Nightshade in Skyrim: description, features and habitats. Nightshade: types, composition, properties, use, contraindications, recipes Where to get nightshade Witcher 3

A huge number of users are concerned about the question of where to find the nightshade fruit in The Witcher 3. This game is noted for its extensive crafting system with an incredible amount of resources that can be found in the open world. This article will explain why nightshade is needed, where to look for it, and provide other useful information on this issue.

Ingredient Application

It’s no wonder that many players ask where to find the nightshade fruit in The Witcher 3. This resource, at first glance, is an ordinary plant and belongs to those that are found everywhere during adventures. Its true value will only be understood by those users who want to make red mutagens for themselves. These are special substances that are inserted into cells near selected skills and enhance them. Red ones are responsible for the attack power, small increases it by 5%, medium - by 10%, large - by 15%. This increase is strongly felt in battles, and therefore users with an emphasis on physical attacks are looking for a way to create mutagens.

Erroneous searches

The world of this game is simply huge, there are opportunities to move freely within the locations. It would seem that users should not have problems with where to find the nightshade fruit in The Witcher 3, but the situation is different. People often make wrong decisions while searching and waste a lot of time because of it. A common method is to travel between settlements to visit all the merchants on the map. It should be immediately noted that this product is not sold by NPCs; doing this is useful, but not in the case of nightshade. Other players begin to travel to locations close to the forest area. Here you can get the most plants, and Geralt, using his special vision, can see bushes that are available for collecting resources. This is a working method when it comes to alchemy, but nightshade does not grow in normal terrain. Desperate players can look for a code for nightshade fruits - such a command does not exist in The Witcher 3.

Proper resource extraction

The above mistakes will help save time, which can be spent on other adventures. In fact, the question of where to find the nightshade fruit in The Witcher 3 arises among users who have not been to the greenhouse of the protagonist’s estate in Corvo Bianco. This wonderful place can become Geralt’s home; Triss will even decide to move here if the witcher was in a romantic relationship with her. For this to be possible, users must have the Blood and Wine add-on installed. Regardless of the choices made, when completing the main storyline of the DLC, the large estate will become the property of Geralt. Toussaint is a region famous for its wine, which is why most of the land is occupied by vineyards. There is also a greenhouse that you can enter. The same nightshade fruits grow there. These are red berries, sharp at the bottom, you can easily figure them out from the description.

Helpful information

Now players will know where to get nightshade fruits in The Witcher 3. The important thing is that after some time in the greenhouse the supply of resources is replenished; they can be constantly taken to create mutagens. If players think that this process is too difficult, then they can go and farm the reagent in fights. Mutagens are body parts from killed creatures, usually from unfriendly monsters. Red ones drop out less often than others; it was against this background that the recipe with blue, green mutagens and nightshade fruits became popular. After obtaining small varieties of resources, they can be combined to obtain medium ones, then repeat the procedure and craft large ones. They provide +15% to physical damage from selected skills in slots. This especially helps in battles with bosses that come across in additional quests and the main storyline.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Many gardeners know nightshade as a wonderful ornamental plant that pleases with its beauty all year round: white nightshade flowers in combination with beautiful berries, the color of which changes as they ripen, will not leave anyone indifferent. But this plant is valued not only for its decorative value, but also for its medicinal properties, which we will discuss in detail in this article.

nightshade plant

What does nightshade look like?

Nightshade (or “solyanum”) is an interesting plant because it can look different: these are herbs, shrubs, and trees, the stem of which can be recumbent, erect or creeping, and the leaves can be simple or pinnately dissected.

The flowers of the plant are collected in corymbs, racemes or panicles, and the corolla of the flower can be painted white, yellow, purple or pink (it all depends on the type of nightshade).

The fruit of the nightshade is a berry. It is for the beauty and grace of its bright red fruits that nightshade is called the “coral tree.”

Nightshade is a heat-loving plant that is not picky about the type of soil, although it thrives best in loose, alkaline loamy or clay soils.

Nightshade family

Nightshade belongs to the Solanaceae family, which has about 1,500 species. Moreover, this family contains both agricultural crops (for example, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers) and useful medicinal plants, including:
  • false pepper nightshade;
  • pepper nightshade;
  • Nightshade papillary;
  • red nightshade;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • black nightshade.

Where does it grow?

Plants from the Solanaceae family are common in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions, but they primarily grow in South America.

Collection and storage

The herb, leaves and fruits of nightshade are used for medicinal purposes.

Thus, the grass and leaves of the plant are harvested from July to September, while the fruits are harvested from August to October.

The raw materials are dried in the fresh air or in a thoroughly ventilated room, and stored in boxes that are pre-lined with paper.

The shelf life of nightshade is quite long - 6 - 8 years.

Important! For medicinal purposes, only dark (or black-blue) nightshade berries are used, but green fruits should not be consumed, since they contain a large amount of solanine, a poisonous glycoside that can provoke the development of symptoms of intoxication.

In general, nightshade can be dried, frozen, and also mixed with sugar or honey.

Nightshade is a weed

Nightshade is often talked about as a dangerous weed, which is very difficult to get rid of. But this statement is not entirely true, since the weed is predominantly one type of nightshade - prickly nightshade.

This type of nightshade reaches a height of 30–100 cm, while its stem, branches, leaf veins, and peduncles have strong awl-shaped spines of a yellowish color (the length of the spines is 5–12 cm).

One such nightshade can form up to 70 branches.

Prickly nightshade blooms from June to September and bears fruit from August to October. The fruit of this type of nightshade is a spherical, semi-dry berry that cracks when ripe. One such nightshade can produce up to 180 berries, and each of them contains about 50 - 120 seeds.

Interesting fact! Ripe seeds of this type of nightshade do not germinate, remaining in a state of biological dormancy for 5–6 months. Seeds germinate only after overwintering directly in the soil. The viability of seeds in the soil is also striking; it lasts 7–10 years.

The danger of nightshade is not only that it retains its viability for a long time, but also that this plant (or rather, the seeds) easily breaks off and is carried by the wind over long distances.

Important! With insufficient care of the prickly nightshade, the contamination of the soil with the seeds of the plant sharply increases, and often all herbaceous vegetation without exception is replaced by the prickly nightshade.

Can you eat nightshade?

Not all types of nightshade berries can be eaten. The berries of black nightshade are most often eaten, and they are rarely consumed fresh (the berries have an unpleasant odor).

Nightshade berries are mainly used as a filling for pies, for making jam and jam.

It is important to eat only ripe berries, rich in sugars and ascorbic acid. Unripe nightshade berries contain toxic compounds that are completely destroyed when the berries ripen.

Types of nightshade

As mentioned above, the Solanaceae family contains more than 1,500 different species of plants that prefer temperate and warm climates.

This amazing family unites the most diverse and often unexpected species, among which there are poisonous and quite dangerous plants (for example, mandrake, belladonna, dope, as well as henbane and brugmansia).

This family also contains vegetables beloved by many and fragrant ornamental flowers (for example, petunias, tobacco, physalis).

But we will dwell in more detail on those types of nightshade that are used specifically in folk medicine.

False pepper nightshade

False pepper nightshade, which is also called “Jerusalem cherry” for the similarity of the fruit to cherries, is native to the island of Madeira. In turn, this type of nightshade can be found in the wild in the Crimea.

This type of nightshade belongs to the evergreen semi-shrub plants, because its height rarely exceeds 1 m. The leaves of false pepper nightshade are lanceolate or oval and have no edge (the length of the leaves is 8 - 10 cm).

The plant blooms with small single white flowers that appear in July–August. But false pepper nightshade acquires its famous attractiveness only when round fruits appear, which gradually turn red. The berries are formed on the stem, rising above the foliage. Ripe berries of nightshade can boast all shades - from orange to scarlet.

The fruits of nightshade are considered inedible because they contain the poisonous alkaloid solanine. However, in South Africa, this plant is used to treat boils and stomach cramps, while in India, decoctions and infusions from this plant are used to treat drowsiness and acute pain.

Nightshade pepper

Pepper nightshade is similar in appearance to false pepper nightshade, with the only difference being that the former is smaller in size (and its fruits are also smaller).

Young shoots of pepper nightshade have a grayish edge and short leaves.

Southern Brazil, as well as Uruguay, is considered the homeland of this type of nightshade.

It must be said that pepper nightshade blooms most profusely in the summer: small white flowers cover the entire plant. By the onset of winter, bright red berries the size of cherries ripen.

This type of nightshade is not only an ornamental, but also a medicinal plant, which is called “angina” or “angina tree”, because the berries of pepper nightshade help cope with sore throat. To do this, prepare the following infusion: 1 tbsp. crushed dry berries are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for two hours. Gargle with this infusion up to five times a day. This rinse helps to quickly relieve inflammation and eliminate pain in the throat due to tonsillitis.

Juice from nightshade berries perfectly heals wounds and cuts, and also promotes the resorption of boils.

Important! False pepper and pepper nightshades are indoor plants that love bright sunlight, although they do not tolerate direct sunlight quite well.

Nightshade papillary

This type of nightshade is also called “cow’s udder,” and all due to the fact that the ends of the fruit are elongated and look like an udder with nipples.

Papillary nightshade can reach a height of one or more meters. This type of nightshade is distinguished by the presence of soft leaves that resemble small burdocks. The stems of the plant are quite thick and covered with thorns.

The plant blooms with small flowers, which can be purple or white. After flowering, waxy yellow or orange fruits are formed.

It must be said that papillary nightshade is rightfully considered a rather rare plant. Despite this, this type of nightshade has found use in homeopathy: preparations based on it are taken for hemoptysis, and also as an effective expectorant.

Red nightshade

This is a perennial subshrub with large leaves and a woody stem. The fruit of the red nightshade is a bright red berry.

This type of nightshade is common in Northern Mongolia, Siberia and the Himalayas.

Red nightshade contains a small amount of bitter glycoside and solanine, which in their action are very similar to tannins, vitamin C, carbohydrates and other substances.
Young shoots of the plant are used for medicinal purposes in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • skin diseases (eczema, rash);
  • metabolic disease;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchial asthma, colds);
  • cystitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammation of the middle ear.
A decoction of red nightshade berries is recommended for epileptic seizures, as well as for headaches.

Important! When taken in large doses or with prolonged use, preparations from red nightshade can cause poisoning.

Nightshade bittersweet

This type of nightshade, which is a subshrub, has long creeping branches and oblong (somewhat pointed) leaves. Plant height varies from 30 to 180 cm.

The purple flowers of bittersweet nightshade are not only large, but also very bright, they are collected in drooping clusters (later red fruits are formed from these clusters).

Bittersweet nightshade got its name from its fruits, which, when bitten, have a sweet taste that gives way to bitterness. People know this type of nightshade as “wolf berries” and “wormworm”.

The plant grows mainly in bushes, along rivers, lakes and swamps, as well as in hedges.

For medicinal purposes, the stems of the plant are mainly used in the treatment of lichen, rheumatism, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. But the poisonous berries of bittersweet nightshade have not been used in pharmacology.

Raw materials (young grassy tops of branches) are harvested at the beginning of flowering or directly during flowering. The raw materials are dried in the shade and stored in boxes lined with paper (it is important to store nightshade separately from other plants, since the plant is poisonous).

The composition of bittersweet nightshade determines its medicinal properties. So, the active ingredients of the plant are:

  • alkaloids;
  • bitterness;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
Properties of bittersweet nightshade:
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • blood purifying;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • soothing;
  • wound healing;
  • anthelmintic.
Diseases and conditions for which the use of bittersweet nightshade preparations is indicated:
  • metabolic disease;
  • skin diseases (rashes, itchy eczema and lichen);
  • flu;
  • rheumatism;
  • convulsions;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • Irregular menstruation.

An infusion of leaves is recommended to be drunk for dropsy, jaundice and whooping cough, while it can be used externally for scrofula and rheumatism. The fruits are used for sexually transmitted diseases, as well as epilepsy and migraine attacks. A decoction of flowers is indicated for pulmonary diseases and catarrh of the respiratory tract.

Important! It is recommended to use bittersweet nightshade in combination with other herbs, namely wintergreen, birch, bearberry, strawberries, calendula, licorice, fennel, horsetail, marshmallow, lingonberry, egg capsule, chicory, lemon balm, yarrow, rose hips.

To prepare the infusion, 15 g of herbal collection, taken in equal quantities, are poured with half a liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the product is infused for two hours, filtered and taken three times a day with meals.

Preparations from bittersweet nightshade are contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

We should not forget that this plant is poisonous, and therefore its improper use can provoke poisoning, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • overexcitement;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • speech disorder.
To avoid the listed symptoms, it is necessary to avoid self-medication with bittersweet nightshade preparations.

Indoor nightshade: care, replanting - video

Nightshade black (common)

Black nightshade is an annual herbaceous plant whose height does not exceed one meter. The stem of this plant is erect, branched and slightly pubescent. The leaves have a pointed oval shape (their length is 10 - 13 cm).

The white flowers of black nightshade are small, they are collected in drooping umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

The fruit is a black, juicy, round berry (white or greenish fruits are rare). Nightshade berries have a hot and sour taste.

Black nightshade blooms from June to September, and the fruits ripen from July to October.

This type of nightshade grows almost throughout Russia (with the exception of the northern regions and Kazakhstan). Black nightshade inhabits arable lands and vegetable gardens, along the banks of reservoirs, lakes and rivers; you can find this plant in gardens and among bushes.

Important! Black nightshade is widely used in folk medicine, so further discussion will be about this type of nightshade.

Composition of nightshade

  • reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • regulates protein synthesis;
  • restores metabolism;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • promotes the full formation of bones and teeth;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Organic acids
  • promote hematopoiesis;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulate sluggish intestines;
  • eliminate constipation;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalize digestion;
  • improve metabolism;
  • lower cholesterol concentrations;
  • neutralize free radicals;
  • normalize the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • break down fats;
  • remove toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system.
  • eliminate foci of inflammation;
  • neutralize bacteria and microbes;
  • accelerate the wound healing process;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • relieve pain;
  • promote blood clotting, which is why they are used to stop bleeding;
  • relieve spasms;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • reduce blood pressure.
They are the main source of energy for the human body. It is sugars that ensure the flow of metabolic processes, thereby normalizing the functioning of all body systems.

Vitamin C

  • removes oxidized products from the body that damage healthy cells;
  • removes toxins;
  • restores liver cells;
  • normalizes the functioning of the pancreas;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • strengthens the immune system.

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • increase the excretion of urine from the body;
  • neutralize the effect of microbes and bacteria;
  • increase the discharge of sputum from the bronchi;
  • calm the nervous system.
  • strengthening the walls of capillaries by increasing their strength and elasticity;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • slow heart rate;
  • decrease in intraocular pressure;
  • regulation of daily urine output;
  • stimulating the function of the adrenal cortex;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • relief of allergies;
  • neutralization of free radicals.
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • helps strengthen the skeleton;
  • binds and removes toxins from the body;
  • strengthens the heart (in particular capillaries and blood vessels);
  • normalizes the functions of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • promotes the formation of bone and connective tissues;
  • restores lipid metabolism;
  • enhances insulin synthesis;
  • promotes the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • synthesizes thyroid hormone.
  • promotes the formation of bone tissue;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • promotes the release of insulin;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates the functions of the central nervous system.

Beneficial properties of nightshade

  • Painkiller.
  • Diuretic.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Anthelmintic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Sedative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Spasmodic.
  • Antirheumatic.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Wound healing.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Laxative.

The benefits and harms of nightshade

Black nightshade has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. Thus, Hippocrates used this plant to prevent involuntary ejaculation at night in young men, as well as men (this condition, called emission, occurs most often when the psyche is relaxed and is accompanied by dreams in which the object of arousal is present).

Dioscorides prepared remedies from nightshade to help heal burns of the esophagus and stomach. In addition, this plant, which has an analgesic effect, was used in ancient times as a narcotic drug taken before surgery.

Indian medicine to this day uses nightshade fruits in the treatment of fever, diarrhea, eye diseases, while the juice of the plant is indicated for chronic liver diseases, tuberculosis, dysentery, and hemorrhoids.

But this is not a complete list of diseases for which it is recommended to take nightshade preparations.

Diseases and conditions for which the use of black nightshade is indicated:

  • headache;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • angina;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • fever;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen and bladder;
  • colitis;
  • urinary and cholelithiasis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • neuroses;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • scrofula;
  • boils;
  • lichen;
  • wounds;
  • ulcers;
  • pyelitis;
  • epilepsy.
In general, black nightshade preparations help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. If we talk about the effect of the plant on the nervous system, then at first preparations of black nightshade act as a stimulant, and then as a depressant.

When fresh, the leaves of the plant are used as an effective wound-healing agent (an ointment can be prepared from the leaves to help treat festering wounds and ulcers).

Berries (fruits) of nightshade

The fruits of the plant have choleretic, antifever, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antirheumatic properties, which determines their area of ​​application. Thus, preparations from the fruits of black nightshade are used for rheumatism, colds, inflammation, respiratory diseases, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

It must be said that the fruits of black nightshade contain substances that have a calming effect on the nervous system and eliminate pain of various origins.

Fresh (and always ripe) fruits of black nightshade can be consumed 5 - 10 g for atherosclerosis, as well as hypertension.


The stems of nightshade are used similarly to the leaves of this plant. A powder made from the dried stems of the plant is used in the treatment of diseases such as pancreatitis.


This part of the plant is not used in folk medicine.

Uses of nightshade


An infusion of nightshade herbs and flowers is used as an expectorant, diuretic and analgesic.

To prepare the infusion, pour 5 g of crushed raw materials into one glass of boiling water, after which the product is infused for at least three hours. The strained infusion is taken 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon.

This remedy will help with neuroses, headaches, joint and rheumatic pain. In addition, it can be used in the form of compresses in the treatment of boils and lichen.


A tincture of nightshade fruits is prepared with 60 percent alcohol; for this, one part of the fruit is poured with five parts of vodka and infused for a week. The tincture is taken orally, 10-15 drops, for colds, spasmodic stomach pain, flu, skin rashes, inflammation of the middle ear, and also for neuralgia.


1 tsp nightshade herb is poured into 250 ml, after which the mixture is sent to a water bath for 15 minutes. The strained decoction is drunk for 10 days, one teaspoon twice a day. This remedy is recommended for cough, neuralgia, colitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, cystitis, rheumatic pain and itchy eczema.

Nightshade juice

Juice from ripe nightshade fruits, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 (for example, 50 ml of juice per 150 ml of water), is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the mucous membrane and sore throat. In addition, the juice from the leaves of the plant is applied to the nose for a runny nose (2-3 drops in each nasal sinus). For abdominal dropsy, it is recommended to take 20–35 drops of juice twice a day (the juice can be washed down with milk). However, it should be remembered that nightshade juice is contraindicated for hypotension.

Nightshade ointment

To prepare nightshade ointment, powder from the herb of the plant is mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4, respectively.

The resulting ointment is used to lubricate festering wounds, ulcers, lichens, and boils.

Contraindications to the use of nightshade

Despite the fact that nightshade berries are edible, prolonged use and non-compliance with the dosage can cause poisoning. For this reason, before taking nightshade preparations, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Ingredients for the dough:
  • kefir – 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 0.5 cups;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • dry yeast – 1 sachet;
  • sifted flour - 3 cups.
Filling ingredients:
  • ripe nightshade berries – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 glass.
First the filling is prepared. To do this, the berries are carefully sorted and washed (unripe berries cannot be used to prepare the filling).

Next, the berries are mixed with sugar, after which the resulting mixture is placed in a deep frying pan or saucepan and put on fire. The berries and sugar simmer over the fire for half an hour (the mixture should acquire a uniform purple color and thicken). The finished filling should cool.

Important! Properly prepared filling tastes like blueberry jam.

Let's move on to preparing the dough. So, vegetable oil is mixed with kefir, after which the mixture is slightly heated. Next, salt, sugar and dry yeast are added to the resulting mass. The mass is stirred until it becomes homogeneous, after which flour is added (the dough is mixed well again).

Now the dough needs to be kneaded well and put in a warm place for half an hour until it “fits.”

When the dough has risen, roll it out and place it in a baking dish, which must first be greased with vegetable oil. The filling is laid out on top, on top of which a “mesh” can be made from rolled out pieces of dough.

The pie is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until cooked.

Nightshade jam

To make black nightshade jam, you will need the following ingredients:
  • ripe nightshade fruits – 500 g;
  • sugar – 600 g;
  • water – 250 ml.
The berries are thoroughly washed and placed in a saucepan. Next, a syrup is prepared from water and sugar, which is poured over the nightshade, and the syrup should be hot. The resulting mixture is left overnight (the berries should release juice). In the morning, the mixture is brought to a boil, after which the jam is simmered over low heat until ready.

You can also make jam from nightshade. The ingredients and their quantities are the same as for making jam. Only the cooking technology differs. So, the washed berries are filled with water and cooked until the nightshade becomes soft. Next, the berries are ground with sugar and simmered over low heat until the mixture is reduced to half.

Now let's move on to recipes that will help improve your body's health.

Decoction for colitis and gout

Brew 20 g of ripe nightshade fruits with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. This remedy is taken one tablespoon four times a day. This decoction will also help alleviate urinary and gallstone diseases.

Infusion to eliminate pain of various etiologies

Brew 10 g of crushed black nightshade herb with 500 ml of boiling water, and then leave for 4 hours. The filtered infusion is drunk a tablespoon three times a day as an analgesic for neuroses, headaches, gouty and joint pain, for spastic pain localized in the abdomen and bladder. In addition, this infusion can be used as a lotion in the treatment of scrofula, boils and lichen.

Infusion for rheumatism

2 tsp Nightshade flowers are poured into two glasses of boiling water. The product is wrapped and left to infuse for two hours, after which it is filtered and drunk a tablespoon three or four times a day.

Infusion for spasmodic cough

Pour 10 g of herb into half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the product warm, 150 ml three times a day before eating. If desired, you can add honey to the infusion to taste.

Infusion for hemorrhoids and purulent wounds

8 tbsp. Infuse dry nightshade leaves in ten glasses of boiling water for four hours. The infusion is used as sitz baths in the treatment of external hemorrhoids and purulent wounds.

How to cook nightshade - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Today’s publication is dedicated to a mini-guide on where to get very rare fruits of a bush called Witcher 3 Nightshade. These fruits also need to be made from red mutogens, which are quite rare in the game, and they, in turn, are needed in order to pump up one of the new branches available in the add-on to the game “The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine”.

If you are an active fan of the games in this series, then you will definitely need the Witcher 3 nightshade fruits.

where can I get nightshade the witcher 3? Unfortunately, you will not be able to find them in any of the game locations except Toussaint. They are not available for sale from herbal healers, nor are they available on Skellige. You will not find nightshade fruits in any store.

Also, there is not a single character who would tell your main character Geralt of Rivia when passing through The Witcher 3 where to get nightshade fruits. You don’t have to waste time looking for nightshade fruits in forests, fields, chests, and secret rooms. Let us repeat once again, they grow only in Toussaint in a villa in the garden, which must be put in order before growing this shrub. The garden is abandoned and empty.

Therefore, prepare a small amount of game money (about two thousand) and contact the estate’s butler so that he can repair and restore the garden plot. The butler is somewhat reminiscent of the cheerful Cat Basilio, because he wears glasses that are uncharacteristic of that old fashion. And the butler's name is Basil.

Talk to him about repairs and order the planting of herbs in the newly created garden, which are necessary for making elixirs, and there is plenty of free space in your garden for rare plants. The most important rule is not to go to another location while the nightshade is growing. Two days after planting, you can run and admire the beauty of the garden in which beautiful flowers have grown.

Among all the different herbs, the grass with red inflorescences will catch your eye. These will be the fruits of the nightshade. Feel free to collect them.

If you don’t know where to find nightshade fruits in The Witcher 3, then you will in no way appreciate the gorgeous skill line. With the help of Alchemy skills, you now have the chance to create mutagens and download the bloody branch, which turns all opponents into a bloody mess.

In addition to the above, we invite you to watch the video material The Witcher 3 where to find nightshade:

Where to find nightshade fruits - Witcher 3 Blood and Wine

Mora tapinella

Mora tapinella is a mushroom that grows on stumps and fallen trees in forested areas throughout Skyrim.


1 sample can be found in Sinderion's field laboratory in Winterhold.

Mora tapinella is classified as an uncommon ingredient, meaning that merchant apothecaries have a 15% chance of selling 1-5 samples.


527 specimens of the Mora tapinella mushroom grow in 177 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 26 around Riverwood, Whiterun Domain
  • 17 around Northern Watchtower, Haafingar
  • 14 inside Frostmere, White Beach
  • 12 inside Green Shadow Cave, Haafingar
  • 9 around Camp Broken Leg, Eastmarch
  • 9 around the Apprentice Stone, Hjaalmarch
  • 8 inside Mossy Cave, Falkreath Hold
  • 8 around Evergreen Grove, Falkreath Hold
  • 7 960 feet west of Frostcave, Haafingar (x=-163790, y=108348)
  • 7 around Witchmist Grove, Eastmarch
  • 7 around Pine Watch, Falkreath Hold
  • 7 around Half Moon Sawmill, Falkreath Hold
  • 7 around Skeleton Ridge, Eastmarch


Nightshade usually grows in cemeteries. Although it prefers places that are surrounded by death, it requires light, which prevents nightshade from growing inside most tombs and crypts.

"The name and form of this plant are well known. Nords usually try to stay away from these purple flowers with dark leaves, as very strong poisons are brewed from them. Nightshade is very effective as a pure poison, but it can be combined with other components to paralyze the joints. Therefore, it is valued among those who prefer to weaken the enemy in battle. Those who do not bind themselves to the conventions of the law coat their blades with such poisons." - Agneta Falia, "Guide to the Plants of Skyrim"


57 samples can be found in 37 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 4 Mzulf - Aedrom, Eastmarch
  • 3 Hall of Achievement, College of Winterhold
  • 3 Nightcallers Temple, White Beach
  • 3 Glenmoril Coven, Falkreath Hold
  • 3 on the steps to High Hrothgar, Whiterun Hold
  • 3 Vlindrel Hall, Markarth
  • 3 in the basement of Alva's house, Morthal


There are 161 nightshade plants found in 48 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 11 Solitude, Haafingar
  • 10 around Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Falkreath Hold
  • 10 Labyrinthian Main Chambers, Hjaalmarch
  • 9 inside Labyrinthian Chasm
  • 8 Riften, Rift Hold
  • 8 around Hamvir's Rest, Whiterun Hold
  • 6 280 feet north of Wind Arc, Rift Hold (x=66199, y=-93514)
  • 6 around Cregslane Cave, Eastmarch
  • 6 around Holdir's Cairn, Falkreath Hold
  • 5 near Refugee Rest, Eastmarch, 4 of them in a small cemetery
  • 5 180 feet west-northwest of Falkreath (x=-33900, y=-85069)
  • 5 inside the Labyrinthian location, stands
  • 4 600 ft E of Mist Watch, Eastmarch (x=150191, y=-32316)
  • 4 around the Southern Passage of Cold Rocks
  • 4 around the location “Falkreath - Watchtower”, Falkreath domain


The standard Destruction Skill Boost effect for this ingredient is 4 instead of 5. It is important to remember this when pairing Nightshade with Ectoplasm, as the resulting potion will only be 20% as effective as a regular Destruction Boost potion.

Related quests

"Collect 20 Nightshade Samples": Help Ingun Black-Briar restore Elgrim's supply of rare ingredients.


Nirnroot is a bright green plant usually found near water. The roots emit a vibrating sound unique to them, and the glow makes searching even easier in the dark. While in-game text states that the Nirnroot does not regenerate, it actually grows back like other plants. A related species is the Scarlet Nirnroot, which is almost completely identical in alchemical properties (differing only in the description of the Damage to Health effect).

Poisons with the Damage to Health effect, created from Nirn Root, have the same potency as those brewed from regular ingredients. However, the cost of such poisons is 12.6 times higher than standard ones.


22 samples can be found in 19 different locations. Places with the most samples:

  • 2 Sinderion Field Laboratory, Blackreach
  • 2 at Angelina's Fragrances, Solitude
  • 2 Sareti Farm, Rift Hold

Nirnroot is classified as a rare ingredient, meaning that apothecary merchants have a 21% chance of selling 1-4 samples. It is worth noting that 1-2 samples can be found on the bodies of dead alchemists, for example in the location “Pond of Pure Pines”.


161 Nirnroots can be found in 85 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 9 around Sarethi Farm, Rift Hold
  • 8 around Northern Watchtower, Haafingar
  • 6 around Sheer Hole, Haafingar
  • 5 around Dawnstar Refuge, White Coast
  • 4 around the Stronghold Bruce's Leap, possession of the Limit
  • 4 around Evergreen Grove, Falkreath Hold
  • 3 around Crow's Hole, Haafingar
  • 3 around Coldshore Cave, Winterhold
  • 3 around the Abandoned Hut, Hjaalmarch
  • 3 870 feet east-northeast of Frost Cave, Haafingar (x=-161516, y=110049)
  • 3 around the Salt Water Grotto
  • 3 around Lesnaya Village, Rift property
  • 3 1120 feet northeast of Mor Khazgur, Reach Hold (x=-166846, y=100414)
  • 3 around the Ice Runner crash site, Hjaalmarch
  • 3 around the Salt Hammer wreck, White Beach
  • 3 around Redoran Refuge, Whiterun Hold
  • 3 around Grim Reach, Reach Hold
  • 3 around Coldwind Pool, Whiterun Domain
  • 3 around Broken Oar Grotto, Haafingar

Other Applications

Nirnroot can be sold to Avruza Sarethi to begin the Gather Wheat quest.

Related quests

"Collect 20 Nirnroot Samples": Help Ingun Black-Briar restore Elgrim's supply of rare ingredients.


One of the Nirnroots is located in empty space on a small island east-southeast of the Pride of Tel Vos Crash Site; but the area west of Winterhold is inaccessible to the player, so the root cannot be picked.

lilac mountain flower

The purple mountain flower is a species of mountain flower. Each type of mountain flower (there are also red and blue) produces flower ingredients, but each type has different alchemical properties. All three varieties of mountain flowers are widespread in the foothills and lower levels of the mountains (where there is no snow), especially along roads.


88 samples can be found in 47 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 11 Frost Lighthouse, Winterhold
  • 6 in the catacombs of Solitude
  • 5 in Kataria, Solitude
  • 4 480 feet northeast of Red Pass, White Beach (x=30078, y=85752)

Purple Mountainflower is classified as a common ingredient, meaning that merchant apothecaries have a 36% chance of selling 1-5 samples.


1935 plants of purple mountain flower can be found in 250 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 40 around Pine Watch, Falkreath Hold
  • 36 around Lesnaya Village, Rift property
  • 30 around Mistwatch, Eastmarch
  • 28 around Rorikstead, Whiterun Hold
  • 27 around Trevskaya outpost, Rift possession
  • 26 around the Rogue's Lair, Whiterun Hold
  • 26 inside the Green Shadow Cave, Haafingar
  • 24 around Sleepy Tree Camp, Whiterun Domain
  • 24 around Goldenbloom Estate, Rift Hold
  • 24 around Dragonbridge Heights, Reach Hold
  • 24 around Half Moon Sawmill, Falkreath Hold
  • 23 around Torch Mine, Falkreath Hold

Red Mountain Flower

The flowers of the red mountain flower are the source of an alchemical ingredient of the same name. All varieties of mountain flower (red, blue and purple) have different alchemical properties. But all three varieties of mountain flowers are widespread in the foothills and lower levels of the mountains (where there is no snow).

Its flowers are one of three ingredients that have the effect of restoring magic, but the other two (briar heart and ectoplasm) are much less common than red mountain flower.


98 samples can be found in 45 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 16 350 feet east of Dawnstar Refuge, White Beach (x=38750, y=112980)
  • 16 Ingvild Throne Room, Winterhold
  • 6 Vlindrel Hall, Markarth

Red Mountain Flower is classified as a common ingredient, meaning that merchant apothecaries have a 36% chance of selling 1-5 samples.


1213 red mountain flowers can be found in 180 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 41 inside the Green Shadow Cave, Haafingar
  • 29 around Lesnaya Village, Rift property
  • 26 around Evergreen Grove, Falkreath Hold
  • 24 around the Ruins of Btalft, Rift Hold
  • 23 around the location Dragon Bridge Height, Reach possession
  • 23 around Lost Knife Vault, Eastmarch
  • 22 Royal Palace in Windhelm
  • 21 around Goldenbloom Estate, Rift Hold
  • 21 around Honning Meadery, Whiterun Hold
  • 21 around Snowmobile Farm, Rift Hold
  • 20 around Trevskaya outpost, Rift possession
  • 20 around Clicking Cave, Eastmarch
  • 20 around Sareti Farm, Rift Hold

snow berries

Snowberry is often found near the borders of snowy areas. Snow berries are the only ingredient that has three magic resistance effects at once: fire, frost and lightning.


142 samples can be found in 66 different locations. Locations with the most samples:

  • 15 Ingol's Mound, Winterhold
  • 12 catacombs of Solitude
  • 7 Broken Tower, Reach Hold
  • 5 College of Bards, Solitude
  • 5 Aeri's House, White Beach
  • 5 Brandy Mug Farm, Eastmarch

Snowberries are classified as a common ingredient, meaning that apothecary merchants have a 36% chance of selling 1-5 samples.

Alchemy can be called an integral part of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is this that allows you to create unique healing potions and poisons. For this purpose, the protagonist will need various ingredients. It is difficult to imagine creating a powerful poison without using the nightshade flower. In Skyrim, it can be found in different locations that are simply soaked in blood.

Where should you go in search of this plant?

Description of nightshade

Nightshade is most often found in cemeteries. The thing is that he simply needs the place where he grows to be surrounded by death. However, it cannot be found inside crypts and tombs, because nightshade needs sunlight.

In a book called A Guide to the Plants of Skyrim, author Agnetha Falia writes the following:

The name and form of this plant are well known. Nords usually try to stay away from these purple flowers with dark leaves, as very strong poisons are brewed from them. Nightshade is very effective as a pure poison, but it can be combined with other ingredients to paralyze joints.

It is for this very reason that nightshade in Skyrim is so valued by characters seeking to weaken their enemy in fierce battles. Those poisons that contain these beautiful purple flowers are ideal for applying to blades and arrows.

Alchemical properties

Beginning alchemists can learn the first property of this ingredient only by eating it. If the alchemy skill is more developed, the learning process is significantly easier: the whole point is that experienced alchemists can determine all four properties of any ingredient at one time.

The alchemical effects of nightshade are as follows:

  • the plant causes significant damage to health;
  • it increases the skill of destruction;
  • nightshade damages magic regeneration;
  • the poison based on the plant's flowers causes significant lingering damage to the reserve of strength.

But despite its toxicity, nightshade in small quantities can be included in drinks that are completely safe for health.

Combination with other ingredients

To get a whole flask of a potion that will damage your opponent's magic, damage their regeneration, and also deprive the enemy of their strength, try combining Nightshade with Monarch's Wing and Bearded Moss. Poison, which permanently paralyzes the enemy, can also be made from nightshade and blue mountain flower.

Where to find nightshade?

The highest concentration of nightshade in Skyrim was found in the cities of Riften and Solitude. There is a lot of it in Labyrinthian. These delightful flowers grow in large numbers at the entrance to the Dark Brotherhood's hideout, and they can also be found at the secret entrance to the Thieves Guild.

If we talk about where nightshade grows in Skyrim, it should also be noted that it can be found in places associated with death - at battle sites, in cemeteries, in graves. This is probably what causes the alchemical property of damage to health.

It should be noted that nightshade in Skyrim belongs to the category of rare ingredients - the probability of finding it on sale at local pharmacists is only 21%. Several plants can be found in locations such as:

  • Mzulft.
  • Temple of the Night Callers.
  • College of Winterhold.
  • Vlindrel Hall.
  • Basement of Alva's house.
  • The steps leading to High Hrothgar.

You can find nightshade in Skyrim at the Watchtower, located near Falkreath, as well as near the Mist Watch, at the Refugee Rest, in the vicinity of the Kregslane cave and Holdir's Cairn.

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