FAQ Dragon Age: Origins - Companions. Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Captive Dragon age origins Sheila approval

Dragon Age: Origins - FAQ: Companions

The game Dragon Age: Origins is party role-playing game. This means that other characters and companions will travel with you past your hero. These characters will be located in the Hero's camp and you can always take them with you. Often they are not inferior in strength to the Hero, and some are even superior. The game has such an indicator as the reputation of a companion. What does it mean? If your reputation is high, your companion character will receive a bonus to any attribute. Opportunities for receiving quests from companions and romantic relationships will also open up. If your reputation with your companion is low, then he will treat you with contempt, and if the reputation indicator reaches a critical point, the companion may leave the Hero.
So how can we prevent this from happening? Very simple. Give your companions due attention. Complete their quests, give gifts. Each companion requires a “special” approach. In addition, your codex will often contain useful information that will help you win the gratitude of your companion.
There are a total of 10 different companions in Dragon Age: Origins that you can enlist to help you. Brief information on each of them will be published in this topic.

1. Alistair

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Templar
Location: After arriving at the Ostagar fortress, Duncan will personally advise you to find Alistair. It is located near the magicians' tent. We find him and talk. After this, Alistair is your companion.
Note: Alistair cannot be kicked out before the quest "Gathering of the Lands". Moreover, he will not leave your Hero even if his attitude towards you drops to -100.
Personal quest: Alistair's personal quest is related to his sister Goldanna. To take on the quest, you need to ask Alistair when he turns to the Hero, saying that he has something to tell. Goldanna is located in Denerim, in a house near Master Wade's forge. In order to enter her house you will need Alistair himself. We go into the house and listen to the dialogue between Alistair and Goldanna.

Important: During this easy quest you will have the opportunity toughen up Alistair. This moment can seriously affect his future behavior. To toughen up Alistair, after a conversation takes place between him and Goldanna, tell him that “Everyone cares only about himself.”
If you toughen up Alistair and leave Loghain alive at the meeting of the lands, Alistair will leave the Hero's party and express a desire to marry Anora and become the heir to the throne. The toughening also affects the ending of the Hero-girl, who had an affair with Alistair. If Alistair did not give the throne to Anora, but himself expressed a desire to become king, then only a Hero-girl of noble birth (backstory for the Couslands) could persuade him to marry, thus becoming a queen. If you toughen up Alistair, he will marry your heroine of any origin.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Alistair is only possible for a female Hero. To start a romantic relationship, simply ask Alistair about his life as a templar. Express your admiration for him. If the indicator of his gratitude increases, then when meeting in the camp, Alistair will give your Heroine a flower. This will be a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship.
Present: Special gifts for Alistair are his mother's amulet and Duncan's shield. Amulin is in Earl Redcliffe's desk. The shield can be obtained from the Gray Wardens' secret warehouse. Riordan will tell you about him if you bring him his documents. Also, Alistair will not be averse to receiving rune stones and various figurines from you.
Moment of crisis: Alistair will leave the Hero only if you spare Loghain at the Land Meeting.

2. Morrigan

Class: Mage
Specialization: Werewolf
Location: The first time you meet a young sorceress is in the Korcari Wilds. After completing the story quest "Tower of Isshala", the Hero will be able to enlist her support.
Personal quest: As soon as you get to the tower of magicians, Morrigan will ask the Hero to find a dark grimoire in this tower. After you give her the book, talk to her again. She will ask you to kill her mother Flemeth and bring back the old witch's book.
Romantic relationship: A romance with Morrigan is only available to a male Hero. To start a romance, just raise her attitude towards you high enough.
Present: A special gift for dear Morrigan could be a mirror similar to the one her mother broke when Morrigan was still very young. The mirror can be purchased from a merchant in the Orzamar Fortress. Morrigan also loves jewelry.
Moment of crisis: Morrigan will not leave you without your team, no matter how angry she is with you. However, she can still be kicked out.

3. Leliana

Class: Robber
Specialization: Bard
Location: You will meet Leliana in a tavern in Lothering. After Loghain's soldiers begin to pester the hero in the tavern, Leliana will intercede on your behalf. After that, she will become your companion.
Personal quest: The personal quest will be related to Leliana Marjoline's boss. First, ask Leliana about the reason for her appearance in Lothering. During questioning, she admits that she used to be a bard and worked for bandits. After this, when traveling quickly between locations with Leliana, the Hero will be attacked by a squad of assassins. Having defeated their commander-in-chief, he will tell you that he was hired by Marjoline to kill Leliana.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Leliana is available to both the male and female Hero. To start the novel as a Female Hero, you need to raise Leliana's approval level to +50. The male hero will have a slightly more difficult time. There are only two moments available here when you can start a romance.

  • Talk to Leliana about her life in the monastery and express your admiration for her beauty. Say that all the novices in the monastery pale in comparison with her
  • After completing the quest with Marjolaine, talk to Leliana at the camp. Ask her how she feels after what happened. Next, say that you understand what she is talking about. And then say that people change over time. If at the end of the dialogue Leliana noticed that you look like Marjoline, then this will be the beginning of your romantic relationship.
Important: During Leliana's personal quest, you will have the opportunity toughen up Leliana. This will not particularly affect the game, but will only give you the opportunity to persuade Leliana into a love triangle with Isabella, who is located in the Pearl (Denerim) brothel. A quadrangle is also possible if you persuade Zevran. Also, if the ashes of Andraste are desecrated, Leliana will not leave the Hero if you toughened her up.
If you decide to toughen up Leliana, then after completing her personal quest, talk to her in the camp and tell her that Marjolaine is right in many ways. Killing others is part of Leliana's character.
Present: Special gifts for Leliana are “Andraste flowers”. Also, when talking with the naga catcher in Orzamar, Leliana will ask the Hero to buy her a naga. Leliana will be grateful to you if you give her various symbols/amulets of Andraste and other church items.
Moment of crisis: Leliana will leave the Hero's group if during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes" the Hero desecrated Andraste's ashes. If at the time of desecration the urn with Leliana’s ashes was not nearby, then she will still find out about it in the hero’s camp. But with the proper skill and a high level of gratitude, she can be persuaded to stay. If you toughened up Leliana during her personal quest, then she will not abandon the Hero even if he desecrates the urn in front of her eyes.

4. Stan

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Stan is locked in a cage in the city of Lothering. Talk to him and offer to free him. Next, head to the church and persuade/force the Reverend Mother to let him go.
Note: If you leave Lothering, the village will soon be destroyed by the Darkness. Thus, you will lose the opportunity to get Stan as a companion.
Personal quest: Stan's personal Qunari quest is related to his sword, called the Sword of Beresaad. To receive the quest, ask the silent Qunari about his life. Raise his attitude high enough and he will tell you about his sword and ask you to return it.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Stan won't mind if you give him various totems. Stan also knows a lot about painting. That's why give him paintings more often.
Moment of crisis: Stan will try to seize leadership of the Hero's squad if you take him to the village of "Refuge" during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes". Just defeat him alone, suppressing his rebellion. If Stan treats you warmly enough, you can persuade him not to attack.

5. Zevran

Class: Robber
Specialization: Murderer
Location: There is no need to look for Zevran, he will find you himself.) As you progress through the story, Loghain will hire him to kill you. At a random meeting on the world map, Zevran will ambush the Hero. After defeating the elf, decide what to do with him. Kill, or take as companions.
Personal quest: Zevran does not have a personal quest. But if you have enlisted his support, then after receiving the quest “Save the Queen”, in Denerim, while quickly traveling around the city, you will be attacked by his friend Talsen. Defeat him and decide what to do next for Zevran.
Romantic relationship: To start a romantic relationship, simply chat with the elf. If you raise his gratitude level a little, he himself will invite the Hero... to go into the tent with him.) If you want romance, then refuse him. At the same time, Zevran will report that he will now be even more persistent. And when the mark of his gratitude reaches 75, Zevran confesses his love to you.

Present: Special gifts for Zevran are Dalish gloves, which can be found in a chest in the Bressilian forest, as well as Antian boots. The boots can be found in the village of Vault.
Moment of crisis: When you are attacked by Taliesen in the Denerim quarters, Zevran may leave the Hero and join the assassin if his attitude towards you is very negative. If Zevran treats you warmly, he will help you deal with Taliesen. After this, you will have to decide what to do with the elf, drive him away, or continue traveling with him.

6. Wynn

Class: Mage
Specialization: Spiritual healer
Location: Wynn can be found in the Mage Circle Tower. Agree to help her deal with Uldred and go to the end of the tower. After this, Winn will become your full-fledged companion.
Personal quest: Wynn's personal quest is related to her student. First, ask Wynn about her past. As soon as her approval rating exceeds 24, when quickly traveling around the map, you will be attacked twice by the creatures of darkness. The first time, Winn will lose consciousness, but will quickly come to his senses. After this event, ask her at the camp. She will tell you about a certain spirit and her former teaching, whom she offended. She will ask you to find her student and offer him condolences. Aneirin, that is the name of Wynn's student, is located in the eastern part of the Bressilian forest, not far from the mad hermit.
Note: With the second attack of the Spawn of Darkness, Wynn will unlock a new ability, Spirit Vessel.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Winn loves wine, various scrolls and magical books.
Moment of crisis: Wynn will attack you if in the circle tower you agree with the templar Kalen and decide to exterminate all the magicians. Wynn will also betray you if during the quest “Urn of Sacred Ashes” the hero desecrates the urn. If you became a blood mage and admitted this to Wynn, then she will leave you (if Wynn took the blood mage specialization, she will not leave the Hero).

7. Oghren

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Berserker
Location: During the story quest "Perfect" you will be sent to explore the deep paths in search of the perfect Branka. When you enter the trails, Ogren will greet you and offer his help.
Note: You won't be able to talk to Oghren until you complete the quest "Perfect".
Personal quest: As soon as Ogren begins to trust you, he will ask you to find his former girlfriend Felsi, who lives in the Spoiled Princess tavern on Lake Calenhad. When talking to Felsi, Ogren will ask you to help him gain the favor of the gnome. And here you can either help Ogren by telling him that he is a great and strong warrior, or make fun of him. Ultimately, Felsi and Ogren will either make up or vice versa. Ogren’s further disposition towards you will depend on this.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: What do gnomes love most? That's right, el. So if you treat him with a glass of ale/beer, he will be only too happy.
Moment of crisis: If your relationship with Ogren drops to -100, the dwarf will decide to leave you. In this case, you can either persuade him to stay, or defeat him in a fair fight, or let him go.

8. Dog

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: There are two ways to enlist the support of a quadruple dog. When playing as a noble person, you will have a dog initially. If you choose a different story, you will have to complete the quest of the huntsman from the Ostagar fortress. Bring him a special flower from the wilds of Korkari. After this, when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering, the dog will come running to you.
Personal quest: Dig a hole in China) Just kidding. Bobik has no personal quest.
Romantic relationship: Impossible. Your relationship with Bobby is always +100.
Present: The dog can be given a special bone that increases its abilities.
Moment of crisis: Man's best friend does not know what betrayal is.) The dog's attitude towards you will always be +100.

9. Loghain mac Tir

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Knight
Location: Loghain will join you during the quest "Gathering of the Lands". During this quest you can either kill him or pardon him.
Note: Having pardoned Loghain, Alistair will leave you.
Personal quest: No.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Loghain will be grateful if you give him various topographic maps. You can also give Loghain gold/silver bars.
Moment of crisis: Loghain can be killed at a land meeting. He himself will never leave the company of the hero, no matter how angry he is with you.

10. Sheila

Notes: Companion Sheila is available only after installing the DLC - "Stone Prisoner". Sheila also has various unique abilities that are unavailable to anyone else. Sheila has no equipment. The only thing that can be done is to insert special crystals into the golem. The first type of crystals affects the damage dealt, the second type affects armor.

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Go to merchant Felix. His convoy will be marked on the map of the empire. Next, buy a golem control rod from him. After this, go to the village of Khonlit marked on the map. There you will have to kill the hordes of the Spawn of Darkness. Sheila will stand in the center of the village. But she will be motionless. To bring her to her senses, explore the basements of the village. There you will meet the same Spawn of Darkness, as well as a resident who will agree to help you revive the golem (by telling the right words for revival) if you save his daughter.

Personal quest: Sheila's personal quest "Memory of the Stone". It becomes available during the quest "Perfect". At the end of this quest you will meet Karidin. Mighty golem. If Sheila is in your company, she herself will ask him about the place of her birth/creation. He will tell her about the ruins of Kadash, located on the deep paths.
If you didn’t take the golem with you, then just talk to her in the camp after completing the quest “Perfect”. Agree to help her find the place where she was created. Go to Orzamar and go down to the deep paths in any of the Thags. After Sheila appears, she will speak to the Hero and the mark of Teiga Kadash will appear on the map. Go there and explore the ruins. there you will meet the Spawn of Darkness. At the end you will have a fight with the mighty Ogre. Deal with him. Next, Sheila will begin to read the notes on the stone saw. That's it, the quest is over.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Sheila loves gems.
Moment of crisis: If you took Branca's side and went against Karidian during the quest "Perfect", Sheila will try to stop you.

Sheila (English Shale) is a possible companion of the Gray Guardian if the Stone Prisoner DLC is available. It is located in the village of Honnlit. Sheila's character (and the quests associated with it) is the subject of much debate. At first she was going to be a joining NPC in the game, but then she was cut due to the developers who decided to concentrate on polishing the game as quickly as possible before release in 2008. When the game's release was pushed back to the last quarter of 2008, the developers again focused on Sheila and her return to the game. Although she was not included in the release version of the game, Sheila was available as free one-day DLC for all purchasers of the Standard or Collector's Edition of Dragon Age: Origins.

Surprisingly, for a golem, Sheila is extremely talkative and curious. She pokes her nose everywhere and asks her companions about their past, their religion and outlook on life. But, given that the Guardian’s companions do not mince words, she often deeply regrets that she asks too many questions.




Sheila prefers "gorgeous" gemstones. On Xbox 360 and PS3, there is a bug that does not give Sheila the standard 10 points for the first gift; instead you will get 5, which decreases as usual. And after four precious stones, Sheila will not be interested in the rest and will give for every 1 ( “Can I keep this? Great").

Dragon Age: Origins - FAQ: Companions

The game Dragon Age: Origins is party role-playing game. This means that other characters and companions will travel with you past your hero. These characters will be located in the Hero's camp and you can always take them with you. Often they are not inferior in strength to the Hero, and some are even superior. The game has such an indicator as the reputation of a companion. What does it mean? If your reputation is high, your companion character will receive a bonus to any attribute. Opportunities for receiving quests from companions and romantic relationships will also open up. If your reputation with your companion is low, then he will treat you with contempt, and if the reputation indicator reaches a critical point, the companion may leave the Hero.
So how can we prevent this from happening? Very simple. Give your companions due attention. Complete their quests, give gifts. Each companion requires a “special” approach. In addition, your codex will often contain useful information that will help you win the gratitude of your companion.
There are a total of 10 different companions in Dragon Age: Origins that you can enlist to help you. Brief information on each of them will be published in this topic.

1. Alistair

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Templar
Location: After arriving at the Ostagar fortress, Duncan will personally advise you to find Alistair. It is located near the magicians' tent. We find him and talk. After this, Alistair is your companion.
Note: Alistair cannot be kicked out before the quest "Gathering of the Lands". Moreover, he will not leave your Hero even if his attitude towards you drops to -100.
Personal quest: Alistair's personal quest is related to his sister Goldanna. To take on the quest, you need to ask Alistair when he turns to the Hero, saying that he has something to tell. Goldanna is located in Denerim, in a house near Master Wade's forge. In order to enter her house you will need Alistair himself. We go into the house and listen to the dialogue between Alistair and Goldanna.

Important: During this easy quest you will have the opportunity toughen up Alistair. This moment can seriously affect his future behavior. To toughen up Alistair, after a conversation takes place between him and Goldanna, tell him that “Everyone cares only about himself.”
If you toughen up Alistair and leave Loghain alive at the meeting of the lands, Alistair will leave the Hero's party and express a desire to marry Anora and become the heir to the throne. The toughening also affects the ending of the Hero-girl, who had an affair with Alistair. If Alistair did not give the throne to Anora, but himself expressed a desire to become king, then only a Hero-girl of noble birth (backstory for the Couslands) could persuade him to marry, thus becoming a queen. If you toughen up Alistair, he will marry your heroine of any origin.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Alistair is only possible for a female Hero. To start a romantic relationship, simply ask Alistair about his life as a templar. Express your admiration for him. If the indicator of his gratitude increases, then when meeting in the camp, Alistair will give your Heroine a flower. This will be a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship.
Present: Special gifts for Alistair are his mother's amulet and Duncan's shield. Amulin is in Earl Redcliffe's desk. The shield can be obtained from the Gray Wardens' secret warehouse. Riordan will tell you about him if you bring him his documents. Also, Alistair will not be averse to receiving rune stones and various figurines from you.
Moment of crisis: Alistair will leave the Hero only if you spare Loghain at the Land Meeting.

2. Morrigan

Class: Mage
Specialization: Werewolf
Location: The first time you meet a young sorceress is in the Korcari Wilds. After completing the story quest "Tower of Isshala", the Hero will be able to enlist her support.
Personal quest: As soon as you get to the tower of magicians, Morrigan will ask the Hero to find a dark grimoire in this tower. After you give her the book, talk to her again. She will ask you to kill her mother Flemeth and bring back the old witch's book.
Romantic relationship: A romance with Morrigan is only available to a male Hero. To start a romance, just raise her attitude towards you high enough.
Present: A special gift for dear Morrigan could be a mirror similar to the one her mother broke when Morrigan was still very young. The mirror can be purchased from a merchant in the Orzamar Fortress. Morrigan also loves jewelry.
Moment of crisis: Morrigan will not leave you without your team, no matter how angry she is with you. However, she can still be kicked out.

3. Leliana

Class: Robber
Specialization: Bard
Location: You will meet Leliana in a tavern in Lothering. After Loghain's soldiers begin to pester the hero in the tavern, Leliana will intercede on your behalf. After that, she will become your companion.
Personal quest: The personal quest will be related to Leliana Marjoline's boss. First, ask Leliana about the reason for her appearance in Lothering. During questioning, she admits that she used to be a bard and worked for bandits. After this, when traveling quickly between locations with Leliana, the Hero will be attacked by a squad of assassins. Having defeated their commander-in-chief, he will tell you that he was hired by Marjoline to kill Leliana.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Leliana is available to both the male and female Hero. To start the novel as a Female Hero, you need to raise Leliana's approval level to +50. The male hero will have a slightly more difficult time. There are only two moments available here when you can start a romance.

  • Talk to Leliana about her life in the monastery and express your admiration for her beauty. Say that all the novices in the monastery pale in comparison with her
  • After completing the quest with Marjolaine, talk to Leliana at the camp. Ask her how she feels after what happened. Next, say that you understand what she is talking about. And then say that people change over time. If at the end of the dialogue Leliana noticed that you look like Marjoline, then this will be the beginning of your romantic relationship.
Important: During Leliana's personal quest, you will have the opportunity toughen up Leliana. This will not particularly affect the game, but will only give you the opportunity to persuade Leliana into a love triangle with Isabella, who is located in the Pearl (Denerim) brothel. A quadrangle is also possible if you persuade Zevran. Also, if the ashes of Andraste are desecrated, Leliana will not leave the Hero if you toughened her up.
If you decide to toughen up Leliana, then after completing her personal quest, talk to her in the camp and tell her that Marjolaine is right in many ways. Killing others is part of Leliana's character.
Present: Special gifts for Leliana are “Andraste flowers”. Also, when talking with the naga catcher in Orzamar, Leliana will ask the Hero to buy her a naga. Leliana will be grateful to you if you give her various symbols/amulets of Andraste and other church items.
Moment of crisis: Leliana will leave the Hero's group if during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes" the Hero desecrated Andraste's ashes. If at the time of desecration the urn with Leliana’s ashes was not nearby, then she will still find out about it in the hero’s camp. But with the proper skill and a high level of gratitude, she can be persuaded to stay. If you toughened up Leliana during her personal quest, then she will not abandon the Hero even if he desecrates the urn in front of her eyes.

4. Stan

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Stan is locked in a cage in the city of Lothering. Talk to him and offer to free him. Next, head to the church and persuade/force the Reverend Mother to let him go.
Note: If you leave Lothering, the village will soon be destroyed by the Darkness. Thus, you will lose the opportunity to get Stan as a companion.
Personal quest: Stan's personal Qunari quest is related to his sword, called the Sword of Beresaad. To receive the quest, ask the silent Qunari about his life. Raise his attitude high enough and he will tell you about his sword and ask you to return it.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Stan won't mind if you give him various totems. Stan also knows a lot about painting. That's why give him paintings more often.
Moment of crisis: Stan will try to seize leadership of the Hero's squad if you take him to the village of "Refuge" during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes". Just defeat him alone, suppressing his rebellion. If Stan treats you warmly enough, you can persuade him not to attack.

5. Zevran

Class: Robber
Specialization: Murderer
Location: There is no need to look for Zevran, he will find you himself.) As you progress through the story, Loghain will hire him to kill you. At a random meeting on the world map, Zevran will ambush the Hero. After defeating the elf, decide what to do with him. Kill, or take as companions.
Personal quest: Zevran does not have a personal quest. But if you have enlisted his support, then after receiving the quest “Save the Queen”, in Denerim, while quickly traveling around the city, you will be attacked by his friend Talsen. Defeat him and decide what to do next for Zevran.
Romantic relationship: To start a romantic relationship, simply chat with the elf. If you raise his gratitude level a little, he himself will invite the Hero... to go into the tent with him.) If you want romance, then refuse him. At the same time, Zevran will report that he will now be even more persistent. And when the mark of his gratitude reaches 75, Zevran confesses his love to you.

Present: Special gifts for Zevran are Dalish gloves, which can be found in a chest in the Bressilian forest, as well as Antian boots. The boots can be found in the village of Vault.
Moment of crisis: When you are attacked by Taliesen in the Denerim quarters, Zevran may leave the Hero and join the assassin if his attitude towards you is very negative. If Zevran treats you warmly, he will help you deal with Taliesen. After this, you will have to decide what to do with the elf, drive him away, or continue traveling with him.

6. Wynn

Class: Mage
Specialization: Spiritual healer
Location: Wynn can be found in the Mage Circle Tower. Agree to help her deal with Uldred and go to the end of the tower. After this, Winn will become your full-fledged companion.
Personal quest: Wynn's personal quest is related to her student. First, ask Wynn about her past. As soon as her approval rating exceeds 24, when quickly traveling around the map, you will be attacked twice by the creatures of darkness. The first time, Winn will lose consciousness, but will quickly come to his senses. After this event, ask her at the camp. She will tell you about a certain spirit and her former teaching, whom she offended. She will ask you to find her student and offer him condolences. Aneirin, that is the name of Wynn's student, is located in the eastern part of the Bressilian forest, not far from the mad hermit.
Note: With the second attack of the Spawn of Darkness, Wynn will unlock a new ability, Spirit Vessel.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Winn loves wine, various scrolls and magical books.
Moment of crisis: Wynn will attack you if in the circle tower you agree with the templar Kalen and decide to exterminate all the magicians. Wynn will also betray you if during the quest “Urn of Sacred Ashes” the hero desecrates the urn. If you became a blood mage and admitted this to Wynn, then she will leave you (if Wynn took the blood mage specialization, she will not leave the Hero).

7. Oghren

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Berserker
Location: During the story quest "Perfect" you will be sent to explore the deep paths in search of the perfect Branka. When you enter the trails, Ogren will greet you and offer his help.
Note: You won't be able to talk to Oghren until you complete the quest "Perfect".
Personal quest: As soon as Ogren begins to trust you, he will ask you to find his former girlfriend Felsi, who lives in the Spoiled Princess tavern on Lake Calenhad. When talking to Felsi, Ogren will ask you to help him gain the favor of the gnome. And here you can either help Ogren by telling him that he is a great and strong warrior, or make fun of him. Ultimately, Felsi and Ogren will either make up or vice versa. Ogren’s further disposition towards you will depend on this.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: What do gnomes love most? That's right, el. So if you treat him with a glass of ale/beer, he will be only too happy.
Moment of crisis: If your relationship with Ogren drops to -100, the dwarf will decide to leave you. In this case, you can either persuade him to stay, or defeat him in a fair fight, or let him go.

8. Dog

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: There are two ways to enlist the support of a quadruple dog. When playing as a noble person, you will have a dog initially. If you choose a different story, you will have to complete the quest of the huntsman from the Ostagar fortress. Bring him a special flower from the wilds of Korkari. After this, when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering, the dog will come running to you.
Personal quest: Dig a hole in China) Just kidding. Bobik has no personal quest.
Romantic relationship: Impossible. Your relationship with Bobby is always +100.
Present: The dog can be given a special bone that increases its abilities.
Moment of crisis: Man's best friend does not know what betrayal is.) The dog's attitude towards you will always be +100.

9. Loghain mac Tir

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Knight
Location: Loghain will join you during the quest "Gathering of the Lands". During this quest you can either kill him or pardon him.
Note: Having pardoned Loghain, Alistair will leave you.
Personal quest: No.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Loghain will be grateful if you give him various topographic maps. You can also give Loghain gold/silver bars.
Moment of crisis: Loghain can be killed at a land meeting. He himself will never leave the company of the hero, no matter how angry he is with you.

10. Sheila

Notes: Companion Sheila is available only after installing the DLC - "Stone Prisoner". Sheila also has various unique abilities that are unavailable to anyone else. Sheila has no equipment. The only thing that can be done is to insert special crystals into the golem. The first type of crystals affects the damage dealt, the second type affects armor.

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Go to merchant Felix. His convoy will be marked on the map of the empire. Next, buy a golem control rod from him. After this, go to the village of Khonlit marked on the map. There you will have to kill the hordes of the Spawn of Darkness. Sheila will stand in the center of the village. But she will be motionless. To bring her to her senses, explore the basements of the village. There you will meet the same Spawn of Darkness, as well as a resident who will agree to help you revive the golem (by telling the right words for revival) if you save his daughter.

Personal quest: Sheila's personal quest "Memory of the Stone". It becomes available during the quest "Perfect". At the end of this quest you will meet Karidin. Mighty golem. If Sheila is in your company, she herself will ask him about the place of her birth/creation. He will tell her about the ruins of Kadash, located on the deep paths.
If you didn’t take the golem with you, then just talk to her in the camp after completing the quest “Perfect”. Agree to help her find the place where she was created. Go to Orzamar and go down to the deep paths in any of the Thags. After Sheila appears, she will speak to the Hero and the mark of Teiga Kadash will appear on the map. Go there and explore the ruins. there you will meet the Spawn of Darkness. At the end you will have a fight with the mighty Ogre. Deal with him. Next, Sheila will begin to read the notes on the stone saw. That's it, the quest is over.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Sheila loves gems.
Moment of crisis: If you took Branca's side and went against Karidian during the quest "Perfect", Sheila will try to stop you.

P After installing the DLC, you will have a new location called Sulker Pass on the world map. The merchant stuck there will offer you the golem control rod and say the activation words. You will get the rod absolutely free, because the golem itself is located in the village of Honnlit, through which a horde of the Spawn of Darkness is about to pass.

By After this, the village itself will appear on the map, in which the Spawn of Darkness actually settled. When you have dealt with the creatures, you can try to activate the golem found in the square. Quite expectedly, the password will not work and you will need to find one of the surviving residents of Honnlith to try to find out the real one.

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

ABOUT go to Wilhelm's basement. Having finished with the squad of the Spawn of Darkness, you will find local peasants behind a strange magical barrier, and among them is Matthias, son of Wilhelm. He will tell you in vivid colors how the golem crushed his father, and his mother sold the control rod in her hearts, deliberately telling him the wrong password. Matthias will agree to tell you the right words, but only if you return his daughter Amalia, who was frightened and ran away to Wilhelm’s laboratory, which is equipped with all sorts of traps that did not allow other residents a chance stay alive.

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

H To get there, go further along the corridor, fighting off the Shadows. Eventually you will see another barrier. He is not a hindrance to you, and behind him you will find Amalia in the company of a talking cat, captured by some kind of demon. During the conversation, you will learn that the Demon is locked in this room by Wilhelm, and the girl will refuse to leave the basement without a new girlfriend. The demonic animal will require you to remove the barrier and release it in Amalia's body, moving the slabs on the floor in a special way.

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

IN The following options are available to us:

Immediately attack the demon (as a result, she will possess Amalia, and the girl will have to be killed, but Stan will approve of your decision);

Promise to let the demon go if in return he promises not to touch Amalia (the demon will not keep his promise and will possess the girl as soon as you remove the barrier);

Agree to the deal;

Return and tell Matthias what happened, who, in order to save his daughter, will allow the demon to enter his own body (you will have to either let the demon go or kill Matthias);

Lie that you agree to the deal, and after removing the barrier, attack the demon (the most favorable option).

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

A Lister, Winn and Leliana will approve if you save the girl and her father, but Morrigan will be unhappy. If you agree to help the demon or allow Matthias to sacrifice himself, Approval will be distributed in the opposite way.

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

H To free the demon you will need to solve a simple puzzle - draw a line of fire through the stone slabs on the floor from corner to corner. The puzzle is somewhat similar to tag. Each plate has an arrow in the direction in which the fire will go. All you have to do is move the plates so that the arrows on them point in the right direction. There are many solutions here, and here is one of them:

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

E If you allow the demon to take over Amalia's body, he will give you a good belt, “Cord of Broken Dreams.” You can also demand an additional reward, and you will receive a mediocre magic staff. Or, after destroying the barrier, the demon will attack you along with four demons of rage, and from his body you will remove the best helmet in the game and the same belt. Also, if you allow a demon to take over someone's body, you will receive more money as a reward.

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

IN In any case, you will receive the correct password (either Matthias will say it, or the demon who has taken over his body), and after that return to the square. Having activated the golem, after a short conversation you can either take it into the group (Alistair will not like this, but with the help of Influence you can reduce the decrease in Approval to a minimum), or send it home, or kill it.

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

Walkthrough of the DLC “Stone Prisoner”

E sli golem Sheila will remain in the group, you can receive an additional quest. You will have it after completing the “Perfect” story quest if you first talk to Sheila in the camp and then bring her to the Deep Roads. Sheila will report that she has begun to remember some things from her past and will ask you to go to the Kadash teig.

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