Bearded man. Understand and forgive - passing the game. Walkthrough “The Bearded Man. Irishka's birthday Passage of the bearded man Day 3

The popularity of the original game project from the TNT channel and the Comedy Club program “Borodach” continues to break all records, and therefore the developers did not torment fans with long waits, and we can again enjoy the company of a funny character. We recommend using our further tips on how to beat the game Bearded Man 3, since this series is quite difficult. If you haven't played the previous parts yet, read the walkthrough first. As in the previous part, he will have to complete a lot of tasks, relying only on ingenuity, life experience and our help. Therefore, we study a detailed description of the passage of Bearded Man 3 and begin to play enthusiastically.

The third episode of the 2017 game - Bearded Man: Irishka's Mission - is dedicated to the main character's conquest of his spectacular but obstinate lover.

This may seem strange to some, but Bearded Man’s new mission begins again at the police station. The disgusting cell and the hungover policeman Vakhitov do not add optimism, and therefore the hero cannot wait to get out of prison.

Arguments and persuasion have no effect on the insensitive guard, and therefore we proceed to independent liberation:

Stage 2. I went out to do something - the pharmacy arrived

It’s not so easy to complete all the tasks of the game Bearded Man 3: Irishka’s Birthday, so we must be patient and carefully look around.

  • We tidy up around the police station in a businesslike manner - we pick up a dried loaf of bread from the trash can, pick up an empty beer can, and take the trash can itself with us. Everything will be useful on the farm.
  • Open the general map of the game Bearded Man 3 and move to the upper left location - the pharmacy.
  • We pass by the pharmacy and stop near a car service center near a pile of spare parts and tires. We find another beer can in it.
  • We start misbehaving - we remove the wheel rim from the wall and throw it at the pharmacy sign. The sign breaks. We pretend that it has nothing to do with it, approach and sympathize with the saleswoman.
  • We return to the spare parts and remove the nail from the wall on which the disk that flew into the sign was hanging. Stocks are being replenished.

Stage 3. Car service is the best place for a party

If the hero of the 3rd part of the game, the Bearded Man, can count on anyone, it is his friend the mechanic Kotletos. It is to him that he goes for help.

Stage 4. Rat, Lariska and revenge on Vakhitov

To complete the next segment of the game, open the map and return to the location with the police station.

Stage 5. Mission Possible - Episode 1

If earlier we were just preparing to complete tasks, then at this stage the most important phase of passing the game Bearded Man Part 3 begins. We quickly move to the pharmacy and car service.

Stage 6. Mission Possible - Episode 2

We continue the passage of the game Bearded Man 3 in the “Police Station” location. The second half of a summer day has arrived in the game, and even the flowers are toil with thirst.


The passage of part 3 of the Bearded Man is quite difficult, which makes the game even more interesting and exciting. Try to complete all the tasks yourself, and if difficulties arise, use our guide.

You can download the game on Android and iOS completely free of charge and have fun solving puzzles anywhere on your own or with friends.

Specific humor, a funny character, interesting adventures - what else is needed to have a fun and positive time. Leave your opinion or questions in the comments.

And here is a video on how to beat Bearded Man 3 for those who don’t like to read:

Meeting with Vakhitov

What location do you think the next chapter of the Bearded Man’s gaming adventures begins from? That's right: you find yourself at the police station! Chat with Vakhitov, but the insensitive guard will refuse to let you out. You will have to free yourself through your own efforts. Try to jump onto the cell bars three times (tap on the door) to take out the policeman. Wait for him to throw a beer can at you, and then pick it up.

Click on the prison window and you will see Lariska, the girlfriend of that same Irishka. Attract attention by throwing a beer can at her, and then chat on all topics, finding out that today is Irishka's birthday.

Returning to the cell, talk to Vakhitov. The bearded man will start singing. Eventually the policeman will let you go. Leave the area, talk with Lariska again to get a list of all Irishka’s wishes. In order for her to attend the party in her honor, you will have to fulfill all her wishes.


Examine the location next to the police station to pick up a stone loaf lying inside the urn, as well as a beer can lying on the ground. There is nothing to lose, so you will also have to take the trash can itself with you.

Open the game world map and move to the location with the pharmacy located in the upper left corner. Walk past the pharmacy and next to the service center you will see a pile of auto parts and tires (to the right of the front door). Inside one of the discs, find the second beer can, and then proceed to hooliganism. You need to remove the wheel cap from the wall and throw it at the pharmacy sign (you take it off, and the Bearded Man throws it automatically). After the sign is broken, approach the saleswoman and express your condolences on this matter.

Move back to the auto parts to the right of the service entrance and pull out the protruding nail from the wall, which was intended for the cap that was removed earlier.

Car service

Koletos, Borodach’s comrade, must help him fulfill all Irishka’s wishes, so go to him for help to continue the passage of “Bearded Man.. The door inside the service is located on the left side of the pile of auto parts. Go inside and share your party plans with your friend. He will say that he cannot attend the holiday because he must remain at the car service center. Without thinking twice, the Bearded Man decides to throw a party right here.

Examine the front door on the left side and remove the clothes hanger from it. Move to the dilapidated table on which the TV is located, and instead of one leg, place the stone loaf found earlier. You can now take the jack that was previously holding the table with you. Leave the service center and inspect the pile of auto parts again. Use a jack on it to remove the welding glove from under the pallet.

Using this glove, disconnect the sparking wires under the pharmacy sign (use them specifically). Take the remaining wire, connect two beer cans to it, and then attach the hanger you found at the service center here. Here's a working antenna for you!

Go back inside the service and use the antenna on the TV to catch all the other channels. Cutletos will be delighted with this, giving the Bearded Man an old antenna. Examine the nearby tape recorder and remove the audio cassette from it. To do this, you will have to use the trash can from your inventory, which was taken from the street near the police station (use it on the tape recorder on the shelf inside the car service station). Having done this, you should take the urn with you again.

Lariska and revenge on Vakhitov

Move back to the police station, take out the audio cassette from your inventory and first use it on the Bearded Man. He will unwind it, and you will receive the film. Combine the film with the broken antenna that Koletos “fitted” for you. Use the nail here in your inventory to eventually get a fishing rod. Having it in your hands, you can go fishing straight to the police station. Go a little further than Vakhitov to get into your cell, then look through the window with bars and try to catch khachapuri with a fishing rod (from the saleswoman below). Sooner or later it should happen!

Vakhitov will kick Bearded Man out of the station. Move towards house 13 on the left side, where you have to catch a large rat. Use the khachapuri as bait, throwing it as far as possible from the Bearded Man (more precisely, it should be used on the hole in the building). Run up when the rat appears and then cover it with the urn. Use the welding glove to pick up the rodent and hide it in your inventory. Having taken the urn with you, return to Lariska on the watermelons and tell her about your successes. In return you should receive a watermelon and a package.

You can immediately use the package on the ventilation hole of the police department, next to Lariska, on the right. Look through the barred window twice to see first Vakhitov's torment and then how he rests inside his prison cell. At this point, click on the policeman to pick up his baton.

mission Possible

We continue the passage of the game “Bearded Man.. Move to the location with the pharmacy and service. Use the big rat on the pharmacy and watch as the saleswoman tries to escape from it. Meanwhile, the woman manages to lock the door behind her. Use the jack on the right side of the pharmacy to lift it up. As a result, the handle will break, which can easily be replaced with Vakhitov’s baton.

The pharmacy building should tilt slightly, and a jar of rubbing alcohol will roll out. Take it with you, and then click on the stall itself to get condoms. Repeat the action with the jack, applying it to another part of the pharmacy stall so that expensive shampoo rolls out - a wonderful gift for Irishka!

Taking your jack with you, combine the watermelon and rubbing alcohol in your inventory to start preparing a cocktail for the holiday. Visit the Kotletos service and use the condoms from the inventory on the compressor. An angry Cutletos should throw a heavy valve at you. Take the valve with you and leave Koletos, who will inflate the balloons on his own.

After leaving, return to the car service center to make sure that Koletos has completed the decoration. Go to the right side of the location and you will see a water tap that needs to be repaired. Use the valve on the pipe to the right of the washbasin so that the faucet will eventually fly off. Taking the tap, in your inventory, combine it with the watermelon, into which you previously pumped alcohol. The cocktail is ready! Use the trash can on the faucet to fill it with water.

Go to house No. 13 to see the wilted flowers on the windowsill of one of the windows. Use the urn with water on them, use it to stand higher and pick flowers - a wonderful bouquet for Irishka.

After taking the ballot box with you, go back to the pharmacy and service. Inside the service, use the bouquet of flowers on Koletos. He will grab the hammer and start running after the Bearded Man. The thrown hammer should hit the shelf, which will open, and you can pick up the hose. But first you need to install the ballot box and stand on it. Connect one end of the hose to the tap and the other to the inspection hole to create a kind of pool.

Disconnect the hose from the faucet and connect it to the compressor. With a slight movement of the hand, the pool turns into a jacuzzi.

All Irishka’s wishes were fulfilled! Leave Koletos and move towards the police station. Talk to Lariska and give her the list of tasks. Go back to the car service and watch the final video that completes the passage of the game “The Bearded Man..

In this guide you will learn How to beat the game Bearded Man 3 step by step, in text and video formats.

Game Bearded Man 3 Irishka's Birthday, passing which awaits you a little further, has become more complex than the previous part and has moved to even greater 3D. Now most of the background and objects have 3D graphics, and not just the characters, as was previously the case. Now there are clear tasks, or rather a list, on the basis of which we will build our guide.

How to beat the game Bearded Man 3 Irishka's Birthday

It all starts, again, with the conclusion, after our mistakes in the previous episode. Vakhitov is on duty after his boss’s anniversary and with a serious hangover. We need to get our claws out!

How to get out of prison

You need to click on the grate door and Alexander Radionovich will begin to crawl onto it. The duty officer doesn't like this and yells at you. We do this two more times and drive Vakhitov crazy. He throws a can at us, which we need to pick up. Now we go to the window and look out onto the street. We throw the jar at Lariska and she tells me that Irusik has a birthday today. Now the Bearded Man himself does everything for us, namely, he begs the cop to let him go.

It is done! Let's continue walkthrough of the game Bearded Man part 3 and after leaving the prison, we are going to throw a birthday party, and Lariska is making us a list of her wishes
girlfriends. The list is quite impressive, but we are adding to it. At this location we need to pick up a jar, a loaf of musocree and the tank itself. Now we go to the car service station, where Kotletos and the former watermelon saleswoman work. We find out that she left her previous job because there was a rat there, which she hates. Near the garage, on the right we see a pile of rubbish, after rummaging through it we find another empty beer can. We click on the cap that hangs on the wall and launch it into the window of the pharmacy stall. A nail appeared in place of the cap, which needs to be taken.

How to make an antenna in the game Bearded Man 3

Now we go into the garage and put a loaf of bread under the table on which the TV is standing and take it away
jack. We also take the hanger that hangs on the door near the exit. Next, to complete Bearded Man part 3 of the game, we go out into the street, use the jack on the pile of rubbish from which we took out the jar and select a rubber glove (don’t forget to pick up the jack). With this glove we take the wires from the broken pharmacy sign. Now let's switch to engineer mode. We combine beer cans with wires, and then the result with a hanger. We go back to the service center and put the antenna on the TV, so we were able to distract Kotletos. In return we get an old antenna. Now we use the trash can on the tape recorder, which is in the closet, and take out the cassette. We use it on the Bearded Man and take the magnetic tape - this is how we found out where to get fishing line (of a kind) for the fishing rod. We take the trash can.

How to catch a rat in the game Bearded Man 3

We go to the location of the police department, go into the department, into the cell. We assemble a fishing rod, for this we connect
an old antenna with a cassette tape, and then with a crooked nail. Click on the camera window and use the spinning rod on the khachapuri. Now we go to the fault in house 13 and use khachapuri on it. A rat runs out to the bait and starts wheezing. Cover it with a bucket, and then take the rat with a rubber glove. We show off the trophy to Larisa and beg for a watermelon as a reward. They also give us a bag that we need to put on the air conditioner. Now we look into the cell window from the street, wait until Vakhitov falls asleep, look again and take his baton.

Where to get a gift

To complete the game Bearded Man level 3 Next, we go to the pharmacy and throw the rat there. We jack up the stall on the right, alcohol falls out to us and with the second click we take condoms. Now we jack up on the left and take away the shampoo for one and a half grand - this will be our gift to Irishka.

Where to find a valve and how to water flowers

Next hint for the game Bearded Man 3 is that we have to go to
car service and try to inflate condoms with a compressor. It doesn’t work the first time and the condom accidentally ends up in Koletos. He goes wild, rummages through the boxes and throws something heavy at us. It turns out to be a faucet. We take it, leave the garage and go back. We install the valve on the pipe, next to the sink. Water came out, but the faucet was broken. We select it, then combine the watermelon with alcohol and insert the faucet. This is how the signature cocktail “Borodach” turned out.

We fill the urn with water, go to the police station and water the flowers on the windowsill of house No. 13. This doesn’t make them any better, but what can you do, there are no other options, so we point the urn at them and take out the flowers.

How to make a jacuzzi

We go to the service center and show Kotletos the flowers. He gets mad, thinking that we are giving this to him and starts running after us and again throws the hammer, this time past, but in the closet he hit there is a hose. We take it using the urn and use it on the sink. We fill the inspection hole with water, take a hose and use it on the compressor. The Jacuzzi is ready, like everything else on our list. We run to Lariska to inform her that the holiday is ready. On this Walkthrough of the game Bearded Man 3 on your phone ends and the final scene begins. To be continued.

Now you know everything answers to the game Bearded Man Episode 3 And passing will not cause you any discomfort.

Have a good game!

How to pass Bearded Man 3 Video

Hi all! Our short review will tell you about the game and its success factor. We will also show you how to completely complete the game. “Bearded man. To understand and to forgive".

Mobile game about a famous character Bearded man, is free humorous puzzle. It would be a stretch to call it humorous, since sometimes the humor turns out to be too simple. But if we talk about the game as a puzzle, then this is enough exciting quest.

The game includes small scenes (quests), which, in general, can be completed in 15-20 minutes, with due attention. Throughout the game, you have to go through all the Bearded Man's obstacles and win Irishka's heart.

3D graphics implemented on a simple level, however, this even gives this game some appeal, reminiscent of the times when everyone made their neighbor angry.

It can also be noted that thoughtful and interesting quest system, which includes a lot of dialogue and hidden actions. The big plus was original Russian voice acting, which makes the game closer to the series of the same name.

The success of this quest is ensured by the popular popularity of the main character Bearded Man, his trademark phrases, as well as large-scale information support.

All tips for passing

To help all gamers, we went through the game and recorded the complete sequence of actions that need to be performed exactly. You can also separately read the necessary paragraph where you can find a specific hint without disturbing the interest in the game.

  1. The game starts with conversation with a policeman. For him to let you out, you need to take a rag and wash the floor(wash away traces). After this, you will be freed and can go through the door on the right.
  2. After exiting, you will meet a detained comrade who will ask to be released. To get him out, you need to break the bars.
  3. Go to the car and talk to the taxi driver. He will tell a story about treating his wife's teeth using a machine. Tied to the car rope and skis- you will need these things.
  4. Click on the puddle(near the car) and slap Taxi. Approach the driver, who will offer you to clean the car. You there is a rag still from the site, wash it in a puddle, and then wash the taxi driver’s car.
  5. Go to the driver, who will give you 50 rubles, but will take the rag. Return to the site and trash can lift up spray paint. Hit the bucket (it should turn over) and stand on it. With paint and check the name plot for Polyucia.
  6. Approach the grandmother, who will sell you seeds for half the price (50 rubles). Take the seeds and move to the watermelon saleswoman. Throw seeds on watermelons, after which the birds will flock. While the saleswoman drives them away, steal her phone. After talking with her, send her to write a statement to the police station.
  7. Grab the watermelon and go to the grate. Give the watermelon to a friend and scatter the seeds yourself around the window. The birds will flock again and the detainee will throw a watermelon at them. Birds will be stunned.
  8. Give these pigeons to the saleswoman seeds, what will you get for it? magazine.
  9. Enter the department and start a conversation with the detainee. Then go outside and give him the phone through the grate. Return to the station and ask the woman call your number. The prisoner's phone will ring and he will be accused of stealing the phone.
  10. Take the cap on the closet and leave the area. Give the driver the magazine, for this he will give you a rope with skis. Tie this rope to the back of the car and the grille. Return to the department and use the ski to remove the cap from the closet.
  11. In order for the taxi driver to jump out of his seat and break the grille, you need to come up and say there is no parking here. The taxi driver will answer that he only understands the signs, so stick your ski in the mud(for a taxi) and put a cap on her. Draw a sign on it " No parking"(two intersecting lines). Inform the driver about the sign, he will move off and break the grille.

How to complete the game “Bearded Man. Understand and forgive" - ​​Video

As we wrote above, in The passage of the Bearded Man puzzle is not particularly difficult, but there may still be some difficulties in visually solving some scenes. In order to avoid difficulties, here full video instructions, which will tell you how to complete the game.

In Russia, computer games that are based on successful television projects, such as, for example, “Masha and the Bear,” have recently become increasingly popular. The clearest example, of course, is the projects that are made based on cartoons about the three heroes. However, it is worth mentioning separately about the “Bearded Man” games, which tell about the well-known humorous character Mikhail Galustyan.

Games in this series have gained quite a lot of popularity in recent years. They are classic quests, but some aspects of them can be quite difficult. Therefore, gamers turn to forums for help when passing a particular episode. For example, people often ask about how to catch a rat in the third part of the game. This is a rather interesting and difficult episode, so it is worth paying special attention to. From this article you will learn how to catch a rat, what to do with it, and also how to generally get to it during the passage.

When to catch a rat?

Many gamers who begin their adventure in the games of this series are surprised by questions about how to catch a rat, because they do not encounter any rats at all. There is nothing strange in this, because the episode with the rat does not occur in the first, or even in the second part of the game. We will talk about the project “Bearded Man 3: Irishka’s Birthday”, that is, the third quest in the entire series. Moreover, this episode does not take place at the very beginning of the game, but only in the fourth chapter, so you will have to try hard to get to this point. But at the same time, many people immediately have problems, because they just can’t figure out how to catch the rat so that it doesn’t bite the Bearded Man. This article will describe step by step exactly what you need to do to achieve success.

Where to begin?

So, if you decide to figure out how to catch a rat in “The Bearded Man,” then you need to act consistently and logically. And the first thing you need to do is open the card. You have completed the third chapter and found yourself in the fourth, but you don’t know what to do, how to proceed next. So take a look at the map and what locations are available to you, as this will be very important later on. But for now you need to pay attention to the location of the police station, which you have already visited in previous chapters. This is where you need to go. No, there won't be an animal there, and you won't be able to immediately find out how to catch a rat in Bearded Man 3, but there will be something very important there, without which you won't be able to complete this episode, and with it the entire game.

Making a fishing rod

Before this article describes how to catch a rat in the game "Bearded Man", or at least what will happen in the police station, it is necessary to take care of one very important matter. Against your better judgment, you will not need a mousetrap, but a fishing rod. You shouldn’t immediately ask questions and wonder why such a device might be useful at all. Soon you will know everything. In the meantime, go to “Inventory” and see what you have there. At this point, you should be interested in the antenna, as well as the audio cassette that you took from the auto repair shop at the very end of the previous chapter. Combine these two items with each other - you will get the very item you needed. Well, the first step has been taken, it's time to go to the police station and find out why you needed the fishing rod.

Police station

When you find yourself near the police station, pay attention to the khachapuri vendor who is dozing near the entrance. This will be your goal. Head inside and enter the cell in which you were kept. Well, it's time to use the fishing rod you created. But what exactly can you do with it? Look out the window - and you will see the same tray with khachapuri and a dozing merchant. You should definitely use this chance. Cast your fishing rod and enjoy your wonderful catch, namely, aromatic and large khachapuri. But you shouldn’t eat it right away, it’s better to put it in your inventory, as you will need it in the future. Moreover, if you want to know how to catch a rat in the game "Bearded Man 3", you should understand that khachapuri will become your full-fledged key to success.

House number 13

Well, you got your khachapuri, but it's getting hot in the police station. The enraged Vakhitov wants to catch the Bearded Man, so you need to run away from him as quickly as possible. Once you are safe, you should look at the map again, because there is now a key location there - house number 13. It is there that you will have to catch the rat. In fact, all you have to do is go there and face this huge and terrifying creature. Please note that the rat bites you every time you try to pick it up with your hand, so you shouldn't even try, it won't lead to anything. But how to catch a rat in the computer game “Bearded Man 3”? This is exactly what you will learn about now. After all, if everything were that simple, there would be no point in writing this article.


Here comes the most important moment in the article about how to catch a rat in the computer game “Bearded Man 3”. This can be done quite quickly and easily if you follow all the instructions. And the first step is to use khachapuri. As mentioned above, this is a key item in the entire progression process, so you definitely don't need to eat it. What to do? When you see a rat, you can take out the khachapuri and lure it to you. When the rat comes close enough to you, you should not try to catch it, because if you remove the khachapuri, it will immediately run away. Instead, you need to throw the rat's treat as far as possible. As a result, she will run after him and start eating him. Now it's time for decisive action!


Remember your visit to the auto repair shop in the third chapter, when you managed to steal an audio cassette from there, which you then used as fishing line? Well, you took more than just an audio cassette from there. Take a closer look at your inventory, because there is also an urn there that you took from the same room. This is exactly what you need to throw at the rat while it is distracted by devouring the treasured treat. You can cover it with an urn, enclosing it in a kind of trap. However, that's not all. What to do next? After all, if you try to get a rat out of the urn just like that, you will get a well-deserved bite. Accordingly, you need to come up with something else that will help you get the animal you desperately need and place it in your own inventory. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation!


Once again, you might want to think about what exactly you were doing in the auto repair shop in Chapter Three. As far as you can remember, when you were lifting a bunch of spare parts with a jack, you found a worker's glove made of thick fabric underneath them. Designed to keep workers safe in the workplace, this piece of clothing is ideal for the task you're facing right now. Use the glove on the urn with the rat, and the Bearded Man will deftly get the toothy animal. Naturally, it will bite him, but the Bearded Man will have nothing to do with it, because his hand will be reliably protected by the glove. After this, the rat will be in your inventory, and you need to remember to take the urn with you, as it will be useful to you in the future. That's all, now you know exactly how you can catch a rat in this game, so the episode will no longer cause you any difficulties. All that remains is to consider why all this needed to be done.

Why was the rat needed?

In quests, there is always a meaning to your every action, and every solved puzzle is justified, because it leads you forward in the plot. But why did you need this rat at all? How to understand the hero's motivation? When you start playing through the game further, you will quickly understand what was going on. Firstly, immediately after catching the rat, you can head to the watermelon stand where Lariska is selling. Brag to her that you were able to catch a rat, and she will give you a free watermelon. This will come in handy in the future when you come up with an original cocktail as a gift for Irishka. Secondly, you will also receive from Lariska an empty bag in which you should have put a watermelon. However, you won't do this, of course, because you have another way to use the package. You can use it to plug the ventilation hole of the police station so that Vakhitov, who will not have enough air, goes to bed, and you can steal his police baton.

And, finally, the rat itself will be useful to you when you come to the pharmacy kiosk, where you want to get in to get ready for your date with Irishka. Unfortunately, the saleswoman won’t let you in there, so you need to take extreme measures, namely, let the rat into the kiosk. Naturally, this will work exactly as you would like, that is, the saleswoman will instantly evaporate. Unfortunately, she will close the door behind her, so you won't be able to get inside. How to get the necessary items from the pharmacy kiosk? This is another very interesting logical riddle, but it will be discussed in a completely different article. And at the moment, you now know perfectly well what actions you need to perform in order to catch a rat in this game.

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