Which means scale 1 30000000. Scale. Symbols. Krasnodar city plan

Question 1. What are the ways of depicting the earth's surface?

There are different types of images of the earth's surface: drawing, aerial photograph, terrain plan, geographical map, globe.

Question 2. What is the difference between the images of the earth's surface?

Images of the earth's surface differ in detail and convention. For example, conventional signs are used on the terrain plan.

Question 3. What is a geographic map?

Geographic map is an image of the earth's surface model containing a coordinate grid with conventional signs on a plane in a reduced form.

Question 4. Why was it necessary to enter a scale?

When you draw a map, the distances are reduced. The scale shows how many times the length of the line on the map is reduced relative to the length of the line on the ground.

Question 5. What is a geographic map?

A geographic map is a drawing of an area made in a geographic coordinate system using a scale and conventional symbols.

Question 6. What does the word "drawing" mean? How is a drawing different from a drawing?

The drawing is done in compliance with certain, very strict rules. The image in the figure is immediately clear to everyone. And in order to understand what is shown in the drawing, you need to be able to read it, that is, to know the rules by which it is executed.

Question 7. What is scale?

The scale of the map shows how many times the image on it is reduced in comparison with the real dimensions on the ground. The more the image on the map is reduced, the smaller its scale.

Question 8. What are the ways to record scale?

There are three ways to write scale - numeric, named, and linear. At least one of them must be indicated on the map. Most often this is a numerical scale.

Question 9. What is the difference between a small-scale map and a large-scale one?

Small-scale maps are maps of the world and continents. They cover large areas, but their detail is not very great. Large-scale, or topographic, maps depict the surface of the Earth with all the details.

Question 10. What is the smaller scale - 1:10 000 or 1 cm 1 km?

A scale of 1 cm is 1 km smaller than 1 cm 10,000.

Question 11. How long is the equatorial line on a 1: 100,000,000 scale map?

This scale is 1 cm 1000 km, the length of the equator is approximately 45000 km, which means that the length of the equator on this map is 45 cm.

Question 12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of small-scale maps compared to large-scale ones?

Small-scale maps contain more cartographic information, a larger area. But this is also their disadvantage, since they have a large error.

Question 13. In what cases are small-scale maps used, and in what cases are large-scale maps?

Large-scale maps are intended for various measurements and technical projections on the ground. Small-scale maps are designed to explore large areas and are often used as the basis for thematic maps.

Question 14. The scale of the map is 1:30 000 000. Convert this numerical scale to the named one.

The named scale is 1 cm 300 km.

Question 15. Determine the scale of the map if the length of the line on the ground is 5 km, and the length of the line on the map is 0.5 cm.

Scale 5: 0.5 = 10 km. Therefore, in 1 cm 10 km or 1: 1,000,000.

There are 3 types of scale:
1. Numerical
2. Named
3. Linear

If the scale of the map is 1: 100,000 (read as 1 to one hundred thousand), then the map is one hundred thousandth.

To convert a numerical scale into a named scale, you need to divide the number after the division sign by 100,000. For example, 1: 250,000. Divide the number 250,000 by 100,000, we get: 2.5 km in 1 cm.

Or d For an easier translation of a numerical scale into a named scale, you need to calculate how many zeros the number in the denominator ends in. For example, on a scale of 1: 500,000, there are five zeros in the denominator after 5.
If after the number in the denominator is fiveand more zeros, then, covering (with your finger, a fountain pen or simply crossing out) five zeros, we get the number of kilometers on the ground, corresponding to 1 centimeter on the map. An example for a scale of 1: 500,000. The denominator after the number is fivezeros, closing them, we get for the named scale: 1 cm on the map 5 kilometers on the ground.
If after the digit in the denominator there are less than five zeros, then, covering two zeros, we get the number of meters on the ground, corresponding to 1 centimeter on the map. If, for example, in the denominator of a scale of 1: 10,000 we close two zeros, we get: in 1 cm - 100 m.

Symbols are used to designate objects on terrain plans and maps.

The symbols presented below must be learned and rewritten in a notebook.

Symbols are indicated on the side of the plan or map. The place where they are written is called the legend of the map (plan)

Krasnodar plan

Writing assignments (in a notebook)

Exercise 1. Convert the numerical scale of the map to the named one:

a) 1: 200,000
b) 1: 10,000,000
c) 1: 25,000

Task 2. Convert the named scale to numeric:

a) in 1 cm - 500 m

b) 1 cm - 10 km

c) 1 cm - 250 km

Task 3. Determine the distance between points on the physical map of Russia in the 6th grade atlas:

a) Moscow and Murmansk
b) Mount Narodnaya (Ural Mountains) and Mount Belukha (Altai Mountains)
c) Cape Dezhnev (Chukotka Peninsula) and Cape Lopatka (Kamchatka Peninsula)

Task 4. On a map with a scale 1:150000 the distance between the village and the station is 2.8 cm. Find the distance between them on the ground.

A story about a 1: 1 scale map

Once upon a time there was a Capricious King. Once he traveled around his kingdom and saw how great and beautiful his land is. He saw winding rivers, huge lakes, high mountains and wonderful cities. He became proud of his possessions and wanted the whole world to know about them. And so, the Capricious King ordered the cartographers to create a map of the kingdom. The cartographers worked for a whole year and, finally, presented the King with a wonderful map, on which all mountain ranges, large cities and large lakes and rivers were indicated.
However, the Capricious King was displeased. He wanted to see on the map not only the outlines of mountain ranges, but also the image of each mountain peak. Not only large cities, but also small towns and villages. He wanted to see small rivers flowing into rivers.
The cartographers got to work again, worked for many years, and drew another map, twice the size of the previous one. But now the King wished that the passes between mountain peaks, small lakes in the forests, streams, peasant houses on the outskirts of the villages were visible on the map. Cartographers drew more and more maps.
The capricious King died without waiting for the end of the work. The heirs, one after another, ascended the throne and died in turn, and the map was all drawn up and drawn up. Each king hired new cartographers to map the kingdom, but each time he was dissatisfied with the fruits of labor, finding the map insufficiently detailed.
Finally, the cartographers drew an incredible map. The map depicted the entire kingdom in great detail - and was exactly the same size as the kingdom itself. Now no one could find the difference between the map and the kingdom.
Where were the Capricious Kings going to keep their wonderful map? The casket for such a card is not enough. You will need a huge room like a hangar, and in it the map will lie in many layers. But is such a card needed? After all, a life-size map can be successfully replaced by the terrain itself.

Dependence of map detail on scale

If you have ever flown airplanes, then you probably remember how at the beginning of the flight, when the plane just takes off from the ground, the outlines of the airport, houses, squares float under it. But the higher it rises in the air, the less details are visible through the window, but the wider the space that opens up to the eye becomes. The detail of maps also changes when zooming out.
On large-scale maps, where no more than 500 m of earth's space can fit in 1 cm of area, a small area is depicted in great detail.
On small-scale maps, where 1 cm fits up to several thousand kilometers, huge areas of the Earth are shown, but with little detail. Both cards are needed, depending on their purpose.
If you are wondering which countries you will fly over, going from Moscow to Melbourne, you need to open a small-scale map, and when going into the forest to pick mushrooms or on a hike with friends, you need to take a large-scale map with you so as not to get lost.

  • Give definitions to the concepts: "Map", "Scale", "Drawing".
  • Name the types of scale and types of maps by scale.
  • Determine the distance between objects according to the map plan.
  • Convert numerical scale to named scale and vice versa

Equipment. Geographic atlases, wall maps, drawing supplies, handouts (task cards).

Lesson form: combined.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Hello guys!

Try to guess the riddle: "There is earth - you can't dig! There are roads - you can't go! There are rivers - you can't swim!" What do you think will be discussed? ( about the geographical map). Right.

Today we will learn how to work with maps, why you need a scale and what is its role in drawing up a map. But first, let's remember what we learned in the previous lesson and move on to the unknown world of maps.

Verification of previously learned material.

Here are cards, each with three tasks. You complete tasks, then exchange cards. With my help, we will check the completed tasks, count the number of correct and incorrect answers, and evaluate them. Each of you will see your mistakes.

Mission cards:

1st. Set the correspondence between the date and the position of the Sun:

A. Sun at its zenith over the Northern Tropic

B. Sun at its zenith over the Southern Tropic

B. Sun at its zenith over the Equator

2nd. Set the correspondence between the conditional lines on the map and the values ​​of the geographic latitude:

Northern tropic

Arctic Circle

Southern tropic

South polar circle


3rd. Which illumination belt is mentioned in the description: This illumination belt receives more solar heat and light throughout the year. On the parallels that bound the belt, the Sun is at its zenith once a year, and between these parallels - two.

Answer: ____________________________

Working in pairs: checking the assignment, assigning marks.

Learning new material.

Preparation for the main stage.

Guys, now I'm going to ask three people to come up to the board and draw a route from the school to the station. And one person will tell you how to find the way from school to the station ( drawings are performed, at the same time, a story about a given route sounds). What is easier, to follow the drawn route or the one told? Why? ( student responses). Look closely at the board, what do you see? ( everyone's drawings are different). That's right, everyone got different drawings. The first maps also looked like drawings. Your drawings will be understandable only to those to whom you will draw them, while at the same time telling the way. So?

Working with fig. eighteen.

So the map is not a drawing. The geographic map is drawing terrain. And how is a drawing different from a drawing? ( student answer options). The fact that it is carried out in compliance with certain, moreover, very strict rules. If three people draw the same area, then each will get his own drawing, unlike the others. So? If they make a drawing of the same area in compliance with all the rules, then they will all turn out to be the same. This means that it is equally understandable to everyone who looks at it. However, there is a complication. In order to understand what is shown in the drawing, you need to be able to read it, i.e. know the rules by which it is executed.

Let's remember: so, a geographic map is a drawing of a terrain made in a geographic coordinate system using a scale and conventional symbols. We have already talked about the geographical coordinates, now we will deal with the scale.

Look at our drawings, who can tell what is the distance from the school to the station? ( student attempts to give the correct answer). That's right, nobody. Something is missing? Maybe a scale with which we could make a drawing.

Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

The word "scale" is German and means something strange - "measuring stick". What is a "measuring stick", and what is its role in drawing up a map?

Formulation of the problem:

Let's think about it! Why did you need to enter a scale?

A map is not just a blueprint, it is a miniature blueprint. Therefore, when drawing a map, the distances are reduced. But they do not decrease "by eye", but in a certain number of times.

Let's remember: the scale shows how many times the length of the line on the map is reduced relative to the length of the line on the ground.

Demonstration of wall maps and atlases.

On the map, somewhere, in the corner, the scale must be indicated. Without it, we will not figure out the distances on the map. Moreover, there are several ways to record the scale. On these maps you see large numbers:

it numerical scale.

It indicates how many times the image is reduced.

Solving problems... For example, if the scale is 1: 10000 on the map, this means that the image is reduced by 10,000 times. This means that the length of the line on the map is 1 cm. It corresponds to the length of the line on the ground at 10,000 cm. And what is 10,000 cm.? That's right, it's 100 meters. This means that in our map 1 cm corresponds to 100 m on the ground. Or we say 1 cm - 100 meters. This is the second way to record the scale, it is called named... It decodes the numerical scale by converting centimeters to meters or kilometers.

Practical work.

Let's convert the numerical scales of other maps to named ones:

1: 25,000,000 is 1 cm: 250 km.

1: 10000000 is 1 cm: 100 km.

1: 20,000 is 1 cm: 200 m.

Working with the tutorial.

The third type of scale is linear. The map (Fig. 19) shows a short ruler with centimeter divisions, which indicates what distance on the ground corresponds to one centimeter on the scale of this map. The linear scale allows you to make definitions of distances on the map without calculations. We, simply, apply the needles of the meter to the segment of interest to us on the map, and then to the scale ruler. And that's it, we immediately recognize the distance.

Practical work.

Let's try: using the topographic plan of the area, on the flyleaf at the beginning of the textbook, determine the distance between the well and the elevation mark 151.8. We put the meter on the map, and, then, we transfer it to a ruler on a linear scale, we get 250 meters.

Let's remember.

So, there are three ways to write scale: numeric, named, and linear. At least one of them must be indicated on the map.

Initial test of understanding.

We have found out that the scale of the map can be different. We can reduce the real size of the territory by any number of times. The more we reduce the distance on the ground, the smaller the image on the map, the smaller the scale. What is the smaller scale: 1: 1000 or 1: 1,000,000? Smaller is the millionth. Why? ( student responses). That's right, because the scale shows how many times the image is reduced. It is clear that an image zoomed in 1,000,000 times is smaller than a zoomed out 1,000 times. The choice of scale depends on the size of the piece of land that we want to depict on the map. The larger the area depicted on the map, the smaller the scale should be. It might be awkward.

Practical work.

Let's try to find a scale. The distance between points on the ground is 6 km, and we chose a thousandth scale - 1: 1000 (in 1 cm - 10 m). And what happens? Can we draw this segment in a notebook? No, after all, it turns out 6 m! It is better to choose a smaller scale. Which? ( 1: 100000 (1 cm: 1 km)) Right! Then 6 km on the ground will correspond to 6 cm on the map.

So guys, let's answer our main question: "Why did you need to enter the scale?" (students' answers are usually correct).

Reflection. Summing up the results of the lesson. Problem for the next lesson.

In the next lesson, we will select the scale for our drawing, with which we began our lesson, we will draw a route from school to the station.

Let's summarize:

Depending on the terrain, maps are distinguished:

Large scale - from 1: 10,000 to 1: 200,000

Medium-scale - from 1: 200,000 to 1: 1,000,000

Small-scale - smaller than 1: 1,000,000

The smallest scale is used for the world map.

According to the spatial scale, they are distinguished: maps of the world, maps of continents and oceans, individual countries and their parts.

Knowledge test.

What does the word "blueprint" mean? How is a drawing different from a drawing?

What is "scale"? What forms of notation of scale exist?

What is a geographic map? What is the difference between a small-scale map and a large-scale one?

And now more difficult:

What is the smaller scale: 1: 10000 or 1 cm - 1 km?

How long is the equator on a 1: 100000000 scale map?

Let's do.

The scale of the map is 1: 30000000. Convert this numerical scale to the named one.

Determine the scale of the map if the length of the line on the ground is 5 km, and the length of the line on the map is 0.5 cm?

Homework information.

Homework: paragraph number 5.

Open workbooks p. 15 task number 2. Here is a map, on it a point and 7 directions in different directions to geographic objects. Determine the distance from a given point to geographic objects, but before doing this, you need to convert the numerical scale to a named one.

The lesson is over. Goodbye.

Each card has scale- a number that shows how many centimeters on the ground correspond to one centimeter on the map.

Map scale usually indicated on it. The record 1: 100,000,000 means that if the distance between two points on the map is 1 cm, then the distance between the corresponding points of its terrain is 100,000,000 cm.

May be specified in numerical form as a fraction- numerical scale (for example, 1: 200,000). Or it can be designated in linear form: as a simple line or strip, divided into units of length (usually kilometers or miles).

The larger the scale of the map, the more detailed the elements of its content can be depicted on it, and vice versa, the smaller the scale, the more extensive space can be shown on the map sheet, but the terrain on it is depicted in less detail.

The scale is a fraction, in which the numerator is one. To determine which of the scales is larger and by how many times, recall the rule for comparing fractions with the same numerators: of two fractions with the same numerators, the larger is the one with the smaller denominator.

The ratio of the distance on the map (in centimeters) to the corresponding distance on the ground (in centimeters) is equal to the scale of the map.

How does this knowledge help us in solving math problems?

Example 1.

Consider two cards. A distance of 900 km between points A and B corresponds on one map to a distance of 3 cm. A distance of 1,500 km between points C and D corresponds to a distance of 5 cm on the other map. Let us prove that the scales of the maps are the same.


Let's find the scale of each map.

900 km = 90,000,000 cm;

the scale of the first map is: 3: 90,000,000 = 1: 30,000,000.

1500 km = 150,000,000 cm;

the scale of the second map is: 5: 150,000,000 = 1: 30,000,000.

Answer. The scales of the maps are the same, i.e. are equal to 1: 30,000,000.

Example 2.

The scale of the map is 1: 1,000,000. Let's find the distance between points A and B on the terrain, if on the map
AB = 3.42


Let's make the equation: the ratio AB = 3.42 cm on the map to the unknown distance x (in centimeters) is equal to the ratio between the same points A and B on the ground to the scale of the map:

3.42: x = 1: 1,000,000;

x 1 = 3.42 1 000 000;

x = 3 420 000 cm = 34.2 km.

Answer: the distance between points A and B on the ground is 34.2 km.

Example 3

The scale of the map is 1: 1,000,000. The distance between points on the ground is 38.4 km. What is the distance between these points on the map?


The ratio of the unknown distance x between points A and B on the map to the distance in centimeters between the same points A and B on the terrain is equal to the scale of the map.

38.4 km = 3 840 000 cm;

x: 3,840,000 = 1: 1,000,000;

x = 3,840,000 1: 1,000,000 = 3.84.

Answer: the distance between points A and B on the map is 3.84 cm.

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