Who is Herobrine where is he found. Herobrine in minecraft story

Who is Herobrine? Who is Herobrine? All Minecraft players ask.

A long time ago, a story appeared on the official Minecraft forum ...
The player played Minecraft and saw that something was moving far in the bushes, he played on a small expansion and thought it was a cow, immediately ran after her, like any other Minecraft, but when he caught up, he saw another player in front of him, with the usual skin for the player, but with white eyes and no name on top. He checked several times that he wasn’t playing in multiplayer. Another case describes how Hirobrin in Minecraft immediately ran into the fog when our player tried to catch up with him, and no one ever saw him again ...

The player reported that while scouting locations, he often came across holes in the rocks that resembled artificial ones, trees with chopped off leaves and an ideal pyramid shape. Several times it seemed to him that he saw someone in the fog, but ...

Notch stated that he did not create any ghost miners for his game. So far, there is no evidence of the existence of Hirobrin in Minecraft ... except for this screenshot.

But, there is already a Hirobrin mod that allows you to call Hirobrin from hell. After installing the mod, you need 2 cubes of gold, a Hirobrin stone, earth from hell (Nether) and a lighter. To make a Hirobrin stone, you need a hellish soil and 8 bones, a hellish stone is placed in the center. A pillar is built: 2 gold, a Hirobrin stone, a stone from hell, which is set on fire, and then in the chat appears: "You don’t know what you did ...". If you try to break the Hirobrin stone, it will rain and the message will appear in the chat: "You never be free!"
Hirobrin behaves like the Hirobrin described by the player: he sometimes appears behind your back and makes scary sounds, he loves to build and dig, and when you go to bed, be prepared for Hirobrin's visit to your sleep - this will take you to the dream location, where Hirobrin will attack you, and for every hit you hit him, something valuable will fall out of him. If you defeat him, you will wake up at home with all the items that you picked up.
In version 1.6, Notch wrote "Hirobrin was added", but in reality it never existed in one of the versions, it was a joke in response to rumors. Notch once remarked that "He's not there, but maybe," but when people started a big uproar about this, Notch approved "Herobrine" would not be.

People associated with the development were often asked about Hirobrin, or how it translates, and the answers were "I would answer, but I'm afraid he will come for me", "No, he does not exist" and Notch replied: "I rarely say anything about Hirobrine, but when I say it, it is usually quoted on sites and in the Wiki "

Let's watch a video about Hirobrin, a mysterious creature from Minecraft ...

C Easy Mod Installer

  1. Download the mod
  2. Extract the archive to a separate folder.
  3. Open the EasyModInstaller.jar file
  4. Click Install.

Without installer

  1. Download the mod
  2. Move files from intominecraft.jar folder to minecraft.jar
  3. Move the files from the into.minecraft folder to the .minecraft folder

Totem of Hirobrin

In order for Hirobrin to appear in the game, you will need to create a totem. It is built as follows: at the bottom there are 2 gold blocks, above - the Hirobrin block, then a hellish stone, which, after the construction is completed, must be set on fire. After setting fire to the hell stone, lightning will strike the totem, and the chat will say: "You don" t know what you did ... " (Russian - "You don't know what you have done ...") In the latest version, Hirobrin spawns without a totem when creating a new one (or when generating new locations on an old map). In order for it to stop appearing, you need to create its totem and destroy it again. After that, the Hirobrin can be summoned again in the normal way by building a totem. Perhaps this is a bug. Perhaps - a joke of the mod developers.


This mod also adds 3 records to the game:

Plates also fall from Hirobrin.

"Dreams" of the character

When a player is asleep, with some degree of probability, it is possible for him to switch to one of the dream cards, which are created underground and, as a rule, are illuminated by red torches or lava. During sleep, the screen will be covered with a purple vortex, similar to the one that appears when passing through the Nether portal, which makes it somewhat difficult to "pass". In order to get out of sleep, you need to either go through a corridor, often filled with traps, and touch the pressure plate, or defeat Hirobrin, provided that he appears there. After death, some things fall out of it (including quite valuable ones, for example, a diamond pickaxe or a sword), which are saved in the player's inventory upon awakening. After the end of the dream, the rooms and corridors participating in it are filled with the usual landscape, which makes it impossible to find them "in reality" the card of the dream that was dreamed at that moment will be saved, and it can be found under the bed.


Most often, Hirobrin appears behind the player's back, making various frightening sounds. Sometimes, when attacking, Hirobrin can teleport the player, and also throw him above the ground or throw away his inventory. In addition, traces of his stay invariably remain on the map: strange but useless structures in the form of pyramids, structures of red wool and glass, surrounded by torches or letters of his name made of glowing stone. In addition, he can build traps, ranging from basic dynamite under the pressure plate, ending with houses with retractable pistons and lava. There may sometimes be warning signs near them. Plus, sometimes Hirobrin can be seen in the distance, with a diamond pickaxe in hand (or without it), going about his business and not paying any attention to the player, after which he usually disappears. In addition, after killing him by a player (it does not matter, in a dream or in reality), “Argh! I "ll come back!" (Rus. - "Grrr! I'll be back!") Sometimes Hirobrin can spawn other mobs around him, such as a pig, a cow or a chicken, which, unlike their "peaceful" relatives, are aggressive and do not have pupils in their eyes, he can also spawn zombies that, unlike ordinary ones, do not burn in the sun.Also, next to him can appear Chuck Norris, Notch with an old skin and Bad Santa, who, in turn, can spawn snowmen.Chuck Norris appears without weapons and with one hit knocks the player 200 - 1000 blocks forward. It will not be possible to kill him, because if you hit him, he will disappear. After he "kicks" you, he also disappears.


When influencing the player, Hirobrin writes phrases to the chat. List of possible phrases:

Phrase Translation
"Hi!" "Hey!"
"Roundhouse kick" Roundhouse kick
"Listen to Led Zeppelin!" "Listen to Led Zeppelin!"
"Nice to see you!" "I'm glad to see you!"
"Find my grave!" "Find my grave!"
"Say hello!" "Say hi"!"
"Hi% username%!" "Hello% username%!"
"140%" "140%"
"Stairway to heaven" "Stairway to Heaven"
"Can you see me?" "Can you see me?"
"I want diamonds!" "I want diamonds!"
"Where i am?" "Where I am?"
"Notch is married!" "Notch is married!"
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"
"Hi brother!" "Hi brother!"
"I don`t want you in my game!" "I don't want to see you in my game!"
"Scared yet?" "Scared already?"
"Why do you hide?" "Why are you hiding?"
"I just wanna play!" "I just want to play!"
"Welcome to hell!" "Welcome to Hell!"
"Who am I?" "Who am I?"
"Do you like me?" "Do you like me?"
"You will never be free!" "You can't get rid of me!"
"Did you see Notch?" "Have you seen Notch?"
"I" m your friend! " "I am your friend!"
"Watch your back!" "Watch your back!"
"Who are you?" "Who are you?"
"I will get you!" "I'll get you!"
"Notch is where !!!?" "Notch where !!!?"
"Creppy" "Creepy"

Sometimes phrases are written backwards.

  • Hirobrin sometimes puts glass blocks under his feet when he walks.
  • At Christmas, Bad Santa appears instead of Hirobrin.
  • Notch appears with a diamond sword.
  • When Notch appears, Hirobrin, saying "Let's play, brother," begins to fight him. But Notch always wins with "infinite" health. According to very rough estimates, Notch has about 6,000 hearts.
  • Hirobrin the builder with a pickaxe in his hand and, in fact, Hirobrin himself, who attacks - different mobs. The Builder Hirobrin has the same normal health as the player's (10 hearts), while the attacking Hirobrin is much higher.


  • If you destroy the tower without extinguishing the fire, then Hirobrin will say in the chat: "You never be free!" Translation - "You will never be free!"
  • If you put another Hirobrin Block next to the hellish stone in the totem, then lightning will constantly strike in the totem and a post from the inscriptions "You don" t know what you did ... "is displayed in the chat. Translation -" You do not know that you are made...".
  • If you try to reproduce, for example, two cows "without pupils", then they will constantly push each other without spawning the calf.
  • Sometimes, when the tower is set on fire, Hirobrin does not appear at all.
  • If you kill Notch with the help of some mod that adds weapons with high damage, then Hirobrin will follow you and strike.

When something mysterious and mysterious happens in the world, people are surprised and start looking for an explanation. Even if it is impossible to find it, everything can be attributed to supernatural forces or a simple coincidence - here everyone already thinks for himself and gives free rein to his imagination. But what if something mysterious happens in a computer game? After all, this is just a code, how can something supernatural lurk in it? This question was asked by the Minecraft players who had a chance to see Herobrin. However, not everyone knows who Herobrin is, so it's worth talking about this character in more detail.

Herobrin's story

So, the legend of Herobrine is one of the most widespread and popular stories that have ever been associated with Minecraft. "Who is Herobrine?" - a question to which many users were looking for an answer, but no one was able to achieve any decent results. It is only known that this is a non-playable character who periodically appears even in a single player game, that is, where he simply should not be. He has the same skin as the standard player, but his eyes have no pupils and they glow slightly. Legend says that Herobrine is a miner who died in due time, and now lures players into his lair to kill them. There was even information that this is the deceased brother of Notch, the creator of the game. But as a result, it turned out that Notch had no brother, so the legend from this only became even more mysterious. No one knows who Herobrin is. The creators deny its existence, and users continue to periodically report encounters with this character.

What Herobrine does

Herobrine is a very dangerous foe, according to those who met him. However, you do not need to come into contact with him - if you do not want to know who Herobrine is, you do not want to have anything to do with him, you can simply ignore his appearance, because he will simply loom on the border of the fog, luring you out. If you decide to follow him, then know - this is a trap. Herobrine lures players, leads them to his mine, in which countless treasures lie, but immediately attacks and kills with lightning speed, preventing them from collecting profit. Few have survived the trip to the Herobrine cave, so if your character's life is dear to you, do not follow his lead.

You will know that he is near if the foliage is sheared on the trees, and small pyramids are stacked on the ground. This is what Herobrine does while traveling the world. But, as mentioned earlier, Notch did not recognize the existence of this character, but decided not to miss the opportunity to use such an incredible story for the benefit of the game. And now, if you want to know who Herobrine is in Minecraft, you can install a special official mod. He will add this character to your game, but be prepared for the fact that the process will not be the easiest.

Installing a modification

Create the Herobrine Stone

To summon Herobrine, who will travel around your world, you first need to build a totem, which will be used to summon. You will need two blocks of gold, which you need to place in any convenient place. Install a workbench on these blocks, and fill it, in turn, with bones - you will need eight of them. Soul sand should be placed in the central cell. The result is the desired totem. It is he who will serve to summon Herobrin, but you will have to wait for this moment.

How to summon Herobrine

So, you have your plinth of two gold blocks. Remove the workbench from it and replace it with the Herobrine stone you crafted. Place the Hellstone on the totem. After that, you will need a lighter or any other object capable of producing fire. Set fire to the one located on the totem, and wait - after a while, the outlines of a famous character will begin to appear in the totem itself, after which he himself will completely get out. Naturally, he will not harm you, but will only walk around and make terrifying sounds. And, of course, he will cut the leaves and leave behind the pyramids on the ground, so that you always remember that you are adjacent to the legendary creature that all Minecraft players are afraid of.

basic information



Attack Power


Drop information



Rare drop



Hirobrin- a creature created by the gaming community "creepy-pasta" (mystical story). This is the name of a character with an old human skin, but with completely white eyes. He is also often referred to as the dead miner or the ghost of the miner. Despite many references to the fact that Hirobrin actually exists or once existed in the official version of the game, this information is false. On January 8, 2011, Notch confirmed that Hirobrin did not exist. Also, on May 26, 2012, Notch confirmed that he never had a dead brother, and that Hirobrin was never in the game.

The story of Hirobrin

For the first time, information about Hirobrin appeared as an image that was published on the official forum of the game by one of its users.


The original story of Hirobrin

I recently created a new world in a single player game. Everything was fine at first when I started chopping down trees and crafting a workbench. I noticed something moving in dense fog (I have a weak computer and have to play with a low render range). I thought it was a cow, and I chased after her, hoping to collect some skins for the armor.

It was not a cow. Another character with a standard skin was looking at me, but his eyes were empty. The name did not appear and I double-checked to make sure I was not in a multiplayer game. He did not wait long, looked at me and quickly ran away into the fog. Out of curiosity, I chased after him, but he disappeared.

I continued to play, not knowing what to think. As I expanded the world, I encountered things that were unusual for a map generator: 2x2 tunnels in the rocks, small ideal sand pyramids in the ocean and groves where all the foliage was cut from the trees. It constantly seemed to me that I saw another "player" in the depths of the fog, but I never managed to see him. I tried increasing the range of the image on Far (extreme range) every time I thought I saw it, but in vain.

I saved the map and went to the forums to see if anyone else had found the pseudo player. There were none. I created my own theme, talking about what I saw and asking if this has happened to anyone else. The post was erased five minutes later. I tried again and the theme was deleted even earlier. I received a one-word personal message from user "Hirobrin": "Stop." When I went to look at Hirobrin's profile, the page gave a 404 error.

I received an email from another forum user. He said that moderators can read private on the forum, so we'll be safer using mail. The sender claimed that he also saw the mysterious player, and had a small "directory" of other users who saw him too. Certainly human made tokens were also scattered across their worlds, and they described their mysterious player as having no pupils.

Almost a month passed before the next conversation with the informant. Some people who met the mysterious man were interested in the name Hirobrin and found that this name was often used by the Swedish player. After some further gathering of information, it turned out to be the brother of Notch, the game's developer. I personally wrote to Notch and asked if he had a brother. It took him a while, but he sent me a very short message back.

"He was, but he is no longer with us." - Notch

I've only seen the Mysterious Player once. And he no longer noticed any changes in the world, except for his own. I was able to hit Print Screen when I first saw it. Here is my only evidence of its existence.


According to legend, Hirobrin can appear at the border of the fog (border of the distance of the rendering level) at low settings. render distance.

He creates random constructions such as regular pyramids from terrain parts and long narrow tunnels 2 * 2 blocks. He also sets fire to or destroys the foliage of trees and creates underground cobblestone shelters that resemble treasuries and illuminates them with red torches.

Rarely can Hirobrin hold a diamond pickaxe or sword, but most of the time his hands are empty.

Most often, he is depicted with his head tilted to one side and, as a rule, standing still. However, although it is believed that Hirobrin moves by teleportation or levitation above the ground, moving him on foot is not a departure from the canon image. In addition, it is believed that he does not use minecarts, boats, or any other means of transport, as this does not make sense to him.


There are many varieties of Hirobrin behavior. But they can all be divided into two main categories.

Version stalker, in which Hirobrin acts as Notch's brother and hides from the player and disappears if you get close to him.

Version miner In which Hirobrin is a vengeful miner trying to lure the player into traps, possibly to steal his belongings. He waits for someone to enter his dungeon, then blocks the exit or teleports behind him, probably to kill him. According to some versions, the Hirobrin Miner destroys buildings created by the player and steals things from chests.

Further development and popularity

The first information about Hirobrin appeared in one image, which was published on the official forum. This forum thread went almost unnoticed by the players. In the image was written the story in which Hirobrin was once seen, and how he built the pyramids and tunnels.

Hirobrin grew in popularity when the idea began to be promoted. Broadcast in their streams (live-streams)... Hirobrin was streamed here (at 20:45).

Later there was another video that showed Hirobrin standing in the middle of a lake of non-natural lava. The stream suddenly stopped after the player turned on the pause menu to save the game. But when the stream resumed ten minutes later, Hirobrin was gone.

During this stream, one could hear the voices of the player talking to his wife about how it was all just trolling, which filled the chat with angry comments. The player then faked the game to crash and stop streaming.

After that, all stream rangers were redirected to another page, which depicted Hirobrin with black eyes.

If you look at the html-code of that page, you will notice that there is a hidden message in it. After removing all non-alphabetical characters, the following text could be read:

It was reported that some victims of torture during this act went into their own fantasy world and could not Wake up. This imaginary world was almost no different from the real one, only in it the victim did not feel pain. The only thing that made them Wake up and indicated that this world was unreal was a note. The note said about their condition and the fact that they need to Wake up. Even after that, months passed until the victims were ready to reject this world and PLEASE WAKE UP.

The message is an appeal to the reader with a request to "wake up", indicating that they are in an imaginary world, and this web page with its hidden message is the very "note".

It is widely believed that Hirobrin was not just another player with a modified skin, as there was no black-framed nickname above him that could not be removed. It is believed that the stream player saw the redrawn painting and the iron doors.

After that, Hirobrin skyrocketed in popularity, becoming a common meme among players, which complicates the work of forum moderators and administrators who are trying to stop the flow of spam and flooding about it.

Another player was looking at me, in the default skin and with white eyes. There was no nickname above it, and I double-checked that I was not in a multiplayer game. The character did not wait long and quickly ran away. I tried to catch up with him, but in vain.

Expanding the world, I increasingly encountered oddities in the map - perfect 2x2 tunnels in the dungeons, regular sand pyramids in the ocean and groves of trees with cut leaves. And all the time it seemed to me that I saw another player in the fog. I tried to run after him, but he always ran ...

Then I decided to write about it on the forum. I created a topic with a description of all the oddities, but after 5 minutes my topic was deleted. I created another one, but it was also deleted. Then I started sending my story to users, and then I got a personal email from a certain Herobrin. There was only one word - Stop. When I tried to go to the page with Herobrin's profile, page 404 came up ...

Versions about who Herobrine is, how to call him, where to find, etc. - millions. We decided to write a story about Herobrin in the form of fanfiction for minecraft. So…

Oh shit, - groaned Experienced. - Come on down! If they explode, the tower will collapse!

Listen, Experienced. Can you ask a question?

In the city I came from, I heard in the tavern ... in general, they talked about such a crafter ... Herobrine.

Shut up, - cut off the partner Experienced, cautiously looking around.

Come on, ”puffed Nail, replacing the wooden door that had been torn off by the explosion. - Don't you know anything about him?

It's not good to talk about him during the day, - explained the Experienced. - In the evening, ask, okay?

Okay, ”Nail shrugged his shoulders.

Behind the solid stone walls, an eternal flame crackled - the inflamed hell stones never extinguished and now provided reliable protection for the three crafters-vagabonds. Every now and then, the death screams of skeletons and zombies were heard outside (the smarter spiders and creepers knew well what fire was and did not risk getting into it).

Crafters sat around a working stove, taking turns snatching appetizing chicken from the fire.

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