Card tricks for children. Card tricks for beginners in different versions. What card tricks can ordinary people do?

To be able to masterfully and beautifully perform card tricks is the dream of many boys, and sometimes girls too. This makes it possible to attract the attention of the public, make your person a mysterious center of events, and shroud yourself in some kind of mystery. Therefore, from childhood, teenagers who are interested in this craft rush to master this skill as best as possible. Sometimes the desire to learn how to wield a deck comes later, already in adulthood. However, it is never too late.

We will try to look at the simplest tricks with cards, with which you should begin your work. This will help any hardworking, diligent and diligently training person to become a real magician in the future.

Basic skills you need to have

Even the simplest card tricks require the ability to disguise some of your actions. And the best way to do this is:

  • various flourishes;
  • false shuffles in different ways;
  • false and true card withdrawals.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is make the deck become obedient in your hands. Learn, without thinking and instantly, to perform at least one type of each of the listed techniques. Some of them can be trained here:

Mastering at least one method of false shuffling is necessary for almost any card trick. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this.

Examples of simple card tricks

The first elements are usually based on working with a partner from the audience or mathematics. Knowing the basic simple calculations will help you perform more than one spectacular card trick by guessing the intended card. And if you agree with a friend in advance, you can amaze those present even more.

The viewer will be interested in this mathematical trick.

The point: you guess the card the spectator has guessed. To do this, the technique for performing the trick should be as follows: a person moves the deck towards himself the way he wants and takes one of the halves for himself. You ask him to count the number of cards and add the resulting numbers together (for example, after counting, he got 12). This means that when adding these numbers he will get 3. Now he must count the third card from the bottom in his part of the deck and remember it. Place your half on yours and give the entire pack of cards to you. At the same time, he can keep all his calculations in his mind and not voice them. You effectively flip through the deck with the magic phrase “Delightful trick” and on the last letter of this phrase turn over the hidden picture. Secret: this card will always be 19, these are the laws of mathematics!

Video training on mathematical tricks with cards can be found at this address:

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

In these tricks, it is important to be able to count quickly and correctly. It is better not to make mistakes, this will undermine your authority as a magician.

Spectacular tricks

Simple but beautiful card tricks for beginners, always winning. An example is the Four Aces trick. The bottom line: according to any number in the range from 10 to 20 named by the viewer, you make several rearrangements of cards and effectively put aside exactly four aces from the deck.

Secret: from the entire pack, count out the number of cards that the spectator named. It turns out to be a small pack. From the top of it, remove the number of cards that will be obtained by adding up the components of the spectator’s number (for example, if it is 12, then remove 3). Return the remaining cards to the deck. Of the three, set the top one aside with the outer side facing up. The rest go to the general pile, but strictly on top of the deck. Repeat this four times. Then you turn over all four cards set aside - these are aces. The whole main trick is to put the aces in the deck in 9,10,11,12 place before starting.

Simple card tricks like this will help you jumpstart yourself into a more complex trick future. Another beautiful and effective option can be seen here, and you can also learn how to do it:

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

Any of the listed execution options requires great skill and the use of special techniques for managing the deck. Tireless training will help you achieve the desired result.

Surely, many are amazed by the incredible performances of famous illusionists who are able to make certain objects disappear, balls or other elements fly in the air, or objects appear out of nowhere. This is not an easy job with the illusion of people perceiving the movement of objects.

We all dream of learning tricks with cards, coins, matches, cigarettes and other elements. If there is too little magic in your life, then after reading the material below you will be able to create the most extraordinary miracles on your own, surprising and delighting your loved ones.

How to learn easy tricks?

If you dream of learning how to perform magic tricks, then the most important thing is to understand the fact that this is not just an ordinary skill or sleight of hand. Showing tricks, even the easiest ones, is a real art. Each individual trick implies two sides: the obvious one, which the audience sees, and the secret one, which can only be guessed at. When you finally learn to show tricks in such a way that the secret side is not visible, while convincing even the most skeptical viewer that you are doing real magic, only then will you be able to comprehend this art.

Collection for children: Your first tricks (from "Fankits").
Excellent manual describing the secrets of the trick and props are even included.

You need to start gradually and with the simplest things. You can read a couple of books where everything is explained as clearly as possible. You need to spend a certain amount of time training one trick. It is advisable to carry out the training in front of a mirror and bring it to such a point that the focus is achieved on its own, without thinking about each individual step. Try to add artistry, because you are the creator of real magic.

Tricks for children

Now I will share with you several simple tricks that any child will be delighted with. In addition, you yourself can teach him these tricks. It is worth noting that learning magic tricks will not only bring a lot of pleasure to the child, but will also have a positive impact on his logical and creative thinking.

Clock trick

The magician removes the watch from one of his guests and then places it in an opaque bag. The music turns on, the young magician begins to cast a spell, after which he picks up a hammer and hits that same bag. After this procedure, he pours out the watch parts directly from the bag. The spectator is in a panic because his watch has just been broken, but the little magician calms him down. Next, all the parts are put back into the bag, the magician makes several magical movements and takes out a whole watch from there. The secret of the trick is to put spare parts from other watches in the bag in advance. Your child will definitely like this trick due to its simplicity.


Everyone knows that if you puncture a balloon, it will definitely burst. The little magician will take a knitting needle in his hands and begin to pierce the balloon, but to the surprise of all the guests it will not burst. The secret is that the ball will first be sealed on both sides with a piece of tape, which, in turn, will not be visible to the viewer.

Chicken egg trick

You can put it without a napkin - right on the salt on the table. Then you need to carefully blow off the excess grains of salt.

The young magician puts the napkin on the table. Next, take the egg and place it on the napkin directly with the narrow side. The egg does not fall, and the magician receives well-deserved applause. The secret is to pour a small layer of salt under the napkin. The egg will not fall, as it is stuck in the salt.

Coin tricks

Now let's try to look at tricks with coins. It is worth noting that training will require some patience from the performer. And perform the tricks themselves until they become automatic. So, let's look at a trick called "Unusual Coin".

To perform the trick we will need the following: a coin, an assistant, a handkerchief measuring 30x30cm.

The secret of the coin trick

The coin is placed on the table and covered with a scarf. You can invite any guest to come up and make sure that the coin is really there. After this, you take the handkerchief and move it from hand to hand, showing everyone that the coin has miraculously disappeared. Tell everyone that the coin is now in someone's pocket. Approach the spectator and take a coin from his pocket.

The secret of the trick is very simple: you definitely need a partner who should be among the spectators. When everyone comes up to make sure that the coin is under the scarf, he is the last one to come up to take it.

Tricks with matches

Now I will tell you about a trick called “Magic wand and matches.”

For the trick we will need the following elements: a plate of water, a small stick, matches, a lump of sugar and soap.

The secret of the match trick

Fill the plate about three-quarters full with water. Next, take matches, break them into small pieces and place them directly into the water. Next, we take the magic wand, touch one end of it to the water and, voila, the matches have approached it. We touch the other side of the stick to the water - the matches spread to the sides.

The secret of the trick is to grease one end of the stick with soap and attach a piece of sugar to the opposite end. Matches will be attracted to soap, but will float away from sugar.

Cigarette tricks

Now I will tell you how you can put out a cigarette on your finger. To do this painlessly, you need to learn the true secrets of the Indian gods, while running over hot coals, and also swallowing long swords. Jokes aside. Unbeknownst to everyone, we place an ice cube between our fingers until the pad of the thumb goes numb. Now we quickly put out the cigarette in front of all the surprised spectators. I would like to note that you will not feel pain, because a burning cigarette will only have time to heat your finger without causing any harm to it.

Card tricks and their secrets

Now I will tell you about one interesting trick with cards. So, “Search for the Mysterious Map.” We take a deck of cards. Next, we ask one of the spectators to choose any card, remember it and put it on top. After that, he moves the deck. The magician lays out all the cards on the table and shows which one was chosen.

How to learn this famous trick, you ask? It's simple. Immediately before the trick, remember the bottom card. As a result, the card that the viewer chose will be in front of the one that you remembered.


How Joshua Jay teaches simple but very effective magic tricks.

Finally, I would like to note three important rules that every magician must know: under no circumstances should you tell the secret of the trick; each individual trick is very carefully rehearsed so that it is performed automatically; you never need to say what will happen next. All these rules are the real code of every professional magician. Only by strictly observing them can you achieve the desired effect, remaining a true magician for the viewer.

The ability to perform tricks is always useful in good company, and to perform card tricks you do not need any additional items and, often, special skills. The very simple tricks with cards presented below are just one of these simple, but surprising tricks for observers.

A simple trick with cards - find the hidden card

To begin, ask one of the people around you to choose any card, remember it and put it on top of the deck so that you do not see what card it is. After this, remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Then lay out the cards face up and simply indicate the card the person chose.

The secret of this simple trick with cards is this: before you start, you need to look at the bottom card in the deck you are using and, of course, remember it. When you lay out the deck, the card chosen by the person will be just before the one you remembered and you just have to indicate it.

Another simple trick with cards is to select four aces from a deck without revealing any cards.

Tell others that you can easily select four aces from a deck without looking at the pictures of the cards. Let anyone tell you a number between 10 and 20.

After this, count out a number of cards from the deck equal to this number and set them aside in a stack. Add the digits of this number together (for example, 14=1+4) and remove from the top of the set aside pile a number of cards equal to this number. They can be put back into the deck. Then set the top card remaining in the pile aside and return the rest to the deck.

Again ask to name a number from 10 to 20 and, having done the above manipulations with the deck, set aside another card. This entire procedure must be done four times, after which you will have four cards set aside. By opening them, you will demonstrate to others that these are aces.

The secret of this card trick is very simple. You must put the aces in the deck in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places in advance and do not shuffle the cards before the trick begins. Then everything will work out as described above.

Simple card trick, kings and queens

The trick itself is as follows: you choose kings and queens from a deck, and divide them into two separate piles - one with kings, the other with queens. You combine them into one deck, let the deck be removed several times, put it behind your back, and then take two cards from the deck. They turn out to be the king and queen of the same suit.

The simple secret to this simple card trick is to ensure that when you stack the kings and queens in the stacks, the sequence of their suits is the same. Behind your back, the deck must be divided into two parts of four cards each, and then the top cards of each part will be the king and queen of the same suit.

A true magician always keeps the audience in silent admiration and anticipation of new miracles. To become such a magician, you need to train a lot. Of course, anyone who sets such a goal can amaze the public with simple feints. But only real professionals can fully master complex tricks with cards, who, without turning back or retreating, firmly move towards their intended goal, sweeping away all obstacles in their path.

It is possible to become such a master. To do this, you need to study a lot of literature and watch more than one video lesson, but the result justifies the means. The basic rules for complex card tricks are as follows:

  • you need to have clear skills in performing simple tricks;
  • double lifts must occur at the level of instinct;
  • mastery of the flourish technique and shuffling of different levels will be very useful.

Once you have mastered these rules, you can begin training on complex and mysterious tricks that will allow you to move into the ranks of stunt professionals.

Some of the most exciting challenging stunts

This selection of difficult tricks will help you decide which tricks are best to start your difficult journey with.

Triumph trick

The magician allows the spectator to shuffle the deck, and then select any card and write something on it with a marker so that it does not get lost and substitution is excluded. Then the trickster takes the deck in his hands and, having made several “magic” movements, lays it out in front of the audience in a ribbon, in which everyone is amazed to see the cards in the original order and order by suit. And he pulls out exactly the one chosen by the viewer, which ends up in a place of strict chronological order. For example, if the selected card was 6 crosses, then it will lie between 5 crosses and 7 crosses. The trick simply causes wild delight and amazement. You can learn this trick here:

Focus "Illusion"

The spectator selects a card from the deck and remembers it. The magician puts it in the middle, and then, after shuffling the deck, asks the spectator to choose any three cards from the top six. The spectator chooses and before his eyes the magician lays out these three cards in front of him, turns them over, and there... the card chosen by the spectator for the first time and two jokers and not a trace of the three that should have been on top! You can learn this beautiful illusion here:

Trick "Best Card Trick"

Made from 4 black cards and 4 aces. In front of the viewer, the magician places 4 aces in the corners of the table and, in an absolutely incredible way, with the help of 4 black cards and magical movements with his hands, he collects a fan of aces in one corner. What he saw seems simply unreal. A detailed description of the trick technique is here:

It is important! Remember that only hard training and hard work will lead you to the desired result.

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

Unlike other methods like playing musical instruments, it is easier and cheaper; a deck costs much less than the same guitar. You don’t need to have an ear for music, you don’t need to have an innate ability to sing, a sense of rhythm, you just need desire to learn and manual dexterity.

How to start training?

Magician's tools

I think you're wondering - how to learn to do tricks with cards? Video training would be a great option.

There are hundreds of card-themed channels on YouTube. They will help you start from scratch, everything you need buy a deck and turn on the video. If you don’t want to watch, you can learn from text lessons, it all depends on your preferences.

Today, if only he himself wishes it. To study simple illusions it may only take a couple of hours , even taking into account the fact that up to this point you knew absolutely nothing in this area. I note that mastering the initial skills of playing a musical instrument usually takes about two months, at least one for sure.

Important: Video lessons with maps, like text ones, have one minus . Your viewers can easily expose you by finding the technique on the Internet. As you can see, the availability of material has its drawbacks. Although it is worth mentioning the existence of unique materials.

What focus should I start with?

I suggest starting with focus "Maps Through Glass" famous illusionist David Copperfield it is distinguished by its high simplicity and extreme effectiveness.

Since you are completely new, you probably don’t know what it looks like. And it looks like this:

  • Spectators and the illusionist gather near the glass door of a supermarket or car.
  • The magician takes an unpacked deck and offers to choose any card, the one who chooses signs it, and then returns it.
  • The illusionist dries it from the marker, puts it with everyone, shuffles it and returns them.
  • Divorces with the audience on opposite sides of the glass.
  • The assistant smears the deck on the glass, and he takes out that same card directly from the glass.

At first glance, it looks like magic, but in reality everything is extremely simple. To perform, you must have mastery of technology "false shuffle" and "palming" .

It won’t be difficult for you to learn it using video lessons with maps. In the process of learning the technique of performing some tricks, you will learn various techniques that will definitely be useful to you for others. The first thing you need to master is, of course, the “false shuffle”; it is used in most tricks.

How to choose lessons?

The easiest way to learn card tricks is through video lessons.

There is a large amount of material on the Internet. There is no big difference in which lessons you study, any videos are almost the same.

  • Choose videos with good quality footage.
  • If you are going to study on YouTube, then it is better to choose channels of people with a large number of subscribers and recordings. These parameters may indicate the authority of the author, and there is also a possibility that there will be videos on the channel that teach the whole movement, which the author used specifically in this illusion.

If you watch several different videos teaching the same trick, you may notice differences in the authors’ techniques. Here you will have a question: “what is the right way”? Does not exist single correct option, everyone has the right to exist. Learn the option that you like or the one that looks more impressive.

Important: If you have already decided to start learning, then remember right away - you don’t need to perform one trick several times in a row, otherwise you could be exposed.

Bottom line

Card fan

Such tricks are easy to learn, do not require much time compared to other options, any innate abilities are not so important, it is important to bring your technique to automatism.

They can be displayed anywhere, without the need to spend a lot of money on inventory.

To all this you can add everything in common, even from a simple illusion.

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