Battle for Azeroth: Allied Races. Allied Races - complete guide How to unlock new Allied Races

Finally there is an opportunity to get allied races in WWII! Since pre-orders for the new expansion WOW: Battle for Azeroth started on January 30th. Once you receive the new expansion, you will be able to unlock four allied races. But don’t rush to rejoice; in order to finally get them, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements. But after you do everything, a bonus will await you in the form of cool heirloom armor, mounts and many other interesting features!

How to unlock allied races

To unlock allied races, you simply need to pre-order the new World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth expansion.

As I wrote above, there is no need to rush; you must fulfill a number of requirements to obtain new races:

  • You will have to complete a chain of quests for each race;
  • You must level up your reputation to Exalted for each race;
  • You need to make several achievements.

After you achieve exalted reputation, you must go to the embassy of Orgrimmar or Stormwind, and choose any of the four available races and take on story quests.

A more detailed guide for each race can be found here:

There is less than a month left until the release of the new World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth expansion. It will bring a lot of content, including new races.

Blizzard decided to act outside the box and create reskins of existing races with a bunch of additional innovations for them. These are allied races that join the Alliance or Horde.

Each of them can receive a unique hereditary armor, which is a transmog set and is suitable for all classes. To get it, you need to pump your character from level 20 to 110 without using a boost.

Currently available for the Horde are the Nightborne, Highmountain Taurens, Mag'Har and Zandalari, and for the Alliance are Lightforged Draenei, Void Elves, Dark Iron Dwarves and Men from Kul Tiras. Blizzard does not rule out the possibility of even more Allied Races appearing in the future.

You can now gain access to almost all of the new allies by purchasing a Battle for Azeroth key, only the Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag'har will be available at launch, and the Zandalari and Humans of Kul Tiras will be available a little later.


Formerly known as the Shal'dorei, the Nightborne spent 10,000 years hidden beneath the cursed city of Suramar. With the return of the Burning Legion, these hermits were forced to take a more active role in the destiny of Azeroth.

You don't have to work hard to unlock the Nightborne. If you've already played Legion, you've done most of the work. First you need to complete their main storyline in Legion, unlocking the "Insurrection" achievement.

After that, they simply need to be recruited through a short quest chain explaining why they decided to join the Horde. It starts in Orgrimmar.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Monk
  • Robber
  • Warlock

Highmountain Taurens

No wonder these guys chose to join the horde. To open them, you will need to complete the Highmountain main storyline in Legion and earn exalted status with the faction.

Available classes:

  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Monk
  • Shaman

Void Elves

Perhaps the closest thing we will ever see to the High Elves, the Void Elves are former Blood Elves exiled from Silvermoon for studying Void magic. They were discovered by Alleria Windrunner and convinced to join the Alliance.

Unfortunately, Void Elves may not be as easy to discover as Horde allies. First you need to complete the Argus storyline, having received the achievement “Now you are ready” and exalted with the Defenders of Argus. The problem is that reputation can only be gained a little each day, and it will take several weeks to achieve what you want.

After that, take the quest in Stormwind.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Monk
  • Robber
  • Warlock

Lightforged Draenei

WoW players are familiar with the draenei who crashed their ship in Azeroth in the Burning Crusade expansion. Many thought that they were the only Eredar faction not subjugated by the Burning Legion. In the Legion expansion, the Lightforged Draenei appeared on the scene, having spent the last 10,000 years fighting the brainchild of Sargeras. Now they take the side of the Alliance.

To open them, you will have to do approximately the same as in the case of the Void Elves.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Paladin

In addition to the four races described above, there are also those that are not yet available in the game.


Coming from an alternate Draenor, the Mag'har decide to pay their debt to the people of Azeroth by joining the fight on the side of the Horde.

Horde players will need to obtain Exalted status from the Honorbound faction.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Monk
  • Robber
  • Shaman

Dark Iron Dwarves

These guys often played the role of villains in the original WoW, working for Ragnaros. But later they united with their brothers, and are now part of the central governing body of the dwarves - the Council of Three Hammers.

To open them, you will have to go through the Alliance military campaign and achieve exaltation with the 7th Legion.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Robber
  • Shaman
  • Warlock

People of Kul Tiras and Trolls of the Zandalari

We know the least about these races. Information should appear closer to release.

Even before Blizzcon, there was a rumor that the expansion would include so-called subraces - variations of already existing races in the game. These rumors were more than completely confirmed. Let's list what we know today.

First, let's list the main points:

  • the race of an existing character cannot be changed to a subrace (unless by paying);
  • You can play as an allied race from level 20;
  • those who level up from level 20 to 110 will receive unique inherited armor that can be used for transmogrification;
  • Alliance Allied Races:
    • Elves of the Abyss;
    • Lightforged Draenei;
    • Dwarves of the Dark Iron clan;
  • Horde Allied Races:
    • Highmountain tauren;
    • Nightborne Elves;
    • Zandalari Trolls;
  • The number of character slots on one server will be increased to 6;
  • There will be new allied races in the future.

Below are some details about the two races. A quick note: in Battle for Azeroth, races will be getting their raid buffs back, so choosing a race won't be purely cosmetic.

Lightforged Draenei. We have already met these draenei on Argus - they are sanctified by the Light, which makes them stronger in the fight against the Legion and the forces of the Abyss. Customization options include changing the shape of horns and tattoos. They have the following racial abilities:

  • Light’s Judgment - a strike of Light energy that will inflict 5,150 lvl after 3 seconds. from Light magic to all enemies within a radius of 5m, CD 2.5 min.;
  • Forge of Light - the ability to create and use an anvil. In addition, the blacksmithing skill increases by 10 points;
  • Demonbane (passive) - experience bonus for killing animals - 20%;
  • Final Verdict (passive) - after your death, the Light takes revenge for you and inflicts 1.248 lvl. from Light magic to all enemies within a radius of 8 m, and also heals allies by 1,486 units;
  • Holy Resistance (passive) - reduces damage received from Light magic by 1%.

Highmountain Taurens. This is the Tauren tribe we dealt with in the Broken Isles. They are given the following racial abilities:

  • Bull Rush - For 1 sec. runs forward, knocking down opponents for 1.5 seconds. Recovery: 2 min;
  • Pride of Ironhorn (passive) - tauren dig ore faster and their Mining skill is increased by 15;
  • Mountaineer (passive) - increases versatility by 1%;
  • Rugged Tenacity (passive) - reduces damage taken by 330;
  • Waste Not. Want Not (passive) - a chance to get additional meat and fish;

The appearance of the heirloom armor for these races has already become known. Screenshots under the cut.

Allied Races Armor

Lightforged Draenei

Void Elves

Dark Iron Dwarves

Zandalari trolls

Highmountain Taurens

Nightborne Elves

A couple of comments regarding this innovation. Honestly, when these subraces were shown, I was thinking about the existing character creation process. The character appearance editor became obsolete five years ago, if not more. Take any MMO and see how many options there are for customizing the appearance. Even in EVE Online, for which the appearance of the pilot is, in principle, not important and is much more like an advanced editor. Therefore, with the new models, it would be logical to create a more advanced editor, and not the squalor that is now in the game. This makes all these allied races look kind of funny. Racial bonuses still look pretty poor (as before). Perhaps there will be some interesting quests, for example, the story of why the Nightborne defected to the Horde. Then this is interesting. To be honest, it is not yet clear what the point of introducing these subraces is, other than to get another set for transmog, and also so that the Alliance members can play as Bloodelfs.

In anticipation of the release of Allied Races, a number of news sites were able to talk to the developers about this and several other issues. We have selected for you the most interesting moments from interviews with,, (and the second), as well as the host of the Tradechat video blog.

Allied Races

  • When choosing allied races, the developers were guided by player feedback. Many players, for example, wanted to play as the Nightborne.
  • The developers have a huge list of allied races and the first four were chosen simply because they relate to the Legion story. Almost all bipedal creatures are considered as allied races.
  • The developers wanted the Allied Races to be different and unique from the regular races they are based on, which is what drove the choice of classes for these races. While the developers do not plan to add additional classes to the allied races, they will monitor user feedback and may change something if people have a strong desire.
  • The developers want allied races to have something of a prestige quality. What makes allied races unique is their heirloom armor, which can be used to transmog any type of item.
  • The game is growing, developing, certain now useless restrictions are disappearing, and some old races have received (and will probably receive) new classes, which the developers are very happy with.
  • The developers have discussed the possibility of adding legacy sets for regular races, but have nothing to say about this yet.
  • Allied races use the dances of their main race, but some things may be updated in the future.
  • The developers considered the possibility of allied races starting the game at level 1, but in the end they decided that level 20 would be better, because these allied races completed the initial tasks and it would be strange if they also had to go through the first tasks of a completely different race.
  • Thousands of hours went into creating the Allied Races. All development teams worked on them, since it was necessary to create armor, new models, loading screens, etc.
  • Currently, the developers do not plan to give options for customizing the appearance of allied races to regular races.
  • The developers do not plan to add new color options for the Druid class mount for Highmountain tauren and Zandalari trolls, because these races have their own racial vehicle.
  • One of the most controversial appearance customization options was the Highmountain tauren horns; not all designers liked this idea.
  • Additional Allied Race Heirloom Armor colorways are intended for NPCs, but may be available to players in the future.
  • In the future, the Allied Races may have new hair colors.
  • New technologies have been developed for the Nightborne tattoos and for the "One with Entropy" of the Void Elves. The Nightborne were the most difficult allied race to create due to the nature of the model, which had to be made more emotional.

Scaling, leveling and characters

Classic servers


  • An unfinished loading screen for The Seething Shore was included in the patch files; it was still being worked on and players should not have seen it.
  • There will be many more quests in Silithus, which will appear as Legion's story progresses in the coming weeks (but not weekly, as was the case in 7.2). In addition, you still need to complete the history of the artifacts.
  • The developers still plan to update the models of worgen and goblins, this will happen during Battle for Azeroth, but not immediately after its release.
  • Zandalari Trolls and Dark Iron Dwarves will appear after the release of Battle for Azeroth and will have different requirements for unlocking. Dark Iron Dwarves will be able to become paladins.
  • The developers do not plan to rework professions at low levels, as was the case with enchanting in 7.3.5. Enchanting has been changed due to confusion and unnecessary materials.
  • In 8.0, many interesting changes will be introduced for professions related to leveling. The plot in professions will be reduced, players will no longer need to complete large chains of tasks in order to obtain a couple of recipes.
  • Patch 7.1 with the new Karazhan may have come out too quickly. The developers will not rush with patch 8.1.
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