Oblivion freeing the poor from taxes. Elven girl. Something about Countess Llatas

Reward: Promotion to the rank of “Bandit”; 100 gold;
access to a new buyer of stolen goods in Leyawiin, Dar Gee.
Good/Infamous: Notorious +2
ID: TG03Elven
Difficulty: Low
Passage order
  1. Receive a new task from Armand Christophe.
  2. Go to the chapel of Cheydinhal and go down into the crypt.
  3. While avoiding the guard, enter the crypt of Lady Llathasa Indaris to steal the bust.
  4. With the bust, return to the Imperial City to find yourself in a new predicament.
  5. Remove suspicion from Armand Christophe by exposing the mole in the guild.
  6. Plant the bust in Mivrina Arano's closet, then tell Hieronymus Lex.
  7. Convince him to search Mivrina's house and she will be arrested.
  8. Once this is done, Armand Christophe will promote you to "Bandit" in the guild.

Your next job is to steal the bust. You can only start this quest after you have sold 100 gold worth of stolen items.

Bust of an elf

High stealth skill combined with invisibility or the Chameleon spell will help you complete this task with ease.

You can also use magic such as Calming Touch on the guard before she attacks.

Upon arrival in the port area, you learn that Armand has been accused of stealing the bust. To make matters worse, the embankment is swarming with security guards, including Hieronymus Lex himself. Talk to Isleif or Hillod in the Imperial City's port area and ask where Armand is. They will say that Metredel is looking for you.

Metredhel explains that your work was a set-up to expose a mole in the guild. The traitor is the Dunmer Mivrina Arano (the same woman who gives the invitation to the thieves guild). You must sneak into her house and plant the bust in the closet closest to the door (and next to her bed). Then talk to Hieronymus Lex, convincing him to search Mivrina's house. Lex's disposition must be at least 71 for him to agree.

Once everything is done, Armand will be cleared of charges and will meet you at midnight in the garden of Dareloth. This is the last quest you will receive from Armand Christophe.

The price of blood

Killing any of the following NPCs while this quest is active will incur a penalty to Armand:

Errandil, Gruiand Garrana, Gil the Tall, Otessa, Chapel Guardian, Esbern, Inius Colus, Kinter.

  • When you go to meet Armand Christophe to receive this quest, you may notice Mirvina Arano watching your conversation with Armand while hiding behind a bush. Use the Detect Life spell to see it. If you talk to her, she will get angry, but won't say anything significant.
  • Sometimes a bug occurs in which a guard confronts Lex and asks if he knows where Armand Christophe is hiding, to which Lex will respond with the standard beggar dialogue: “I don’t know. Please don't touch me." This can also happen between guards.
  • The Chapel Guardian and the Spirit of Llathasa will not attack you if you are a pilgrim starting the Knights of the Nine DLC. Taking items will not be considered stealing, making this quest very easy.
  • If you are captured by guards or Lex, the bust will not be removed from your inventory, even if it is marked as stolen, because it is a quest item.
  • Two beggars in Cheydinhal, Lucky Lucina and Bruccius the Orphan, will tell you a little about Count Indaris and his former bride.
  • After the quest, you can visit Mirvina Arano in the Imperial City Prison.
  • Llatasa's spirit is not hostile towards the chapel guardian.
  • Do not start the quest "An Unexpected Journey" while this quest is active. Otherwise, it will cause the game to crash.
  • If you enter Mivrina's house with Lex while she is not there, he will check the closet and then immediately leave the house to meet with Mivrina, leaving you "stuck" in view mode. After Lex finds Mivrina, you will receive a quest update.
    - Use the code movetoqt to follow Lex and so you can watch the speech. Additionally, use the enableplayercontrols command to exit viewer mode.
  • After Mivrina is arrested, Armand sometimes does not appear in Dareloth's garden at midnight. He can be found in the Imperial Trading Company warehouse, in the basement where he is hiding during this quest.
    - [PC] This bug was fixed by the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch".
    - You can find Armand in the warehouse.
    - You can use the console code player.moveto 352A0 to move to where Armand is.
  • This quest can be completed without actually stealing the bust. If you kill one of the Blood Price NPCs while the quest is active, then paying 1000 gold will automatically complete the quest.
  • Sometimes quest markers will continue to point to Mivrina's house after you have left the bust.
  • Once you advance the quest to stage 15, returning to the shoreline may trigger a stage 30 pop-up whether you have the bust or not, but Lex and the guards won't actually be there unless you've already stolen it.
    - [PC] This bug was fixed by the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch".
  • If Lex is not at Mivrina's house and the quest marker is pointing to an inaccessible location, then try waiting 24 hours.

Diary entries

short circuit Diary entry
10 Armand from the Thieves Guild asked me to steal the bust of Llatha Indaris from Cheydinhal. He will pay 100 gold coins.
15 As it turns out, a bust of Llathasa Indaris is in her tomb. She is buried in the crypt of Arkay's chapel in Cheydinhal.
20 I have a bust. Now we need to return to Armand.
30 The port area has been overrun by Imperial Guards. They are looking for Armand Christophe. There is no doubt that he will not appear this night. Dareloth's garden is too hot a place right now. I need to find out where he's hiding. Maybe one of the Thieves Guild members can give me a hint. I need to ask around.
40 I managed to overhear that Hieronymus Lex has an informant in the Thieves Guild.
50 Metredhel contacted me. She said that all recent events were set up by the Guild in order to identify the informant, a dark elf named Mivrina Arano. They didn't tell me about this. Metredhel has special instructions from Armand. We need to place the bust in Mivrina's cupboard. Then I need to find Hieronymus Lex and frame Mivrina.
60 The bust is placed in Mivrina's cupboard. Now we need to tell windbag Lex where this bust is.
70 I managed to talk to Hieronymus Lex and tell him that Mivrina is a thief. He didn't believe me, probably because she was his informant. However, his overblown sense of duty forces him to test my words. He asks me to go with him.
75 Hieronymus Lex found the bust I had hidden. Now all I have to do is report everything to Armand. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until next midnight, when he will come to Dareloth's garden again.
80 Armand thanked me for my help in getting rid of the informant - Mivrina Arano. He gave me the rank of bandit in the Thieves Guild.


  • Not all entries may appear in your quest journal; Which entries appear and which do not appear depends on how the job is performed.
  • The stages are not always in order. This usually refers to quests that have multiple possible outcomes, or quests where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
  • A checkmark in the "KZ" (End of Task) column means that the task disappears from the list of active ones, but you can still get new records for it.
  • You can use the console to advance the quest by entering the code setstage TG03Elven stage, where stage is the number of the stage you want to complete. Please note that it is not possible to cancel (i.e. go back) stages of a quest. See SetStage for more information.

Joining the Thieves Guild is very beneficial for everyone who wants not only to get rich, but also to gain new opportunities. These include, for example, the opportunity to remove the reward on your head for half the price.

There are two ways to find members of the Thieves Guild:

1. Almost in front of every gate in the Imperial City there is a notice that a certain captain Hieronymus Lex is looking for a thief whose name is Gray Fox. After reading such an advertisement, you need to talk to any beggar in the city. When asked what they think about the Gray Fox, they will of course answer that it is just a myth, but a couple of gold coins (And a good attitude) will loosen the tongue of any poor fellow. When asked why you need the Gray Fox, answer that you want to work with him, and they will show you the right place.

2. The second method is even simpler. Go into any store (You can even into a house) and in front of everyone, steal any item you like. Naturally the guards will come running. Agree to serve time in prison. After leaving prison, you should wait a while (depending on the distance between you and the Imperial City) and a Dunmer woman named Myvryna Arano will approach you and give you a letter from the Gray Fox, which will say the time and place where you need to go come.

So. At midnight, go to Dareloth's Garden in the Waterfront region of the Imperial City. There you will see a man, an Argonian and a Bosmer, waiting for something (or someone). We approach and talk to the man, Armand Cristophe. Armand is the foreman (doyen) of the Thieves Guild.

To be accepted into the Guild you must pass a test. It will consist of the following: steal the diary of Amantius Allectus. You can follow the Bosmer (Her name is Metredhel), who already knows where Amantius’s house is, or you can ask the beggars. For a couple of coins, they will tell you that Amantius' house is located in the Temple area (a marker will appear on the map). The Bosmer is already in the house, so we need to get ahead of her. The diary lies in Amantius's desk. We take the diary and go back to the Coastal region. Give the Diary to Armand Christophe, and he will enroll you in the Guild.

If Metredhel managed to steal the diary before you, do not despair. After all, she will give the diary only the next night. Find out from the beggars where Metredel lives. Now go to her house (it’s best to do this during the day) and quietly steal the diary from her chest. You have the diary and you can safely go to Armand.

But if you failed to steal the diary from Metredhel, all is not lost either. You and the Argonian Amusei will be given another chance (Which Amusei for some reason will not take advantage of). You must steal Rosshan's Antique Cutlass sword. At night, break into the door of the "A Fighting Chance" store. The sword is in the chambers of the store owner. Having entered the room, you will find a very bad little animal. The poor animal will have to be killed. All that remains is to take the sword from the chest and bring it to Armand.

You are now a full member of the Thieves Guild. Armand will advise you to visit Ongar in the city of Bruma. He needs to sell any stolen goods worth 50 gold. Clean out whoever you want, the main thing is that you should not be noticed. We take all stolen goods to Bruma. Once you have sold enough, your journal entries will update. You should go to Armand Christophe for a quest (again at midnight, in the Coastal region).

To receive this task, as already mentioned, you need to sell stolen goods for 50 gold.

Armand will task you with stealing the tax records and money of the residents of the Coastal region from under the nose of Hieronymus Lex. Start the task by talking to beggars. They will tell you that Lex lives in a watchtower in the Temple District. It's best to go there at night. Lex lives on the top floor of the tower. Hack the lock, grab the statement and money, and then calmly leave. At night, find Armand, who, for completing this task, assigns you the title of robber (Footpad).

You need to sell stolen goods for 100 gold.

The next task is to steal the statuette of Lady Llathasa Indaris, wife of Count Cheydinhol, who died under unknown circumstances. We go to the city and talk to the beggars. They will tell you that the figurine is in the crypt under the Chapel and is under good security. We go into the Chapel, break open the door to the crypt and quietly sneak to the countess’s grave. We take the figurine and quickly leave the chapel.

We return to the Port District. But... Something is wrong. Almost all the city’s guards, along with Hieronymus Lex himself, gathered in the Port District. And they are looking for Armand Christophe.

After talking with the locals, we find out that Metredhel is looking for you. Yes, yes, the same Bosmer who took the first test with you. It turns out that there was no customer for this figurine. The operation was aimed at exposing a spy (Dunmer named Mivrina Arano) introduced by Lex into the Thieves Guild. Metredhel will ask you to place the figurine in Mivrina's closet and then turn it in to Lex. After completing this simple operation, Lex will ask you to go with him to make sure that your accusations are true (the bastard doesn’t trust you). Follow him. After you enter Mivrina Arano's house, we observe an interesting scene: Lex, having searched the closet and found a figurine, accuses and arrests the Dunmer woman. All. The next night, meet with Armand Christophe, who will promote you to the rank of Bandit and tell you about the new buyer of stolen goods, Dar Jee from Leyaviin. He will also tell you that from now on you will receive all tasks from S"krivva, a Khajiit living in Bravil.

You need to sell stolen goods for 200 gold.

S "Krivva will ask you to return the ring to Adgarji, who can be found in Leyawiin. Adarji will tell you that the Argonian Amusei (Remember this one?) stole the ring from her. She will ask you to kill Amusei (this is prohibited by the rules of the Thieves Guild!). Somehow It was not necessary to find the Argonian. Talk to the beggars. For a small reward on your part, they will tell you that the Argonian was caught and put in the Leyawiin prison. We go to the prison. We give the guard a small bribe, as a result of which he allows us to go to Amusei. It is worth giving the Argonian a master key, and for this he will tell you that Countess Alessia Caro took the ring for herself. After talking with some of the Countess's servants (and raising your relationship with him), you will learn that the Countess wears the ring all the time and takes it off only at night. The only thing left to do is to infiltrate to the countess's bedroom at night and steal the ring from the box located to the right of the bed. Leave the castle and take the ring to Adarzhi, then return to S "Krivva in Bravil. She will give you the title of Prowler.

You need to sell stolen goods for 300 gold.

S "Krivva is very worried about the unrest in the Imperial City: the guards led by Hieronymus Lex have occupied the Port District and many members of the Thieves Guild have already been arrested. According to the Khajiit, it is worth finding Metredel, who is hiding somewhere in the Imperial City. Having arrived in the city, we consult the beggars and We learn that the Bosmer is hiding in the house of Dinari Amnis" House, which is on Talos Plaza. Metredhel will send you to steal from the Secret University, from the Archmage himself (!!!) Hrormir's Stuff, and you need to put a letter from the Gray Fox in the Archmage's bedside table. Bring Metredhel's staff. She will send you to the Port District for reconnaissance. As soon as you find Lex, a messenger from the Mages Guild (Dremora) will appear. He will give a letter to Lex, after reading which, he will have to withdraw his troops from the Port District. He will drop the letter, so do not forget to pick it up. Go to Metredhel again. She will ask you demonstrate the good will of the Gray Fox and return the staff. But don’t drag the staff to the Secret University. You need to take it to the house of the retired magician Onthus Vanin. That’s it, you saved all the thieves of the Port District (and not only). Now all that’s left is to return to S Krivva and receive a well-deserved promotion to Cat Browler.

You need to sell stolen goods for 400 gold.

The next task of S "Krivva is that a certain Theranis, also a member of the Thieves Guild, received the task of bringing the book “Lost Stories”. But he never returned. You need to find Teranis, and with him the book. By Arriving in Skingrad, talk to the beggars (as usual). You will learn that Teranis was sent to prison. If you try to bribe the guard, you will be refused, so you need to find another way to get into prison. You can commit some crime, or you can get hired workers (feed prisoners) from the butler - the orc Noise gro-Yarug. One way or another, once in prison, you will not see Teranis. Talk to the prisoner Larthjar The Laggards. Promise him release, and he will tell you about everything that is happening in prison. Very often, a certain Pale Lady visits the prison and constantly takes away several prisoners who then do not return. Recently, she took away Teranis and his cellmate - a wounded Argonian (guess who). After searching the prison, you will find bloody trails that lead somewhere behind the wall. Click on the Strange Candle and the wall will open. Follow the bloody trail further and soon you will come across a vampire. Having finished with her, search the body of the dead Teranis (you didn’t have time, as always). Naturally, he doesn’t have a book with him. But behind bars...yes, that same unlucky Argonian Amusei. He will ask you to free him and take him outside the castle (do not catch the eye of the guards). Having fulfilled his request, you will learn that the book we need lies behind the well in the bushes (marked with a marker) in Skingrad. We return to S"Krivva

You need to sell stolen goods for 500 gold.

S "Krivva says that we need to take care of the one who has always prevented the existence of the Thieves Guild. We are talking about the captain of the imperial guard, Hieronymus Lex. The plan for eliminating Lex from the Imperial City is simple: a new guard captain is needed in Anvil. It is necessary to replace the letter with recommendations with one in which Lex's name will be present (with excellent recommendations, by the way). In Anvil, we learn from the beggars about the “right people” and about the secret passages of the castle. Go to the forge in the Anvil castle and talk to Orin the blacksmith. He will open a secret passage for you , leading to the room of Dairihill - adviser to Countess Anvil (She keeps the letter of recommendation in her possession). We break open the door to the room and take the letter from the table. We leave the castle the same way. Now we need to add Lex's name to the letter. The beggars will tell to tell you about the one who is engaged in forging documents - about the Stranger.He can be found either in Anvil Castle, right in front of the Countess's throne, or in an abandoned house (Abandoned House). For 500 gold he will agree to forge the letter. After 24 hours, we pick up the fake and go to the office of the Imperial Legion, which is in the area of ​​​​the Imperial Prison, to put a stamp on the papers. Be careful - the area is well guarded. Place the seal and go to Anvil, straight to the Countess. The letter should be delivered directly into the hands of the Countess. The Countess will give you an order to transfer Lex, which you must deliver to him. For this task, S "Krivva promotes you to the rank of Shadowfoot. From now on, you work directly with the Gray Fox.

You need to sell stolen goods for 600 gold.

Metredhel will find you and give you a note from the Gray Fox. He will be waiting for you in Bruma, in Helvius Cecia's House. The great thief will ask you to find Savilla's Stone, which is located in the Temple of Ancestor Moths. The Temple is located near the statue of Azura, in the northeastern part of Cyrodiil. Monks, as before, cannot be beaten, but the guards of the stone... In general, go to the temple. There, talk to one of the NOT blind to the temple. When you finally get there, talk to one of the NOT blind (that is, sighted) monks. You will need to increase his location, and then ask him to show you the entrance to the catacombs. Follow the markers and you can easily find the hall where the stone is located (the main thing is not to catch the eye of the monks). Grab the stone and run through the right room, which will lead you to the surface. You can return to Bruma to the Gray Fox.

You need to sell stolen goods for 700 gold.

This time the letter from the Fox will be delivered by Amusey, who nevertheless joined the guild. You need to go to the house of Malintus Ancrus" House. You need to steal the Arrow of Release from the court sorcerer Fathis Aren from Bravil. The fox allows you to kill him, but only outside the castle. The beggars of Bravil will tell you what Fathis has tower outside the city, but the entrance to it must be somewhere in the palace. Naturally, there is no arrow in his room in the palace, but one of the supports on the walls moves away, opening the way to the catacombs. This is a rather complex labyrinth filled with Daedra, spellcasters and rats. My advice to you is to save before climbing into this corridor. After going through this labyrinth, you will find yourself in a dilapidated tower, where you will find Fatis. You can kill him, or you can just get the tip of the Arrow of Release (the tip is enough) from his chest and quietly leave. Return to the Gray Fox, who will happily elevate you to the rank of Master Thief.

You need to sell stolen goods for 800 gold.

Amusey will bring a letter from the Gray Fox again. Go to Ganredhel's house in Cheydinhal. The great thief needed Jack Springhill's Boots, which, as he says, are now in the possession of Jack's descendant, Jakben, Earl of Imbel. The thief will also mention that Jack was buried in his famous boots. After talking with the beggars, you will learn that Jakben is nocturnal. Enter Jakben's house. Talk to him and he will give you the key to the basement, which leads to the crypt. Go down into the crypt, and looking into the stone sarcophagus... you don’t find the boots. But there will be a diary in which it will be said that Jack Springhill is a vampire who lives to this day and is known as Jakben, Count of Imbel. Go back upstairs. Along the way you will meet Imbel, who apparently decided to end your life. Kill him and take the boots. Return to Gray Fox.

You need to sell stolen goods for 1000 gold.

The hour of the most daring robbery has come. It will definitely go down in history (I warn you - this is the most difficult quest in the entire game, so draw certain conclusions). This time, the Gray Fox will be waiting for you at Othrelo's house in the Elven Gardens (Imperial City). He will return Jack Springhill's Boots and Arrow of Release to you. I also advise you to stock up on good armor, a bow and a set of arrows. An Invisibility spell, or at worst a Chameleon spell, would also be useful. Your task is to steal the Elder Scroll. The fox will give you his plan in writing, so I advise you to read it.

First point. We need to get into the basement of the Imperial Palace. Make sure no one notices you. There will also be a guard in the basement. As he patrols the room, sneak right behind him and activate the Glass of Time. Now you can go to the Old Way. Penetrate the sewer at the location where the marker indicates. You will wander through the sewers for quite a long time, but the proximity of the Ancient Path will be announced to you by the appearance of a few opponents (undead), but they will be quite easy to deal with. After meandering a little you will find the Ancient Path. Here the long run will end in a large hall with three statues.

The largest statue has a keyhole, and the passage can be opened with a precise hit from the desired position. Now look around. You see two red lights directly opposite the large statue. This is where you need to go. But the path to the point is blocked by a metal grate. It opens by pressing the buttons located behind the door on the upper level. Now return to the point between the two crystals and watch as the large statue turns towards you, and a keyhole opens in it, which you need to hit with the Arrow of Release. Now you MUST save. First, fire a few regular arrows (you will hear a characteristic sound when they hit). Next, without releasing your sight, fire the Arrow of Release. If you hit, the large statue will move away, opening a passage, and the smaller statues will come to life. These statues are quite serious opponents, so if you have an invisibility spell, you can get past them. Now save again and go through the door. You find yourself in some room where the guards are sleeping.

Now you must not be seen by ANY guard, not even for a moment. Follow the marker and make your way to the next floor. You are in front of the Imperial Library. There will be a blind monk sitting to the right, and right behind him is a lever. Turn it and go around the grate. When entering the Library, do not talk to anyone. Just sit on a chair and wait. Some time later they will bring you the Ancient Scroll! The monks will think that in front of them is Celia Camoran, who has disappeared somewhere, so do not give yourself away. Take the Scroll and sneak upstairs. When you reach the room of the Battle Mages, jump into the fireplace. This is where Boots come in handy. They will fall apart (self-destruct) as soon as you touch the ground, but will prevent you from falling. You are near the beginning of the Ancient Path. Get to the surface and return to the Fox.

However, Gray Fox will ask you to take one ring to the Countess of Anvil, Milona Umbranox. She (and you, probably) will be surprised to see the ring. It turns out that this is the wedding ring of her husband, whose name and face she for some reason cannot remember. And then the Stranger appears (yes, yes, the same one who forged the letter of recommendation) and puts on a mask. So this is the Gray Fox! But now, with the help of the Ancient Scroll, he was able to remove the curse from his hood. Before you is my Lord Corvus Umbranox, Count of Anvil, who has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Corvus gives you his helmet and gives you the title of Gray Fox. You are now the Chief Thief, congratulations. Now you can visit the Coastal region, where the office of the Thieves Guild will be located. There you will meet many familiar faces.

Good luck and may the shadow protect you.

© Hearing

Introductory quest and tasks of Armand Christophe

Quest TG00FindThievesGuild - Finding the Thieves Guild


Is there really a king of thieves, Gray Fox, who rules over all the thieves of Cyrodiil, and at the mention of whose name any respectable citizen begins to boil with indignation? Many believe that no, and the hype raised around him is nothing more than the excessive official zeal of Captain Hieronymus Lex...

While in the Imperial City, pay attention to the Wanted Posters posted on the walls of buildings. Gray Fox is wanted - for theft, embezzlement, forgery, pickpocketing, counterfeiting, robbery, conspiracy to commit a crime, grand larceny, tax evasion, slander, fraud, perfidy and impudence, just that... If you want to get to know this undoubtedly talented person, then ask the townspeople or guards about him and you will find out that he prefers to steal from the rich, so the nobility hates him, and the poor adore him. Then all that remains is to talk to the first beggar you come across, although this is not easy. The cunning man will pretend that he doesn’t understand what you mean, but after convincing, charming or bribing he will tell you that you can learn more about the Thieves Guild at midnight in the Garden of Dareloth, located in the Waterfront district of the Imperial City.

The path to the Thieves Guild described above is not the only possible one. You can try to enter illegally (by picking locks) into the houses of townspeople or steal something from their pockets. It’s enough to just get caught doing this, or after the theft, find some kind of fine on your head and surrender to the guards. Upon leaving prison, GW's messenger Myvryna Arano will find you and hand you a mysterious note (Mysterious Note) inviting you to come to Dareloth's garden at midnight.

You can also talk to the Argonian City-Swimmer in Braville about the city. According to her, only honest and law-abiding citizens live here, but in the next line, when you choose the question of what the Thieves Guild is, you will hear about the garden of Dareloth. In general, you don’t have to talk to anyone, you just need to be in this garden at midnight and you will see all the characters there. Depending on the development of events, this quest may or may not be noted in the journal.

Quest TG01BestThief - May the Best Thief Win

Infamy +1 or +2

In the midnight garden of Dareloth you will find three - Armand Christophe, the Argonian Amusei and the forest elf Methredhel. Most likely you will have to increase Armand's attitude so that he trusts you and starts talking. So, Armand Christophe, a follower of the Gray Fox and his doyen, has the right to choose the best of the three gathered here who want to join the Thieves Guild, and is now organizing something like an entrance exam.

According to the terms of the test, the one who brings the diary of Amantius Allectus will be accepted. You receive scant information that he lives somewhere in the Imperial City, beggars can help you in your search, but for a fee. You will have to break into Allectus's house, so master keys will be very useful, and if you don't have them, Armand will sell them right here. Remember that you are prohibited from killing the owner of valuable records and your claimants. The diary appears in Amantius's desk after starting this quest, so it cannot be stolen in advance.

And what's special about the diary...

If Mr. Allectus's diary is in your hands, then it is quite understandable that you will want to read it. The recordings are a description of an attempt to grow unusual plants - bloodsuckers. As the name suggests, they need blood to feed them. The ruthless experimenter initially caught the animals, but a moment came when the plants demanded human blood... After which he decided to destroy all the notes on breeding bloodsuckers, and take the plants themselves to the roof, under the hot rays of the sun, and an hour after sunrise they all withered. You can see the remains of plants in pots in the basement of Amantius’s house, but for some reason the diary survived, and someone unknown wanted to get it...

After Christophe’s words, Amuzai loudly announces that Allectus seems to live in the Elven Gardens, and Metredel quickly rushes off to the city. You shouldn’t listen to the Argonian, this is not true, but you can follow the nimble Bosmer and she will lead you to the doors of the desired house (if you don’t leave her behind along the way). Or you can ask some beggar, for five coins you will find out that Allectus's house is located in the eastern part of the Temple District, and if the location is high, the tramp will say it just like that. The nearest tramp is sleeping right next to the garden - Puny Ancus.

When you enter Amantius' house, you will almost certainly see Metredhel there. She very quickly sneaks over to the table and pulls out the diary. By the way, after successfully stealing the diary, Metredel chooses an amazing route - through the basement of Allectus, and then, apparently through the sewer system, he reaches the city streets. But if you have furnished it, then bring the diary to Armand (he waits in the garden until three in the morning) and accept his congratulations - you have become a pickpocket. This will complete the quest and add one unit of notoriety.

Nice dog...

If you are late, then the game gives a hint that Metredel’s diary can be stolen, the easiest way is from her house during the day, it will be in a locked chest, and she herself sleeps during the day (since neither you nor Metredel are yet members of Guild, then theft from it is not prohibited). Then wait until midnight and hand the diary to Armand, at which point the quest will close with an increase in notoriety by one unit.

If you didn’t succeed in stealing the diary from Metredhel, then all you have to do is watch how the Bosmer gives it to Armand and ask for a second attempt. This time you will be asked to steal the ancient cutlass Rohssan from A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City Trade District. But this is the last chance. Although in this case everything is simple, because Amuzai is a bungler and will not give you competition.

The saber lies in a chest in the personal chambers on the second floor of Soldier's Luck. During the day, the housewife trades downstairs and may notice your attempts to break in, so it is better to break into the house at night, while she is sleeping. And everything would be fine, but there’s a dog upstairs... You’ll either have to calm it down using your knowledge in the school of illusion, or rely on a pumped-up stealth skill, or kill it (the rules do not apply to animals). Rossan seems to wake up from the noise of the fight, but he doesn’t try to come over to see what’s there. Return to Armand with the saber, he will accept you into the Thieves Guild, the quest is completed, your notoriety increases by two units.

Subsequently, wild rumors begin to circulate among the townspeople that Amantius Allectus was killed during the robbery of his house, even if he remains alive.

Quest TG02taxes - Untaxing the Poor

Infamy +2

From now on, you need to sell stolen goods to a buyer for a certain amount in order to get work from Armand. This time it will be enough to hand over stolen goods worth at least 50 coins to Ongar the World Weary in Broome. Then you can safely turn to Armand for tasks.

Armand says that recently the captain of the Imperial Guard, Hieronymus Lex, the very embodiment of law and order, collected taxes from the residents of the Port District. By custom, the city does not collect taxes from them, despite the legal right, since the amounts that can be shaken out of these people do not cover the costs of the fees themselves. Lex clearly did this in retaliation for their help to the Gray Fox, and he simply, on principle, cannot allow such injustice to happen. Your task is to find out where Lex stores the collected taxes, seize them and bring them to Armand, along with the tax records, to return what they paid to the citizens.

You need to get to Lex when he is sleeping or absent on official business; a table with money and statements, locked with a middle lock, is located immediately to the right of the entrance. Grab both (it is not necessary to take money to complete the quest) and leave just as quickly and quietly. Then, just for fun, read the papers, on the list there is a certain Raven Camoran, from whom 2 coins were taken, a very remarkable surname... And Mivrina Arano was generally released... At midnight, hand over everything you got to Armand. He will say that you can keep such a pitiful amount as 53 gold for yourself, the Gray Fox will certainly find so much to distribute to the poor, and will promote you to a robber (Footpad).

After completing this quest, a special issue of the Raven Courier will be released - “The Poor People Have Been Taxed!” It reports that recently some scoundrels broke into the southern watchtower and stole a small amount of money from the office of Hieronymus Lex, which, oddly enough, was exactly equal to that previously collected from the residents of the Port District...

Quest TG03Elven - The Elven Maiden

Infamy +2

To receive the next task, you must hand over stolen goods to Ongar in the amount of at least 100 septims. Further from Armand you will learn that the Guild has received an “order” for a unique figurine - a bust of Llathasa Indarys, the recently murdered Countess of Cheydinhal.

In Cheydinhal, any beggar will tell you for 15 coins that Count Indaris recently ordered a bust of Llathasa and installed it on her grave in the chapel crypt. He also placed a guard there so that no one would disturb the grave, and previously everyone could visit it.

Something about Countess Llatas

The death of Countess Llatasa is shrouded in mystery - her body was discovered at the foot of the stairs in the throne room of Cheydinhal Castle with signs of severe beatings. This incident caused a terrible scandal. The count, Andel Indarus, is suspected of her death, but it is unlikely that it will ever become known for certain whether he killed his wife or not, whether it was an accident or not...

The chapel crypt is guarded at all times by the chapel guard. The elf is constantly patrolling the room, so you need to wait for the moment when she enters the right half of the crypt, and quietly sneak to the left, to Llatasa’s grave, and there pick up the bust. If the guard sees you, he will attack. You can, of course, rob Llatasa’s coffin, but the overly greedy will be disappointed - the loot is so-so, but a leveled ghost of Llatasa appears (her dark ghost with a beard looks especially interesting!) and attacks you, and this may attract the attention of the guard. Killing her is prohibited, as are all other NPCs living in this chapel. If the task seems difficult, then use potions or spells with chameleon and invisibility effects. There is another option - to calm the guard for a while.

Returning to the Port District, you see that it is filled with Imperial Guards, looking for Armand Christophe. It turns out that Count Indaris accused him of stealing the bust of Countess Llatasa. There is no doubt that Armand will not come to the garden that night. By the way, he is hiding in the basement of the Imperial Trading Company warehouse, but he will only say that you will receive instructions from Metredel.

Metredhel will find you herself, and then it will turn out that the client who ordered the Guild to steal Llatasa’s bust was not there. Armand used you to identify an informant who had infiltrated the Guild. This is Mivrina Arano, oh, how careless Lex is, because he did not collect tax from her... Now you have to blame the theft of the bust on Mivrina, placing this bust in the closet next to her bed, and then convincing Hieronymus Lex that she is the thief. Lex's disposition must be more than 70 (at your disposal is a mini-game of persuasion, charms or an increase in charisma), in order for him to believe you and go see if there really is a bust in the closet. Amazed Lex finds a bust in the closet, then you will listen to his conversation with Mivrina, as a result of which he arrests her. Subsequently, she can be seen at her new permanent residence in a cell in the Imperial Prison.

After all the events, the siege of the guard port is lifted and Armand can appear on the street. He will give you a reward - 100 coins, make you a Bandit, and name another buyer of stolen goods - Dar Jee from Leyawiin. This was Armand's last task, now you should contact S"krivva in Bravil for work.

Walkthrough of the Thieves Guild 7147
November 16, 2008 1:42

Now Armand orders to find and bring him a bust of the former Countess of Cheydinhall Llataz Indoriz. To do this, of course, you will need to proceed to Cheydinhall. There, ask the beggars about the bust you need. The beggars will tell you that it is in Arkay's chapel in Cheydenhall, but it is not so easy to take it from there, since the bust is guarded. Go to the chapel, go downstairs, and here you will need to open the “hard” level lock. Next, immediately switch to stealth mode, as a guard will be cruising along the tomb. Although it is quite deaf, safety should not be neglected. The bust is located in the left wing of the tomb. After waiting for the guard to go to the right wing, quietly, hiding behind the columns, move to the left. The guard does not enter the “wings” themselves, so quickly take the Bust and return the same way. Once you get out of the basement into the church, do not forget to exit stealth mode and return to Armand. Once on the Embankment, you will hear the news that Armand Christophe is looking for a guard, and that accordingly he will not come into the garden by midnight, that is, you will have to find him yourself. You don’t have to search too hard; all you have to do is walk a little along the Embankment and the right person will find you himself. It will be your former rival Metredhel, who will report that Armand Christophe is wanted for the theft of the Bust that you stole. You will, of course, be surprised, but then Metredhel will explain everything to you. It turns out that Armand specifically gave you this task in order to expose the “informer” in the ranks of thieves. This informer turned out to be a certain dark elf Mivrina Arano, who lives right there on the Embankment. Now you have to punish her for her espionage activities, and at the same time remove suspicion from Armand Christophe. To do this, you will need to place the stolen bust of Mivrine in the cupboard, but this must be done so that she does not notice. And then report to Lex Chironicus that it was she who stole the Bust. This was a theory, and now this is what we will have to face in reality. In fact, not everything is so simple, her house is located diagonally from yours, and this intersection is guarded by Lex Chironicus himself, in addition to everything, a guard runs up to him every half a minute and reports on the results of the search. In general, you will have to catch the moment when there are no reports and Lex turns his back to you. Then quickly switch to stealth mode and start picking the lock (difficulty "hard"). Once in the house and without leaving stealth, quietly move to the right and forward to the closet against the wall, trying not to wake up Mivrina Arano. When the cabinet is within reach, click on it, and a sign will immediately appear indicating that the Bust has been added to the cabinet. Then you turn around and, without leaving stealth, tiptoe out of the house. After leaving the house, turn off the stealth mode and go straight to Lex Chironicus, increase his attitude towards you to the maximum (preferably above 90), after which you report to him that the Bust is in the house of Mivrina Arano. He won't believe you and will ask you to go to her house with him. There, in her closet, he will naturally find the desired Bust and bring charges against her (in general, a whole dramatic scene will be played out in front of you). Next, a new sign will tell you that Armand Christophe will appear only on the next full moon. When you meet him, he will promote you to "Bandit" and pay you 100 gold for the work done.

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 7

That a certain Hieronymus Lex is looking for a thief called Gray Fox.

If you really want to engage in such illegal activities, try stealing something, for example, in the Market District of the Imperial City. Yes, so that you will be noticed. Of course, the guards will immediately run after you. Agree with them that rewinding the deadline is a completely reasonable decision. After you are released, wait for news. Myvryna Arano will come up to you and give it to you. To speed up receiving the note, stay in one city for a while, because the messenger will have to travel to find you.

But if the option of being caught stealing goes against your principles, ask the beggars what they think about the Gray Fox. Of course they will say that this is a myth. But it's not that simple. Loosen their tongues, and the easiest way to do this is money. Poor people, feeling the weight of coins in their pockets, will speak completely differently. Answer: “Yes, I want to work with Gray Fox.” And they will show you the direction.

So it's midnight. A small company has gathered in Dareloth's Garden in the Waterfront region: a man, an elf and an Argonian. Unusual. You are the fourth. Talk to Armand Cristophe, the man holding the lantern. Prepare just in case money for bribery: this guy doesn’t trust everyone, and he’s doing the right thing.

2. May The Best Thief Win

Yes, these are guild recruits. And Armand Christophe is the foreman (doyen). It looks like there will be a competition: whoever brings Amantius Allectus' Diary will be accepted into the guild. The elf found out where this man lives. You can follow her, or you can ask the beggars: they, as Armand says, are eyes and Gray Fox Ears - A great source of information, especially if you have a handful of gold.

The poor man will tell you where Amantius Allectus lives, where he goes, what time he goes to bed and wakes up. Run to the Temple area. His house is marked with a marker.

It seems that the elf is already in full swing exploring the house. You need to get ahead of her, find the magazine first. Do not kill anyone under any circumstances: this discredits the honor of the Guild. The book lies in Amantius's desk. Grab it and return to the Waterfront to Armand. Yes, now you are a thief. And with this your notoriety grows.

Wait a minute! But what to do if Metredhel managed to take the diary first? Do not under any circumstances try to kill her. You also have the opportunity to steal the diary from her. She will give it to Armand only the next night, but for now she will hide it somewhere. We find out from the beggars where the elf lives, go to the Waterfront area, quietly steal the diary from Metredhel’s chest and give it to the elder at night. You win!

However, if matters of national importance did not allow you to rob Metredhel, do not despair. Yes, she turned out to be the winner of this first competition, but you and the Argonian Amuseus will be given another chance to prove yourself (though the latter will not even try to take advantage of it). You must steal Rossan's sword. We go to the shopping district of the Imperial City, at night we enter the “A Fighting Chance” store. The desired blade is in the personal chambers of the store owner. Having opened the door, we find a small obstacle - a biting dog. We eliminate the animal, the owner safely continues to sleep sweetly. We take Rosshan's Antique Cutlass from the chest, the task is completed. All that remains is to report the success to Armand.

3. Independent Thievery

So, you are in the guild. What does this give? You can "take" anything, but you cannot sell it to regular merchants. They figure out the stolen item and refuse to buy it. It doesn't even show up in the list of items for sale. Only special people will deal with you - these are your colleagues.

Armand says it's worth visiting Ongar first. This person is engaged in buying stolen goods and will be the first link in a whole chain of Guild businessmen with whom the hero will be able to deal as he advances in the hierarchy. Yes, until you sell Ongar the stolen goods for 50 gold, don’t expect much work.

What to steal? Yes, anything: go into the house of some wealthy citizens or break open the doors of retail shops. Grab your things and take them to Bruma. As soon as you sell goods for the required amount, you can get a normal job.

Dealers create a kind of “account” and diligently calculate how much you received for the delivered goods obtained by dishonest means. And, if you receive the first special task from the Guild when there are 50 coins in your account, then you will then need to “accumulate” a hundred coins, then two, etc., up to a thousand.

Here is a complete list of buyers of stolen goods:
1. Ongar, Bruma, available after the quest “Make the Best Thief Win”
2. Dar Jee, Leyaviin, available after the quest “The Elven Maiden”
3. Luciana Galena, Bravil, available after the quest “Misdirection”
4. Orrin, Castle Anvil, Smithy, available after the quest “Taking Care Of Lex”
5. Fathis Ules, Imperial City, Elven Gardens, available after the Arrow of Extrication quest

Tip: Accumulate 1000 septims this way, it will save you from having to be distracted between tasks. By the way, it's not easy - forget about the treasures of TES 3: Morrowind. Cyrodilic citizens are as poor as church mice. A good loot is the Varla Stone, with a nominal value of one thousand gold pieces, lying on display under glass in Chorrol Castle. You can make some good money by cleaning out the Mystic Emporium store in the shopping district of the Imperial City.

4. Untaxing The Poor
Requirement: 50 septims on the "account"

And here it is: first thing. Quite cunning, like all the others. But simple. Armand will ask you to steal the tax records and money of the residents of the Waterfront region from Hieronymous Lex himself. The story of the relationship between the law enforcement officer and the elder is quite interesting: the first is chasing the second, but cannot catch him. The captain himself is terribly angry with the guild and tries to destroy it.

As always, talk to the poor. They will tell you where Lex lives. Of course, the watchtower in the Temple District. And the best time to go there is at night. It is usually full of guards inside. They can go about their business, but you will be watched closely. Lex's apartment is on the top floor of the tower. Get in there, pick the lock, grab the money and the ledger, and return to Dareloth's Garden at midnight. Armand Christophe will be waiting for you. For this task, he will assign you the following rank - robber (Footpad)

5. The Elven Maiden
Requirement: 100 septims on the "account"

The next task that Armand will assign to you is to steal the statue of Lady Llathasa Indaris, the deceased wife of Count Cheydinhal. Head to this northeastern city and have some gold ready to talk to the beggars. They will tell you that the statue is hidden from visitors and is located in the crypt under the Chapel Undercroft, where the Countess is buried. You will also be warned: there is security there. Well, don't get used to it. Pick the lock in the basement of the chapel (just without anyone noticing), sneak up to the statue, grab it, carefully exit and go to the Coastal District of the Imperial City.

It would seem that's it. But it was not there. The area is occupied by imperial guards led by Captain Lex himself. And everyone is looking for Armand Christophe. Your friends will tell you that you should see Metredhel, the same elf you beat with the magazine.

It turns out that she is looking for you too. The thing is that there was no customer for this statue. And Count Indaris went berserk when she disappeared. The operation was built to get rid of an informant introduced by Lex into the ranks of the guild, Dunmer Mivrina Arano. The management decided not to tell you about the details of this plan.

However, Metredel knows how to solve the problem. While the elf is sleeping peacefully in her house, you need to slip the statue into her closet. And then report this to Lex himself. Of course, the captain has enough reasons not to trust you. So you will go with him. And as soon as he discovers the statue, the confused Dunmer woman will be arrested.

The next midnight you will meet with Armand, who will give you the title of Bandit, tell you about the Leyawiin buyer, and send you to S"krivva, a Khajiit in Braville. Now she will give you tasks.

6. Adharji's Heirloom
Requirement: 200 septims on the "account"

S"krivva can be found either in her house or in the Lonely Suitor Lodge. The Khajiit woman will ask you to return Adgarji's ring. You can find her in the city of Leyawiin.

Adarji will tell you that her ring was stolen by the scoundrel Amusei, whom the angry Khajiit asks to kill. But the guild rules prohibit you from doing this. And where is this miracle of nature hidden?

The answer to this question, as well as to any other, is known to beggars. Give someone a handful of coins and he will tell you that the scoundrel was caught and thrown into Leyawiin Prison. Here's what they call a thief.

Well, you'll have to visit this unfortunate Argonian. A lone guard guards the prisoners behind a closed door. You can hack it and talk to the Argonian (just quickly: Leyawiin's defender will soon realize what's going on and follow you), or offer the guard gold. Unambitious, he will gladly change his attitude towards you. So, on one side of the door you are, on the other - the Amuseum. Give the Argonian a master key so he can escape, and then he will tell you what happened to the ring.

It now belongs to the Countess of Leyawiin, Alessia Caro. And getting it will be far from easy. Bribe one of her servants, and they will tell you that the Countess is very happy with the new ring, and wears it all the time. At night it rests in her box in the bedroom. Thus, the matter is small: sneak, take and run away.

You wait until two o'clock in the morning, break the lock and quietly make your way. Just be careful, there is a guard wandering in the corridor who will be very unhappy if he notices you. And don’t come face to face with the inhabitants of the castle, angry, they will attack you without any conversation. You don't want any trouble.

You will find the ring in the box near the sleeping countess. Grab it and return it to its rightful owner, i.e. Adarji, and then proceed to Braville. S"krivva will assign you the title of Prowler.

A situation is possible (on XBox) when you find two Adarji rings in the box at once. If you take both, you will not be able to complete the quest.

7. Misdirection
Requirement: 300 septims on the "account"

S"krivva is concerned about the events that took place in the Imperial City. The guards under the command of Captain Lex moved to the Waterfront in search of the Gray Fox. They have already arrested many members of the Thieves Guild. The Khajiit invites you to go to the capital and find Metredhel ( Methredhel), who is hiding somewhere in the city.

As always, ask the beggars. According to them, the Bosmer is staying at Dinari Amnis' House in Talos Plaza. Find Metredel. She will fill you in on the details of her plan. You, along with four other participants, will confuse the city guards. You have Arcane University You need to steal Hrormir's Stuff from the Archmage. The elf will give you a letter from the Gray Fox, which you will need to throw to the Archmage.

Getting to the apartments of the head of the Mages Guild will not be difficult. Magic portals connect the three floors of the University Tower. Grab the staff and put the letter in the nightstand next to the bed. Along the way, you can look at an interesting note about Hrormir, which sheds light on the nature of the mysterious Gray cassock worn by the Gray Fox.

Return to Metredhel. She will take the staff from you and send you on reconnaissance: you need to find out the reaction of the city guard to night incidents in the capital.

It's hot again in the Coastal region. It looks like the entire city guard has been gathered here. Look for Hieronymus Lex, he is in charge of the operation and is located among the wooden shacks. As you approach it, a Dremora Courier will appear around the corner. Obviously, the magicians discovered the loss and demanded that the soldiers return to their places.

Go to Metredhel, who, in order to show the good will of the Gray Fox, will ask you to return the staff to the magicians. However, there is no point in meddling with the University of Magic, so the stick should be taken to Onthus Vanin. At night, sneak into his bedroom and hide the staff in the chest. That's it, the threat to the Coastal Region has passed. Return to Braville, where you will be promoted to the rank of Cat Browler.

Note that the quest remains exactly the same if at this moment you yourself are an archmage.

8. Lost Histories
Requirement: 400 septims on the "account"

S"krivva is very concerned: a certain Theranis was supposed to bring a book with the title "Lost Stories", but was lost somewhere. The Khajiit asks to find the thief or find out what happened to him. The book, as you know, belonged to the palace magician of Skingrad.

Go to this city, and you will soon find out that the poor fellow was put in the dungeons of the palace. He had the imprudence to give himself away while doing the job. So, you need to get into the castle prison.

The criminals are guarded by one or two people, but if you offer them money, they will refuse to deal with you: they are too honest. There are three ways to get into the cells:
- steal something in Skingrad and go to prison;
- you can hide behind a column while one guard is away and the other is sitting at the opposite end of the room, and pick the door with a master key.
- from conversations with the guards you can find out that the butler is looking for an assistant. Find Noise gro-Yarug, he will ask you to feed the prisoners.

After making your way, look at the cameras. But you won't find any trace of Teranis in the dungeon. Talk to the prisoner Larthjar The Laggards, promise him release, and he will tell you everything that happens in this damned prison. Often a certain Pale Lady visits it and takes someone away. Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't. By chance, not long ago she took away a bleeding Argonian, Teranis's cellmate. Free the Nord and follow the bloody trail to the secret door, which opens by clicking on the Strange Candle.

Follow the corridors leading through the wine cellar and you will soon meet a vampire. After dealing with her, look for Teranis' body. Yes, he is dead, but the book is not with him. But behind bars sits an Argonian... Amusei. Free the poor guy and escort him out of the castle. Try not to be seen by the guards.

The Argonian, as promised, will thank you for your work and indicate where the book is. Run to Skingrad, in the area of ​​the eastern gate there is a bush growing, marked with a marker. Beneath it lies the required volume.

Return to Braville with a report to S"krivva.

9. Taking Care of Lex
Requirement: 500 septims on the "account"

S"krivva says that she needs to take care of one annoying person. This is Hieronymus Lex, captain of the Imperial Watch, who is trying with all his might to put the work of the guild into practice. Fortunately, she learned from the Gray Fox: a guard commander is needed in Anvil. But the letter with recommendations is kept from Dairihill, the castle manager, and positively characterize him as a completely different person.

Travel to Anvil and find out about the secret passages piercing the fortified walls of the castle, as well as about the “right” people. Follow to the forge and talk to Orrin, who, like you, is a member of the Guild. He will open a passage for you leading to the Dairyhill rooms. It is advisable to carry out this operation at night (at approximately three o'clock), be careful not to run into the guards.

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