Innovations in kindergarten: mind map on the theme “Autumn. Mental map: draw and you will understand everything Mental map for planning in dou

MENTAL MAPS FOR CHILDREN 5 options for use Do you remember in what form we were asked to study information at school? Books with sheets of solid text, logical lists and step-by-step action algorithms were supposed to help us acquire new knowledge, but did not arouse much enthusiasm. Complex subjects had to be memorized. The long sheets of text did not want to fit in my head. All the letters, words and paragraphs merged together, and there was nothing for the eye to catch on to. Although linear recording of information in the form of continuous text with logical markings is great for writing literature and making all kinds of lists, it is not the best tool for visually structuring information and developing creative thinking. And this is where mental maps will help us and our children. Mental maps are a wonderful tool for visualizing almost any information. The principle of constructing a map is similar to the form of our thinking and is based on associative connections between objects and the principle of natural hierarchy. Here are 5 interesting options for using mental maps that are suitable for children: 1. Simplify learning Show your child how, with the help of mental maps, you can turn a chapter from a textbook into an interesting and, most importantly, understandable and logical drawing or diagram. Together with your child, highlight the main points from the textbook section and transfer the information into a logically connected mental map. Thus, all information will not only become visual and understandable, but it will also be easy to remember. 2. Set goals and plan your week Mind maps can be a powerful tool for instilling in your child the habit of setting goals and planning their time. Instead of a list of daily tasks and responsibilities, a child can put his plans into a fun mind map. As a rule, children learn to work with mental maps very easily, and the creation of mind maps itself becomes an exciting game for them. 3. Plan and manage projects The ability to break a complex project into simple and understandable components is a very valuable skill for every person. Invite your child to plan some event in his life, for example, a walk or a birthday, using a mental map. Let him, with your help, outline the event into its component parts - who will participate, what games there will be, what will be included in the menu, and so on. Over time, he will learn to independently plan more complex and responsible projects. 4. Working with memories After a trip to the sea, a fun holiday, a birthday or a visit to your beloved grandmother, sit down with your child and record your memories on paper using a mental map. This could be a collage of photographs, drawings, newspaper clippings, travel tickets and natural materials. It could just be a map of associations and memories. Creative recording of memories helps children understand their emotions and values. This activity is perfect for children as a simple introduction to mental maps. 5. For the little ones, it is absolutely not necessary for a preschooler to know the whole essence and philosophy of creating mental maps. Introducing your four-year-old child to mind mapping, starting with complex phenomena, is not the best idea. Kids like to participate in the process, and they want the process to be dynamic and fun. Michael Tipper advises starting your child's introduction to mind maps by choosing the simplest concepts that the child is familiar with first, and organizing the elements into main categories. For example, choose a farm and help your child imagine what is on the farm - barns, animals, people, cars. This is a good way to study the seasons, describe different characteristics of objects, and so on. This will help the child begin to see connections between objects and phenomena, and also turn it all into a logical intellectual system. Olga Kosheleva

Elena Tataurova

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Chaika"

Nizhneturinsky urban district



Developed by: teacher E. A. Tataurova

Dear colleagues, from my material you can learn what a mind map is, what a mind map looks like, the properties of a mind map, what it teaches and what it develops, as well as the rules for its construction.

I bring to your attention the presentation “Using mind maps in preschool educational institutions,” booklets, ready-made mind maps for the seasons for middle preschool children and a photo report on creating mind maps with my children.

The mind mapping method was created by the American scientist and businessman Tony Buzan. Translated, these are “mind maps.”

Mind maps came to the world of preschool technologies thanks to the candidate of pedagogical sciences V. M. Akimenko, who proposed using this method for the development of coherent speech in children.

A mind map is a unique and simple method of memorizing information, with the help of which both the creative and speech abilities of children develop and their thinking is activated.

Useful properties of mind maps are clarity, attractiveness and memorability.

Visibility - the identified problem with numerous sides is right in front of you, you can take it in at a glance.

Attractiveness - a good intellectual map has its own aesthetics; viewing it is not only interesting, but also pleasant. Tony Buzan recommended: “Get ready to create beautiful mind maps.”

Memorability lies in the fact that thanks to the work of both hemispheres of the brain, the use of images and colors, the mind map is easily remembered.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

In teaching practice, mind maps can be used as follows:

Master Class

General requirements for compiling any intelligence card You.

To create maps, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, markers, etc. are used.

The sheet is positioned horizontally.

The main idea is outlined in the center of the page. To depict it, you can use drawings and pictures.

For each key point, branches diverging from the center (in any direction) are drawn. Each main branch has its own color.

Only one keyword is written above each line-branch.

It must be written legibly in capital letters.

Each thought is circled; you can use drawings, pictures, associations about each word.

Symbols and illustrations are added during the modeling process.

The sequence of work when drawing up a mind map to consolidate and generalize the material of the studied topic We:

Option 1:

The theme is indicated (fruits, pets, flowers, etc.)

Children name noun words and depict things that relate to the topic.

Attribute words are selected for each noun.

Option 2:

For each noun, attribute words and action words are selected.

Using the compiled mind map, children make sentences for any option.

In the modern world with a large flow of information, the use of mind maps in the direct educational activities of preschoolers gives enormous positive results. The use of mind maps allows for integration of areas.

We started making mind maps in the middle group. At first, these were maps that were small in content, reflecting one topic, and had in their structure only a classification in some areas. At the end of summer, the guys built quite complex intelligence cards, such as: all year round, pets.

Thanks to this work, children's associations develop, vocabulary is replenished and activated, the meaning of a word is formed, and fantasy develops. A child, working with mind maps, progresses in his development from simple logical operations: comparison, juxtaposition of objects, location in space, quantitative determination of common and integral parts to the ability to analyze, differentiate, and classify objects.

Of course, we plan to continue working with children in this direction.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Developing a child's intelligence through vocabulary enrichment Enriching a child’s vocabulary means facilitating the quantitative accumulation of words the child needs for verbal communication with others.

We play checkers - we develop intelligence. The development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is a pressing problem today.

A huge number of gadgets, an abundance of information, and constantly developing technologies force teachers to look for new forms of working with children.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Use of webinars in working with parents (legal representatives) in preschool educational institutions” All parents want the best for their child, but, unfortunately, not all have the necessary psychological and pedagogical skills for this.

Goal: to introduce teachers to the ways of using metaphorical associative cards in the work of a teacher-psychologist. Tasks: - introduce.

All children at some time have to deal with a lot of information and the need to remember it.

We adults, having life experience, somehow know how to group and organize information. Whether they taught us any techniques, or we reached them intuitively, they are O they help a lot. It is useful to teach children some techniques.

The simplest and most universal technique for structuring information and, therefore, increasing the efficiency of mental activity is drawing up mental maps. According to the author of the technique, Tony Buzan, our brain is asleep, and such a visual image can awaken it.

Mental maps in teaching preschool children

In preschool education, this visual technique for structuring information is not often used. But it would be useful. Of course, taking into account the characteristics of age: since preschool children, especially younger ones, do not read, pictures will be needed instead of words for diagrams.

A classic mental map is drawn starting with a central concept. There are some very interesting parental finds on the Internet. Below is a daily routine. An excellent and original design showing the connection between time and activity.

The idea will be especially good for children with autism (and with any disabilities), it will make their life predictable, significantly reducing the anxiety typical of autistic people. Age is not important here, because a picture is much clearer to a person with autism than words at any age.

Mental map “Signs of Spring”

It is useful to teach a preschooler how to draw connection diagrams before school. There are two ways to make a memory diagram:

  1. select pictures from old books, print them from the Internet;
  2. draw with your own hands.

First option

A mental map is built according to certain rules. In the center is the main concept. In this case, the name of the season. We are studying its signs. Our model is a little specific. There is the main and only sign, without which the others simply will not appear. This is the activity of the sun.

The sun begins to warm up more and more, causing changes, first in inanimate, and then in living nature. In order for children to remember that the change of seasons is caused by solar activity, we denote the logical connection with a red arrow. We mark what happens under the influence of heat with pictures. This is enough for preschoolers to remember the first signs of spring.

For “advanced” students, we will complicate the task by asking students to choose suitable pictures from a large number of others. Another complication is to put numbers in the order of appearance of signs in time.

Second option

Using the example of drawing with preparation (5 children from a speech therapy group), let's look at a visual diagram for memorizing the same material. The option is more creative, activating existing knowledge and skills.

We draw on a large piece of wallpaper with colored pencils. The adult organizes it, and the students take an active part. Since everyone knows the letters, and some read them, we combine the pictures with the words.

  1. The scheme has a main theme, a central concept: SPRING. Vika writes in large block letters in the middle of the sheet.
  2. What is the most important event in spring? The sun is starting to warm up. Kirill, who does not read, draws the sun, and Artyom writes under the picture: IT’S WARM. It warms everything around, and the world begins to change
  3. Where do we see manifestations of spring? In nature. Nature can be living or inanimate. We divide the entire sheet relative to the sun into two parts. On the left is inanimate nature, on the right is living nature. These are second-level cause-and-effect relationships.
  4. The first signs of spring appear in inanimate nature. We draw the remaining signs in inanimate nature and label them.
  5. We draw arrows reflecting the relationships.

In this way, we structured the information, presenting it in the form of an easy-to-remember picture. The result is below. The result is a connection diagram showing what and why happens in the living and inanimate world in the spring. This is how the students remembered material that had been in their heads for two years. Unfortunately, the large poster we drew has not survived. But this is roughly what he looked like.

It would be useful to draw similar pictures of relationships for each season, then compare and draw conclusions about the causes of seasonal changes. And we would have simple, clear scientific ideas, and not scraps of this and that in our heads.

For preschool children, the main source of information is an adult. The student has other sources: books, the Internet. Before creating a mind map, all sources should be at hand.

Who benefits from mind maps?

Absolutely all children. But there are categories of students whose learning and thinking can be made more effective by a visual representation of the material in all connections. The problems may be the following.

  1. Minimal brain dysfunction

A frequent question at a psychologist’s appointment is: how to teach schoolchildren with minimal brain dysfunction. Children with MMD have a peculiar rhythm of brain function. Several times during a lesson, the student’s brain turns off for rest. Like in that joke: here we know, here we don’t know, but here they wrapped the fish. Details. Students with MMD have poor memory and attention. The development of thinking compensates for problems. A diagrammatic representation of educational material is an excellent technique for this.

  1. Different forms of autism

Children with autism are right-brain dominant. There is often no speech. Autistic people are very anxious. Therefore, diagrams, first with pictures, and then, perhaps, with words, help schoolchildren navigate their surroundings, make their environment more predictable, reducing anxiety.

  1. Children with speech disorders

Often, preschoolers and schoolchildren with severe forms of speech problems have not yet clearly expressed intellectual deficiencies, such as: decreased auditory-verbal memory, insufficient attention span, having an organic origin (some brain cells have died or suffer in unfavorable nutritional conditions).

Any violations of an organic nature are difficult to overcome, but you can get around it by learning to structure information, including with the help of mental maps, if you start quite early, from about 2-2.5 years (like dressing patterns). Of course, a preschooler or older child will not be able to draw a diagram on his own. But it can be done jointly with your mother.

Teach children to develop mind maps from preschool age. They will help the future student quickly perceive and process much more O greater amounts of information compared to peers, independently deal with new material at school.

Mind maps(mind maps) or Mind Maps is a method of graphically representing thoughts, events, ideas, etc. It is believed that a verbal written description only contributes to clogging the brain with unnecessary information and that the visual embodiment of cause-and-effect, associative and other connections is more familiar to it. To better understand this idea, just imagine some object (for example, a notebook, an apple, a watch, etc.) and the associations that it evokes in you. Most likely, if you were given such a task with a subsequent survey after some time, you would write a list of association words. However, the actions of the brain do not in any way resemble such a list - after all, it does not exist in the naked world! And if you try to sketch your brain activity schematically, then, instead of some kind of list, you will get exactly a map consisting of points (circles or squares, depending on your case) connected to each other by connection lines.

Where are mind maps used?
Mind maps can be used in almost any area of ​​life:
1. In teaching - for taking notes, creating presentations, preparing speeches, writing coursework and diplomas, etc.
2. In professional activities - for certification, drawing up plans, conducting negotiations, meetings, etc.
3. In any personal activity related to planning - for self-organization, making lists, projects, decision making, etc.

This game features 4 mind maps: on social-communicative, cognitive, artistic development. In the middle is the main picture from which arrows extend: red - what does not fit in it, green - what does fit, blue - what belongs to it or is part of it.

Elena Kuderova

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education required a search for new forms and methods of organizing educational activities.

While studying literature and Internet resources in search of new forms and methods of interactive learning, I paid attention to the method of compiling mental maps.

What are mental maps?

Term "mental map" was introduced by the English psychologist Tony Buzan and is literally translated from English as

“mind map, thoughts”, which means a technique for visualizing thinking, thanks to which it is possible to remember large amounts of information. In order to turn the flow of thoughts into something more meaningful and effective, the creation of mental maps occurs through an ordered plan in the form of diagrams and drawings.

The uniqueness of this method is that it simultaneously involves the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thereby allowing us to fully use our potential.

Here is an example of a mental map.

Tony Buzan says this is how our brains think. Such bundles (he calls it a radial scheme) and associations. This means that this format of presenting information is the most understandable for our brain.

The essence of a mental map is that the main topic is located in the center of the sheet, becoming the focus of attention. It is not phrases that are written, but association words, keywords that will convey the meaning of the entire phrase.

These words are placed on branches radiating from the central theme. For better memorization, pictures can be used.

How can the method of mental maps be used in working with preschool children? It is absolutely not necessary for a preschooler to know the whole essence and philosophy of creating mental maps. Children like to participate in the process, and they want the process to be dynamic and fun. Therefore, a child’s acquaintance with mental maps should begin by choosing to begin with the simplest concepts familiar to the child, and organizing the elements into main categories.

For example, let's choose the concept of forest. The child needs to think about what is in the forest: trees - coniferous (pine, spruce) and deciduous (birch, poplar, oak, etc., animals - predatory (wolf, fox, etc.); herbivores (hare, squirrel, elk, etc. .); omnivores (bear, migratory birds (crane, swallow, rook, etc.); wintering (bullfinch, tit, woodpecker, etc., insects (butterfly, ant, grasshopper, etc., edible mushrooms (butterfly) milk mushroom, boletus, inedible (fly mushroom, toadstool). A mental map is compiled from the concepts - a diagram. Since children do not know how to write and read, we use images (pictures) instead of names and concepts.

The completed mental map will help the child begin to see connections between objects and phenomena, and also turn it all into a logical intellectual system.

Educational targets at the stage of completion of preschool

Education based on the results of mastering the program presupposes the formation in children of the ability to plan their actions, adjust their implementation, and correlate the results obtained with the set goal.

The results of the study of preschool maturity in our students at the beginning of the school year showed a low level of development of these abilities.

Using the mental map method in my work allowed me to increase the level of development of the ability to plan my actions by 6%.

Let's consider an example of using the technique of drawing up mental maps T.

Suppose the children are given the task of cutting out a snowflake.

Before starting work, the child is asked to draw up a map - a diagram (plan) according to which he will complete the task. To do this, he needs to choose a material from which to cut a snowflake, tools and a cutting method.

At the beginning of getting acquainted with a mental map, the child can create a map-scheme from pictures prepared in advance by the teacher; arrows can be drawn with a pencil (felt-tip pen).

In the future, to draw maps, he will only need pencils (markers, pens) and a blank sheet of paper.

Please note that when drawing up a map - diagram, the child is offered options for the materials and tools used and he needs to make a choice.

It is possible that the choice of material will be made incorrectly. Once the child begins to act according to the map drawn up, he will understand this, and then he will have to adjust his actions.

Let's think like this:

You need to cut out a snowflake. I'll put a picture of a snowflake in the middle of the sheet.

To cut a snowflake from materials, white paper is suitable for me (white - because the snowflake is white); tools: scissors (scissors - because it is more convenient to cut paper with scissors) and a pencil to draw a pattern. I will choose a method for cutting out snowflakes. Perhaps someone will object: “Schemes have always been used.” Yes! But in traditional education, we gave children ready-made schemes and consistently moved towards the final result. When using the method of drawing up mental maps, we build a chain of actions from the desired result that will lead to the goal. This is the essence of developmental learning - an active - activity approach.

Imitation game.

There is a holiday in kindergarten. There will be many guests. It is customary to treat guests, but the cook is ill. I suggest you become cooks.

Task: Choose what dish you want to prepare (compote, salad, cake). Make a plan for preparing a dish using the mind map method.


At the conclusion of the master class, I propose to answer the question: When developing what knowledge, abilities, skills can the method of mental maps be used?

Bottom line.

Mental maps can become a tool for forming the prerequisites for educational activities: the ability to set goals and plan your time and actions

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for teachers on developing the ability to organize action in preschoolers Consultation for teachers “A modern approach to organizing the educational process for children to successfully master the ability to organize.

Master class for teachers “Project Method” Purpose of the master class: Creating a system of work for introducing technology - the “project method”. Promote the development of creativity and professionalism.

Master class for teachers “The game has its own secrets. Making butterflies for the game" Master Class. Topic: Completed by: Aruslanova N. N. Purpose: to promote increased interest among teachers in the search for interesting methods and technologies.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 6 “Alenka” st. Kelermes Master –.

Master class Topic: “The game has its own secrets” Date: 04/13/2017 Purpose: Improving the professional skills of teachers through didactic.

Master class for teachers “Ecological fairy tale as a method of developing the ecological culture of preschool children” The purpose of the master class is to assist preschool teachers in mastering the technology of introducing children to basic environmental sciences.

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