WoW 3.3 5 balance druid pvp. Enchant Neck

Welcome to the Balance Druid PVP guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. In this guide, you will learn how to play as a Druid in Balance in the arena or battlefield. Guide includes talents, symbols, gems, enchantments, add-ons, gameplay and skills, partner selection.

1. Talents

Balance Druid WoW PVP 3.3.5

2. Symbols

Basic symbols:

  • Starfall
  • Swarm of insects
  • Bark leather
  • Rainy season is also a viable choice

Minor characters:

  • Rush
  • wild nature

3. Gems

Gems are situational and depend on design and equipment. These are used to achieve the required caps.

Radiant Skyflare Diamond or Chaotic Skyflare Diamond

Runed Crimson Ruby

Soft Royal Amber or Mystical Royal Amber

Thunderous Majestic Zircon or Solid Majestic Zircon

4. Enchantment

5. Gameplay and rotation

Feature priority:
Spell Power > Resilience > Speed ​​> Spell Power > Crit/Spirit

Start of Rotation:
Stealth > Wrath of the Trees
Stealth > Wrath > Starfall
Stealth > Tornado
Your main emergency buttons are Barkskin and Wrath of the Trees, so don't waste them unnecessarily. Also, while you are low on health, do not transform into human form to heal yourself, this is a mistake. You might get overwhelmed, not to mention cut off all the protection your Owl form gives you.

Whirlwind can be used to prevent a targeted spell from receiving healing from its party member.

6. Addons

Add-ons improve your gaming experience. It is necessary to use addons as they play a vital role in your operation, be it a raid, arena or auction house.


This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to play Balance Druid in a PvP environment. The guide will cover everything from talent selection, artifacts, gameplay and rotation, as well as useful racial bonuses. This is most applicable to Arena content, but most talents and racial bonuses will work in Ranked Battles and Battles.

1. Spec overview / place in current meta

Balance Druids are known for strong spread pressure and provide kills with a strong burst of single-target pressure. However, this has changed significantly. Balance Druids do use DoTs, but they are now known for their strong single-target strike and can easily kill an enemy while stunned.

2. Equipment

In terms of gear, the biggest change to Legion is that there is no longer PvP gear. Your strength in PvP will be determined based on the average level of your gear (as shown on your character sheet). For example, the base element level at level 110 is 800, so your PvP stats will be adjusted accordingly. For every 10 item levels you gain, your stats increase by 1%.

The implication is that it doesn't matter where your gear comes from and all that matters is the item level. Transfer from quest or PvE content is only as good as the gear you get as reward from PvP (which will essentially be very similar to PvE gear, no more PvP stats on transfer).

Practically, you'll just be looking at collecting gear with the highest possible item levels, and the stat distribution on the gear won't matter.

3. Characteristics

This is the most useful skill for a druid in owl form.

It is the 2nd best stat for a Druid in Sova and increases your healing, damage and of course cast time for DoT and HoT, and reduces GCD.

Almost the most relevant stat on all classes increases your damage resistance, increases your damage and healing.

Critical Strike increases the chance for your spells and attacks to critically hit for extra damage and healing.

Intelligence increases the damage and healing done by your spells.

Stamina increases your health.

4. Sockets and Enchantment


Neck Enchanting

Cloak of Enchanting

Enchanting Rings

These are the top 2-3 enchantments based on starting priority based on the PvP Leaderboard in this guide.

5. Talents

The following talent build is automatically generated through the statistics of the best friendly balance players in competitive PvP, updated frequently. Use this guide to understand what talents the most successful PvP Druid players in Balance are currently using.

Druid Talents in the Owl Class

6. Game Style

Balance The Druid has two roles when in the Arena: use his strong single target damage to pressure enemies and use his mobility/crowd control to get kills. Balance Druids have access to Whirlwind, which is arguably the strongest crowd control in the game. In addition to Whirlwind there is Wrath of the Trees and Slam Stun. Ideally, you throw a Twister on the enemy healer and a Heavy Stun on your target for the kill.

6.1. Burst Damage

When you have an enemy healer in crowd control and you are trying to kill an enemy, you use your burst damage.

  1. Use Evocation: Chosen of Elune.
  2. If you are a troll use Berserk.
  3. Caste Full moon.
  4. Cast Star Stream.
  5. Use Star Stream.
  6. Use Star Stream
  7. Use Warrior of Elune.
  8. Use Moonstroke.
  9. Use Moonstroke.
  10. Use Star Stream.
  11. For the remainder of Incarnation: Chosen of Elune, use the skills below:
  12. Constantly Support

Welcome to the Druid guide, Balance specialization in the World of Warcraft Legion universe, which will allow you to make the most of your character in PvP mode, for example in Arenas or in rating battles. We offer an alternative interpretation of standard class guides; all our recommendations are based on pure statistics and data personally obtained in simulated situations on the official WoW API resource. The experience of the best representatives of the class is also analyzed, so our guides are a reflection of the most successful and competitive PVP in the Legion. And work is constantly being carried out to maintain up-to-date information.

Feature Priority

The material is compiled according to the rating tables of characters level 100 and above. When there are more level 110 players in PVP lists, the data will be updated. At the moment, all information is provided based on an analysis of the best heroes of the class and their achievements in PVP battles. Look at what the most successful players tend to focus on...

Mastery > Haste > Versatility >= Critical Strike Rating (Crit)


79.68% of successful fighters choose Mastery as their main skill. The talent provides a passive bonus to your character based on the chosen specialization. Mastery: Starlight increases the damage of Starfall and Starsurge, and also increases the effect of Lunar Empowerment, Solar Empowerment and Stellar Empowerment.


19.2% of top players focus on Speed. Haste increases the speed of attacks and spells, as well as periodic damage or healing (DoTs and HoTs) and reduces GCD (global cooldown).

Hyde Druid Feral Druid PVP 7.2


About 1% of participants in PVP battles rely on versatility. Versatility increases damage dealt, has a positive effect on healing, and reduces incoming damage.

Critical hit rating (crit)

0.12% prefer Crit as their main ability. Crit increases the chance to deal increased damage or receive faster healing.

Stones and charms

The recommendations below for stones, enchantments, and consumables are based on previous guides and class features. Weapon statistics are taken directly from PVP rating tables for players of a given specialization.


  • Dark Mastery Ruby

Enchant Neck

Enchant Cloak

Enchant Rings

Build - Main Talents

The build presented below is based on data from the most successful PVP players. It is in this combination that the winners use their talents.

You can get acquainted with each talent in detail, here is the link to the build on Wowhead (will open in a new tab).

PVP Build - Honor Talents

First you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the character and your role in the battle, know who you are fighting against, only this will help you choose the right combination. It’s worth learning how to change talents before a fight, depending on the situation.

Hello friends, today we will look at the PVP guide for druid balance 3.3.5, since the munkin is quite an interesting class that deals good damage.

What are the advantages of playing munkin:

  • Good control (cyclone, roots);
  • Good healing;
  • Mobility;
  • Innervate (mana regen).

Disadvantages of spec:

  • The Druid can be quickly squeezed out;
  • Depends on CD.

We take a night elf for the alliance, since there are no options here. A good ability to go into stealth, with its help you can catch enemy spells and lose your target.

For the horde, as well as for the alliance, without options. We take tauren. Mass stun and +5% to stamina gives us a good profit.

For munkin there is a standard build that most players use:

Selecting symbols

From large symbols we take:

  • "Symbol of the Rainy Season" - reduces the cooldown of the Typhoon ability by 3 seconds.
  • “Glyph of Barkskin” - while under the influence of the “Barkskin” spell, your chance of being hit by a critical attack is reduced by 25%.
  • “Glyph of Starfall” - will reduce the CD of our main spell by 30 seconds.
  • “Symbol of a Swarm of Insects” - increases the damage from this ability by 30% (works great in combination with an afly lock).
  • “Symbol of Insight” - can be used in long battles with healers.

From small symbols we will take:

  • “Symbol of Thorns” - will increase the duration of the effect on you.
  • “Symbol of Aquatic Form” - will increase the swimming speed in aquatic form by 50%, it’s good to get away from opponents through the water.
  • "Symbol of the Wild" - will reduce the mana cost of "Mark of the Wild" and "Gift of the Wild" by 50%, since sometimes we will need to rebuff.

Accuracy is one of the most important characteristics, we collect 1% (since 4% was pumped in using the Balance of Power talent);

Speed ​​(hast) – 300 units of speed will be enough for us for an owl;

SPD – the more, the better. Start with +2.9k spd;

Spellpenetration (spell penetration) – 130 units.

Stability – at least 1200 stability, since they will mostly squat on you.


We will insert stones based on our caps of characteristics. If you don’t have enough speed, then increase speed, penetration, then increase penetration, etc. As soon as we collect all the caps, we boldly throw the remaining stones into the SPD and the munkin is ready.

But in the meta slot we will insert a stone for +21 to crit and +3% to critical damage.


Head - +29 to spell power and + 20 to stability;

Shoulders - +23 to spell power and +15 to resilience;

Cloak - +35 penetre;

Grudak - +20 to resiliency;

Wrists - +30 to spell power;

Hands - +28 to spell power;

Belt - belt buckle, additional slot for socket;

Pants - +55 to spell power and + 30 to stamina;

Boots - +15 stamina and a slight increase in running speed;

Weapon - +63 to spell power


The most profitable professions are blacksmith and jeweler, since these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones.

Macro for buffs with one button:

/castsequence reset=target Mark of the Wild, Thorns

Focus cyclone:

#showtooltip Tornado
/cast Tornado

Roots by focus:

#showtooltip Tree Wrath
/cast Wrath of the Trees

The best setups for a balance druid


Munkin + Roga - good damage, control (roots, cyclone, sup and blind), as well as a good heal.

Munkin + Elem is also a good setup that has double healing, some control and wild damage.


Owl + Afli + Rsham/Khpal is a good setup for moonkin. Multidot and swinging targets, killer switches will agitate the enemy healer.

Avar + Munkin + Khpal - something similar to VLP, here Drul plays for a lock.

Horns + Munky + DC - good burst and a lot of control.

Don’t forget about control (Cyclone, roots), some setups lack dispel and the mileage class can stay in your roots for a long time.

Try to give the burst ability “Starfall” when you have already been stunned, as there is a chance that the spell will go to waste.

How to put an owl in the starting gear on 3.3.5

PVP addons

I think we've covered all the main PVP aspects of balancing a druid. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Have fun playing as a driver in the arena and BG!

PVP guide for restaurant druid 3.3.5 - a complete guide to playing as a healer in the “Healing” branch PVE balance guide for druid 3.3.5 - a complete guide to playing as an owl

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