Download licensed minecraft all versions. Licensed "minecraft" against pirate

Now we will consider the most anticipated updates that await us in Minecraft PE! Release date of the first build: 07/31/2017. Release date: 09/20/2017

List of innovations in Minecraft PE 1.2!

Trading system with residents in MCPE! Yes, you did not hear, in minecraft 1.2 trade with villagers has been added, using which you can get quite valuable things that are not so easy to get in survival, for example, elytra!

After completing the transaction, the resident will immediately show his sympathy for you and update his inventory. You can see this by the emission of beautiful red hearts.

Iron nuggets- finally we have waited for these small iron stones. They were added to the PC version a long time ago and are used there as ingredients for chain mail armor, which can be obtained in MCPE was only possible in creative mode! You can get a nugget by melting an iron object.

Hardcore mode in Minecraft PE 1.2! is a very difficult survival mode, the essence of which is to completely delete the world when the player dies. Mobs in this mode can open wooden doors without any problem!

Structural blocks- perhaps one of the best updates in Minecraft PE! With the help of these blocks you can copy any buildings and move them wherever you want. There are four blocks in total, each of which works differently:

  • Creates a file in which your buildings will be stored;
  • Places the assembled structure at the coordinates you need;
  • The corner block is used to mark the boundaries of the structure;
  • Information block - this block is used as a huge storage and can contain dozens of chests and other similar items.

Unfortunately, some of the proposed updates are no longer relevant, but after the release of MCPE 1.2, we have prepared a list of all updates for you!

Official innovations in Minecraft PE 1.2

Come together!

From now on, players on the following platforms will be able to play together: Win10, Nintendo Switch, XBOX, GearVR, Android and iOS. Even the name of the game has been changed! Now Minecraft Pocket Edition will officially be called Minecraft! Is it good or bad? You decide!

Minecraft has built-in official servers!

Minecraft is now officially partnered with four minigame servers, some of which you will probably be familiar with: MinePlex, LifeBoat, InPvP, CubeCraft. At the moment, these are the most popular minigame-themed servers!

New inventory interface

The inventory interface has also undergone huge changes, to which everyone is already so accustomed. In addition to the interface, the crafting system has also changed slightly, it is now more convenient to do this, and newcomers will receive hints.

Quick command entry
Now it has become much easier to enter standard commands, because all basic commands are made in the form of small buttons, by clicking on which one more button will pop up. You don't need to write anything!

Bonus chest
Now players have Minecraft 1.2 it became possible to include a chest with an initial start for survival in order to simplify the game.


Added a new type of generation - canyons. They are completely identical to Minecraft on the PC version. Inside the canyon, you can expect a lot of hostile mobs, and maybe a lot of valuable ores!


Yes, finally, the Minecraft jungle will be diverse due to small feathered birds, which, in addition to flying, can sit on their shoulders!

Armor stand

One of the most awaited innovations is the armor stand in Minecraft 1.2! You can put armor on them or put any tool in your hands. In future updates, it will be possible to change stance poses.

Multicolored glass and panels

The developers tried to add these blocks for a very long time, but they never added them completely. Finally you got it! Now architects will find something to do for a few weeks ...


Yes, flags are now reality! All of them will be available in 16 colors with different variations. If you wish, you can repaint the flag in the cauldron with dyes.

Book with feather

Music player and records

Another feature from the PC version of Minecraft. With these records, you can listen to various melodies right in the game.

Transparent ice

Now the ice is several times more transparent, just like on the PC version of Minecraft.

Almost everyone knows that minecraft is a paid game and in order to play it, you need buy minecraft license... If you do not buy a licensed copy of the game, then you may have serious problems. For example:

  • Game malfunctioning - pirated copies may malfunction.
  • Viruses - by downloading a pirated version, you risk getting a lot of viruses along with the game that can steal your passwords from other accounts.
  • Liability - Installing a pirated version can lead to criminal liability. Of course, at the moment microsoft does not check the availability of a licensed version, but this does not prevent it from starting to put all pirates behind bars in the future.

In general, decide for yourself whether you should buy or play with the nulled version. And for a good product, it seems to me, it will not be a pity to pay 20 euros. Translated into Russian rubles, it will come out somewhere around 1,500 rubles (this was the case at the time of this writing). Now, perhaps, differently. You can see. If you are still in doubt, then let's see why is it better to buy minecart.

Minecraft license benefits

No! This opinion is fundamentally wrong. By purchasing the licensed version of the game, you get the following benefits:

  1. New servers
  2. Your nickname
  3. Ability to choose a skin
  4. Support
  5. Status
  6. More mods
  7. Backup cards
  8. New versions without expectations

Now let's deal with everything in order.

1. New servers - after purchasing minecraft, you can play on the official servers. Trust me, official servers are 100 times better than pirated ones. They have a very strong defense, there are practically no cheaters and lags. The best plugins are installed on these servers. You will not see schoolchildren admins there. Seriously! There is a staff working there that maintains the server. The licensed servers have large and very beautiful maps. In addition, you can play on new modes, which are practically absent on pirates, and if there is, then they lag very much.

2. Your nickname - you don't have to change your nickname to connect to the server. You will be able to connect to all servers with one nickname.

3. Ability to select a skin - you can set the skin you need in the settings and it will be displayed correctly on all servers. In pirate, you need to choose a nickname for the skin. If you don't like any skin, then you can draw it yourself and download it. All players will see your new look. Agree, this is a compelling argument for buying minecraft.

4. Support - if you have any problems, you can write about it to the support service, which will definitely solve your problems and help you understand the game!

5. Status - now you can brag to your friends that you are not a rogue and you have a license.

6. More mods - some work only on purchased versions of minecraft.

7. Backup maps - all maps will be saved on the cloud. Now you don't have to worry about accidentally removing the card. In any case, it can be restored.

8. New versions without expectations - snapshot released? Within one day you will receive it! Pirated versions of snapshots are released within 1 week. A palpable difference! Is not it?

Note! If you find the advantages of the licensed version that are not indicated in this article, please write about it in the comments and we will definitely add your version to the article.

How to buy minecraft on different platforms?

Have you already decided to purchase the licensed version of the mine? Fine! Let's get started!

Buying a Minecraft PC license

To buy Minecraft PC, you need to go to Now we press the button " Get Minecraft«: We are thrown to the next page: Here you can see that the purchase consists of several stages:

  • registration
  • Confirmation e-mail
  • Purchase / payment
  • Download

Let's get started.


To register, I fill in the required fields. So that there is no mistake, just in case, I will indicate that I already have 18. Ie. just in the line "date of birth" I will indicate 1990 😀

Confirmation e-mail

After I clicked on the "Create an account" button, I got the following:
Everything turned out to be simple. I received a message in the mail with a code. I entered it in the "verifivation code" field and clicked on the "verify email" button.

Purchase / payment

We moved on to the penultimate step. Here we will have to enter our nickname, select a country and pay in a convenient way. At the moment, payment is supported through:

  • Credit cards
  • Diners
  • Visa Electron
  • Skrill Digital Wallet

If you do not have your own card (you can get it from 14 years old) or a PayPal account (available from 18 years old), you will have to ask your parents to pay you a game license. After you enter the data, click on the "Purchase ..." button and, after payment, you will be given a download link. Sounds complicated? In fact, everything is simple. Try to buy minecraft yourself!

The Minecraft game is one of the few popular games written in the Java web programming language. This means that in order to work with Minecraft, you need (and it is enough) to install the Java event processing environment on your computer. You can download the Java machine completely on the official website. After installing the processing environment, you can proceed to the installation of licensed Minecraft.

Licensed versions

On the official website of the game you can download a free demo version. It lacks a number of advanced modes, no online presets. Nevertheless, novice players can appreciate the free version of Minecraft.

You can pay for the extended version with plastic cards Visa / Master Card or using electronic payment systems Google Wallet / Pay Pal. Its cost is $ 20.

Plugins and mods

Installing plugins allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the game, add variety to the gameplay, and pass the levels faster. So, the "tomahawk" mod helps to kill monsters (ax-boomerang), and the "transformer" enhances the energy system of the virtual creations of the gamer. The plugins themselves can be found on the dedicated Minecraft-mods portal (see Resources for a link).

Minecraft customization

Any licensed version of Minecraft allows you to play both on local networks and on the main server on the Internet. Hamachi tool is designed to create virtual local area networks. After installing and communicating with the main server, Hamachi gives the player's computer a "virtual" IP address. Using the virtual network created in Hamachi, you can create servers with your own rules and invite other players to play together. You can do this by finding players in the popular gaming community TMZ.

Pay and Play Servers

Building and administering a popular game server is not easy work. Owners of Minecraft game projects, numbering hundreds and thousands of online players, have spent hundreds of "man-hours" on promotion, debugging and routine processes. Unsurprisingly, it costs money to play on such servers. Note that only licensed Minecraft is used on the servers - otherwise the projects would be closed.

Servers Minecraft2000, Revived-Craft for a modest monthly fee offer access to unique Minecraft architecture (castles, skyscrapers, medieval cities, pyramids, ships). Also, for an additional fee, the player can buy premium features: "god" mode, "immortality" or flights (fly). Many players in pay-and-play servers are attracted by the ability to play one-on-one (PvP).

Many players have noticed that since Minecraft PE 1.2, Majong has built in protection, without which it is impossible to play the game and use Xbox Live. In this article, we'll show you how to get around it. The article will describe two ways that will allow players to freely play the game without a license and use all the functions and capabilities that Xbox live.

The only thing that I want to note separately is that there are two versions of the game, namely ORIGINAL and NO LICENSE REQUIRED... In the first version, you will be able to use Xbox live and play with other players on official servers, while the second version does not require a license and is completely deprived of the ability to play on official servers.

How to Bypass Minecraft PE Protection and Play via Xbox Live - Method 1

To do this, you need to download the Minecraft PE client with the ORIGINAL prefix, then install it. After the game client is installed on your phone, you need to start the game and when the splash screen (Minecraft logo on a white background) appears, close the game through the manager of running applications, as in the picture below.

After that, start the game again and at the top of the screen you will see the notification " Resetting global resources. Failure detected", quickly click on this notification until it disappears.

After that, it will open to you game settings menu, which you can safely close and enjoy the game Minecraft and all the features of Xbox Live.

As you can see, bypassing the protection of Minecraft PE is not so difficult and thanks to this method you will be able to use Xbox Live, the main thing is to remember that this will have to be done every time you start the game.

ATTENTION: These actions are required to be performed every time you start the MCPE game.

How to Bypass Minecraft PE Protection and Play Through Xbox Live - Method 2

For this method, you need to download the latest version of the application or and launch the game through it.

As you can see, this method is somewhat simpler than the past and requires less steps to bypass the protection and hack Minecraft PE, but it also requires the constant launch of these applications, every time you want to play.

ATTENTION: These methods only work with a clean (ORIGINAL) version of the game, if you try to launch Xbox Live on a jailbroken client, you will still receive an error stating that you do not have a license.

Each game is developed by people who spend their efforts on it, as well as an impressive amount of money. And all this so that you can enjoy the process. However, not everyone wants to buy licensed versions of the game to thank the developers for their work, so they download pirated copies that they get for free. But you need to understand that licensed games in most cases also have additional advantages that pirates really lack. This article is an attempt to figure out whether the licensed "Minecraft" is worth the money that is required to purchase? Or, it doesn't have enough benefits that might make you opt for the paid version.

Minecraft servers

The first advantage that the licensed Minecraft possesses and which immediately catches the eye is the servers. The fact is that in a pirated copy of the game, you will not get access to any official server. Moreover, many players also run an automatic check for the presence of a licensed client, and if it is not found, then you are simply not allowed to play on this server. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to the licensed copy of Minecraft, as it gives you unlimited access to any existing server. This cannot be guaranteed by a pirate. Licensed "Minecraft" already has one significant advantage - but, as you will understand later, not the only one.

Skins in Minecraft

As everyone knows, all players initially look the same, that is, they have a standard skin of a person who received the nickname Steve. If you only have a pirated version of the game, then you will have to try very hard to add a skin even in a single-player game - let alone multiplayer. The fact is that it is impossible to put skins from pirate in multiplayer mode. There is one way, but it only gives you access to skins that will be visible exclusively to you. But what will the licensed Minecraft give you? As a matter of fact, whatever you want. You get the opportunity to download any skins that meet the requirements and apply them with one click. With this, there will be no problems - all your skins will be displayed in both single player and multiplayer mode. You also get full access to the available official skins, which you can also download instantly. It should be said right away that you will not have a question about how to install licensed Minecraft, or how to add skins to it - all this is very simple and intuitive.


Minecraft has a very interesting Classic mode, which is very popular among Minecraft fans. However, in the case of the pirated version, there is a huge problem - you will not be able to save your progress. In the licensed version, you can make as many saves as you like.

Cons of the license

Really, the licensed version has only such impressive advantages in comparison with the pirate - and not a single disadvantage? In fact, there is a minus, but there is only one - this is the price. The licensed one is quite expensive, but given the fact that you get access to several single player modes, all the official servers for multiplayer, as well as the most replayable project of our time, then you should definitely consider such a purchase. You only need to find out the ip of the licensed Minecraft servers, and you can enjoy the most popular "sandbox" of all time without restrictions. From this article it becomes absolutely clear that the licensed game "Minecraft" has too significant advantages to be in favor of pirates.

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