Nine of spades with a queen. Love (fate) cards: Six of Hearts

For those born on October 29, November 27 and December 25 - a card of intellectuals, scholars and stable people.

Map of peace, harmony, stability in love and family. This is exactly what a person born with this card strives for. He is trying to understand the law of love and maintain harmony in relationships. However, harmony can turn out to be happiness, or it can also be a routine.

They are intelligent, erudite, and sociable. If they learn not to be distracted by anything, they can achieve great heights in any field of activity, although at times they feel that they are underestimated. Their abilities are very versatile.

The basis of their success is outstanding intellectual abilities, erudition and sociability.

Some Sixes of Hearts are very conservative and do not accept change, while shocks completely unsettle them for a long time. This character trait can keep them for a long time close to those people who are completely unsuitable for them.

People with this card are given some kind of talent from birth. Some become an artist, some a designer, some find themselves in creative financial planning. They have no shortage of interesting ideas and are very enterprising.

If the Six of Hearts see that someone has treated someone unfairly, they immediately rush into battle and begin to act. The same aggressiveness can manifest itself in work when solving business problems. However, they can show external equanimity even in fierce struggles or clashes.

Some representatives of this card understand that they have their own mission in this life, the essence of which is to give love to other people. And then they find true happiness and reach the highest level of self-expression.

Sixes of Hearts may meet in this life those with whom they came into contact in a previous incarnation. Relationships with them can be happy, or they can become very painful and difficult - it all depends on the individual karma of each of them. But these relationships always turn out to be fateful.

Sixes of Hearts always feel that some special, unusual and unique meeting awaits them. They firmly believe that one day a prince or princess will appear in their life, that everything will immediately change for the better. And this dream sometimes warms them all their lives.

In general, the love karma of people with this birth card is not bad, they can meet the ideal person for themselves and create a happy marriage. They like partners who can share the burden of responsibility for the family with them and will work equally with them. If the Six of Hearts does not shy away from responsibility in relationships and listens to the voice of the heart, then they get everything they wanted in their personal lives.

In fact, if a person wants to learn as much as possible about himself, then he should analyze his personal life and relationships with other people, because it is in these relationships that the law of karma is learned and practiced.

Like any other cards, the Six of Hearts represents two types of people: those who are extremely responsible in their love affairs and those who are incredibly irresponsible. The law of karmic love requires them to be completely honest in relationships: what is given is returned in due time. What is taken will be taken away... The entire Universe obeys this law. The number “six” itself embodies the law in this world. Anyone who breaks it must pay later.

If the Six of Hearts does not notice the injustice happening around, then its harmony turns out to be false. She definitely needs to honestly admit to herself the unworthy traits of her character. And then, if she accepts herself and her loved ones with all their shortcomings, she will reach the highest level of love.

  • Compatibility with other birth cards:

Female Sixes of Hearts are often attracted to men of the Spades suit, and among those who are attracted to them, there is a high probability that there will be at least one person with an irresponsible or immoral nature of a lower level. Heart Sixes of both sexes love the company of Club women, they are especially attracted to Club Fours, Eights and Tens. An excellent marriage partner for a female Six of Hearts can be a male Four of Clubs, with whom she is connected by karmic ties. Women born under the influence of the Six of Hearts should generally avoid male Hearts.

  • At the age of Mercury, people with this birth chart have a lot to learn.
  • In Venus, they are interested in collaborating with other people, trying to earn as much money as possible.
  • Under Mars they may be treated unfairly, however, they themselves sometimes act dishonestly. In any case, at this age wisdom and willpower come to them.
  • At the age of Saturn, they pay karmic debts, if they have not yet managed to pay their bills.

This is a card of compromises and concessions in relationships, love karma, responsibility for successes or failures in love. One of the strongest karmic cards. It is necessary to pay for past sins committed in the field of love and feelings. We can talk about temporary permanence in relationships, about taking responsibility for them. There may be situations when it is necessary to make serious concessions in a relationship in order to achieve harmony and peace in a partnership. Then the scales will be balanced, karma will be paid. Predefined connections are possible. We must try to learn as many lessons as possible from the relationship that has arisen.

  • The first Karmic (card of intellectual satisfaction) shows your character traits in a past life that need to be improved in the current incarnation. People with this Birth Card are progressive and able to apply creative ideas to their work, without allowing themselves to be distracted from moving towards success. Fours of Clubs want to achieve the same success in the love sphere, and this becomes their main goal in life.
  • The second Karmic Map (financial creativity) shows the experience gained in a past life. It is believed that among all the cards, the Three of Diamonds have perhaps the most difficult fate. This is especially true in relation to the Three of Diamonds - a woman, since her Personal and Karmic Card is the Queen of Diamonds, another one of the most problematic cards in the deck. The instability of the value system of the Three of Diamonds and heavy love karma from past lives (the first Karmic Card - Six of Hearts) could in a past life lead to serious difficulties in personal relationships.
  • Karmic Cards:

Each person was connected in a past life to many people, represented by various fate cards. Having met such people, you will instantly feel a connection with them and when communicating with such people, a transfer of energy occurs, the first card of the karmic set is the person to whom you transfer the energy, the second is the one who sends it to you. It is advisable to know these people so that when meeting them you can understand in which direction the main flow of energy occurs during communication.

Fortune telling on cards does not lose its popularity. Today, card layouts for fate and the future are made even by those who have nothing to do with magic. Anyone can learn to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, you just need to learn several methods of fortune telling with playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This is what we will talk about. So, what do cards mean in fortune telling, and what is the meaning of card combinations?

Ace of spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fear. In combination with the ace of clubs it means fear. With ten of spades - unexpected money. Ten of diamonds - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades lies next to a six of any suit, it’s a long trip.

King of Spades- enemy, adversary, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a queen and a jack of any suit - the help of an influential person. With an eight of spades, there is a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good things. With clubs - hostility towards you. With hearts - friendship. With tambourines - a person is in a good position.

Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with the nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With spades - a kind woman of mature years. With clubs - an evil woman. Help with hearts.

Jack of spades- aggression, unpleasant person, bad intentions of a powerful master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the queen of spades - a fight and a scandal. With the eight of spades - troubles in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and a gossip. With tambourines - news, drunk man. With hearts - friend.

Ten of Spades- illness, problems. In combination with the Ace of Spades - unexpected money. With the king or queen of spades - an influential person is interested in you. With a queen or king of other suits - failures, unfulfilled desires. With the Ace of Diamonds - bad news. Ace of other suits is false news. Ten of clubs - recovery. With nine of spades - grief. With an eight of spades - deterioration of health. With a seven, a tambourine is a proposal.

Nine of Spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades - illness. With an ace of clubs - harm. With the ace of hearts - intimacy. With the Ace of Diamonds - deception of loved ones. With a queen or king of spades - love. The king of other suits is desire. With ten of spades - unexpected profit.

Eight of Spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a party. The jack of hearts is bad news. The nine of clubs is a disaster. With seven clubs - treason.

Seven of spades- deception, loss, tears, separation. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, evil intent. Six of diamonds - problems in the family.

Six of Spades- road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - failure on the way. With hearts - a meeting. With tambourines - a road for the purpose of receiving money.

Ace of diamonds- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With diamonds - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

King of Diamonds- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With ten diamonds - support. With a six of tambourine - wish fulfillment.

Queen of Diamonds- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a ten of hearts - theft.

Jack of diamonds- young guy, boy, good news, prosperity. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With a lady of clubs - trouble. With a nine of tambourine - aggression and enmity. With six of clubs - an unexpected trip.

Ten of diamonds- a blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - success in money. With tens or nines of any suit except spades - making a profit. With a seven of hearts - inheritance. With the six of tambourines - fulfillment of desires.

Ten of diamonds- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - to money, if with any black suit - to problems.

Eight of diamonds- dreams, talking about money, hatred. With a king or queen, spades are a deceiver. With ten diamonds - unexpected profit. Seven of diamonds - instability.

Seven of diamonds- affairs, chores, money transactions, gifts. With any heart card - chance, luck. With ten of spades - an offer. With the ten of diamonds there are troubles with money.

Six of diamonds- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With ten diamonds - profit. The nine of spades is bad news. With ten of spades - the death of a familiar person. With the seven of tambourines - troubles in the family.

Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - a love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - fulfillment of desires. Nine of spades is a benefit. Seven of clubs - winning, victory. With a six of any suit - to the road.

King of Clubs- family problems, treason, betrayal, military man. With clubs - joy. With the ace of clubs, your wish will come true. With nine clubs - human help. With six - the road.

Queen of Clubs- influential lady, friend, illegitimate children. With the queen of spades - problems in the family, court. Eight of clubs - help from a relative.

Jack of clubs- military, friend, protection, help. Between ladies - betrayal. Between the jacks there is a turbulent life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With ten diamonds - profit from a profitable business.

Ten of Clubs- changes. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - winning, profit, easy money. With the ace of clubs - good changes. With a ten of hearts - mutual love. With ten diamonds - money. With nine clubs - entertainment, company. With six of clubs - a trip.

Nine of Clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - spending money, wastefulness. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. Ten of spades is a nuisance. With a nine or ten of hearts - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten - good luck. Jack of hearts is the road.

Eight of Clubs- a society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs - good luck. With a lady of clubs - help from a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful completion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With the seven of clubs or the ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, solution to a problem.

Seven of Clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With an ace of clubs - victory in court. With the jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With the eight of spades - treason.

Six of clubs- road, meeting. With nine clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks there is a celebration, a party, a change of place of residence or work.

Ace of hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With an ace of diamonds - good news. With the jack of hearts - good news. A ten of spades is bad news. With the nine of spades, it's a party, friends.

King of Hearts- loving feelings towards you, good news, meeting. With peaks it’s a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With diamonds - profit. With clubs - troubles. With the queen of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

Queen of Hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a ten of hearts - meeting a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait, man with brown hair. With any hearts - success. With an ace of hearts - a confession of feelings. With the king or queen - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

Ten of Hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With ten diamonds - quick profit. With an eight of hearts - a date. With nine clubs - mutual feelings.

Nine of Hearts- event, news. With a king or queen - love. With the queen of spades there is joy. With a ten of hearts - love and wedding. With an eight or seven of hearts - a date. Six of any suit is an unexpected encounter.

Eight of Hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With the jack of hearts - a conversation. With a ten of hearts - intimacy. With the nine of hearts - a meeting.

Seven of Hearts- change, fun. Conversation with four kings. With ten of spades - an offer. With a ten or nine - a meeting, a date.

Straight position

The 6 of clubs indicates primarily situations characterized by a state of relative peace. Peace - because there are no bright or fateful events at the time indicated for fortune telling, and relative peace - because, although latently or slowly, the situation is still developing.

Sometimes the 6 of clubs should be taken as a recommendation to be at peace. For example, fate is preparing big things for a person, but he must prepare for them or tune in to them, because otherwise he simply will not cope with the situation. By the way, quite interesting news or useful information may come at this time. This is evidenced by the presence of a jack of clubs next to the 6 of clubs. And also - if 10 hearts were combined with this card - it should be taken as advice to go visit friends or relatives who live somewhere far away. This road will allow you to disperse and tune in to the right mood.

On the other hand, the need to remain calm may be associated with circumstances that are currently more against the fortuneteller than for him, and active actions on his part create a risk of failure. If it is impossible not to act, then this must be done as carefully and thoughtfully as possible.

Inverted position

The inverted six of clubs is a symbol of subordination and pressure of circumstances. It means that the situation cannot move from the “dead” point, because there are objective or subjective reasons that slow it down. And at the same time, a person - at least at the moment - is not able to overcome them. For example, when, along with 6 clubs, a ten of clubs appears in the layout, it means that the fortuneteller will probably have to unexpectedly go on the road, regardless of whether he wants it or not. And the combination of such a six with 7 of hearts warns of the need to be more attentive to your own health.

Love and relationships

Straight position

When fortune telling about relationships, 6 clubs can symbolize, firstly, a meeting in public (in a public place), secondly, a new acquaintance, about which it is still impossible to say for sure whether it will be promising, thirdly, a relationship in which it is obvious not enough romance.

In a certain context, this card indicates that the relationship with the person being guessed at should be treated as responsibly as possible, because it is quite easy to ruin them. And if we go even deeper in the interpretation, then we should take it as advice to take a break, take a break from each other, etc. But in combination with 8 of hearts, the six of clubs recommends, on the contrary, going on a trip together with your partner.

Inverted position

This 6 of clubs denotes temptations that can lead (or even already lead) to the fact that the current partner becomes less and less interesting and attractive. And the presence of the Jack of Hearts right there suggests that this relationship may soon be interrupted.

Another interpretation of the card is attempts at provocation towards a partner. The fact that the inverted 6 of clubs must be interpreted in this way is indicated by the queen of clubs that fell in combination with it. The inverted 6 of clubs does not speak about their reasons and purpose, but they can be judged from other cards.

If they are telling fortunes about a lonely person, then the six of clubs upside down indicates that his soul is heavy and that his personal life is stagnant or has many difficulties. The last interpretation is especially true if there are 9 hearts next to such a six.


Straight position

In this regard, 6 clubs is interpreted as a business trip (in particular, a business trip). It’s hardly worth counting on any special results from it. But troubles at this time will definitely not be avoided.

If the layout is about some kind of project, then the card recommends delaying its implementation, since the moment is definitely not the best for such an undertaking. For example, if you go on the road during this period, it will probably turn out to be troublesome and restless. In any case, this is how the 6 of clubs along with the jack of diamonds is interpreted. It is advisable to spend the coming time searching for resources, analyzing real possibilities, and, in the end, just relaxing and freeing yourself from old worries and doubts. And if 8 diamonds fall out from 6 clubs in the layout, it means that everything will work out in the end.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the 6 of clubs speaks of routine, boring workdays, as well as the uncertainty of plans for the future (especially when paired with the king of clubs). In itself this would be nothing, but in this case we are talking about the need to work hard, to work with full dedication; however, at the same time, no results, no gratitude or adequate reward, as they say, “are visible in the waves.” And it is advisable not to talk too much, as the pair of inverted 6 clubs and 10 spades warns about.

Let's consider what predictive role these cards play in the deck. The meaning of sixes in fortune telling: Sixes foretell the path of a character indicated by a card with a figure (king or queen). Depending on the suit, sixes can determine: six of spades - a trip at night, six of clubs - an evening road, six of diamonds - a close road, six of hearts - a walk. Four sixes - fulfillment of desire.

The meaning of six cards in fortune telling

Meaning of the Six of Spades

Basic meaning: bad road, late road. The road of the king or queen of spades.

Combination of six of spades with other cards

With any peak card it’s a long, fun road.

With any club card it’s a dangerous long road.

Under any club card there is news from the government house, a useless road.

With any red card - a road and a date with loved ones.

With a seven or eight of tambourines - worries about money, vanity.

Before the nine or ten, a tambourine is a long trip related to financial matters.

With the Ace of Spades - a difficult road, bad news.

With an ace of clubs - a railway.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: next to the questioner’s card - great losses. In the heart there is loss, anxiety.

Meaning of the Six of Diamonds

Main meaning: the best card, softens even the bad meaning of the ace of spades, a quick happy road, fulfillment of desire. Road of the King or Queen of Diamonds.

Combination of six of diamonds with other cards

With the seven of tambourines - problems at work.

With the nine of spades - troubles with loved ones, health problems.

With ten and nine peaks - long-term health problems.

With ten diamonds - receiving a large inheritance.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: next to any card of the peak suit - hope and happiness in any endeavor.

Meaning of Six of Clubs

Main meaning: useless road. Date on the street. The path to the specified location. The road of the king or queen of clubs.

Combination of six of clubs with other cards

With ten clubs - an urgent emergency trip.

With the ace of spades - a long journey.

Near the card with the figure - a date at night.

With an ace of clubs - a long trip.

Near the card with the figure is a long-awaited meeting.

With the Ace of Hearts near a card with a figure - a meeting with a loved one.

With an ace of diamonds near a card with a figure - a date in the afternoon.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: between cards with a figure - a big event, fun.

Meaning of the Six of Hearts

Main meaning: walk. Obstacle in business. The road of the king or queen of hearts.

Combining the Six of Hearts with other cards

With any red card - a long trip with your loved one.

With a dozen of hearts - a date, a meeting.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: all nine worms are a pleasant guest, news of love.

This is a map of peace, harmony and stability in love and family. People with this Birth Card are aware of the “law of love” and strive to maintain harmony in relationships. However, this harmony can turn out to be both happiness and a monotonous routine. It all depends on the individual approach. Some Sixes of Hearts are too conservative and hate change and shock. This can sometimes keep them with the wrong partner for longer than their own goals and intentions require.
Typically, Sixes of Hearts achieve success in almost any field of activity, although at times they feel that they are underestimated. The basis of their success is outstanding intellectual abilities, erudition and sociability. As a rule, the Six of Hearts achieves more if they choose one area for themselves and go through it to the end, without being distracted by anything. People with this Birth Card are able to learn almost anything. Sixes of Hearts have an innate creative talent. Many of them excel as designers and artists, or in creative financial planning. They are very enterprising and never lack profitable ideas.

Brief description of the meaning of the card:

  • constancy of connections
  • compromises and responsibility in relationships
  • karma of love - a sense of duty and fatality in relationships
  • relationships that are exhausting and difficult to get rid of

When the Six of Hearts feels that she or someone else is being treated unfairly, the aggressive side of her nature comes out. In such situations, the Six of Hearts operates in full force. This aggressive side can also be applied to solving business problems or playing sports. Sixes of Hearts are able to maintain external equanimity even in the most fierce struggle.

Some Sixes of Hearts discover that they have a “special mission” in life, the essence of which is to give love to other people. Realizing this, the Six of Hearts finds true happiness and reaches the highest level of self-expression.

Relationships with other people

Understanding the principle of responsibility in love, some Sixes of Hearts encounter partners with whom they dealt in past incarnations. Relationships with them can be both happy and painful, depending on individual karma, but at the same time they always turn out to be fateful. For the same reason, many Sixes of Hearts feel that somewhere special, unique love awaits them. They believe deep down that one day that special person will miraculously come into their lives and immediately change everything for the better. They carry this dream throughout their entire lives.

In general, the love karma of the Six of Hearts is not bad, and they may well hope for an ideal marriage. As a rule, they prefer to tie themselves in marital ties with a partner who can work equally with them and take on their share of the load. In love affairs, the Six of Hearts achieve everything they want if they do not try to abdicate responsibility and listen to the voice of higher love in their soul.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Female Sixes of Hearts are often attracted to men of the Spades suit, and among those who are attracted to them, there is a high probability that there will be at least one person with an irresponsible or immoral nature of a lower level. Jack of Spades is their Map of Mars. Sixes of Hearts of both sexes love the company of women with clubs, they are especially attracted to Fours of Clubs, Eights of Clubs and Tens of Clubs. An excellent marriage partner for a female Six of Hearts can be a male Four of Clubs, with whom she is connected by karmic ties. Women born under the influence of the Six of Hearts should generally avoid male Hearts.

Law of love

The Law of Karma covers almost all areas of life, but it seems that in the modern era the sphere of human relationships is of particular importance. Personal relationships help us learn so much about ourselves that they become, in fact, the main means of personal development. Until we master the principles of love relationships, we have no opportunity to really move forward on the path of spiritual development. Love relationships are the last bastion we have to take on the path of personal development. And the Six of Hearts reminds us how important this is for any person. People born under the influence of the Six of Hearts are bearers of this truth; they are meant to teach us the true meaning of love.

As with other Sixes, there are two types of Sixes of Hearts: some are extremely responsible in love affairs, others are incredibly irresponsible. The law of love, to which Six of Hearts are inherently bound, requires them to be unconditionally honest in romantic relationships, and if they deviate from this rule, they will pay the price sooner or later. The symbol of the Six is ​​the six-pointed Star of David, two triangles intertwined in perfect balance. This is the personification of the Law of Karma, the principle “what goes around comes around.” What we take will be taken from us, and what we give to others will return to us in due time. This is an unchanging law to which the entire Universe obeys. People associated with the number “six” embody this law in our world, either strictly fulfilling it, or breaking it and paying for it.

The Six of Hearts is a peacemaker card. People with this Birth Card know that peace only comes when everything comes into perfect balance and harmony. And they strive with all their might to achieve this balance. They are disgusted by ugly and unfair behavior. But this is an integral part of life. And if the Six of Hearts turns a blind eye to injustice, then its harmony turns out to be false, turning into an escape from reality. The Six of Hearts finds true peace only when it recognizes all the polar opposites of life. True tolerance - the mother of harmony - comes only with awareness of the most unpleasant sides of reality. Sixes of Hearts need to admit to themselves their unattractive qualities and negative aspects of life in order to find ideal love.

The Six of Hearts is often associated with “perfect Christian love.” This love is able to overcome all material limitations and embrace all polarities of existence. And every Six of Hearts can achieve this level of love if they accept themselves and their loved ones with all their shortcomings.

Number of the card “Six of Hearts (Hearts)”: 6

Birth Card - Six of Hearts (Hearts)

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