Fantasy strategy games. Computer games and dark fantasy. Total War: Warhammer series

Friends, hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is on air, and today we will continue to introduce you to the genres of the world of computer games. At the end of May, we dove in and revealed the 12 best games in the genre. And in this article we will tell you in detail about the best strategies on PC over the past few years and compile our top best games in this genre.

It would seem that making ratings is a simple matter. It’s worth taking a list of the games you like, choosing the best ones and putting them in order. We would have done so, if not for one nuance - the Gamebizclub team included people who had experienced Warcraft 1 and Heroes of Might and Magic.

Since then, many games have been released, one way or another, we managed to play most of them and form our own opinion. Therefore, we made a plausible rating taking into account all opinions - we retested old games and new ones, refreshed our memory. And this is what happened.

From this article you will learn:


The last place in our ranking goes to DEFCON, a game about nuclear strike tactics released in 2006. The name translates as “defense readiness” - this is a real-life scale of the US Army’s readiness for possible combat operations.

DEFCON is based on the plot of the American film “War Games”, which shows the global nuclear conflict between the USA and the USSR. Not only the events of the game, but also its style echo the film, as evidenced by the motto “Everybody dies” (translated as “Everybody Dies”).

In DEFCON you will not be able to create combat units, collect resources and develop technologies. But you can choose the location of forces on the territory of North or South America, Europe, Russia, Africa or Asia. The game starts when the DEFCON scale shows alarm level 5. Then you move to the following levels sequentially. All this time, the conflict is developing, tension is growing. When the level reaches 1, a nuclear attack can be launched.

The main goal is to inflict damage on the enemy while avoiding your own losses. There are no moral restrictions, so you should follow only your thoughts, desires and emotions. Up to 6 people can participate in the game. Nuclear missiles of various types, fighters, bombers, submarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers, airfields, and radars are used as combat units.

DEFCON is similar to a real command post, where the president of the country sits and plans military operations. There is nothing superfluous - just a map, marks of friendly and enemy troops, the most important targets and cities. And you can do whatever comes to your mind: take on the role of the main villain, save peoples and countries, destroy cities and entire regions with one click.

The only negative that outweighs all the advantages is that DEFCON does not have a graphics engine. Despite the interesting gameplay, after a while the process of exchanging nuclear warheads gets boring - it becomes boring to move warheads and combat vehicles around the map, destroy secondary countries, and so on.

And all because there are no special effects or any accompaniment. Therefore, it is suitable instead of Minesweeper or any other game with low requirements - it takes up only 60 MB on your hard drive and will run on any PC.

13. Dune

In thirteenth place is the Dune series of games about the world of Arrakis, which became one of the first real-time strategies. Dune was released in 1992 on the Sega console, and after a while it became available on PC. At that time it was a breakthrough that could be repeated only three years later.

Interesting fact: on behalf of the publishing company Virgin Interactive, two independent developers worked simultaneously to create the game. The French company Cryo Interactive released the game first. American Westwood Studios - a little later. That's why the title of the game from Westwood Studios contains the number "2".

The plot is based on the science fiction novel Dune by Frank Herbert. During the passage you will meet the main characters, take the role of the leader of one of the great houses and conquer the planet Arrakis.

The only negative is that the events of the book and the game are loosely connected; the gameplay is based on missions to clear the territory from the enemy and extract useful resources.

In the struggle for dominance on the planet, three great houses collided - the Atreides, the Harkonnens and the Ordos. Each home has its own pros and cons, unique technologies and powerful leaders.

You can choose any house, but you cannot change it later. After choosing, you will find yourself on the battlefield, command an army, build a base, extract resources and destroy the enemy. Important - to win, you need to destroy all enemies on the map.

For example, if you have destroyed the enemy base, but one soldier is hidden in the corner of the map and is constantly moving, you will not win until you destroy him.

Dune pioneered the approach that would become the basis of the RTS genre. This is a global map, an economic model, a command panel and a mini-map in the user interface, the “fog of war” and various capabilities of the warring parties.

In 1998, a remake called Dune 2000 was released, and in 2001, the developers continued the series by releasing Emperor: Battle for Dune. Unfortunately, after that, no more games about Dune appeared. 15 years have passed, but the series remains only in the memory of the most devoted fans - that’s why only the penultimate place.

12. Age of Empires

We give twelfth place to Age of Empires, which became the basis for many RTS that came out after it. The first part was released in 1997, and since then Microsoft Game Studios has released 8 games and 4 additions to them. The series also includes Age of Empires Online (MMORTS).

In Age of Empires, you will find yourself as the leader of one of 16 civilizations, reflecting a specific architectural style: Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Asian and Roman. By completing missions and developing, you will move from era to era - from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

Civilization develops through the construction of buildings, technology research and war, where would we be without it. Besides you, there will be several more civilizations on the map competing for resources. Therefore, you will constantly be at war - defending behind walls or attacking the enemy.

The game contains campaigns, including educational ones. The educational process is built on 12 scenarios that explain the gameplay. This will help you quickly master the basics of control, work effectively with units and fully use the camera. Other campaigns consist of different missions in which you will defend in a fortified fort, attack castle walls and much more.

Multiplayer is available for a maximum of eight people. To play online, you can choose who to fight with - bots or other people. If you choose a mode with other users, you will have the opportunity to form an alliance, declare war on the selected enemy, or take a neutral position.

Age of Empires doesn't require a powerful computer. Even with the most modest configuration, the game looks realistic, and the image is pleasing to the eye at maximum zoom.

For many people, Age of Empires has become a guide to the world of strategy. But the series gradually faded away and lost popularity - the third part was released back in 2005, and there is still no full-fledged fourth part, if you do not take into account AoE Online. Therefore, we recommend the game to those who want to see the beginning of the RTS era.

11. Star Wars: Empire at War

In eleventh place is Star Wars: Empire at War, a game released in 2006 based on the setting of the world-famous Star Wars saga. The plot is based on Star Wars episodes 4, 5 and 6, namely the civil war between the Rebels and the Imperials.

You will find yourself in the role of a commander of one of the sides, you will control the fleet, command in battles with opponents, destroy bases and much more. The storyline consists of missions in which you will meet famous heroes - Darth Vader, Palpatine, Firmus Piett, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Chewbacca and other characters.

Each character provides certain bonuses, and if necessary, you can hire additional supporting characters - agents, smugglers and others.

Star Wars: Empire at War consists of two parts:

  • Conquest of the Galaxy - a global strategy on the galaxy map. In this mode, you will manage controlled planets, study (or steal) technologies, seize strategic resources, attack and defend.
  • Tactical mode - consists of space and ground operations. You will spend a lot of time in this mode, because a lot will depend on the outcome of the battle. It is here that you will see the main combat vehicles, infantry and ships of both sides, and you will be able to demonstrate your team skills and win.

The main thing is to choose the right side. The Imperials have more opportunities to master new technologies, improve weapons and ships. And the rebels cannot do science, but they know how to steal the technological achievements of the Empire.

Become the ruler of the galaxy with Darth Vader, or free the planets from the tyranny of the Empire with Luke and his friends. Choose a side and go into battle. You will definitely like it.

Star Wars is a super popular project by George Lucas. Therefore, it is not surprising that many interesting games have been released based on the film, but we still haven’t seen a sequel to Empire at War, which is a pity. Only eleventh place in our ranking, let's move on.

10. World in Conflict: Soviet Assault

The top ten is rounded out by World in Conflict: Soviet Assault, a real-time strategy game released in 2009 that continued the events that happened in World in Conflict. In other words, the developers took World in Conflict and added 6 new missions - the game became one and a half times longer.

Gamebizclub's opinion: in our opinion, this is the best strategy about the beginning of the Third World War. Events begin with the fall of the Berlin Wall, which is destroyed by Russian tanks. USSR troops begin an offensive along the entire front and create a meat grinder for NATO forces.

You will find yourself in the role of a Soviet paratrooper and unit commander, standing at the forefront of the attack, destroying enemy soldiers and equipment. Indescribable feelings!

Combat operations take place either in Berlin or in rural areas, where they have to fight with NATO troops. You will also be able to command an artillery battery and provide air escort for the convoy.

Each mission has a specific plot, but the main thing is that there is no need to build a base. You have a limited number of troops at your disposal, but you can request reinforcements.

The developers could not avoid stereotypes about Russians - the ideas of Americans, British, Germans and other peoples are very noticeable and often hurt the eyes. Therefore, in the dialogues there is sometimes a feeling of unreality of what is happening until the fighting begins.

You can also choose the side of NATO - in this case, the plot will begin on the territory of the United States, where you will defend cities and the coast. Gradually you will push back the USSR troops and move to Europe. Let us add that both storylines are inextricably linked, so the side you choose will win.

The game attracts with its sharp plot, large-scale battles that take place not only nearby, but all over the map - you get the feeling that you are participating in a large-scale military operation. It all looks very realistic, as if we were really in the center of a battle.

World in Conflict: Soviet Assault is in tenth place only because we did not see the continuation of this series. The game should be on the shelf of every fan of the genre - this is 100%.


In ninth place is the Stronghold series of games - a strategy about the Middle Ages, the Crusades, knights and kings. The first part of Stronghold was released in 2001, and the last Stronghold 3 in 2011. Let us add that in 2010 the developers released the first MMORTS - Stronghold Kingdoms, where online play against other people became available.

The action takes place during the early Middle Ages, so you will take on the role of a baron or count - you will build a castle, develop production, establish settlements and fight the enemy. Depending on the chosen part, you will find yourself in the territory of Europe or Palestine.

In Strongold Crusader the action takes place in the hot lands of Palestine. As a crusader, you will build and defend a castle, establish production, and attack the impregnable fortifications of desert warriors.

Stronghold 3 takes place in Europe. The plot begins seven years after the end of the events of the first part.

The series became successful due to the combination of economic strategy and medieval surroundings. You can build your own castle, besiege your neighbor’s castle, pour boiling oil and tar on the attackers - all the medieval romance is present. But before the start of hostilities, it will be necessary to provide the rear with food and develop production so that everything is enough for the duration of the war.

Computer opponents are controlled by artificial intelligence - just like you, they extract resources, build castles, form their own army and start a war. And in multiplayer you will be opposed by those people whom you invite to the game - friends, acquaintances or family members.

8. Heroes of Might and Magic III

In eighth place is one of the best turn-based strategies, Heroes of Might and Magic III. Despite the fact that the game was released back in 1999, it still remains the most revered in the turn-based strategy genre. And the following parts of “Heroes”, released after it, were never able to surpass the third part.

The game takes place in a fantasy world where there are dragons, elves, goblins, gnomes and many other mythical creatures. You will lead one of the factions, command a squad, capture and manage cities, and explore the world.

The adventure map is difficult to navigate in places. Movement in the game world is not always predictable - there are areas where it is very difficult to get to and you have to follow an unobvious path.

One of the main tasks is to develop cities in such a way that they generate income, provide combat power and give power to magical spells. If a city is well developed, it brings in enough gold and allows you to hire a strong army to capture adjacent territories and destroy the enemy.

As it should be in a turn-based strategy, time in the game flows discretely. The main unit of time is the move, which is also called a day. During a turn, you can perform a certain number of actions - make a move with heroes, plan the construction of a building, and so on.

And in battle, actions take place one by one and resemble a chess game. Each unit has a certain number of action points, attack type and amount of health. The stronger the unit, the harder it hits and the harder it is to kill. The troops are led by a hero who, upon victory, receives experience and artifacts from defeated enemies.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is available in single and multiplayer. Although multi-user is a strong word. The first mode is called “Hot Seat” and is translated as a hot seat - two people at one computer take turns making moves and finding out who is stronger.

The second mode is network. You need to create a separate “room” and give the address of this room to friends and acquaintances. Then you don’t have to sit in one chair, but really surf the net.

In 2015, the version of Heroes of Might and Magic III HD was released - a remake of the popular game, made for a PC with average characteristics. We advise everyone - HoMM should be on the shelf of every turn-based strategy fan. And we move on.

7.Command & Conquer

In seventh place is the famous Command & Conquer - a real-time strategy about the confrontation between the NoD brotherhood and the World Defense Initiative (if translated into modern realities - Terrorists and the Security Service).

The first part was released back in 1995, and the last one was released in 2013. Note that the first part, along with Dune, became the basis for the RTS genre. But compared to the world of Arrakis, the Command and Conquer saga lasted much longer. The two games have the same developer - Westwood Studios, so it is quite possible that they decided to sacrifice Dune in favor of the more popular C&C.

The Command & Conquer universe includes 3 story subseries: Tiberium, Red Alert and Generals. This is a total of 15 games.

The plot of C&C is built on the conflict surrounding Tiberium, an alien substance sent by aliens to Earth in a meteorite shower. This substance extracts minerals, it can be used as an energy source, and in general Tiberium is a valuable element.

World governments consolidate and begin to mine Tiberium. At the same time, terrorists also begin to mine it, as a result they quickly gain strength and receive financial injections from countries where there is no Tiberium.

After some time, IVZ decides to put an end to NoD, but that was not the case - the Brotherhood strikes back and a long and exhausting confrontation begins.

You can become a member of the terrorist brotherhood NoD, which seeks to take over the world. But if high ideals are closer, you should choose IVZ. Although the main emphasis is not on the side of the conflict, but on how you will command in battle.

Each game has missions to complete and achieve goals. In principle, everything is simple - build a base, mine Tiberium, recruit troops and build military equipment. And then you send an army to attack and command how, where and who to destroy. Easy?

But the enemy does not sleep, so it is never easy. They will constantly attack you and try to destroy your base, attack from unexpected directions and deprive you of the opportunity to earn money. Therefore, you need to constantly be prepared for sudden attacks by the enemy, which suddenly appears in the most vulnerable places. The main factor of victory is not superiority in combat power, but the absence of mistakes.

It is unknown what will happen to the C&C series next. Four years have passed, but there is still no clear news or comments. Although there are still many fans of the game who continue to hone their skills in online battles. Therefore, so far only seventh place.

6. Civilization

We decided to give sixth place to Civilization, a step-by-step strategy about the development of humanity on Earth. The game, created by Sid Meier back in 1991, and its subsequent remakes were and remain the flagship of the turn-based strategy genre.

Now 6 parts with modifications and additions have already been released. Civilization has received a number of awards and has been inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame. More than 9 million copies have been sold in different countries - a great success, confirmed by numerous critics from all over the world.

The main task is to develop the chosen civilization, from primitive society to modernity. Become Stalin and rule Russia, or take the place of Napoleon, Ramses, George Washington and lead your people on the path to prosperity.

To achieve power and prosperity, you need to build cities, engage in economics and science, create technologies and wonders of the world, build up military power, establish diplomatic relations with other civilizations and fight with competitors.

In general, everything is like in real life - put yourself in the place of the president or dictator. Events take place on a given world map, chosen randomly or exactly replicating the Earth.

Settlers, soldiers, diplomats and other characters (units) participate in the development of civilization. You can change the political regime by choosing despotism, monarchy, democracy, communism, republic. The higher the selected difficulty level, the better you need to plan your actions.

The easiest way is to be a leader - opponents hardly interfere. And the hardest thing is to be a deity, in which case the whole world will take up arms against you and will constantly put a spoke in your wheels - declare war, suddenly attack, plunder and destroy cities, and so on.

The score is determined based on the outcome of the game. When calculating points, the number of population, the number of created wonders of the world and other criteria are taken into account.

Editor's opinion: There were some funny moments in early versions of Civilization. If one nation was significantly ahead of others in development and began to fight, then its tanks and infantry clashed with knights, swordsmen, crossbowmen and other units of the Middle Ages, and sometimes even antiquity. And often tanks lost when simultaneously attacked by several units of earlier eras. In Civilization VI, the developers have improved the balance, but problems still arise - with a coordinated attack, crossbowmen and catapults can destroy a tank.

The main feature of the game is the opportunity to see the development of civilization, participate in this process and rewrite history. Imagine the Aztecs launching the first satellite into space, the Egyptians building the Pentagon in Cairo, the Romans launching the Stealth bomber.

Within the framework of game mechanics, everything is possible. The latest part of the game was released in 2016, and the continuation should be expected in 2019-2020.

5. Total War

We decided to give fifth place to Total War, a series of historical games where tactics and strategy are organically combined. The series itself contains 10 parts and 7 additions. The first part was created in 2000, and the last one was currently released in 2016 under the name Total War: WARHAMMER.

The main feature of Total War is the transfer in time to a specific era of human development. The plot takes you to Japan during the Warring States era, to Europe during the Napoleonic era, to the Middle Ages and earlier times. In the role of Attila you will conquer the European continent, in the role of Charlemagne you will create an invincible empire, in the role of Peter the Great you will bring Russia to the level of the leading world powers.

If we describe Total War in a nutshell, then the most suitable ones are large battles. In addition to capturing cities, establishing economic ties and production cycles, you will fight. War consists of many battles of different sizes, and you will command an army in each of them. Castle sieges, city defense, ambushes and wall-to-wall battles - there is everything that fans of the genre need.

In strategic mode, battles are fought on a global turn-based map, where cities, armies, territorial boundaries, valuable resources and roads are indicated. And in tactical mode, you are transported to the battlefield, to a real terrain with hills, trees, buildings and other landscape details.

If you get tired of constant battles, click “automatic calculation of results.” If your army is greatly superior, the enemy will be defeated without your participation.

But if the forces are equal or the enemy is superior in numbers, then you cannot do without your participation. In the “automatic calculation of the results” you will most likely lose, but in the manual mode there is a chance to win. Moreover, it often happens that a smaller army first defends itself, and then successfully advances and cuts out the fleeing enemy troops - but only if you command the army.

Defeats also happen, where would we be without them. But after each defeat, you will learn to think and make innovative decisions, manage your troops more effectively and skillfully use the features of the landscape.

Let's give an example - if you are defending a city, then you need to sit behind the walls and not make forays. But if the enemy let the army down too quickly, and the siege equipment is only on the way and is slowly moving along the walls, feel free to bring the commander and cavalry units into the attack, try to destroy the siege towers and ram first. Without them, the enemy will not fight much.

In major battles, armies of several thousand people clash. Considering that most armies have a maximum number of units (15-20 depending on the version of the game), the largest battles involve several units of the maximum size - this is enough to litter half the map with the bodies of fallen warriors.

We could write a lot about Total War, but we will say this - do you want to become King Leonidas and lead the Spartans? So do it. You can take more people into battle than 300 elite fighters. And in the end, kick Xerxes in one place, completely changing the course of history. That's why Total War is in the top five.

4. Halo Wars 2

Fourth place goes to Halo Wars 2, the continuation of the saga about the war between people and alien invaders. The series developed by Microsoft has been trending for more than 15 years. Several dozen books and one film have already been released based on the plot of the game, and this is not the end yet. The series is developing, and after a while we will see a continuation in the form of a shooter, and maybe another film.

And now the background: in the distant future, people populated many planets and controlled a large area of ​​space until they encountered the Covenant empire. The collision took place on the outskirts of “human space” and ended with the destruction of several patrol corvettes and a planet with a population of ten million people.

From that moment on, events developed badly for the people - dozens of lost systems, hundreds of millions of lives lost and the loss of half the fleet. In this situation, K.K.O.N decides to send the colony ship "Spirit of Fire" into an unexplored sector of space for colonization.

Halo Wars 2 begins with people awakening from cryosleep at The Ark, a space structure created by a mysterious ancient race. When landing on a space facility, the soldiers encounter an army of Covenants - the war overtakes the colonists.

Battles break out throughout the “Arch”, both sides lose fighters and equipment. The conflict is developing rapidly, and only you can defeat the enemy.

The gameplay in Halo Wars 2 is not much different from other strategies - building a base, collecting energy and supplies (they can be collected by ordinary soldiers), forming an army and fighting. That said, Halo Wars 2 is a story-driven game where you participate.

The missions have many additional tasks that need to be completed. For example, in one mission you will destroy the enemy with one Spartan with a machine gun, push through power shields and free prisoners - every mission is in this spirit.

Microsoft made not just an RTS, but a strategy with a high budget. The graphics and image quality look amazing - the soldiers, equipment, buildings and other details are made at a very high level. And you will remember the local beauty for a long time. This is a proprietary Halo feature that Microsoft is actively developing.

Halo Wars 2 is a stunningly beautiful strategy game that you can play for hours without stopping. It will be available on Xbox One and PC. However, there is one small drawback. PC owners may feel that tasks end too quickly. I would like to put it in the top three, but in terms of “legendary” it is inferior to more successful strategies. Let's move on to them.

3. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

We decided to give bronze to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III, an epic strategy about the war between a human empire and other races in space. Since its release in 2004, 3 parts of the game have already appeared, and the last one was released on April 27, 2017.

The world of War Hammer is very large. Everything in it is tied to a fierce confrontation between several races - people, orcs, elves, chaosites, necromancers and other factions. Moreover, each faction has its own policies, troops, development path and other features that make it different from the rest.

The events of the plot unfold on the surface of planets, where representatives of different races collide in a bloody battle. As a result, only one winner remains, and the rest are mercilessly destroyed.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3 was included in the top three, and this is justified - the game is new, made at a very high level, and the plot continues the established traditions of the Warhammer series. The graphics and design of locations and nature, combat vehicles and infantry, buildings and heroes are pleasing to the eye - if you have a widescreen monitor, you will seem to be transported to the distant future. But little has changed in the gameplay - it is still a strategy made in the classic style.

On the battlefield, you will build a base, recruit infantry and build combat vehicles, form units and throw them into battle with the enemy. Try to take into account the vulnerabilities of each soldier or combat vehicle: light combat vehicles lose to heavy ones, anti-tank squads will quickly multiply the coolest tank by zero, but are vulnerable to infantry, and infantry are afraid of snipers and light equipment. Familiar scheme, right?

There is also an interesting feature - for the first time, unique super-heavy warriors have appeared, which turn the battle on its head. The Phantom Knight for the Eldar, the Imperial Knight for the Humans, and the Orc Stomp for the Orcs. But they appear closer to the end of the plot, so you won’t be able to control them for a long time.

Multiplayer - in the classic format 1 on 1, 2 on 2 and so on. It's simple - choose a race, build a base and try to quickly take out your opponents. Well, or they take you out, it all depends on the skill.

Overall, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III is pure excitement. The plot and battles are captivating and literally do not allow you to tear yourself away from the monitor screen. In the heat of battle, you don’t even have time to pay attention to mistakes in the voice acting and phrases of the heroes. For example, imagine orcs speaking normal Russian - a fantastic sight. Bronze is well-deserved, let's move on.

2. StarCraft II

Second place goes to StarCraft II, a popular real-time strategy game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The first part of the game, called Wings of Liberty, was released in 2010, and in 2013 and 2015 the second and third additions Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void were released.

StarCraft 2 is the main representative of strategy games in eSports. StarCraft championships are held regularly, and the winners receive valuable prizes. Note that the game is inferior in popularity to other representatives of e-sports - CS: GO, Dota 2, League of Legends.

But still, she has millions of fans from different countries, and the first day after the release of Legacy of the Void, sales amounted to more than 1 million. Simply put, StarCraft II remains very popular.

Time and place of action: a distant part of the Milky Way, 26th century. The plot is based on a war between three races - protoss, zerg, terrans. Terrans are the descendants of exiled criminals who have severed all ties with their home planet. Zerg are mutated creatures from various planets controlled by the Overmind and the Queen of Blades. Protoss are representatives of a high-tech civilization with psionic abilities.

StarCraft 2 is a classic strategy game. By choosing one of the races, you will build a base and combat units, extract resources, develop technologies, form armies and participate in battles. To win, you must destroy buildings, the main base and destroy all enemies.

For example, if at least one builder survives, then after five or ten minutes of the game you risk running into the second base of the enemy, who will have time to prepare for defense.

In single-player mode, you will follow the storyline, go through 26 missions, meet the main characters and get used to the gameplay. In addition to the plot, you can pass tests that require special ingenuity. If you pass successfully, you will receive a medal. After everything has been completed, you can move on to multiplayer.

Players from the CIS, USA, Asia and Europe can take part in the network game. Here you can make friends, organize a clan (online community), take part in tournaments and get to the big championship. The better your skill, the greater your chances of winning something. If you want to achieve good results, train on different maps, communicate with people and see what professional players are doing.

Starcraft II should be on every fan's list of games. It will remain trendy for a few more years, and then Blizzard will outdo themselves and release the third part. The neighbors have already done this - the example of Diablo is before our eyes. Now let's move on to the winner of our rating.

1. Warcraft III

Gold goes to the legendary game Warcraft III - a real-time strategy and RPG made in the fantasy genre. Blizzard Entertainment developed and released the game in 2002, with sales exceeding 2 million copies in its first month. We put Warcraft III in first place for just one reason, the name of which is that it is the best game in every sense.

Let's be clear: Warcraft established for a long time those principles of RTS and RPG that remain relevant 15 years later. All modern open-world RPGs and MMORPGs use the progression system established by Warcraft 3 in one way or another.

Fantasy races, an interesting plot, combat and magic mechanics - all this is organically combined and makes you return to the game again and again. And it’s no coincidence that World of Warcraft and Dota 2 remain at the top - they continue the genre established in the third Warcraft.

Let us add that the plot of the game was filmed, released in 2016. Box office receipts for several months of release worldwide collected more than $300 million - this is a great success that few can repeat.

We've sorted out the popularity, now let's talk about the gameplay and fundamental differences from other strategies.

Warcraft III is a classic strategy game with RPG elements. Everything is here from strategy: from building a base and recruiting an army, to tactics of battles on the map. You have a small army at your disposal, limited by the number of farms that produce food for it.

Workers mine gold in mines, cut down forests and build structures - barracks, farms, workshops and other buildings. And the RPG component is about leveling up the heroes.

According to the plot, in each task you control a hero who increases the level by destroying the enemy, uses artifacts, and applies powerful abilities and spells. The higher the hero's level, the stronger he is and the more powerful the damage from his abilities.

The plot is based on a bloody confrontation between two races - humans and orcs. There are also night elves, gnomes, undead and other races that influence the balance of power in battle. Someone will be your ally, someone will put up fierce resistance and will be destroyed - it all depends on the chosen side.

Combat actions take place on maps - in locations with forests, rivers, lakes, mines and neutral characters. Image quality may seem a little dated, but it's 2002, when PC requirements were much different. But W3 will work on any computer, plus you can chat online with other people from different countries. There are still enough fans of the game.

Warcraft 3 should be in every strategy fan's favorites. Best of the Best – just like that and no other way. And we are waiting for news about Warcraft 4, rumors have been circulating for two years, but the Bliz remain silent.

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that the strategy genre is gradually losing ground, worthy strategies like Halo Wars 2 or Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3 still appear. And we see a new trend - developers are trying to make games interesting. The new games feature an exciting plot, well-developed unit models and beautiful location design.

Let's see what happens in two or three years - perhaps we will see a really interesting and exciting strategy and we will definitely write about it. Good luck everyone, bye bye.

I strongly welcome you! I have selected the best fantasy strategies for you. There are both real-time and turn-based strategies. The list is constantly updated with new games. You can also suggest your options in the comments.

The player controls one main character and his army, which must be collected by purchasing new units. Leveling up and improvements for your character are also available, which significantly increases the likelihood of winning battles. It is possible to siege and capture enemy castles. King's Bounty places more emphasis on tactics and combat than on exploration and development.

Heroes of Might and Magic series

Release date: 1995-2015


The gameplay is filled with travel and constant turn-based battles with opponents. The player will be able to besiege enemy fortresses and fight with magical races. For victories, the hero receives experience and valuable resources that can be spent on purchasing new units, as well as upgrading his troops. The series includes seven full-fledged games and many additions that further expand the gaming universe.

Disciples Series

Release date: 1999-2012

Genre: turn-based strategy, fantasy, RPG

Turn-based strategy games in a dark fantasy setting. Disciples takes place in the fictional world of Nevendar, where there are constant wars between factions and clans. The supreme gods also cannot come to an agreement, so the game world is a fantastic alternative to the Middle Ages.

The entire series of games is distinguished by a unique strategic component. The game lacks balance between races, so the tactics of each specific battle differ depending on the terrain and initial resources. This means that each battle will require a new strategy and be completely different from the previous one. It is worth noting that the first two parts turned out great, especially the second. But the third part slightly disappointed many players.

Age of Wonders

Release date: 1999-2014

Genre: turn-based strategy, fantasy, RPG

"Age of Miracles" is a fantasy turn-based strategy with role-playing game elements. The action takes place in a fictional world filled with magic and mythical creatures. The elf race accepts the nomadic remnants of humanity into their kingdom, but after a short peaceful life, people make a bloody coup and seize power. The surviving elves can only take revenge.

The game features a wide variety of playable races and large-scale turn-based battles. There are twelve types of troops to choose from, which differ in their skills and battle tactics. The player will be able to improve and pump up his heroes and armies using development branches or special artifacts.

The Fantasy Majesty 2: Kingdom Sim

Release date: 2009

Genre: real time strategy

Real Time strategy in a medieval fantasy setting. The player will be able to feel like the ruler of the developing kingdom of Ardania, which needs to be strengthened and protected from multiple external threats.

In addition to the strategic component, the game contains individual combat units - heroes. They need to be pumped up and improved like any RPG. This symbiosis of strategy and role-playing game creates a unique gameplay and adds more dynamics to any battle, because the player takes control not only of units, but also of the hero.

Demiurges 1 and 2

Release date: First 2001 Second 2003

Genre: Turn-based strategy, card

Card strategy game in a fantasy setting. The plot tells about a fictional universe in which there is an eternal struggle for power between four factions. Each of them has its own goals and intentions, but only one of the parties can receive the power of the Supreme Lord of Ether.

The gameplay of Demiurges can be divided into two parts. In the first, the player conducts tactical turn-based battles, giving orders to squads of units. The second part is a turn-based card duel between two magicians who use defensive or offensive spells. Depending on the chosen faction, heroes and units will differ in their skills and magical talents.

Warcraft III

Release date: 2003

Genre: RTS, strategy with RPG elements,

The game is built on the enmity of four races - humans, orcs, undead and dark elves. Each faction has its own units, structures and battle tactics. In addition to this, the player will be able to summon heroes - especially powerful characters who significantly influence the outcome of the battle (I would even say they decide). In e-sports competitions, professional players in this game usually play only one of the races, which they have studied well. The death of a hero most often leads to defeat, as the player loses experience and money.

Rising Kingdoms

Release date: 2005

The plot of the strategy game tells about the world of Ayo, which was divided into three militant parts after the fall of an alien warship. Three factions wage a constant war for power and their own interests, using technology, magic and alien weapons.

There are three races in the game, which are strikingly different from each other. This creates a rare balance that requires the use of new tactics and strategies that depend on the terrain and the type of troops fighting. Another difference is the huge range of available units, which are great for some situations and completely useless in others.

Heroes of Destroyed Empires

Release date: 2006

Genre: real-time strategy with RPG elements

Strategic role-playing game in a fantasy setting. The plot develops in the fictional world of Aquador, which survived a nuclear disaster. The race of people disappeared without a trace, but they were replaced by Kryals, Undead, Mechanics and Elves, who wage constant wars for power.

The gameplay borders on the strategy and RPG genres, because in addition to managing groups of units, the player will be able to take control of a hero - a special character who can be developed as he gains experience. This innovation brings more variety to battle and creates unique battle tactics based on heroes.

Warlock: Master of the Arcane and Warlock 2: The Exiled

Release date: First 2012 Second 2014

Genre: Step-by-step strategy,

Global turn-based strategy in the fantasy world of Ardania. The player plays the role of a powerful magician who wants to create a large-scale empire and unite all nations and continents under his flags. But to do this, you will have to build developed cities and assemble the most powerful army.

During the passage, the player will be able to learn new spells, upgrade technologies and create new landscapes. There will also be representatives of magical races who can be captured or lured to your side through diplomacy. The game is distinguished by a well-developed development system, many units and buildings, as well as excellent humor. The original game received the expansion Warlock 2: The Exiled, which adds a new storyline and a lot of additional content.

Divinity: Original Sin

Release date: 2015

Genre: Turn-based strategy, RPG

"Deity: Original Sin" - Turn-based tactical strategy. Two hunters of a forbidden magical teaching called the Source travel to the city of Cysil. They were tasked with investigating a murder that was carried out using destructive magic. During the investigation, the heroes find themselves in events that will allow them to track down a whole cult of adherents of the Source. The game is in the top of all time.

The RPG component is represented by the ability to create two characters, choosing their class and basic parameters. The main advantage of Divinity is the fully interactive world and its environment, with which you can interact and use it in battle. Items can be combined to create barricades or weapons. The game is available in single or cooperative modes for both two and four players.

Endless Legend

Release date: 2014

Genre: Turn-based strategy, RPG

Endless Legend - Fantasy 4X strategy with RPG elements. The planet Auriga is in a constant struggle for power and control of territories between eleven races. Each group pursues its own goals and wants to gain complete domination over the planet.

The gameplay is reminiscent of classic strategies with the development of the city, the creation of an army and the capture/defense of possessions. But the game has a strong emphasis on diplomatic relations and a huge game map with a large number of neutral cities. Some settlements can be conquered by troops or simply negotiated alliances.


Release date: 2015

Genre: strategy, board, RPG

Digital adaptation of a strategic board game with a role-playing component. The plot of the game tells about the kingdom of Armello, whose ruler is gradually dying of illness. This event becomes the reason for a war for power between warring animal clans.

The game has a unique design and execution, all the characters are anthropomorphic animals fighting for power. The gameplay is a classic board game, where each move is determined by rolling the dice. Healing or attacking spells are available, which are activated when using special cards.

Legends of Eisenwald

Release date: 2015

"Legends of Eisenwald" - Role-playing game with a tactical component. The plot of the game tells about a medieval world interspersed with fantasy. The heir to the throne returns to his native land after long wanderings and discovers his possessions captured by the enemy army. His main task is to return power and liberate his subjects.

The player will have a non-linear plot and dangerous adventures in the medieval world. There are three classes to choose from, which determine the tactics and style of play. In the process of passing, the main character will gather a squad of warriors and personally deal with pumping them up and selecting equipment.


Elvenar- turn-based online strategy, which takes place in a fairy-tale fantasy world. The game is a classic strategy, very solidly flavored and diluted with RPG elements. The result is a very serious allusion to the famous game series “Heroes of Might and Magic”.


There are 2 races in the game: humans and elves, each of which has unique abilities, the first is similar and high-quality graphics, which you can see by looking at the screenshots of the game. Who is this game suitable for? Yes to everyone! To all those who were and remain fans of the “Heroes of Might and Magic” gaming universe. For those who are looking for fresh breath in their favorite game genre of turn-based strategies. For those who love high-quality graphics and animation.

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Let me clarify one point right away. In this top, we did not consider all fantasy games (of which there are a huge number in a variety of genres), but only MMO-RPGs. Although it took a long time to choose, because most MMO-RPGs are fantasy in its purest form. And choosing the best ones is not so easy.

This selection had to be compiled taking into account many factors. Firstly, the interestingness and originality of the gameplay. And, yes, interestingness comes first, because an original game with inconvenient controls and unclear gameplay is not our option. Secondly, the originality of the world was also considered - believe me, although in Tolkien’s fantasy “this is our everything,” this genre is not limited to the world he invented. And thirdly, we chose games based on how players feel about them. As a result, we got the following picture.

10. World of Warcraft

Classic MMO RPG. A project that has existed for more than a decade, this is the same MMO that many players grew up with, and which is absolutely impossible to pass by. Many other games were made (and continue to be made) according to the “WoW” principle, or at least taking into account the experience of this game. And, despite the fact that the latest addons were not as successful as the original and the first two additions, good old Warcraft is still more than competitive, which means it is recommended for everyone.

9. Blood and Soul

Not a bad Korean-made project. In many ways, this is a classic Korean MMO, with all the main features like epic battles and ladies in armored suits. But at the same time, the game is really good, because all the classic elements are correctly balanced and seasoned with a certain amount of originality. The plot is simple - another struggle between good and evil. A good class system - you choose the class that suits you as you progress. In general, enough unnecessary words, you better try this project - you will like it.


Another online RPG from Korean producers. Character creation, gameplay - all this is done in the classic style characteristic of this type of RPG. But this comes with very nice graphics, a lot of social interactions, interesting events that happen almost every day in Reborn, and other interesting points that, to be honest, require a separate review. Although, you can always see all this in person - just register and start playing.

7. Karos

And again a Korean MMO. At first glance, it’s again standard. But this impression quickly passes. The graphics here are really not very different from other similar projects, and the gameplay looks similar - but the game has its own, very interesting features. Convenient and not boring leveling, an interesting development system that differs from that found in most other games, an interesting PvP system and many other features. Karos is an interesting and original MMO-RPG that you simply must try.

6. Panzar

A completely non-standard project from Russian developers. Session action, tailored exclusively for PvP, with good physics, realistic graphics and dynamic gameplay. No Korean randomness, no tedious swing - these elements are not here in principle. But there are interesting battles, a well-thought-out crafting system and original character classes. The project, I am not afraid of this word, is unique in its kind, so it is worth paying attention to. It's worth it.

5. Aion

We're back to Korean-made games again. Although Aion stands out from the whole range of similar projects. No, not the plot, it’s just simple and uncomplicated. But the gameplay here is really interesting. Excellent and varied PvP, well-developed PvE modes, a variety of game classes, a good character creation system. Plus various interesting goodies like funny mounts or your own estate. In general, I recommend trying this project, which, by the way, became free relatively recently.

4. Dark Age

An original and very popular game all over the world. An interesting and dark plot that would be quite suitable for a single-player game, an unusual set of races and classes associated with them, and an excellent character customization system. Moreover, here you determine not only the appearance of your alter ego - you also choose your date of birth, and with it your zodiac sign. Moreover, this will have a certain impact on the gameplay. Speaking of which, leveling up in the game is simple, the quests are not difficult, in general, you won’t be bored. In short, this is one of those games that is worth your time.


And again the dark world, and again the drama. A game about the confrontation between humans and vampires in a very interesting universe. An original setting (no elves, orcs and the like), interesting gameplay (which varies greatly depending on the chosen side) and an excellent story. However, this game is the heir to the great Legacy of Kain, which means that it couldn’t have been any other way. For all those who love dark fantasy, go here.

2. Neverwinter Online

Another game with famous ancestors. No grinding, no tediousness with the destruction of tens of thousands of mobs to gain a level. Interesting quests, a plot that you can't tear yourself away from, and great PvE. What else? We also have a classic set of races and classes - classic for the Dungeons & Dragons system. It is classic in its diversity and set of roles, from which you can always choose the one that suits you. In general, the game is worth watching and appreciating, if only because it has not disgraced its famous ancestors.

1. Tera Online

And in the first place we have a really interesting project. Despite the fact that it looks like a classic Korean MMO-RPG, its developers were not afraid to make their brainchild with a certain amount of hardcore and originality. There is an interesting set of classes at the very beginning, non-targeting gameplay, and an interesting plot that still knows where it can lead players. Everything comes with excellent graphics and a lot of useful (or useless, but nice) goodies. Overall, this is one of those projects that every self-respecting gamer simply must appreciate.

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Might and Magic: Kingdom Heroes is an online variation on the famous series of strategies with a turn-based combat system called Might and Magic. A vibrant fantasy world populated by: elves, demons, humans, undead, orcs and other races invites players to new adventures!

Description of the game FreeSky Online 2 FreeSky Online 2 is a browser-based online strategy in a steampunk style. The main activity of this game is the construction of various structures using military airplanes, airplanes, zeppelins, etc. Having collected the required amount of resources, you can upgrade the building and...

Rise of Heroes is an economic strategy in which you will also have to fight a little. You will have to build the kingdom of your dreams in the sultry East, the air of which is filled with secrets, and the lands hold many treasures. Build a castle, get resources, develop an army and become a noble emir!

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Review of the game Legacy of Times Legacy of Times is a turn-based strategy about a cruel future in which there is no place for weaklings. At the very beginning, you will have to choose a clan, and only then move on to building your city. To grow and develop you will have to...

Atlantica Online is a fantasy role-playing game with a tactical combat system. This means that the game has extensive RPG leveling, battles take place in a step-by-step mode, not in the manner of Heroes of Magic and Sword. Exciting battles with mobs and live players await you.

Free online strategy Millidor is a new project that is in the final stage of beta testing. The game is perfectly balanced and can offer players role-playing character development and step-by-step implementation of real-time battles. The fantasy setting will take the player to the times of the fabulous Middle Ages, the heyday of intelligent races...

Review of the Elvenar game Elvenar is an excellent turn-based strategy game set in a fantasy world. Our review of the game Elvenar will better introduce fans of this genre to a colorful and exciting strategy, and after reading reviews about it, you can finally determine for yourself...

Legends of Heroes is a good old fantasy strategy close in spirit to Heroes of Magic and Sword in the online game format. Fairy-tale characters, world exploration, accumulation of resources, turn-based combat system, excellent choice of races. What else do you need for happiness?!

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Gnomes, trolls, and other fictional creatures.

List of games

Neverwinter Online


Neverwinter Online- a free role-playing MMORPG game with an active combat system based on the famous Dungeons and Dragons universe. The plot of the game is about events that take place 1000 years after a magical cataclysm that forever changed the appearance of the lands of Faerun. And once huge cities turned into ruins with monsters. Clear the lands of evil and help the survivors.

The game has a variety of characters and fairy-tale heroes. Eight classes: Fearless Warrior, Guardian Warrior, Wizard Overlord, Devoted Cleric, Hunter Ranger, Trickster Rogue, Righteous Paladin, Warlock Tormentor. There are 12 races and 10 types of professions to choose from. The game is recommended to all fans of the board game Dungeons and Dragons and all fans of good fantasy games.

Neverwinter screenshots (click on the image to open full size)

An epic plot, furious boss fights, a large map with dungeons, a dynamic combat system, exploration, high-quality detailed graphics, this is what awaits the player in Neverwinter. And also the ability to create your own scenarios and missions.

Lineage 2


Lineage 2- the legendary classic of the MMORPG genre, an updated Line with realistic graphics, a well-thought-out combat system and large-scale PvP battles. The new Lineage 2 servers are entire fantasy worlds, where the development of heroes is unlimited, and there are more than 5,000 players online at the same time.

In the new Line, when creating a hero, you can choose one of 37 unique classes, these are 8 balanced archetypes and 7 races, including 2 completely new races, Kamaeli and Artei, plus the classic races Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and Dark Elves. Added accelerated leveling of heroes and the possibility of offline character development in the Training Camp. New auction system for quickly selling items. Take part in fierce battles in inter-server tournaments - Sieges of Other Dimensions.

Screenshots of Lineage 2 (click on the picture to open it in full size)

Every fan of the online RPG genre should play Lineage 2 to feel real dueling PvP battles, large-scale battles of clans and see the origins of the genre of online role-playing games.



Aion- a Korean role-playing game from the creators of Lineage 2, where the sky is also a battlefield, you can fly as a hero in the sky and fight there in PvP battles against other players and against dragons.

The plot centers on a global war on the planet Atreya between three races. The Elyos from the light side of the planet are fighting against the Asmodians living on the dark side, and the Balaur race of dragons is also fighting against everyone. In Aion there are 11 playable classes to choose from and each has its own skill line. Complete PvE story missions, upgrade your hero in battles, craft equipment and weapons, take part in tournaments and hardcore boss raids.

Screenshots of Aion (click on the picture to open it in full size)

Take part in massive battles for fortresses with players from different servers. Prove that you are the chosen warrior, bring victory to your race in endless battles both on earth and in heaven.

Blade & Soul


Blade & Soul- fantasy role-playing game based on eastern mythology with cool action battles and fighting game elements. Darkness is seeping into the prosperous eastern country of Naryu, your task with other heroes is to destroy evil.

In B&S there are 4 races waiting for you: the mighty giants Vans, beautiful maidens Fengs, fearless warriors Shens and clever little Linas. There are also 10 unique game class mechanics and skills. The game world consists of 2 large continents with Asian flavor, green forests, palaces, pagodas and nature like in Chinese fairy tales. Explore the world fighting mythical monsters and completing interesting story-based PvE missions. Take part in PvP battles in the arena or in large-scale faction clashes.

Screenshots of Blade & Soul (click on the picture to open it in full size)

Large online players, high-quality graphics, colorful design and a non-target combat system with a series of techniques like in fighting games, what awaits players in the B&S game from the developers of Lineage 2 and Aion.

Time for a Hero

MMORPG in the style of "Fight Club"

Time for a Hero- online role-playing game from the creators of the hardcore game in the style of the fight club Carnage. You will need to fight with other heroes in battle arenas, defeating your opponents and you will receive fame points and gold. Also in the game “Time for a Hero” there are many adventure quests where you will have to face animals, monsters and strong bosses.

The game has a well-thought-out and understandable combat system, based on classic games in the style of fight club, the player himself determines the rules of battle. The combat system will appeal to both newcomers and fans of hardcore battles. And a large amount of equipment makes it possible to outfit the Knight as the player wants. You can upgrade your skills, craft elixirs, tinctures, etc.

Screenshots Time for a Hero (click on the picture to open in full size)

Lead your faction to victory, become an invincible warrior, upgrade your Hero in fighting arenas by defeating enemies, or become a great merchant playing in the market. It is up to you to decide the share of your Knight and Faction.

Dragon Lord


Dragon Lord- a new MMORPG where people, elves, orcs and dragons fight for power over a huge continent! Choose your faction - Alliance or Horde and fight on the ground and in the air, the fate of the world will depend on your choice.

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