"Rage": when tanks are equal to actors. The M4A3E8 Sherman Fury tank will be added to the tank battle simulator A common man in a big war


Any World of Tanks player knows that Sherman is a whole line of American medium tanks of tiers V–VI. And discussions and disputes around the heavy German Tiger tank, which is “registered” at level VII, never subside. These vehicles are rightfully considered one of the most popular and recognizable tanks of the Second World War. After the legendary Soviet T-34, of course.

Quite a few virtual tankers have upgraded these vehicles in order to personally test them in battle. And after the game comes an interest in the history of the creation and combat use of your favorite equipment. Soon, all fans of combat vehicles will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at already well-known tanks: on October 30, the film “Fury” will be released in cinemas. Both the M4A3E8 Sherman and Tiger tanks in this film are stars no less important than the famous actors playing the crew members. Let's take a moment to travel to the set of Fury and see what this movie will be like.

The meticulous approach taken by Fury director David Ayer and his crew is evident in more than just the lenses used. The filmmakers really paid attention to the tanks: here they are real. Even models of equipment intended for destruction are assembled from metal and with attention to detail. There is no free space on the walls in the “Fury” filming pavilions, in the corridors and break rooms: everything is covered with diagrams, historical and technical materials, posters and photographs. This gives us confidence that the filmmakers have a good understanding of what a tank is, and that audiences will enjoy truly historic tank battles on the big screen.

A simple man in a big war

The historical and technical aspects of the picture definitely do not let us down, but a tank without a crew is simply a useless mechanism. Despite the careful attention to technical details, Fury will be a film about the common man in a great war. Will David Ayer and the cast of “Fury” be able to convey in detail the lives of tankers, their characters, difficulties and all the tension that could either “break” a fighter or strengthen his spirit?

The soldier, tankman, pilot and sailor had no time to think about big politics. All of them had to solve much more prosaic questions: how to survive, where to refuel and eat, how to violate their moral principles and kill the enemy, and then how to live with it.

“Lebanon”, “Sahara” (1943 and 1995), “Band of Brothers”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Apocalypse Now”, “Platoon”... Let's hope that more will be added to this list of classics of foreign war cinema one title is “Fury”.

You can find out more about the film on its official website www.fury-film.ru.

"Tiger" from Bovington

Ironically, the “disguised” Soviet T-34 had the opportunity to portray the “Tiger” in cinema several times. It was carefully disguised as a German tank, but the eye of an expert always revealed the fake. “Fury” is one of the few films where the role of a Tiger tank is “played” by a real model. Moreover, today it is the only operational Tiger in the world on the move. It is not yet known what impact this German car will have on the events of the film, but something about its real fate can be learned now.

There is a long history behind this tank, which brought it from the assembly shop of the Henschel plant to the exhibition of the Bovington Tank Museum. This Tiger (tail number 131) was manufactured in February 1943 and sent to the 504th Heavy Tank Battalion, which at that time fought in Africa. Between March 12 and April 16, 1943, the tank arrived in Tunisia.

Fortunately for the Allies, the combat history of this “Tiger” was not very long: already on April 21, 1943, in a battle with Churchill tanks of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment, it was disabled and captured. The captured car was inspected by Winston Churchill himself on June 2, 1943, and by His Majesty King George VI on the 18th of the same month.

In October 1943, the Tiger was delivered to Glasgow, took part in one of the parades in London, after which it was sent for technical examination. The tank was officially transferred to Bovington Museum on 25 September 1951, and since then it has become one of the most popular and impressive exhibits in the collection.

In June 1990, it was decided to completely restore the tank. The Tiger was literally rebuilt piece by piece, from the rollers to the turret. The museum staff cleaned every detail of dirt and rust, which, fortunately, turned out to be shallow. But that was only half the story. The greatest difficulty in restoration was the missing elements of equipment, especially from the front part of the tank. Many parts were restored; only obvious battle damage was not repaired. The museum workers did a great job: almost everything on the tank is real. Perhaps the only non-original part is the cables. Unfortunately, the telescopic exhaust pipe, designed for crossing water obstacles, disappeared before the tank was transferred to the museum.

But all these concerns can be considered minor in comparison with the need to install another engine on the tank. The museum workers could not find the “native” factory Maybach HL210, but the HL230P30 V-12 engine taken from the Tiger II was available. The capabilities of the Bovington Museum to solve such a problem were no longer enough. The museum received additional funding, and ABRO (Army Base Repair Organization) continued work on the tank.

This final step in restoring the Tiger took a long time, and it was far from smooth. During a test run in the tank's hull, the engine exploded, damaging the crankshaft and leaving a hole in the sump. After much investigation and repair, the engine was tested again and this time it failed the seal. And yet, at the end of 2003, the work was completed: the sixty-year-old tank started up and arrived at the museum under its own power.


Any World of Tanks player knows that Sherman is a whole line of American medium tanks of levels V-VI. And discussions and disputes around the heavy German Tiger tank, which is “registered” at level VII, never subside. These vehicles are rightfully considered one of the most popular and recognizable tanks of the Second World War. After the legendary Soviet one, of course.

Quite a few virtual tankers have upgraded these vehicles in order to personally test them in battle. And after the game comes an interest in the history of the creation and combat use of your favorite equipment. Soon, all fans of combat vehicles will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at already well-known tanks: October 30 The film "Fury" will be released in theaters. And the tanks in this film are stars no less important than the famous actors playing the crew members. Let's take a moment to travel to the set of Fury and see what this movie will be like.

Anamorphic lens used for filming films in anamorphic format. The lens system in this lens covers a wide panorama of the image in one frame. Interesting fact: for the first time, the anamorphic system was used in tank surveillance devices. With its help, the tank commander was able to see 180 degrees horizontally.

The meticulous approach taken by Fury director David Ayer and his crew is evident in more than just the lenses used. The filmmakers really paid attention to the tanks: here they are real. Even models of equipment intended for destruction are assembled from metal and with attention to detail. There is no free space on the walls in the “Fury” filming pavilions, in the corridors and break rooms: everything is covered with diagrams, historical and technical materials, posters and photographs. This gives us confidence that the filmmakers have a good understanding of what a tank is, and that audiences will enjoy truly historic tank battles on the big screen.

Where does this information come from? You can learn about what happens on the Pinewood Studios film sets, what exploding tanks are made of, and what books David Ayer reads from the Russian version of the photo report by Nicholas Moran, host of the famous program “In the Commander's Room.” You will find the report under the spoiler at the end of this news.

A simple man in a big war

The historical and technical aspects of the picture definitely don’t let us down, but a tank without a crew is simply a useless mechanism. Despite the careful attention to technical details, Fury will be a film about the common man in a great war. Will David Ayer and the cast of “Fury” be able to convey in detail the lives of tankers, their characters, difficulties and all the tension that could either “break” a fighter or strengthen his spirit?

The soldier, tankman, pilot and sailor had no time to think about big politics. All of them had to solve much more prosaic questions: how to survive, where to refuel and eat, how to violate their moral principles and kill the enemy, and then how to live with it.

“Lebanon”, “Sahara” (1943 and 1995), “Band of Brothers”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Apocalypse Now”, “Platoon”... Let's hope that more will be added to this list of classics of foreign war cinema one name is “Fury”.

"Tiger" from Bovington

Ironically, portray "Tiger" in cinema several times it happened to the “disguised” Soviet T-34. It was carefully disguised as a German tank, but the eye of an expert always revealed the fake.“Fury” is one of the few films where the role of a Tiger tank is “played” by a real model. Moreover, today This is the only working Tiger on the move in the world . It is not yet known what impact this German car will have on the events of the film, but something about its real fate can be learned now.

There is a long history behind this tank, which brought it from the assembly shop of the Henschel plant to the exhibition Bovington Tank Museum. This Tiger (tail number 131)was manufactured in February 1943 and sent to the 504th heavy tank battalion, which at that time was fighting in Africa. Between March 12 and April 16, 1943, the tank arrived in Tunisia.

Fortunately for the Allies, the combat history of this “Tiger” was not very long: already on April 21, 1943, in a battle with Churchill tanks of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment, it was disabled and captured. The captured car was inspected by Winston Churchill himself on June 2, 1943, and by His Majesty King George VI on the 18th of the same month.

In October 1943, the Tiger was delivered to Glasgow, took part in one of the parades in London, after which it was sent for technical examination. The tank was officially transferred to Bovington Museum on 25 September 1951, and since then it has become one of the most popular and impressive exhibits in the collection.

In June 1990, it was decided to completely restore the tank. The Tiger was literally rebuilt piece by piece, from the rollers to the turret. The museum staff cleaned every detail of dirt and rust, which, fortunately, turned out to be shallow. But that was only half the battle. The greatest difficulty in restoration was the missing elements of equipment, especially from the front part of the tank. Many parts were restored; only obvious battle damage was not repaired. The museum workers did a great job: almost everything on the tank is real. Perhaps the only non-original part is the cables. Unfortunately, the telescopic exhaust pipe, designed for crossing water obstacles, disappeared before the tank was transferred to the museum.

But all these concerns can be considered minor in comparison with the need to install another engine on the tank. "Native" factory Maybach H.L.210 The museum workers were unable to find it, but they did have an engine taken from the Tiger II.HL230P30 V-12 . The capabilities of the Bovington Museum to solve such a problem were no longer enough. The museum received additional funding, and the company continued work on the tankABRO(Army Base Repair Organization).

This final step in restoring the Tiger took a long time and was far from smooth.During a test run in the tank's hull, the engine exploded, damaging the crankshaft and leaving a hole in the sump. After much investigation and repair, the engine was tested again and this time it failed the seal. And yet, at the end of 2003, the work was completed: the sixty-year-old tank started up and arrived at the museum under its own power.

Note! A detailed process of restoring the Tiger tank with exclusive photographs can be seen on the official website (in English) dedicated to this tank.

Filming “Fury”: an inside look

The host of the show “In the Commander’s Room,” Nicholas Moran, visited the set of the film “Fury.” Find out what impressions Nicholas had after his visit, what atmosphere reigns on the set and what the director of the film is reading!

"Rage" - English. Fury

All fans of armored vehicles will soon have the opportunity to look at the famous tanks - the film “Fury” will be released on October 30, 2014 (the world premiere is scheduled for October 23, 2014). The film, which tells the story of events on the Western Front at the end of World War II, is directed by David Ayer and stars Brad Pitt. The film promises to be spectacular thanks not only to the cast, but also to the well-known tanks - M4A3E8 Sherman and Tiger. These tanks are already in World of Tanks. But, for example, from the Sherman M4A3E8 tank presented in the game, the new vehicle (Fury) will differ in non-standard equipment and coloring, as in the movie “Fury”.

Film "Fury" (trailer):

Wargaming will add an exact replica of the Sherman tank from the upcoming film "Fury" to the tank battle simulator World of Tanks. The vehicle will appear in all versions of World of Tanks. "Soon you will have the opportunity to purchase an American Tier VI premium tank M4A3E8 Sherman Fury in the Premium Store. Like any other premium tank, it is distinguished by high profitability, in addition, it is capable of bringing more combat experience; other indicators are comparable with the analogue under study."

The M4A3E8 Sherman Fury tank will be available in the Premium Store only from October 17 to November 17, according to the game website. Details about the contents of the packages will be announced separately.

"War never ends quietly" .

Briefly about the film "Fury". In April 1945, victory over Nazi Germany was near. Allied troops are marching deep into enemy territory, and resistance is weakening every day. The Third Reich is collapsing, but German soldiers are still fighting fiercely. The crew of an M4 Sherman tank engages in an epic battle against overwhelming enemy forces. A battle-hardened sergeant nicknamed Wardaddy, who fought first in Africa and then in Europe, commands a Sherman tank whose gun is marked with the word Fury. Any hope of survival becomes slim when the crew of the Fury takes part in a suicide mission.

Photo Actor Role
Wardaddy ("War Daddy")
Boyd Swan
Norman Ellison
Grady Travis
Lieutenant Parker
Sergeant Davis
Helga Meyer
SS soldier
And others...

As foreign media reported, Brad Pitt said that before filming the film "Fury" he consulted with his 13-year-old son. According to the actor, Maddox Jolie-Pitt has extensive knowledge regarding wars and tanks. B. Pitt also said that he learned to handle weapons in early childhood. “When I was still in kindergarten, they gave me my grandfather’s gun,” the actor said. His family had a tradition of passing weapons from generation to generation and treating them with respect. deep respect.

Film "Fury" (second trailer):

Sherman Fury is a premium US Tier VI tank. He appeared in the game in honor of the premiere of the film “Fury”, the main character of which is an M4A3E8 Sherman nicknamed Fury. In the game, it is an exact copy of the original from the film: the model is made in HD quality with many small details, and the barrel of the tank is decorated with an inscription with his nickname.

Fury is not available for purchase for gold through the game interface and only occasionally appears for sale through the Premium Store.

We hope this article helps you gain a complete understanding of Fury. In it, we will objectively look at the tank from a gameplay point of view, figure out why it is better or worse than a regular Sherman, and try to choose the most optimal tactics for random battles.

Analysis of tank characteristics

Fury is a special version of M4A3E8, known among players as "Mchazev" or "Mazai". The main difference is in driving performance: Fury is inferior to its pumpable counterpart in mobility. However, it cannot be called slow. On medium soils, the tank confidently accelerates and maintains its 40 km/h speed, which is quite enough for comfortable movement across the battlefield and carousel against clumsy TTs and PTs. Certain difficulties are caused by steep climbs, as on Westfield and El Halluf, therefore, in order not to become an easy target for the enemy, all movements around the battlefield should be thought out in advance.

gun Fury is exactly the same as the top-end M4A3E8, which is definitely the tank's strongest point. An excellent DPM allows you to quickly deal with opponents of your level. Reloading with a rammer takes less than three seconds, which allows you to respond with two or three shots to each enemy shot. In battles of levels VI and VII, there is enough armor penetration, but against enemies of level VIII you have to load sub-caliber ammunition. The gun's accuracy is acceptable and the aiming speed is fast. The vertical aiming angles are comfortable: the gun moves down 10 degrees. It is possible to install a stabilizer.

Ammunition has 71 shells. This amount is quite enough for any battle, if you do not waste shells. Considering that Fury gets into Tier VIII battles, it is recommended to carry 10-20 sub-caliber ammunition with you.

Security Fury low. Even the gun mantlet and the front of the hull do not protect from enemy fire, and the thin high sides are very vulnerable to landmines and small-caliber guns. Under no circumstances should the sides be exposed, as breaking them often leads to damage to the ammunition rack. However, here you need to understand: when playing on a medium tank, you can’t rely on armor. Use cover and armored allies, rolling out to shoot only when the enemy cannot respond. You can exchange for Fury, but, as a rule, this idea turns out to be disastrous: even if you shoot the enemy and take the frag, you may not have enough strength and equipment for the remaining battle.

Review Fury has a good one - 370 meters. With installed optics and a pumped-up crew, the tank gains a noticeable advantage over the blind Soviet “heavies”, which are one of the most common opponents. The Sherman's silhouette is quite tall, but camouflage rate average. If you play carefully, you can avoid being caught in the light for a long time.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the Fury is a premium tank and has all the corresponding advantages:

  • increased profitability;
  • increased experience coefficient for each battle;
  • 50% faster growth in crew skills;
  • the ability to transfer crew from the same type of equipment without fines or the need for retraining.

Fury farms well. If you don’t get carried away with sub-caliber shells, then on average you’ll get about 20 thousand “clean” credits per battle. If the material side of things doesn’t particularly concern you, then it makes sense to carry more premium ammunition. This will allow you to deal more damage in battle and, accordingly, receive more experience and credits. However, almost all credits earned in such battles go to replenishing ammunition. But the experience remains. This is especially noticeable in the crew, which swings very quickly. And this is perhaps the main premium advantage of Fury.


Fans of sniper tactics can be advised to replace Stabilizer on Improved ventilation, A Optics on Stereo tube. Benefit from Reinforced aiming drives not noticeable on this tank.


The first priority skills are Sixth Sense And Repair. It is also recommended to pump Disguise, Sniper, King of off-road And Radio interception. As an alternative to individual perks, you can choose The Brotherhood of War. In this case, the Stabilizer should be replaced with Improved Ventilation.

Combat use

The choice of tactics is determined mainly by the level of the battle. A battle “at the top” and a battle against Tier VIII tanks are fundamentally different. In Tier VI battles, the most common opponents are Soviet heavy tanks. It is highly not recommended to engage in a head-on duel with them. It is much better to keep them at a long distance, or even better to lure them out into the open and shoot them in cold blood. Thanks to superior visibility and excellent DPM, the Fury can deal with such a target in just a couple of tens of seconds. The enemy either does not have time to detect us, or does it too late.

Study the appearance of the KV-1, KV-1S, KV-85 and T-150 tanks with different guns or take a closer look at how often the enemy fires. This way you can estimate the enemy’s rate of fire and calculate how many times you can shoot at him with impunity.

Also common opponents are Hellcat and T-34-85. Fury easily deals with each of them one on one, but, as noted above, it is not recommended to exchange. Use cover and try to attack the enemy unexpectedly or at a time when he is engaged in battle with your allies. When attacking the side and stern, try to accurately hit the engine and tanks: often 3-4 accurate hits in a row are enough to set an enemy on fire, including high-level ones.

At level VII you can meet two of the most dangerous enemies. We are not talking about heavy tanks, encounters with which can be easily avoided, but about the nimble and deadly “premiums” E-25 and SU-122-44. The Flea, with its excellent accuracy and monstrous rate of fire, can very quickly turn a Fury into a sieve. In addition, she moves very quickly across the battlefield and often attacks from ambush. “Drying” is no less dangerous: it is difficult to penetrate it head-on, but it is capable of destroying a Sherman with just two shots. To avoid becoming their victim, act carefully and stay close to your allies. If a collision cannot be avoided, try to knock down the track with it and go to the stern.

In Tier VIII battles, you need to be extremely careful. At the beginning of the battle, it is best to take your time and watch the teams move around. Then start intercepting fireflies and shooting at long range. Then it depends on the situation: either help your allies on the offensive, or stay on defense. In both cases, the main thing is to act thoughtfully and not take unnecessary risks. A destroyed tank is of no use, while at the end of the battle every vehicle is valuable. One successful shot or illumination can decide the outcome of the battle. And this is not to mention the capture or defense of the base.

Fury in sorties/medium companies

Separately, it should be said about the high combat potential of Fury in sorties/medium companies. Of course, the Sherman can't fly around the map in rush setups like the Cromwell or T37, but it has two key advantages that make it a very valuable team member in a classic setup. Firstly, this is a DPM, which allows you to quickly deal with single enemies or stop a rush by firing from a prepared position. Secondly, a good overview: in the right place with a stereo tube, the tank can control several directions at once. There are other advantages: good high explosives, a considerable margin of safety, compared to the same Hellcat, and the frontal armor is not penetrated by land mines, like the “Witch”.

The Fury works best in conjunction with Soviet heavy tanks: it can highlight targets for them, play from the UVN where they cannot, keep opponents on the track, or, in the end, take damage if all the allies are already shot.

Of course, it makes no sense to make up an entire team of Shermans, but if you are assembling an average sortie, then keep in mind that in the current realities, the Fury is quite suitable.


Before summing up, let’s outline all the advantages and disadvantages of the Fury tank:


  • excellent weapon with excellent damage per minute;
  • overall balance and comfort of play, absence of pronounced shortcomings;
  • solid ammunition;
  • optimal crew composition of 5 people;
  • premium benefits, the main one of which is accelerated crew training;
  • exclusivity, unique appearance.


  • low dynamics by ST standards;
  • weak armor;
  • vulnerability of ammunition, engine and crew members;
  • high priority for opponents.

Based on this list, we can conclude that the tank is very good. There are essentially two key disadvantages: rather weak mobility and insufficient security. To be fair, it is worth noting that at level VI very few people can boast of good armor. On the other hand, receiving penetrations from Tier IV light tanks, just like taking damage from hits in the mask, is very unpleasant.

Thus, the Fury, in its general set of characteristics, is a classic American medium tank with a good gun, average mobility and weak armor. If you like US CT, then you will probably like Fury. And the appearance of the tank is absolutely delightful: it’s clear that the HD model was made with love.

It is important that the benefits of the tank are not only aesthetic. He can really drag fights. You just need to go to the appropriate section of wotreplays.ru and see for yourself.

18-07-2016, 19:42

Good day and welcome to the site! Friends, today we have one of the most beautiful and unique tanks in the game, designed so well that you can look at it for hours - this is the M4A3E8 Fury guide.

As many people know, this is a premium US Tier 6 medium tank, which is very similar to its upgradeable brother, the M4A3E8 Sherman. But the most interesting fact is that our M4A3E8 Fury World of Tanks is an exact prototype of the vehicle from the movie "Fury", perhaps that is why it is so beautiful.

Unfortunately, the M4A3E8 Fury cannot be purchased now, but perhaps someday you will be able to get it in your hangar and you should not miss this opportunity.

Performance characteristics of M4A3E8 Fury

Before moving on to a detailed consideration of the most important parameters, it is worth saying that this unit has a safety margin standard for its level and a good basic visibility of 370 meters.

If we look at the survivability characteristics of the M4A3E8 Fury, namely the armor, then it is weak, even in comparison with its upgraded brother. The strongest point is the forehead of the turret, due to the large mantlet of the gun, and this element is capable of periodically deflecting enemy shells.

Otherwise, both the frontal armor of the hull and the sides and rear do not provide good protection and you need to play the M4A3E8 Fury World of Tanks with caution.

The situation with weak armor is aggravated by the non-preferential level of combat, and, more importantly, mediocre mobility. We don’t have a very high maximum speed at our disposal, but the greatest discomfort is caused by the limited dynamics. However, even with this, the M4A3E8 Fury WoT tank cannot be called slow, rather slow. But with maneuverability everything is in order and we turn around quite cheerfully.


The situation with weapons is no less interesting. The tank is equipped with a 76 mm cannon, which has not very high armor penetration parameters with a basic shell and a rather weak alpha strike. However, the rate of fire is such that the M4A3E8 Fury gun is capable of delivering about 2100 units of damage per minute without taking into account equipment, which is very good.

The situation with accuracy is somewhat worse, but only due to the fact that our gun has a large spread. Otherwise, there is good aiming time, decent stabilization, and when rolling the M4A3E8 Fury medium tank into battle, you don’t feel any discomfort. By the way, the vertical aiming angles, although worse than those of the upgraded Sherman, are also very comfortable, which is good news.

Advantages and disadvantages

As is customary in our favorite game and as you yourself may have noticed from the analysis of the M4A3E8 Fury performance characteristics, premium vehicles should be inferior to pumped ones. Thus, this unit has quite a large number of weaknesses, but it is not without its advantages, to make sure of this, let’s break everything down point by point.

Good damage per minute;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
Decent maneuverability;
Fast convergence and good stabilization;
Standard but good review.
Weak alphastrike;
Small armor penetration;
Poor booking;
Large silhouette;
Mediocre mobility;
Not a preferential level of fighting.

Equipment for M4A3E8 Fury

To significantly strengthen your combat vehicle and make it more comfortable for you to play, for any tank, including the M4A3E8 Fury, you must choose the right equipment, because this aspect plays a huge role in battle:
1. – allows you to increase our damage per minute by about 400-450 units, a fairly significant bonus.
2. – due to the large dispersion of our gun, this option comes in handy, and it also has a positive effect on stabilization.
3. – we have a fairly mobile medium tank at our disposal and increased visibility will give you a serious advantage in some situations.

As you might have guessed, there is a very good replacement for the third point -. This module is designed to provide a massive boost in performance and will increase such important parameters as DPM, visibility, aiming speed, etc.

Crew training

Another extremely serious point, perhaps even more important than the choice of equipment, is to correctly upgrade the crew’s perks on the M4A3E8 Fury. The fact is that crew training requires a significant investment of time, and if you choose the wrong development path, it will not only have a bad effect on the efficiency of your machine, but will also lead to even greater wastage of time. Thus, skills are learned in the following sequence:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator – , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for M4A3E8 Fury

The situation with consumables will be more than standard. If you are going to farm with this premium and the issue of spending silver credits is especially acute for you, you can carry equipment in the form of, and on the M4A3E8 Fury. But when there are no problems with reserves of gold or silver, it is more advisable to take , , , because this way you significantly increase your survival rate. By the way, we rarely burn and the fire extinguisher can be replaced with.

Tactics for playing M4A3E8 Fury

We have a relatively strong machine in our hands, and in order to play it as efficiently as possible, we need to learn to take advantage of all the advantages in combination and try to neutralize the disadvantages.

So, on the M4A3E8 Fury, the battle tactic is to stick to the second line, since for close combat we will not have enough armor, and when shooting at long distances there will be a lack of accuracy and armor penetration.

The best option would be to take a comfortable position at the beginning of the battle, from which you will have a good shot, but you will be hidden from enemy tanks and artillery, and there will also be escape routes. In such realities, the US medium tank M4A3E8 Fury is capable of efficiently implementing its DPM and saving precious strength points.

However, you cannot stay in one place for a long time, as the position may lose its relevance, or the enemy will simply understand where you are standing. The M4A3E8 Fury WoT tank has sufficient mobility to change flanks, support allies in different directions, or return back to protect the base.

At the same time, the M4A3E8 Fury World of Tanks is a good support tank. Standing behind your allies, help them cope with the enemy onslaught and push directions, remembering to look at the mini-map. This vehicle also plays well with the terrain, thanks to good gun depression angles; in addition, the gun mantlet is able to withstand a blow, and this tactic is good when you are faced with an enemy one on one.

To summarize, I want to say that the M4A3E8 Fury is worth taking if you have the opportunity, but because this tank is very strong or farms better than others, but rather for the collection, because it is incredibly beautiful and rare.

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