Why do we need computer games? Fathers and Sons. Why do you play computer games? Why do people play computer games? Computer game: is it good or bad? How to get rid of gambling addiction

Computer games have firmly entered our life, taking the honorable place of the leader among the many ways to organize youth recreation. Virtual reality beckons with its endless possibilities, and the computer entertainment industry every year presents gamers with more and more new games, which it is simply impossible to refuse. However, everyone is trumpeting about the dangers of computer games - and the issue of gambling addiction is especially worried about parents, whose children spend all their free time at the monitor. Why are computer games dangerous and can they be useful?

The harm of computer games

The most important danger posed by computer games is the emergence of gambling addiction. This is a real mental disorder that requires the help of a qualified doctor and the support of family and friends.

A person who has succumbed to addiction to computer games literally lives in virtual reality, only occasionally "absenting" offline. Extreme gambling addiction- when a gambler loses his appetite (he does not want to be absent from games even for eating) and sleep (he regrets the time to rest and even in a dream continues to conquer worlds and kill enemies). The worst thing about this addiction is that it usually starts out quite harmlessly, without arousing suspicion on the part of loved ones. Therefore, it is so difficult to deal with gambling addiction - when it becomes obvious, it is so easy to pull a gambling addict out of its tentacles.

The harm of computer games is especially noticeable for children, among whom adolescents are a special risk group. In a matter of days, their fragile psyche succumbs to the negative influence of games, and the problem of how to tear the child away from the computer becomes an acute problem for the parents. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know the measure and feel worse the sense of time - it seems to them that they have spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have already passed.

However, the harm of computer games affects adults as well. And if an adult can and should be next to a teenager who is obliged to pull him out of gambling addiction, then few people follow an adult gamer. And by the way, computer games, along with drunkenness and cheating, are becoming one of the most popular causes of divorce in young families. Well, what wife would like a husband who spends all his free time not with his family, but surrounded by virtual robots, zombies and killers? In addition, over time, the gamer becomes inattentive, absent-minded, he does not get along with his work, he ignores his duties. Gambling addiction causes family breakdown, problems at work, leads to depression and loneliness.

Many gamers go further and are willing to spend money to take advantage of paid services in online games. To become the strongest and coolest in a few minutes, without "pumping" your hero for several months - well, who doesn't dream of that? And the creators of online games "helpfully" slip such an opportunity to the players. Certainly not free. And since everything is not limited to one game, money slowly starts to flow out of the family, the gamer will eventually go into debt, real life begins to resemble living hell, but in virtual life he is a king, god and a superhero. This is the price of gambling addiction.

Speaking about the dangers of computer games for children and adults, it is worth noting that a particular danger in this regard is represented by various shooters, adventure games, flying games and races.

Why are computer shooting games dangerous? This is the most dangerous type of games, since the gambling addiction caused by them is accompanied by aggressiveness and anger. And no wonder - shooting people for hours in the virtual world, you are unlikely to become a kind-hearted person.

Walking, flying and racing are also harmful, which, although not characterized by aggression, but require increased attention, addictive, it is difficult to break away from them. Of course, it seems absolutely impossible for a gamer to press pause during the next race or passing the maze.

And, of course, online computer games are dangerous in terms of the above-mentioned material waste.

In addition, constant sitting at the computer can cause negative consequences: vision deteriorates, there are problems with excess weight and musculoskeletal system, numbness of the hands. You can read more about the effect of a computer on health in.

The benefits of computer games

After all you've read, do you still believe that computer games can be useful? It turns out that it really can be!

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the varieties of computer games that contribute to the development of intelligence, logic, attention, memory and other qualities. These are various logic games, puzzles, puzzles. Strategies take a special place among such games. Such games do not require increased attention, speed, eye strain. They are measured and designed for a long time. They can be interrupted at any time without risking being killed or eaten.

There are a number of educational computer games for young children from 3 to 5 years old. They will teach the kid letters and numbers, introduce them to the world of animals and plants, will have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, contribute to the development of hand motor skills (manipulation of the joystick, mouse and keyboard), visual memory, and musical ear.

The benefits of computer games for younger schoolchildren are obvious.- a lot of educational games have been developed for them, which will help to deepen their knowledge in a particular area, teach them to act in various situations, contribute to the formation of perseverance, concentration, attentiveness.

With the help of computer games, you can unobtrusively teach your child foreign languages, improve his knowledge of a particular subject, develop “lame” qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer should not become the only source of development for your child - books that develop board games, constructors, puzzles and, of course, parental attention and affection as an integral companion of all activities remain relevant.

That is why the direct responsibility of parents is not to prohibit the child from interacting with the computer, thereby causing resentment and aggression, provoking him to escape to Internet clubs (where, for sure, no one will offer him educational games, but will be loaded with shooters and walkers), but to choose the most optimal for him, options for computer games, draw up a lesson plan for them, allow him to play "harmful" shooters for a certain time limit, stimulate the child to rest not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world.

And for an adult there is a benefit of computer games, "consumed" in moderation... This is a good way to relax after a hard day at work, to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, to "use your brains". As in the case with children, the type of game is important here (well, what kind of rest and relaxation in the next shooter?) And the time that is given to it. From 1-2 hours a day spent in the computer worlds, nothing bad will happen.

The harm and benefits of computer games. Outcome

What do we end up with? As it turned out, everything depends on a sense of proportion and a kind of game. Virtual reality should not take up all a person's free time, it should also not provoke him to cruelty, develop aggression and anger in him. It should just be one of the leisure options, along with sports, walking in the fresh air, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends ...

If you understand that you are deprived of all of the above, and only games are left in your life - urgently fight this! Better yet, just avoid this situation. Life is so beautiful and varied - and it would be so stupid to spend it all sitting in front of a monitor screen.

Today in every home there are computers, laptops, tablets, telephones with a range of different games for leisure. They are used by both adults and children. When a child sits at a computer, parents have free time.

But how much such a time is harmful for a child, let's figure it out.

Action taken

As for the effect of such toys on the psyche, people's opinions were divided. Some find a lot of benefit in these undertakings, while others see only harm in them.

It is no secret that virtual toys can cause psychological dependence, provoke aggression not only in the virtual world, but also in life. This primarily applies to schoolchildren. Due to their age, they do not see the line between the virtual world and reality.

In addition to the negativity rendered to the child, virtual games also harm the physical state of the body. Prolonged sitting at the computer negatively affects vision, spoils posture.

The most dangerous factors for the eye are the immobility of the pupil and rare moisture. The least harm is done by those games where you need to run your eyes over objects located in different parts of the monitor.

There is an opinion that playing with computer toys, a teenager learns to make decisions as quickly as possible, navigate and solve any problems. However, do not forget that this is happening in the virtual world. This does not mean that he will also behave in reality.


Modern children spend almost all their free time at the computer. Sociologists have shown that 85% of schoolchildren are at the mercy of online toys. There are symptoms that indicate that the child has become addicted to play:

  1. The child constantly talks about the game;
  2. The toy has become the only way of rest for him, it does not find a place for itself during the breaks;
  3. Play is the main and only way to communicate with the outside world;
  4. It is impossible to persuade to shorten the time of the games;
  5. Real money is spent on a toy.

Submission to toys usually appears due to the fact that the characters are real children. The possibilities of virtual games allow players to communicate. Personal relationships develop.

The test passed in the game together with a friend is perceived as an adventure that actually happened, and affection for the players becomes much stronger than real relationships with family, friends, classmates.

The child becomes abnormal, he no longer distinguishes where the virtuality ends and the reality begins, which annoys him, since here he does not have such skills as in the game. In the computer world, the child tries to hide from the problems of reality.

How to protect your child

Many readers understand that it is better not to let a teenager spend a lot of time at the computer right away than to deal with the consequences of these decisions later. But even if your child is already addicted to toys, there are several ways that can help in certain situations.

Why only some, you ask? Yes, because if the addiction appeared on online games, for example, MMORPG, which are played by hundreds of thousands of children of different ages, the same Lineage, WOW, etc. It is very difficult to overcome it, especially if they are played by close friends or the whole class.

And many ways: attempts to take away the PC, turn off the Internet or punish, will only bring temporary results, or even may not give anything at all. Therefore, preference should be given to slightly different methods:

  1. Give the child to some kind of sport (intellectual or physical). For example, mental arithmetic is now becoming very popular.
  2. Buy a bicycle, skateboard, roller skates or scooter. It can be a great substitute for a computer.
  3. Get an interesting, and best of all, a large constructor. For example, LEGO is very popular and diverse.
  4. Change the lifestyle of the whole family as a whole. More to go to relax in nature, go to the cinema, theaters, walk in parks.

If these methods do not completely deprive the gambling addiction, then at least they will reduce it several times, and this is already an excellent result.


Since we live in the 21st century, keeping children away from the computer is stupid. Games must be chosen so that they do not harm. There are many toys for logical thinking, which not only will not harm the child, but will also help him learn, get to know the world, nature.

Virtual games should broaden the horizons of your child, his skills and abilities. They can discover the talents of children, teach them to carry out their plans. While playing, children should get an experience that they can apply in life.

psychoanalyst's view

This is far from the first, and, of course, not the last article about psychology of computer games, which is written for a psychological site. The theme is fertile - computers have become an integral part of life, and computer games have become a tempting way to spend their free time.

  • Why do people play computer games?
  • Computer game: is it good or bad?
  • How to get rid of gambling addiction?

Every day thousands of people ask Yandex these and other similar questions. Considering these questions through the prism of psychoanalytic experience, I will try to give my answers to them.

People who play games

There is a common misconception that it is predominantly teenagers who play computer games. This is not entirely true. Rather, adolescents are more open about their games. Adults, on the other hand, often find the fact that they are attracted to certain computer games somewhat embarrassing or even shameful. And they continue to play them, without advertising this fact among friends and strangers. In fact, computer games can take over a person of any age, gender, family or professional status.

Why are computer games attractive?

The game can take quite a long time (and not always free). However, many people prefer to spend their time in front of the monitor. Why is this happening?

Computer games allow you to be transported to the "other world". They, like nothing else, allow you to immerse yourself in this world very deeply, and even at the level of the body to feel its virtual reality. The situation of the game allows you to be as free inside it as "real reality" never allows. The worst consequence of a mistake or failure in a game is the need to close it and start over.

Games are attractive because they allow feel something what is missing in everyday life. Or, on the contrary, DO NOT feel something that is abundant in life. In addition, some games allow at least for a while to be someone someone else, someone attractive, whom the person would like to feel.

Example 1. To be Lara Croft?

A number of games, especially role-playing games, provide an opportunity feel like a different person than in reality. For example, a fearless, courageous, strong savior of an innocent victim of terrible monsters, or a beautiful, intelligent, athletic, extremely attractive female archaeologist who is ready to risk her life in order to acquire incredible artifacts.

The ability to feel your own strength, attractiveness, fearlessly take risks, successfully unravel ingenious riddles is almost a drug. And the stronger he is, the fewer opportunities a person has to feel the same in his real life.

Example 2. Kill the monster!

Many games have a pronounced aggressive context: kill as many enemies as possible! crush a terrible monster! gain strength and become invincible! The player feels excitement, strength, power, and deep satisfaction from the massive destruction of virtual creatures. One might get the impression that the game causes aggression, which a person has not had before - a valid argument against computer games?

Why do these games turn out to be so attractive for seemingly completely peaceful, sometimes even timid people in ordinary life? Because they let the suppressedand aggression... They help to express what a person does not allow himself to manifest in reality - after all, the more a feeling is suppressed, the stronger and stronger it becomes somewhere deep inside. The virtual situation is safe, it makes it possible not to feel fear and guilt - those feelings that form the basis for suppressing aggression.

Passion for aggressive games is attempt get in touch with your aggression and perhaps learn to manage it. True, this attempt is not always successful, because virtual reality is still very different from real.

Example 3. Collecting solitaire ...

A whole layer of computer games (for example, logic games) are created in order to pass the time in situations of forced waiting. But sometimes it turns out that time is not at all superfluous, and it is impossible to tear yourself away from a simple and rather monotonous game. It would seem, but what is it that addicts?

Occupying your attention, focusing on solving problems of varying degrees of complexity, observing a series of attractive visual images, going into an unpretentious virtual world of colored balls, cards, beautiful schemes, a person for a while moves away from the state of alarm... By shifting cards, grouping balls by color or collecting words from letters, a person temporarily stops the flow of disturbing thoughts and images. But the return to reality also brings anxiety back.

Computer games: pros and cons?

Computer games can look like an absolutely meaningless pastime if you look at them only from the perspective of external reality. For her, the person who spends hours in front of the monitor is practically lost. But since people are doing something, then it has some kind of mental meaning. Which?

From the point of view of internal (psychic) ​​reality, computer games represent a kind of way of mental self-regulation... The process of the game allows you to relieve mental stress(to some extent). So, the game "leaves" from stress, dissatisfaction with their lives and themselves, from the impossibility of showing any strong emotions in real relationships.

This way of dealing with difficulties is similar to using alcohol as a way of regulating one's state: play (like alcohol) allows you to quickly (but only for a short time) change the internal state and relieve tension. When games are often used as a means of achieving inner balance, it is possible development of gamingdependencies... The mechanism of formation of alcoholic and gambling addiction similar: when the mental stress is very high, there is a simple and rather pleasant way to quickly relieve it. This method does not require particularly large expenditures of time, energy, money ... In the case of alcohol, chemical dependence also comes into play. The creators of computer games are fighting for their client, using various psychological techniques, schemes, tricks, trying to create games that touch really deep strings in the human soul.

Online games are considered to be the most addictive. Coming into contact with other players in his virtual image, a person has the illusion of real relationships, real life. Then it's easy to lose track of the hours and sometimes the days. Physical needs, obligations to others, life circumstances fade into the background, and "the figure turns into the background" - virtual reality becomes more real for the player than "offline reality".

Virtual reality: entry and exit

If computer games have become anything more than a convenient way to while away free time, a person is faced with the fact that the passion for the game begins to disrupt the course of his daily life. The desire to go into the game becomes very demanding, even obsessive. And then an understanding may arise: "the games are over," gambling addiction. What to do?

Some people find it relatively easy to give up games. These are people with very great willpower and not very far-reaching passion for games. As a rule, such people, realizing their addiction, simply abandon the game, remove it from the computer, and find for themselves other, more comfortable ways to deal with stress life.

Sometimes, friends who have realized their addiction, give up games together... The effect of a group arises: together it is easier to give up the formed habit, it is easier to find for oneself already half-forgotten activities in real life. And, of course, another person, taken as an ally in the fight against addiction, is also controller(before which it is a shame to break), and support(so necessary sometimes in the struggle with oneself). Of course, such a person can be someone close who does not suffer from gambling addiction himself. He can "strengthen" the player's "I" captured by the passion, offer to help his willpower and determination to find a way out of the virtual trap. But this help is truly effective only if the player realizes his addiction and wants to get rid of it himself.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with addiction alone or even with the help of friends and relatives, despite all the efforts and desire. This is usually due to the fact that there is not just a habit, but a serious internal attachment to the game. This happens when the game "caters" to some important psychological needs or distracts from serious psychological problems. Then it is impossible to just close the game and turn off the computer - while there are problems, our psyche will look for their solution (and the easiest way - a virtual pseudo-solution - it has already found and will simply repeat it!). Therefore, getting rid of gambling addiction often lies through a decrease in the level of anxiety, release from internal conflicts, self-acceptance, self-respect and an increase in the ability to actively express oneself in the outside world, an increase in the ability to build and maintain close relationships with other people, and the acquisition of meaning in one's own life.

ECPP training analyst and supervisor

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