What is a card and what is it for? What types of geographic maps are there? What are kats

Where, how and when to take place?

Why do you need a technical inspection and what good does it do you?

None of us wants to be surrounded by smoky, noisy, technically faulty cars. It is the Technical Inspection that is designed to identify such cars and prevent them from driving on public roads. After all, such vehicles, among other things, can be dangerous both for others and for the car owner himself.

At the technical inspection point (it would be more correct to call it an instrumental control point), the car will be inspected both from below and under the hood, exhaust contamination will be measured and even “rolled” on drums to check the brakes. Most drivers should not be afraid of this, since after the technical inspection you will thoroughly know the state of “health” of your four-wheeled pet, and most importantly, whether it is safe to move on it.

Of course, such extensive diagnostics can be done at a car service center, but it will cost much more.

I can’t forget my first technical inspection: it horrified me. At the inspection point, I was informed that only two front wheels (out of four) were braking on my car. But I drove it for myself - and didn’t suspect anything... To this day, when I remember, it’s already creepy.


New rules for passing technical inspection from July 30, 2012

Today, you can choose one of two ways to get your car inspected. You can pass - or you can

The first, as before, is carried out by GTO points at the traffic police. You can simply undergo a technical inspection from independent operators who have the appropriate registration. (The official dealer of your car may also have a similar registration and organize a technical inspection, for example, during the next maintenance).

You can undergo a technical inspection in any place you like or throughout our country, regardless of the place of registration of the car.

After the inspection, you must be given a completed diagnostic maintenance card, which reflects the detailed results of the vehicle’s technical inspection (also called instrumental control).

It is the diagnostic card that will indicate whether you have passed the technical inspection or not. Those. Now the usual one is not issued to drivers and they can forget about it.

There is no need to carry a diagnostic card with you, because... According to the traffic rules, you are not required to present it to the traffic police inspector.

In general, the presence of a valid MTPL policy means that at the time of insurance, your car had passed a technical inspection*. But to be even more precise, information about the validity period of the technical inspection is entered into the traffic police database and is subsequently available to traffic police inspectors.

Moreover, the technical inspection (diagnostic card) is tied to a specific car, and not to the owner, so when the car is sold, the deadline for the next technical inspection does not change.

* - Recently, it is the insurer who, before issuing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, must verify the fact of passing a technical inspection. In fact, many insurance agents offer various options to circumvent this provision.

You should be aware that if at the time of an accident the diagnostic card is expired, then the insurance company, after paying compensation to the injured party, has the right to demand compensation for losses from the owner of the car with an overdue technical inspection.

* - Buses, minibuses and taxis must undergo technical inspection once every six months. And training vehicles, trucks over 3.5 tons and cars with special signals - once a year. (The penalties for overdue technical inspection for them remained the same: a fine of 500 to 800 rubles and a ban on operation).

Where and when to undergo a technical inspection (GTO, MOT)?

Owners of new cars, the age of which (from the date of manufacture) does not exceed 3 years, are not required to undergo a technical inspection.

If your car is more than 3 years old, then, as we have already said, you can undergo a technical inspection in two ways.

Method 1. State technical inspection at the traffic police the old fashioned way
Technical inspection, as before, can be completed at the GTO point at the traffic police departments. In this case, a traffic police inspector will give you a diagnostic card.

Method 2. Technical inspection in a new way - without the traffic police
Since 2012, drivers have the opportunity to undergo a technical inspection without the participation of the traffic police from any operator accredited by insurers.

Please keep in mind: vehicles of large mass or size (SUVs, pickups...), as well as passenger cars with studded tires, will not be accepted at every service point.

Necessary documents for passing technical inspection

At the inspection point you will be required to:

  • Passport;
  • Certificate of registration or PTS(Vehicle passport) ;
  • Paid receipts;
  • Power of attorney* (if you are not a car owner).

A medical certificate is no longer required when passing a technical inspection(!).

* - The power of attorney must indicate the authority: I trust to undergo a technical inspection and carry out all actions related to the implementation of this order. A handwritten power of attorney will also work. Do not forget that the person driving must be included in the MTPL policy.

If the owner does not have rights, then it is not necessary to additionally issue a power of attorney. During maintenance, he may also be present, for example, sitting in the passenger seat.

Cost of technical inspection. Repeated maintenance

For the average car owner, this procedure will cost 600-800 rubles. The final amount depends on the region and car brand.

Repeated technical inspection. Cost and nuances
If you failed to pass the technical inspection the first time, then you should not despair - you have a legal 20 days to eliminate the detected defect and again undergo diagnostics of the elements that did not meet the requirements from the same operator.

In this case, a repeat technical inspection at traffic police stations is carried out free of charge. And in commercial ones, for the next inspection they will charge you an additional fee (usually half the cost of the initial inspection), but in any case no more than the amount paid for the first visit.

If a repeat technical inspection is carried out by another operator or more than 20 days have passed since the first technical inspection, the instrumental control will take place in full again.

Preparing the car for technical inspection

Before you show up for a technical inspection, be sure to check the availability of:
- first aid kits(new sample);
- fire extinguisher,(preferably * volume not less than 2l);
- new model warning triangle,(with an orange triangle inside the outer red one).

Make sure that the first aid kit and fire extinguisher are not expired!

* - The requirements of some traffic police for drivers of passenger cars to have 2 liter fire extinguishers can only be of a recommendatory nature (!), since they are reflected in the “recommended” mark.

If your driving experience is less than 2 years, then stick the exclamation mark “novice driver” on the rear window, and if you have studded tires, stick the letter “Ш”. (These are the requirements).

What and how to check before a technical inspection?
Make sure all lights are working, including the license plate light.

Don’t be lazy to check once again that it’s working properly:

  • windshield wipers (“windshield wipers”) and windshield washers;
  • sound signal;
  • hand brake (handbrake).

Carefully inspect the tires for deep cuts (ruptures), there should be none. (The permissible tread pattern height is at least 1.6 mm).

Make sure that the body numbers are not stained with dirt, of course, if you know where they are. :) Never sand them with sandpaper. There should be no oil or other stains under the car after parking; in a word, there should be no leaks of liquids.

In a good way, the car should be inspected from below. Particular attention must be paid to all details steering and integrity brake pipes, hoses, cylinders. Steering rods, joints and boots must be intact and free of play.

Dents on the body, scratches and rust are usually not found fault with during a technical inspection, but try to at least arrive in a clean car.

But that’s not all, the most difficult thing is to “eyeball” the operation of the brakes, the cleanliness of the exhaust and the adjustment of the headlights. Ideally, this requires special equipment. In any case, the warmed-up engine of your car should run smoothly, without failures (not tripping), and when you press the gas, no puffs of smoke should be visible from behind.

The first sign of a brake malfunction* is when, when you press the brake pedal on a flat road, the car noticeably “pulls” to one side.

* - You can also evaluate the performance of the brakes using the “old-fashioned” method. True, this method may not be suitable for cars with ABS.
Find a slippery (snowy) surface in winter, or a dirt road in summer. When braking sharply from a speed of 15-20 km/h, the braking distance of the two front wheels should be the same. This also applies to the rear wheels. Do several of these stops. Pay attention to whether the car constantly pulls in the same direction.

Because of one unlit penny light bulb, you can easily fail the entire technical inspection. No amateur activity with blue or green lamps in headlights or lanterns will work.

Homemade xenon* is out of the question! They can even find fault with “non-factory” LED lamps and “wrap up” the technical inspection according to paragraph

Crack on the windshield

Quite often, on some cars you can notice a crack in the windshield. It’s unpleasant, of course, especially since replacing glass due to a small crack costs a pretty penny.

Know that you will pass the technical inspection if the crack in the glass does not extend into the working area of ​​the windshield wipers on the driver's side. Clause 4.7.2 clearly states: “The presence of cracks on the windshields of vehicles in the area where the windshield wiper cleans the half of the glass located on the driver’s side is not allowed.”

That is, even if the crack extends into the driver’s half of the windshield, but the windshield wiper does not crawl across it, then you can safely go for a technical inspection even with a cracked glass.

Why don't they pass inspection? Maintenance pitfalls

I most often failed the technical inspection the first time due to inappropriate headlight adjustment; once they found fault with the tinted strip on the top of the windshield (it turns out it should be no more than 14 cm, which is indicated in paragraph 4.7.3).

Once upon a time, I remember one new(!) Volga was rejected due to a loose battery and non-compliance of the factory(!) glass tinting with the established standards. Although in appearance the windows were not very dark.

By the way, the tinting is checked only on the windshield and front side windows; the rest you can even board up with plywood. If you have two and it should not have the problems listed in

Motorcycle technical inspection

Technical inspection of a motorcycle is carried out much faster, because they diagnose it using much smaller parameters than cars.

They begin to inspect the motorcycle by checking the chassis (frame) numbers with those recorded in the documents.

The motorcycle inspection ends with checking the tire tread depth (must be at least 0.8 mm).

In very rare cases, inspectors “by eye” check the effectiveness of braking on a marked area, asking the driver to accelerate and brake sharply.

All! As a rule, motorcycle inspection is limited to this list of checks.

Owners of motorcycles without a side trailer are not required to have a first aid kit, sign and fire extinguisher. And motorcycles with a side trailer must only be equipped with a first aid kit and a warning triangle.


The usual GTO (TRP) coupons are a thing of the past and are no longer used.

Note: under the concept automobile meant vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons; this includes all cars and light trucks. Technical inspection of motorcycles and trailers for passenger cars is carried out at the same frequency as above.

From early childhood I remember I had such a hobby - I studied various cities using maps. Most of all, I was looking through maps of my native Nizhny, Moscow, and also, believe it or not, Vilnius. Relatives lived in this Lithuanian city. View distant Moscow or any other city without leaving your home - isn’t it magic!

What is the essence of geographical maps?

Imagine that you have a large sheet on your table that allows you to see the whole world at once, or a specific corner of our earth. Magic? No! A graphic representation of the earth's surface using special symbols - this is a map. We look as if at a model of our beloved Earth or region, city. At the same time, cards differ in their purpose:

  • political;
  • physical;
  • technical;
  • tourist;
  • topographical.

Each person can choose a card that is suitable specifically for their purposes.

The magic of scale

Imagine - you are soaring over your city like a bird. And suddenly we saw an interesting object, decided to get closer and take a closer look. In the language of geography, this will be called increasing the scale.

In general, scale is the ratio of the sizes of the image and the depicted object. Typically this is a fraction. By the way, when you descend to an object from a bird's eye view, the scale increases, but the coverage of the surface displayed on the map, on the contrary, decreases.

Coordinates will help you avoid wandering around the map

If you noticed, almost all globes are surrounded by vertical and horizontal lines. They are also on many maps. Well, someone took our Earth and put it in a grid?

No, these lines allow you to determine the landmark of any object on a map or diagram. Meridians stretch from north to south, but parallels hug the Earth horizontally on the globe.

And if a traveler moves from north to south, say, by train, the degree of latitude changes in the coordinates of his location, and outside the window there are climatic zones that differ from each other in weather conditions, fauna and flora. Well, what if his path lies, say, from Moscow to Vladivostok? Here the eastern longitude will begin to change.

What is kata? People starting to practice karate often ask the question what kata are and why they are needed. Initially, kata are technical sets of techniques developed for combat with several opponents. Karate techniques are very diverse. It is not limited to just basic single strikes and blocks. There are also numerous combinations of two, three or more actions. Karate kata arose from such connections. They are different in each style and school, but there are also many that move from one style to another with a change in name or some technical details. This is, for example, the Sanchin kata (Seishian in Wado-ryu). Under the first name, with some differences in the technique of execution, it is studied, for example, in the Goju-ryu karate style, the Uechi-ryu school (Okinawa karate), etc.

The founder of modern karate, Gichin Funakoshi, considered kata to be the most important element in the training of students. At that time there were no such concepts as sports karate or children's karate. There was only combat karate, without restrictions by rules. Quite often, karate masters faced several, sometimes armed, opponents. To survive, it was necessary to counter numbers or weapons with a skill that the opponents did not have. This is where katas came to the rescue. Each of them assumed a certain current situation and a way out of it.

We have selected the most practical and necessary models for you.

Taikyoku 1-3

"The Great Beginning". Designed to develop strength and coordination.

Heian 1-5

"Peace and tranquility." Training kata that prepares the student to master more complex kata.

Tekki 1-3

"Iron Horseman". Kata simulates combat in a confined space where there is no room for maneuver. Only the rider's stance is used and repelling attacks from the front and side according to the principle of a wall behind, simulating knocking down holds when fighting in armor, strikes at close range and the old Okinawan technique of low kicks to the opponent's legs.


"Taking the Fortress" Traditional kata in many styles and schools. A powerful and dynamic kata with constant, rapid changes of hands in blocks and strikes, similar to actions during the siege of a castle.


"Flight of the Swallow" The oldest kata in karate. Technology has changed significantly in our time. But the pace of changing the level of the center of gravity, and the movement of the hip, and the execution of the technique remained, like a swallow fluttering up and down.


"Contemplation of Heaven." One of the most spectacular traditional kata of Okinawa. It is believed that all the basic Shotokan techniques are encrypted in this kata.


"Crescent". The only energy kata in Shotokan.


"Ten Hands" Characteristic techniques of combat against several opponents, rapid changes of positions and directions of action.


"Crane on a cliff." One of the oldest kata in karate-do.


"24 steps". This is a very powerful, power kata. The technique is dominated by elbow strikes.


"Unusual Hands" Refers to defensive action kata. Comes from China.


"Great pacification" or "steadfastness."


"Shiny Mirror" Former name Rohai.


"Cloud Hand" or "Hands Parting the Clouds." This may be the oldest form.


Small form of Bassai-Dai.


Small form of Kanku-dai.


"Royal Crown". The shortest kata in Shotokan.


"54 steps."


Small form of Gojushiho-Dai kata.


Kata is of Chinese origin.


"True Love" (also the name of a Buddhist monk).

At the summer camp they played an interesting game for us: we ran around the entire territory, collecting pieces cards. When we collected it entirely, it showed us the way to the treasure. Even then I realized that the map is a very cool thing.

What is a map called?

More often A map is an image of the area on a plane. So that you don't have to draw everything in life size, scale is applied.

How to navigate on the map

Imagine a sad situation: you are lost. Luckily, I was with you map. Now we need to understand how navigate it.

This happens in four steps:

  • Step one is to calm down. Panic will not help matters; now the main thing is to act carefully.
  • Step two is to correctly orient the map on the ground. This means that the top of the map should be facing north.
  • Step three is to find the place where you are now on the map.
  • Step four is to move in the right direction, checking whether the map matches the terrain.

Orienting the map on the ground

The easiest way - do it with a compass. His the arrow will point north, respectively, The top of the card must be turned in this direction.

There's only one problem: Usually no one takes a compass with them. In this case, there are also options for how you can act.

If you find yourself with magnet and needle, Can rub them together then place the needle in a mug or puddle of water. The magnetized needle will align with the line connecting south and north.

Usually, Tree moss grows stronger on the north side. This will help understand where north is, but the method is not very reliable. It is good in combination with the previous one - after all, the needle does not exactly indicate where is north and where is south.

You can wait sunset or sunrise. The sun, as you know, rises in the west (where we turn the left side of the map), and sets in the east (the right side should be turned towards it).

At night Can understand where north is, with help Polar Star. To detect it, we connect the two outermost stars of the Big Dipper and mentally extend this line until it hits a bright star. The easiest way to understand what needs to be done is in the picture below.

Finding your location on the map

To understand, where you are using a map, we have to try find some kind a noticeable landmark. In the city it could be something building.In open areas - rivers, railway tracks, roads, any terrain features (hills, ravines).

What other cards are there?

Don't think that there are only area maps. All kinds cards surround us every day:

One thing is clear: You can't survive in this world without cards. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly.

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