The common people called the foreign coin the bob. Names of world currencies: the history of their origin. Unusual paper money

Money accepted in modern society is not always coins and banknotes. Many peoples still use wooden tablets or metal plates as currency.

Unusual paper money

Disney Dollars

Walt Disney created a real world of fairy tales, in which you cannot do without your own currency. There are Disney bills in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 50 dollars, which began being issued in 1987. With this money you can pay for attractions in all parks named after the famous cartoonist. The central place on the banknotes is occupied by cartoon characters, including Goofy, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck.

Wine money

From 1919 to 1921, wine labels were used as money in Yakutia, the value of which depended on the price of the bottle of wine on which they were stuck. So, the label for a good French wine cost 100 rubles, for port wine - 25 rubles, Cahors - 10 rubles.

The fact that in Yakutia they use wine labels instead of accepted money became known thanks to Maxim Gorky’s essay “On the Unit”, in which the author shared his impressions of this original currency - colored labels from wines such as Sherry, Cahors, Madeira, Port, on which Semenov put the seal of Narkomfin and signed the denomination.

Tribute to the football player

In 2006, the National Bank of Ireland issued a £5 note. The release of limited edition banknotes was dedicated to the memory of one of the best football players in the country - George Best, who passed away a year earlier. The images for printing were based on photographs of his most famous football positions on the field, when he managed to score important goals against the opposing team.

The most unusual coins

Heavenly scents

Some of the most unique are the coins from the “Heavenly Scent” series, issued on the island of Palau. Their distinctive feature is that each has its own smell. The first coin from the lot was a coin with the image and scent of a coconut. Another coin is engraved with a surfer on a wave, and the coin smells of sea freshness.

Butterfly from Cameroon

A silver coin of 1000 Cameroonian francs was released in 2011. It was recognized by many numismatists as the most beautiful in the world - it depicts a flower with a three-dimensional butterfly sitting on it, the colored wings of which protrude beyond the boundaries of the coin. The technology of its production is kept strictly secret. It is only known that 2,500 such copies were produced, and almost all of them were immediately snapped up by collectors.

Silver pyramid

This original coin was released in 2009 by the Pobjoy Mint in Tadworth, England. Its release was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the death of archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The triangular-shaped coin depicts writings from the walls of the tomb, and in the upper corner there is a solar disk interspersed with particles of sand taken from the tomb of the pharaoh.


In 2004, colored coins with silver plating were issued in Somalia. The production of collectible metal money was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the birth of rock roll. They are made in the shape of guitars of famous musicians and some American states. The denomination of each coin is 1 dollar.

Ural owl

In 2007, the National Bank of Mongolia began issuing collectible coins featuring animals on the verge of extinction. This metal money is in demand not only among numismatists, but also among ordinary citizens who decide to support the idea of ​​the government. The 2011 sterling silver coin depicts a Ural owl with eyes made of dark Swarovski crystals.

Dinosaur skeleton

One of the latest innovations on the modern numismatics market is a 25-cent coin with the image of a dinosaur, the remains of which were found near Alberta in Canada. Turning off the light, on one side you can see the glowing skeleton of a prehistoric giant, and on the other - the image of Elizabeth II, but without the glow.

The Sistine Chapel

The obverse side of the Sistine Chapel coins, issued in an edition of 999 pieces, depicts the profile of a monk, and on the reverse side - the image of God and Adam, exactly the same as in the painting of the great Michelangelo.

Money of unusual shapes and sizes

In some underdeveloped countries, people continue to pay with unusual currencies, such as stones, wooden sticks, food, or other objects of various geometric shapes.

Rai Stones

On the island of Yap, which is part of the Federated States of Micronesia, the official means of payment are Rai stones, which are limestone discs with a diameter of 5 meters. The value of such a disk is determined by its size and weight - the heavier the so-called coin, the higher its value.

Money Kissi

Kissi is the name of twisted iron sticks 30 cm long used until the beginning of the 20th century in some countries and tribes of West Africa. One end of such money was in the shape of the letter T, and the other in the shape of a spatula, and they were called kissi penny. To make a large purchase, they were combined into small bundles: for example, a cow was valued at one hundred bundles of twenty sticks.


Centennials were used after the First World War in the Canadian city of Moose Jaw and were in the form of tablets.

It was expensive to make coins from metal, so they decided to issue wooden money. The editors of the site bring to your attention an article about the most expensive currencies.
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The capital show “Field of Miracles” has been winning the hearts of television viewers for many years. Now everyone can try themselves as a participant in the program - an application for mobile phones has been released. Excellent graphics, funny cartoon characters, permanent presenter Leonid Yakubovich - and all this is the legendary “Field of Miracles”: questions perfectly develop erudition, and the answers can sometimes even shock.

The specificity of the game is that a detailed and complicated question must be answered with a monosyllabic and simple answer - a word that we use in everyday communication. In general, interesting entertainment for those who want to train their brain and occupy time.

The rules of the game remain the same - players “spin the reel”, they get a certain number of points, they guess or don’t guess the letter/word. If a player is wrong, then the right to guess passes to the other player. Don't miss your chance to become a winner!

Question: During the Second World War, this item was a symbol of unity among the Norwegians. They even built a monument in his honor
Answer: Paperclip

V.: That’s what the guard of the city gates was called in the old days.
A: Goalkeeper

V.: Cable traction railway, built on steep slopes
A: Funicular

V.: Anise liqueur or liqueur
A: Absinthe

Q: What did the Mexicans make from the fibrous wood of cacti?
A: Collar

Q: Which animal gave the name to a method of battle formation common in Ancient Rome?
A: Turtle

V.: Citrus tree with fragrant flowers
A: Bergamot

V.: The name of this plant comes from the Greek “generating purity”
A: Eggplant

Q: This bird can fly backwards
A: Hummingbird

V.: Poor, unsightly little house, little hut
A: Khibara

V.: In the metro of this city, in order to play in the passages, you still need to get a special license
A: Toronto

Q: A vegetable whose beneficial substances are used to combat gout
A: Zucchini

V.: Knowing this, we can understand how the device works
A: Structure

Q: These animals, considered a delicacy in some countries, have teeth located on the tongue
A: Snail

Q: The largest structure of this type is located in Chile. Its length is 1 kilometer.
A: Swimming pool

V.: This species of tropical bird was first discovered in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus. Their songs can be heard before a thunderstorm or the onset of monsoons
A: Peacock

V.: White bib on a man's shirt
O.: Dickey

Q: One of the first images of this useful device was found in a cave more than 10,000 years ago.
O.: Stepladder

Q: What did the scudelnik make in the old days?
A: Jug

Q: The only poisonous mammal in the world
A: Platypus

V.: According to one version, the name of this country from one of the ancient languages ​​can be translated as the shore of rabbits
A: Spain

V.: This holiday is dedicated to the martyr and, apparently, rightly, taking into account how much money is spent on this day
A: Valentin

V.: This tasty product appeared in medieval Germany, and acquired its modern appearance at the beginning of the 19th century.
A: Sausage

V.: This weapon was used to hunt wolves and foxes. With this method of hunting it was necessary to strike the animal on the nose
O.: Whip

Q: What grass was called “the white man’s footprint” by the Indians?
A: Plantain

V.: In this language there are no words “yes” and “no”, and agreement or disagreement is expressed in complete sentences
A: Scottish

V.: Both the disease and the stone
A: Jade

V.: In an old Russian village there is a small narrow plot of arable land
A: Strip

V.: In production, this is a person associated with another
A: Smezhnik

V.: Until the 2nd half of the 19th century, large engravings of a propaganda nature were sometimes called this
A: Poster

V.: The best teacher according to Balzac
A: Misfortune

Q: The counterbalance to “natural selection” created by man
A: Selection

Q: What is considered the most common non-communicable disease in the world?
A: Caries

V.: Light suburban building with a veranda, common in tropical countries
A: Bungalow

V.: A subject of absolutely no interest to pigs
A: Beads

Q: Who, according to the Chinese writer and philosopher Jan Zhao, is neither good nor evil?
A: Sage

V.: Sports equipment for physical exercises of adults and children
O.: Jump rope

V.: A headdress of the 17th century, which replaced the wide-brimmed hat, as more practical for carrying weapons on the shoulder
A: Tricorne hat

Q: Device for mass production of graffiti
A: Stencil

V.: Painting on wet plaster with water paints
O.: Fresco

Q: What does the word George mean in translation from ancient Greek?
A: Farmer

Q: What is tactless to ask an Australian about?
A: Ancestor

Q: What conducts sound ten times faster than air?
A: Granite

V.: Member of a musical group
A: Vocalist

V.: From Japanese this word is translated as “Divine Wind”
A: Kamikaze

Q: What was the former name of the card suit of spades?
A: Shovel

V.: A widespread type of decorative and applied art
A: Embroidery

Q: The best way to demonstrate
A: Example

V.: One of the most common characters in the history of Russian toys
O.: Polkan

V.: This fairy-tale heroine was described in Greek history under the name Rhodopis
A: Cinderella

Q: Who sleeps on their back, according to the Chinese sages?
A: Saint

V.: In a figurative sense, a madhouse, chaos, confusion
A: Bedlam

Q: What kind of musical instrument has a head, a comb, a stretched hoop and an armrest?
A: Banjo

Q: Who sleeps on their stomach, according to the Chinese sages?
A: Sinner

Q: A minute of laughter is as useful as one kilogram of... what?
A: Carrots

V.: A geometric term widely used in describing modern technology
A: Diagonal

Q: What was forbidden to wear at the Tsarsko Selo Lyceum?
A: Glasses

Q: The cubs of this animal acquire sex depending on the ambient temperature
A: Crocodile

V.: This illness did not allow Ilya Repin in his old age to correct his famous painting Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan
A: Colorblindness

V.: Initially, this word meant a person unfit for military service
A: Scoundrel

V.: This beautiful plant in Rus' was called “overcome grass”
O.: Water lily

Q: The reason for increasing the running distance of a biathlete
A: Miss

V.: What was magnificently decorated with birch and greenery in the Russian village on Trinity
A: Church

V.: They tried to cultivate this berry since the 19th century, but it was only fully possible in the 60s of the 20th century.
A: Lingonberry

V.: This term comes from a Latin word translated into Russian as “bloating”
A: Inflation

V.: Tends to use the same phrases more often than one would like
A: Parrot

Q: What did Ostrovsky jokingly compare pickled cucumbers to?
O.: Eternity

Q: What was the name of the mythical king of Libya, who allegedly made the celestial globe for the first time?
O.: Atlas

Q: What else was phenomenal about Chaliapin besides his voice?
A: Memory

Q: What was invented by the French commander Louis of Crillon?
A: Mayonnaise

Q: What needed to be hidden in order to deprive the Maori sorcerers of the opportunity to do harm?
A: Spit

V.: An impudent swindler, a clever and daring rogue
A: Bestia

V.: Hygiene item. In mythology, it was a symbol of femininity
A: Comb

Q: The only country where not a single birth was registered in 1983
A: Vatican

V.: In the 11th century in England, this was the name given to landowners who held their plots under the condition of performing a certain service to the king
A: Sergeant

Q: What did the English new nobles in the 17th century call the good old deed?
A: Revolution

V.: This person won’t hurt you when you’re doing something new.
A: Mentor

V.: Russian folk dance with a quick change of figures and various circles
O.: Metelitsa

V.: For what treatment was horse manure used by Moscow barbers?
A: Binge drinking

Q: Which country's name comes from a dairy animal?
O: Italy

Q: According to legend, what construction tool was invented by Daedalus?
A: Roulette

V.: This foreign coin was popularly called “bean”
A: Schilling

Q: What female name did Pushkin come up with?
A: Naina

Q: What did the 1977 American Music Conference define as a bad woodwind instrument that no one can play?
A: Oboe

V.: Ancient Roman underground sewerage
A: Cloaca

V.: A machine capable of changing its operating mode according to a certain program
O.: Automatic

Q: What was the main component of the bathhouse that our ancestors used to cure radiculitis and rheumatism?
A: Manure

V.: This material was known in Egypt and Mesopotamia, but in its modern form it was obtained only in the 17th century
A: Crystal

V.: This word was used by the poet’s nanny Arina Rodionovna to call all the villains
O.: Aspid

Q: According to the Ancient Irish, this must have been present in abundance in paradise.
A: Pork

V.: Belief in the predetermination of events
A: Fatalism

V.: A healer specializing in the treatment of horses.
A: Konoval

V.: From Greek this word is translated as “dressed in white”
A: Candidate

V.: Literally this word is translated from Latin as “from the deaf”
O.: Absurd

Q: What is it not customary to bring with you when visiting China, so as not to offend the hosts?
A: Flowers

Q: What was the last dish to be served on Forgiveness Sunday?
A: Scrambled eggs

Q: This animal has the highest blood pressure
A: Giraffe

Q: Carnivorous mammal
A: Ermine

Q: What needs to be slipped under the stove so that the brownie follows the family moving to a new hut?
O.: Lapot

V.: A saying that summarizes various phenomena of life
O.: Proverb

V.: Compulsory element of women's and pairs figure skating
A: Spiral

V.: The first guns and cannons of Ancient Rus'
O.: Pishchal

V.: The name of this instrument comes from the first word of the song that was most often performed on it
O.: Barrel organ

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At the moment there are just over 250 states on earth. Of these, 195 are independent countries, the rest have an undefined or special status. There are about 160 currencies in the world, legally or actually used in various territories. We get, at the very least, that every second state has its own money. Some money you use, and some you have heard about.


Dollar– the most popular currency in the world. It is a means of payment in the USA, Australia, Canada, Panama, Dominica, New Zealand, Ecuador, Puerto Rico and other countries.

The one-volume Oxford Dictionaries, the name dollar, like the Slovenian tolar, which was in circulation until 2007, takes its name from the coin joachimsthaler "joachimsthaler", shortened to "thaler" or "daler" from the Flemish language. This coin got its name thanks to the Joachim Valley (located in the Czech Republic near the city of Jáchymov), in which the silver from which the coin was minted was mined. In the process, the word was transformed and began to be used in other languages. Later, the coins used during the American Revolutionary War began to be called “dollars” in the Spanish American and British colonies.

In 1792, the official US currency was named "".


The pound sterling is the currency of Great Britain. Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt also call their national currency the Pound. To distinguish the British currency from the currencies of the same name in other countries, the full name “” is used in official documents.

The British Pound gets its name from Latin word "poundus"", which means "weight" in Latin. But there are several versions in the history of the origin of the name of this currency. According to the most probable one, the name appeared in the 12th century and meant “pound of pure silver.” Large transactions were expressed in “ pounds sterling" One troy pound had the mass of approximately 240 ancient English sterling coins.


« Pesos" translated from Spanish, literally means "weight". In countries that were former colonies of Spain, the currency is still used today, for example, in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Chile and the Philippines.

At the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spaniards came to the territory of modern Mexico, there was no money there at all. Cocoa beans were the means of payment for the local population. Then the Spanish conquistador Fernando Cortez received an order to cast gold coins from all the gold he found in the new Spanish territory. However, Cortez decided to disobey the royal order and began minting some of the coins from pure gold, and the other part from gold with a small admixture of copper. As a result, several types of coins appeared in the colony, valued by the weight of pure gold they contained. The gold peso is the most expensive, the tepuche peso (made of copper and gold chips) is less valuable. According to some opinions, the name "" came from there.


The dinar is the national currency in Tunisia, Algeria, Macedonia, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Serbia and Libya. The name "" comes from ancient silver coin "denarius", which was a means of payment in the territory of the Roman Empire. The word "denarius" comes from the Latin word "denarius", which means "consisting of ten."

Money with the name "", along with other terms Kantar and Dirham, can be found in the Qur'an. Thus, “Dinar” in the holy book of Muslims was called monetary equivalents.

Polish zloty

« Zloty» translated from Polish "z?oto" means "gold". This term first began to be used in the 15th century, as it was the name given to gold coins minted in foreign countries that came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, mainly gold ducats.


A number of European countries, such as Denmark, Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, call their national currency this way. As you may have guessed, the word “crown” comes from the Latin “corona” and literally translates as “crown”. The same crown depicted on the Couronndor (first crown) coin minted in France in 1340 gave its name to the new currency.

At the moment " lira" is the national currency of Turkey. Before the transition to the “euro”, 4 sovereign states called their national currency this way: Malta, San Marino, Italy, Vatican City.

The currency got its name from the consonant Latin word "libra", which translates as “pound”. Just like the British “pound”, the name comes from a unit of weight - the troy pound, which was used to weigh silver.

Hungarian forint

In the middle of the 13th century, gold coins “fiorino d’oro” began to be minted in Florence; it was from this Italian coin that the Hungarian “fiorino” got its name. Only after 1 century, Hungary began to issue its own coin, which was called “florin”. Over time, the coins received their original appearance and the final name "".


Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Oman and Iran call their national currency "". This name was borrowed from the Latin language, "regalis" translates to "royal". As you can see, this name came to the Arab world from Europe, as the Arabs called European coins: piastre, thaler, sovereign.


This is what Brazil calls its national money. In European countries, before the transition to the "euro", residents of Spain and Portugal called their money "".

In the 14th century, the “silver real” was first minted in Castile. These silver coins were in circulation until the mid-19th century. " Real"translated from Latin means "royal coin". On one side of this coin there was a crown in a double circular inscription, and on the other the coat of arms of Spain was minted. Later, a portrait of the Spanish king began to be depicted on the reverse.

South African rand

The national currency of South Africa, the “rand,” takes its name from the Witwatersrand mountain range, “rand” for short, which is located in the eastern part of the Republic of South Africa. By the way, the largest gold deposit in the 19th century was found in the area of ​​the Witwatersrand ridge.

The national currency “” appeared relatively recently, only in 1961. This is a very important year, because it was in this year that South Africa declared independence and left the British Commonwealth.


« Rupee"is the national currency of the following countries: India, Nepal, Mauritius, Indonesia, Pakistan, Seychelles and Sri Lanka. “Rupia” (“rupya”) translated from Sanskrit means "chased silver" or "worked silver". One of the greatest reformers of India, Sher Shah Suri, introduced coins called “rupee” in the 16th century. Many years have passed, but the coin is still in circulation and was not issued even at the time when India was part of the British Colonies. There is a version that holds true, the word "" comes from the Indian "rura" and means "cattle". For a long time, it was cattle that played the role of natural money in Indian trade relations.

One of the leaders and ideologists of the movement for Indian independence from Great Britain, Mahatma Gandhi, is depicted on the front side of each banknote. You don't often see this on the world's money. Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi on " Rs.» differs only in the image and color on the reverse side.

Did you know that in 2010, the government issued symbolic 0 rupees notes. All this is part of the anti-corruption campaign. This kind of money cannot be used to pay in a store; anti-corruption activists suggested that local residents give this money to police officers and extortion officials. Needless to say, anti-corruption money is incredibly popular.


The Chinese character that denotes the name of the national currency of China, in its literal meaning translated as "round object" or "round coin". This designation dates back to the Qing Dynasty. China saw its first national money in 1835; it was minted from silver. By the way, in Chinese, “ yuan" refers to the base unit of any currency, for example the US dollar "mei yuan".

Sometimes "" is even called the Chinese dollar." The names of the currencies of Korea “won”, Japan “yen”, Mongolian “tugrik”, also came from the Chinese “yuan”.


« Shekel" in Hebrew means a measure of the mass of gold and silver, in the literal sense of the word means "to weigh". It was the shekel (a silver coin weighing 11.4 grams) that served as the monetary unit of the ancient Jews and in the Middle East. The first mention of the “Shekel” appeared in the 2nd millennium BC. The ancient population of Southern Mesopotamia used the mass of 1 grain of wheat (0.046 g) as a standard. "She" means "grain". 180 “she” made up “siqil” (8.28), so in Hebrew the word was transformed into “”.

By the way, those 30 pieces of silver for which, as it is written in the Bible, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ, were the same 30 Tyrian shekels.

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