Walkthrough dragon age beginning urn of sacred ashes. Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins - Search for the Sacred Urn. The impact of the decision made on the Urn with Andraste's Ashes on the ending of the game Dragon Age: Origins

After defending Redcliffe, that is, after completing quests Village under siege And Attack at Dusk, Bann Tegan near the mill will offer to get into Redcliffe Castle through an underground passage. You need to go through the windmill to the northern part of the basement and talk to the blood mage Jovan. If left in the castle, he can take part in the development of this quest. If you drive him out of the castle, an additional quest will be given later Jovan's intentions.

Next, after passing through the northern part of the lower floor, the southern part of the basement, the castle courtyard, you need to get to the southern part of the lower floor and talk to Bann Tegan again. We need to decide what to do with Earl's possessed son, Connor. You can kill. You can take advantage of Jovan's offer and enter the Shadow to save Connor by sacrificing his mother. You can ask for help from First Sorcerer Irving from the Tower of Mages if the quest has already been completed Broken circle and Irving survived.

Any magician (including Irving or Jovan) can enter the Shadow, but only the main character, having agreed with the demon, can open a specialization Blood Mage. The choice between defeating the demon or making a pact with it has no consequences for the game, but will affect the messages at the end of the game.

Next, Bann Tegan or Erlessa Isolde will offer to find an urn of sacred ashes to heal Erl. You will need to complete the quest Urn of Sacred Ashes. Delivering Bannu Tegan's ashes results in the Earl's healing.

opening the quest Jovan's intentions, if you let Jovan go;
1250 XP for expelling a demon by any means;
opening of specializations Blood Mage And Knight;
Shield of Redcliffe's Chosen Warriors, if you agree to accept the reward from Earl Eamon;
1350 XP for completing the quest.

After expelling the demon in Redcliffe Castle (during the quest Earl of Redcliffe) Erlessa Isolde or Bann Tegan will offer to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes to heal Erl. Genitivi's brother knows about the urn.

In the Genitivi house (Denerim, shopping district), Veylon will advise you to look for it in the tavern on Lake Calenhad. You don't have to search - it's a trap. The notebook will show the true direction of the search Genitivi Research right here in the chest. A new location will appear on the world map - the village of Vault.

If you wish, you can come to Genitivi's house in Denerim before visiting Redcliffe. Talking to Waylon itself starts the quest.

In the church, shelters must be taken away Cultist's Medallion at the abbot and talk to Genitivi in ​​the right aisle (behind the secret door). You will be transported to the Ruined Temple. After passing the temple and the following Cave location, you need to talk with Kolgrim.

You can agree to Kolgrim's proposal (the real choice can be made later). After passing through the Mountaintop to the Trial location, you need to complete the quest Test of Faith, which will open access to the urn of sacred ashes. Desecrating the ashes and talking to Kolgrim at the top of the mountain will unlock the specialization Ripper.

If Andraste's ashes are desecrated with dragon blood, Wynn will leave the party forever, even if she was in the camp. The only way to avoid this is to complete the Sanctuary before joining Wynn in the Mage Tower. Leliana can become hostile if the ashes are desecrated in her presence, but if she becomes more selfish after completing a personal quest Leliana's Past, you can convince her to maintain peaceful relations.

755 XP if you refuse Kolgrim's offer in the temple;
Cavalier's Mace, if you rob Kolgrim;
two-handed ax Blade of Faith, if you kill Kolgrim;
the ability to summon a higher dragon and take possession of its treasures if you kill Kolgrim;
opening a specialization Ripper;
750 XP upon exiting the Trial;
the dweomer rune of the master, if you ask for a reward from Genitivi in ​​his house (if the ashes were not desecrated and Genitivi remained alive).

The quest is given by the guard at the entrance to the Trial location. You need to go through the entire location to the urn of sacred ashes. Correct answers to the questions of the ghosts in the first room (from left, clockwise): Dreams, Home, Jealousy, Compassion, Hunger, Mountains, Revenge, Melody.

It is enough to transfer one character across the ghostly bridge - after this the bridge will be strengthened. In order for the bridge plate to become strong, you need to place two satellites on two pressure plates connected to this plate, located around the perimeter of the hall. See the map for directions. If there are less than three companions in the squad, the spirits of dust will temporarily join.

To pass the fire barrier, you need to touch the altar and agree to take off your equipment (everything will put on back on its own).

126 XP for answering questions from ghosts;
Amulet of Reflection for meeting with memory;
500 XP for overcoming the fire barrier.

Description: To begin this main quest, you must travel to [Denerim - Market District - Brother Genitivi's House]. When you're inside, talk to Waylon () and explain that you need to find the ashes to cure Earl Eamon's illness. Vaylon will send you to Lake Calenhad, but you can continue this conversation. Use stealth and intimidation to corner Waylon. He will finally decide to attack you so that you don't find out his secret. Luckily, Waylon is a low-level mage, so defeating him shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Stay in Genitivi's brother's house and check one of the rooms in the back. Open the chest () and collect Genitivi's Research to learn that in order to retrace his steps, you must travel to [Vault]. You can go straight to this place or check out the place recommended by Waylon which will be [Lake Calenhad Marina - Spoiled Princess Inn]. After you arrive at the tavern, you will have to talk to the innkeeper (), and outside the building you will be attacked by a group of cultists (). This is all optional, so you should only take the trip if you want to gain additional experience.

When you arrive at [Vault], you will find yourself outside the city (). Go forward and talk to one of the guards. This conversation is not of much importance, especially since he will not impart useful knowledge to you. Instead, he will tell you to find Eirik. You can now go inside [Vault - House] (). Collect some useful items from nearby chests and examine the altar ().

Once back outside, you'll notice that you've been attacked by a large group of cultists. You'll be dealing mostly with peasants, so winning here should be easy. You can now explore the nearby pier or continue straight to the nearby hill. Be careful because in a few minutes you will meet stronger opponents. Every time a new battle begins, make sure to focus on eliminating the enemy mages first. I would also recommend attacking the cultists from a distance because you will have plenty of opportunities to damage them before they get close to your team.

Along the way, you can explore a new hut, marked on the map as [Hideout - Country Store] (). You won't encounter any enemies in the store, but on the other hand, you'll have the chance to collect some really cool items from nearby crates (). Exit the store and continue to the top of the hill. The only path will be guarded, but you shouldn't have any serious problems reaching your final destination [Vault - Church]().

Once you are inside the church, you will have the opportunity to talk to Eirik (), and shortly after you introduce yourself, a new battle will begin. I would recommend that you attack Eirik first so that he doesn't have the chance to cast too many spells. Check Eirik's body after the battle and collect the cultist's medallion. Once this is done, click on the wall () in the northwestern part of the room, where you will find Brother Genitivi. This conversation has two ends. You can convince your new ally that you can continue alone and that he should return to his home in Denerim, or you agree that he should help gain access to the temple. Wait until the entire team is taken to [Ruined Temple] ().

Take a few steps forward after you arrive at the temple. If Brother Genitivi is a member of your team, he will automatically open the main gate for you. Otherwise you will have to perform this action, which should not be a problem. Enter the temple () and get ready to defeat the new cultists occupying the main room. Secure this larger area before moving into smaller rooms.

There are four corridors in this area, and you should spend some time exploring each one. The corner to the southwest will contain the body of an adventurer, and you will also find a small room guarded by cultists. In the corner to the southeast there is a locked door and a library with many valuable documents. For now, the corner to the northeast can be ignored, which leaves us with a corridor to the northwest of the main chamber.

Approach this corridor () slowly and prepare to defend against large groups of cultists as you advance. The first group of enemies will attack you as soon as you open the door. Besides the cultists, you will also have to defeat a creature called Bronto, which you may have already encountered in Orzammar. There are a lot of traps in the area, so it's a good idea to keep using your rogue's abilities to defuse them. Expect more resistance when you reach rooms further away from the main room, and whenever you engage enemy units, start by killing the mages.

Then enter the room located to the southeast. You will need to click on some objects lying on the ground to find the key (). Once you have this object in your possession, return to the main room and notice that more cultists have arrived at this time. Take out all the enemy forces and then go to the corner to the southeast. There is a locked door there that you can open using the key you just received (). Find the chest inside. By opening it, you can get the key to the main hall.

Return to the second hall a second time and this time north because you will be allowed to use the second key to open a new door (). I would recommend saving your progress before moving on. There is a mage in the next room and it would be a good idea to take him out from a distance. Once he's gone, enter the room () and get ready to defend yourself from a surprise attack from the ghosts. Use the ladder after the battle and click on the brazier.

The next room of the temple will be occupied by a new group of cultists. Deal with all the enemies and go north. Continue fighting the cultists, but the ghosts will soon join the battle (). Deal with the monsters after the death of the cultists and monitor the health indicators of your team members.

There are two passages leading to the next part of the temple - eastern and western. It doesn't matter which path you take because you will eventually end up in [Ruined Temple - Caves](). Note that if you take the western passage, you will find some chests along the way (). Opening each chest will result in your team being attacked by powerful ghosts. Make your way to one of the exits and exit the main temple.

Shortly after arriving at the caves (), you will have to defeat the first mini-boss - the cultist overseer (). There will only be one passage leading to your current destination, so you shouldn't get lost. Instead, focus on finding and disarming traps.

Soon you will start meeting dragon cubs. You may know these creatures from your time spent in the mage's tower. Destroying the tiny dragons won't be much of a problem, but you must prevent them from surrounding your team. Keep moving slowly so you don't have to fight too many of them at once. Soon you will enter a large cave (). Beware of the cultist mages and don't let them cast too many powerful spells by attacking them with your warriors as quickly as possible.

Continue towards the northern areas of the cave complex. New dragons and cultists will stand in your way. Be especially careful when going through large caves because most of them will be heavily defended. One of the upcoming caves will have two exits. If you choose to take the eastern exit (), you will be given the opportunity to defeat a couple of larger dragons (subquest opportunity). Selecting the western corridor () will allow you to resume the main mission.

Be careful because you will soon start encountering Cultist Killers and they will use camouflage like the Rogues in your team. When you reach a new intersection (), you can head north to explore the caves, or turn west to focus on the mission. If you go north, you will have the opportunity to defeat other dragons, as well as a new mini-boss - the Cultist Overseer ().

By choosing the western corridor (), you will be one step closer to your current goal - finding the Urn. A large group of cultists occupy one of the nearby caves. Here you need to be careful, because in addition to magicians and assassins, you will also have to avoid a lot of traps (). Head west once you've dealt with everyone. Eventually you will come to the last cave (). I would recommend saving before approaching Kolgrim and his men.


Stopping the cultists is the obvious choice for a true hero, and you can either attack them right away or listen to what Kolgrim has to say. Start the battle by sending your men to deal with the two magicians. It is extremely important to kill them in a short period of time. Once the mages are ready, start attacking the normal warriors and finish by defeating Kolgrim. Be sure to check Kolgrim's body after the battle to collect his horn.

You can now use the nearby passage to go to [Ruined Temple - Mountain Top](). Note that you will be allowed to use the horn here by selecting the item in your inventory. This will result in the arrival of a huge dragon. I must warn you that it will be EXTREMELY difficult to kill this creature, and you should not blow the horn unless you are prepared for battle. When fighting a dragon, your warriors should be focused on distracting the monster, while your archers and magicians should attack it from a greater distance. Having plenty of medicinal poultices is also important. If you manage to defeat the dragon, check its body for a quest item (required for one of the side quests). If you don't have enough skills, ignore the dragon and focus only on completing the main task.


This is a decision you'll want to make if you're playing as an evil hero, and it will lead to the destruction of the Urn, mixing the ashes with the blood of the dragon. If this is what you want, confirm that you want to help Kolgrim and he will give you a vial of dragon blood. Be sure to mention Eamon during the conversation, so you will be allowed to collect a sample of the ashes for yourself. Keep in mind that your good-hearted companions will protest this development, and it would be a good idea to leave them in camp before going through.

You can now use the path located near Kolgrim and head to [Ruined Temple - Mountain Top](). Take a few steps forward to watch a cutscene involving a dragon, then move forward. You will soon witness a second cutscene, and this time Kolgrim will "explain" to the dragon that you are here to help.


This is the standard route, so you will have to go through it even if you agreed to help the cultists. Start at the top of the mountain, go forward and open the gate leading to [Ruined Temple - Trials] (). Here you will also have to move forward, but it won't take long until you have a chance to talk to the guard (). It doesn't matter how you answer his questions, because the most important thing is to learn about the four tests. Confirm that you are ready to begin and answer the personal question before leaving this area.

The first challenge () will require you to talk to eight ghosts. If you answer their riddles correctly, each ghost will turn into mist and become part of the key. If you answer incorrectly, the ghost will turn into a mini-boss. I would even advise you to give wrong answers because you will get more experience for defeating ghosts. Here is a list of ghosts along with the correct answers to their questions:

1) Bronna - About dreams.

2) Thane Shartan - About the house.

3) General Maferat - About jealousy.

4) Archon Hessarian- About mercy.

5) Elisha - About melody.

6) Lady Vasily - About revenge.

7) Student Havard - About the mountains.

8) Disciple Kathair - About hunger.

After eight ghosts, a large gate will open, allowing you to move into the next room. Talk to the ghost of someone you know along the way and then go to the new area (). Here you will have to defeat your... team. The only difference is that they will be ghosts, so you will have to exploit their weaknesses based on your observations. I would recommend starting with the mage and then working on the rest. Winning this challenge will open the next door.

The Urn of Sacred Ashes is securely protected. You can get there by passing four tests of the sincerity of faith. The test includes not only a test of combat skills, but also intelligence. The first test will consist of eight riddles; if you answer incorrectly, you will have to fight off the ashen spirits. The second is the battle with doubles. The third is to overcome the ghost bridge using the correct sequence of actions. The fourth is passing through fire as a sign of purification. Difficulties can arise only with the third test, where you can lose a lot of time until you understand how to act and what to do.

First Dragon Age: Origins Knowledge Test:

  1. Armor(Brona) - Dreams/Dreams.
  2. Thane Shartan(Thane Shartan) - Home.
  3. General Maferat(General Maferath) - Jealousy/Jealousy or I don’t know.
  4. Archon Hessarian(Archon Hessarian) - Compassion/Mercy.
  5. Disciple Kathair(Disciple Cathaire) - Hunger or I don’t know.
  6. Student Havard(Disciple Havard) - The mountains or I don’t know.
  7. Lady Vasily(Lady Vasilia) - Revenge/Vengeance or I don’t know.
  8. Elisha(Ealisay) - Melody/A tune.

Third Bridge Challenge to test your wits in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • We stand facing the bridge in the direction of movement, align the camera with the right mouse button so that all the tiles are clearly visible. We give the command to the squad to stand still (key [H]). There are six tiles on the left and right; we start counting from those closest to the beginning of the bridge. On the left side we mentally number the tiles from one to six, on the right - from seven to twelve.
  • The first companion stands on the third tile on the left side, the second on the sixth tile on the left side, and the third on the eighth tile on the right side. The fourth one is moving along the bridge.
  • From the third tile we move to the tenth on the right side, from the eighth - to the first on the left side, we move along the bridge.
  • From the sixth tile we move to the eleventh on the right side, from the tenth - to the second on the left side, we move along the bridge.

You can start this quest back in Lothering by talking to the Redcliffe Knight in the village church. You will receive information about brother Genitivi by searching the body of a dead knight on the highway (where the robbers attack you). If you did not pay attention to this conversation, then Isolde and Tegan in Redcliffe will send you to get the Urn after you have repelled a night attack on the village.

So, you have to go to Denerim to find a certain brother Genitivi, who devoted his entire life to studying the legends about the ashes of Andraste and searching for his whereabouts. Genitivi's brother's house is located in the market area in the southern part. You won’t find Genitivi himself there, but you will find his assistant Waylon.

The conversation with Waylon can go in several ways. First: after some hesitation, he will tell you that Brother Genitivi seemed to be going to Lake Calenhad. If you go there, a very nervous innkeeper, after the appropriate use of Persuasion, will admit that some suspicious characters are hanging around, threatening him with self-harm and forcing him to lie about the fact that he did not see or hear anyone. As you leave the tavern, you will be attacked, and after dealing with them, you can go back to Denerim to sort things out with Veylon.

Path number two: when talking with Waylon, your GG will feel that there is something wrong with his story (this happens if you have a high enough Cunning) and will demand an explanation, as a result of which Waylon will immediately attack you and you will no longer need to travel to Lake Calenhad.

Path number three - search the house, and Waylon will intervene, prohibiting you from inspecting the rooms. If you insist, he will attack you.

Search the house after Waylon's death and you will find Genitivi's brother's journal, which mentions a certain village called Haven. You will also find the corpse of the real Waylon (no wonder he didn’t want to let you in there!) - although at this stage you most likely already suspected that you were dealing with an impostor.

Go to the Vault. The inhabitants of this village are distinguished by a downright rare inhospitality - almost everyone you talk to will tell you to your face that strangers have nothing to do here. I recommend that you first visit a local retail store in case you need any of their products, otherwise they will not be available to you later.

The residents of the Vault will not have enough patience for strangers for long. They will attack you if you: enter the local Church and ask local leader Eric about Brother Genitivi; explore the blood-stained altar in one of the houses; insist on looking around the back room of the trading post.

After which you will have no choice but to kill them all.

In the Church building, behind a false stone wall, you will find Brother Genitivi. He will tell you that in order to enter the ruined temple that leads to Andraste's ashes, you need the medallion of the cultist leader Eric. If you haven't already searched his corpse, return to him and take the medallion.

If you wish, you can tell Brother Genitivi that before going to the temple you want to secure the village - then you can go out and finish off those who have not yet been finished off before. If you don't do this, you will automatically be transported to the temple. In principle, you don’t have to take Brother Genitivi with you; you only need Eric’s medallion, which will open the entrance for you.

The destroyed Temple consists of two tiers, and they are literally filled with cultists of all kinds. The traps here are also quite numerous, so having a rogue with you would be a good idea. Also beware of numerous ambushes from both cultists and Shadows that will appear behind you from time to time in an already cleared or seemingly empty space.

You'll soon discover that the doors leading north are locked. In order to open them, you first need to get the key to the southeastern rooms. It's in a Patterned Chest in the western part of the map, marked Cultist Chambers. There are simply an incredible number of said cultists, so if you have mass destruction spells, they can be very useful. After taking the key, open the southeastern rooms, and in one of the chests you will find the key to the northern doors.

The next closed doors to the north can be opened by lighting a fire on the sacrificial altar (although in some versions this is not necessary; for some reason they are open anyway).

Having passed all the doors, you will come across an ambush - the Ghost of Ash and the cultists will attack you near the fork. After you deal with them, choose whether to go to the western or eastern corridor. Both lead to stairs to the next level, so your choice doesn't matter. Among other notable features of the corridors, I note that if you go west, you will find four chests in one of the rooms. The locked chest contains normal loot, and the other three spawn ghosts when you open them.

Having cleared the corridor (or both), go to the next level - the Wyrmling Lair. Wyrmlings are dragon cubs. They are not very strong, but they are quite numerous, and quite often they will ambush you, appearing behind your back. Of course, there are plenty of cultists there too. Unlike the first tier, here you will come across elite enemies.

Your goal is to break through superior enemy forces to the northwesternmost cave. Considering that ambushes await you in many places, it is best not to rush headlong into an attack on the enemy, but to lure them one or two at a time from afar. (Although, of course, it all depends on the level, tactics and equipment - it is likely that by this moment your group is already so powerful that no crowds of enemies are afraid of it.) In any case, a good idea is preliminary reconnaissance with a robber, who can also neutralize traps so that they do not get in the way at the most crucial moment. Sometimes the rogue can activate a waiting ambush himself - and sometimes you need to walk through the “meeting point” openly for the enemy to reveal himself.

After fighting your way through a myriad of enemies, the cult leader Kolgrim will greet you in the northwestern cave. He will have a very unexpected proposal for you. Whether you accept it or not is up to you, but some members of your party will be so upset that you sided with the cultists that they will either attack you or leave your party forever (if they weren't with you at the time of your decision). True, in the latter case, with the help of Persuasion, you can convince someone to stay, assuring that you are not to blame for the act.

If you rejected Kolgrim's offer, then you will have to fight him and his assistants. From his body, in addition to other loot, you can remove the Horn of Kolgrim - an item that allows you to summon the High Dragon to battle. (Although, if you try, you can lure the dragon without it.)

After killing Kolgrim or agreeing with him, go to the top of the mountain. You don’t have to pay attention to the dragon; it won’t fly up to you. In order to challenge him to battle, you need to either use the Horn of Kolgrim, or try to hit the dragon with an arrow or spell from a fairly large distance while he is basking on a snowy peak. His death is not necessary to complete this quest.

Enter the Labyrinth. You will be greeted by the Guardian, who you can ask about the cultists, himself, and even about Andraste herself. You can answer the Guardian’s question as you wish, after which he will torture your companions a little and send you to win the honor of seeing Andraste’s ashes. You didn’t think that they would just show it to you like that? Not at all - first you need to pass several tests in order to be considered worthy of such an award. There are four of these tests in total.

For the first test, you need to correctly answer the questions of the ghosts of Andraste's friends and enemies, who are waiting for you at the closed door. If you answer incorrectly, the ghost becomes hostile and attacks, but the ghost's death still counts in your favor, so even if you failed to answer any questions, but defeated all the ghosts, the door will open.

Answers on questions:

Elisai – Melody

Brona – Dreams

Lady Vasily – Revenge

Havard - Mountains

Maferat – Jealousy

Kathair - Hunger

Shartan – House

Hessarian - Mercy

Having solved the first riddle, go to the next room. Who exactly you meet there depends on who the VA is (for example, a magician will meet Jovan, a Dalian will meet Tamlin, a noble will meet his father, etc.). The ghost will talk to you and, regardless of your answers, you will be able to move on, where you will have to fight the ghost doubles of your group. (They are not 100% copies and may have skills and spells that your characters do not have.)

To begin, guide one of your characters across all the slabs to find out which slab activates which part of the bridge. You will notice that some plates only activate one part, while others activate two. In order to make the bridge part stable, you must activate two plates on opposite sides. But this is only part of the task, since you will need to move forward after this.

In short, you need to place two characters to activate the same part of the bridge on opposite sides of the cliff, and a third to activate the same and the next part of the bridge. After this, rearrange your characters so that the two who activate the cell with the character on the bridge are always on opposite sides, and the third will move so as to activate the next one.

The order of activating the plates:

Second from the right, third from the left.

Go to the first part of the bridge.

The remaining character goes to the sixth slab from the left.

Go to the second part of the bridge.

The character from the third slab from the left goes to the fourth slab from the right.

The character from the second slab on the right goes to the first on the left.

Go to the third part of the bridge.

The character from the sixth slab on the left goes to the fifth on the right.

The character from the fourth slab on the right goes to the fifth from the left.

Go to the fourth part of the bridge and cross it. After this, the bridge will completely harden and your comrades will be able to join you.

There is one last test left - go forward and you will see a wall of fire. Activate the altar and agree to take off all your equipment, then walk through the flames. The Guardian will appear and announce that you have proven yourself worthy and you can approach the urn with Andraste's ashes. If you did not accept Kolgrim's offer, then take a pinch of dust and leave (the doors in this room will lead you to the top of the mountain so that you do not have to go through the whole Labyrinth again).

If you accepted Kolgrim's offer, then pour the dragon's blood into the urn, after which you will have to fight the Guardian (and, depending on who is in your group, possibly your own comrades. Wynn and Leliana will not forgive you for desecrating the shrine. )

The Guardian may also attack you if you decide to walk through the fire in armor before you desecrate the urn.

In any case, after this, all that remains for you is to go to Redcliffe Castle and present the ashes to Bann Tegan. The relic will do its job and Earl Eamon will instantly recover. His reaction to your actions may or may not be extremely grateful depending on whether you saved his family or not, but in any case, if you have not yet collected all possible allies, then you will be advised to do so. When you gather everyone and report this to Earl Eamon, your quest will be completed.

Note: If Brother Genitivi accompanied you to the temple, then after finding Andraste's ashes (or desecrating them), he will declare his desire to tell the rest of the world about it. If you want, you can kill him. If you did not desecrate Andraste’s ashes and released Brother Genitivi in ​​peace, then you can visit him at his home in Denerim and receive an additional reward from him for your efforts.

If you did not accept Kolgrim's offer, then rescuing Earl Eamon will unlock the Champion specialization. If you accepted it, then instead of “Champion” you will receive the “Ripper” specialization. (If you wish, you can desecrate the urn first, and then kill Kolgrim and thus get both. Possibly a glitch... or a reward for particularly sophisticated cunning.)

After “visiting” the urn when moving from the Mountaintop location to the Gauntlet location and back, as well as when moving from the Mountaintop to the Ruined Temple and back, group members receive 750 experience points. Confirmed for version 1.04 (supposedly fixed with patch 1.02, but the bug is present in version 1.03).

Andraste she was not just the wife of a military leader. She was betrothed to the Creator himself. Hearing her sing, calling out to heaven for guidance, He was captivated by her melodious voice and appeared to her with an offer to go with Him and leave the vicious world of people. In her wisdom, Andraste prayed for the Creator to return to His children and create paradise in the world of people; the Creator agreed on the condition that the whole world would reject its false gods and accept His sacred commandments. Armed with the knowledge of the true god, Andraste began her sacred campaign against the exhausted empire, one of the Creator's commandments stating that magic should serve man, and not to rule over him, was like a balm to the hearts of the oppressed Tevinter people living at the mercy of the masters. The news of Andraste's Sacred Campaign, her miracles and military successes spread very far. Those of the Tevinter people who decided that the Old Gods had abandoned them willingly heeded the words of the Creator; the crowds of these raging inhabitants of the Empire who destroyed the temples now did it in the name of the Creator and His prophetess Andraste. As the armies of Maferath conquered the lands of Southern Tevinter, so did Andraste's words conquer hearts.

The creator's sword was his creation itself: fire and flood, famine and earthquake. Everywhere they went, Andraste sang to people about the Creator, and people listened to her. Andraste's followers grew in number until they became a giant wave rolling across the Empire. And when Maferat saw that people loved Andraste and not him, a worm was born in him and tirelessly gnawed at his heart. Finally, the armies of Andraste and Maferath stood before the gates of Minrathous, but Andraste was not with them. For Maferath secretly plotted to deliver Andraste into Tevinter hands.. For this, the archon promised Maferat all the lands south of the Waking Sea. And so before the armies of the Alamarri and Tevinter Andraste was tied to a stake and burned, and her vain husband turned his armies away, for his heart was devoured by the worm of envy, but Archon Hessarian, looking at the fire, softened. Taking pity on Andraste, he pulled out his sword and granted her a quick death. The Creator wept for his Beloved, cursed Maferat, cursed people for their betrayal and again turned away from his creation, taking with him only Andraste.

Only one person knew about Maferat's betrayal - Havard Aegis, childhood friend. He accompanied him to a meeting with the Tevinter people, not knowing what he was up to. When Havard realized that Maferat had handed Andraste over to the enemy, he, not wanting to draw his sword against his friend and overlord, shielded Andraste from the Tevinter soldiers. The Tevinter wounded him, threw him to the ground, and Maferat left his friend to die. The seriously wounded Havard nevertheless reached the gates of Minrathous, hoping to prevent the execution, but a terrible thing had already happened. He, cursing his weakness, saw the mortal ashes of Andraste, left in the rain and wind, and began to cry. Touching a handful of ashes, a song filled his ears, and Andraste appeared before his eyes, clothed in starlight. She knelt before him and said: “As long as I remember you, the Creator will not forget you.” The song died down, along with it the vision dissipated and the wounds healed. Full of strength and hope, he collected the ashes and took them to a secluded place in the mountains, placing it in an urn carved from living stone. Time passed, the location of the urn was covered with a veil of oblivion. Perhaps this was the will of the Creator, so that only the most worthy could find the final resting place of His beloved.

Despite the fact that many consider the Urn to be just a beautiful legend, it actually exists. The ashes will help heal the poisoned Earl Eamon of Redcliffe. The search for the Sacred Urn with Andraste's ashes will begin in Denerim, with a search of the Genitivi house (you need to take the book). Then you can go straight to the village Asylum, or stop by for a look at the tavern " Spoiled Princess"on the shore of Lake Calenhad to deal with the thugs that the innkeeper will tell you about. In the Vault we reach the church at the foot of the mountain, from the side secret room freeing brother Genitivi. We give him the sectarian medallion from the body of Father Eirik. He leads to a ruined ancient temple, from where the path will lead through caves to the top of the mountain. At the exit from the caves the road will be blocked cult leader Kolgrim. He will tell a wonderful story about the rebirth of Andraste in the guise of a dragon. He believes that the very existence of the Urn deprives the dragon of its full power, and wants to take possession of the Ashes in order to completely destroy it. All that remains is to take a pinch of Dust and return to Earl Eamon.

Firstly, the choice made depends on obtaining specialization and the possibility, secondly, the appearance of a task in Dragon Age 2. If you agree to Kolgrim’s offer desecrate the urn with ashes, then after completing the task he will open access to, allowing you to drink from the goblet of dragon blood. If Wynn is in the party, she will not allow the Urn to be desecrated and will join the Guardian. If you refuse to fulfill Kolgrim’s request, then you can take the “Blade of Faith” battle ax from his body and Horn of Kolgrim, with which you can summon the highest dragon on the top of the mountain to battle. To do this, you need to blow into the horn, selecting it through the inventory. You can take it from the dragon's body 15 great things, including dragon scales for making unique armor from the blacksmith Wade in Denerim. The task “Miracle Workers” will become available (you need to tell brother Genitivi about your find and send him home to prepare for the pilgrimage), in which you will have to destroy the scammers from the Charter who are selling the fake Ashes of Andraste. Depending on the choice they open "Orthodox" or "Sacrilege" achievements.

The impact of the decision made regarding the Urn with Andraste's Ashes on the ending of the game Dragon Age: Origins:

  • The news that the Urn of Sacred Ashes had been found did not leave the Church until Brother Genitivi announced it several months after the victory over the creatures of darkness. His manuscript describing the searches and activities of the cult of Andraste aroused the keenest interest of scientists throughout Thedas. Several years later, the Church announced that the site where Andraste's Ashes rested had been found. This caused extraordinary joy among all the believers in Thedas, and many wished to make a pilgrimage to the Ashes in order to see it or experience its healing power.
  • The news that the Urn of Sacred Ashes had been found did not leave the Church until Brother Genitivi announced it several months after the victory over the creatures of darkness. His manuscript describing the searches and activities of the cult of Andraste aroused the keenest interest of scientists throughout Thedas. However, attempts to prove Genitivi's brother's claims were unsuccessful. The envoys of the Church, who climbed into the mountains, found nothing but ruins. No cultists and, more importantly, no Holy Dust. Genitivi's work was declared a fraud. Shortly after this, he committed suicide.
  • As soon as the first snow fell, the dragon from the temple appeared in the skies over Ferelden for the first time. As he devastated several villages, rumors spread of a mysterious sect that believed the dragon was Andraste reborn. Attempts to find the dragon's lair were unsuccessful, and no connection to the Urn of Sacred Ashes was found. They say that more and more converts are coming to the sect...
  • Several years later, the Church announced that the site where Andraste's Ashes rested had been found. However, this place is ruins and is guarded by a dragon, and therefore extremely dangerous. However, many demand that the Ashes be secured so that pilgrims can experience its healing powers. After many unsuccessful attempts to deal with the dragon, he eventually flew off to look for a new refuge... not before failing to destroy the mountain sanctuary to pieces. Excavations were immediately undertaken, but the Urn could not be found in the ruins. Many began to doubt that the Urn had actually been discovered. Others said that the Ashes were stolen by Andrastian sectarians. There are also those who believe that the Creator himself took the Urn, considering the human race unworthy of such a shrine. What happened to the Urn is simply unknown...
  • A few months after the victory over the creatures of darkness, rumors spread throughout Ferelden that the Urn of the Sacred Ashes had been found and that it was with its help that Earl Eamon was healed. At first they talked about this timidly, and then they declared it publicly, especially since the Lord of the Church was unable to refute the rumors. However, after the Church made several attempts to find confirmation of these rumors, it was officially announced that the resting place had not been found. If the Urn of Sacred Ashes was once located in these ruins, it is no longer there.
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