Achievements in Hearthstone. Hearthstone achievements and rewards Combinations of heroes in quests

"Beginner's Guide."

And so, we have three sources for earning gold in Hearthstone:
  • Daily tasks. 40, 60 gold each. There is one task with a reward of 100 gold.
  • Achievements. Completing certain goals and achievements will also bring you gold and other goodies as a reward.
  • Arena. For five victories in the arena you will receive 5 gold.

Earn money on daily tasks.

You can have a total of 3 active days in your quest log. You must complete some task to make room for another. Below is a table of tasks and rewards.

Victory<Class> Win 2 matches<Class> 40 Gold
Celebration<Class> Win 5 matches<Class> 60 Gold
Destroy everyone! Destroy 40 creatures. 40 Gold
Only the strongest Play 20 creatures costing 5 mana or more. 40 Gold
Blessed are the meek Play 40 creatures costing 2 mana or less. 40 Gold
Spell Master Cast 40 spells. 40 Gold
Knockdown Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes. 40 Gold
Great start Win 7 matches in any mode. 100 Gold
Three victories! Win 3 matches with any class. 40 Gold

Earning money on achievements.

This type of income can be considered as a one-time one at the initial stage of the game. For some achievements you will be given a very significant reward of 100 or even 300 gold.

Preparedness number one! Unlock all heroes. 100 gold
Crush them all! Defeat all AI enemies on Expert difficulty. 100 gold
Learn the basics Collect all the cards in the base set. 100 gold
One for each! Collect all cards in the Expert Set. 100 gold
Big victory Win 100 matches in any mode. 300 gold
Total superiority Win 1000 matches in any mode. 300 gold

Currently, during the beta test, you receive 5 gold for every 5 fights you win against random opponents. I focused specifically on the Beta test, since now on the forums the question has been raised about the advisability of such a meager reward as 1 gold for 1 victory. So this reward is cumulative with the reward for daily tasks from the category " Win 2 (5) matches". That is, victories and awards add up.
Remember that you cannot earn gold or complete challenges when playing against your friends, matches must be against random opponents.
The first thing you should focus on as a beginner is:
  • Starting the game with the Mage deck, increase your character level to 10 and get your first booster pack. This can be done in Training mode.
  • Unlock all the other Heroes and, accordingly, their decks, again in Training mode. - You will earn 100 gold.
  • Level up all characters to level 10. - Earn 100 gold.
  • Win against all opponents on Expert difficulty - Earn 100 gold.
  • Complete daily tasks - Earn 40 gold per day.

You should understand that you should not participate in ranked matches until you have unlocked all starting decks for all classes. Since by winning you increase your rating and the matchmaking system will offer you appropriate opponents with a wider range of cards ( stronger decks). You simply will have nothing to oppose them, at first you will win and then get stuck with stronger opponents. Only by unlocking all the basic cards can you build the best deck.

Your next step will be:
- Defeat the enemy in a rating battle, the first victory will bring you 1 set of cards.
- Your first entry into the Arena ( free by the way), depending on your success, will bring you at least 1 set of cards, as well as additional gold, dust and possibly a Gold Card.

From now on you are on the path of great victories. For 100 victories over an opponent you will receive 300 gold, and then 1000 victories will also bring you 300 gold. To get these victories you have two options: play in the Arena or against random opponents in PvP. Victories in the arena also count towards your daily tasks and achievements.

Earning gold in the "Game" mode.

I recommend that you collect "high speed" deck. With which you can quickly bring out your creatures, and then control them under your control, you will be able to deal direct damage and quickly play out the attacks of your creatures. In my opinion, the Mage, Rogue and Hunter have such capabilities. All three have direct damage from class abilities and include a lot of options for controlling your creatures. Build a deck with cheap creatures, direct damage spells, and a lot of control.

Earn gold in the Arena.

Entrance to the Arena costs 150 gold or $1.99, but what you can win depends only on your deck-building skills and luck. You can read more about this game mode in our Hearthstone WiKi.
If you buy entrance to the arena with gold, then your break-even will be 5 wins. You are guaranteed to receive 1 set of cards worth 100 gold and you need some more gold as an additional reward. Here, depending on your luck, you may come across magic dust and a golden card. If you can win more than 5 matches you will earn more gold and dust and you should aim for seven or more victories over your opponent. With option 7-3 and better, you will earn money, since the chances of getting more than 150 gold are very high, which will exceed your entry fee.

Don’t call me a bore, but I’ll repeat again that by playing in training mode for different classes and unlocking your basic cards, you gain valuable experience. After all, in the arena you will be offered a choice of three random classes and you will have to go to the end, hopefully to a happy ending, and not to complete defeat and defeat.
Arena is a very interesting game mode, as soon as you learn how to competently build a deck for different classes, you can actually play for free. And if your success is at the level of 7-3 or 8-3, then you can also earn gold and spend it on buying boosters.

  • Always complete daily tasks, every day.
  • In ranked battles, always use speed decks. A quick victory or defeat is better than stalling.
  • Lose quickly. If you feel that you have no chance, do not delay losing, give up, this way you will move on to the next opponent faster and this will increase your earnings per hour.
  • Don't craft cards if you are going to buy card packs. The most annoying thing is when you come across cards on which you spent a lot of dust.

I hope this guide will be useful for newbies.
Good luck in your battles.

A quest in the game Hearthstone is a specific task, upon completion of which you will receive a reward. Mostly it's gold, but sometimes you can get a unique card or even a pack.

There are several types of quests: daily and unique quests. Every day, after the servers are rebooted (1 a.m. Moscow time), you will receive a new daily quest. You can view them in the “Quest Log”. Unique quests are secretive and can occur at any time; you can only find out about them at the time of completion.

Daily tasks (quests)

The player receives daily quests every day at 1 a.m. Moscow time (for the “Europe” server). New players also receive the “First Blood” and “Duelist” quests; in the future, these quests will no longer be available.

Current daily quests can be viewed in the “Quest Log”. Each quest has its own name, reward and description. The most common quests are for 40 gold, but you can also find quests for 60 and 100 gold. Since May, the “Watch and Learn” quest has appeared; completing it rewards you with a “classic booster.”

Replacement quest.

Once a day, the player can replace the quest. A new quest will appear in its place. All results from the old (replaced) quest are lost in the new quest. You can change the quest once a day.

In total, you can have no more than three daily tasks. If you reach this limit, other quests are lost.

List of daily quests:

Quest name Quest requirement Quest reward
Victory by [hero #1] or [hero #2] win 2 games with [hero #1] or [hero #2] 40 gold
Celebration by [hero #1] or [hero #2] Win 5 games with [Hero #1] or [Hero #2] 60 gold
Destroy everyone! Destroy 40 creatures 40 gold
Only the strongest Play 20 creatures costing 5 or more mana 40 gold
Blessed are the meek Play 30 minions that cost 2 mana or less 40 gold
Spell Master Play 30 spells 40 gold
Knockdown Deal 100 damage to an enemy hero 40 gold
Great start Win 7 games in any mode 100 gold
3 wins Win 3 games with any hero 40 gold
Watch and learn Watch a friend's victory in spectator mode Booster "Classic"
Come on, everyone here! Win 5 games in Brawl mode 60 gold
Druid's Victory Win 3 games as Druid 50 gold
Hunter's Victory Win 3 games as a Hunter 50 gold
Victory of the Magician Win 3 games as a Mage 50 gold
Paladin Victory Win 3 games as a Paladin 50 gold
Victory of the Priest Win 3 games as a Priest 50 gold
Victory of the Rogue Win 3 games as Rogue 50 gold
Shaman's Victory Win 3 games as a Shaman 50 gold
Warlock Victory Win 3 games as a Warlock 50 gold
Warrior's Victory Win 3 games as a Warrior 50 gold

Combinations of heroes in quests.

Unique tasks (quests)

The game has several unique tasks; below is their list, description and reward. You cannot do them a second time.

Quest name Quest requirement Quest reward
5 games in game mode Win five games in play mode 1 “classic” booster
First blood Finish a game in Game (or Arena) mode 1 “classic” booster
Duelist Play three games in Game (or Arena) mode 100 gold
Raising the level Reach level 10 with any hero 1 “classic” booster
Time to tinker Spray the card 95 Arcane Dust
Gladiator Enter the Arena free pass to the arena
Arrrrr! Collect all the Pirates cards (from the Classic set) 2 regular "Captain's Parrot" cards
Golden Arrrrr! Collect all golden Pirates cards (from the Classic set) 2 gold cards "Captain's Parrot"
Mrglglglgl! Collect all Murloc cards (from the Classic set) Common Legendary Card "Old Gloomeye"
Golden Mugglglglgl! Collect all golden Murloc cards (from the Classic set) Golden Legendary Card "Old Grim Eye"
Big victory Win 100 games in any mode 300 gold.
Total superiority Win 1000 games in any mode 300 gold.
Preparedness number one! Unlock all heroes 100 gold.
Defeat them all! Defeat artificial intelligence in Expert mode 100 gold.
Learn the basics Collect all cards from the base set 100 gold
One each Collect all cards from the Classic set 100 gold
You are a Legend! Reach Legend rank on the ladder Legend card back
Golden Malfurion Win 500 games in ladder mode with Malfurion Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Rexxar Win 500 games in ladder mode with Rexxar Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Jaina Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Jaina Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Uther Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Uther Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Anduin Win 500 games in ladder mode with Anduin Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Valira Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Valira Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Thrall Win 500 games in game mode (ladder) with Thrall Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Gul'dan Win 500 games in ladder mode with Gul'dan Golden portrait of a hero
Golden Garrosh Win 500 games in ladder game mode with Garrosh Golden portrait of a hero

If you have any questions about daily and hidden quests, write in the comments. The article is constantly being updated.

Hearthstone's latest season marked the game's first year with three full expansions. This made Hearthstone much more expensive because the game became more fun with huge card collections. But not all Hearthstone fans want to invest real money in the game. And especially for such people, we want to introduce a system based on suggestions from the Hearthstone thread on reddit and the HearthPwn forums, through which you can get all the game cards without investing real money.

I've used this system for the last three expansions, and each time I've earned 5,000 gold, which is enough to buy 50 card packs from the next expansion without spending a dime. Below we will describe how this is done.

Making money

Each set of cards costs 100 gold, so the first step is to get the gold to buy them. There are two ways to earn gold in Hearthstone: completing daily quests and winning. For every three wins you receive 10 gold, but only up to 30 wins per day, after which gold is no longer given. I don't have that much time to spend on 30 wins over many days, so I focus all my attention on quests. Daily quests are given out randomly, but once a day you can use a reset to get rid of the ones you don't like. I don't usually do this, but if you need it, go for it, as there are no penalties for discarding. If the quest reward is 40 gold, press the reset button to get a better option.

The first step in my system is to complete at least one daily quest. Most quests can be done in Brawls (which start every Wednesday) and this is the easiest way if you don't have many cards. Some quests don't require you to win, but simply require you to play a certain number of class cards, deal a certain amount of damage, or kill certain minions - these tend to be the easiest ones.

We earned money - now we spend it

Once you have a sufficient amount of gold, then the fun part begins - shopping. (And no, you don't have to save every coin you earn to save up 5,000 gold for the next expansion.) The basic rule of this system is spend 1, save 2. I was inspired by this idea from some motivational poster, but I can’t remember it. For every 300 gold you earn, you need to spend 100 on a card set and save 200.

During the first two weeks of the expansion's release, I spend gold as fast as I can earn it. As soon as I get a hundred gold, I immediately buy a set. After the first two weeks, I only spend gold on Wednesdays. It's the day of the new brawls that give you a card pack, so after that I have the brawl packs plus the ones I bought.

Once I receive a card set, I note on the table how much gold I have. Don't be alarmed, keeping a spreadsheet is very convenient. It allows you to track the amount of your gold at the beginning of the week.

From theory to practice

During most weeks, the amount of gold I earned was not a multiple of 300. In the first week of the Witchwood, I earned 500 gold. I bought a card set and noted the 200 gold I earned on the table, but I actually had 425 gold in the game. The next week I earned another 500, and in my sum I already had 925, then I earned another 700. After that, I bought 2 card sets for 200 gold and wrote down 400 in the table, increasing my savings to 600, although I actually had 725 gold.

Write down the amount of gold you have. Next week, go to the table and place this amount in the "Gold at the beginning of this week" cell. Then write down your actual amount of gold in the "Real Amount of Gold" box. Buy as many card sets as indicated in the table and record the remainder in "Gold at the beginning of next week." Next week, record this amount in the "Gold at the beginning of this week" cell.

Keep repeating these steps. Every Wednesday I look at how much gold has increased compared to the records, buy a few card sets and save the rest. This system allows you to continue purchasing card packs while saving on the next expansion. As soon as a new expansion is announced, I stop spending gold on the current one and save everything I earned during the last few weeks.

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You can play Hearthstone without investing real money. By effectively distributing in-game gold and arcane dust, you will get the cards you need faster. In this guide, we will talk about several ways to increase your gold reserves, which will help both beginners (start playing more efficiently) and experienced players (you may learn something new about mining gold in the game).

  • Completing daily tasks (dailys);
  • Completing unique tasks;
  • Victories in game mode;
  • Arena game.

2 Daily tasks (dailys)

Every day you receive 1 new daily, which will be stored in your Quest Log. You can accumulate these tasks up to 3, but after that you will not receive new tasks (until you complete at least 1 of the 3 tasks).

The reward for daily activities ranges from 40 to 100 gold. They can be completed both in game mode and in the Arena. With a few exceptions (100 gold daily), you will not be able to complete these tasks while fighting with friends or against AI.

Once a day, you will be able to replace one of the quests you don't like by replacing it with another (randomly selected) in the Quest Log. We do not advise you to refuse tasks for 60 or more gold because... The chance of them falling out is quite low.

Here is a list of all daily events at the moment:

Job title

What should be done


Druid or Hunter VictoryWin 2 games as a Druid or Hunter40 gold
Druid or Rogue VictoryWin 2 games as a Druid or Rogue40 gold
Hunter or Mage VictoryWin 2 games as a Hunter or Mage40 gold
Victory of the Mage or ShamanWin 2 games as a Mage or Shaman40 gold
Priest or Paladin VictoryWin 2 games as a Priest or Paladin40 gold
Paladin or Warrior VictoryWin 2 games as a Paladin or Warrior40 gold
Priest or Warlock VictoryWin 2 games as a Priest or Warlock40 gold
Victory for Rogue or WarriorWin 2 games as a Rogue or Warrior40 gold
Celebration of the Druid or HunterWin 5 games as a Druid or Hunter60 gold
Celebration of the Druid or RogueWin 5 games as a Druid or Rogue60 gold
Celebration of the Hunter or MageWin 5 games as a Hunter or Mage60 gold
Celebration of the Magician or ShamanWin 5 games as a Mage or Shaman60 gold
Celebration of the Priest or PaladinWin 5 games as a Priest or Paladin60 gold
Celebration of Paladin or WarriorWin 5 games as a Paladin or Warrior60 gold
Triumph of the Priest or WarlockWin 5 games as a Priest or Warlock60 gold
Triumph of the Robber or WarriorWin 5 games as a Rogue or Warrior60 gold
Three victories!Win 3 matches with any class40 gold
Great startWin 7 matches with any class100 gold
Destroy them allDestroy 40 enemy creatures40 gold
Only the strongestPlay 20 minions for 5 mana or more40 gold
Blessed are the meekPlay 40 minions for 2 mana or less40 gold
Spell MasterCast 40 spells40 gold
KnockdownDeal 100 damage to enemy heroes40 gold

3 Unique Hearthstone quests

Unique tasks offer you a good reward, but you can only complete them once. Here is a list of all the unique tasks in the game:

Job title

What should be done


First bloodComplete a match in Game Mode1 pack of cards
DuelistPlay 3 matches in game mode100 gold
New levelReach level 10 with any class100 gold
Time to tinkerSpray the card95 arcane dust
GladiatorEnter the Arena1 free Arena
PiastersCollect all the pirate cards2xCaptain's Parrot
Golden piastresCollect all the golden pirate cards2xCaptain's Golden Parrot
Mrglglglgl!Collect all Murloc cardsOld Grim-Eye
Golden mrglglglgl!Collect all the golden murloc cardsGolden Old Grim-Eye
Big victoryWin 100 matches in any mode300 gold
Total superiorityWin 1000 matches in any mode300 gold
Readiness number oneUnlock all heroes100 gold
Beta HeroFor help in testing the storeGelbin Megacool
Crush them all!!!Defeat all AI at Expert level100 gold
Learn the basicsCollect all base cards100 gold
One eachCollect all cards in the Expert Set100 gold

4 Wins in game mode

3 wins in game mode will give you 10 gold, so you can get a maximum of 100 gold per day. This limitation only applies to the game mode i.e. you can still get extra. gold from daily events or Arena.

5 Arena Game

Playing in the arena costs 150 gold (or 1.99$/66rub). Regardless of the result, you will receive a booster card from each Arena. It is best to invest the gold you earn into playing in the Arena, and not into buying boosters. If you are able to make 5 or more wins on , you will get the booster “for free”, and you will also receive more gold. Additionally, playing Arena will improve your understanding of the game's fundamentals, the mechanics of the various classes, and expand your knowledge of most maps. By becoming the best player in the Arena, you will be able to get more from this game mode, which ultimately means an “inexhaustible” supply of gold.

Below we provide a list of possible rewards depending on your success in the Arena. In addition to the listed rewards, you will receive a booster card, and there is also a chance of dropping a random card (gold or regular, depending on the number of victories). Every time you receive an additional card, the gold reward will decrease. When we talk about gold/dust combinations, this means that the value of these rewards is not fixed. For example, if it says that you will receive 50 gold/dust, this means that the reward could be:

  • 50 gold/0 dust;
  • 50 dust/some gold;
  • 20 gold/30 dust, etc.

Please note that each victory modifies the key that you will subsequently use to unlock your reward.

Number of wins


Possible reward

0 Newbie25-30 gold/dust
1 Journeymen30-50 gold/dust
2 Mercenary40-50 gold/dust
3 Bronze30 gold, 25/30 gold/dust
4 Silver45-60 gold, 25 gold/dust
5 Gold55 gold, 55 gold/dust
6 Platinum75 gold, 55 gold/dust
7 Diamond150-180 gold, 25 dust
8 Champion150-220 gold, 25-50 dust
9 Ruby150-300 gold, 25-70 dust
10 Frosty150-350 gold, 25-75 dust
11 Lava150-485 gold, 25-90 dust
12 Light150-525 gold, 25-90 dust and/or additional card booster

6. Best start to Hearthstone

After completing the training, you need to focus on completing Unique tasks.

  • 1. Get level 10 as a mage. This will give you 100 gold.
  • 2. Unlock each class (defeat them in game mode or against AI). This will give you another 100 gold.
  • 3. Get level 10 with all classes. This will give you another 100 gold, and you will also unlock all the base class cards.
  • 4. Defeat all bots at Expert level. This will give you another 100 gold.
  • 5.Play 3 matches in game mode. This will give you 100 gold and booster cards.
  • 6. Enter the Arena. The first game in the Arena will be free.

From now on, the only reliable sources of gold you will have are Game Mode and Arena. It is best to spend the accumulated gold on the Arena, however, in order not to play most effectively, we recommend that you.

The PVP mode can give you up to 100 gold per day, but this requires you to win at least 30 matches, which can take you a long time. It is best to earn gold in this mode using aggro decks because... they are much faster and more accessible.

On our website you can find basic decks for each class in the game. To begin with, you can use them, and with experience you will be able to build your own playing decks.

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