ - accomplice, messenger, drunken person.

C is a friend.

With Dama ♠ - a big quarrel, a fight.

With 8 ♠ - a big nuisance between lovers.

TEN PEAK- unhappiness, wasted time, possibly ruin, usually as a result of manifestations of jealousy or emotional breakdown.

Upside down - serious shock or illness. Loss of a friend or property. The accompanying cards can serve as a key.

With Ace ♠ - unexpected receipt of money.

From 9 ♠ - misfortune.

With 9 ♣ - a nuisance in money matters.

With Ace ♦ - a mourning, sad letter.

With one of the Aces - a fake letter.

With 8 ♠ - disease.

With one of 8 - bad news.

From 7 ♠ - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With 7 ♦ - an unexpected offer.

From 10 ♣ - recovery from illness.

With 10 - big money interest in the future.

NINE PEAK- conflict, defeat, illness, mourning and other troubles. An extremely unfortunate card, but good cards nearby neutralize it, albeit partially.

In an inverted position - trouble does not come alone. God grant that these troubles were not too serious.

With Ace ♠ - disease.

With Ace ♣ - good or bad (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

With Ace - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

With Ace ♦ - cunning and deceiving loved ones.

From 10 ♠ - unexpected receipt of money.

EIGHT OF PEAK- illness or anxiety, but they can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. The slightest risk is absolutely contraindicated. At nine ♣ - misfortune.

In an inverted position - disappointment in love, which may be followed by unnecessary losses due to wastefulness.

With Jack - the news of illness or death of loved ones or friends.

From 7 ♣ - betrayal of the beloved.

With four Kings - revelry, drunkenness.

SEVEN PEAK- anxiety. However, many of your problems are just a figment of the imagination and hopes for a better future will dispel them. With the Lady - the Lady is in an interesting position.

In an inverted position - indecision both in love and in deeds. Advice of friends and refraining from hasty, ill-considered actions will bring stability.

With Jack ♦ - depicts a merchant.

With Jack ♣ - misfortune from enemies.

From 10 ♠ - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With one of the eights - a treat.

With a figure - a nuisance, especially with 9 ♠ - grief in relatives.

From 6 ♦ - trouble in the house.

SIX OF PEAK- a long journey, a late journey, with your map - a loss.

In an inverted position - deceitful friends.

С - fun road.

C is a bad road.

From 9 or 10 ♦ - (from the right hand to the left) - the road for money.

With 7 or 8 ♦ - worries and worries about money.

С - road and meeting with dear people.

С ♣ (overhead) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller's bad intentions.


ACE OF DUBINS- You will receive a certain message in the form of a letter, gift or promise. This is generally good, but weigh everything carefully and decide if you should take it. With a figure - a person engaged in writing.

In an inverted position - a message. Most likely it will be unpleasant and add to your worries.

С ♦ - quick receipt of money.

With 7, 9 or 10 - a joyful or love letter.

With ♣ or ♠ - distance from the desired minute, big trouble.

From 6 ♣ - a date or conversation at dusk.

With 9 ♠ - cunning, deceiving loved ones.

10 is a love letter.

From 10 ♠ (left) - mourning or sad letter.

From 10 ♦ - money letter.

King of Diamonds- a person with vast experience in military or government service, influential and able to provide assistance, but can be dangerous due to his excessive pride.

In an inverted position - an influential person who can be dangerous because of his excessive pride. However, because of the minor oversights they make, it is safe for you.

From 10 ♦ (with Jack) - future support from a new acquaintance or future groom.

С 6 ♦ - an indispensable fulfillment of desires.

C - fun, forgetting the past and a change in life.

DAMA BUBIN- a gossip, a brawler, often ignorant, but with great conceit. Hair and skin are light.

In an inverted position - a malicious gossip and brawler, ready to involve completely innocent people in a dangerous business. Plus, she's terribly flirtatious.

With the Jack of ♦ and 10 ♠ - an unpleasant guest.

With 9 - good for women, for men - stealing.

JACK OF DRUM- official person. Trustworthy if you are in a high position. Otherwise - a deceiver, flatterer and bribe-taker.

In an inverted position - a real bastard, impostor and fraudster.

From 7 ♠ - merchant.

With the King - a commercial, false man.

With 7 ♠ or 9 ♦ - a hostile person, an early treason.

With a Lady ♣ - not good.

From 6 ♣ - an unexpected and fast trip with some kind of King.

When the King, Queen and Jack ♦ with a card of suit of the fortuneteller (s) person - success in money matters.

TEN OF DRAMS- with other favorable signs - a valuable acquisition or a great achievement in work, any other activity. The main thing is not to waste time on trifles.

In an inverted position - the possibility of a valuable acquisition or a great achievement, however, requiring some caution at an early stage. Change can be problematic, so weigh it carefully.

With Ace ♠ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

From 9 ♦ - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

From 8 ♦ - remote receipt of money, big money.

From 7 ♦ - successful money-making efforts.

From 6 ♦ - the fullest fulfillment of desires, receiving money.

From 6 ♠ (right) - road for money.

With Jack ♣ - success in money matters.

From 10 ♣ - an indispensable receipt of money.

with 7 - a large inheritance, receiving money.

With 9 - profitable work.

NINE OF DRAMS- a card of money, a sign of enterprise. The priority of one's own interests guarantees profit, but it can lead to a break with friends and other losses.

Upside down is a major setback due to disagreements in the family and among business partners. Lack of initiative will create obstacles. Try to curb your stubbornness.

With 6 ♠ (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant incident, failure.

With Jack - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 10 ♦ - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

With four Kings - a fun conversation.

EIGHT OF DRAMS- a pleasant trip or vacation in a charming place. A promising hobby or romance. Sometimes it is a belated marriage.

In an inverted position - excessive craving for changing places. A hasty, reckless romance will end in a very annoying way. Think well first!

From 8 and 6 - news of the fire.

With King or Lady ♠ (on the sides of your card) - harm from a fake and bad person.

With Jack - talking about money.

From 10 ♦ - distant receipt of money, large receipt of money.

С 7 ♦ (near the figure) - her infidelity, inconstancy.

SEVEN OF DUBINS- a sign of communication, portends empty talk, a friendly party, unexpected news, in short, a lot of pleasant, but trifling things.

In an inverted position - an elephant will grow out of a fly. Pay attention to your children or pets.

With a figure - a happy incident.

From 10 ♦ - successful efforts about money.

SIX OF DRUMES- the happiest card, softens even the bad meaning of Ace ♠. Fast, fun road, wish fulfillment; the road of the King of Diamonds, Ladies.

In an inverted position, losses are likely, but they will be offset by unexpected gains.

From 9 ♠ - grief in the family.

With 10 and 9 ♠ - illness, even death.

From 10 ♦ - the fullest fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

From 9 ♠ - death.

From 7 ♦ - trouble in the house.


ACE OF CREW- wealth, health, happiness. Receiving news, letters or legal documents, and the result is money and success. The marriage will be harmonious.

In an inverted position - success is short-lived or delayed. Receiving a letter can be frustrating. A sudden infatuation or romance is likely to improve the situation somewhat.

With six - the railway. Under the King (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship.

With 7 ♣ - winning the case, winning.

With 9 - tender love.

From 6 ♣ - meeting and talking on the street, generally on the road, in the evening; at the peaks - death.

From 9 ♠ - early news of the benefits; in a direct position - about the benefits.

With the King ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of desire.

King of Clubs- a reliable, generous friend. The ideal business companion or partner. Faithful spouse. Swarthy appearance.

In an inverted position - anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of plans or lack of good intentions. A good mine with a bad game.

С ♣ - close person, friend, husband, groom, lover; in general, it portends happiness.

With 9 ♣ (upside down) - an influential person, a supportive person; (in an upright position) - trouble with this person.

From 8 - rumors about enterprises at sea, the sinking of a ship.

With Ace ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned business, fulfillment of desires.

Jack with your card (if you are not ♣ suit) is a big grief.

With one of the sixes - the road to get interest. If King ♣ does not fall into fortune-telling - failure.

LADY TREF- an extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, warm-hearted, sympathetic, but prone to posturing. Swarthy appearance.

In an upside down position - a cunning vengeful nature, can be dangerous, especially when deceived or rejected.

With a Lady ♠ (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

From 8 ♣ - help from a relative or close woman.

CREW JACK- quick-witted, energetic, enterprising nature. A good friend and loyal spouse. Very reliable. Swarthy. Without the Ace or without the King, there are big troubles, the state troubles are in the heart, the thoughts of the King ♣. If Jack ♣ falls out first in fortune-telling, it is a sure fortune-telling.

Upside down is a professional flatterer. An insincere deceitful nature, however, quite harmless, if you do not infuriate her.

With 7 ♠ (rarely) - misfortune due to the intrigues of enemies, between two Ladies - an unfaithful wife.

From 10 ♦ - success in money matters.

From 8 ♣ - a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

Between the two Jacks is a troubled future.

TEN CIRCUITS- Money sign. Promises a steady income or a great future in the financial sector. It can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but be prepared for something sad. With ♠ - deception of hope, poverty, work, with a figure - a business person, great danger, fires; pri - a find, happiness in the lottery; with the same King, Lady - someone is interested in you.

In an inverted position - quarrels can interfere with the achievement of wealth. Long trip possible. Luck makes up for minor losses.

From 7 ♣ - joy, news of business.

From 6 ♣ - an unintentional offer of departure.

From 10 ♦ - an indispensable receipt of money.

From 10 - success in love.

From 9 ♣ - fun with loved ones, surprise.

From 8 ♣ - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

9 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the happiest combinations, very good.

With Ace ♣ - a change for the better.

With 7 ♠ (without Ace) - deception, tears.

7 and 6 ♣ - large society.

NINE OF Clubs- a sign of an immediate result - it can be an unexpected gift, an interesting offer, an inheritance, etc. Don't miss your chance! With a figure indicates that it will disappear from your life; With the same King, Lady - to love.

Upside down - a minor gift - you expected more. Strong desire to take risks for future success. The danger of losing what you already have.

With 9 or 10 worms - success in love.

С ♦ - the right receipt of money and its useless waste on pleasure.

C - mutual love.

With 10 ♠ - a nuisance in terms of money.

With Jack - travel.

With the King ♣ - powerful person, supportive person.

From 10 ♣ - fun with loved ones, surprise.

10 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the happiest combinations.

EIGHT OF Clubs- love and abundance. Choose your spouse or partner carefully and avoid the all-or-nothing principle.

In an inverted position - love for an unworthy person can bring financial difficulties. Avoid making mistakes in your choice!

With Ace ♣ - success, inverted - failure.

With the King ♣ - rumors about the sea, the death of a ship.

With Dama ♣ - help from a relative or close woman.

With Jack ♣ - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of a fortuneteller.

From 10 ♣ - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

With Jack - talking about losses.

With 7 ♣ (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

With 7 ♣ and Ace - happy marriage, or inheritance.

SEVEN OF CUBES- the lowest, but important card. The repaid debt will strengthen friendship and goodwill. Pay attention to the children.

In an inverted position - minor financial problems can damage harmonious relationships in friendship, union. Please bear this in mind.

With Ace ♣ - winning the case, winning.

With 10 ♣ - wealth and happiness (the same as 9 and 8 clubs).

From 8 ♠ - his wife, beloved, cheats on a fortuneteller.

With Jack (with 4 queens and sevens) - the close birth of a son.

C 10 (with the other three 7s and Queens or Jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.

SIX OF Clubs- sea road, useless road, meeting on the street, in the garden; path to the specified location; the road of the person of clubs; there is a lot of festivities between the figures.

In an inverted position - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, friends may turn away.

From 10 ♣ - an unintentional offer to leave.

With Ace (with a figure) - a date in the morning.

With Ace ♦ - date in the afternoon.

With Ace ♣ - date in the evening.

With Ace ♠ - a date at night.


Ace of hearts- a successful marriage, happiness in the family, satisfaction with the existing environment. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely of a romantic nature.

In an inverted position - unsettled problems, unexpected guests. The likelihood of moving or changing the environment.

With Ace ♣ - a joyful letter.

C 10 ♠ is a sad letter.

With Jack - good news.

From 6 ♣ - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening.

From 9 ♠ - revelry and pleasure, date and friendliness.

THE KING OF WORM- a generous, just friend or advisor. Success in professional activity. Willingness to help. Influential position. A man with a pale face.

In an inverted position - a changeable, indecisive nature, prone to breaking their own promises. Friendly but unreliable. Often pompous.

C is a nuisance.

С ♣ - receiving money.

С - chores.

C - success.

LADY OF WORM- kind, attentive, romantic, cheerful nature. Dark hair, medium build.

In an inverted position - it is able to harbor resentment and severely avenge rejected love. In other cases, such a Lady can be propitiated.

With 6 and 10 - tears for a fortuneteller, but with Jack of clubs - an unexpected joy.

C - success in love for a man.

With other colors - success in an uncertain future.

With 10 - a friend.

JACK OF WORM- a cheerful, carefree person, a good friend. Inclined to romantic hobbies, especially if young and unmarried.

In an inverted position - a serious failure or resentment. A person from the military sphere may be involved. Antagonism must be mitigated.

C - success.

With Ace - good news, declaration of love.

From 9 ♣ - travel.

From 9 ♣ - avoidance of an unpleasant trip.

With 8 - heartfelt conversation.

From 8 ♣ - talk about monetary interest.

From 8 ♠ - the news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

8 ♣ is an unpleasant conversation.

With the Lady or the King - a guest.

With 7 ♣ (with 4 Ladies or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (while 4 Aces denote the mind and wealth of the son).

TEN WORM- satisfied ambition. Light, cheerful disposition. Overcoming all obstacles. This card enhances good readings and neutralizes bad readings.

In an inverted position - temporary disappointment or uncertainty may require a change in plans, which is probably somehow related to relatives. Limited success.

With the King - love and loyalty of a loved one.

With 10 ♣ - large monetary interest in the near future.

With 7 ♣ - with the other three 7, with Queens or Jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for a fortuneteller.

With 8 - a secluded date with your beloved woman.

With 7 - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

From 6 ♣ - fun at a party.

From 9 (with a full suit of hearts) - complete enjoyment of love, with a Lady or King - a wedding; otherwise a change in the apartment.

With 6 - a joyful date.

From 9 ♣ - the beloved person will give you her heart, message or thing from her beloved one.

From 10 ♣ - success in love.

With Ace ♣ - love or joyful letter.

NINE OF WORM- fulfillment of desires. Future honors can bring wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity and effort. This card is very lucky. With every King, Lady - to love.

In an inverted position - a short unhappy period. Tired of overworking or too much interference. Luck and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties.

From 10, with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a King, a Lady - a wedding.

From 8 or 7 - a date with your beloved person.

From 9 ♣ - beloved person will give you her heart; a message or thing from a loved one.

With some six - an unexpected meeting.

With a Lady ♠ - happiness.

EIGHT OF WORM- love affair, romance. The fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Friends, invitations. The solution to all problems.

In an inverted position - indifference to the opposite sex. The need for helpful friends. A great joy of a personal nature, but a quarrel over a trifle can overshadow it.

With Knave - a cordial conversation.

With 7 ♣ - unexpected happiness (left).

From 10 - a secluded date.

With 9 - a date.

With 10 ♣ (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

SEVEN OF WORM- a sign of wisdom. A penchant for contemplation and reflection, combined with a rich imagination. Self-reliance, love of solitude.

In an inverted position - a strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression in its absence. Amorous, flirtatious, jealous nature.

From 10 ♠ - an unexpected offer.

From 10 - a pleasant secluded date.

With 9 - a date.

With 4 Kings is a fun conversation.

SIX OF WORM- complete success, recognition is guaranteed.

In the inverted position - the road for the King, Lady.

C - the path to the dear person.

From 10 - a road and a heartfelt date.

All nine are undoubted success in love.

This fortune-telling is one of the oldest, most popular and giving accurate predictions. The first edition of the book describing this fortune-telling was published in 1899, so its reliability has been tested by time. For this fortune-telling, a deck of ordinary cards is used, which in no case should be played - cards during fortune-telling will lie. The deck must be up to and including sixes.

Here, only a description of the alignment and the meaning of some combinations are given, since the accuracy of the prediction depends on the practical experience of the fortuneteller.

1. Carefully shuffle the cards.

2. The deck must be removed with the left hand, and taking out three cards at a time, look for your own, and look for the following parameters:
- the unmarried and unmarried take the king and queen of tambourines;
- married and married take the king and queen of hearts;
- the elderly take the king and the lady of clubs (crosses).

Pay attention to the two cards that fell in the top three along with your card (transcript below), because everything that the cards say is no coincidence. Also, pay attention to cards that can accidentally fall out of the deck.

Card "on the heart"

3. You put your card (queen, king) on ​​the table, then shuffle the deck again and, abandoning any side thoughts, ask yourself the question: "what will happen?" After this question, you remove one card from the deck to your card, that is, a card "at heart". This is the most important card: it gives you a clear idea of ​​what is closest to your heart or who is constantly thinking of you.

Moreover, all figures denote any person other than the queen of spades and jacks: jacks - worries and troubles; if next to the jack is a king of the same suit, then the jack is the thoughts of the person designated by the king.

Queen of Spades "In the heart" means boredom, longing. Shallow peaks all are bad: ten and eight are a disease; seven - trouble; six - loss, loss.

Especially unpleasant ones clubs and peaks that have one point in the middle (seven, nine, ace), if they are pointed up. For example, sevens and nine of clubs are indispensable tears; ace of clubs - failure in business, ace of spades: point down - something more or less serious will suddenly unpleasantly hit or offend you, point up - you will either get scared or get an unexpected blow, bruise.

Ace of tambourine "In the heart" has its general meaning - a letter, ace of hearts - package, package; nine or ten tambourines - get money, nine or ten hearts - you will be happy with something!

Further alignment

4. After that, again take the deck without shuffling (always keep the deck with its closed side, face down), put it over the head of your card and leave the bottom cards there, about a quarter of the deck. Then you transfer the deck to your feet and, leaving about the same part of the deck there, you move the deck back, that is, behind the back (to the left of) the piece of your card. Leave some of the remaining cards there and, finally, put the rest in the direction that the face (to the right of) of the figure on your card is facing.

5. Then you need to take the first pile of cards that you left above the head of the piece of your card and, taking off the top two cards one by one, place them side by side openly above the head of the piece on your card. The pack that lies at the feet must be placed on the first pack remaining in your hands and put the top two cards at the feet of your card. Then do the same with the third and fourth parts of the deck and get two cards on four sides of your card.

6. Then remove the top two cards from the remaining deck and put them in the top corner behind the back of your card, then two also in the bottom corner in front, later in the upper corner and in front, then in the bottom and behind. After all these manipulations, 16 cards are obtained around your card.

7. You shuffle the rest of the cards, discard the top three, and put the fourth on your heart, discard three again and lay the fourth, and so on, until your heart has four hole cards, from the very first - five.

Five cards "on the heart"

8. You pick up four heart cards and analyze them. In them, that future opens, which is destined to touch your inner life most closely.

If they are dominated by peaks(except for figures), then in the near future you will face troubles, and the figure will show from whom or touch this figure. Predominance red suit in the heart is always a messenger of joy and happiness.

The designation of the rest of the cards

A pair of cards overhead, like the other three pairs, in front of your card represent the near future (it will be fulfilled within one to two weeks).

A couple of cards under my feet- transitory, i.e. what is or will be and will soon be gone. It's bad if some figure in which you guess a close person will often be under your feet in your fortune-telling - it will soon disappear from your life.

Two cards behind the back your cards show the past or what is being done now.

Two cards in the upper corner behind- what is now being done away from you.

Two backs in the bottom corner- the most distant future.

The meaning of some combinations

If in your fortune-telling fell out right away:

4 aces- fulfillment of a desire or an unpleasant surprise. If at the same time and 4 tens then in the near future you will have a moment of boundless joy. This is the happiest combination of card-reading and it entails joy with some pretty profound consequences.

4 kings- good deeds, success. If they fall out in fortune-telling for a stranger, then this shows his position in the world, he is a person from a good society.

4 ladies- undesirable in fortune-telling for a lady. They mean that you are the object of gossip, and if one of the ladies is next to you, then a woman close to you is spreading this gossip. Fortune-telling to a man, 4 ladies indicate that he is surrounded by ladies and generally loves ladies' company.

4 jacks- denote the upcoming chores, and if at the same time one of them lies on the heart - worries, heavy or not, depending on whether light or dark cards prevail in front of you.

Hearts cards with his own king, even if not nearby, the jack denotes his thoughts, intentions. With a nine or ten of hearts, a king with a jack denotes his passionate desire to see you.

4 tens- fulfillment of desire, although not of the heart. In general, dozens are business cards. The more they are grouped, the brilliant your deeds will be.

4 nines- surprise, pleasant or not, looking at the nine closest to you, and generally on the cards ahead. Nines: all 9 hearts - you will be very happy; all 9 tambourines - money is waiting for you; all 9 peaks portend grief.

4 eights or 4 sevens- almost do not matter, if you do not take into account the fact that the predominance of small cards generally means a bleak time, lack of money, especially if this trifle prevails in front. In general, the calling of the eight is to denote the house, the room of the corresponding lady, while the ace denotes the house of the king. Sometimes 4 eights represent punch, and 4 7s represent intrigue.

4 sixes- fulfillment of desire. In general, the role of the six is ​​to indicate the road. Several sixes in front of you or above your head, under your feet, mark the path for you. Otherwise, the sixes indicate the roads of the corresponding actors right there to you. A six of a kind that does not match at all with a figure shows what road lies ahead: six of spades - dark, night; six clubs - evening; six of tambourines - a small close path; six of worms - walk.

The more large cards in your fortune-telling, the more interesting and pleasant events there will be in the future and the better your financial situation will be in the near future.

Some value cards.

Do not forget that in the dropped figures (kings and queens) you can (and should) see your loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances. Aces, with their main meaning, can also indicate time. Jacks are mostly troubles, in what sense - you need to look at the adjacent cards. Light cards are positive, good value (for example, good news), dark cards are negative (bad news).

Please note that the figures shown depend on the adjacent cards.

Good luck in your fortune-telling!


Ace of spades:

    at night, in winter (designation of time).

    loss, sad letter, blow, fright, trouble.

    with the king pointing up towards the ladies - passionate love.

    home of rich respectable people, someone else's home.

    from 10 peak - unexpected receipt of money

    with 10 tambourines (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money;

    with an ace of clubs (both pointed up) - fright.

King of spades:

    solid master, enemy, bad person, rival.

    with peaks - portends good.

    with clubs - opposition and villainy.

    with 8 spades (on the sides of your card) - long-term troubles and grief, but if the king of tambourine is right there - the help of a noble person.

    with a lady and a jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

    with a club - his hatred.

    with a tambourine, with a worm - his location.

Queen of Spades:

    an old woman, a bad woman.

    boredom, gossip, hindrance, quarrel.

    between two figures - a spat between them.

    with a pique - a kind old woman.

    with a club - a villain.

    with a tambourine - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

    with 9 worms - happiness.

Jack of spades:

    a bad or black-haired person.

    bad news.

    with the king of spades - his thoughts.

    with any peak - a loyal ally.

    with a club - a liar, an envious person, a gossip;

    with a tambourine - an accomplice, a messenger, a drunken man;

    with a worm - a friend;

    with the lady of spades - a big quarrel, a fight;

    from peak 8 - a big nuisance between lovers.

Ten of spades:

    black thing, disease.

    with the king, the lady - the wedding bed.

    unrealizable desires, failures.

    with ace of spades - unexpected receipt of money.

    from 9 peak - misfortune.

    with 9 clubs - a nuisance in money matters.

    with an ace of tambourine - a mourning, sad letter.

    with one of the aces - a fake letter.

    from 8 peak - illness, and from one of 8 - bad news.

    from peak 7 - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

    with 7 tambourines - an unexpected proposal.

    with 10 clubs - recovery from the disease.

    with 10 worms - big money interest in the future.

Nine of Spades:

    travel fees.

    loss of a friend, quarrel, tears.

    with a king, a queen of spades - love, with another king - has immodest desires for a lady.

    with an ace of spades - a disease.

    with an ace of clubs - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

    with the ace of hearts - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

    with an ace of tambourine - cunning and deceiving loved ones.

    from 10 peak - unexpected receipt of money.

Eight of spades:

If in fortune-telling next to the eight of the peak the seven of the peak lies, then you should not guess on this day, since the layouts will give incorrect information.

    failure, sadness, unpleasant conversation, illness.

    room, apartment of a respectable person.

    with nine clubs - misfortune.

    with a jack of hearts - the news of illness or death of loved ones or friends.

    with 7 clubs - betrayal of the beloved.

    with four kings - revelry, drunkenness.

Seven of spades:

    may represent the house where you live.

    surprise, deception.

    point up - tears, quarrel, loss of a friend.

    with a lady - a lady in an interesting position

    with a jack of clubs - misfortune from enemies.

    from 10 peak - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

    with one of the eights - a treat.

    with a figure - a nuisance.

    from peak 9 - grief in the family.

    with 6 tambourines - trouble in the house.

Six of Spades:

    long journey, late road.

    if 6 spades fell along with your card - the loss of the spades king.

    with a peak - a fun road.

    with a club - a bad road.

    with 9 or 10 tambourines - (from right hand to left) - road for money.

    with 7 or 8 tambourines - anxiety and worries about money.

    with a worm - a road and a date with dear people.

    with a club - (over the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller's bad intentions.


Ace of Diamonds:

    in the afternoon, in the summer (designation of time).

    letter (the nearest figure will show from whom), message.

    with a tambourine - an early receipt of money.

    with 7 or 9 or 10 worms - a joyful or love letter.

    with a club or a lance - the distance of the desired minute.

    with 6 clubs - a date or a conversation at dusk.

    from 9 peak - cunning, deceiving loved ones.

    from 10 peak (left) - a mourning or sad letter.

    with 10 tambourines - money letter.

King of Diamonds:

    young man.

    love date or love acquaintance.

    with 10 tambourines (with a jack) - future support from a new acquaintance or future groom.

    with 6 tambourines - an indispensable fulfillment of desires.

    with a worm - fun, oblivion of the past and a change in life.

Queen of Diamonds:

    a young girl, at the same time, can mean an unfaithful wife.

    with a jack of tambourine or with 10 spades - an unpleasant guest.

    with 9 worms - good for women, for men - stealing.

Jack of Diamonds:

    boy, confidant, good news.

    with the king of diamonds - his thoughts.

    with the king - a commercial, false man.

    with 7 spades or 9 tambourines - a hostile person or an early treason.

    with 6 clubs - an unexpected and fast trip with a man.

Ten of tambourines:

    this is a money card, it can represent a gift or a date.

    with an ace of spades (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

    with 9 tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

    with 8 tambourines - distant receipt of money, but this is a lot of money.

    with 7 tambourines - successful chores about money

    with 6 tambourines - the fullest fulfillment of desires.

    from peak 6 (on the right) - the road for money.

    with a jack of clubs - success in money matters.

    with 10 clubs - an indispensable receipt of money.

    with 7 worms - a great inheritance.

    with 9 worms - a profitable job.

Nine of tambourines:

    "Money" card.

    with a king and a lady of the same suit - love.

    from peak 6 (on the right) - the road for money, an unpleasant incident or simply a failure.

    with a jack of hearts - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

    with 10 tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

    with four kings - a fun conversation.

Eight of tambourines:

    talk about money.


    pleasant dreams, dreams.

    with clubs 8 and 6 of worms - the news of the fire.

    with a king or queen of spades (on the sides of your card) - harm from a fake and bad person.

    with a jack of hearts - a conversation about money.

    with 10 tambourines - remote receipt of money, but a lot of money.

    with 7 tambourines (near the figure) - infidelity, inconstancy.

Seven of tambourines:

  • infidelity.

    chores, business, business appointment, purchase, sale, commercial transaction (good or bad, depending on the nearest map).

    a small gift made of gold, silver and metal in general.

    thoughts of the lady of the tambourine.

    with a figure - a happy incident.

    with 10 tambourines - successful efforts about money.

Six of tambourines:

If you got a six of tambourines in fortune-telling, this is very good. The six of tambourines is the luckiest card, which softens even the bad value of the ace of spades.

    fast, fun road, as well as the road of the king of diamonds or the lady.

    fulfillment of desire.

    with 10 tambourines - the fullest fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

    from peak 9 - death, serious illness.

Clubs (crosses)

Ace of clubs (crosses):

    in the evening, in the fall (designation of time).

    false rumor.

    government House.

    success, but if the point is up - failure, a gift (the nearest figure shows from whom).

    without a figure - a gift from a stranger.

    with a six - a railway.

    with the king (in relation to the lady) - love, courtship.

    with 7 clubs - winning the case, winning.

    with 9 worms - tender love.

    with 6 clubs - a date and conversation on the street, generally on the road, in the evening.

    at the peaks - death.

    with 9 peak - early news about the benefits, if the tip is up - about the benefits.

    with the king of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, an early fulfillment of desire.

King of clubs (crosses):

If the king of clubs does not fall out in fortune-telling, this portends failure.

    military man, loyal friend.

    with clubs - a close person, husband, groom, lover.

    in general, it portends happiness.

    with 9 clubs with a point downwards - an influential person, a supportive person, but if 9 clubs with a point upwards - trouble with this person.

    with an ace of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned business, fulfillment of desires.

    with a jack of clubs - with your card (if you are not of the club suit) - a big grief.

    with one of the sixes - the road to get interest.

Lady of clubs (crosses):

    solid lady, friend.

    with a lady of spades (especially with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

    with 8 clubs - the help of a relative or a close woman.

Jack of clubs (crosses):

If the jack of clubs falls out first in fortune-telling, this means correct fortune-telling.

    a person in uniform or a military man below the officer's rank, friend, intercessor and friend.

    without an ace or without a king - big trouble,

    "In the heart" - state troubles, thoughts of the king of clubs, if he fell out in the alignment.

    with 7 spades (rarely) - misfortune due to the intrigues of enemies.

    between two ladies - an unfaithful wife.

    with 10 tambourines - success in money matters.

    with 8 clubs - a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

    between two jacks - a hectic future.

Ten clubs (crosses):


    at peaks - deception, poverty, work.

    with a figure - a business person, but it can also mean a great danger, fires.

    with hearts - a find, happiness in the lottery;

    with a king of hearts or a lady - someone is interested in you.

    with 7 clubs - joy, news of business.

    with 6 clubs - an unintentional offer of departure.

    with 10 tambourines - an indispensable receipt of money.

    with 10 worms - success in love.

    with 9 clubs - fun with loved ones.

    with 8 clubs - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness from receiving money.

    with 9 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the happiest combinations, very good.

    with an ace of clubs - a change for the better.

    with 7 spades (no ace) - deception, tears.

    with 7 or 6 clubs - a large society.

Nine of clubs (crosses):



    with a figure indicates that it will disappear from your life; pleasant conversation. point up - annoyance, gossip, tears.

    with a king or a lady of clubs - love.

    with 9 or 10 worms - success in love.

    with any of the tambourines - a sure receipt of money and a useless waste of it for pleasure.

    with a worm - mutual love.

    from 10 peak - a nuisance in monetary terms.

    with a jack of hearts - travel.

    with the king of clubs - an influential person, a supportive person.

    with 10 clubs - fun with loved ones, surprise.

    with 10 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the happiest combinations.

Eight of clubs (crosses):

    tears, death of a loved one, annoyance.

    with the ace of clubs, point down - success, point up - failure.

    with a lady of clubs - the help of a relative or a close woman.

    with a jack of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of a fortuneteller.

    with 10 clubs - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

    with a jack of hearts - talk about losses.

    with 7 clubs (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

    with 7 clubs and an ace of hearts - a happy marriage, or inheritance.

Seven of clubs (crosses):

    close road.

    news of success.


    thoughts of a lady of clubs, if she is present in the layout.

    point up - tears.

    with an ace of clubs - winning the case, winning.

    with 10 clubs - wealth and happiness (the same as 9 and 8 clubs).

    from peak 8 - a fortuneteller is cheated on by his wife, beloved.

    with a jack of hearts (with 4 queens and sevens) the close birth of a son.

    with 10 hearts (with the other three 7 and queens or jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.


Ace of Hearts:

    gift, package.

    in the morning, in the spring (designation of time).

    house of hearts (house of married people).

    with an ace of tambourine - a joyful letter.

    from 10 peak - a sad letter.

    with a jack of hearts - good news.

    from peak 9 - revelry and pleasure, date and friend's disposition.

King of hearts:

    a married man with the same lady.

    unexpected meeting, arrival, good news.

    with a peak - a nuisance.

    with a tambourine - getting money.

    with a club - chores.

    with a worm - success.

Lady of Hearts:

    married woman.

    with 6 and 10 hearts - tears, but with a jack of clubs - an unexpected joy.

    with a worm - success in love for a man.

    with 10 worms - friend.

Jack of Hearts:

    fair-haired person.

    unpleasant guest.

    good news.

    funny company.

    thoughts of the king of hearts in his presence in the layout.

    with a worm - success.

    with an ace of hearts - good news, declaration of love.

    with 9 clubs - travel.

    with 8 worms - cordial conversation.

    with 8 tambourines - a conversation about monetary interest.

    from peak 8 - news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

    with 8 clubs - an unpleasant conversation.

    with a lady or a king - a guest.

    with 7 clubs with 4 queens or sevens - the imminent birth of a son.

    with 7 clubs and 4 aces denote the mind and wealth of the son.

Ten worms:

  • in the card "in the heart" - joy.

    in the cards "in the head" - a wedding, platonic love.

    with a lady - love and loyalty of a beloved woman.

    with the king - love and loyalty of a loved one.

    with 10 tambourines - a large monetary interest in the near future.

    with 7 clubs - with the other three 7, with queens or jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for a fortuneteller.

    with 8 worms - a secluded date with your beloved woman.

    with 7 worms - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

    with 6 tambourines - fun at a party.

    with 9 hearts with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a lady or a king - a wedding.

    with 6 worms - a joyful date.

    with 10 clubs - success in love.

    with an ace of tambourines - a love or joy letter.

Nine of Worms:

    love letter, surprise (pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the nearest map).

    love in general.

    with 8 worms or 7 worms - a date with your beloved person.

    with 9 clubs - a loved one will give you her heart, message or thing from her beloved one.

    with 10 hearts with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a lady or king - a wedding.

    with some six - an unexpected meeting.

    with the lady of spades - happiness.

Eight of Worms:

    fun conversation, pleasure.

    long road.

    with a jack of hearts - hearty conversation.

    with 7 clubs - unexpected happiness.

    with 10 worms - a solitary date.

    with 9 worms - a date.

    with 10 tambourines (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

Seven of hearts:

  • thoughts of a lady of hearts in her presence in the scenario.

    from 10 rush - an unexpected proposal.

    with 10 worms - a pleasant secluded date.

    with 9 worms - a date.

    with 4 kings is a fun conversation.

Six of Worms:

    walk, obstacle and delay in business (but not in love);

    road of the king of hearts, ladies.

    with a worm - the way to a dear person.

    with 10 worms - a road and a heartfelt date.

    all nine worms are undeniable success in love.

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