Skyrim 5 journey to the center of the earth. Passage of the journey to the center of the earth. Actions with periscope

“Go down into the crater of Ekul Snaefells, which the shadow of Skartaris caresses before the Kalends of July, brave wanderer, and you will reach the center of the Earth. I did this - Arne Saknussem."

Jules Verne, "Journey to the Center of the Earth"

As expected in a quest, the game consists of exploring the territory, talking with everyone you meet and solving problems. It must be said that the game contains an excellent collection of classic puzzles, tinkering with which is an undoubted pleasure for fans of such entertainment. And in general, the riddles in the game are cute and enjoyable. With one single exception. In my opinion, only the most stubborn questomaniac and Michael Schumacher, who is accustomed to moving along a closed trajectory, are able to get a thrill from winding circles and kilometers around a large pit in the Valley of the Spirits under the howling of the wind, which is unpleasant to the ear (have you tried to meditate to the noise of the engine of a stalling “Muscovite”? - so now learn!).

The game is linear. Wandering around, as in “Myst,” doing what the left leg wants at the moment, is not allowed here. Moreover. Often you cannot leave the next location until you complete all the actions prescribed by the plot. Quest items are sometimes activated immediately, and sometimes only after they are needed. For example, you will not be able to use the elevator in the Askiam Press Center until you have made an appointment with Master Figaro. You can click on the lift with the mouse all the way - it won’t move a single pixel. Unpleasant, but logical.

Operation is extremely simple. One click with the left mouse button - go to the specified point, double click - run. Right button - open luggage. Esc - exit to the game menu. The pointer usually looks like an arrow. If it turns into a hand, it means there is an object nearby that can be manipulated. In the form of a head - start a conversation. In the form of footprints, a transition to the next screen is possible.

The last noteworthy detail is the laptop that Ariana carries with her. After the first use, its screen will appear framed by vignettes in the lower left corner of the screen. If it starts flickering blue, it means it's time to look at the computer: look through an encyclopedia, send a fax, do some calculations. In principle, the contraption is convenient: without it, our girl’s luggage would turn into a waste paper collection point. And so, by clicking on the next book or selected piece of paper, you send them to the computer, where a summary of what you read will be conveniently located in the appropriate section. Please note that computer processing of information is mandatory. For example, you will not be able to use the submarine password Adam wrote down for you on a piece of paper until you admire the same piece of paper on your computer screen.

So, watch the introductory video about the helicopter flight to Iceland and start the game.

At the volcano

After the helicopter lands, Ariana walks away from the car with her camera to look for better shots. At this time, rockfall begins. Huge boulders fall straight onto the red bug of the helicopter, the tail breaks off, the left blade crunches in half! Right blade - crunch, in half!

Stunned by the incident, Ariana says something like: “I hope the pilot is alive...”. True, this is where her participation in the fate of the victim ends. Let the pilot dig himself out from under the rubble or wait for rescuers. And why do we even need a pilot if the helicopter breaks down? Better to do something more interesting. For example, explore the surrounding area.

Go to the helicopter. Lift up propeller blade, lying to the left of the car. With the blade at the ready, approach the closed door of the helicopter cockpit. Open it. As a result, a whole list of potentially useful items will become available. Pick up from the floor knife, rope, bag. Open the luggage screen and unpack your bag. From it will appear: screwdriver, gloves, lighter And empty flask. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the wall hanging first aid kit. Unpack it and you will find: bandage, adhesive plaster, aspirin And bottle with a disinfectant solution. Use a knife to cut off those hanging from the distribution panel. wires. Finally, take the one lying on the floor laptop. Pay attention to the area on the screen to the left of the luggage framed by vignettes. As soon as you use the laptop for the first time, it will move there. And it will continue to serve Ariana as an encyclopedia and means of communication.

Click on the arrow at the top left of the screen to get out of the helicopter. Now you can use your laptop to call rescuers. To make communication possible, you need to go to the seashore. Go left from the helicopter. When Ariana comes out to the ocean, she will say that you need to send a distress signal. This is a sign that you are standing where you need to be. Open your laptop, select your email and press the “SOS” line that appears. At the same time, you will find out that you are in Iceland at the foot of the Snaffels volcano. The same one through which the heroes of Jules Verne penetrated deep into the Earth. Click on the envelope with the green arrow to send the message.

After sending the fax, return to the helicopter and go right. A crack is visible in the side of the volcano, but the passage is blocked by a large boulder. Use the helicopter blade again to roll away the stone. Try going into the cave. But it's dark there. Light the lighter and give it to Ariana. After this, not knowing that curiosity killed the cat, Ariana will enter the cave.

Dear girl! If you feel the urge to portray a ray of light in a dark kingdom, then you need to look at your feet, and not somewhere in space, otherwise... oops, we're late. A long, fading scream is heard and Ariana falls into an unknown place...

First camp

Ariana wakes up on a pretty sandy beach. It is light, fluffy clouds are scattered across the blue sky. And opposite stands an incomprehensible guy in a black hat and an old-fashioned frock coat. Moreover, it seems that the worthy gentleman is not at all surprised by the appearance of Ariana straight from the sky. It’s as if girls packed in jeans and hung with cameras are falling from the sky every day!

Let's start a conversation. The gentleman's name is Adam Covelier. He calmly explains to Ariana that yes, she is under the volcano. The place where she fell is called the First Camp. And nearby there is the only city in this place - Askiam. Adam will offer his help in exchange for a polished gem for his cane. A suitable crystal can be found in a mine nearby. Adam promises to meet you on the way to the city and decorously leaves.

We begin to look around. Raise the one buried in the sand bone next to where Ariana is standing. Then walk a few steps in front, to the crossing at the stream and fill water empty flask. Now go to the bottom border of the screen, the camera will change angle, and it will become clear that Ariana is standing by the mountain next to the entrance to the mine. To the left of the entrance on the sand lies a large sink- pick it up. Come inside. On the right on the square box lies cutter- take it, it will come in handy! A little further on at the bottom of the box something glitters. We pick it up and find out that it is locks with strange symbols on them. There is nothing else to do in the mine for now - return to the beach.

Cross the boards to the other side of the stream. Look at the gravestones under the dead tree. Use the laptop encyclopedia to compare the dates of death of buried physicist Ivan Platonov with the date in the encyclopedia. It seems that after his “tragic death” he lived under the volcano for several more years. The second stone is covered with dust, and it is impossible to see what is written on it. Look around. At the bottom of the screen, among the debris on the sand, find piece of cloth. In the lower left corner of the location lies piece of petrified wood- take it. As you know, even a machine gun is useful on the farm. Especially in an unfamiliar place. Return to the gravestone. Soak a rag you found in the cleaning liquid and wipe off the lettering. It turns out that this is the grave of another scientist - Armand Latifier. And again, looking at the laptop, we learn that the date of death on the stone differs from the official one by several years.

Having finished your historical research, go to the waterfall. A small cave will open, with druses of crystals flickering on the walls. Go deeper. There is a ladder against the wall, and above it a single crystal. This is what you need to pick out. Go up the stairs. Then put on gloves (this will leave one glove in your luggage). Take a chisel and combine it in your luggage with a piece of petrified wood. And then use objects to break the crystal from the wall.

The polishing device is located right there in the cave. Secure the crystal in a vice. As you know, polishing requires an abrasive. Exit the cave and take a handful of sand to the right of the entrance. Return to the device and pour sand into the flasks at the bottom of the device. After this, you need to press the bellows several times, and when the crystal changes shape, the work will be completed. Take it polished crystal and return to the old mine on the other side of the stream.

You won't be able to go far in the mine. Taught by bitter experience, Ariana will flatly refuse to go into the dark tunnels. So we need light. At the left wall there is a power plant with a huge wheel and a switchboard. We approach, examine and discover broken wires. What to do is clear: put on gloves again, splice the wires using pieces of wiring from a helicopter and wrap them with adhesive tape instead of electrical tape. Once finished, the wheel will spin and light will appear in the shaft. Now you can continue your journey.

In the next room, a surprise awaits Ariana: the path is blocked by a massive gate with a puzzle lock. You need to place the symbols in the cells in the correct order, then the door will open. The key to solving the problem is given in the inscription located above the door.

The Occident is the opposite of the Orient. Our story begins as the sun rises. Nature and technology go their separate ways.

First the ones whence we come. Then the one that feeds us. Followed by the one we mine. Comes the time of transformation. And of famed energy. Finally those who guide us.

The translation goes something like this:

West is opposite to East. Our story began like the sun rising. Nature and technology take different paths.

The first is where we came from. Then what nourishes us. Then - what we develop. It's time for change. Next comes energy. And finally, what guides us.

Now look at the door. Cells for symbols are located in a circle, and the symbols themselves are grouped in the center. Signs are divided into two equal groups, related to nature and related to technology. The order of placement is suggested by the inscription. From left to bottom counterclockwise you have: a mother with a baby, an ear of corn, a mountain, a spinning wheel, lightning, masks, the sea, ears of grain with a sickle, gears, a chemical flask, a bird in flight and a lighthouse.

Once you place the seals around the circle in the correct order, the door will open.

Mushroom forest

This location is the dream of a mushroom picker armed with a chainsaw. The landscape is filled to the horizon with mushrooms as tall as a three-story building. A path winds between the gigantic plate and tubular ones. Follow it. On the next screen, behind the exit from the cave, next to the path, there are growing mushrooms usual size. Use a knife to cut them off. Continue along the path until you reach a spiral staircase twisting around a mushroom stem. Climb onto the large mushroom where the outpost of the sea bay is located. Talk to the samurai-looking gentleman on duty there named Lenkoff. His friend is sick, and while he is waiting for help, it would be nice to find some painkiller. Share an aspirin tablet. Receive a fax from Eva. Examine the outpost. Then go down the mushroom and continue on your way.

To the right of the bridge, a stump from one of the giant mushrooms sticks out of the ground. Take a knife and cut piece of mushroom. Step onto the bridge. As soon as Ariana is on the catwalk, the computer screen will begin to flicker. This was the answer from the rescuers. The brave guys send warm greetings and promise to get to Iceland in just two days. Hm. It would be faster for Ariana herself to try to find the missing pilot.

Beyond the bridge the mushroom forest ends. The sandy shore is strewn with boulders and bones. And on the right you can see the hut where our old friend Adam stands. Come over and start a conversation. You can ask in more detail about the strange world where Ariana ended up. According to Adam, air under pressure releases energy that produces light and heat. That's why it's light all around. Give Adam the crystal. As a return favor, he will offer you to inspect his hut.

We go into the house. Hanging on the pole to the right amulet- we take it. A little further there is a desk. They lie on it pieces of wood And green book. There is a massive bowl nearby. Ariana immediately thinks that something needs to be put there. Place mushrooms cut along the path. The bowl will release a cloud of smoke and a vision will appear: a helicopter, a rockfall, and a staggering, but quite alive pilot... This means that he is alive, and you can try to find him. Now open your laptop and discover how a group of cutting-edge scientists followed the trail... and populated this world.

There is another table against the opposite wall. There are three on it jars of colored dyes- take them. There is a chest against the wall. It's locked. And it opens with the help of the same amulet that Ariana took from the pillar. The amulet will turn into a key if you solve the puzzle. Combine an amulet and pieces of wood in your luggage. A depressed figure is visible on the amulet, and it needs to be filled with pieces of wood. The arrow below allows you to rotate the selected piece. The solution is quite simple: place two large triangles instead of the legs of the figure, and place the square on top. The placement of the remaining puzzle pieces will then become obvious. You can open the chest. Inside lies a bust of the pioneer of the underworld and several scrolls. Take them and new information will appear in Ariana's laptop. Read it.

Now you can return to the observation post to Lenkoff and give the chips from the stump to build a tire. The patient will immediately feel better, but the question of his evacuation will remain up in the air: the signaling device has become unusable, which means it will not be possible to call a riding pterodactyl to transport the victim. Can you guess who will have to repair the signal horn?

First, you need to replace the worn-out shell at the end of the horn. First, use a lighter to singe the bone you picked up on the beach. Then use this bone to drill holes in the shell. Then put the exotic part on the end of the horn.

Secondly, you need bellows to blow air. You can get them in a cave with crystals. You'll have to run back and forth through a dozen screens. When the repairs are complete, Lenkoff will tell you the password to access Askiam. And as a reward for your diligence, you will be shown a video with a live pterodactyl. When the reptile flies away, go to the table in the center of the empty tower. You will find black on it gunpowder bag, map the underworld and machete. Curled up on a stool nearby thin vine. Now you can go down from the tower.

Go past Adam's house forward to the second bridge. Continue along it until it stops, climb down the ladder and go left until you hit the thicket. As you know, all good adventurers use a machete to cut their way through the jungle. Having dealt with the lush flora, pick it up from the ground large leaf. Walk through the bushes... and Ariana will find herself face-to-face (or rather, face-to-face) with a dining T-Rex! A trolley looms in the distance behind the reptile, but trying to get to it risks turning into a dessert for the evil creature. We need to somehow scare away the tyrannosaurus. Go to the stump with an empty trunk lying next to it. Together, the entire structure resembles a cannon. So let's try to use it in this capacity. Place a leaf on the stump. Put dyes on it, pour gunpowder. Tie the resulting projectile with a vine and set it on fire with a lighter. Bang! The path is clear.

Walk past the Tyrannosaurus's prey forward and a little to the right until you see a small dinosaur under a tree with ripe fruits, which is trying to get to them. Pick one fetus and go to the trolley. The dinosaur will run after you.

A “squirrel wheel” type structure is installed in the center of the trolley. There are no squirrels nearby, but there is a dinosaur of the appropriate size. Open the wheel, put the fruit inside, and the clunker will roll briskly towards Askiam at a dinosaur-like pace.


On the way to the city, Ariana will receive another fax on her laptop, describing the disagreements between the leading world powers, threatening almost another world war. It’s very strange - when she went to Iceland, peace and harmony reigned on Earth.

At the locked city gates you will be greeted by a gatekeeper named Osin. Having heard from Lenkoff about the appearance of Timur and his team in the person of Ariana in the underworld, he will immediately puzzle her with a new request. His camera was broken. The thing is brand new, manufactured in 1860, and for some reason it stopped working. It's a shame. Maybe Ariana can fix it? He will give you the key to the tower, in the basement of which there is a darkroom.

Go to the tower on the left. Use the key to open the door. We won’t be repairing the camera now—we don’t have spare parts yet—but we need to do something here. Once inside, start by reading the manual hanging on the wall above the desk. Now you can try to take a photo. Take it from the table photo paper. Turn on the red lamp using the toggle switch on the wall. Place the paper under the lamp. Pull the ring on the lamp and a vague image will appear on the paper. Pull the ring again. Take the paper. Place it in the tub closest to you. Then into the ditch against the wall. And finally, into the bath on the far right. After that you can look at the photo. It shows Ariana cheerfully cutting her way through the jungle. View from the back. That means someone was watching you all the way.

Leave the tower and enter the city. First impression: people here really respect fences. And nearby the main fence builder is visible - the Chief Engineer of the city of Askiam, an old man named Wallace. A conversation with him leads Ariana into a state of complete confusion: Wallace claims that not three days have passed since her fall into the underworld, as Ariana herself believes, but two whole years. In addition, he believes that the World War has been raging on the surface of the Earth for a year and a half, and is concerned that no one living outside will ever know about the existence of Askiam. He doesn't want Ariana to leave town. While her case is being considered by the council, she can explore the sights and learn about the city's history in the Archives. In parting he gives her pass to the archive and ticket to the monorail.

After Wallace leaves, go explore the city. First read the advertisements hanging on the pole. From them you will learn about diamond mines. Young people work there, and the diamonds are used to pay mercenaries who ensure the safety of Askiam from invasion from the surface.

Behind the arch with the sign “No Dinosaurs Allowed” is the market square. Come in. Talk to the airship pilot Gustav. He is glad to have a new person in town and is ready to show Ariana around from the air, but to do this he needs to prepare the airship for flight. He asks her to bring her a helium tank from the Academy and help fix the leak in the pipeline. Well, let's keep that in mind.

Go to the market stalls. In the middle there is a kiosk without a seller with a lot of stuff on it. Take piece of skin dinosaur and jar of fat. Get out of the market. Go further to the intersection. On one of the streets you will see a gentleman riding out a dinosaur - you can come up and stroke the good-natured reptile’s face. On the same street, next to his store, stands the dealer of antiquities and animals, Hercules. Talk to him. He will tell you that due to disturbing news from the surface of the Earth, he cannot leave the city, and his supply of animals has been depleted. He needs fresh eggs, which he can take from Adam. In addition, Hercules will offer to look around his store. Take advantage of the invitation and go inside. Go to the cash register. There are clocks on the shelves above the cash register. Check it against the computer clock and it turns out that Askiam's clock advances 3/4 of a second per minute. This explains the discrepancy in dates. Take it from the counter recipe book and clean punch cards. There is a discreet button on the countertop next to the cash register - press it. She unlocks a secret room located behind the aquarium. Go there. Adam is waiting for you there. It's unclear how he got here, but he needs Ariana's help again. He needs to purchase the psychotropic potion Hanagra Sil from the pharmacy, and the suspicious pharmacist refuses to serve him. Promise to help. Additionally, Adam will warn you not to trust Wallace. All these reports of military operations on the surface of the planet seem extremely suspicious to him, but he has no direct evidence of deception.

After talking with Adam, examine the shelves. Next to the unfinished stuffed dinosaur, Ariana will find igloo. Let's take it. Then you can look at the three-dimensional holographic projector standing next door. Funny little thing. Finally, there is a note on the desk to remind the pharmacist that she needs to replenish her supply of bicardamom.

Leave the store and go straight down the street (away from the dinosaur). This will take you to the pharmacy. Talk to the grimzy Armanda sitting there. She will require a prescription for the medication. The recipe can be made by piercing a punched card in the right places with a needle. Use the book borrowed from the cash register to see what the recipe for Hanagra Seal looks like. However, even after seeing the recipe, Armanda will not give you the medicine. She will say that these are all Adam's tricks. After refusing it, a new option will appear in the dialog menu - bicardamom. Remind the pharmacist that she needs to go pick up this medicine. As soon as she leaves, stick your recipe into the slot at the counter. Then twist the handle to turn the medicine wheel. And take it away bottle of potion for Adam. Return to Hercules' shop and Adam. He will take the medicine and give it to Ariana air route map, with which you can get to the land of giants.

Now go to the city gates, and before reaching it a little, turn left to the press center. Look at the poster in the building's lobby. Pay attention to the stopped clock hanging on the wall. There is a microphone on the table next to the clock. Use it (for some reason I had to move to the other end of the room to do this). Talk to Master Figaro about the broken clock. He will offer to meet at his workplace.

Go further into the corridor. The right door will lead you to a large hall where the projectionist Enrique sits. Click on the posters on the walls to get new information. Then talk to Enrique. He will tell you that he brings news tapes with a caravan from the diamond mines. And will give Ariana one of the news to watch films And key from the cinema hall. After saying goodbye to Enrique, look at the telegram lying not far from him on the counter - it’s very interesting!

There is an elevator in the center of the room. If you have made an appointment with Figaro, the elevator will take you to the control panel. Figaro will tell Ariana about the problems with the city's energy supply. Energy stopped coming from the collectors because the coordinates changed. It is clear that the master is not able to deal with the problem without the participation of a photojournalist. He will tell you that he left a piece of paper with calculation formulas somewhere nearby, but they are terribly complicated! Take the elevator back to the hall where Enrique is sitting. There is a page on the desk with a black device. That's what you need. Use the laptop to calculate the new coordinates: 6283, 1667, 5483, 2092. Go to Figaro. To the right of the master on the remote control there is a plate with four rows of numbers and buttons that change them. Set the correct coordinates and inform the master about it. The flow of energy will be restored, and the master will allow Ariana to recharge her laptop. The last thing Figaro will ask you to do is send a confirmation telegram. To do this, just take it and give it to Enrique.

Now let's start watching the news. Leave the room and unlock the door of the cinema hall opposite with the key. Put the film in the projector and watch the war chronicle. Very strange. The filming appears to date back to the First World War. To find out if your doubts are justified, use your laptop. By the way, if you have not yet helped Figaro establish a power supply and have not recharged your laptop, you will not be able to analyze the films. The computer will confirm that Ariana is right: the footage dates back to the 20s of the last century. What's going on in this city? Someone in Asia is chronically falsifying information, instilling fear in people!

It's time to visit the Academy. Exit the press center. To the left of it is a monorail station. Use it to quickly get to the Academy, and at the same time watch a beautiful video. The Academy is a pompous imperial-style building with many columns and a long staircase. Looks like the University of Barokstadt from "Syberia", only mammoths are missing. So to speak, a typical temple of science. Go into the round lobby. First turn left, where between the niches with busts of pundits there is a door to the laboratory. The laboratory of what science it is remains unclear. Something is ticking, pendulums and thermometers hang on the walls, and in the center near the table Armande is busy making her bicardamom. Talk to her. She will say that she has finished the work, but is in no hurry to leave. Leave it and cross the lobby to reach the archives. There you will meet with the rector of the Academy and Wallace. They won’t say anything important, but when they leave, you can search the room. Read the documents on the table, take the one lying right there film strip. Then pull the handle of the nearby machine with many buttons, and it will give you information about what books Wallace has been reading lately. After this, return to the laboratory. Armande has left, and we can manage here. Grab it from the table in the center of the room screwdriver And iron plate. Maybe helium balloon can you find it here? There is one! It is located at the bottom of the chamber, standing in the far corner. Take a screwdriver and twist it. After which you can leave the temple of science.

Head back to the press room to see what kind of tape Ariana found at the Academy. Let's look: first there are familiar military footage, and then a figure appears on the screen, like two peas in a pod like Ariana herself (view from the back), who destroys the energy distribution shield with her pick! They clearly want to set Ariana up.

Something needs to be done. First, you should try to get out of the city. Go out the gate to Osin. Go to the darkroom in the tower again. Now you have everything you need to fix his camera, which is standing here on a three-legged tripod. First, use a screwdriver to adjust the shape of the metal plate in the luggage, then insert the plate into the device and lubricate it with grease. The camera is fixed. The delighted Osin allows Ariana to leave the city for a while.

We roll backwards on the jalopy at dinosaur speed. We go past the carcass of the iguanodon, through the jungle, along the bridge... The goal is Adam's hut, where we saw the eggs that Hercules needed. When you get there, take it eggs and go to the city again. Give the trophy you brought to the merchant, and he will advise Ariana to seek help from the giants - a humanoid friendly race that lives in wild places. In addition, it turns out that the airship pilot Gustav is a friend of Hercules, and Ariana can safely ask him for help. Finally, you can go to Adam’s room behind the trading floor. It will complement the information about the giants.

After that, go to the market square, where Gustav is in a broken airship waiting by the sea for weather. Talk to him, tell him that you have a map. Then click on the base of the airship gondola. A close-up of the cockpit will appear. Wrap a piece of dinosaur skin around the leaky pipe, place the map on the dashboard, and attach a helium tank to the pipes above the dashboard. Preparations for the flight have been completed. The airship takes off into the sky and a beautiful video begins about a flight over a lost world, where herds of dinosaurs roam across the endless plains...


Village of Giants

The airship lands on a field near the giants' settlement. Say goodbye to Gustav. Look around: in the distance you can see a round gateway in the mountainside. Behind it there is a pier from where a submarine cruises to the diamond mines. Getting on the ship is the goal of all your further actions. But it’s too early for you to come here yet. Turn the other way.

A little further, a giant shepherd named Kano Pie looks after his large herd of mastodons. He is very friendly, talk to him. He will tell you that some of his fellow tribesmen are working in diamond mines to do their part in preventing war. You can get to the mines by submarine, which sails across the sea. After finishing the conversation, select one of the tufts of wool, lying on the ground in front of the shepherd.

Continue further and you will come across a force barrier surrounding the village of giants. There is no passage. Return to the shepherd. He will explain that the barrier is a form of protection, and in order to pass, Ariana must leave all sharp objects outside. In addition, he will give Ariana tobacco. Approach the barrier and place a knife on the ground next to the passage. After this, a gate will appear and Ariana will be able to enter the village.

There is a gazebo in the center of the village. Go there to meet the foremother of the clan, Aora. Learn about the Valley of Spirits and the breach in the force field. After leaving the gazebo, look around so you know where to look for someone: on the right, a gardener is working above a flower plantation; on the left, a fisherman is sitting near a stone hut. First, approach the gardener. He will tell you that the bamboo fence next to the plantation surrounds the Arena, where the giants demonstrate their magical skills. Ask the gardener how you can get to the Arena. Then go to the fisherman. The fisherman, Payan Auva, is also the village weather forecaster. Give him some tobacco. Talk. Remember that to catch the best fish he needs a firefly. End the conversation. Then talk to him again. At the same time, a new option will appear in the dialog box: weather forecast for tomorrow. Payan will say that tomorrow there will be thick fog. Return to Tohu Malla, the gardener, and warn him about the fog. He will say that in order to protect the plants, he needs the help of a healer.

The road to the healer passes by the fisherman's hut and deep into the village. The healer Zhakhin is busy treating a baby mammoth. During the conversation, it turns out that she needs bitter berries. They grow in the gorge leading to the Valley of Spirits. They must be collected with clean and protected hands. Go to the gorge. The desired bush grows at the second pillar on the left. Put on gloves and tear berries. Return to Jahin.

Take a large one on the shelf behind her sink(top right). Then talk. Now Jahin has decided that Ariana can be trusted, and she is ready to answer questions frankly. Yes, she doubts her foremother’s words about the war on the surface, but she doesn’t know which part of the information is false and which is true. And no one will contact the foremother of their own free will.

For help with the berries, Zhakhin will give Ariana a twig, serving as a pass to the Arena behind the bamboo palisade. It also promises to help a gardener's plants survive tomorrow's fog.

Finally, Jahin will advise Ariana to awaken the Inner Spirit by passing tests in the Valley of Spirits. There are six pillars with holes in them. If you cover the holes in the two pillars with sheets standing next to each other, and then pull the tongue of the statue in the center of the Valley, a sound will be heard. The task is to choose the correct sequence of six sounds. The drawings on the arches in the Alley of Initiation should help with this. If you succeed, the island floating in the air - the Floating Garden - will lower down, and Ariana will be able to enter there.

Travel to the Valley of Spirits. Save the game here. It is quite difficult to get the correct sequence the first time without getting confused, and the game sometimes starts to glitch when you try again.

Ariana found herself in front of a large pit with a Floating Garden floating above it. There is a well-trodden path around the pit. Very long. There are various idols and totems along it, but you are only interested in the pillars with slits and leaves near them. There are six such pillars. Let's number them clockwise, starting from the place where you approached the pit. Behind the pit is an ugly, massive statue. You must cover the slots in the two pillars with leaves, then go up to the statue and pull its tongue. There will be a sound - the sound of wind of one tone or another. The task is to close the holes in pairs and then jerk the tongue to reproduce the correct sequence of six sounds. This is a troublesome and long task, so it is wise to save to another file after each subsequent sound. The resulting result is said to be similar to the speech of whales. If whales really talk like that, then it's no wonder that all other mammals fled from the sea to land!

So, here is the correct sequence of pairs of pillars:

1) Pillars 1 and 4, then the tongue.

2) Pillars 3 and 5, then tongue.

3) Pillars 4 and 6, tongue again.

4) Pillars 1 and 5, tongue again.

5) Pillars 2 and 3, language again.

6) Pillars 1 and 6, and for the last time the tongue.

If everything is done correctly, a cutscene will start and the Floating Garden will fall at Ariana's feet. And who do you think is waiting for you in the garden? - that's right, magician Adam! He wields the magic of giants and is able to magically transport himself from place to place. Why he, with his abilities, needs Ariana, who moves exclusively on her own two feet, is unclear. But nevertheless, he sends her off on a new assignment.

He believes that the hole in the force field that the foremother mentioned is in the Floating Garden. To focus energy, lenses are used here, which are produced by a rare species of mollusk. Ariana needs to get such a lens, and then put it in the right place.

Go to the gardener and tell him that Zhakhin will take care of his plants. In gratitude he will give Ariana firefly. With the firefly, go to the fisherman. He will reward Ariana rare shell. Return to the bamboo fence next to the gardener. Touch it with the twig that Zhakhin gave, and a passage will appear. And Tohu Malla, grateful for the help, will not prevent Ariana from entering inside. Inside, chat with the meditating giant wizard. When he disappears, go to the large bowl. Place a shell from Jahin, a live fisherman's clam, and mastodon hair into it. The mollusk will quickly crawl from one shell to another. The empty shell will crack, and now Ariana can take a clean one lens. With this lens, return to Adam. Now, for the island to go down, you just need to pull your tongue. The hole in the ground where you need to replace the lens is a couple of screens to the right of the Garden entrance. When you finish the job, return to Adam. He will give you sheet with code from the cargo hold of a submarine that runs from the village of giants to the mines.

To get to the boat, you need to leave the village and walk past Gustav sitting in the airship to the round gateway in the mountains. Once inside, pay attention to the panel on the wall next to the airlock. This is a counter of people coming and going through the gateway. Now it has the number 17 on it. Go out to the pier. There's a boat rocking there. And in the boat sits a very uncommunicative captain, who has absolutely no need for Ariana on board. You are being kicked out. To get on the boat, talk to the giant boy standing near the fisherman's hut. He will follow you to the pier to look at the ship. Try to talk to the captain again and you will be kicked out again. After that, open the airlock for the boy to return home. The counter will record his departure. This should fool the captain. Get back to the boat. The captain disappeared somewhere. Take this moment to go into the next compartment. There is a cargo hold door, the code for which Adam gave Ariana is 5731X. Open it. After this, the boat sets sail.

Diamond mine

Ariana found herself on a pier next to a diamond mine. Standing next to her is submarine captain Agnus. Talk to him. It turns out that in order to inspect the mine, you need a special pass. The captain will promise to give one to Ariana if she does him a favor: she will find a miner named Maori Fi and give him a souvenir from the captain - seeds from home. Go to the nearest trolley standing on the rails. Get inside and pull the lever on the control panel. The trolley will take you right to the face where the giant Maori Phi is cheerfully swinging his pickaxe. He will be delighted with the seeds and ask Ariana to tell the captain note with information about an uprising being prepared in the mines. Get back on the trolley and return to Agnus. He will say that the news received is worth passes.

Enter the tunnel on foot. Talk to Master Firmen, who needs a filter to continue his work. He will give you order form on him. Go to the elevator straight ahead, press the button, and you will rise to the top platform of the shaft. Talk to the caretaker near the iron tower - geyser. He will say that only the mine management has the right to let the tower elevator into the elevator. Continue around the platform. Closer to the middle of the roof, the camera changes angle, giving an overhead view of the entire shaft. The hangar-like building is a warehouse. This is where you need to take the filter that Firmin sent you for. The door is on the right. Talk to Amalia. She will allow you to inspect the warehouse and take a filter from the shelf. Before you leave, pick up a piece of paper from the floor near Amalia's booth. It talks about the impending revolution. Now turn into the narrow passage opposite Amalia's booth to get into the second passage between the rows of shelves. Take it from the shelf there paper with pressed prints on it. If you paint over them with a pencil, you can see what was there. Then stand on the blue tile in the middle of the passage. The camera will change angle, and you will be able to get to the things stacked on the shelves on the right. Take filter. Go behind the far row of shelves. Look at and enter into the computer the work shift schedule and routine hanging on the stand on the wall. Talk to Diamond Sorter Kiya Tran. Ask him about the geyser. He will answer that he cannot give permission to let Ariana there, but it seems that he is lying.

Take the elevator down and give the filter to Firmen. He will immediately ask you to calculate the optimal operating mode for the machines. After the conversation, Ariana will have another piece of paper in her luggage. Use a computer to process it. Then, after admiring the completely incomprehensible three numbers you received: 15, 37 and 8, go to the control panel on the wall to the right of the trolleys. There are three dials with buttons below them and a slot with a slider at the bottom. Procedure: press the button under the first dial so that it turns green. Use the slider to set the number 15. Press the button again to lock. Move on to the next watch face. On the second, press the button (green), set 37, press the button again. On the third again: button, 8, button. All three buttons should now light green. Let's return to the master. He, amazed by Ariana’s talents, presents her with a map of the mine. It shows that the geyser column rises up, higher and higher... It seems that this is the desired passage to Ariana’s home world.

Take the elevator back up to the mine roof. Go to the small glass observation post building. There Ariana will meet the giant Tile Nadi. Nadi will say that Adam asked him to help Ariana. And he will advise you to turn off the alarm in order to get to the geyser. When he leaves, take a metal sheet, standing on the side of the control panel. Then look at the remote control. On one side there are black numbers, on the other side there are white numbers. To turn off the alarm, you need to swap them. You can move numbers only in one direction. The algorithm is simple and resembles a giveaway game: move 1 black to the right, 2 white to the left, 3 black to the right, 4 white to the left, 5 black to the right, 5 white to the left, 5 black to the right, 5 white to the left, 3 black to the right, 2 white to the left, 1 black to the right. After this, the green light at the bottom will light up. The alarm is disabled.

Leave the house. Now you need to somehow distract the guard by guarding his elevator. For example, concoct a simple sabotage. Go to the channel through which water flows and place a metal sheet across the flow. Then go down the ladder and cut the belt that drives the wheel with a knife. Now you can return to the guard to please him with the news of the problem. He will leave to find out what happened.

Get into the elevator. There is a diagram in the shape of a diamond hanging on the wall. If you haven't yet penciled in a piece of paper from the warehouse shelves, now is the time to do so to learn which buttons to press. Press and the elevator will go up to the laboratory building.

In the laboratory, Ariana will overhear Armanda's telephone conversation. When she leaves, we begin the search. First, take from the sink bottle of acid. Then go to the bookcase and read the book about diamonds (about the third shelf from the bottom). Then go to the table where Armande stood. Read the instructions about Enigma balls. If you remember, in the elevator you saw a pipe with a recess for such a ball. You need to find the right ball, and it will serve as the key to the elevator's movements.

So, the Enigma balls puzzle is on the table in front of you. You have 12 identical-looking balls and scales to compare them. In three weighings you need to find a ball that differs from the others in weight. Moreover, it is initially unclear whether the key ball is lighter or heavier than the others. If the attempt fails, the balls are shuffled and another one becomes the key.

I solved the problem as follows. The probability of success on the first try of this method is 10/12, that is, 83%.

Step one: Take balls numbered 1, 2, 3 and place them on one scale. Place balls 10, 11, 12 on another bowl. Weigh it.

Step two: 1) If one of the scales turns out to be heavier, remove all the balls from any of the cups and replace them with three unweighted balls (among which there is obviously no key). Weigh it. If the scales are now balanced, then the ball is in the group removed from the scales. And now you know whether it is lighter or heavier. If the scales arrow deviates, the ball is among the first three lying on the scales. And you also know in which direction its weight differs.

2) If the batches are equal in weight, remove one of them from the scale and add the next three balls. If the arrow deviates, then the ball is in a new group of three balls. And you know whether it is lighter or heavier. If the arrow remains centered, the ball is in the last unweighted group. You can weigh one ball from this last group “at random” in your last attempt, or start all over again.

The last step. Now you know which group of three balls the key ball is in. Moreover, it is known whether it is lighter or heavier. Place one ball from this group on each side of the scale. Weigh it. If the scales deviate, take the desired ball. If the scales remain balanced, it means the ball you need is the last one.

Click on ball mouse to take it into your luggage.

Come to the door. Armande locked it when she left. Spray the lock with acid. The door will open. Go to the elevator, place the ball in the recess, and the elevator will take Ariana up, straight into the office of the man who made the whole world work for his greed. Look around. Take it from the office table films, rector's diary Alexander Academy, disk And fake photo. Analyze the information received.

Now save the game. Because now you have a choice: if Ariana goes through the round door in the center of the room, the game will end here and now. Ariana's career will skyrocket, the secrets of the underworld will become public, and the last dinosaurs will disappear, destroyed by the onslaught of civilization. Or Ariana may linger in the underworld to help her new friends restore justice. If you decide to do this, then get back into the elevator.

In the Arena you can see the wonders of giant magic.

Down by the elevator you will see Nadi. Tell him about your findings. Then go to the glass observation post. Adam is waiting for Ariana there. He will advise her to look for evidence of the scam in the laboratory safe. Adam will tell you that the safe will open after three vessels are balanced, one of which contains an acid, the second contains an alkali (base), and the third contains a neutral solution. Pick up from the floor leaf with instructions for neutralizing solutions. Read it. Another one appeared next to the remote control a metal sheet- take it with you. Go to the warehouse to the place where the diamond sorter worked. There on the conveyor belt you can take black diamond powder And white diamond powder. Now take the elevator up to the laboratory (click on the diamond-shaped diagram on the wall). First, go to the sink. lies on it litmus paper, which allows you to determine the acidity of solutions. Now go to the safe. Look at the castle. First, put litmus papers into the flasks one by one, and then pour in the powders. After this, you can open the safe door. On the top shelf you will find documentation, telling about diamonds sold, clients and bank accounts. Go downstairs from the laboratory and tell Nadya, who is standing by the elevator, about your discoveries. The investigation is completed and it's time to return to the submarine.

At the entrance to the elevator going into the mine, take the lying stairs. Go down into the tunnel.

Ariana found herself back in the hall, where she was talking with Master Firmin. The master left. But above the remote control where Ariana lit the green lights, you can see a suspended bunch of dynamite. It seems that in order to avoid an uprising and cover up all traces, the rector and his comrades decided to blow up the mine. Place a ladder against the wall. Climb up to the dynamite and cut off the dangerous trophy with a knife. Come down. But that is not all. A little further, at the railway switches, there is a whole cart loaded with dynamite. Ariana decides that the only way to get rid of the bomb is to throw it into the sea. Go to the pier where the train tracks end. Place a sheet of metal at the end of the rails to act as a trampoline for the trolley. Then, since you have arrived at the pier, you can talk to the captain. He will say that without receiving an order, he will not sail anywhere.

Return to the minecart with explosives. Wear gloves. Pull the lever next to the tracks to move the arrows. And then push the trolley and watch the video. Now you can return to the captain. He realized the seriousness of the situation and is ready to sail immediately.

Village of Giants

From the pier, go again to the village of giants. Along the way, talk to Gustav, who is waiting for Ariana in the airship basket. He, knowing the customs of giants, will offer to give him the entire piercing and cutting arsenal of the correspondent for safekeeping.

The village is empty. The only one you will find on the spot is the healer Zhakhin. Tell her about the diamond scam of the rector of the Academy and that one of Zhakhin’s fellow tribesmen is helping in this conspiracy. She will listen to Ariana, but to confirm her words she will ask to bring a memory ball from the Arena. She will give it to Ariana butterfly and offer to take catcher flower from the shelf (such a big red gramophone). Go to the bamboo fence. Pour water from a flask onto a bright yellow flower, and then release the butterfly. Watch the video. After the magic butterfly flies over the hedge, a passage appears in it. Enter the arena and place the flower on the square pedestal in the center. Memory Ball will fall into the calyx of the flower. Ariana is delighted with what she sees, but how fragile is this beautiful civilization!

Return with the ball to Zhakhin. She will touch the ball and feel that Ariana is right. Now we need to try to find the foremother, who is now in the Valley of Spirits. The valley is closed by a force field, and Zhakhin gives Ariana flute, which must be played to open the passage. Run to the stone with the tongue. It’s just that there’s no language. Instead lies a note, from which it is clear that Ariana is in danger. There is nothing more to do here, return to Gustav and fly to Askiam.


The airship lands on the market square. Go to the kiosk where you got the dinosaur skin and take piece of blue fabric And telephone token.

It would be good to find Wallace and tell him about the investigation. Let's go look for the chief engineer. At the intersection we see Enrique. It turns out that Adam had already been here and asked Enrique to help Ariana. Enrique will tell you that Wallace can be found at the Academy. It’s just unclear how to get there - all the monorail stations are guarded by the rector’s cronies. Armande looms at the station near the market square. The giant renegade Bares Mohul is on duty at the monorail tower next to the press center.

Maybe you can use your phone? There are several street machines in Askiama. On the market square near the monorail station there is a device with the number 123-06. On the street behind the animal dealer's house there is a device 123-05. At the house in front of the market gate there is a telephone number 123-08. Finally, apparatus 123-04 hangs at the city gates. Ariana will not be allowed to use them: she does not have enough information yet.

When Ariana approaches the press center and sees Bares Mogul, it dawns on her: she can call him on behalf of Armanda, send him somewhere far away and take the monorail to the Academy. To do this, you need to know the phone number near the press center. Who can know the numbers if not a signalman? We return to the intersection to Enrique and ask him. He gives Ariana a list of local numbers. The required number is 123-09. Now go to any machine, cover the microphone in the center of the machine with a piece of cloth and lower the token into the slot. The conversation happens automatically. After that, go to the monorail at the press center and go to the Academy.


Go to the laboratory. On the table from the box, take the paper about changing the characteristics of the pantograph. On the table is a report on the differences between the civilizations of giants and humans. The possible extinction of the giants is presented in it as a manifestation of natural selection - the survival of the fittest. Then go to the far corner of the laboratory. There on the table there is a box with a secret compartment in it. To get to the contents, you must solve another puzzle - build the Pyramid of Hanoi.

The description of the task is outlined on the piece of paper lying next to it. There are three rods. The first of the seven film reels is assembled into a pyramid. You need to transfer the coils in the same order to the third rod. Restriction: larger diameter coils cannot be placed on smaller diameter coils to avoid damage. The problem can be solved without much difficulty, but if you are confused, here is the algorithm.

13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 31, 21, 32, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 21, 32, 31,

21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 31, 21, 32, 13, 12, 32, 31, 21, 23, 13, 21,

32, 31, 21, 32, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 31, 21, 32, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23,

13, 21, 32, 31, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 21, 32, 31, 21, 32, 13, 12, 32, 31,

21, 23, 13, 21, 32, 31, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 31, 21, 32, 13, 12,

32, 13, 21, 23, 13, 21, 32, 31, 21, 23, 13, 12, 32, 13, 21, 23, 13.

The numbers 13 mean that you need to move the disk from the first rod to the third, 21 - from the second to the first, and so on.

After completing the task, the box will open. Hidden in it is a bottle of a potion that is deadly to giants and harmless to humans. There are also instructions for use: the infection is transmitted by touch, begins to act after 15 minutes, there is no antidote. The mortality rate reaches 25%. So much for “natural selection”!

Exit into the laboratory and go to the archive located opposite. Use the machine with buttons (pull the handle) to get a listing of the literature ordered by the rector. Exit to the lobby. There, the deceitful rector Alexander and the traitor Bares Mogul are waiting for Ariana. The conversation leads nowhere. Ariana is captured and Bares teleports her to prison.


It should be noted that, judging by the interior and the remains of the meal on the table, the prisoners in the local prisons live quite well. Look around. Take a note from Alexander, addressed to Peter, from the chest of drawers, asking him to hold the young lady (is that us, or what?) until Alexander returns. A little further in the tub there is a tree growing - click on it with the mouse. A secret passage to the next room will open in the wall. Enter Peter's laboratory. Take it from the table at the entrance wick And periscope diagram. The periscope itself occupies the middle of the room. Go around it to talk to Peter standing by the bookshelves. He will tell you that he plans to observe stars above the Earth’s surface through a periscope, but the device is missing some parts. In addition, a safe light source is needed to install them inside the device. No, a lighter won't help here. Peter was put in prison by his brother, the rector of the Academy. But as long as Alexander gives him everything he needs for scientific work, Peter does not object to the conclusion. After the conversation, spin the telescope - Peter will start chasing Ariana away.

Return to the first room. A basket hangs from the ceiling on a rope. They're probably dumping food in it. Screw the fuse to a bundle of dynamite in your luggage, place it in the basket and light it with a lighter. Watch the video. Pick up a long one among the debris on the floor stick. Connect it with a rope from your luggage and throw it into the hatch on the ceiling. Hooray! Ariana is free again. But where are we? Yes, in the very cave where our journey began.

Go out towards the mushroom forest. Adam is waiting for Ariana outside. He will tell you that everyone is looking for her, Gustav is combing the surrounding area on his airship. Tell Adam about your discoveries, about Peter and the telescope, and about the danger threatening the giants. To protect the giants from infection, Adam will advise you to take the bone near his hut and take it to Zhakhin. She knows how to use it. In addition, Adam will agree to keep watch at the cave, but he asks Ariana to get a few things: a box and some coal, a fern for a bed, a blanket and some food. Enter the cave again. Box And coal will be found opposite the switchboard. In the mushroom forest, opposite the place where Ariana collected mushrooms, cut with a knife fern. Then go up to the mushroom post. Lies on the table food, and you can take it from the bed blanket. Take the collected items to Adam.

Then go past his house to the second bridge. Sticking out of the sand bone- that’s what you need. Cross the bridge into the jungle and you will notice Gustav patrolling the savannah. Go to the place where you saw the tyrannosaurus - the airship will be waiting for you there. At first, Gustav will insist that Ariana needs to return to the city. But then, imbued with the importance of the mission, he takes Ariana to the giants.

Village of Giants

Go out into the clearing where mastodons graze. Pick up coconut at three palm trees and dried excrement mastodons nearby. Go to the village. The fisherman is sitting at the hut again. We remember his passion for fireflies and the fact that the periscope needs a safe light source, and we go to talk to him. He will promise a firefly if Ariana places the tops in the correct order for the crayfish that were confused by the current. The tops are located not far from the house. There are only three of them and each is marked with its own color. And in front of them, symbols of different colors are also painted on the stones. The task is quite simple. Once completed, go to the fisherman and get what you need firefly.

For some reason, Zhakhin is standing with a blindfold. It turns out that her inner vision has developed so much that she no longer needs her eyes... Well, well! Tell her about the danger facing the giants. Jahin is ready to brew a potion and cast a spell that will temporarily protect the village, but something is missing. Specifically, the berries of the five senses. You can find them in the Alley of Dedication, leading to the Valley of Spirits. Go there. Wear gloves. The ones you need berries grow at the third pillar on the left. Return to the healer.

Now let's brew the potion. We put mastodon dung on the stone next to the baby mammoth, set it on fire with a lighter, put a coconut, put berries and throw in bone powder. Tell Jahin that the potion is ready. She casts a spell and gives him a sponge to collect the potion in. Wear gloves - otherwise you won't be able to handle the hot nut. After this, a sponge with medicine will appear in Ariana's luggage.

Go to the central gazebo. Nadi is standing there. Talk to him and then squeeze the sponge into the holes in the floor at the back of the gazebo. After this, Nadi will agree to deliver Ariana to her foremother in the Floating Garden. Follow him to the Valley of Spirits. There he will take you to the garden.

Talk to the foremother. Tell her about the conspiracy, present evidence and invite her to look at the upper world through the periscope. After this, go to Gustav to return to Askiam.

The final

The telephone rings in the market square. Pick up the phone. They ask Ariana. This is the only time in the game where you have the choice to answer yes or no. However, if you answer in the negative, little will change, and after a few seconds the phone will ring again. Enrique calls, he asks Ariana to come to his press center as quickly as possible. The fastest way is to take the monorail. But before you leave the market square, go to the airship and take helium balloon.

In the press center, persuade Enrique to notify the city residents about the events taking place. And in order to prevent the rector, it is worth blocking the monorail station near the Academy. For this Enrique will give Ariana master key. Take the elevator down to the control panel. Pick up from the floor pliers. Look at the diagram on the remote and press the button under the Academy station so that it turns red. Return to Enrique.

Now we need to find Wallace. He was going to visit the giants, and, without knowing it, he could bring Alexander’s infection to them. Go to the intersection and turn towards the pharmacy. The chief engineer is standing there. Finally, you can transfer the threads of the investigation into the hands of local authorities! Tell us about the poison, about the diamond scam, show evidence. Finally, invite Wallace to use the periscope to see for himself that peace reigns on the surface. He accepts the invitation. Now Ariana's name has been cleared and she is free to leave the city at any time.

The last thing you need to take care of before leaving Askiam is to assemble the missing parts for the periscope. Go to the beast dealer's store. The store is locked, but Enrique's key will open the lock. Go to the secret room. There is a magnifying glass on the shelf next to the dinosaur model. Using pliers, remove from it magnifying glass. Leave the store and go to the gate. Outside the gate, talk to Osin. He is saddened by the separation, and to help Ariana one last time, he allows her to take the mirror from his camera. Go to the tower and take mirror. Now all that's left is to approach the familiar jalopy with the hard-working dinosaur... and Ariana ends up right in Peter's laboratory.

Go to the periscope. Plant a firefly inside. Then put the mirror and magnifying glass in place. Remove the firefly from the device. Now talk to Peter and ask him for the coordinates to observe the harbor on the surface of the Earth. The paper with numbers is on the chest of drawers next to the door. Enter the numbers into the computer, click on the periscope and watch the final video: how amazed Wallace is at the picture of the upper world, how Ariana says goodbye to her new friends and goes to the surface. By the way, if you carefully followed the faxes that Ariana received from friends, colleagues and relatives during the game, then you know that a very warm welcome awaits her! After she disappeared, everyone suddenly realized how much they appreciated and loved her. And it’s probably for the best that the floppy disk with photographs of the lost world falls out of the laptop during Ariana’s flight over the sea.

Congratulations! You have completed the game.

Quest " Journey to the Center of the Earth" —« Journey to the Center of the Earth“- continues the storyline of the novel of the same name by Jules Verne, published more than a hundred years ago. More precisely, in 1864.

The novel tells how the German mineralogist professor Otto Lidenbrock found a mysterious manuscript and followed in the footsteps of the famous 16th-century alchemist Saknussem, who was the first to penetrate the underworld. The enthusiastic professor was followed by his ever-moaning and whining nephew Axel, who had dragged himself on the expedition not out of scientific interest, but so as not to anger his uncle and please his fiancée. The third was an Icelandic guide, calm as an iceberg in the ocean, ready to go to hell for two Reichsthalers a day.

The adventures of this trio in the underworld form the essence of the novel. This odyssey ended with the professor, his nephew and Icelandic guide being spat out by a volcano in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on the island of Stromboli. After which the nephew published a description of this incredible journey.

In your game Frogwares continued this story. The French scientist Armand Latifer believed in Lidenbrock's discoveries. Latifer gathered around him a group of like-minded people, and an entire expedition of scientists who wanted to create a new Eden of science set off for the underworld.

A century and a half has passed. And so in 2005, photojournalist Ariana goes to photograph the landscapes of Iceland to the very Snuffels volcano from which this whole story began. The landing site was poorly chosen, and the helicopter was buried under rockfall. The enterprising girl immediately called rescuers using her laptop, but did not wait for them. Instead, she climbed into a dark cave with a lighter, as a result of which she fell into God knows where. Ariana’s adventures in this very unknown place - that is, in the underworld - form the essence of the game.

Pick up the helicopter blade and use it to open the door to the salon. Take the bag (you need to unpack it in your inventory), rope, knife and laptop. Use a screwdriver to remove the first aid kit and unpack it in your inventory. Use a knife to cut off the wires that stick out from the shield. Go left to the seashore. Open your laptop, find outgoing messages and send an SOS. Return to the helicopter and go right. Use the helicopter blade to move away the stone blocking the passage into the cave. In your inventory, light the lighter and use it on the passage.

Meet Adam Coverlier, who needs a polished crystal for his staff. Attention! Be sure to fill the flask with water, otherwise the trigger will not work later and you will not be able to continue the game. You need to stand here.

Pick up the bone under Ariana's feet and go down the screen. Near the passage to the mine, pick up a sharp shell; in the hall, take a chisel from the nearest box. Return to the street and go across the bridge. Pick up a petrified piece of wood in the lower left corner of the screen, and a rag in the lower right corner of the screen. Zoom in on the tombstones. Examine the tombstone by clicking on it with the laptop icon. The second tombstone needs to be cleaned using a combination of cleaner and a rag. Click on the rock at the back of the screen. Ariana will find a cave with crystals.

Climb onto the ladder. Use gloves and combine a chisel and petrified piece of wood. Click on the crystal. Get off and go to the right wall, on which the polishing mechanism hangs. Place the crystal on the stand and click on the bellows. Ariana will think: what can I use to polish it? Go outside and take a handful of sand (you need to look for an active point on the sand). Pour sand into the bottle and press the bellows several times. Take the crystal and bellows.

Return to the mine. Walk further until Ariana says she can't go any further - it's too dark. Approach the wheel on the left. Put on gloves and apply the found wires and tape to the wiring. The wheel should work. Go to the next cave and click on the door.

Go left along the path. At the next location, use a knife to cut off the mushrooms. Then move right until you see a mushroom with a ladder. Climb the tower and meet the lieutenant. He will explain that his partner needs painkillers and a splint. Come down. If you follow the road to the right, you will eventually reach a suspension bridge. Cut two plates from a thick stump with a knife. Return to the lieutenant and talk about the tire. If you poured water into the flask, a line about a tablet and a broken forge will appear.

The forge is located in the depths of the tower. Combine a lit lighter and a piece of bone. Combine a hardened piece of bone and a sharp shell. Insert the shell with holes into the forge. Attach the bellows to the sink and report to the lieutenant about the forge. When he takes his partner away, approach the table and take away the map, machete, gunpowder and thin vines. Go to the suspension bridge.

Adam lives across the bridge. Go along the road with the skulls and give the crystal. Get permission to inspect the house. Go to the office and take the book from the table. There are also microscopic pieces of wood that you need to take with you. Throw the mushrooms into the bowl and find out that the helicopter pilot escaped and ran away somewhere. In the other corner there is a locked chest, on the table next to the test tubes are useful jars of paint. Now you need to stand between the rooms so that you can see the bookcase, window and gramophone. From this position you will see an amulet on the left pillar. Combine pieces of wood and an amulet. Assemble a simple tangram, for example, like this.

You will make a chest key. Take the rolled up documents from it and click on the bust of the scientist. Read the information on the laptop. There is nothing else to profit from here, so leave the house and return to the beginning of the road with the skulls. Go left and further along the second suspension bridge. Go down the rope ladder. Go down the screen two times and use the machete on the thicket. Pick up cut leaves.

At the next location there is a huge tyrannosaurus, a trolley can be seen in the depths of the screen. It is clear that the lizard will not let you in voluntarily. Go right. Place a leaf, paints and gunpowder in the hollow of a fallen tree. Tie the leaf with thin vines and set it on fire.

After removing the obstacle, go to the trolley. You will find a small tyrannosaurus that really wants to jump to the orange fruit hanging on the bush. Pick the fruit and go to the trolley. Open it, put the fruit inside and go to town.

2. City of Askiam

At the gate, talk to the guard who will ask you to fix his camera. The inventory will contain the key to the tower. Without entering the city, go left. Open the tower with the received key. There is a photo lab inside. Zoom in on the table and turn on the red light. Take photo paper from the stack and place it on the table. Pull the enlarger ring twice. Take the paper and dip it into three baths one by one. View the resulting photo (you won’t see the large photo, but Ariana will understand that someone is following her).

Go to the city and meet Chief Engineer Wallace. Your Academy pass and monorail tickets will now appear in your inventory. Go to the bottom of the screen to explore the city. The first branch to the left is the road to the house with a bell tower (this is a communications center). Next you will come to an intersection. The road under the arch goes to the market. The dark stone building on the right is a monorail station, the green house in the back of the screen is a pet store, the road to the left leads to a pharmacy.

Talk to the owner of the pet store and find out that he needs animal eggs for his work. Go to the store and zoom in on the table. Take a recipe book and three punch cards. Click on the button under the cash register, exit the zoom and change your angle of view. You will find a secret door on the wall.

Adam is waiting for you inside, who has come for a drug called Anagra Seal. Take the note from the table about ordering biocardamom. Go to the corner, zoom in on the unfinished stuffed rhinoceros and pick up the needle. Go outside and go to the pharmacy.

Meet the pharmacist Armanda, but she won't sell anything without a prescription. Open the recipe book and find the Anagra Seal punch card. Combine punch cards and a needle and make a recipe by clicking on the punch card diamonds in the correct order. Give the prescription to the pharmacist, but she will still refuse to sell the medicine. Tell her about biocardamom - now she will finally disappear. Move Ariana to the right, as she is blocking the medicinal machine. Insert the punched card with the prescription into the slot of the machine and pull the lever. Click on the medicine wheel and take the bottle. Return to the pet store office and in exchange for the medicine, receive from Adam a navigation map for flying to the village of giants.

Go to the communications center. Go through the hall, then down the corridor and open the left door. Meet the telegraph operator and receive the key to the projector room. Go out into the corridor: the semicircular door closest to you on the right is the projector door. Open the door and use the film received from Enrique on the projector. View the recording (the wars of the 20th century and the agitation to work in the mine), then in the inventory click on the film and select “analyze”. Ariana will think that the war that everyone is telling her about looks extremely suspicious.

Exit into the corridor and go to the front door. Here you need to think about examining the non-working clock on the wall and reporting it into the microphone. You will receive an invitation from the Chief Mechanic to come to his office. To go up to the Chief Mechanic, you need to return to the telegraph operator. In the center of the hall there is an elevator car, the door of which will now become active.

The chief mechanic will tell you that he lost the calculated coordinates for the monorail control panel. The piece of paper with the coordinates lies below, on the nearest table to the door (where the curved chair is). Return to the Chief Mechanic and enter the coordinates into the remote control. He will ask you to send a telegram. Go down to the telegraph operator and carry out the assignment, having first read the telegram. Ariana will think that the sudden change in coordinates looks like sabotage. In the center of the table lies another telegram, in which the Chief Engineer announces Ariana's arrival and makes an appointment for someone in the archive.

Go to the market. There is a flying machine to the left of the arch. Meet Gustav, who needs a helium tank and something to patch a hole in a pipe. Here you will find a stall with a large clock. You need to approach the stall table and take the dinosaur skin and lubricant.

Go to the monorail station. A map will appear, select "Academy" and confirm your choice. In the round hall, go left until you see the "balcony" view. Below is the door to the laboratory. Chat with Armanda, who will immediately ask you to vacate the premises. Exit into the hall, go right and find the door to the archives (if you haven't talked to the pharmacist, it will remain locked). Meet the rector of the Academy and talk to Wallace. Take the film reel from the table, zoom in on the electronic form and, pressing the lever, tear off the strip with the list of books that Wallace is reading.

Return to the laboratory. Take a file and an iron plate from the table. Combine a plate and a file. Go to the bottom of the screen and pick up the helium tank.

Before you fly out of town, you need to complete three tasks: watch the film you found, repair the camera, and get eggs. After viewing the film in the projector room, you will see a edited recording: Ariana breaks the monorail control panel.

Go beyond the city gates to the darkroom. Apply the iron plate and lubricant to the camera. Talk to the guard who will allow you to use the trolley. Click on the trolley and return to Adam's house. Go to the office and take the dinosaur eggs. (You will have to go back across the bridge again, go down into the jungle and run to the trolley. To go to the city, you need to open the door of the wheel for the tyrannosaurus.)

Talk to the pet store owner about the eggs and go to the market.

Click on the basket of the aircraft. Use a piece of dinosaur skin on the pipe and place the helium balloon on the small pipe next to the pressure gauge. Apply the navigation map to the center of the square panel.

3. Village of Giants

After talking with Gustav, go to the bottom of the screen. Meet and pick up mastodon fur from the ground. Go to the lower left corner of the screen. You will see an arch protected by a force field. Return to the shepherd and ask him about the arch. He will advise you to leave all sharp objects outside and give you tobacco. Do this, placing the machete or knife to the right of the arch.

In the village you need to meet the elder, then click at the bottom of the screen and talk to the gardener. He will vaguely explain that he needs a weather forecast for tomorrow. There is a fence next to the gardener, but you can’t get inside yet. Go to the left of the elder's hut and meet the fisherman, giving him tobacco. He will tell you about the bait necessary for fishing (firefly beetle). Talk to him again and find out the weather forecast. Return to the gardener. He will ask you to visit the healer to prepare the crops. Walk through the village past the meditating peasants and find the healer's hut. After talking with her on all topics, you will receive a protective branch. Zoom into the rack with the various vials and take the empty shell from the top shelf. The healer's task (bring bitter berries) in the Golden Edition does not need to be completed, since no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to pick them. Return to the gardener and report the spell for the crops. Get the firefly beetle and take it to the fisherman. Now you will have a living shell.

It's time to visit the Valley of Spirits. Follow the road past the healer's hut into the passage between the rocks, and then walk across the field for several screens. You will come out into a clearing with pillars. Continue along the path until you see a gray stone head. Click on the tongue of the head and you will find yourself in the Floating Garden. Talk to Adam Coverlier about all topics. To go down, select the "go down" cue.

Return to the gardener and press the protective branch on the fence. Go inside and meet the magician Bares Mogul. When he disappears, click on the bowl of blue water on the left of the screen. Place the mastodon fur, live shell, and empty shell into the bowl. Click on the living shell and take the lens. Return to the Valley of Spirits to Adam. Here you need to select the path by clicking to the right of the two harps. You will see a hole in the ground with light coming out of it.

Adam's parting advice will be to use a submarine to get into the mine.

Return to the field where Gustav is waiting. There is a door in the rock in the background of the screen that leads to the sea. There is a submarine here. If you get on the boat and try to communicate with the captain, he will not want to talk. Ariana will wonder how she can leave without anyone noticing? Return to the village, on the way paying attention to a certain mechanism at the door (it now has the number 17 on it). The authors of the game came up with (from their point of view) a brilliant move: you need to invite the fisherman’s daughter to look at the submarine. Then at the pier the girl must be immediately sent back (if you look at the mechanism at the door, the counter will show 16).

Get on the boat. The captain has left, you must open the left door. In the next room there is a combination lock on one of the doors. Open your inventory and look at the code Adam gave. Enter the code on the door and go inside.

4. Diamond mine

The captain will ask you to take the seeds to your relative, for which he will promise you a pass to the mine. Click on the minecart in the center of the screen. Move the trolley lever and Ariana will go into the mine. Go to the bottom of the screen and talk to the giant about the seeds. After the conversation, your inventory will contain a note for the submarine captain. Return to him and talk about the note - you will now receive a pass. Walk into the mine on foot. Chat with the Chief Miner and receive an order for a part for the machine. There is an elevator at the bottom of the screen, go up to the roof.

Here, first go to the lower right corner of the screen and meet the giant who is guarding the hatch door. Then return to the elevator and, without going down, go to the adjacent building. Find the open door and talk to the storekeeper. Read the message on the piece of paper lying under the counter. Go into the passage by the door. In the next row of shelves near the stairs, take a crumpled piece of paper. Now you need to turn around so that you can see the left rack and the storekeeper in the depths of the screen. There is a filter and a pencil on the shelf. Combine paper and pencil and get a diagram. Continue past the shelves and look at the notice board. Talk to the diamond sorter. Go outside, go left and open the door of the small house. This is where the platform inspector works. The already familiar magician Bares Mogul will appear outside the window, the inspector will go to talk to him.

Turn to the door. To the left of it there is a large mechanism that turns off the alarm. The task is to swap the white and black sets of numbers.

Solution: 8h, 8b, 1b, 8h, 1h, 4h, 8b, 1b, 4b, 6b, 8h, 1h, 4h, 6h, 2h, 8b, 1b, 4b, 6b, 2b, 8h, 1h, 4h, 6h, 2h, 1b, 4b, 6b, 2b, 4h, 6h, 2h, 6b, 2b, 2h.

The green light will light up. Pick up the square iron sheet near the mechanism and go outside. Go down to the Chief Miner. He will receive a filter and give the next task - set three timers. A sheet with calculations will appear in the laptop, and the answer will appear on the “Encyclopedia” tab. Step towards the elevator. On the right you will see a lever under which there are three dials. Zoom in on the dials and set the first to 15, the second to 37, the third to 8. To do this, you must first press the button on the dial, then click the mouse on the scale with divisions. If everything is correct, all buttons should light up green.

Report to the Chief Miner about the machine and receive a map of the mine with access to the surface. As you may have guessed, the exit is behind the hatch door on the roof. Go there.

To distract the guard, go to the stairs and place an iron sheet on the groove with water. Go down the stairs and use the machete to cut the leather belt connecting the gears. Go to the guard, then click on the hatch door. You will find yourself in an elevator. The lever on the wall is the exit. There is a lock hanging on the wall, the diagram of which you have already found.

Click on the right buttons and rise even higher. Go to the bottom of the screen and open the door to the laboratory. Ariana will sneak past Armande unnoticed, who will immediately leave. Go to the table near which the pharmacist stood. You need to find a ball that differs in weight from the others in three weighings.

Place any six balls on one bowl, and the other six on another bowl. Press the tab of the scale. Remove the lighter balls and place them in front of the scale. Divide the six heavier balls into two and place them on both bowls. Press the tab of the scale. Remove the lighter balls and one more among the heavier ones, remembering its number. Weigh the remaining two balls in separate bowls. If the scales are balanced, then the ball you need lies in front of the scales (whose number you remember), if the scales are not balanced, take the heavier one.

Approach the door - it is locked. Return to the corner where Ariana was hiding and go to the bottom of the screen. Take the bottle of acid from the sink and pour it on the door. Go outside and go to the elevator. Under the lock there is a tube in which you need to put the ball. You will arrive at some secret place.

Go to the table. Look through the photos, take the disk. Return to the doors. A large double door is the end of the game, a narrow door is the continuation of the game.

Part two, optional

Exit the elevator and talk to the guard. Go to the platform inspector's house. Talk to Adam, who will tell you how to open the safe in the laboratory (the test tubes must contain the same amount of liquid). There is a piece of paper with the code for the safe on the floor. Pick up another iron sheet.

Return to the laboratory and go to the sink. Take the litmus tests and analyze them in your laptop. The safe is next to the table with the scales. Apply litmus papers to the test tubes of the safe and find out that the middle test tube contains an acid, the right test tube contains a basic solution, and the left test tube contains a neutral solution. According to the hint, all you have to do is find black and white diamond powder. Go to the warehouse to the diamond sorter's workplace. Take white and black diamond powders from the conveyor. Return to the laboratory. You need to neutralize all test tubes. Use white diamond powder on the red test tube, black diamond powder on the blue test tube. Turn the safe wheel and read the documents.

Take the elevator down to the guard and after talking with him, go down to the submarine captain. He will say that he needs an order to take Ariana back to the village of giants. Return to the roof, pick up the stepladder not far from the elevator. Take the elevator down and go to the machine where the timers were installed. Place the stepladder and climb up. Cut off the dynamite bundle with a knife. Return to the pier and place the iron sheet on the rails.

Return to the mine. From the elevator, go left and examine the dynamite cart. Move the arrow and click on the trolley. After the explosion, go to the captain of the submarine and persuade him to sail to the village of giants.

Return to Gustav and tell him that you will first go to the village of giants. There is no one in the village except the healer. She will explain that you need to feed the butterfly, get into the arena and use the trap flower to get the memory ball. Go to the arena and use the flask of water on the flowers. Plant the butterfly there and after the video go to the arena. Place the trap flower on the square stone slab and take the memory ball. Take it to the healer and you will receive a flute. Go to the Valley of Spirits by using the flute on the force field. Try to lower the Floating Garden - the stone head has no tongue, but there is a note from the rector. Return to Gustav and go to the city.

Go through the arch to the intersection and talk to the telegraph operator. He will say that Chief Engineer Wallace is now at the Academy. Ariana will answer that the entrances to the monorail are guarded. Go to the communications center (Bores Mogul is standing here) and return to the telegraph operator. Ask him for a list of telephone numbers of all city booths.

The booths are located at the crossroads, behind the pet store, at the market, near the gate and near the communications center. Each booth has a number; By process of elimination, you will find out that the booth near the communication center has the number 123-09. Return to the market and examine the clock stall again. Take the blue rag and the phone token from the table. Go to any booth (crossroads, gate or pet store). Place a cloth over the dial and press the token into the slot. Ariana will pretend to be Armande and tell Bares Mogul to leave his post. Go to the communications center, go left near the door to the monorail station.

At the Academy, go to the archives. In the electronic form, view the list of books of the rector. Check the laboratory: you need to find a report on the table, and in a brown box - a note about changing the coordinates of the collector. Go to the bottom of the screen to the table in the corner under the huge thermometer. You are invited to play the “Tower of Hanoi” by moving seven reels of film from the left column to the right.

The principle is this: you cannot put a large reel on a small one. Any “Tower of Hanoi”, regardless of the number of columns and rings, is solved this way: count the number of rings (in this case there are seven). Mentally move the largest ring to the right column, the second ring from the bottom to the middle column, the third ring from the bottom to the right column, etc. You need to determine the first step: which post to place the topmost ring on. In this puzzle, the top ring needs to be moved to the right column, the second ring from the top - to the middle column, the top ring - to the middle column, the third ring from the top - to the right column, the top ring - to the left column, the second ring from the top - to the right column, the top ring - on the right column, etc.

From the hiding place, take a bottle of poison for giants and an explanatory note-memorandum. When you go out into the hall, Ariana will meet the rector and Bares Mogul and find herself in prison.

Go right to the fireplace and read the note on the dresser. Go to the brick wall and click on the potted flower. The door will open, go into the next room. Find the note about the periscope on the table and pick up the fuse. Go left and meet the rector's brother. Click on the periscope and go to another room. Combine fuse and dynamite and place in the hanging basket. Light the dynamite. After the explosion, pick up the iron rod and combine it with the rope. Step towards the fireplace and throw the rope through the hatch in the ceiling. You will return to the mine at the first camp.

Go to the mushroom forest. Talk to Adam and receive further instructions. Along the way, Ariana will automatically pick a fern leaf. Climb the tower, take the blanket and leftover food from the table. Return to the mine to the room with the wheel. Opposite the wheel, pick up an empty box and a piece of coal. Talk to Adam, after which you will automatically find yourself next to his house. Here, pick up the crushed bones.

Go across the bridge into the jungle. In the clearing where the trolley was, you will find Gustav. He will transport Ariana to the village of giants.

Residents returned to the village again. Go to the fisherman and ask about the firefly beetle. He will give it to you in exchange for help: you need to untangle the lines of crayfish and put the crayfish in three cages. The bait will appear in your inventory.

The clamshells are located to the left of the fisherman's hut. Bring them closer and place the bait near the middle rock. See which crayfish comes for the bait - red or green. If a green crayfish comes, click on the green crayfish, and then on the other two; if a red crayfish comes, click on the red crayfish and the other two. Return to the fisherman - you will receive a firefly beetle.

Go to the healer and find out that she needs a potion made from coconut milk, berries and bones. Coconuts lie on the field in front of the village of giants; at the same time, pick up the manure. Return to the alley to the Valley of Spirits. To find the correct berries, click on the pillar with two wavy lines (it's the last one on the left). Put on a glove and pick the blue "five senses" berries.

Return to the healer. To her right on the ground lies a large gray stone. Place manure on it and set it on fire. Then apply the coconut, berries and bone to the fire. Talk to the healer. Use your glove to touch the coconut over the fire and you will receive a sponge. Go to the elder's hut and talk to the giant. Then go to the right of him and use the sponge on any hole in the floor. Travel to the Valley of Spirits. Automatically you will talk to the elder and return to the field to Gustav.

Having arrived in the city, run to the telephone booth and click on the dial. The telegraph operator invites you to come to the communication center. First, go to Gustav and take out the helium tank from his airship. You can take the monorail and return to the hub. After talking with the telegraph operator you will receive a master key. Climb onto the monorail control panel and zoom in on the control panel. Click on the button under the Academy station so that the monorail cannot get there. Pick up the pliers from the floor and go outside.

Find Chief Engineer Wallace near the pharmacy and agree on cooperation. Go to the pet store, open the door with the master key and go into the office. Zoom in on the stuffed rhinoceros and use pliers to remove the lens from the magnifying glass. Go outside the city gates to the darkroom. Ask the guard for permission to take the mirror from the cell. Take the mirror and click on the trolley.

Automatically you will find yourself in a room with a periscope. Rotate the periscope if you haven't done so before. Place a firefly beetle in the periscope. Insert the mirror into the lower mount and the lens into the upper one. Take the firefly and talk to the rector's brother. Go to the table above which the slate hangs and find the coordinates. Click on the periscope and watch the final video.


The game begins with a helicopter crash, Ariana films everything on camera. Helicopter: Ariana is interested in her pilot, go to the door of the helicopter, the door is closed. Next to the helicopter on the left, pick up a part from the helicopter’s propeller and use it to open the door. Inside the helicopter you find a rope, a knife, a computer and a bag. Unpack the bag and you will have a screwdriver, gloves, a lighter and an empty flask. Inside the helicopter, take the first aid kit using a screwdriver, unpack the first aid kit and you have: cleaning fluid, plaster, bandage and painkillers. Use a knife to cut off the electrical wires to the left of the first aid kit. Get out of the helicopter. Shore: Go left and you're on the shore. Click on your computer to send an email. Dark passage: From the helicopter, go back and to the right, you will see a passage littered with stones, open the passage with part of the propeller, Ariana says that it is dark and old there - a little fire from a lighter and forward, Aha! Failed! Welcome to the fairy tale.


Beach: Meet Adam, he really needs some kind of crystal for his staff, which is located in a cave near the First Camp. Find out that you can get into the city through an old mine, but before that you must polish the crystal. Right under Ariana’s feet you will find a sharp bone. Take an empty flask and fill it with water where the hand appears at the bridge - you now have a full flask. Old mine: go to the mine (bottom of the screen), on the left at the entrance you will find a large shell, inside the mine you will find an old chisel on a box on the right and it is not clear what is made of unknown material. Get out of the mine into fresh air. The other side of the beach: Cross to the other side along the bridge. Find a rag and rotten wood near some pile of something to the left. Go to the graves and look at them: Ariana talks about the encyclopedia on the computer, point the computer at the grave of Ivan Platonov, read about him: mmm-yes, the dates don’t match. The inscription on the other grave is difficult to read: then you need to clean it! Mix the cleaning liquid and a rag: you get a wet rag with which you can rub the grave of Armand Latifer until it shines: let’s look at the encyclopedia again and - of course, the dates don’t match. Cave: the left back of the screen will lead you to a cave, go to the ladder and climb it. Put on gloves (one remains), connect the old chisel and rotten wood and scratch out the crystal with them. Approach the device on the right, look and place the crystal on the dressing on the right, click on the bellows, Ariana realizes that she needs to polish the crystal with something. Leave the cave, take the sand near the green bushes. Pour sand into the flask and press the bellows several times. Get polished crystal. Old mine: we go to the old mine. Go to the end to go further, but Ariana is very scared - you know, she’s afraid of the dark. You see a large wheel, go to it, you will find broken wires, armed with gloves you can attach electrical wires here and insulate them with a plaster. Let there be light! Hello those who started reading from here. We go to where it is now light. Ariana says that the seals need to be placed in a certain order. Look at the round door, look at the inscription above the door, read the key to the door: The Occident is the opposite of the Orient. Our story begins as the sun rises. Nature and technology go their separate ways. First the ones whence we come. Then the one that feeds us. Followed by the one we mine. Comes the time of transformation And of famed energy. Finally those who guide us. In general, technology is opposite to nature, our story begins with sunrise, etc. .. I don’t want to go into details and immediately give the solution: rearrange the seals in places around the door: Nature (left) Technology (right) Mother with child Mill Ear Bird in flight Mountain Chemistry-factory Fabric and... Shafts Lightning Wheat and sickle Masks Sea Welcome to the fairy tale!

Observation post: Go to the next picture. Point your computer at a huge mushroom - an unknown variety? No wonder - I've never seen anything like it. Use a knife to dig into the ground and you will find small mushrooms with a strange smell. Now forward to the mushroom with a house on the roof. Go upstairs. Lieutenant Lenkov gets bored for a long time. His friend has broken his leg and needs to be satisfied; get down from the mushroom and go further along the road until you come to a suspension bridge. There is a mushroom stump in front of the bridge; use a knife to cut even pieces of the mushroom from the stump. Go back to the lieutenant and teach him a little medicine. Now that the leg is bandaged, the lieutenant will stand and watch as you repair the Horn. Hello, those who started reading from here. The horn for calling the pterodactyl is damaged, so there is no one to take the broken leg. Use a lighter to make a hard edge from a sharp bone. A solid tap will make a finished sink from a large sink. Now let's walk to the cave in the first camp to take the furs (2 clicks). They cannot be taken until the lieutenant asks you to repair the Horn. We go to Rog and get a mail. Look at the horn and place the finished shell and bellows. Let's chat with the lieutenant. Ay! I saw a pterodactyl! The lieutenant flies away and you can now profit from what is on his table: a map (read it), gunpowder, a machete and some wires on a chair. Well, shall we go to the bridge? Adam's Hut: after crossing the bridge and reading the email, check the animal skulls with your computer, stop being surprised. Talk to Adam about everything; we were invited home. There is an amulet hanging in the doorway where the books are; further inside, notice the eggs under the lamp, from the table we take pieces of wood and a book, which we read with great interest. There is a vase on the table, it would be interesting to throw something into it, let's throw small mushrooms with a strange smell into it. Oh! Magic lamp! There is a closed chest on the floor which, of course, you need to climb into. We connect the pieces of wood and the amulet. We have the key to the chest in our hands. Click on the key and in front of you is a riddle that you can solve without me. Open the chest: computer on the bust, take two letters, read with pleasure. When leaving, don't forget to grab some paint from another table. Savannah: we go further to the left, there is a bridge again. We receive a message. At the end of the bridge we climb down the rope ladder. We walk until the ferns block the road. It's up to the machete, we cut through and immediately take a large sheet. What do we see? Big dinosaur. We will fight him not with brute force, but with our heads. We go to the right, we see a broken tree empty inside. We will make fireworks to scare the stupid dinosaur. Place a large sheet on the stump, then paint, gunpowder and wrap everything with wire. Light it with a lighter. The stupid dinosaur was scared of you. Go ahead. There is a wheelbarrow with a wheel for a squirrel. Poor little dinosaur trying to get some fruit from the tree. We use the dinosaur as a squirrel, pick a fruit from the tree, the dinosaur will run after you like a dog (you can run back and forth). We press the wheels on the left and open the wheel (how glad I am that the pilot was saved), put the fruit there, and go to unknown lands.


Gate: read the news, talk with Osin. He gives you a pass to the city and does not forget to ask you to repair his camera in the tower next to the door to which the key is attached; repairing requires grease and some kind of hardware. War? We go to the tower to the left, open it with the key. We look at the table, read the instructions on the wall. Take the photo paper, the switch will give you a red light, put the photo paper under the developer, switch the developer, the photos start to develop. Switch the developer again, take and place the photos in the liquid on the left, then up and to the right. Look at the photographs that are drying: you are being followed. We'll figure out. We leave and go into the city. We chat for a long time with Wallace, tickets for altimonorail and a pass to the archives appear in our inventory. Read the posters with your computer. Go to the city, don’t scold your mouse (while I was playing, Adriana 5-6 times went into places that she couldn’t get out of, despite all my efforts). Communications Center: Go left to the Communications Center. Come in and notice that the clock is standing. Now you can talk to Figaro on the microphone, he will invite you to his place. We go through the doors, then the doors to the left, which are open. Examine the posters, go left and talk to Enrico, he will give you the Projection Key and Tape #218. Let's go watch a movie. Go back to the corridor, directly opposite to the room that is closed and opens with Enrico's key. Read the note on the shelves, the poster on the wall. Take ribbon #218 and click it on the spotlight. Watch scenes from World War 2. We go back to the room where Enrique is. In the middle of it there is an elevator that will take you to Figaro. He also lacks something - energy, the coordinates have been changed, so the energy does not flow. We go back down. On the left side of the window are formulas that the computer will solve. Now you have the correct coordinates: 6283, 1667, 5483, 2092. Let's go upstairs and enter the coordinates into the panel, if you entered them correctly, you will automatically exit the panel. Notice the pliers on the floor on the right. Tell Figaro that the work is done, not only did he do the calculations, but he also wants to send a telegram. For this, he allows you to recharge the computer. Go to Enrico and tell him about the telegram. We've done some work here, let's move on. We leave the building and go right along the road, right again to the intersection. Crossroads: you are at the fountain, go to the Triceratops, pet it. There is a man standing on the street, his name is Hercules, meet him. Of course he's missing something: eggs. The next caravan to the mine is in three months. He lets you hang out in his store. We go in and immediately go to the cash register, take recipe codes and empty recipe cards. We read the recipe book, press the button under the cash register, go to the aquarium. The wall near the aquarium has a secret door that we opened with a button under the cash register. Let's go inside. Bah! Look who's here! Adam! There is a note on the table in front of Adam, read it - it says about biocardamom. Let's talk to an old acquaintance, he needs Hanagra Sil. Play with the Triceratops hologram. On the table nearby you will find a needle. Let's talk to Adam about the hologram and tetelogram. Let's go from here to where the cash register is, the clock on the wall is 0.75 seconds faster. We leave the store. The road to the left goes to the pharmacy. Talk to Armanda Grunfield, you really are a taciturn rat. In your inventory, click the needle on the cards, look in the recipe book and make a recipe for Adam (Hanagra Sil). Try to push the recipe onto Armande, you can’t fool an old sparrow with chaff. Talk about biocardamom, she'll go to university to get it. While she's gone, let's steal a little. Actually, the recipe card that you have sticks into where Ariana is now standing, so move it a little to the left and you will see a slot. Insert the card, pull the lever to the left of the wheel and, voila, take Hanagra Sil. Let's take this to Adam, for which he will give you an aerodynamic map. Read it and go down the screen to the bazaar to look for parts to fix Osin’s camera. Bazaar: As soon as you enter, go straight to the watch shop, there you will find lubricant and old dinosaur skin. Go left and meet the local Chkalov. He also needs repairs - we need to go to the Academy. To do this, go left to that part of the bazaar that is not visible at the entrance. Go to the tower, we're going to the Academy. Academy: go to the stairs, go up, go in. I’ll say right away that there are only 3 doors: the exit, the entrance to the laboratory and the entrance to the archive. Go left to the laboratory, talk to Armande, while she’s here you won’t steal anything. We go to the archive to the right - you have a pass there. Let's chat with Wallace and the handsome Alexander, the rector of the university. They leave and we go to the table and read two books about Giants! And some kind of light. Take tape #254 and go to the machine on the right, pull the lever, dig a hole for Wallace. Armanda has already left, so we can go to the laboratory. Here on the table we find a sheet of iron and a file with which we can immediately sharpen this sheet of iron. To the left of the screen we go to some kind of generator, where we will find a bottle of helium on the floor. Well, we have nothing else to do here, let's go to the Communication Center to watch a movie. Let's wrap it up: let's watch the film in the already familiar projection room: someone doesn't like us, we're so cute. Let's go fix Osin's camera now. We go into the tower, put in a turned sheet of iron, then we lubricate the camera and it is ready. Of course, we need to tell Osin about our exploits so that he will let us leave the city. And outside the city we will go for eggs for Hercules, and we will take these eggs from Adam’s hut. The path there is familiar - over the seas and over the waves, along potholes and paths. Take the eggs and go to Hercules. He will tell you about the pilot Gustav and about the giants. Let's go fix the balloon. Let's talk to Gustav again, he needs an aerodynamic map. Click on Gustav's car, see the hole in the pipe? You need to cover it with old dinosaur skin, place a bottle of helium on the small tube on top, insert the aerodynamics map onto the panel above the levers. Go?




At the request of Ariana, who wanted to photograph the beautiful landscape, the pilot landed in one of the high-mountain meadows. But at that moment, huge stones flew from the mountains, and the helicopter was almost completely buried under them. We approach the wreckage of the helicopter. We need to open the door, but, as luck would have it, it’s jammed. We select the blade from the helicopter and with its help we still open the door. We take the bag from the helicopter and check its contents. Using a screwdriver (found in a bag), remove the first aid kit from the wall (on the right). Let's see what's in it. We pick up a knife from the floor and use it to pick out the wires in the shield (the shield is located next to the place where the first aid kit just hung). An electrical wire has appeared in our inventory. We pick up a laptop that looks like a suitcase from the floor. Click "Use". The laptop is working. We send a letter informing you about the crash of the aircraft. We get out of the helicopter and go right. We approach a large boulder. We move it to the side using a helicopter blade. Behind the boulder we find the entrance to a dark cave. We take the lighter from the inventory to use it when entering the cave. Let's go in.

We meet a hermit. We talk to him. He asks to find him a new crystal for his staff. Near the old cart we select the tip of the bone. We collect water from the river into an empty flask. We go to the mine (down). At the entrance to it we pick up a huge shell from the ground.

We go into the mine. Let's look around. Taking a chisel and seals with us, we return to the bridge.

We cross the bridge to the other side of the river. We pick up a piece of petrified wood. We read the inscription on the tombstone. Using a computer, we are trying to find out information about the scientist buried here. Please note that the dates of life do not coincide. We select a rag. We apply cleaner to it - we get a wet rag. We clean the second tombstone with it. We look for information on the computer again. We go to the cave with crystals.


Approaching the stairs, we climb up it. Taking warm gloves from your inventory, we connect the chisel with the petrified wood. We get a chisel. With its help, we pick out the crystal that we see above the stairs. The raw crystal is in our hands! We go down and approach the furs (right side of the cave). We install the crystal and try to polish it. Nothing comes of it. You need to find something suitable for polishing. We leave the cave. Right at the entrance/exit we collect a whole handful of sand. We return to the bellows and pour the sand into the vessel. Polish the crystal again, this time using sand. We now have a polished crystal! We get out of the cave and head to the mine.

We are trying to move deeper into the mine. Ariana warns that it's too dark there and that a lighter won't help. We go to the transformer (high on the left). We use the gloves from inventory again. We connect the pieces of wires and fasten them with adhesive tape (take it from the helicopter first aid kit). The transformer is working! We can move on. We approach the door, read the inscription above it. It turns out that in order to open the door, you need to place the signets correctly. Arranged in the following order (from left to right): Mother with Child (1.4.); Spike (1.3.); Mountain (2.1.); Spinning Wheel (1.2); Lightning (3.1.); Masks (3.4.); Sea (1.1.); Sickle and Wheat (2.3.); Mechanical Wheels (2.2.); Chemistry (3.3.); Bird (3.2.); Mill (2.1.).
* The location of the signet in a 3x4 square is indicated in brackets (1st number - vertically, 2nd - horizontally).


Walking along the road, we use a knife to cut off several small fungi growing along the side of the road. We reach the mushroom to which the ladder is attached. Let's get up. We speak with the lieutenant. We give him pills. We get down from the mushroom and move on. In front of the bridge (on the right), use a knife to cut off several pieces from the mushroom stem. Having passed the bridge, we meet the hermit again. We give him the crystal, and as a sign of gratitude he invites us to his hut. Let's go in. We remove the talisman from the wall - it will come in handy! Let's go to another room. We take paints from the table there. We take a book and pieces of wood from another table. We throw mushrooms into the bowl and see how the helicopter pilot managed... to survive. We approach the chest. It's locked. We combine pieces of wood with a talisman - we get an amulet. Let's solve the puzzle. Use the amulet to open the chest. We take the letters. We return to the lieutenant. We give him the remaining pieces of mushroom. He asks to fix his forge. We approach the forge. We bring a lighter to one end of the bone. When it gets hot, we drill it into the sink. We put it on the end of the forge. Since now we need furs, we return to the cave with the crystals, where we pick them up. Let's go back to the forge. We connect the bellows to the sink. We report to the lieutenant that the forge has been repaired. The satisfied lieutenant and his patient ward fly away. We approach the table. We take the map and read it. Now we have it on our laptop. We grab a machete and a bag of gunpowder from the table, and thin vines from the chair. We go back along the same bridge. We don’t stop near the hut - we head further, to the second bridge.


When the bridge ends, we go down the small stairs. We continue to move forward. Along the way we cut down huge ferns with our machetes. We select one sheet and move on. Suddenly a dinosaur comes towards us! We retreat slightly to the right, towards a fallen tree. Place a fern leaf on a stump, pour multi-colored paints onto it and sprinkle with gunpowder. We put thin vines on top - we get something like an explosive. We bring a lighter to our home-grown structure and set it on fire. Explosion! The dinosaur runs away in fear. We continue on our way. Bah, another dinosaur! True, this time it is small and seemingly harmless. We help him get the fruit from the tree. The dinosaur starts running after us like a mongrel. We approach the cart, open the wheel, and put the fruit in it. The cart moved, the dinosaur followed.
Approaching the gate, we start a conversation with the guard. Having given us the key to the laboratory, in return he asks us to fix his camera. Let's go to the tower. Use the key to open the door. We see a broken camera. We read the instructions hanging on the wall. Let's look at the photos. We take the photo paper from the table and press the switch button. Place the paper under the developer. Click the second switch. Hurray, the photo has been developed! We click again, but this time on the developer. We take photographic paper and one by one lower it into all the bowls filled with some kind of liquid, standing on the right side of the table. We look at the finished photo: it turns out that we were being followed! We leave the tower and go to the city. We meet with the chief engineer and talk with him. We receive tickets and a pass from him. Let's move on. When we reach the turn, we turn left. We go into the building. Through the microphone on the table, we inform the dispatcher that the clock hanging above the table has supposedly stopped. He offers to come see him. We agree. In the corridor we enter the left door. We introduce ourselves and exchange a few phrases with Enrique. With film No. 218 and the key received from him, we return to the corridor. Next in line is the door on the right. Let's go in. We insert the film into the device intended for viewing it. We watch a video about the war. We pay a visit to Enrique again. Then we take the elevator to the second floor and talk with Figaro. He asks you to help him determine new coordinates. We take the same elevator down. We take a piece of paper with numbers from the table and use a laptop to determine the coordinates. We go upstairs again. We enter the received coordinates into the panel and inform Figaro that his request has been fulfilled. As a thank you, he charges our laptop battery, but immediately asks for one more favor: to send a telegram. We go downstairs and send a telegram to Enrique. We leave the building. We follow the road to the intersection, then turn right. We speak with Irakli. As a result, he allows us to enter his store, which we take advantage of. From under the cash register we remove the book and recipe cards. We press the button. We approach the aquarium. We retire to a secret room and find a note there (on the table). Let's read it. We speak with Adam. He asks to get some medicine for him. We remove the needle from the shelf, turn on the hologram with dinosaurs and ask Adam about it in detail. We go to the pharmacy to get some medicine. Since the pharmacist refuses to give the drug without a prescription, we prepare the required document using a needle and blank forms. We “remind” the pharmacist that she needs to take the medicine to Irakli, and we give her a ticket. Taking advantage of her care, we insert the fake prescription into the slot of the device. We pull the lever and take the drug. Let's go to the market square. We talk with the balloon pilot. We agree with him about the flight. In response, he asks us to get him a helium tank. In the shop we buy lubricant and old dinosaur skin. We visit the academy. After talking with the pharmacist in the laboratory, we go to the library. After talking with the chief engineer and Alexander, we take the film and book from the table and approach the typewriter. Having grabbed the list of Wallace's books, we return to the laboratory. Having stolen an iron plate and a file from the table, we find and also take a bottle of helium at the end of the room. We go to the communications center. We look through the film. Wow, they want to set us up! We begin to realize that staying in Askiam further is life-threatening. Let's go to the tower. Having placed the file on the iron plate, we insert everything that comes out of it into the camera. We lubricate it (not in vain, it means we bought the lubricant at the store!). We return to the guard and inform him that his camera has been repaired. Then we go to Adam's hut. We take the eggs there and, returning to the city, give them to Irakli. We go to the store. We give Adam the medicine and in return we receive a card. We hurry to the market square. We made it! We climb into the balloon. We tie the pipe with dragon skin. We put a bottle of helium on it. Install the card on the control panel. Let's hit the road!


Approach the mastodon herder. Talk to him. Take the mastodon hair from the ground. Go to the village of giants. A protective field prevents you from entering it. Return to the shepherd. He will give you smoking herb and tell you that in order to pass the protective field you need to throw away all sharp objects. Go back to the protective field. Place all sharp objects on the ground. Now the protection does not apply to you. Enter the village. Talk to the elder. Follow the path. Talk to the meteorologist. Give him the tobacco. Go to the flower beds. Talk to the gardener. He will ask you to find out about the weather for tomorrow. Go to a meteorologist. Find out about the weather. Return to the gardener and tell him that tomorrow there will be fog. Go to the hospital. Talk to the healer. She will give you a protecting branch. Go to the gorge. Use gloves in your inventory. Collect bitter berries from the bush. Return to the healer. Give her the berries. Take the empty sink from the shelf. Go to the gardener. He will give you a firefly. Give the firefly to the weatherman. In return, he will give you a live shell. Go to the flower beds. Use the protective branch to open the passage to the arena. Come in. Talk to the magician. He will tell you that the elder cannot be trusted. Go to the urn (to the left of the magician). Place an empty shell, mastodon hair and a living shell in it. Magic happened. Take a clean lens from the urn. Go to the gorge. After the gorge, exit into a clearing. In the middle of the clearing there is a large hole, and around it there are 6 pillars. After closing the two pillars, you need to click on the statue in the stone. The pillars need to be closed like this: 1 and 4; 3 and 5; 4 and 6; 1 and 5; 2 and 3; 1 and 6 (to the left of the path is the first pillar, followed by the second, etc.). After completing the combination, the flying garden will descend. Talk to Adam. He will give you the code. Go right. Place a clean lens on the light beam. Return to the village. Go to the submarine, past the shepherd. Try to talk to the captain. Unfortunately, he will drive you away. Return to the village. Talk to the teenager (near the meteorologist). Invite him to go with you to the submarine. He agrees. Go. When you are near the submarine, send the teenager back to the village. The captain thought you left with him. So now you can go into the submarine.


Come in the door. Try going through another door. Does not work. You need to enter the code on the panel with buttons (to the left of the door). Enter the following code: 5731X. The door is open. Let's hit the road!


Talk to the captain. He will give you seeds - a gift for one of the miners. Approach the trolley. Pull the lever. She will take you to the cave. Talk to the worker. Give him the seeds. In return, he will give you a note for the captain. Return to the captain. Give him the note. He will give you a pass to the mine. Let's go to the mine. We speak with the worker. He will give you an order form. Take the elevator up. Talk to the worker guarding the passage to the geyser. He won't let you in without a pass. Go to the warehouse. Talk to Amalia. Give her the order. Pick up the telegram from the floor. On the shelves, take a filter, paper and pencil. To obtain a diagram, use a pencil and paper. Go deeper into the room. Talk to the sorter. We return to the depths of the mine. Give the filter to the worker. He will ask you to set new coordinates. Coordinates: 1 – 15; 2 – 37; 3 – 8. Talk to the worker. For services rendered, he will give you a map of the diamond mine. Take the elevator up. Enter the control room. Talk to the giant. Take an iron sheet. Neutralize the alarm at the control panel. Go to the pipe through which water flows. Shut off the water using an iron sheet. Go downstairs. Cut the belt (machete). Go to the worker who is guarding the geyser. He will go fix the problem. Come into the cabin.


Solve the puzzle (the picture of the solution is on your laptop). Go upstairs. Enter the building. Listen to Ananda's conversation on the phone. Take a bottle of acid near the sink. Rummage through the closet. Remove the book from there. Come to the table. Read the problem statement. Solve it using scales and balls (on the table). A white ball appears in your inventory. Come out. In order to get out, you need to use a bottle of acid on the keyhole. Let's go to the elevator. We throw a white ball into the pipe. We go up to Alexander's office. Let's go to the table. Read the diary. Analyze the CD. Take the fake photograph and film. If you want to finish the game, then go through the large gate. Watch the video. If you want to save the underworld, then go through the smaller door (to the right of the gate).


Talk to the geyser guard. Tell him not to let anyone pass. Go to the control panel. Talk to Adam. Pick up the note from the floor. Take an iron sheet. Go to the warehouse. Approach the conveyor. Take black and white diamond powder. Go to the geyser.


Go up one floor. Go to the laboratory. Go to the sink. Take indicator strips. Go to the safe. You see three tubes with liquids. White, purple and red. Pour black diamond powder into the purple tube, and white diamond powder into the red tube. The safe door opened. Take all the documents.


Talk to the guard. Go to the elevator. Take the ladder. Go downstairs. Place a ladder near the control panel. Go upstairs. Cut the dynamite with a knife. Go to the trolley. Use gloves and pull the lever. Go to the captain. Talk to him. Place a sheet of iron on the rails. Go to the trolley and push it. Talk to the captain again. This time he will agree to take you to the giants.


Go to the village of giants. On the way, talk to the balloon pilot. Go to the healer. She will give you a butterfly. Take the trap flower from the shelf. Go to the flower beds. Water the yellow flower. Throw a butterfly at him. Enter the arena. Place a trap flower on the slab. He will catch the memory ball. Go to the healer. Show her the ball. She will give you a flute. Use the flute on the protective field and go to the flying garden. Look at the statue in the stone. It's broken. Take the note. Read it. Go to the balloon pilot and ask him to take you to Askiam.

Approach the counter in the market square. Take the phone token and rag. Go to the crossroads. Talk to Enrique. Go to the communications center. The entrance is guarded. Return to the intersection and talk to Enrique. He will give you phone numbers. Walk around the city and examine all four phones. The first one is near the main gate. The second one is near the tower. The third one is near the intersection. The fourth one is in the market square. When you have examined all the phones, use the rag on the receiver and throw the token into the slot. Call. Go to the academy. Enter the laboratory. Take two documents from the table. Go to the table that is at the back of the room. Take a piece of paper. Solve the puzzle. In the opened cache, take the note and the bottle. Go to the library. Go to the typewriter. Pull the lever several times. Take the document that appears. Come out. Talk to Alexander.


You are captured. Take the note. Pull the branch of the tree that grows in the flowerpot. The stone door opened. Go to the next room. Take the fuse and the periscope card from the table. Talk to Alexander's brother. Rotate the periscope. Return to the first room. Combine the dynamite with the fuse and set it on fire. Put it all in the basket and blow up the hatch in the ceiling. Pick up the iron rod from the floor. Combine it with the rope. Use the resulting structure on the hatch. You find yourself in a mine.


Near the entrance to the mine, talk to Adam. In the mine, take coal and an empty wooden box.


Using the mosquete, cut the fern bush. Go to the post that is on the large mushroom. Take food supply from the table. Take the blanket from the mattress. Return to Adam. Give him the wooden box, coal, fern, blanket and food supply. Near Adam's hut, pick up the crushed bone. Find a pilot. Ask him to take you to the giants.


Near the pasture, take dry mastodon droppings and a coconut. Go to the village. Talk to the giant in the gazebo. Go to a meteorologist. Solve the puzzle he shows you. Take a very light firefly from him. Go to the healer. Talk to her. Go to the gorge and collect the berries of the five senses from the bush. Return to the healer. Place mastodon droppings on the stone. Set it on fire. Top with coconut, berries and crushed bone. Talk to the healer. Use gloves in your inventory and take the prepared decoction. Go to the gazebo and talk to the giant. Squeeze the sponge with the broth into the holes that are in the floor. We talk with the giant again. Go to the flying garden. Talk to the elder. Return to the balloon pilot. He'll take you to Askiam

Answer the phone. Take a bottle of helium from the balloon. Go to Enrique. Give him the tape. In return, he will give you a master key. Take the elevator to the top. Shut down the academy. Pick up the pliers from the floor. Go to the pharmacy. Talk to the chief engineer. Go to Irakli's store. Open the door with the key. In the secret room, use the pliers on the magnifying glass. A magnifying glass has appeared in your inventory. Go to the main gate of the city. Say goodbye to the guard. In the tower, remove the small mirror from the camera.


Go to the room with the periscope, which is located in the mine. We use the firefly on the periscope. We insert a small mirror and a magnifying glass there. Take the firefly. Talk to Alexander's brother. Take the coordinates from the table. Use them on the periscope. After everyone is convinced that there is peace on the surface of the earth, you go home.


Developer: Frogwares Game Development Studio
Publisher in Russia: 1C

System requirements

Operating system Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
Processor Pentium-III 500 MHz
Memory 64 MB RAM
16 MB DirectX8-compatible video card
700 MB free disk space
Sound card


Frogwares Game Development Studio brings to your attention a new computer game "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

The plot of the game has nothing to do with the film of the same name, and especially with the novel by Jules Verne. "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is a quest, also available in Russian thanks to the efforts of the 1C company. The review is written based on the English version of the game.

In this game you will have to, together with a photojournalist with the beautiful name Ariana, who by chance found herself in an unforeseen situation, look for a way out of the underground world in which she found herself.

Before moving on to the game itself, let's talk a little about the controls. The game's start menu represents the control room of a deep-sea vehicle.

If you left-click on the device hanging to the right of the door, through which, by the way, you “Exit” the game, you will call up the “Settings” table on the computer screen.

This includes multiple setting options. First of all, these are the monitor settings: screen resolution 1024x768 or 800x600, number of colors 32 or 16, refresh rate (depending on the capabilities of the monitor), overall image brightness (gamma correction). Next, adjust the volume of sounds: effects, music and speech. And the image quality setting section includes image smoothing and shadow quality modes. In addition, here you can enable or disable on-screen captions.

If you need to call up the "Save" or "Load" options, you must left-click on the monitor screen installed under the ceiling. This will bring up a panel of saved game episodes at the bottom of the computer screen.

Each episode is saved in a separate window in the form of a landscape picture, with the date and time of storage indicated under it. You can leaf through this “chronicle” of the game by moving the landscape windows using the arrows located to the left and right of them. The number of saved game positions is unlimited.

“Start a new game” awaits you in the captain’s chair of the device, and “Continue the game” by clicking on the lever located to the right of it. Returning from any game picture to the menu is done by pressing the "Esc" key.

Controlling the movement of the character and taking an object is carried out using the left mouse button. If fingerprints appear on the screen, this means that you can move on to the next game picture. By clicking the left mouse button you can take or apply something to an object near which an image of a hand appears. The right button brings up the inventory - “pocket”,

...which, of course, is dimensionless. It is a panel that appears at the bottom of the screen, on which the items you need to complete the game are located. When looking for the desired item, you can move the “pocket” tape using the arrows on the sides. The name of each item in the pocket is indicated above it.

When you place the cursor on an item located in your pocket, an inscription appears indicating what can be done with this item: apply or analyze. Some items can be combined with each other.

To the left of the “pocket” tape, in the very corner of the screen, there is a small dark display. This is a mock image of Ariana's laptop screen. The screen "comes to life" and turns blue when Ariana receives mail or uses her laptop. The laptop is used to remember documents encountered in the game, when accessing the encyclopedia, and to store photographs taken. All this is stored in the laptop's memory throughout the game. By clicking on this “screen”, you display the contents of the laptop’s memory on your computer screen.

The working field of the laptop screen is blue. At the top it shows its capabilities. This is what is in memory and the services that you have. These are the sections "Documents", "Encyclopedia", "E-mail" and "Photos". The last section stores photographs that Ariana's camera automatically takes during her “walk” in an unfamiliar world. When calling the section you need, simply click at the top of the laptop screen on the icon image corresponding to it. And you will receive on the screen on the left either a list of documents that you find at different times in the game, or those encyclopedia articles that you were interested in during the game, or received messages, or a list of photographs, depending on which section you are working in. Click on the material you need and it will appear on the rest of the laptop screen. Ariana can not only receive mail, but also send it herself (if there is a connection).

If an image of a head appears next to the native you meet, it means that dialogue with him is possible. A dialog box with a list of topics discussed by the interlocutors appears in the upper right corner of the screen. The topic selected for the conversation is called up by clicking the mouse.

In some cases, exiting the current game picture is done by clicking on the openwork arrow located in the upper left corner of the screen. Well, now - forward!

Volcano slope

Photojournalist Ariana, carrying out an editorial assignment, finds herself on the slope of a volcano crater. An unexpected collapse hits the helicopter.

The pilot may have remained in the cockpit, which means Ariana needs to find out if he is alive. The helicopter's door jammed due to the impact of the stones; we need to find something to open it with. Near the helicopter, pick up a piece of a helicopter blade broken off by a stone and, using it, open the jammed door. But there is no pilot in the cockpit! What a trick! Mysteriously, in an unknown direction, the pilot disappeared from the helicopter cockpit. You look around, what if the pilot managed to roll under his seat? Laughter is laughter, but we have to decide what to do and how to get out of here. What do you have with you? As they say in such cases: “empty everyone’s pockets.”

So, like any self-respecting civilized person, you should have a laptop. Pick it up from the floor and turn it on by clicking on the word "Use" in your inventory. There is a connection with the rest of humanity! Pick up your bag from the floor. In Ariana's bag you also find a pair of warm gloves, a lighter, an empty flask, and a screwdriver. Well, what kind of self-respecting woman leaves the house without a screwdriver? With its help you open the first aid kit hanging on the wall. From there you borrow an adhesive plaster, a bandage, a tube of aspirins and a flask of clearing solution - things that are definitely necessary. Inside the helicopter cabin, pick up a rope and a knife. Using a knife found here, cut off the electrical wires in the slightly open instrument compartment on the wall. Unfortunately, there is nothing else to profit from in a helicopter. The "catch" is small, but at least something is much better than nothing.

Now you need to leave here, explore the surroundings. There is a kind of “winter” silence all around. To the right of the helicopter you notice a crevice in the rock, filled with stones. You won’t be able to push it off with your hands, either with or without gloves. For this purpose, you will have to use a piece of a helicopter blade that you already used to open the door. But you won’t be able to do this either unless you first turn on the laptop and send an email from it outlining a brief version of the events that happened, in general, “SOS! Save us!” "Soap" is sent only from the seashore located to the left of the helicopter. Now you can go into failure. Of course, you need light, but you have a lighter with you. Forward!

Pioneer Camp

When you come to your senses from the fall, you find yourself in a strange place, and next to you you will see a friend in a hat.

Let me introduce Adam Coverlier, a local shaman, personally welcoming you to the underworld where you so fortunately “fell.” From the conversation that ensues, you learn that the locals never go to the surface of the earth, that they also have a large city here, called Askam. That you can only get there by going through the old mine. And, of course, would the lady be so kind as to agree to help the old shaman? It will be, it will be - where should the lady go? Such a nuisance. A respected shaman's magic crystal fell out of his staff and was lost. Due to poor health, he himself can no longer get the crystal, so he has to ask... In general, be glad that you were lucky enough to be nearby. We need to go to the old camp, next to which there is a cave with magic crystals. Your first priority is to pick out the crystal for Adam's staff.

We went to the beach where the first camp was set up. Look, maybe some of the things found here will be useful to you in the future. Near the skeleton of the rotten boat, pick up a rag (cloth), and on the sand - a stick (fossilized wood).

Two burial stones have been preserved here. On one there is an inscription: Ivan Platonov, 1830-1872. Using the laptop encyclopedia, we find out who he is. Ivan Platonov is a Russian physicist, author of the doctrine of energy transfer. And here we are! Committed suicide in 1964. Interesting information.

To find out who is buried under the second stone, you need to wash its surface. Take a selected rag, pour a cleaning agent (wet cloth) onto it and wash the stone. Armand Matifer, 1840-1970. See the encyclopedia. Armand Manifer - French researcher and biologist, developed a classification of marine animals, author of the universal communication project, disappeared without a trace in 1964. It gets even more interesting: they disappeared there to appear here. You still won’t be able to squeeze anything out of this information, but Adam is waiting for you. Therefore, go to the cave with crystals near the waterfall.

Cave of Crystals

Here, to the right near the entrance, a certain unit with bellows and a clamp-holder is attached to the wall. It appears to be a crystal processing device. It will be useful, but first it would be nice to get hold of the crystal itself.

Go deeper into the cave, here someone has thoughtfully, right for you, stocked a ladder installed under a bunch of crystals. You climb in and try to tear it off. Whatever the case! We need something sharper and harder. We need to go look around. Return to the beach. Here you find a piece of bone (tip of bone), which may be useful in the future, but it cannot break off the crystal. Will seek. Pour water into the empty bottle that was kept in your pocket - it will come in handy. Continue along the beach to the right.

Old mine

Exit to the entrance to the abandoned mine. At the entrance, find a large shell (giant shell) and add it to the rest of your finds. Come inside.

In front of you is a huge cave, equipped with various mechanisms and littered with all sorts of junk. Carry out a quick inspection, in the box at the entrance you find some seals - all in your pocket, and next to the box on the box is an old chisel - what the doctor prescribed. Now you can return to the cave with the crystals.

Wear gloves - rule number one of local safety regulations - your manicure will last longer. Place the found chisel on the stick. We got a useful tool: a cross between a pickaxe and an ice ax. To break the crystal - it will do just fine! Next is a matter of technology. Everything worked out and it didn't hurt at all. Now we need to bring the crystal to its canonical form, that is, polish it.

For grinding in the field, otherwise you won’t be able to determine the situation you are in, sand is quite suitable. Moreover, you don’t have to go far to find it. Leave the cave and collect sand. We pour it into the flask of the crystal processing device hanging on the wall. You fix the broken crystal in the tripod holder and begin to pump air with the bellows. The sand, picked up by the air stream, conscientiously copes with its work, as a result of which you get a piece of polished crystal, a quite decent cabochon. The job is done, all that remains is to meet Adam and give him the stone. And in anticipation of a new meeting, it’s a good idea to mind your own business.

You return to the old mine. It's a little dark here. You need to provide light, without it you can’t see anything around. Go to the dynamo on the left and examine the ancient switchboard for problems. All clear. We need to restore the electrical circuit. So the wires taken from the helicopter came in handy. Twist the pieces of wire, having previously remembered the number one safety rule - you only need to work with gloves, and insulate the wiring. An adhesive plaster from the first aid kit is suitable for this purpose. The machine started working, the wheel started spinning. Let there be light! Go further into the passage in the depths of the cave. You find yourself in a hall with images of people and giants on the walls and a closed door between them.

To open the door, you need to solve a charade and place the seals on the door in a certain order. Above the door is a spell in which the order of the seals is encrypted.

Your task is to carefully read the text and arrange the symbols according to the order mentioned in the text. If you have any difficulties with this matter (of course), use the hint. I call the arrangement of symbols from top to bottom, counting from the door leaves. First the left wing, then the right one.

Left: motherhood, ear of corn, mountain, spinning wheel, lightning, theater.
Right: lighthouse, bird in flight, chemistry, gears, sickle and ear, sea.

If you set everything correctly, the door will open. Come in. And there...

Mushroom forest

Take photos. If you get out of here, Ariana is guaranteed a Pulitzer Prize! You find yourself in a forest with giant mushrooms. The climate here is like this.

Physical evidence is the best persuasive. Use a knife to cut off the little mushrooms and move on. It turns out that mushrooms are inhabited. On the mushroom cap you see a checkpoint - a checkpoint. You go there, go up the stairs to the landing.

Border Outpost

There you will be greeted by the local karatsupa - the head of the border zone, Lieutenant Lenkoff. You and a fellow lieutenant begin an interesting conversation - you want to know so much, the main thing, of course, is how to get out of here. The lieutenant knows the answers to your questions, but shares this knowledge very sparingly. Actually, I’m sitting high up - I’m looking far away, so I don’t see anything. In short, the most terrible bourgeois military secret. All that you manage to find out is that they now have no connection with the city, since the signal pipe with which they call pterodactyls - flying lizards that act as two-seater helicopters at outposts - has broken down. And now they simply need the lizard: his subordinate with a broken leg was left without help, and all because the signal horn broke. How not to help your neighbor, even if not very close? Therefore, you give aspirin for the patient. There's nothing more you can do for now, but it's not over yet...

So that a woman does not come up with a way out of a hopeless situation - never! You go down and start looking for available means. Go further and near the bridge, from the stump of a cut down mushroom, use a knife to break off two planks (flat pieces of mushroom). Suitable for splinting the wounded. You return to the post and give the boards and bandage. The military should know themselves how to apply a splint.

Now, as you understand, you have to repair the horn. If this hasn’t been done before you, it means there’s simply no one to do it. Sad but true. Take everything into your own hands. You start to act.

You go back to the cave with the crystals and, without a shadow of a doubt, nothing is spared for the holy cause, you expropriate the bellows. You return with them to the checkpoint again. Using a lighter, burn the bone (hard cranium) and insert it into the prepared shell, picked up at the entrance to the mine. Place this design on the end of a broken signal horn. Now all that remains is to connect the air bellows to it and the howling structure is ready for action. Go to the authorities to report on the form. The handle turns, the pipe calls. A tow truck arrived - a pterodactyl.

Since there are only two places, the injured Nils and Lieutenant Lenkov flew away. Ariana was left alone again. Taking advantage of the moment, you examine everything at the post. From the table you take the map of the country (map) forgotten in the haste of the border guards,

...a machete, a bag of black powder pear and some slender vines lying on a chair. It's time to make your way into the city, otherwise you've been staying here for a while.

Adam's Hut

Cross the bridge and you find yourself in a deserted, terribly strange place. Everywhere you look there is white sand, and in the middle there is a tent, all approaches to it are “decorated” with tusks and skulls of various sizes. But there is good news. "Earth" responded to your cry for help. They are already two days' flight away from you. You just need to stand overnight and hold out for the day.

You poke your computer at the skulls on the pillars and find out that they date back to 1600-1650 AD. At the entrance to this wigwam you are greeted by Adam, all familiar faces.

You give him a gift - a polished crystal. He’s so grateful, come into the tent, feel at home, take what you want. Straight Georgian hospitality. Use it to the fullest. You take what is bad, guided by the slogan “What is bad is not needed by the owners.” Remove the amulet from the pillar.

From the table, take the wooden pieces of the Tangram puzzle (pieces of wood) and the book “The History of the Discovery of the Underworld” - useful information. There is a strange bowl on the table. Try putting something in it, for example, small mushrooms. You will be “showed” a vision of a “helicopter crash and the rescue of the pilot.” The pilot is alive - one less problem.

Go to the other half of the house and take a jar of colored pigment from the table. There is a closed chest on the floor. This kind of nonsense shouldn't stop you. You open it using wooden puzzle pieces. You fill the amulet with them, and it becomes the key to the chest. In the chest is someone's bust, books, tongs and some rolled letters. Let's try to determine whose bust this is. Turn to your portable encyclopedia. This is a bust of the hero of Jules Verne's novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" Professor Hardwig. And there were letters in the scrolls, we take them with us and look at them at our leisure.


Thanks to the hospitable hosts, but we have to go. Go further, across another bridge. You receive information that a crisis situation is brewing on the “mainland” above. The United States is once again muddying the waters in the Asian region, and China and North Korea are objecting. Russia is also almost ready to object. It’s an interesting situation THERE, but here it’s not at all clear what it is.

Go ahead. The bridge is destroyed, we go down the rope ladder. Use a machete to cut through thickets of greenery. There seems to be no one around, but you feel as if someone is burning your back with a piercing gaze. Mystic. Take the severed leaves (large leaf) with you, you will still have to come back for them. A cleared clearing leads you to the place where the predatory T. rex eats.

He doesn’t see you yet - he’s very busy, but this eater is stopping you from passing. You can wait a very long time for him to finish his meal - the iguanodon is large, it will last for a long time. We must somehow force the predator to leave here. You look around. On the right lies a piece of a tree trunk that is hollow inside. Why not a gun? And it is oriented very conveniently, right at the T-Rex. All that remains is to charge.

We place a selected large leaf on the stump, and sequentially place a multi-colored pigment and a bag of black powder pear on it. You tie everything up with slender vines and light this firecracker with a lighter. You get a spectacular volley and a spoiled appetite. T-Rex runs away, and you move on.

You see the beginning of the railway track, on which there is a handcar, driven by a “squirrel wheel”. Find a squirrel and you can go. Well, there are obvious difficulties with proteins, but you can find a replacement. A small dinosaur is “grazing” nearby, trying in vain to pick fruits from a tree. Doesn't jump. You pick the fruits and put them in your pocket. The fool is following you. You put fruits in the wheel, and the baby jumps into it himself. All you have to do is close the wheel door behind him. And now - let's go to the city. And on the way you receive a letter saying that the helicopter pilot was safely rescued.

Capital city of Askam

You approach the city gates. Checking your mail. The situation at the top is becoming increasingly tense. US satellites equipped with nuclear missiles are aimed at China and North Korea. Old Europe is still dozing. Get off the trolley and go to the city gates.

Here, under the constant surveillance of surveillance cameras, you are greeted by the gatekeeper on duty, Ocine. He has been waiting for you for a long time, because everyone has already heard about you and was warned by Lieutenant Lenkov. From the guard you will learn that the inhabitants of the city have no telephone communication with the surface of the earth, but upstairs the inhabitants of the dungeon have hidden video cameras everywhere, from which they receive all the information about what is happening on the surface of the earth. Having learned that Ariana is a photojournalist, the gatekeeper immediately has a request “on business.” Apparently, I’ve heard enough about how she’s a jack of all trades. Now you are asked to look at a non-working old camera that belonged to Osin’s grandfather. The gatekeeper gives you the key to his laboratory located in the tower.

Photo lab

Go to the laboratory, opening the door to the tower with the key. Here is your “ward,” as the notebook “reports,” born in 1854. It is not possible to bring this antique back to life due to a lack of spare parts. But it’s worth taking a careful look around. On the walls of the laboratory hang instructions for printing photographic materials and photographs of Ariana cutting a passage in the thickets. There is a photo enlarger on the table and a stack of photographic paper next to it. Using the instructions, print a photograph from a negative that is inserted into a photo enlarger.

Turn on the red light (switches on the left). Place photo paper under the enlarger. Turn on the enlarger by pulling the ring on it. Then you develop, fix and wash. To do this, first place photo paper in the first cuvette, then in the one farthest from you, and finally in the cuvette on the right. Here's a photo of Ariana with a machete. This means that someone else’s gaze behind my back was not an illusion, but was real. There are eyes everywhere, spies all around.

Go to Osin and report that the repair trick was not a success. You are let into a secret city.

In the city

Enter the city and immediately encounter the most important boss here. This gray-bearded old man is the chief engineer of the city of Wallace.

Without whom “a crocodile cannot be caught and a coconut cannot grow.” Without his permission, you will neither be allowed into the city nor released from it. It turned out that if you happen to end up in the underworld, then you simply have no other choice but to stay and live here forever, since they have no connections with the outside world. On the one hand, it’s nice that there are “people like you” around you, on the other hand, this is not at all included in your plans. In addition, Wallace let it slip that local residents mine diamonds in a secret cave and, through their intermediaries, sell them to the surface of the earth. Well, if somehow diamonds get to the top, then why shouldn’t a person get there the same way? So, we need to get into this secret cave and trace the path of the diamonds to the surface of the earth.

You receive from Wallace documents for living in the city: a pass and tickets for the local “metro” - the cable car. We received another letter from the “surface”. All sorts of “everyday” conversations, but not a word about the attitude towards the flaring up war, very strange.

Start getting to know the city. There is an information stand next to the place where you will talk with the chief engineer. Check out the history of the city outlined on it. Go further (lower right corner of the screen).

Mail, telephone, telegraph

The Communications Center is located in a large one-story building.

Come in. The clock hanging on the wall of the Center's lobby does not work. Communicate through the microphone on the table with the customer service about the problem and go inspect the building. Looking at the information hanging on the walls, you discover that time here “runs” faster, and it has already “jumped ahead” of earthly time by two whole years. On the first floor in the hall you find a working clerk. Introduce yourself. This young man, Enrique, is the local postmaster and projectionist. He confirmed much of what you have already heard about communication, or rather the lack thereof, with the surface of the earth. It will be very interesting to see what their surface-mounted cameras show in relation to the war unfolding above. You express such a desire, and Enrique gives you the key to the screening room and reel #218 with film (reel #218).

The door to the viewing room is in the corridor on the right. Use the key to open it and go in. On the right side of the bottom shelf of the shelf you can read a note with a list of movie plots. You look at the posters on the walls. You insert the film into the projector and watch the newsreel. After viewing it in your inventory, you analyze this film and find out that it is footage from the First World War and the Great Patriotic War.

In the elevator you go up to the second floor to the console of the duty operator Figaro. A very appropriate name. You are in a difficult moment for him. There is a serious breakdown in the city's power supply system. But he cannot remember where he left the sheet with the calculations of the new coordinates of the energy receiver. We need your help in restoring the coordinates of the receiver. To do this, you must first find the lost calculation sheet.

Find the sheet on the table in the hall where Enrique works. You go up with him again to the Control Panel. You calculate the required coordinates on your laptop (6283, 1667, 5483 and 2092) and set these numbers on the Remote Control. Power supply has now been restored. And at the same time you recharge your laptop. And Figaro asks you to send a telegram with new coordinates. Go to Enrique and fulfill the operator’s request. And on the counter you find a telegram forgotten by someone, in which Wallace makes an appointment for the recipient in the archives. There is no one else to talk to here - you won’t learn anything new.

Go out to the main city intersection and ahead you see a saddled Triceratops riding towards you. You can pet him if you have the courage. Talk to the local resident standing near the building. This is Hercules, the owner of a pet store and an antique shop. He confirms that local residents communicate with earthlings, but this communication takes place in an atmosphere of increased secrecy. He also has some difficulties that perhaps you could help him with: he has practically no rare dinosaur eggs. You know where you can get them - in Adam's hut. But for this you will need to leave the city.

Pet Shop

Go on a trip to a pet store. Look at the wall clock and in your laptop you find out that the local minute is 0.75 seconds shorter than the earthly one.

Carry out an inspection. Under the counter, find blank punch cards and a prescription codes book, which provides examples of filling out forms for dispensing medications at a pharmacy. The forms move into your pocket, and the book into your laptop. Here you will find a hidden button. Press it and a secret door opens to the left of the aquarium. Come in there.

Secret office

A surprise awaits you here - an old friend Adam. He warns Ariana against being too trusting of anyone other than him. He ended up here because he needs a special medicine, “Hanagra of Syl,” which he cannot make on his own, and the pharmacist does not give it to him. Ariana will have to help the shaman again. There is a note on the table that says that Hercules has run out of biocardamom. And you will have to look for him too.

Look at what else might be useful for you. Find a needle on the counter in the corner near the unfinished Triceratops model. Take a blank form and punch holes on it with a needle that correspond to the drug code “Hanagra of Syl” from the dispensary book. Now we need to find a pharmacy to make the medicine itself. Leave the pet store. A map of the city hangs on the neighboring house.

See where everything is, and, in particular, how to get to the pharmacy. Exit to the shopping area.

Trade area

The airship is based here and there are stalls with colorful awnings. From the third counter with the “happy roof”, take old dinosaur skin and grease.

One of the air metro stations is located in the tower on the shopping area. (In order to get to the desired station, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button on the map). Using the travel ticket issued to you, you can get to the Academy, also known as the University. But you are not destined to get into the Temple of Science - it is closed. But you received a message that hostilities have begun on earth. The first downed planes have already appeared. Waves ripple from a thrown stone. Take the metro back to the market square. In the next alley, opposite the square, there is a pharmacy.


The pharmacist there is a lady with a difficult name and no less difficult character - Amanda Grunfield. She categorically refuses to give medicine to Adam, which is to be expected. In response to your request about biocardamom, having learned that Hercules needed it, the pharmacist said that it was available at the university. You give her one of the travel tickets, and she goes there for free.

The pharmacy, it turns out, automatically dispenses prescription medications. Without wasting time, place the medicine form you punched for Adam into the pharmacy’s receiving slot, built into the pharmacy counter. At the same time, Ariana needs to be positioned so that she does not cover the gap. You pull the lever and a box with ready-made medicine (flask of Hanagra of Syl) “comes out” to you. Hooray! Take it to Adam, who is waiting for you. In gratitude, he gives you a fly map, with which you can find the village of giants. This is the flight route map. You remember that you saw an aircraft - an airship - on the shopping area, and you go there.

The shopping area again

Get acquainted. The balloon airship is controlled by Gustav. As has already happened in practice, nothing works out for you the first time. The airship can only fly short distances. Long flights require helium. But it is not equipped with it - it will not reach the village of giants. We need to get helium somewhere for the flywheel. Probably only at university...


You are trying to get into the laboratory, the door to which is located on the left side of the lobby. But there you are met by the well-known Amanda, who in the form of an ultimatum demands that you leave the laboratory. It's a big bummer, I have to leave the laboratory. Exit into the lobby and go to the lower right corner of the screen.

You find yourself in the archive. Wallace and another man you have never met before are also here. This is the rector of the Academy, Alexander. So this is who the telegram you found was addressed to, in which Wallace made an appointment at the archives. Taking advantage of an unexpected meeting with the chief engineer, you turn to him with a request to help leave the city, to which you receive a categorical refusal. And the rector invites Ariana to come and visit her on occasion and warns her not to trust Wallace. What nice people. Nobody trusts anyone. The authorities leave, and you get an excellent opportunity to examine the archive.

On the table you find another reel #254 (reel #254) with film. Get acquainted with the information about giants written in two books lying on the table. To the right of the table there is a push-button catalog machine. Let's see if any of those who left ordered any literature. We pull the lever on the left and take the selection sheet that has come out of the device. This is Wallace's library card. Oh, yes, our engineer is nothing more than a novice amateur director. There is a lot of literature on how to make movies in his library card. Leave the archive and try again to get into the research laboratory.

Luckily for you, Madame Amanda is missing. Take advantage of this circumstance to look for helium. Find a helium bottle in the corner on the floor next to some installation. And from the table take an iron plate and a file. There is nothing more to borrow here.

You go to the Communications Center to look at the chronicle found in the archive. First, the tape contains footage chronicling the past war, and then a very interesting movie about how Ariana destroys the Electricity Control Panel. It’s an obvious falsification, but this act can lead to immediate imprisonment. It looks like you are being prepared for slaughter. We need to quickly get out of this city. You go to the city gates, but as you would expect, Osin won’t let you out without the permission of the chief engineer - it’s not allowed. So, instead of washing, we should go for a ride. Go to the room in the tower, you have the key, you need to fix your grandfather’s old device. From a piece of iron grabbed in the laboratory, use a file to cut out the part necessary for repairing the apparatus (filed sheet of iron). Insert it into the camera and grease it. Done, fixed. Go and make Aspen happy. He was so inspired that he was happy to let him leave the city without any pass.

Get on a railcar with a dinosaur and go to Adam's hut for dinosaur eggs. As soon as you climb onto the trolley, you immediately find yourself at the final destination of your trip. Go to Adam's hut and take three eggs (dinosaur eggs). You look through the mail you received: on the surface, the public has launched a campaign to collect signatures for peace.

You return to the city again and give the eggs to Hercules. In gratitude, he tells you how you can get to the giants. It turns out that the balloonist Gustav is his good friend, comrade and brother. If you tell him that you came from Hercules, then there will be no problems - he will take you to the giants. Go to the shopping area and tell Gustav that you are from Hercules. He immediately asks you for a flight mission. We have. To fly, you need to repair the rupture of the gas supply tube to the balloon. We use old dinosaur skins for this. Then place the helium cylinder on the fitting located next to the pressure gauge. Place the flight map on the aircraft control panel. Everything is ready, let's fly...


You land in the savannah. They are already waiting for you below. And earthly news haunts you here too: the UN intervened in the Asian crisis. An airship with a pilot will be waiting for you here. At the same time, the flywheel will undergo preventive maintenance, and your path lies in the village of giants. You walk past a herd of mammoths,

...which is herded by a giant named Kanou Pale. Talk to him. From him you will learn that mammoths are bred to produce milk, and with their help they “mow” the grass. And after the death of the animal, their tusks and fat are used. Go further into the village, moving towards the bottom of the screen, having previously picked up a tuft of mammoth hair (mastodon hair) near the herd.

The passage to the village, which is an arch made of bamboo stems, is closed by a magic spell. No matter how much you try to enter, it will not work. The natives know how to enter, so you return to the shepherd. Kanu Pale gives you aromatic magical pipe herbs that open the gate and warns you of the spell's effect. Since the spell cast on the gate is designed to create a protective field that protects the village from any danger, you will not be able to enter the village with piercing objects. Therefore, before entering, place all sharp objects that may pose a danger from your inventory on the ground. Now come in calmly.

Village of Giants

In the round gazebo you meet a giant woman.

This is the village elder, matriarch Aira Mnude. Talk to her. The issues discussed are still the same: who and how. You are not moving one step forward in your research on this issue. She allows you to walk around the village, and even go to the Valley of the Spirits.

Take advantage of this permission. First go to the right, here they work with a local Michurinian, Tohu Malla. This gardener grows magical flowers. Chat with him: when answering your questions, he will not tell you anything new. On the left, in the wall running next to the flowerbed, there is a magical gate, but, as they explain to you, only initiates are allowed to enter. Well, not only are you not privy to something magical, but you still can’t figure out the real events that are happening. The florist is very sad that he cannot move away from the flowers and does not know the weather forecast for tomorrow, but this is simply vital for him. Guess three times who will go to the local meteorologist and part-time fisherman. I think it's clear...

You go to it, going around the gazebo with Aira Mnude in it on the left and, having reached the fork in the roads, turn left. You see a fisherman sitting near the hut.

Get acquainted. His name is Payan Ouva. And as a sign of friendship, share pipe tobacco with him. After a conversation that doesn’t clarify much for you, you convey to him the flower grower’s request for a possible weather forecast. It is disappointing, as the weather is expected to worsen, just like we had in May - frosts on the soil. Debt, as you know, is worth paying, so the fisherman complained that he had an urgent need for bait, which is scarce in these places - firefly. After all, only with it you can catch big fish. After all, every fisherman dreams of catching a big fish.

Say “thank you for the forecast” and return with this bad news to the gardener. You give him a disappointing forecast and tell him about the fisherman’s dream. The florist is dejected, but does not lose heart: all is not lost. Tohu Malla asks you to go to the local healer and ask her to protect his crops from frost. Please respect the request. From the fork you go straight and come to an awning.

Below him, the local witch, Jahine Duubra, is healing a small mammoth. After exchanging pleasantries and expressing sympathy, you find out that the planes come first, that is, excuse me, in this case, mammoths, and everything else comes later. To cure a sick baby mammoth, the healer needs bitter berries. They grow on a bush near one of the pillars that form an alley leading to the Valley of Spirits. Jahin warns you that the berries are very poisonous, so you should not touch them with your bare hands. Along the path that goes around the shed and goes behind the hut, you go to this Alley...

Alley of the Initiates

The alley, which runs between high hills, is formed by pillars with magical symbols and vaulted arches. Near one pillar, on the left, you find a bush,

...on which red berries grow, these are what the healer needs so much. You remember the warning, put on gloves and pick the berries. Take it to the healer.

She thanks you for your help, and casts protective spells against frost on the gardener's flower garden. She tells you about the arena for competitions of initiates in magic, hidden behind the door near the flower garden, and gives you a special rod (repellent stem) to open the door leading there. Before leaving the healer, having secured her permission, take an empty shell from the shelf under the canopy. Now go back to the gardener and report on the work done.

Feeling emotional, he gives you a deficit - a heat-giving firefly, which you take to the fisherman. The fisherman does not remain in debt and presents you with the same shell, only with a living shellfish living inside. Well, you have your own living corner. It seems that you have fulfilled all the requests and instructions, now you can go and satisfy your own curiosity.

Local Luzhniki

Approach the door in the wall near the flower bed and open it with the special rod given to you. Behind it, in the middle of the flower garden, is an arena where local aborigines compete in wisdom.

Above the arena, the master of transformations Bares Mohul hovered in the air, and above him, even higher, hung a flickering ball. Bares Mohoul explains to you that this is the Ball of Memory. It hangs in the air and absorbs all the surrounding information. But only the matriarch of the village has the ability to read this information from the Ball. As you can see, everyone here has a very narrow specialization. Bares Mohul shows you his achievements after the end of the conversation, he disappears into thin air right before your eyes. And you are left alone at the arena.

On the left on the pedestal there is a bowl of water. Approach it and throw into it an empty shell, a shell with a live mollusk and a tuft of mammoth wool. Seeing the fur, the mollusk, in fright, crawls out of its shell and hides in the empty one. If you poke the cursor into an empty shell, it will split, and you will be left with a clear vegetable lens. You put it in your pocket. Go talk to the fisherman, ask questions. On the way you receive mail from the editorial office. There is not a single mention of war in it, strange.

You talk to the fisherman about the initiates. He tells you that magic uses the five senses of a person and can combine them. Each pillar on the Initiation Lane represents another level of initiation. At the end of the Alley of Initiates is the Valley of Spirits, above which the Island of Spirits floats in the air. This was the end of his knowledge on this issue. Go to someone who can know more - to a healer.

You ask her about this island and how you can get there. It turns out that in order to lower the island from a height, you need to use whistles located around the “landing area of ​​the island” to make six different special noises in a certain sequence. Go to the Valley of Spirits along the Alley of the Initiates.


The Valley of Spirits is a large, flat clearing among green mountains, in the middle of which a pit has been dug in the shape of an island hovering above it.

This earthen pit is surrounded by whistle posts along the perimeter. To make a whistle, you need to cover the slot in the post with a large sheet attached to the whistle. Each of the six magical noises consists of a combination of whistles from two very specific whistles, while the other four whistles are silent. Then make another noise, combining the whistles of the other two whistles, then another, and another. In total, as already mentioned, six specific noises must be made. After you cover the two slots in the whistles you have chosen with sheets of paper, you go to a large block of stone located on the other side of the pit. A head is carved on this block. In order for the whistles to make noise, you must pull the stone idol's tongue. If you find the correct sequence of noises, then after six howls, the island will descend to the surface of the Valley of Spirits. The correct sequence for turning on the whistles is represented in the form of drawings on the pillars that form the Alley of the Initiates.

Be sure to memorize the game before completing this task! If something goes wrong for you, you can’t go back. Carefully study all types of lines on the pillars located in the Alley and all the designs on the whistles. It's all about the types of lines. Well, start experimenting. In my opinion, it is impossible to complete this task in any other way; intuition and logic fail at times.

If you are completely desperate when choosing combinations, you can use this hint on whistle combinations. 1-4, 3-5, 4-6, 1-5, 2-3, 1-6. The whistles are numbered clockwise around the pit, starting from the path leading from the Alley. But now the island has sunk into a pit, and you can step onto it.

After which it will rise up again. On the island you meet Adam again. He suspects that Ariana came here through a “window” that was formed due to some kind of energy leakage occurring here. He's trying to figure it out. Walk with him through the garden. Find the hole through which the energy of the Flower Garden “leaves”. We need to shut her up. Plug it with a plant lens that the mollusk “left” for you. Adam suggests that the “canard” about the war going on above was launched for some purpose by the chief engineer Wallace and the village elder Aira Mnude. Adam tells you about a submarine based at a dock near the giants' village, and gives you a code to enter the boat. You get down from the island and go to the submarine. Go through the Alley, then through the entire village. Past the herd of grazing mammoths, go out again to the site where Gustav’s airship is on maintenance. The dock entrance is located near this place. To the left you can see the elevator door located in the mountain. Go there.

"We arrived at the port today"

An automatic counter for dock visitors hangs on the elevator wall. The elevator is designed for one person, so the counter records the passenger entering and exiting the elevator. Arrive at the pier and board the boat. You are greeted immediately at the entrance by Captain Angus.

It is clear that the “counter” reported that a stranger was on the pier. As sad as it is, you are immediately kicked out. You need to fool the counter to get onto the boat without supervision. An idea has appeared, we must try to implement it.

You return to the village, not forgetting to leave sharp objects in front of the entrance, and lure the little daughter of the village fisherman with you to look at the submarine. You go down the elevator with her, the counter thinks that a stranger has arrived, then you send the girl back in the elevator. The counter, of course, “counted” it. Everything is in order: there are no strangers, which means that no one is warned about your presence on the pier and you are not greeted. Which is exactly what you need. Come in and open the door with the code that Adam gave you - 5731X. The boat dives and sails to the island where diamonds are mined and transported to the surface of the earth.

Diamond mines

We've arrived. The captain explains to you: in order to get into the diamond mine, you need a special pass. He can give it to you, but it's a favor for a favor. Argus cannot leave the boat himself, and his acquaintance Maoro Fi works in the mine, to whom Argus must give a gift, seeds from his homeland. If Ariana undertakes to carry out this assignment, the captain will give her a pass. Of course, she will take it, and with great pleasure. The captain explains that a trolley standing on rails at the pier will take you to the mine. Get into the trolley, turn it on, and go into the tunnel. (And suddenly the machete and knife appear in the pocket again). There are two people working at the face, one of them is a giant.

Judging by the name the captain gave you, this is the one you need. Introduce yourself, say that you are from Argus, and start a conversation about the war, about work in the mine. He knows nothing about how processed diamonds reach the surface. You give him the tobacco seeds, and he asks you to give Argus a note (message), in which he reports that a revolutionary situation is brewing at the mine. Take the note and go back to the submarine. You give Argus the note, and he, as promised, gives you a visitor's pass to visit the mine.

You go into the mine again, now on foot along the sleepers. You meet Firmin, a trolley driver in the transportation area. You introduce yourself and begin, as usual, asking leading questions. He knows nothing about how diamonds reach the surface of the earth, but some of those working here have a desire to know. All orders for the mine are given by the chief engineer of the city, Wallace. Most workers are dissatisfied with the policies of managers. Now Firman's machine has broken down, and because of the breakdown he had to stop shipping. He asks you to help him. The filter in the car needs to be replaced, and you need to go to the warehouse to get a new filter. Firmin has already even written out an order slip to receive a filter; all that remains is to find a volunteer for this trip. Don’t refuse to help him, it will only benefit you. Go to the warehouse. You take the elevator up to the open platform.


Opposite the elevator you took to get here, there is a giant. This is Observer Hutha Meo, he is guarding the entrance to the hydraulic elevator.

Access to it is limited to personnel with a manager card. You can’t learn anything new from a conversation with him. Go to the warehouse. The warehouse is located in a large hangar located to the right of the elevator. Approach the window where the storekeeper sits. You find out that you will have to look for the filter in the warehouse yourself. There are no contraindications, such amateur activities are even welcomed by you. In front of the window on the floor, pick up a telegram (paper). From it you will learn that events are unfolding, a rally is scheduled for tomorrow. Go to the warehouse room. On one of the shelves you find a blank sheet of paper, on which there are prints from another sheet that was previously lying on top of the one found. There is also a lead pencil here. You may well find out what was written in that note. To do this, paint over the prints, and a diagram depicting a pentagon with marks will appear on your piece of paper. You receive mail from your sister, again not a single word about the war. Strange to the point of suspicion, it seems Adam’s suspicions are not unfounded. In another row, take a filter from the rack.

Go further and go out into the hall where the rocks are sorted. Kia Tran works here as a sorter. From him you will learn that after sorting, the diamonds are sent on a conveyor to the laboratory, entry to which is allowed only to the chief engineer. To other questions, about the war, about the hydraulic elevator, about connections with the outside world, he answers either negatively or evasively. In general, he made it clear to you that he is not interested in politics. For some reason he can't believe it. Get out of here.

Taking this opportunity, try to get into the trailer standing alone on the platform. Locked is not fate, another time. Return to the transport zone and take the filter to the technician. Firmin is pleased, of course - you saved the mine from downtime. Now he asks Ariana to help with one more thing: he needs to calibrate the car. He gives her a calculation sheet. You calculate them on your laptop and get the results: the first step is 157, the second is 37, the third is 8. You go with these data to the calibration console. It has three circular dials with its own light under each, and below them is a common scale. Set the calculated values ​​on the scale. If you calculated everything correctly (of course), then after setting the value and pressing the button, a green light should light up under the circle.

After that, go to Firmin again - report and talk. Now the machine works like a clock. Firmin is very grateful to you, and therefore also provides you with all possible assistance - he gives you a map of the mine. Very timely. You note that there is an arrow on the map pointing somewhere near where Supervisor Husa Meo is stationed. Apparently, this refers to the hydraulic elevator that he guards. You go back up to the platform and go to the giant, since you didn’t have a special pass or a manager’s card, he won’t let you inside the elevator. Unpleasant!

Go explore the rest of the buildings on the platform. To the right of the warehouse there is a lonely trailer, go there. Here is the control panel for all mine facilities, except for the laboratory. The giant cameraman Taal Nadi greets you there. He was not at all surprised to see you, since he had been warned by Adam about the possibility of your appearance. From a conversation with him, you find out that you can only get into the laboratory through a hydraulic elevator, this is quite dangerous, but it is possible to block the protection mechanism. And in general, everything connected with this elevator and diamonds is one big secret for a small company.

During the conversation, looking out the window of the trailer, you notice that the master of transformations Bares Mohul has appeared on the platform. You ask your interlocutor about it. The giant tells you that this is his teacher. Very suspicious, because Bares Mokhul told you that he had never been to the mine. This means that either one of the two is, at a minimum, lying, or Bares Mohul is watching you. This mouse fuss is starting to get on my nerves. Taal Nadi tells you that he promised Adam to help you. You ask him to go to Bares Mokhul and inform him that you are going to leave the mine. Which is what he does. You need to make the most of the short-term loneliness you have and try to turn off the hydraulic elevator alarm on the remote control. There are two groups of numbers on the control panel display, black and white.

These two groups must be swapped. In one step, you can either move one number to an adjacent free field, or jump over one number of a different color. For those who do not want to rack their brains over this task, here is a sequence of steps. Initial groups of numbers: 26418 and 81462. Permutations: the first black digit moves one place to the right, the second white digit to the left, the third black digit to the right, the fourth white digit to the left, the fifth black digit to the right, the fifth white digit to the left, the fifth black digit to the right again. The fourth white one goes to the left, the third black one goes to the right, the second white one goes to the left and, finally, the first white one goes to the right. The transfer is complete. The green light comes on, the path is clear. Almost. We also need to remove the elevator supervisor from the workplace. There must be a hardware problem. We'll have to break it. Before leaving the control room, pick up the sheet of iron from the floor. Go to the water tank located in the middle of the platform. It is necessary to stop the running water wheel. Place the plate into the channel next to the wheel and block the flow of water. Now you can go down into the tank. The stairs leading down are located to the right of the wheel. You go down and commit sabotage - in one deft movement you break everything: using a machete, you cut the drive belt between the wheels. Now go to the supervisor and inform him about the equipment breakdown. As you expected, he ran off to report further. Conduct this conversation with the supervisor “from a bird’s eye view” - a “top view” of the platform, for some reason this is the only way to get results.


Enter the hydraulic elevator cabin.

There is a combination lock on the elevator wall. To make it move, you have to press some buttons. Just what? Refer to the note that you recovered from the warehouse. Click on the buttons that correspond to the crosses on the note. You're going up. Hangar again. It houses a laboratory. You are very lucky: Amanda is talking on the phone and does not notice your arrival. She is discussing you with someone. After talking on the phone, Amanda leaves without noticing your presence. And you begin to inspect the laboratory.

Take a bottle of red phial of acid near the sink. Interesting documents were found in the bookcase. Having clarified some things using the computer, we find out that the supplier, the Van Heckner agency, received diamonds of the highest class, which is confirmed in the form of a certificate issued by the jewelry company "Johnsens and Sven" from Antwerp. Here comes a thread. In the corner of the room, on a table next to the safe, there is a strange structure that looks like both a lottery machine and scales.

From the shelf of this table we take a piece of paper with the text. It encrypts a problem, the solution of which is associated with this device. Having deciphered the contents of the note, you must, from the twelve white balls you have, using scales, find the only ball that differs in weight that falls into the lift pipe. You are given only three weighings for this task. If the weights on the bowls are the same, then this is not considered weighing. Each new game has its own unique ball.

Take this unique white ball and put it in your pocket. Into a safe, the lock of which is an original combination of three flasks, into which, apparently, you need to pour something, until you manage to get into it. There seems to be nothing more interesting here, let's leave. Well, that was not the case. As she left, Amanda locked the door. We need to open the lock. We pour acid into the keyhole from the bottle that you took near the sink. The lock, of course, opens.

Get into the elevator. To make the elevator start moving, place a “unique” ball into the pipe on the right. The elevator takes you to a secret office. Find a book on the table. Reading it. This is the diary of the rector of the Academy, Alexander. On the table we find a photograph of Ariana (photo), destroying the city power control panel. From the table, take another reel with film and a CD. Insert it into the computer. The disk contains the addresses to which diamonds arrive in Zurich. Well, you will learn a lot of new things here. It seems that the rector is involved in scams involving the sale of diamonds and the isolation of local residents due to a fictitious war allegedly being waged on the surface of the earth.

"To be or not to be"

Now attention! The moment of truth has arrived. Remember the game! Now you have the opportunity to either end the game by going out through the large round door, or continue the game by going out through the small door on the right and fight injustice here, underground. The choice is yours.

If you are tired of the troubles that haunt you literally at every step, and you decide to leave the game, then be prepared for the consequences that your action will entail. Everything will work out just fine for you. Recognition, honors, money. And the sharks of capitalism will rush here.

The attraction of diamonds is a terrible force. And there is no doubt that all kinds of...saurs will not live long. But if you decide to fight...

Continuation of the banquet

Go out the small door. You return to the elevator and find yourself on the platform. You get another piece of misinformation about the war on the surface. The supervisor, who has again taken up his post, clearly hints to you that you have already stayed here, isn’t it time to know the honor. Adam asked me to tell her that he was already here and wanted to see her. And Ariana tells Husa Meo about her findings and the suspicion that everything was started because of a thirst for enrichment. And in light of these events, Ariana asks the giant to guard the entrance to the hydrolift so that no one can get here until she talks with the chief engineer and the village elder.

Khusa Meo agrees to stay to guard the entrance as long as necessary. Go to the trailer with the control panel on the platform, where Adam is waiting for you. He is glad that Ariana has learned the truth and tells her the latest local news. Rector Alexander apparently sensed the smell of something fried and disappeared. Most people, contrary to the government's opinion, want to unite with the giants. Therefore, Ariana must take steps to ensure that as many people as possible hear what she has to say. On the floor of the trailer you find a chemical formula paper with a strange recipe: “Add black diamond powder to an acidic environment and white diamond powder to an alkaline environment.”

Pick up another sheet of iron from the floor. It's time to collect the components. First you go to the hangar sorting workshop. It's empty there now - no one will disturb. Take white diamond powder and black diamond powder from the conveyor. Approach the notice board. Here are posted instructions on access to secret work, a report on the extraction of diamonds sent monthly to the laboratory, a shift schedule, from which it follows that people and giants have different constitutional rights, as well as an order for the mine: anyone who sees Ariana must urgently inform management because she is here without permission. Interesting read, but don't forget why you're here. You need to hurry to the laboratory. Go to the hydrolift.

Chemistry - to life!

You are back in the laboratory. In the sink, find pieces of paper with some substance (strips for chemical analysis). You analyze them using a computer - this is a set of indicators. Approach the safe.

You take pieces of paper with indicators and dip them into each flask located on the door of the safe, poke the cursor into them, three pieces of paper, colored differently, appear in your pocket. As a result, we can say that in the blue flask there is an alkaline reaction, in the red flask it is acidic, and in the transparent flask it is neutral.

To open the safe, you need to add black powder to the blue flask, white powder to the red flask, and nothing needs to be added to the transparent flask. The safe opens. It contains a box of diamonds and a book with documents. Here are the accounts report for the sold lots of diamonds and the list of buyers (confidential clients). Close the safe and return to the platform again. Ariana tells everything she could find out to the supervisor - he is now with her “with all his heart” and goes to the village to educate the people.

You go down to the exit from the mine. On the tracks you find a whole trolley loaded with dynamite. The thought arises that someone is preparing a retreat or covering their tracks. If this dynamite explodes, no one in the mine will survive. We need to get rid of the trolley. To do this, you just need to push it into the sea.

Go and inspect all the rooms of the transportation hub, maybe there is another surprise hidden somewhere else. Above the machine you calibrated you see a bunch of dynamite, prepared for explosion. He needs to be neutralized.

You remember that you saw a ladder on the platform near the exit of the elevator. You go up there and bring a ladder. You climb up it and cut the wire with a knife - the explosion has been prevented. And they took dynamite with them. Then you go to the captain of the submarine and ask how he thinks about setting sail, because she needs to quickly get to the village of giants. He refuses because he has no orders to do so. You tell him about what you managed to find out and that you need to warn the matriarch of the village and the chief engineer about the conspiracy. But he doesn’t believe you, he needs proof. Well, he will have large-caliber evidence. It's time to get serious about the trolley.

First, we insert the sheet of iron, picked up in the trailer, into the rails leading to the water. That is, we make a springboard. Now we go to the trolley. To put it on the rails, you need to move the arrow on the tracks. The lever is hard to see. Put on gloves first! Well, they have organized a direct road to the sea. Go. The captain appreciated the spectacle he saw.

The trolley taking off like a rocket made an indelible impression on him. You go straight away, that is, you go, as the sailors say. Ariana receives mail from Betina. It says that Hector, Ariana's brother, despite the opinion of the returning pilot, who believes that Ariana died, is ready to move heaven and earth to bring her back. But Betina knows that Ariana did not die, since after the accident she received mail from her. Therefore, Betina firmly believes that they will see each other soon.


Ariana goes to the village. Approach the balloon operator and discuss future plans with him. Ariana is going to stay in the village of giants for the night, so you leave all the sharp objects in Gustav's basket.

Go through the transparent wall surrounding the village. There is no one here, as if everyone has died out. There is only one living soul in the entire village - a healer working at her post. She says that the village elder is on vacation - come tomorrow. You tell the healer that there is no trace of war, and why Alexander started all this. That he has a whole army of allies, and one of them is Bares Mohul. But in order for the matriarch to have convincing evidence, she must get the Memory Ball hanging above the arena. Only the Memory Ball will show the whole truth. The healer gives Ariana a butterfly, with which she can open the door to the arena, and a magic flower, without which she cannot get the Memory Ball. Take a trapping plant from the rack and go to the flower garden. First, water the flowers from a flask full of water. Now release the butterfly and watch it. A butterfly lands on a large yellow flower and a gate in the wall opens. Come inside. Place the flower taken from the healer on the pedestal in front of the arena and it will draw the Memory Ball into itself.

Take it to the healer. She says that she herself cannot read information from the Memory Ball, she must take it to the elder, who is now in the Valley of Spirits. But in order for the spirits to let you through the Alley of the Initiated at night, you need a magic flute. The healer gives you this flute. Go there and play the pipes. You didn’t find the elders in the Valley of Spirits, but near the stone idol you found a note written by rector Alexander Baresu Mokhulu in place of the tongue. The point of the note is that Ariana needs to be stopped - she knows too much.

Leave here, go to the aircraft - it's time to fly to the city.

"I returned to my city..."

You arrive at the shopping area, thank Gustav and say goodbye to him. Now you urgently need to find a chief engineer. You want to enter the light metro station, but that’s not the case: Amanda won’t let you in.

Go to the next station, located next to the Communications Center, Bares Mohul is patrolling there. Alexander's supporters seemed to have closed ranks. We must somehow remove the rector's associates from the streets. You can call Bares (there is a payphone next to the Communications Center) and, changing your voice, on behalf of Amanda, announce the end of the state of siege. To pull this off, you must do the preparatory work. Go to the stalls on the square and find a blue cloth and a telephone token on a familiar counter. Naturally, you cannot call from the payphone located next to Amanda, but you remember the number of this payphone: 123-06.

Now go look for another payphone. Another one was near Enrique's store, going there. And Enrique himself is waiting for you there, Adam asked him about it. You will learn from him that Wallace, whom you need to meet, is now at the Academy. You tell Enrique about Alexander’s diamond business, about the fictitious war, and tell him who is helping him. Neither the payphone located at the Pet Store, nor the one at the intersection have phone books to find out the payphone number at the Center, so you can only remember their numbers: 123-05, 123-08. Go to the payphone at the main city gate, same story. Its number is 123-04. You go to Enrique with this problem, and he gives you a list of the phone numbers.

Calculate the number of the payphone located near the Center - 123-09. Cover the receiver with a scarf (to change the timbre of your voice), lower the token, look at the number in the telephone list and that’s it. You are filming outside. Go to the "metro" near the Center and go to the Academy.

Come in and go left - into the laboratory. On the way, you look through the mail sent by Hector. It will calculate your location by taking the bearings of your laptop. In the laboratory, find a piece of paper on the table. This is an agreement on the division of powers between people and giants, and in the wooden box you will find a note about changing the signal settings. Go to the corner of the laboratory, here on the table there is a puzzle made of reels with film put on an axis, the so-called “Tower of Hanoi”.

Next to it is a sheet of paper with the rules for solving it. The essence of the problem is that you need to transfer the pyramid from the left axis to the right axis, moving one disk at a time. When transferring, the following condition must be observed: only a disk of a smaller diameter can be placed on any disk. This puzzle is quite famous, so I think everyone will be able to solve it.

After you complete the task, a door opens on the side of the puzzle.

Inside is a vial of liquid (plimantair flask) and a note describing the contents of the vial. This substance is completely harmless to humans and deadly to giants. Leave the laboratory and go to the archive (the door opposite the entrance). Approach the catalog machine and repeat the last request: pull the lever on the left. A ribbon appears with a list of ordered literature. This is the rector's order. It includes books on the study of giant races, a giant clinic, epidemiological medicine and invisible chemistry. It is clear that the giants will be targeted selectively. Come out. Rector Alexander and Bares Mokhul meet you in the lobby. All your accusations are answered with bewilderment: “What are you talking about, dear?” And then “Come with us.”


So you got caught. Ariana was locked in a prison, a comfortable one, but still a prison. Looking around a new place. On the chest of drawers you find a note: “Keep an eye on the lady until I return.” Well, lady, of course, this is Ariana. And the one who should guard it seems to be somewhere nearby. If you click with the cursor on the tree standing next to the chest of drawers, a secret door to the next room will open in the wall. This is a laboratory. From the table, take a string (fuse) and a piece of paper with a periscope map paper. In the far corner of the room, a young man is rummaging through a bookcase, not paying the slightest attention to you.

This is Alexander's twin brother - Peter. He tells Ariana that the outside world is being monitored from here. Peter is not interested in what his brother is doing - he is interested in science, he is developing a new model of a dynamic periscope. But it's missing a few pieces to make it work. He clearly has no time for us, well, don’t distract the young man from his hobbies. You have more important things to do. We need to get out of here. Go into the room where there is a hatch in the ceiling. A basket is tied to a rope coming down from it. You stick the string into the dynamite, put the dynamite in the basket and set it on fire.

Take the fallen iron bar from the shattered grate. Tie a rope to the rod and throw the rod into the hatch in the ceiling. You climb up the rope. You find yourself in a cave near the beach. Go out into the mushroom forest. The omnipresent Adam is waiting for you at the exit.

Mushroom forest

He's really glad Ariana is alive and well. He invites her to turn to Gustav for help. Adam tells the news. Alexander is hiding somewhere, so Adam will guard the exit so that Alexander does not escape. We need to help him prepare for the ambush. He needs food, a wooden box, coal, a mattress and a fern blanket. Ariana must go to the healer, she knows how to protect the village. And before she goes there, Ariana must go to Adam's hut. Before her, you need to take the magic bones and take them to the healer, she will tell you what to do. And Ariana should tell everyone to go look at the surface of the earth through Peter's periscope.

Go pack your things for Adam. Return to the cave. In the wooden box (empty box) find coal (coal). Take it along with the box. In the mushroom forest, we pick ferns for a blanket. Then you go to the abandoned post. You go upstairs, take food reserves from the table, and grab a blanket from under the canopy. Now, with all this household stuff, you return to Adam and give him things. Ariana says goodbye, she needs to have time to visit Adam’s hut before the village of giants. She must hurry, as Wallace must visit the village and need to tell him and the elder about the found bottle of “dust”.

And Adam makes a barrier from the things Ariana brought so that no one can leave the dungeon. Ariana receives a letter from Harry, a high school classmate. He writes that she must turn on her laptop every five minutes so that she can be located.

Come to Adam's hut. On the left, before entering the hut, take the little crushed bones from the sand. To fly away from here, go forward - look for Gustav. And here he is flying over the bridge. To make him notice you, point your cursor at him. Walk across the bridge, go down the rope ladder and make your way through the bushes to the place where the dead dinosaur lay. This is where Gustav lands on his device. After mutual greetings, Gustav agrees to take Ariana to the village of giants and wait for her there.


We arrived at the place. Remembering the magical entrance, you leave all the sharp objects in Gustav’s basket and go to the village. As you pass by grazing mammoths, pick up dry mammoth excrement (dry mastodon dung) and coconuts (coconuts) that fell from a palm tree from the ground.

In the village, in the gazebo, the giant Taal Nadi is waiting for you. Adam warned him about Ariana's appearance. You tell him about the conspiracy against the giants and ask him where Wallace and the elder are now. Now you need to go to the healer so that she can protect the village. Yes, we still need to get the missing parts to make the periscope work. In this regard, we remember about the fisherman, or rather, about his firefly. Go to the fisherman Ruan Auwa and find out from him where the elder is now. Ariana asks him for the brightest firefly. He promises to give, but only if she sets the crab traps correctly. That's right, according to the fisherman, this is sorting by gender. Ruan gives her a piece of fish (bait).

You place a piece of fish on a stone, the crab of what color will crawl out to the fish, the color of the trap should be placed opposite it. Traps must be set, focusing on the symbols of gender (clan) depicted on the stones standing in front of the traps. Using the method of logical thinking and anti-scientific poking, the following was obtained: The left one is a black trap for crab girls, the middle one is green - the general one. And the right trap, in which you need to put a piece of fish given by the fisherman, is intended for male crabs. Return to the fisherman and he gives you a firefly.

Go to the healer. From her you will learn that the elder is in the Valley of Spirits, but you cannot go alone. Ariana tells Jahin Duubre about the deadly substance found that Alexander wanted to spray it in the village of giants. The healer says that she can protect the village, but in order to make the potion, she will need coconut milk, bone powder, and berries from the Alley of Initiation. You will have to get all this for her. The powder and milk are in perfect order, but for the berries you will have to go to the Alley. Come on.

Find a bush with berries on the same side of the Alley where you picked red berries last time. Only the bush with the blue berries you need is further along, between the second and third pillars. Put on gloves and pick the berries. Take them to the healer.

You will brew the potion yourself - today is “Friday” for her - a day of self-contemplation - she cannot do anything with her hands, at least it’s good that this rule does not apply to the tongue. This potion must be brewed over a fire. Feces (mammoth dung), excuse the expression, are placed on a stone and set on fire. Throw a coconut into the burning flame. It splits into two bowls of milk. Place berries in a bowl and add crushed bones. Tell the healer that everything is ready. Put on gloves and scoop the resulting mass out of the bowl. You have in your hands a ready sponge soaked in a potion. We go with this sponge to the gazebo, where Taal Nadi is still waiting for you, in order to carry out protective measures with you. He tells you that you need to squeeze the sponge into the hole in the floor on the right side of the gazebo.

And now Ariana must go to the Valley of Spirits, Taal Nadi will be waiting for her there. Come to the Valley of Spirits. Aira Mnude was found on the floating island. You tell her everything that you managed to discover: about the war, and about the conspiracy, and about Alexander and his diamond business, and about “dust for giants.” Say that the villagers can go and look at what is happening on the surface of the earth through the periscope found in the old mine. And as the most important evidence, you show her the Memory Ball. She looked and believed you. Consider that a burden has been lifted from one shoulder. Return to Gustav, who is waiting for you, and fly to the city.


We've arrived. A payphone rings in the square. This is you. Ariana calls Enrique, asks her to come to the CC (Communication Center), and says that Adam asked her to be very careful in the city. To prevent anyone from escaping from the city by air, unscrew the helium bottle and take it with you. It will be more reliable that way!

Go to the Central Committee to the telegraph office. Together with Enrique, you decide that you need to send telegrams warning everyone about the conspiracy. And we need to make sure that the metro cars do not stop at the Academy station. Enrique gives Ariana a key that unlocks all doors (master key), in short, a master key so that she can get to the power supply panel.

You take the elevator up and turn off the button on the remote control that says “Academy” so that Alexander cannot escape. Pick up pliers from the floor. Go look for Wallace. We must hurry, as he must soon leave for the giants. You intercept Wallace near Amanda's pharmacy, where he came to buy medicine. You tell him about the poison and about Alexander. The engineer takes matters into his own hands. First, everyone will go to look through the periscope, and then - to catch Alexander in order to arrest him. “First the celebrations are planned, and then the arrests.”

Ariana must have time to get the periscope into working order before the influx of visitors. As you remember, you have the drawing of the periscope. You need to get another mirror and lens. Go to the Pet Store and open it with a master key - a special key. Enter the office through the secret door and look on the shelves. Find a magnifying glass near the unfinished stuffed Triceratops. Use pliers to pull out the magnifying lens. Now go to the city gates. Talk to Osin, and with his permission, go to his photo workshop and “dismantle” your grandfather’s camera. Take out the small mirror from there. You receive “soap” from brother Harry that the rescue expedition is approaching and you can start turning your laptop on and off. But now you are worried about other problems: you need to quickly return to the periscope.

Periscope and happy ending

In a strange way, I don’t understand how, the trolley you sit on immediately takes you to the periscope. Okay - no need to walk. Go "fix" it. Peter won't bother you. It's dark inside the periscope - stick a firefly. And you immediately discover some clearly unnecessary metal part in the periscope - remove it. Place the mirror down and insert the lens into the clamp. You remove the firefly. You ask Peter about the coordinates for setting up the periscope. Following his instructions, find a piece of paper on the table: “View of the harbor 125-87.” Here Wallace pulled himself up. You set up the periscope and show it the landscape that opens. Everything ended well. Ariana is flying home...

She decided to keep that world in peace, and “dropped” the camera’s flash card. Remember, as it is said in one document that was once very important for all of us: “Every nation has the right to self-determination..., even to the point of secession.” It's a pity that we rarely re-read this document.

The game, of course, is for intellectuals, and intellectuals with limitless patience. There are periodic interruptions in the logic in it, so you not only have to figure out a lot of the plot yourself, but also through trial and error you have to figure out what to do with this or that object. Therefore, you have to think a lot and tediously, and then the speed of events makes you want more. The dynamics are completely lacking. I don’t mean talking, it’s clear that nothing will happen faster than you can read. But in other cases... Even when Ariana is running... Honestly, more than once or twice I wanted to add speed to her so that she could move her legs faster. But these are perhaps the only small disadvantages. As for the pros... Amazing graphics. What is called "pleasant to the eye." The nice thing is that subtitles disappear from the screen only after a mouse click. This allows you to calmly read and comprehend the English text. Calm background music, which you can turn off if you get tired. Nice sound effects. In general, the work with sound deserves all praise. When developing "Journey to the Center of the Earth", RAD Game Tools technologies were used. This made it possible, with minimal resource requirements, to obtain excellent graphics quality and stable operation of the game itself...

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