Budget ZooLock deck from Trump. New Zoo: Awakening of the Ancient Gods

First of all, it’s worth remembering that the Zoolock variant below is more of a control deck. Yes, very often you will need to punch into your opponent's face, completely ignoring all his creatures, but even more often you will need to trade favorably with your opponent's cards.

Legendary ZooLok deck

Description of the cards in the deck of the legendary ZooLock

  • Soul Burn - 4 damage for 0 mana. This card can give you a big early game advantage against other aggro decks.
  • Face of Decay - one card for one mana. Don't you like it?
  • Void Demon - used early in the game to protect more important creatures.
  • Fire Imp - 3/2 for one mana. I think it's excellent.
  • Doomguard is a 5/7 with a 5 mana charge. No comments needed.
  • Swearing Sergeant- with the help of this card, just like with the help of Dark Iron Dwarf, you can make profitable exchanges with enemy creatures. In addition, they are great for activating Nerubian Egg.
  • Squire of the Vanguard is an excellent unit.
  • Dire Wolf Leader is another good buff card. Works especially well under a provocateur.
  • Ironbeak - the owl remained in this deck only thanks to its battle cry.
  • Possessed Crawler is a very good card to trade.
  • Dagger Juggler - this card can provide good damage early in the game. The exception is aggro decks.
  • Sin'dorei Cleric - 4/3 for 3 mana.
  • Defender of Argus has always been, is and will be in good aggro warlock decks.

So what is the secret to winning an aggro warlock? First, you should always try to make sure that at the beginning of your turn there is at least one of your creatures left on the board.

Secondly, you must trade profitably with your opponent's creatures, since your cards allow you to do this.

And thirdly, you need to constantly monitor your opponent’s AOE spells and try to place and strengthen creatures so that it is not convenient for your opponent to get rid of them.

Tactics and strategy for playing the ZooLok deck against other classes

Now we’ll briefly tell you how to play against each class separately and which cards from your deck you should first try to get at mulligan.


Mulligan: Vanguard Squire, Soulburn, Fire Imp.

Be prepared for the match to be very intense. The secret to defeating Garrosh lies in not giving him cards and dealing as much damage to the hero as possible. Save Ironbeak for Armor Master and Slime Belcher. Silence can also be spent on the Unstable Ghoul if it really bothers you. We also remember about the Brawl - it can appear by the fifth turn, but usually it is preceded by Sylvanas Windrunner.


Mulligan: Face of Decay, Demon of the Abyss + Dire Wolf Leader, Vanguard Squire, Fire Imp, Haunted Crawler.

Everything here is extremely simple: we play full control board. The only problem we can have is the Thunderstorm and the Spirit of the Wild Wolf. While it’s still clear how to deal with provocateurs, dealing with Groza is more and more difficult. Try to immediately knock out totems for magic, strengthen your creatures so that they have 3 or more lives. Feeling that an AoE spell is on its way, you can lay out a Nerubian egg.


Mulligan: Abyssal Demon + Dire Wolf Leader, Vanguard Squire, Fire Imp.

As much damage as possible to the hero. Most likely, Valira won’t play out a lot of creatures, so it won’t be difficult to completely take over the board.


Mulligan: Face of Decay, Demon of the Abyss + Dire Wolf Leader, Possessed Crawler, Fire Imp, Dagger Juggler, Possessed Crawler.

One of the most delicious opponents for the Zoolock deck. It is worth remembering only about Illumination on the 4th move and on the combo: Furious Pyromancer + Equality. We are holding Ironbeak for Tirion Fordring. It can also be used on your own creatures if they are under the effect of Aldor Peacemaker.


Mulligan: Ironbeak, Mortal Face, Haunted Crawler, Abyssal Demon + Dire Wolf Leader, Vanguard Squire.

We play the Fire Demon if you have nothing else to play. Remember that in the early game you will be trading with enemy minions, and Haunted Crawler and Vanguard Squire are more suitable for this purpose than Flame Imp and Dagger Juggler. We keep Ironbeak for the Mad Scientist: the fewer secrets your opponent plays, the more chances you have of winning.


Mulligan: Fire Imp + Abusive Sergeant (if you have the first turn), Abyssal Demon + Dire Wolf Leader, Dagger Juggler.

The main thing here is not to fall under the Swing and quickly take out the provocateurs. We keep Ironbeak for the latter, it is especially good to impose silence on the Tree of War. Oh yeah, remember that the Druid's combo can deal 14 damage on turn 9 (without Innervate), so I advise you not to get carried away with drawing cards with the ability.


Mulligan: Mortal Face, Haunted Crawler, Abyssal Demon + Dire Wolf Leader, Vanguard Squire, Soulburn.

Try to determine from the first move who is in front of you: Handlock, Demonlock or Zoolock.

If the first, then try to kill him until he starts posting big provocateurs. Remember about Hellfire on turn 4. We keep Ironbeak for the Twilight Dragon.

If you have Demonlock or Zoolock in front of you, then the tactics of the game remain the same as with the hunter: we trade favorably with his creatures, trying to kill all of his creatures at once. We apply silence to the Nerubian egg.


Mulligan: Abyssal Demon + Dire Wolf Leader, Fire Imp, Vanguard Squire.

It's simple: we hit the hero, simultaneously removing the magician's key creatures (those who give a bonus to spells, the Sorcerer's Apprentice and the Mana Wyrm), trying to kill him before the 7th turn.


Mulligan: Soulburn, Dagger Juggler, Fire Imp, Vanguard Squire only with Abusive Sergeant.

Lowest winning percentage. We try not to let Anduin draw cards at the beginning of the game, so we immediately remove the Northshire Cleric. We keep Soul Burn for the Azure Dragon, or for the Dark Cultist, or for the Wounded Grunt. Since on the fifth turn there will most likely be a Ring of Light, before that we try to inflict as much damage on the priest as possible. Don’t forget about the combo: Auchenai Priestess + Circle of Healing.

Play aggressively, think through every move and try to find new combinations - then achieving legend will not be difficult for you.

Nowadays, Hearthstone is especially difficult for beginners. There are a lot of players out there with decks full of legendary cards, which can easily frustrate a new player on a budget account. Blizzard has recently become a little more generous with the distribution of card packs in the game, but let's be honest - it's still a very long way to go to play, say, Control Warrior. Luckily for these types of players, there are a large number of cheap decks that will allow you to play at a fairly competitive level, so you won't have to grind the arena for ages. In this article I would like to show you another version of the very popular Zoo Warlock. This is Trumpa's version that costs next to nothing and still gives you a decent chance to rank up in the ladder.

Creatures ()


Void Demon 2

Fire Imp 2

The leader of a gang of demons 2

Void Horror 1

Doomguard 2

Void Summoner 2

Swearing Sergeant 2

Leader of the Dire Wolves 2

Ironbeak 1

Possessed Creeper 2

Dagger juggler 2

Nerubian Egg 2

Dark Iron Dwarf 1

Defender of Argus 2

Face of decay 1

Overwhelming Power 2

Merciless explosion 2

Main strategy

As you can see, this is a fairly cheap deck in terms of both gold and Arcane Dust, especially compared to the most popular competitive decks. Zoo Warlock's main goal is to maintain board control using his effective minions and buffs. But don’t think that if this deck has a large number of cheap creatures, then you need to destroy your opponent’s HP as quickly as possible and always focus on his face. One of the best things about ZooLock is that depending on the opponent, he can use either an aggro deck or a more control deck. When you are faced with something that wants to kill you as quickly as possible, then try to maintain more control over the table. On the other hand, if you are faced with a heavy control deck, try to kill your opponent as quickly as possible, since you do not want to drag out the game to the point where all his legendaries fall to the table. Now, for a more detailed analysis, you can take a look at how Trump himself plays this deck.

Gameplay video of budget ZooLock

Here, as you may not know, I will introduce the creation of Reynaddecks: Zoo Warlock deck, which is the cheapest Warlock deck and is perfect for those who are just starting out with this character. And this is not only due to the extreme ease with which beginners can play with a set of these cards, but also because they will take you the least amount of time to collect. Only 1480 dust separates this creation.

Tactics and improvement

The main tactic of playing as Zulok is to spam cheap creatures, not forgetting throughout the game about the need to replenish cards with life tap.

After your transition from the free Zoo Warlock deck I proposed, you may feel some discomfort - there are no more creatures that restore your health, so at first there may be losses due to abuse of life tap, in an unacceptable situation. And there is nothing to do about it except add it to your arsenal.

As before, the main problem remains rivals with the potential to clear the battlefield. Actually, every class has such spells, but some have more than others (mage). In addition, it would not hurt you to know the features and cost of such cards. In most cases, buffers will help you escape from them. In this case, only the magician has the ability to clear the field. But, there is one “But”: there are only one of them in the basic set of cards - .

In terms of improving this deck, I've had the opportunity to try it out and I think it's great for a Life Tap heavy game. True, I only tested one copy of this card; with two of them, discomfort is possible, especially if you decide to take the Elidan overlord into your arsenal.

Well, in the end I’ll show you an example of a battle with our worst enemy - a magician, with a deck already completely composed.


Hearthstone is a computer-based Southern card game that takes its roots from a branch called Warcraft. One of the game tactics, adopted by the Gravians, was called the Zoologist deck. The correct name is Zoo-lock (from the words “zoo” and “lock”). About the process and information in statistics.

Zoologist Warlock. Deck and a few guides

There is only one warlock in the game - the orc shaman Gul "Dan. Well, well, the same one who invaded Azeroth, sacrificing the souls of the draenei to the Fel. The bosses of Gul "Dan, is smart to sacrifice health in order to remove a card from the deck , you can significantly fill the entire playing field in order to strangle the enemy. The zoologist deck is actively played with gravels. The essence of the tactic is how you can quickly fill the battlefield with cheap ones, simultaneously finishing off those whom the enemy puts in, strangling them with force, and gaining the upper hand before I can. to the day gra up to 10 mana crystals.

Gul"Dan Zoologist, Hearthstone deck

Particularly effective against leitovian gravels - which are strong until the end, but are badly stolen from the beginning. Before that, the newbies, having missed all the most important updates, allowed the nasty cards to be removed, being a brown zoologist. A budget deck will look something like this:
  • Swearing Sergeant;
  • Demon of the Abyss;
  • Fire Demon;
  • Mits has re-formed;
  • Face of Tlinu;
  • These cards cost 1 crystal of money, they can be played on the first turn. Dali - vartistu 2 crystals:
  • Nerubian Egg;
  • Ironbeak;
  • Band of Dire Wolves;
  • Dagger Juggler;
  • Obsessions Povzun;
  • Don’t forget to play the same cards on another turn. A start is a good way to gain momentum. Therefore, it is better to play two cards for the value of 1 crystal.

    Further walk more expensive:

  • The horror of the abyss;
  • Bandi bisiv;
  • These cards allow you to knock out an initiative by increasing the number of ists (Avatar of the Bandi Besiv) or boost a card that sacrifices two ists (Horror of the Abyss). These are the things that already cost 4 crystals:
  • Dwarf of the black climb;
  • Zahisnik of Argus;
  • Summoner of the Abyss;
  • Bis-merciful Vibukh;
  • The last card for 5 crystals is Guardian Zhahu. Putting significant cards into a deck does not take up a lot of gold and saw, so it’s no good for beginners. Apparently, cards can be replaced with alternative options.

    Zoological strategy

    It is recommended to trimate in the hands of the Graveyard, the Possessed Povzun and the Fire Bes. You can deprive the Leper Gnome or the Demon of the Abyss, since there is no need to draw cards that are not even handy. Once there is a point, you can play every second, better than choosing the Lily Sergeant. It is recommended to hold the Dagger Juggler until the moment of obvious victory comes. In another case, the Juggler was taken away, and the card was lost for nothing. Once you have completed your role, you will become an excellent additional damage dealer on the battlefield. If in Russia there is a Burial Ground and a Sergeant, then it is recommended to upgrade the Nerubian Egg.

    Rotating cards on the field

    I'm far from leaving the role. When a zoologist's deck is formed, it is necessary to ensure the presence of cards without the death rattle and any additional knowledge. Put the traces first - it’s not a bad idea to waste it. If there is a larger picture about a numerical transfer (even if it’s on 1 card), you can put the Band of Dire Wolves in the middle, so that if you offend the other side, the bonus before the attack is taken away.
    Since more power is being played out, you need to think in advance about who to sacrifice first. It is also necessary when vikoristan of the Vatazhka of the Fierce Wolves, release one of the sides in front of the vikoristan of the spell Bis-Merciful Vibukh, so that the clicks will be lost on the playing field instructing the Vatazhka and withdrawing the bonus . These are the main recommendations for the basic game “Zoologist” - a deck whose standard mode transfers the original basic cards. About the non-standard - language given.

    Lok "tar ogar!

    "Peremoga or death!" meet the orc motto. It's far from easy to strangle a skinny creature with a zookeeper's deck. Especially when fighting against Jaini, you can use one spell to cast all spells whose health is lower than 4 or one. And if there are cards, they enhance the effect of the spell, and more. For example, the dragon Malygos gives +5 to the spell. If Malygos is present on the field battle , Jaini plays Hvilya Fire and health scores below 9 (or older numbers) burn. Based on what has been said, it is recommended to trimate one or two cards in the “ace in the hole” hole, thereby renewing the initiative spent in 1 turn. One example of such cards is the dragon Onyxia. So, that dong Deathcrile herself. When the card is drawn, the entire field will be filled with dragons. And the dragon herself. A budget option for spammers is the Moroz card (can be obtained when completing the Evening in Karazhan). The card is masked, costs three mana crystals, spams the skin of the Butler 1/1. Zavdyaki maskavvanyu, Moroza can be driven into more mass spells, so that you can use your right rolling pin in any place of the enemy, and you can also replenish the zoologist’s deck.

    Koziri of high rank

    The card of the ancient god Ta Sharaj has a similar effect - at the end of the skin move, a card is drawn from the deck and placed on the field. Effective, because on the field he is an unstoppable provocateur who will take harm on himself until a numerical superiority is achieved.
    Gul has the ability to remove the Lord Jaraxxus card. Costs 9 mana crystals. When activated, replace the orc itself with the guessed demon, hand it to Krivava Mischief 3/8 at the place of battle. Replace the hero's power with Inferno - summon on the battlefield of Infernal 6/ 6. An excellent alternative to fill the battlefield with strong essences of everything for 2 mana crystals (the hero’s victorious memory).

    Non-budget deck

    To create this you need to either create cards with a saw or go through an expedition. In this edition - the League of Presledniks. The zoologist's deck is placed lower;

    2x Burying Ritual (0) 2x Face of Tlinu (1) 2x Resurfacing Mits (1) 2x Abusing Sergeant (1) 2x Demon of the Abyss (1) 2x Fire Bis (1)

    Possessed Villager (1) 2x Kliche Evil (2) 2x Chorny Archaeologist (2) Brann Bronzebeard (3) 2x Bandi Bisiv (2) 2x Champion of K'Tun (2)

    2x Member for the Sake of Dark Forest (3) 2x Zahisnik of Argus (4) 2x Obranitsya K"Tuna (4) Gatekeeper of Souls (5) Emperor Vek"Lor (7) K"Tun (10)

    Brann Bronzebeard is dropped from the League of Descendants. Cards such as the Cliche of Evil, the Champion of K"Thun, the Obranitsya of K"Thun, the Emperor of Vek"Lor and the powerful K"Tun himself can be found in the Awakening of the Ancient Gods set.


    In HS, the zoologist (or zoo-lock) deck has endless variations. It is important to understand the very essence and build decks either for guides or on your own, using the correct cards. During the process, you can use more powder to create more powerful effects. The saw can be removed, sprinkling gold cards at the end of the season. We have transferred templates for creating decks from existing cards. One of the strongest decks you can create playing for Jaina (although no one can defend this variation from other classes), called Half Dragon:

    2x Chatty Book (1) 2x Manazmey (1) 2x Charivnytsky strіlya (1) 2x Historian Gnіvu Porozhnechi (2) 2x Krizhana Strіla (2) 2x Zbirach Skarbiv (2)

    2x Intelligence Enchantment (3) 2x Darkwing Technique (3) Fire Kula (4) Transmutation (4) Sutinkoviy Dragon (4) 2x Sutinkoviy Guard (4)

    2x Kril Temryavi's Destroyer (5) 2x Blakith Dragon (5) 2x Hvilya Vognyu (7) Krizana Paschu (7) Alexstrasza (9) Nefarian (9)

    Due to the release of such benefits as Chorna Gora, more cards with dragons have become available. These creatures are seen as indicators of harm and health. Therefore, it is recommended to form a deck not only from dragons, but also from sources, in order to remove the bonus if your hand has a dragon.

    It is recommended to replace the Gatherer of Treasures with another spell of the Fire Kul, discard the offending cards Intelligence of Enchantment and one Sutekin Dragon and add cards such as Dragonid Beggars (at least two examples) Rend Blackhand. The only thing left to find is the card of the legendary Yakost, since there is a dragon in Russia. The advantage of “Evening in Karazhan” is the bad Booksnake card - it drives in the cost with an attack of 3 or less. Go away! Lok "Narosh! For Chorna Gora!

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