Which hero is better in Diablo 3. Class selection. Guides by profession

Have you never played Diablo 3 and don’t know who should play it? Then this article will help you make this difficult choice.

Have you played Diablo 1\2?

It's best to play with a class that you like, so if you've played Diablo 3 before, the best decision would be to make associations between new and old classes and make decisions depending on who you like best.

In brackets an alternative character is indicated who will suit most of your equipment (according to the main characteristics) and who would be most logical to level up to level 60 second.

Want to go through Heroic mode?

Well, if you decide to challenge and accomplish the impossible without ever dying, in my opinion, the best choice for passing and further playing is not a monk. Why?

The fact is that the monk has a not so powerful, but very useful passive skill that makes your “resistance to everything” equal to the highest elemental resistance. And this is very useful, given the limited funds on heroic mode.

Well, if you also have 1-2 million starting capital, then you can also upgrade your monk to Hell from 10!

Well, in the undergrowth, in the future it will become so that a lot of characters does not mean bad. In the new Reaper of Souls expansion, the upgrade levels of all your characters will be combined, leaving only one problem - equipment.

The question of which hero of any game is the strongest often arises among players. You can say that in Diablo 3 the balance has been honed to perfection by the developers, but this would not be true. First, perfection is unattainable; secondly, the balance is weakly provable. Discussions of the strongest hero, imba (imbalance, imbalance) are practically indestructible and eternal.

The strongest hero in the computer game Diablo 3 is a barbarian, all other conditions being equal. These include a bonus to strength, which is given by the equipment and level of the hero. Naturally, such a categorical statement applies to a literal consideration of the issue. The strongest hero of the game is the one whose strength parameter is the greatest. Naturally, the process of destroying monsters in close combat using brute physical force is the prerogative of the barbarian.

However, a specific comparison of heroes only by strength, keeping in mind the primary parameter of the character, is incorrect. Let me remind you that secondary parameters, such as defense, evasion, damage, depend on the primary characteristics of the characters. The point, however, is that depending on the character's class, the chain of dependencies changes radically. So the increase in strength will not have a positive effect on the damage of the wizard or healer. And in any case, the level increase in parameters now does not depend on the players, everything happens automatically in Diablo III. So guides for character development in the new game of the Diablo series will take on a completely different look: descriptions of what parameters to download at what level, what skills to develop will become a thing of the past.

Whether it will be interesting to play as the strongest barbarian is a moot point, depending on who you like and what style of play you prefer. I find the choice of melee characters less interesting: at first it will be easy to play, but then this approach to destroying enemies can become quite boring. Regarding whether the strongest will become the best hero in Diablo 3, and why not. One way or another, tank characters are needed in many teams, however, the question of quantity remains open. Regardless of the choice of class, your hero will need high-quality equipment. Since it is the things that will largely determine the effective strength of the character, the skills are standard, the basic parameters are the same.

Choosing a barbarian as a mortal hero (hardcore mode) seems more accurate, although it's not worth looking at in general terms. However, a clear advantage in health will only benefit this hero class. However, with the change in the main way of replenishing a character’s weakened health from bubbles to health spheres, it will also affect the mighty melee warrior. In any case, choosing a barbarian does not replace the need to collect quality equipment. Maybe in order to make the Diablo 3 auction more popular, the developers are strengthening the role of things, who knows..

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Greetings to everyone who visited my page. Here you can thoroughly study the complete Diablo 3 guide, which includes character guides, profession guides, and all sorts of clever tricks that will make the game much easier for you and help you solve difficult problems. Please read each item carefully, it is in your best interest.

How to start playing Diablo 3

For players who have not yet started the game, you initially need to buy a Diablo 3 key, without it you simply will not be able to create an account and enter the game. You will learn more about how to buy a key and where exactly at the link given above. Next, you need to download the client for the game, you can download it for free and, following the detailed description from the link above, you will install this client quickly and easily.

You all remember the three difficulty levels in previous versions of Diablo. This time they added a new level of difficulty, where now AD is far from the most difficult level. The developers of the game Diablo 3 called the new difficulty level Inferno - from the English. It's hot. It will now feature truly terrifying battles and a struggle for survival; dozens of monsters in droves will try to prevent you from moving on. To learn more about all levels, including “Inferno” in Diablo 3, you can follow the link levels in Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 Class Guides

If you prefer a more dynamic playstyle, then Monk is definitely your choice. The style of this fighter is that he needs to maintain a certain distance when attacking or controlling monsters. I have specially prepared for you several styles of play for this class, thanks to which you will be able to go through all difficulty levels and Bosses alone, while other players in a bunch cannot defeat even one Boss. You can learn more about all the secrets of this class and play styles in the article Monk Guide.

Barbarian, Warrior, Barbarian

The path of this warrior is the roughest, his goal is to run into a crowd of monsters and scatter everyone to the sides. Quite a specific fighter. Players who have been familiar with this class for a long time know many techniques for combat tactics for this class. As for experienced and novice players, I have prepared a complete guide to the Barbarian, even experienced players will be able to find a lot of useful information for themselves

Demon Hunter

This class specializes in traps and ranged attacks. I thoroughly described the playstyle for this class in the Demon Hunter Guide article. You will learn how to properly kite monsters using only the most necessary skill sets and how to go through all the Bosses in Diablo3 alone

Choosing to play as this character will give you the most intense effect. To control this class, you need to train a lot, since you are not a warrior and you don’t have much armor. Your goal is not to allow enemies to come close to you. I described in more detail how to play for this character and choose equipment for him in the article Guide to the Sorcerer.

Witch Doctor

This character is perhaps the most unusual and most complex class in the game Diablo 3. He combines different magic and skills. I was able to learn the true power of this class, because, only in skillful hands, this class is a real death machine. You can find out more about choosing equipment and playing style in the article Guide to the Sorcerer.

Guides by profession

Blacksmithing Profession

It is not necessary to upgrade a blacksmith, as most players think. I strongly recommend that you start leveling up your blacksmith, this will save you a lot of money and add more interest to the game. You will be able to create different things for yourself, despite the fact that you can disassemble outdated or unnecessary things into various reagents in order to create better things, which are quite expensive at auction, and it is not so easy to knock them out. You will learn more in the article Guide to the Blacksmith.

Jewelry/Jeweler Profession

Jewelry making will be unlocked for you after you complete the second act. With this craft, you can create expensive stones from various gems, which can be used both for your own purposes and for sale. Moreover, you can earn good money this way. You will learn more about how to quickly upgrade your jewelry making and make money from it at the link given a little higher;

Auction Guide

The developers of Diablo 3 took care of creating a very convenient auction in which you can buy and sell things both for real money and for in-game currency. There are many ways to start trading at this auction and make good money, while just devoting 10 minutes a day of your time and the result will not keep you waiting. There are many nuances about how to trade at this auction and where to start, you can find out about this in the article Auction Guide.

PvP in Diablo 3

Most players are wondering who to play in the arena, what skills to use and when to use them? More details about what advantages a particular class has and other tricky things that you can use in the arena are described in the article PvP in Diablo 3.

Guide to the secret (pony) level in Diablo 3

If you played Diablo 2, then you probably remember the secret level where the cows ran around with spikes. So in Diablo 3 there is also a secret level, only instead of cows there are now “Pony”, this is a colorful area with bright colors. You will learn how to get to this level and what you need to do for this by reading the article Pony level in Diablo 3.

Fast leveling in Diablo 3

You all already know that as your level in Diablo 3 increases, your characteristics and standard of living increase, new skills and other useful little things appear. There are many ways to quickly level up, but I have prepared for you only the most relevant and best ways to quickly level up. You can get acquainted with these tricky methods in more detail in the guide Quick leveling in Diablo 3.

This article will not unambiguously answer the question about the superiority of one class of heroes over others, since there will not be such a bias in Diablo 3. Patches for the game are being released and will be released constantly and very quickly in the near future, so the balance of the game will be adjusted continuously. However, the interest in the game may and will differ, and the choice of the best hero depends on the player’s personal preference, his playing skill, and the goals that he will pursue in Diablo 3.

Let's start with something simple, each hero class has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some characters specialize in melee combat (barbarian), others in the use of magic or special abilities, which guarantees the destruction of monsters from a distance (wizard, demon hunter). There is a group of characters that combines in their arsenal both options for influencing the outside world (monk, healer). In the latter case, you can end up with either an ideal balance or a hero who does not succeed in either melee or ranged combat. I prefer highly specialized characters, however, with the right selection of equipment and combat skills, any character class can achieve success. The best Diablo 3 hero for you will be the one whose fighting style matches your desires. If you don’t like running in circles after small enemies with an ax raised above your head or standing on the front line completely surrounded, then it’s better to choose a more interesting hero than a barbarian. If constant health monitoring is not part of your plans, then you should also refrain from weak hero classes. By and large, it may be difficult to do without personal testing. It is also worth considering that any hero class will reveal itself only in the appropriate equipment, which is very difficult to assemble.

The game's single-player campaign does not represent a reliable testing ground, since any hero can comfortably complete Diablo 3 on normal difficulty. In this situation, the best hero of the third part of Diablo is the one you liked the most, regardless of the criteria (objective or subjective). However, an increase in the level of difficulty in a single-player game will also not fully indicate the strength of a particular class of Diablo 3 hero. The fact is that the gameplay of the game is optimized for online play. Many fans of the single-player campaign of Diablo III will play a pirated version of the game, so there is no need to talk about applying current patches in this case. As a result, the balance of power may be upset, and one class of heroes will dominate. There may also be a case when monsters will not be able to provide worthy resistance to the player, regardless of what class of hero he has chosen. So only the game on battle.net can give a real assessment of the hero’s strength in Diablo 3.

Here we meet another parameter that determines whether your hero will be the best in Diablo 3. This is the interaction of the current character class in a party against mobs (computer-controlled monsters) or in an arena battle against other players (pvp). Moreover, these qualities can vary greatly. The fact that now, when a Diablo 3 character levels up, the main parameters of the hero increase automatically in a certain proportion, simplifies and equalizes the development of characters depending on the level. Skills are also now researched automatically, but we can choose an active set of skills for ourselves at any time. So the influence of things and equipment increases even more.

Finding things, and a specific set, depending on how you decide to develop your hero, is a labor-intensive task. Searching for loot (trophies) is almost the main pastime of players in the entire Diablo series of games, starting with the first Diablo. An auction in Diablo 3 can make collecting equipment easier, but it will require real money. So don't expect that choosing the best hero at the start of the game will guarantee you dominance on the battlefield. Let me remind you that in the game you can link several heroes to one account, and there will also be a common chest in the game, which will allow you to exchange items between your characters. There is a high probability that this will not be enough for some players, so again we will see mules (characters for carrying items), characters dedicated to finding new items, etc. So the desire to make your Diablo III hero the best will require a lot of money, effort and time. It is possible that the final cost in this case will not correspond to the value of the task itself.

Also, do not forget about mortal heroes (hardcore), which brings a completely different mood and values ​​to the game. So the best hero in normal mode can be an extremely difficult hero to play as a mortal hero. It can also remain the best, but it will require more effort and concentration from you during the game.

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