How to draw a sea battle. How to win a sea battle game. Conditions and order of moves

The cool game “Sea Battle on Paper” is available online and there are a lot of advantages! No more getting your hands dirty with paste when drawing ships. And look for an opponent to play “Sea Battle for Two”: one of the players will be you, the other will be the computer!

Let us recall the rules of the game “Battleship”: draw 2 battlefields of 10×10 cells on paper, write numbers vertically and letters horizontally.

Both players (you and the computer) place their armadillos taking into account the prohibition of touching. Each of you has the same fleet size:

  • 4 single-deck ships (in 1 cell);
  • 3 double deck;
  • 2 three-deck;
  • 1 large four-decker.

How to play Paper Battle online

The game starts with auto placement: the computer places your ships randomly. To rotate the boat, double-click on it and drag while holding down the left mouse button. Confirm your readiness by clicking on the “Fight” button and go into battle!

On the first board with your ships, the actions of the enemy (computer) are visible. Shoot at a blank board, trying to guess where your opponent has placed their boats. Select a position and left click to shoot. If you hit the computer's ship, you can try to hit it again until you miss or sink it.

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Indulging in games like tic-tac-toe, word cities and sea battles, children continue the tradition of their parents' hobbies. But what a surprise they become when they find out about this. It seems to them that everything they play is their own invention, not realizing that everything new is, as a rule, well-forgotten old, transformed and adapted to new opportunities.

Good old sea battle games

If earlier naval battles took place on a piece of paper, today they unfold on digital media screens, although sometimes they look authentic to the original. The rules of such toys are also preserved, and this attracts the attention of not only the younger generation, but also their parents, who were raised on these entertaining and intellectual products. It's nice to plunge back into childhood and play naval battle online. Now this activity is available even when there is no one with whom to share the moments of returning to bygone days. Artificial intelligence easily takes over the function of your opponent and makes moves no less skillfully.

Simple rules of the game

In front of you you see two squares, one of which is your military training ground. Both of them have the same dimensions and layouts - 10x10 cells on each side, as well as digital and letter designations.

  • The right or left side suggests the order of numbers from one to ten, ranging from top to bottom.
  • Accordingly, the top or bottom side is marked with the letters A-K from right to left.
  • Inside the field, each player places ships and keeps their deployments secret.
  • Those ships that contain more than two cells can be refracted at right angles in any direction.

According to the conditions, each participant must have the standard availability of combat units:

  • four-decker ship - one;
  • three-deck - two;
  • double-decker - three;
  • single-deck - four.

The names of the ships come from how many cells each contains. To play sea battle online, remember the original version, and it will become clear to you what’s what.

  • In order to make a shot at an enemy object, call the expected coordinates, for example, K-2.
  • If the shot is successful, the victim must tell you whether you killed his ship or just wounded him.
  • Until then, you can take steps in a row as long as you hit the target, but as soon as you miss, this right passes to your opponent.

As you can see, online sea battle games differ only in that there is no need to draw squares and markings yourself, because the developers have already done this for you. And you don’t need to have a playing partner at hand to enjoy the process. You can choose a new version of the toy or go for one that resembles a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen drawing, and this will help you indulge in nostalgia to your heart's content.

The revival of slot machines in virtual spaces

Adult gamers should remember how Soviet-era movie theaters had slot machines in the waiting room. People, while waiting to be invited into the hall to watch a film, could pass the time by fishing out a pen or keychain from the depths of a box using an iron pliers, shooting at targets in a virtual shooting range, or playing naval battle. Boats floated on the horizon, and you, looking through a special binocular window, aimed at them and, pressing a button, tried to shoot them down. When the shot reached the target, the ship sank to the bottom, and the screen was illuminated by a red flash. If you want to experience forgotten sensations, get ready for a surprise, because we have exactly the same game! In addition, online sea battle games also offer modern variants of the process.

When setting sail across the seas, decide for yourself whether you will become a pirate or bravely fight against sea robbers.

Today, computers - both desktop computers and laptops, tablets and PDAs - play a huge role in our lives. With their help, people write, read books, and draw. The reality around us is gradually being computerized, creating new opportunities and transferring old ones to a virtual format. That is why board, card and logic games, the action of which is transferred to computer monitors, are so popular. People quickly learn new things, so they are happy to play chess, poker, or “go to town” in a new way. And of course, there are many who want to play sea battle online. We all remember this game from school. It was in vain that teachers fought with it - after all, there is simply no better way to dispel boredom in a lesson that is uninteresting to you. All you need is two checkered pieces of paper, pens and the ability to speak quietly. “A1 - wounded... D8 - killed” - these encryptions marked victories and defeats in a game that only at first glance seems simple. After all, here players need good memory and visualization skills to imagine the location of ships on the enemy map. And also logic and imagination to arrange your fleet in the most unexpected way. And if checkers and especially chess were considered games for smart people, then everyone played sea battle - boys and girls, excellent students and poor students, kids and high school students.

There were also tabletop versions of the game in the form of a field on which you could place ship pieces. But there was no need for them - you can always draw a piece of paper in a box and immediately begin the battle. Modern naval combat makes playing online much more comfortable. For example, it marks those places where, according to the rules, there cannot be enemy ships, so that you do not waste shots. And the visual component makes the game more exciting - on the squares of the field you see not crosses and dots, but real battleships, cruisers, destroyers and submarines. In addition, online sea battle games make them attractive to a very wide audience. For example, for those who love logic games, but don’t want to learn new rules. Here he is given the opportunity to play his favorite game in a new, more advanced format. Thus, online sea battle games turned into a modern and popular game, breathed a second wind into it and helped to gain new fans. A generation that grew up in the fascinating world of computer games. Those who no longer imagine how you can play exciting games using a regular piece of paper and a ballpoint pen.

Sea battle is a popular game with simple rules. When wondering how to win a sea battle, a winning attitude and the right strategy will always help the player in this.

First you need to remember the rules of the game. The player has ten ships at his disposal: 1 four-deck battleship, 2 three-deck cruisers, 3 two-deck destroyers and 4 single-deck boats.

The fleet is positioned on the field so that the ships do not touch each other. Nearby you need to draw the same field for the enemy to mark your shots. If you miss, the turn goes to the opponent. The first one to sink the opponent's fleet wins.

You can agree with your opponent on the possibility of changing the shape of ships, “bending” ships. This way, the ships on the field will look like Tetris parts, they will be more difficult to sink, and the game will become more interesting.

A successful outcome in the game does not depend on chance, but on two important components of the strategy:

  • placement of own vessels;
  • the optimal option for shooting at the enemy fleet.

Ship locations

There are several tactics for deploying your fleet. Whether the tactic works or not will depend on the opponent's shooting tactics. In any case, a haphazard arrangement of ships will not lead to an obviously good result.

"Half the Field"

The first tactic is that the battleship, cruisers and destroyers are located on one half of the field.

But four boats are located on the opposite side, as a result they become practically invulnerable. The enemy will have to fire a lot of shots before he hears “Killed!”


Most players first start shooting across the field in two diagonals - from corner to corner. If the opponent is of this type, the second tactic will come in handy. All ships are positioned in such a way that diagonal shots do not hit them.

The good thing about this tactic is that it can be used in conjunction with another deployment tactic. A thoughtful location of your fleet is half the success.


The third tactic can be used in two ways. The first way is simple - place all your ships on the edges so that the middle of the field remains empty. While the enemy is firing haphazardly, wondering where all the ships have gone, you can calmly search for his fleet.

Such tactics may not justify themselves, especially when the opponent guesses what the trick is. If the secret of the ships' location is revealed, the opponent will sink the player's entire flotilla in a minimum number of moves.

The second method is more thoughtful and similar to the “Half the Field” tactic. To do this, place the battleship, cruisers and destroyers along the banks, but scatter the boats throughout the field.

By placing large ships in this way, there is a lot of free space for boats. There is no strategy for finding boats, and the opponent will fire at random, losing precious moves.

Even if the enemy is not going to fire diagonally at the field, shots in the corners cannot be avoided. Thus, it is better not to occupy cells A1, A10, K1, K10. It is also undesirable to place ships in the very center of the field - D5, D6, E5, E6.

The strength and invulnerability of the player lies in single-deck boats - although they can be destroyed with one shot, to do this you must first find them. The more securely they are hidden, the greater the chances of winning the game.

Destroying the enemy

There are also several tactics for destroying an opponent’s flotilla. Some of them have something in common with ship deployment tactics.


Many people will place at least one vessel on this periphery. Therefore, we arm ourselves with patience and methodically shoot diagonally, alternating shooting directions for variety.

The player in the picture neglected the tactics of correct positioning and paid for it with the loss of a battleship and a boat.

When the diagonals are shot, you can continue shooting in a checkerboard pattern.


From the name it is clear how to “clear” the enemy’s field. The good thing about this tactic is that it allows you to quickly find battleships, destroyers and cruisers. However, you will have to work hard to find boats.


The tactics are a bit similar to “Chess”, however, with its own twist. To use this tactic, in the corners of the field, mentally or directly with a pen, mark four squares measuring 4 by 4 cells.

You need to fire at them diagonally. As a result, the field will be divided by a white cross. Considering the number of ships that have already been sunk, finding the rest will not be difficult. In the picture, the player discovered six ships thanks to the Locator tactic.

"Crow's Feet"

Destroying a battleship gives the player the advantage that he will have a much smaller number of cells left to fire at than if he were to shoot down, for example, a destroyer. Having sunk a battleship, there will be from 6 to 14 cells around it, which the player no longer needs to fire at.

So, to find a battleship, you can use the “Houndstooth” tactic. To do this, mentally divide the field into squares measuring 4 by 4 cells and fire four volleys in each square.

In the first upper square, the player fires a volley at A3, B4, B2, D1. Next, it remains to repeat the pattern in other squares. The battleship will be found in a maximum of 24 shots.

After the battleship has been found and sunk, you can proceed to attack the three-deck cruisers. To do this, you need to fire only two shots in each square.

In the first square, shoot at B1 and G3, and do the same with the rest of the minifields. The eleventh shot is guaranteed to bring down the cruiser.

To knock out a double-deck destroyer, you need to fire three shots in each square. In the first square, shoot at A2, B3 and B4. Repeat the triple move in the remaining squares. In the end, the most difficult thing will remain - finding boats. Unfortunately, there are no tactics for finding them. The player will have to rely on his intuition or the psychology of the enemy.

There are several more rules for quickly destroying the enemy fleet:

  • The rules of “Sea Battle” do not require that you must finish off the ship after the first “Wounded!” However, it is better to bring the matter to a victorious “Killed!”, because this way the player will be able to find out which cells need not be shot at. After all, ships cannot stand close to each other.
  • When shelling the enemy field, there is no need to mark time. Shots should cover as large an area as possible. Keeping the tactics he likes in mind, the player can “walk” around the field, instead of continuing to fire at an unsuccessful area.
  • If the opponent uses some kind of tactics, rather than randomly firing at random cells, you need to use your head. Sometimes, by looking closely at the enemy's moves, you can guess how he arranged his ships.
  • By frequently playing with one opponent, a player can memorize his placement and shooting tactics, using the experience gained to improve his own strategy.

To practice your skills in playing Battleship and test your tactics, you can use online services. The advantages of gaming sites are high speed and low resource consumption. And having developed and improved his strategy, the player will be able to show off his knowledge in a game with a live opponent.

There is no 100% way to win at Battleship; ultimately, it all depends on the strategy of the enemy and the player himself. It is for this reason that Battleship remains a fun way to pass the time.

Sea battle

Sea battle is one of the most popular paper game options. You can diversify it for a modern child and arrange a “space battle”. The goal is to destroy enemy ships (spacecraft). Two people can play.

First, each player needs to draw two fields measuring 10x10 cells.

One such field is for the player himself, the second is for the enemy. On his own field, the player places his ships, which the enemy will “shoot” at. On the second field, the player needs to mark the results of his “shots”. The two sides of each field are marked with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. Thus, each cell of the field is assigned its own “code”: A1, B2, etc.

Both players have equal "armed forces":

1-deck ships (1 square in size) – 4 pcs.,

2-deck (2 cells) – 3 pcs.,

3-deck (3 cells) – 2 pcs.,

4-deck (4 cells) – 1 pc.

Ships cannot be depicted diagonally and cannot be placed close together (there must be at least one free cell between them). Keep this rule in mind when firing at enemy ships.

Having completed all preparations, players can begin the battle.

The player who starts first calls the “code” of the cell chosen on the opponent’s field. He finds this square on his field and reports the result: “missed” - if the shot landed on an empty square, “wounded” - if the “shell” hit a ship with more than 1 deck, and “killed” - if it hit 1- deck ship

If there was no hit (“missed”), the turn passes to the other player. If the shot hits the target (“wounded” or “killed”), the player who fired gets an extra turn.

The battle continues until one of the players loses all their ships.

These were the rules of the game Battleship on paper.

Do you play naval battle but don't always win? Then you are probably interested in learning how to significantly increase your chances of winning, how to place your ships correctly, how to quickly destroy enemy ships and, of course, how to win the game Battleship!

Rules of the game "Sea Battle"

There are many options for naval combat, but we will consider the most common option with the following set of ships:

All listed ships must be placed on a square field of 10 by 10 cells, and the ships cannot touch either the corners or sides. The playing field itself is numbered from top to bottom, and the verticals are marked with Russian letters from “A” to “K” (the letters “Y” and “Y” are skipped).

An enemy field of similar size is drawn nearby. If there is a successful shot at the enemy ship, a cross is placed on the corresponding cell of the enemy field and a second shot is fired; if the shot is unsuccessful, a dot is placed in the corresponding cell and the turn goes to the enemy. Optimal strategy

How to win the game Sea Battle

There is always an element of randomness in a naval battle game, but it can be kept to a minimum. Before moving directly to the search for the optimal strategy, it is necessary to state one obvious thing: the probability of hitting an enemy ship is higher, the fewer unchecked cells are left on his field, similarly, the probability of hitting your ships is lower, the more unchecked cells are left on your field. Thus, to play effectively, you need to learn two things at once: optimal shooting at the enemy and optimal placement of your ships.

In the following explanation the following notation will be used:

How to shoot at enemy ships

The first and most obvious rule for optimal shooting is the following rule: do not shoot at the cells directly surrounding the destroyed enemy ship.

In accordance with the notations adopted above, in the figure those cells on which unsuccessful shots have already been fired are marked in yellow, cells on which shots ended in hits are marked in red, and cells on which were not fired were marked in green, but it can be guaranteed that the ships there are no ships in them (there cannot be ships there, because according to the rules of the game, ships cannot touch).

The second rule immediately follows from the first rule: if you manage to knock out an enemy ship, you must immediately finish it off in order to get a list of guaranteed free cells as early as possible.

The third rule follows from the first two: you must first try to knock out the largest enemy ships. This rule may not be obvious to you, but if you think a little, you can easily notice that by destroying an enemy battleship, at best, we will immediately receive information about 14 guaranteed free cells, and by destroying a cruiser, only about 12.

Optimal shooting strategy

That. The optimal shooting strategy can be reduced to a targeted search and destruction of the largest enemy ships. Unfortunately, it is not enough to formulate a strategy; it is necessary to propose a way to implement it.

First, let's look at a section of the playing field measuring 4 by 4 cells. If there is an enemy battleship in the area in question, then it is guaranteed to be knocked out in no more than 4 shots. To do this, you need to shoot so that there is exactly one checked cell on each horizontal and vertical line. All variants of such shooting are presented below (without taking into account reflections and rotations).

Among all these options, only the first two options are optimal on a 10 by 10 square field, guaranteeing a hit to the battleship in a maximum of 24 shots.

After the enemy battleship is destroyed, it is necessary to begin the search for cruisers, and then destroyers. In this case, as you already guessed, you can use a similar technique. Only now it is necessary to divide the field into squares with a side of 3 and 2 cells, respectively.

If you used the second strategy when searching for a battleship, then to search for cruisers and destroyers you need to shoot at the following fields (fields that you have already shot at when searching for a battleship are marked in green):

There is no optimal strategy for finding boats, so at the end of the game you have to rely mainly on luck.

Sequence of the best moves to start the game

If we turn to mathematical theory, we can build a map of the probability of ship deployment:

Based on this map, sequence of “best moves” with constant misses it looks like this (see picture):

C1, J8, A8, H1, A4, J4, D10, G10, E1, D2, B3, A2, C9, B10, H9, I10, I7, J6, I5, H6, J2, I3, H4, G5, G2, F3, E4, B7, A6, B5, C6, C3, D4, D5, F6.

How to arrange ships

The optimal ship placement strategy is in some ways the inverse of the optimal shooting strategy. When shooting, we tried to find the largest ships in order to reduce the number of cells that needed to be checked by guaranteeing free cells. This means that when placing ships, they must be placed in such a way that in case of their loss, the number of guaranteed free cells is minimized. As you remember, a battleship in the center of the field opens 14 fields for the enemy at once, but a battleship standing in the corner opens only 6 fields for the enemy:

Likewise, a cruiser standing in the corner opens only 6 instead of 12 fields. Thus, by placing large ships along the border of the field, you leave more space for boats. Because There is no strategy for finding boats, the enemy will have to shoot at random, and the more free fields you have left by the time you catch the boats, the harder it will be for the enemy to win.

Below are three ways to deploy large ships that leave plenty of room for boats (in blue).

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