Mass Effect: Andromeda - The Lost Ark. Cora Harper: All Mass Effect Andromeda missions read letter from Cora

The Mass Effect series has always been famous for having a wide choice when performing certain tasks, and each decision entailed certain consequences. The new part has adopted this feature from the original trilogy, so the endings in Mass Effect: Andromeda are significantly different from each other and directly depend on what choice your hero makes at important plot points. Naturally, players would like to find out as much information as possible about them in order to ultimately choose the best ending, the save with which will certainly be useful to them for the next game.

Note that a couple of decisions and their consequences are presented in the Code. For example, it describes the results of completing main quests. It also demonstrates the relationship of the main character with his comrades and secondary characters. However, in reality, Andromeda has many more endings, and they all depend on the decisions you make. At the end, the game takes into account the choices made in both main and side quests. For this reason, we will try to describe all the outcomes of the endings.

Decisions and consequences of the main plot


At this stage, the outcome is influenced by the fact whether the protagonist has engaged in a thorough study of Housing-7. If he did, Alec Ryder will praise his son/daughter in dialogue and some messages, and will also call you an excellent Trailblazer.

Mission 3 – “Ray of Hope”

When you get to Voelda (Nol system), almost at the end of the quest you will need to deal with the Cardinal and his retinue. After the fight with him, a small cutscene will be shown, and then you will have to make a difficult choice:

  • blow up the scientific station along with the Cardinal and the hangar prisoners;
  • save the hangar prisoners and not kill the Cardinal;
  • rescue the hangar prisoners and fire a control shot at the Cardinal.

The first decision will lead to negative consequences, the second to neutral, and the third to positive. The fact is that with the third option in the last task, Anagar combat troops will fly to your aid.

Mission 4 - Hunt for the Archon

In this task you will have to accept or refuse Sloane Kelly's offer, allowing or not allowing her to deal with Veren. Here are the consequences that await you:

  • Do not agree to his execution, and then he will join the hangar resistance.
  • Agree to his execution. However, in this case, you will still be able to talk with him one last time.

In the fourth mission, the main character also has to decide who to save from the flagship owned by the Archon, after a fight with the boss of the level (a modified krogan). You can help either the pioneer salarian or the found krogans. In principle, this choice will not greatly affect the ending - it’s just that either the rescued krogans or the salarian will help you in the last mission. By the way, if you have Drak among your companions, you will definitely hear comments from him about the rescued one.

Mission 6

At the point of no return, you have to decide the fate of Danna (captain of the Hyperion). You can save her or let her die. If you want to save the girl’s life, then before completing this task you will have to complete the quest for Kora’s loyalty, and in the mission with the turian ark, convince Avitus to take on the position of the turian Pathfinder. In this case, in the final quest, three Pathfinders will be under your command at once: a salarian (you need to choose one of two characters), a turian and an asari (you need to choose one of two characters). Then Captain Dunn will be able to survive the disaster.

If you failed to fulfill the above conditions, then the girl will die as a hero while saving her crew.


Ryder will have to decide on an ambassador to the Nexus. Here you simply need to choose the character you like. Choose wisely, as we are confident that these decisions will play a significant role in the next parts of the series.

Decisions and consequences with allies and romantic relationships

Creating Relationships

In principle, this choice will not affect the ending itself. It only depends on him who exactly turns out to be the lover of the main character. Therefore, you can choose any character who you like the most. By the way, our guide shows how to start an affair with two companions at once.

Cora's loyalty mission

Here you have to decide the fate of the Asari Pathfinder:

  • Have you decided not to tell anyone? In this case, Sarissa will help you in the last mission.
  • They disgraced the asari and appointed a new Pathfinder? Then Vederia will come to your aid.
  • They disgraced Sarissa, but still left her as the Pathfinder on the ark? The girl will help you, but the dialogue with her will change a little.

Jaal Loyalty Mission

When completing this quest, you will need to save Akksul's life or send him to another world. During the cutscene with Jaal's family reuniting, the girl will attempt to deal with him. You need to look at the bottom of the screen and make a choice:

  • If you kill Akksul, Jaal will be saddened, but his family will still come to your aid in the final mission.
  • Keeping Akksul alive will help you maintain good relations with Jaal, however, in this case he will receive a wound on his face. His family will help you in the final battle.

Pibi Loyalty Mission

You need to decide what to do with the mysterious device. Ryder himself can make the choice: kill or let Kalinda go. In this case, there will be practically no consequences - you will only have to lie to Peebee. If you let her make the decision herself, and she saves Kalinda's life (the device will be lost), then Kalinda will come to your rescue in the last task.

Loyalty mission Brawl

Here you need to choose Aron's fate:

  • Let Drak interrogate and convince him to spare his life, then Vorn will help you in the final mission.
  • If Drac kills him, Vorn will still help you in the end.

Gil's Quest

It all depends on whether Ryder will be able to deceive his opponent in poker. However, regardless of the outcome of the game, the ending itself will not change, only the dialogues. The same applies to the child - only the dialogue options will change.

Kallo's mission (controls the Tempest)

In this mission you just need to support Gil or Kallo. However, this decision will not affect the ending, so choose the one you like best.

Decisions and consequences in side quests

Most side missions require players to make certain choices. Some decisions can affect the main storyline, while others may not even notice the consequences.

First Assassin (Nexus)

At the end of this task, you will have to decide whether to expel the accused from the station or release him on all four sides:

  • If expelled, you will be able to meet him on the planet Kadara, where he will try to start his life from scratch.
  • If you simply let him out of the cell, his wife will eventually leave him, and people will continue to consider him a murderer, so he will ask the doctor to freeze himself again until better times.

Sleeping Dragons (Nexus)

You can complete this task after the second story mission. In it you will have to solve the problems of protesters who are unhappy that their family members have not yet been brought out of cryosleep. Your choice will not affect the plot in any way.

  • You can ignore the protesters’ request and then they will simply be dispersed by the station’s security staff.
  • Agree with the demands of the protesters and convince the station managers to bring the family members of the protesters out of cryosleep.
  • Refuse to comply with the demands of the picketers. In this case, many of them will be sent to prison. However, you can slightly defuse the situation and then the protesters will calmly go home.

The Hero's Path (Nexus)

This quest involves a journalist named Keri T'Vessa, who you can interview after each important mission and even start a romance with.

  • You can reject the journalist’s request or agree, but not come to the meeting. In this case, the asari will decide to talk to Director Tann, who will tell her all sorts of nonsense and make himself look like a hero. As a result, Tann will become the main character of her film.
  • Decided to give her an interview, tell only the truth and flirt during the conversation? In this case, you will be able to start a romantic relationship with her, and your main partner will not be against it.
  • If you lie to a journalist, she will be offended by you and then you will not have an affair with her.

Oblivion Formula (Kadara)

Walking through the slums of Kadara, you may encounter a doctor who will give you a quest to return a medical drug stolen from him by criminals who are now making narcotic substances out of it. The kidnapper will tell you that the doctor is deceiving you.

  • Have you decided to trust the girl and leave her the drug? Congratulations, you were scammed like the last freshman - she will continue to create drugs.
  • After returning the formula to the doctor, you will know that he did not lie to you. In addition, he will settle in your outpost located on Kadar, taking up the position of a doctor there.
  • If you ignore this task, you will not be able to create an outpost on the planet.

Murder at the Port (Kadara)

It is necessary to help Reis solve several murders committed in the port area of ​​Kadara. Vidal will suspect the Roekaars and we will need to find evidence of their atrocities.

  • After completing the task and finding all the criminals, there will be no more murders in the port.
  • Did you ignore the mission? Expect new murders, and every time you visit Kadara, the locals will constantly remind you of this.

Reyes vs. Sloan (Kadar)

When completing this quest, you will notice a fight between Sloane and Reyes. You will have to intervene in it and choose one of the conflicting sides.

  • With Sloane's support, the Misfits will take control of Kadara, and the girl will help you in the final task.
  • With the support of Reyes, Vidal's faction will take over control of this world. In this case, he will help you in the end.
  • If you do not participate in this conflict, then Sloan will win, but the factions will continue to quarrel with each other and none of them will come to your aid.

Brother's Fate (Voeld)

Maarel will ask you to find out what happened to her brother. You will be able to make the following choices:

  • Tell the girl the truth and then she will fly to Havarl to mourn her brother.
  • Lie to her and Maarel will simply fly home.

Quest for the Past (Voeld)

When completing this task, you will need to decide whether to destroy or save the ancient Angaran artificial intelligence.

  • Destroying the AI ​​will have virtually no effect on the plot.
  • Saving the AI ​​- in this case, it will kill the hostage, and you can use it for a good purpose.

However, this good goal again has two ramifications:

  • You can give him the task of working with SAM, but again this will not affect the plot in any way.
  • You can transfer it to the hangar scientists - in this case, the Angarans will be better prepared for the final battle, since they will use artificial intelligence data.

Secret water source (Elaaden)

Here you will need to find a hidden water reservoir captured by one of the groups. If you find it, you will find yourself in the very center of a dangerous confrontation, and you will have to make an important decision.

  • Give control over the water to Anna - you can get a small amount of credit cards and enlist the girl’s help in the following tasks.
  • If you leave control of the water to yourself, you will have to fight Annaya, but you won’t be able to kill her. As a result, her replacement will be Raya.

Remnant Engine Core (Elaaden)

Upon finding the Remnant Engine Core, which is a powerful energy source, the Krogan will ask you to give it to them.

  • Giving the core to the krogans will result in you being able to populate Elaaden and improve its prospects, but you may face serious consequences from this decision in future games.
  • Do not give the core to the krogans - you will be given 2 thousand credits and 1 thousand Relic research points. However, after this you will not be able to build an outpost on the planet and thereby open up new side quests.

Turian Ark

If you want the best ending in Mass Effect: Andromeda, then you will definitely have to decide the fate of Avitus.

  • Convince Avitus to become the Pathfinder on the Turian Ark - in this case, he will help you in the final battle. Plus, Danna will still be alive.
  • Do not convince Avitus - the consequences of the final mission will be more dire. Avitus himself can be met later on the planet Kadar.

Let's add that you should definitely read our new guide to the game if you want to form the strongest army for the final battle.

Job type: Allies and relationships

Required conditions: talk to Director Tann during the first story mission

Starting location: Nexus Command Center

How to get a: talk to Director Tann about settling on Eos

Talk to Tann

Nexus Command Center

After talking with Director Tann (1) the first time, you will unlock "Quest: Get to grips with the Nexus" as well as "The Lost Arks". Tann asks you to look for clues that could lead to the missing arks.

Find out something about the asari ark


Completing Cora's personal quest leads to finding the Periphon - a ship from the ark of the asari Leusinius. The ship is found destroyed on Voeld. The transponder eventually leads you to the ark. This find completes this objective of the Lost Arks quest.

Find out something about the Turian Ark

The Turian Ark's encounter with the Blight led to its destruction. Most of the turians escaped, but the turian Pathfinder and his SAM were missing. Avitus Rix, a former Specter, asks for your help in finding the Pathfinder in the quest "Turian Ark: Defying Death." Once you progress through the main story to the point of interrogating the prisoner in Kadara Porto, you will receive a letter from Avitus, in which he reports that the scavengers have found parts of the ark on Elaaden. Confirming receipt of the email completes this mission objective.

Find out something about the Salarian Ark

Complete the story mission "Hunting the Archon" to complete this objective. At the end of this mission, you can choose to save the captured salarians or save the krogans. In any case, the salarian ark has been found.

In Mass Effect: Andromeda you will meet several characters important to the plot who will become your companions and comrades. Naturally, they will not immediately accept you as a leader, and at first you can’t even dream of trust on their part. If you want to win over your companions and reveal their hidden secrets, then you will have to complete special missions for loyalty. In addition, often only after completing such quests will you be able to start a serious romantic relationship with one of your companions.

In many of these tasks, you will have to make difficult choices, which will often determine your relationship with one character or another. That's why we decided to write a detailed walkthrough of loyalty missions to make it easier for you to make difficult decisions.

Nakmor Drak

Krogan Betrayal

The first task in a chain of quests for the loyalty of a krogan named Drak. One of Addison's assistants, William Spender, is a real pain in the ass for all the Krogons, as he interferes with their work and tries with all his might to compromise them at the Nexus station. In addition, many say that he is dishonest. William's crimes will need to be revealed, and as soon as possible.

Head to the Nexus and talk to several characters: William, Kandros and Kesh. The latter is sure that Spender is hiding something, and therefore she will ask to look through the security records to find evidence of his dirty deeds. To do this, you should take access from Kandros and watch the only video recording of a potential criminal, but it will be of terrible quality. However, SAM will be able to determine the coordinates of the planet Kadara. Fly to Kadara and go to the slums. Then, with the help of the Nomad, you need to follow in the footsteps of William. There will be a lot of mines near his lair, so get off the all-terrain vehicle and continue on foot, using the scanner to plot a safe path.

Deal with all the enemies and find out that Spender is stealing supplies from the station and selling them to exiles - he trades with Aroan. Fly back to the Nexus and head to William's apartment. You will need an encoder, which is hidden behind a panel hanging on the wall. Give the encoder to the technicians, and then talk to Drac. He will give you a new task.

The future of the people

You will learn that a transport ship from the krogan colony, which was transporting the seed gene pool of the race, was hijacked by attackers. Drac will ask you to find him. To do this, you should fly to Elaaden, and then use an all-terrain vehicle to get to Novaya Tuchanka. Here you should talk to Hark, who missed the starship. He will tell you the coordinates of the lair where the pirates are hiding.

Head to the indicated location and deal with all the guards. There you will also meet Aroan, your acquaintance from the previous mission. When the next shootout ends, you will receive a call from Vorn, a laboratory assistant, whose death will render the fund useless. Luckily, Ryder won't have to choose who to save, since Drac will do that. After helping Vorn, another shootout will begin.

Then you need to run for the cargo and fight with a dozen more opponents. In the end, you will still manage to catch up with Aroan and decide what to do with him. You can give Drak the opportunity to throw him into the abyss. However, we advise you still not to kill him, because then you will be able to learn useful information about Spender.

Vetra Nyx

Vetra's loyalty mission will be less complex than other similar tasks - you just need to go to one planet and do a simple thing. This will take you relatively little time, and the battles are unlikely to cause you any trouble. Perhaps the turians did one of the last quests, which is why it turned out to be so short. Note that without completing it, you will not be able to start an affair with Vetra.

Goals and means

The first thing you will need to do is read the message sent by Vetra. Then go to the turian woman on the Tempest. Fly to planet H-047c, located in the Remav system. You won't necessarily take the turian with you to this destroyed world, but it would be logical to assume that this way you can get more information you need, since this is her mission after all.

Now you have to find an abandoned mine. To do this, you just need to carefully study the canyons - the desired object is located not far from one of the bridges. Get out of the all-terrain vehicle and approach the mine. You will be shown a short cutscene, after which you will have to look for a way out of Meriwether's prison.

Go down to find the exit from the prison complex. Scan the door and then examine the generator next to the stairs. Find a way to connect the generator to the door. Hint: There are a bunch of cables on the floor. Then open the door.

Escort the colonists to the storage room marked on the map. Afterwards the doors will close. You can hide behind the boxes so that the guards do not notice you (if there is a bug in the game and the doors do not close, you can simply deal with the guards).

Check the security camera footage. Deal with the guards, and then talk to Galloway. Next, head to the dining room. Use the security camera to give yourself an advantage. Deal with the criminals in the dining room and go to the menagerie.

Here you will encounter a demon. If you have not dealt with these creatures before or your level is not high enough (less than level 20), then get ready for a difficult fight. The demon is highly resistant to regular bullets. In addition, his weak points are only on his back - the rest of the body is covered with armor (however, it can be easily shot). When fighting this monster, you need to constantly move and use abilities on it as soon as they recharge.

After a tough fight, head to the workshop. Don't forget to use the workshop security camera to disable the Hydra's armor. Deal with the guards in the room and proceed through the rest of the complex. Engage in battle with the guards and guards again. Beware of turrets, as they can cause considerable damage.

Get to Sid and during the conversation, follow the prompts that appear on the screen. Kill Meriwether and his guards. Hint: use ammo. The bad guys will attack you in two waves, and none of them will be armored. Chat with Sid again.

Moment on the surface

Some time after completing the previous mission, you will receive a message from Vetra. You will need to fly to the planet Kadara and arrange a small race with a turian, after which you will be able to make her your permanent partner.

Jaal Ama Daraev

After you help the Angaran Resistance by completing the quest "Rescue Scene" or "Help the Havarla Scientists", Jaal will give you a new mission called "Friend or Foe?" The tasks presented in Darayev's loyalty missions are relatively simple - you won't have to travel from one planet to another often, but you will need to take part in a lot of battles.

Friend or foe?

The first part of this task involves traveling and talking. The first step is to talk to Jaal on the Tempest. Next, try to find Taldir on Havarl. During your search, several kett will attack you (destroy them with regular bullets). Enter Taldir's house and talk to the desired character lying on the table.

Then you need to check your email. Find and talk to Mohae on Aya. You can find her behind a small door inside the museum. Access the video on the Tempest, then head to Prodromos. Here you will need to talk to Bradley. Explore the Black Rock of Tande. You'll know you're in the right place when they start shooting at you. Deal with the swarmers and explore their camp - look for the console located on the right side of the base.

Head to Area 2: Stability and deploy the beacon - go up to the roof and access the satellite dish. As a result, several Roekaars will come to you. Deal with uninvited guests. You can now head to Area 1: Promise. We do not recommend that you use fast travel, as in this case you will get caught in the crossfire and go to the forefathers before you have time to say the phrase “Andromeda Initiative”. Better move there on your own to start the battle on your own terms.

Destroy the Roekaars and then return to Bradley on Prodromos. Wait until Akksul makes his next move. He will undertake it in the second loyalty mission. Therefore, you can complete some other tasks and wait for the letter from Jaal to arrive (although we received the letter right away).

Flesh and blood

Read the letter from Jaal, and then talk to him on the Tempest. Meet with Darayev's Resistance contact on Havarla. Get on the shuttle and go into the building. However, we advise you not to immediately follow the marker and look through the nearby buildings, as they contain containers with useful things and terminals with interesting information.

Engage with the Roekaars and destroy them using regular bullets. Look for signs of Jaal's family, which will lead you to a locked door. We need to restore power to her. To do this, use your scanner and find the generator, and then activate it. The enemy will blow up the bridge, however, this is not a problem. Just go to the ledge and jump over the ravine.

Next you will have to fight your way through several waves of enemies. Just use ammunition and first aid kits wisely, and don’t forget to watch the arrows. Climb to the top of the building. There you will find Jaal's sister and brother. Here you will have to deal with a bunch of bad guys and deactivate the bombs. We advise you to focus your attention on the bombs, as they have a timer.

After defusing the bombs, deal with the Roekaars. Then a cutscene will begin in which a QTE element will appear. We usually say that you should make decisions based on your own preferences and thoughts, but this time you should trust us and not shoot Akksul. He will still miss and miss Jaal. If you kill the boy, the Roekaars will become even more aggressive, and Darayev will no longer trust you (you will no longer be able to start a romance with him).

Runs in the Family

After completing the previous task, you will receive a new letter from Jaal in your mail, who will invite you to meet his family. Quite a nice ending for loyalty missions.

Cora Harper

Kora's loyalty mission will become available after you establish an outpost on Eos. Her quests are relatively simple - you only need to visit three planets (as opposed to Pibi's nine worlds), but they will still take a lot of time. The first quest does not involve battles with serious opponents, so it can be completed at any level, but in the second you will have to face a large number of kett, so we recommend taking it on at the late stage of the game (after reaching level 20 and above) .

Azari Ark

Read the email from Cora and then talk to her aboard the Tempest. Take a girl with you to Eos to chat with Hydaria. Without it, the dialogue will not take place, so you don’t even have to try to find it yourself. If Cora is with you, then you will find the desired NPC behind the starship landing zone in the second building not far from the research center.

Then head to Voeld and track the Periphone signal. It will lead you to a dummy, but you will be able to track another signal. This time you can find the Periphone transponder - it is located on the edge of the eastern part of the map. You'll know you're in the right place when the kett attack you.

Deal with all the enemies, and then examine the ark's transponder. This will complete the task. Now you just need to complete a couple of other quests or visit a few unexplored worlds. After this, you will receive a new letter from Cora.

Debt limits

Read the new letter from Cora and talk to her aboard the Tempest. Explore the Valaya system to find the Ark of Leusinia. When you arrive at the right location, simply look for an anomaly in the upper right corner of the star system - there you will find the starship.

Dock to the ark and follow the marker to the bridge. Then, after a short conversation, the captain will allow you to enter. Take the monorail and head to the Hangar control area. Find the asari commando in a new location - you will find it next to the marker on the map. Next you need to open the hangar door. This will take a long time, so you will have to defend your positions from endless waves of kett. When the gate opens, the enemies will stop coming in endless streams, and you can easily destroy them all.

You can now talk to Vederia. After talking with her, head to the compartment below deck, passing through the living quarters. Just follow the marker on the map. When you reach what appears to be a dead end, turn right and go through the side room. Then continue towards the marker. Once you reach the desired location, clear it of kett. Then you will need to reboot the extinguishing system.

Scan the room to find a way to redirect power to the fire suppression system. Meet with Vederia again and scan the mass effect force field device. Disconnect the three power cables - each time you disconnect you will have to fight a group of kett. Then you need to clear the Observation Deck of enemies and turn off the force field.

Head to the twelfth deck, located very close. Repel the kett attack on it. You will have to fight the boss - Valiant. You must first shoot at the sphere, and then at him. In the end, you must secure Leusinia from outside invasion, and also decide whether to keep the current Pathfinder in his position or replace him.

This will complete Cora's main loyalty missions, but she has one more optional task, which we will discuss below.

Duty Calls

If you're playing as Scott, you'll receive a new letter from Cora asking you to visit her aboard the Tempest. She will come up with some flimsy excuse to get you alone with her. In this conversation it will be possible to achieve a romantic scene.

Those playing as Sarah will have to settle for a thank you email.


Peebee will become one of your companions and, like the rest of your comrades in arms, she has her own chain of loyalty quests. One of these tasks is “The Mysterious Signal of the Relics,” which is the main one in the chain.

Secret project

Talk to Peebee in the escape pod on the Tempest Bridge, then travel with her to Voeld. Follow the marker and deal with the Relics surrounding the relic. Next, take out your scanner and look for the glyph in the west, which will be located behind the column.

After finding it, activate the relic and solve the relic puzzle. You can now return to your ship. The next task will turn out to be an ordinary cut-scene, in which you will learn that Peebee really loves Angaran cocktails.

Relic Scanner

Travel to Eos with Peebee and go to the western edge of the large lake located on the eastern part of the map. Activate the console to raise some pillars, then use them to reach the island.

When you grab some Remnant technologies with you, Raiders will appear. Deal with them, and then go to the large structure located on the western edge of the island. Interact with the control panel to activate a gravity well that can take you back to the mainland.

Now fly to Havarl and follow the new marker. Use the gravity well to descend into the Abyss of Remnants. Open the main door and use the console to open the side doors.

Deal with the relics that appear, and then go down the slope to the southern part of the room. As you walk down the corridor, you will encounter several more enemies. Deal with them and continue forward. Having reached the central chamber, get ready to deal not only with raiders, but also with relics. However, you can wait a little and let one of the sides win. Once the area is clear of enemies, open the small door and grab the new relic technology.

Next fly to Kadara. Go through the Badlands to the raider base and deal with its inhabitants. Then take the Relic artifact hidden behind a bunch of boxes. It will be empty, so return to Kadara Port and meet Peebee again to complete the mission.

Afterwards, the short mission “Reusing Pok” starts, in which you will need to find Peebee in Kadara’s bar, take her with you to Elaaden and follow the marker to the scavenger. Inside it, remove the Pok.

Mysterious Remnant Signal

Peebee's scanner detected something. Head to Pas-10 (Inalaar system) to find out what exactly the device found. After a troublesome landing, make your way through the cave until you come across a slumbering relic.

A little further is the relic console, interaction with which will lead to the activation of the nearest Observer. Scan the pillars blocking your path and he will remove them for you. Continue through the cave until you come out. Climb the rocks on the right to find a new panel. Activate it and the door will begin to slowly rise. Now you will need to fight off the attack of the relics.

When the door finally opens and the location is cleared of enemies, go down and go forward to the nearest dead end. Use the console to extend the antenna and create a bridge. Next, you need to again hold your positions from many enemies.

Once the path is open, move from the end of the antenna to the rocky ledge and then follow the path around the edge. You will find yourself at another dead end with several Relics. Deal with them, and then shoot at the marked stone to reveal the console. Activate it and scan the dilapidated stone that SAM will point you to. After this, a friendly Observer will open a new path for you.

You'll soon be taken to the Remnant Vault, where you'll face 4 waves of mercenaries that you'll need to eliminate before attempting to access the console. After the mess, activate the control panel, thereby calling the Observer. Scan the other console located above the door in the northern corner of the room and the robot will open it for you. Go through the new passage to the next group of mercenaries.

Take out the enemies, and then use the scanner to create a bridge leading to your final goal. During the next cutscene, a QTE will appear that will allow you to shoot Kalinda. In principle, this decision will not affect the main storyline in any way, so you can do as you want. Either way, the mission will end in success and you will earn Peebee's loyalty.

Liam Costa

Liam Costa is one of your comrades who also has interesting loyalty missions. They will become available for passage after you establish outposts on Voeld, Elaaden, Havarl and Kadar. Therefore, if you want to focus your attention on developing your relationship with Liam, then you will have to spend a lot of time on exploration and exploration of planets.

Armor Diplomacy

Talk to Liam in the warehouse located on the lower deck of the Tempest, then head to the research station and create the special armor Costa needs. Its blueprint can be found in the “Special Items” section of the development tab.

Day Out on Aya

Fly to Aya and talk to Liam in Tavetaan. Next, go to the market and use your scanner on one of the trading stands. Then return to Liam with the news.


Chat with Liam again and fly with him to the Sephesa system. Scan the wreckage before docking with the captured kett ship. Clear the cargo bay of raiders, and then use the switching station.

Go to the marker and after a couple of seconds the doors will slam shut in front of your nose. Get ready for a new battle with raiders. Deal with the enemies and use the console to launch the cutscene. You will be able to look at the same room, but from a different angle.

Jump and go up to the platform where the door is. Fight several enemies in the corridor. When you reach a dead end, jump onto the yellow pipes, scan the vent, and then shoot it to create a passage. Repeat this process with the second vent grille. Ahead of you is a large room with a bunch of enemies, however, if you follow the yellow pipes, you can kill most of the enemies from a safe distance.

Climb into the niche in the corner and scan the concentrator. Next, activate the two consoles located in the main room. Open the door and the viewing angle will change again. Go into the small room, through the passage in the far left corner, and then head to the opposite side of it and jump up through the hole. Here you will encounter several more raiders. Deal with them and go through the door they came out of. Open a few more doors, kill all enemies and continue deeper into the center of the ship.

In the next room you will encounter two Hydras, which have excellent armor and deal considerable damage. We advise you to attack them from afar. Next you need to go into a small storage room and go up through the hatch. Activate the door control panel to restore order to the ship. Head down the corridor to the final boss arena.

Kaloth has an impenetrable shield, so in the first stage of the fight you will need to hold your position in the marked zones until your allies disable the boss's shield. When it is deactivated, simply release all your ammo at the enemy. He won't last 30 seconds against your team. Then destroy the remaining enemies and use the console to initiate the evacuation procedure. This will complete the mission.

Brief description of the task

Mission to increase loyalty for Cora Harper available after the character joins your team. To obtain this character you will need to establish an outpost on Eos, and for this you need to visit three planets.
The overall completion of the quest will not take much time, it is recommended to get level 20 before starting the quest, otherwise difficulties will arise.
Azari Ark

The quest begins with a letter from Cora. We read the message, then talk to Cora.

1. We include Cora in the squad and go to Eos. If you do not do this, the character will not be included in the party even during the quest and the task simply will not begin, so do not forget to add her before landing in the group. We find Hydaria on the second floor of a building, which is located not far from our landing site. We speak with the NPC, after which we set off on a flight.

2. We are flying to Voeld, where we will need to track the ship “Periphon”, which belongs to the asari.

3. We follow the signal from the asari ship, and when we find its source, another task will appear - we will also need to find a communicator. Several markers will appear on the map where the communicator may be, we go around them all, after which we get the item we need. When you reach the last marker, you will find a group of hostile kett.

4. After defeating all enemies, inspect the vehicle for the ark. Return to the storm and talk to Cora. After this she will not give another task, this is not a bug.

5. For Cora's loyalty mission to continue, you need to wait a little. Complete several other missions and wait for another notification from her.

Continuation of the quest, task “Limits of Debt”

When we receive a new letter, we speak with Cora on board the Tempest, who will offer a new task.

1. Travel to the Valai system. In the upper right corner of the system, the scanner detects an anomaly; it must be studied to find the ark “Leusinia”.

2. Dock to the ark, go on board, and then head to the marker. Get to the monorail.

3. After riding the monorail, you will find a squad of asari, and next to them is a hangar door control console. Turn on your console and get ready for battle. The enemies are a group of Kets, shoot back until the hangar doors open completely.

5. The kett will appear, shoot them, and then turn on the fire system. To find the cables, turn on the scanner and follow the trail.

6. Talk to Vederia again and scan the resulting device.
Disconnect power cables. As soon as the wiring is disconnected, the kett will appear, we destroy them.

7. Move to the observation deck, deal with the enemy and disable the system. Go to deck 12 and clear it.

8. The battle with a group of kett will begin again, only this time they will be joined by a Brave unit with energy armor. Until you remove the protection, he is invulnerable to most attacks. The battle mechanics are simple - shoot at the spheres around him, which will remove the force protection, and then attack the defenseless Brave with all your might.

9. Once the kett are dealt with, you will have to decide what to do with the Asari Pathfinder. The hero's decision will only affect which asari will participate in the final story mission and essentially does not affect anything else, so we choose the option we like.

The main part of the quest is completed, after which Cora Harper becomes loyal and access to additional tasks opens.

Duty calls

Playing for Scott Ryder upon arrival at the Tempest, you will receive a letter from Cora, who will ask you to visit her when you have a free minute. This is the beginning of an affair with her. To develop a romantic branch, sometimes we communicate with her and use the dialogue options marked with a heart.
If you chose Sarah Ryder, then the letter will contain gratitude.
The additional task is extremely simple, receive a letter from Cora and talk with her, then go to Eos and do not forget to include her in the squad. Just follow the markers.

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Cora Harper- one of the companions in Mass Effect: Andromeda. You can meet her at the very beginning on the Hyperion ark, as a Lieutenant and also Alec Ryder’s deputy. She will become a controlled partner a little later, almost at the very end of the prologue. Below you can find information on how to build a romantic relationship with Cora Harper, upgrade abilities, receive and complete loyalty missions.

Lieutenant Cora Harper is a human biotic and former Alliance Army officer. She acquired and developed her powerful abilities while in a squad of asari hunters. In battle, he uses the Onslaught and Nova abilities; his weapon of choice is a shotgun.

Cora Harper's Skills and Abilities

Not all skills are available immediately; to unlock the Shield Boost ability, you will have to invest a few points in other skills at the beginning.

Below is a table with Cora Harper's skills and abilities:

We will add additional effects to abilities later.

Cora Harper Loyalty Missions

In these missions you will have to help Cora. We are already working on receiving and completing these tasks:

  • Cora Harper: Azari's Ark
  • Cora Harper: Locally

Romance with Cora Harper

A romance with Cora is only possible for a male character. Everything here is quite simple, we are interested in the character, periodically use dialogues with the heart pentagram and everything will work out. After completing the Hunt for the Archon mission, you will receive an email from Cora with the details of the task.

Note: To continue the Romance with Cora, you will need to complete her loyalty missions.

Scott and Cora's bed scene in Mass Effect: Andromeda

To avoid all sorts of problems, the video is located under a spoiler.

This guide will be updated as information becomes available.

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