Gamer's workshop: two cores - not a sentence yet! Latest version of "Extreme Injector"

To embed a third-party DLL file into a game, you need to download Extreme Injector for Windows 10. Contrary to popular belief, this program is in no way connected with any game and works with all games at once. The utility is used both for the popular ones - Far Cry, GTA 5, and for the simplest ones. You can replace the utility with your own manual work, but it's not worth it. The v3 version is the latest and it supports absolutely all modern products. Another question is if the program supports file embedding. For some things, there are simply no third-party solutions.

A tool for injecting DLL into games

As a rule, DLLs that are injected into games are DLLs with cheats. You can implement using any changes. It goes without saying that the source library must be working. The utility itself does not help in any way and does not indicate if the DLL file is problematic. Also, the utility will not allow you to understand what kind of change this or that file will bring. Therefore, you can find out exactly what change the file will bring only at the moment when you download it. A clean third generation is laid out on our project. For it to work, you need to find additional files for the game that interests you. The most popular games for which this solution is downloaded:
  • Work with ;
  • The utility allows you to implement solutions in Far Cry;
You can download the product for other games as well. The third version of the utility is the most recent. It allows you to integrate some other files as well. The program interface is in Russian. Changes should take place after integration. If there is no change, then somewhere in the process you made a mistake.

It will allow you to integrate, for example, the ability to communicate within the game with other players, speed up time, etc. The possibilities are literally unlimited, as they depend on which library you decide to integrate. Libraries are available either on fan forums or in special sections on software sites. Before installing any DLL library, we recommend that you check it with an antivirus, for example,

The life of a poor gamer, constrained by circumstances and demands, is not easy. Keeping up with the ever-growing specifications of computer systems is sometimes simply impossible. There comes a moment when you suddenly find yourself face to face with your outdated PC and the desire to try out some new product without getting into a debt hole.

Of all the components of the "iron horse", the processor is always perceived with a grain of irony. The priority is given to the video card, without it it will be impossible to play at all. The memory can be expanded, even in a laptop. And the processor. Well, there he is, but what's the use?

Things change, however, when an application needs to count physical interactions, complex geometry, and even multi-stream music playback. On one core, even if it is accelerated to cosmic magnitudes, there is not much to be achieved. As the proverb says: one head is good, but two (three, four, six, i9) are much better.

The era of dual-core processors began as early as 2006, but really came only at the end of the 2000s, when developers learned to use parallel computing as they should. Over time, this led to the complete exodus of all single-core solutions (including the mobile market) by the end of 2011, and just three years later, 4 cores and the first game that officially required them, Dragon Age: Inquisition, entered the scene.

On the "two-headed" ones, this marketing miracle was dull and shamelessly laggy, even if there was a $ 500 video subsystem on board. In addition, pirates added a serious headache, breaking the then new Denuvo protection for literally every single processor model. Naturally, the top “stones” were chosen first. However, the license holders had nothing to rejoice at either. It's one thing to add a memory bar, and quite another to buy a new processor. If you think about the future, then this generally resulted in a change of socket and motherboard.

Fortunately, a solution has been found. And not only for the game Bioware, but also for many others who did not want to be friends with retiring (until now, aha) "dual cores". You may have already heard about it, or even tried it yourself, but personally this program helped me out many times and, I hope, will help in other games. It so happened that I got a laptop with a relatively good (by the standards of 2014) card and a weak "percentage", so this method is real magic.

So, meet those who do not know - Extreme Injector (official site)

This is free software. You can download it from the link above in order to have the latest version, but it is better to first take the "verified" by me personally from here ... The tiny dual core fix archive contains only a few files. When you run Extreme_Injector v3.exe (sword icon), a settings file is also generated in the same folder. All this joy should be sent to the root of the game, which (according to your suspicion or according to the developers' statement) does not support two cores. Right where the executable lies.

Before starting the game, first open Extreme Injector.

Using the Add Dll menu, add the two dlls that were in the archive (dualcore.dll, EasyHook64) so \u200b\u200bthat they appear in the window.

Then in the settings (Settings) put a daw opposite Auto Inject in order to further automate this process.

After we launch the game and select Select in Extreme Injector, then Process List and find the running game in the list of running programs. Try to do this quickly, before the first videos go and the main menu starts loading.

If everything went well, then Extreme Injector will congratulate you with the inscription “Succesfull Injection!”, Or it will simply disappear after completing its task, that is, “injecting an important dll” into the game engine. Do not be alarmed if it does not work out right away, and the program will complain about some errors and failures. Sometimes you need to repeat the procedure two or three times or guess with the initial load. In short, depending on the system there are some nuances, but the fact that this is a working solution is certainly.

I have successfully tested such titles as: Far Cry4, FIFA 17, Titanfall 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda and Dead Rising 4. A few other small indie projects. The only game that even Extreme Injector cannot help is Watch Dogs 2.

No matter how funny it is, but almost all blockbusters of the last five years have no problems with launching on the low-power machines we are discussing (and mourned). And yes, including Shadow of Mordor 2, Evil Within 2, Hellblade, Far Cry 5, Assassins Creed: Origins, and Elex. And the FPS in the presence of a normal video is quite comfortable. It is only in emulators that the pure power of the processes is important, and where there is optimization, problems will not appear or they will be tolerable, like some lags in Ni No Kuni 2.

How it will be further, time will tell. But sooner or later, dual-core (tri-core and quad-core) processors will retire, giving way to new powerful and expensive products. Progress requires sacrifice. However, while we have life-saving tricks at hand, we can still kick around and surprise ourselves, our old-fashioned PCs with the graphical hits of our time.

Good luck to everyone and enjoy the game!

The utility eliminates the "black screen" error when launching Far Cry 4. For 2-core processors (without Hyper-Threading technology) and for 3-core processors.

In version 3.7.3: Fixed leak from WOW64 check (# 10)

In version 3.7.2: improved support for Windows 10 since update 1709.

For the injector to work, the system must have Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5.1 or higher.

  1. Copy the contents of the archive to the folder of the installed game.
  2. Run the injector as an administrator - file. Check the "Process Name" field (should be "FarCry4.exe") and the "DLL Name" field (should be "dualcore.dll").
  3. Run the game with administrator rights.

Causes and solutions to the "black screen" problem when launching Far Cry 4

To start the game you need:

  • Windows 64-bit;
  • at least 4 GB of RAM;
  • video card with hardware support for DirectX 11. Notebook versions of video cards are NOT officially supported (may or may not work);
  • 2-core processor with support for Hyper-Threading technology or 4-core processor.

Apart from inappropriate system requirements, the most common causes (and solutions) for a black screen at startup are:

  • to run the game on "pure" 2-core processors (without Hyper-Threading) and on 3-core processors - an unofficial Dual Core Fix based on Extreme Injector can help (see above);
  • the game conflicts with UAC (User Account Control), so it must be run as (with rights) administrator;
  • the game conflicts with some USB and HID devices (most often with gamepads) - try to start the game without them (disconnect it from the PC physically or in Device Manager);
  • the game conflicts with some gamepad emulator programs or with PC remote control programs (from tablets or smartphones) - try to start the game without them (disable or uninstall);
  • requires system software to be installed (updated): DirectX, Microsoft Visual C ++, Microsoft .NET Framework, and the latest available video driver.

This unofficial fix is \u200b\u200bstill the only way to run Far Cry 4 on PCs with processors that do not have four-thread processing technology.

Version history:

Version history:

Changes since version 3.6 (5th September 2015): - Fixed manual map support for Windows 8.1 (for real this time) - Updated file host for Visual C ++ dependencies - Added more aggressive dependency resolving of Microsoft DLLs (fixes SystemFunction036 in advapi32.dll)

Version history:

Changes since version 3.5 / 3.5.1 / 3.5.2 (31st July 2015): - Fixed exception that occurs on DEP enabled processes on Windows 10. - Fixed bug with GUI under Advanced Options for injection. - The Disable SEH Validation option now actually does what it says. - Fixed critical bug relating to code that resolves exports for Windows 10 modules. - Fixed bug where exception would be thrown when no export function parameters were specified. - Fixed manual map support for Windows 8.1 (broken in 3.4).

Version history:

Changes since version 3.4 (29th July 2015): - General stability fixes (crashes with 64-bit). - Updated compatbility with Windows 8.1 and 10 (blame Microsoft and their compatibility "fixes"). - Secure Mode now closes previous instance. - Fixed critical bug that would have prevented hacks using exception handlers (mainly packed / protected DLLs) from working in manual map mode. - Added DirectX dependency detection. - Added the ability to call exported functions after injection (use the ... button next to the listed DLL) - Added a simple update notification.

Version history:

Changes since version 3.3 (17th June 2014): - Fixed bug where 1 CPU core was used because the injector was waiting for * itself * to close (no, it wasn "t because of a RAT). - Fixed bug where attempting to unload a module on a 64-bit process resulted in an exception. - Fixed bug where the injector threw an exception from writing a scrambled DLL that was in use. - Added support for LdrpLoadDll on Windows 8.1 Update 1 (64-bit). - Added missing dependency required for ZIP extraction to work correctly ( made the injector crash during Visual C ++ Debug dependency installation). - Added a threads list to the process information window. - Added a new "Strip section characteristics" option to the Extreme preset of scrambling options. - Added a new "Shift section memory" option to the Extreme preset of scrambling options, should * significantly * improve the ability for hacks to evade anti-cheat detection. This option is much more powerful on 32-bit DLLs, but is still somewhat effective on 64-bit DLLs.

Version history:

Version history:

Changes since version 3.1 (3rd June 2014): - Fixed bug where a message box would appear randomly if a Visual C ++ dependency was missing (leftover from testing code) - Fixed bug where selecting "No" from the prompt under Advanced in Injection Method would untick the wrong box - Injector now displays a message box saying that injection was successful

Version history:

Changes since version 3.0 (31st May 2014): - Complete rewrite from scratch (same and familiar look from previous versions) - All injection techniques are now 100% compatible with 64-bit DLLs - Drag-and-drop fixed when run as administrator on newer OSes - Automatically elevates without asking if it knows you have administrator rights - Better scaling on displays with a DPI higher than 96 - Added a Visual C ++ Dependency Installer - Manual map now supports DLLs that use SEH to work (better packer support, eg. Themida, Enigma, etc) - New injection technique : LdrpLoadDll - Better exception / error reporting - New scrambling engine, more scrambling methods - Removed "Append Random Data" as it just wasted disk space and is ineffective - Improved detection of different OS versions - Dynamic assembly code generation (powered by AsmJit) - Seperate process, thread and window manager, does not rely on .NET Process class anymore - "Start in Secure Mode" creates an even more "secure" instance of Extreme Injector

ATTENTION! Do start through injector licensed Far Cry 4 has problems with automatic injection. After starting the injector, you need to go to its settings and disable the auto inject option, i.e. do the "injection" manually at a certain point.

Is a special program, the main feature of which is the introduction of files " .dll"In the process of playing the format" .exe". Most often, such files contain cheats that players use in order to gain an advantage over rivals or to diversify the gameplay when it comes to games in which there is no online component.

Many users, downloading cheats in the ".dll" format, do not understand at all how they can move this file into the game. This article will help you to understand the peculiarities of working with the injector and to understand how the ".dll" file injection system works.

Extreme Injector for Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Undoubtedly, one of the brightest representatives of the games where the use of cheats is most common is the beloved "". Due to its wide popularity, almost every schoolchild or student knows about its existence. Its community is spread all over the world, but unfortunately not every representative of it is ready to play fair. As you know, demand creates supply.

Every year there are more and more different cheats that make life easier for gamers. Some consider their existence unacceptable, while others actively use the opportunity that modern hackers have presented them.

Heavy duty and really reliable "" is one of the best injectors out there. The stability of this program has been tested over the years, regular updates have been maintaining its performance at the proper level for many years.

The main advantages of this injector are

  1. Compatible with Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Counter Strike 1.6, Counter Strike: Source and many other games.
  2. A window of processes that can be controlled thanks to special filters.
  3. Transfer of ".dll" files to the injector with one movement of the mouse.
  4. Support for any system.
  5. Lots of ways to embed the file such as Standard, LdrLoadDll Stub, Thread Hijacking and Manual Map.
  6. Simultaneous injection of several ".dll" files at once, the so-called "Multi-DLL injection".

Extreme Injector Instructions for Use

Preparing to integrate the .dll file into the game program.

Before embedding the .dll file into the game, you need to perform just a few manipulations: open the injector, start the game, start the gameplay, pause, minimize the program using the Alt and Tab key combinations.

Injection of the ".dll" file.

After we have launched the injector and opened the game, the game process in the injector will be automatically detected, also using the "Select" button, you can manually select the game we need, then we need to find the file that we want to embed.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the button " ADD DLL"In the injector itself, after which you need to specify the path to the file with the cheat format" .dll", Which must be downloaded in advance.
  2. After we have added ".dll", the following parameters should be set in the settings: in the " Itjection Method"Select the" Standard Injection "parameter, and in the" Scrambling options"-" Extreme ". It is also worth turning on the "Stealth Inject" mode.
  3. Click on the "Inject" button in the lower left corner of the program. The appearance of the message "Injection has completed successfully" means that the injection was successful and the console will be displayed in the game, indicating that the cheat is installed.

Where can I download "Extreme Injector"?

At the moment, the program "Extreme Injector" is freely available to download on our website:

Installation instructions:

  • The archive that was downloaded from this site must be unpacked directly to the desktop. Further, an equally important point is to run the program on behalf of the administrator, as it will help eliminate further problems in using the injector.
  • Then you should open the settings and select there " Start in Secure Mode", This is necessary in order to prevent the anti-cheat from detecting this injector.
  • It is worth noting that this injector requires the Microsoft .NET Framework, which can be downloaded from the following site:\u003d22.
  • It is important to know that when choosing the game "Combat Arms" you need to add "engine.exe", as well as select the option " Auto-Inject».

Latest version of "Extreme Injector"

The latest version "" is the version 3.7.3 ... In it, the developers took into account the errors of previous versions and kindly corrected all the shortcomings, making this injector almost ideal for use and having no serious competitors at the moment. There are really many analogs, however, "Extreme Injector" has a significant advantage due to the intuitive interface and versatility, which the developers have been striving for for a long time.

Frequently asked Questions

Can I get banned for using the Extreme Injector?

No, they cannot. As a rule, in games it is banned for the cheat itself, that is, the script library dll, but the injector is not.

I start the injector, but it does not open. What to do?

Perhaps the problem is incorrect interaction with the archive. After downloading it, you need to unpack it, and only then run the file "Extreme Injector.exe".

At the first implementation, an error window is displayed. What is the problem?

Most likely problems with antivirus. The program should be added to its "exceptions", because many antiviruses mistake injectors for malicious software. If it does not help, you will have to make the following manipulations:
The archive that you downloaded contains libraries that work with the program in the folder Microsoft Visual C ++... You need to take everything in the folder and move it to C: \\ Windows \\ System32... It is important to understand that you should not move the folder itself, but only the files that are in it.

What games is Extreme Injector suitable for?

"- a universal program that is suitable for almost any game. It is mainly used by players " Counter strike: global offensive"," Counter Strike 1.6 "," Counter Strike: Source "," GTA 5 "," FAR CRY 4 "," Watch Dogs 2 "and many others.
It is worth noting that when using "Extreme Injector" in "GTA 5" it will only work in versions 505 or higher.

What cheats can be implemented with Extreme Injector?

This injector can integrate any cheats of the ".dll" format into the game.

How to prevent detection by the anti-cheat "Extreme Injector"?

To solve this problem, just click on the "Settings" button and enable the "Start in secure mode".

Extreme Injector is a software that allows you to embed a special format of some files with the "dll" resolution into the gameplay. Why is this needed? Everything is quite simple, files with the specified resolution are, in essence, auxiliary programs, or, more simply, cheats. So this program is used by dishonest players.

This article is specifically for users who want to gain some kind of advantage over their opponent using the Injector program.

Extreme Injector and CS: GO

It is no secret that the majority of players use various kinds of auxiliary programs to gain a gaming advantage. This is most likely due to the fact that the game component CS: GO monotonous for players with over a thousand hours. Thus, users try to diversify the gameplay, and acts as a link between such players and the cheat itself.

Often, the community still does not like dishonest players, at least because they break the idyll of the game by using cheats. However, some still prefer to play only with auxiliary programs, after all, after all, it is absolutely safe for the account, practically, because Counter strike global offensive officially free game, but more on that later.

The utility is the undisputed leader, which helps players take advantage of the assistive features when playing. This program has established itself throughout the world, and the developers are still trying to support it, periodically updating it. If you highlight all the positive aspects of this utility, then you can get the following:

  • Frequent updates, constant developer support;
  • Supports the use of not only Counter Strike Global Offensive, but also earlier versions of the cult game;
  • Easy to use;
  • Works on most operating systems;
  • You can use many dlls at once.

These are not all the advantages, but there is no point in excessively praising the program, the main thing is to learn how to use it and start playing.

Download Extreme Injector 3.7.3

To start working with this utility, at least you need to download and install it. When downloading, you need to be completely sure that there are no viruses, after all, the program is very popular, and therefore not in all resources it can be real and it is quite easy to avoid this: you need to download this utility from our resource. Before starting, you need to make sure that the latest Framework is installed on your computer. If it is absent, you need to visit the official Microsoft portal and install it, it will not take a lot of time.

Initial installation of the program:

  1. After downloading the archive, you need to unpack it and place it in a convenient place on your computer;
  2. It is imperative to launch the program on behalf of the computer administrator himself; this can be done by right-clicking;
  3. You need to go to the settings, choosing the safe mode, this action will help to avoid problems with the AntiCheat system and reduce the chance of blocking accounts.

This is what the very initial setup looks like, there is nothing complicated about it.

Getting Started with Extreme Injector

After the above steps, you can proceed to the most important thing - using dll files... First you need:

  1. Run Extreme Injector as the main administrator;
  2. Launching Counter Strike Global Offensive;
  3. You need to go to any game, both a server and a local game will do;
  4. Minimize CS: GO and return to the program.

These are the initial steps before the actual implementation. dll files... After the steps taken, you can proceed to the basis. After minimizing, the program will automatically open and you need to select a special parameter "Select", allowing you to select the desired game, of course, it will be Counter strike global offensive.

Basic actions:

  1. You must use the "add dll" button, where you must specify the path for the program leading directly to the required file;
  2. You need to go to the "Implementation Method" item and select "Regular Implementation".
  3. Go to the "Scrambling Options" tab, where you need to select the "extreme" parameter.
  4. Next, you need to select the implementation item, it is located in the lower corner of the left side of the utility itself.In the end, you can see the inscription about successful implementation, this is the end of the setup and it remains to enjoy the advantage gained over your opponent, again there is nothing difficult.

The current version of the Extreme Injector utility

The latest version was released at the end of 2018 and is called version 3.7.3. In this update, the developers brought mainly bug fixes that affected the stability of the program.

Is there a risk when using the Extreme Injector?

Even enthusiastic users talk as if they weren't at risk, but this is far from the case. It is important and necessary for every user to understand that sooner or later the account will still be blocked, but thanks to it, this is less likely than with conventional auxiliary programs.

In fact, if you think about it, then any such program becomes easy prey for the VAC system, because it directly interferes with the process Counter strike global offensive... However, it was clearly developed by a very smart person, because the utility does not fit into the gameplay, it simply introduces the necessary files into the game.

Thus, there is a risk in any case, but with this utility it is clearly lower than with others. It is not clear why the company Valve completely ignores the existence of this program and does not block users that they are using it, but add these same dll files, really strange, but it's better for the dishonest player in the end.

The main thing is to try to avoid using the program for a couple of days after each update, because something could have changed and the smartest move would be to read thematic forums where they discuss. You can play it safe and change every time dll file, but this is not necessary, however, it can help to keep the game account, avoiding blocking. It is also advisable to use this utility and even more so dll file on another account, since there are no problems with this, CS: GO has been free for several days.


- a universal, and most importantly, a useful utility that helps in a sense to avoid game locks when using auxiliary programs. The main thing is to take into account the above tips, in any case they will be able to help and save the player from blocking. Thanks to this, you can get impunity and pleasure on a completely new, previously unknown level.

This utility - is not the only one of its kind, however, it is she who takes new users, because it has an intuitive design, ease of use and security that some analogues cannot provide. Important to use in Counter strike global offensive wisely, after all, this is also useful advice. Each user should know that with this utility you can use dll files and in other games, not only in old ones, but also in recently released ones.

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