Card file of round dance games. Round dance games and round dances Round dance games for 4 5 garden card index

Round dancing games help create a good mood, promote physical activity, teach you to perform coordinated movements, and reduce impulsiveness.

Big and small legs.

Hold hands with the baby and walk in a circle, either slowly, loudly stomping your feet, or speeding up and frequently moving your feet.

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Top-top, top-top.
Little feet
Running along the path:

We are walking through the forest.

Hold hands and walk in a circle:

We're walking through the forest
We'll find the animals.
Let's call the hare loudly:
Nobody responds
Only an echo responds
Quietly: “Ay-ay-ay!”

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: “We’ll call the wolf loudly,” “We’ll call the bear,” “We’ll call the fox.”

On a flat path.

Together with your child, lead a round dance with the words:

On a smooth path,
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
Our feet are walking.
Over stumps, over hummocks,
over the pebbles,
Over the pebbles, into the hole - bang!
(Sit down on the last line.)

The bunny walked...

Hold hands to form a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:

The bunny walked, walked, walked,
I found a carrot
He sat down, ate and continued on his way.
The bunny walked, walked, walked,
I found cabbage
He sat down, ate and continued on his way.
The bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a potato
He sat down, ate and continued on his way.
When you say “sat down,” stop and squat down.

Like on our name day.

Hold hands with your child and walk in a circle, performing the appropriate movements:

Like on our name days
We baked a loaf:
This is the width (diverge further from the center)
These are the dinners (converge to the center)
This is how tall it is (raise their hands up)
Such lows. (put their hands down)
Loaf, loaf,
Whoever you want, choose
I love everyone, of course
And most of all children.

Blow up your bubble.

Hold your hands - you will get a big bubble. Do a round dance with the words:

Blow up a bubble
Blow up big.
Stay like this
And don't burst.
Clap! (open your arms and clap your hands).
The bubble burst! Let's fly! (run around the room).

The bees lead a round dance.

Walk with your baby in a circle (no need to hold hands), performing the appropriate movements:

The bees lead a round dance -
Broom, broom.
The cat hit the drum -
Trump, trump.
The mice began to dance -
So much so that the whole earth began to tremble.

Matryoshka dolls.

Turn on the music and dance with your baby:
We walk, we dance in a circle
Before all honest people.
Sit down, (let's sit down)
Let's get up (let's get up)
They showed themselves.
Let's jump, (jump)
Stomp (stomp)
We clapped our hands. (clap).

There are reeds on the river.

Hold hands and walk in a circle:

On the river -
Ruffs splashed there.
The circle is older,
(stop and turn to face the center of the circle)
The circle is younger,
(take a step towards the center)
Circle - completely
(close the circle).

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

To the recording of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” dance with your child around or next to the tree:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
Slim in winter and summer,
It was green!
The snowstorm sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"
Frost covered with snow:
"Make sure you don't freeze!"


Hold hands and walk in a circle.
Say the words of the poem:

The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run!
(quicken up your pace)
Let's run, let's run,
Let's run, let's run!
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te.
(slow down).
One-two, one-two (pause)
It's game over.
(clap your hands).

Repeat the game, only you will need to spin the carousel in the opposite direction.

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Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution combined type kindergarten No. 10 “Kazachok” Municipal formation Novokubansky district

Card index

round dance games

for children 5-7 years old

Teacher Shunkova N.V.

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Goal: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song.

Words: - children stood in a circle

saw the flag

To whom to give, to whom to give

Who should I give the flag to?

come out, Sasha, to the circle,

Take Sasha's flag


Children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle there is a flag. children walk in a circle and say tex. The child comes out according to the text, picks up the flag, then waves it and puts it back. Then the game continues.

“Vanya is walking”

Goal: learn to stand in a circle, sing along to songs, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Words: - Vanya is walking. Vanya walks

Vanya is looking, Vanya is looking,

for myself buddy

I found Vanya. found Vanya

for myself buddy

Movements Children stand in a circle and walk in a circle and pronounce words. One child is in a circle and chooses a friend for himself with the words: I found Vanya, Vanya found a friend for himself. Standing in a circle, they dance, and the rest of the children clap their hands. Then the leader is changed and the game continues.


Goal: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song. practice coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate a bubble, sound sh-sh-sh.

Words: Blow up your bubble

bloat big

Stay like this

Don't burst

he was flying, flying, flying

Yes, I hit a twig

shhhh. the bubble burst.


Children stand in a circle. children walk in a circle and pronounce words until they say “The bubble burst.” Then they lower their hands and sit down, making the sound sh-sh-sh. The game repeats itself.


Goal: Learn to move in a circle, clap your hands.

Words: Bunny, bunny, what's wrong with you?

you're sitting completely idle

get up, jump and dance.

your legs are good

Movement: Children stand in a circle. children walk in a circle and say sentences, while performing movements according to the text.


goal: to teach children to hold hands and perform movements according to the text of the game.

words: cap, cap

thin legs,

red boots

we fed you

we gave you something to drink

got them on their feet

forced to dance.

Movement: Children stand in a circle. choose one of the children, he will be the cap. Children walk in a circle and say sentences according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we gave you water” are said, the circle narrows, then again the children disperse back to form a large circle and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle dances. Then the game continues.


Purpose of the game. To train children in the correct coordination of actions and text, to develop an understanding of the different sizes of an object, and to develop speech and motor activity.Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle

Words:Like Vanya's daybirthWe baked a loaf.Like this...Like this...Like this...Like this...Loaf, loaf!Choose whoever you want!

Movements:They walk in a circle, then stop, make the circle wide, narrow the circle,Everyone squats, raises their hands up and clap their hands.Vanya approaches Gala and brings her into the circle. Children clap their hands and hum a dance tune. Children dance in a circle. This game is good to play on children's birthdays. But you can remember that Nina and Sveta recently had a birthday, and be the first to choose them in the circle


Purpose of the game. Teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, coordinate movements with the words of a poem, and respond to a verbal signal.Progress of the game. introducing children to the rules of the game, having first laid out the rope in the form of a ring: “Today we will play the game “Carousel.” Come on, children, stand in a circle near the rope, take it in your right hand and follow each other, it will be a carousel. Let's all say the following words together:

Barely, barely, barely,The carousel barely turned,And then around, around -Everybody run, run, run.At first we will walk slowly, and after the word “run” we will run in a circle. After I say the word “turn,” we will turn around, take the rope in our left hand and walk in the other direction, saying the following words:

Hush, hush, don't rush,Stop the carouselOne and two, one and two -So the game is over.

The carousel begins to spin slowly and finally stops. When the carousel stops, you get off it (put the rope on the floor), run around the site, and at the signal (hit the tambourine, ring the bell) get back on the carousel.”

"We are nesting dolls"

Purpose of the game. Learn to perform movements according to the text, show palms, boots.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. children walk in a circle and say:

and we, like our palms, are clean.

We are nesting dolls, these are the little ones.

and we, like we have new boots.

We are nesting dolls, these are the little ones.

and we, like we have new scarves.

We are nesting dolls, these are the little ones.

let's run. we all ran along the path.


Purpose of the game. Teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with the actions.Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle and choose a bunny, he stands in the center of the circle. children walk in a circle and say:

Zainka, along the SenichkasWalk, walk!Gray, like newWalk, walk!There is nowhere for the bunny to jump out,There is nowhere for the gray one to jump out.Bunny, will you jump -You'll jump outGray, you will dance -They will let you out.

the children hum the dance melody, everyone claps their hands, and the bunny dances. After this, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen.

"Train Game"

Purpose of the game. Teach children to line up in one column, and then walk in a circle in the column. To consolidate children's knowledge about this type of transport, such as a train, to evoke memories of children's train trips, and to practice the correct pronunciation of sounds.Progress of the game. depict a steam locomotive. He stands in front of the column of children. Children depict carriages.“Children,” he says, “look how long our train is. Now we will ride it. Show how the wheels move (children, bending their arms at the elbows, move them back and forth and say: “Goo-gu-gu”). Go!Here is our train coming,The wheels are knockingAnd the guys are sitting on this train.“Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo,” -The locomotive puffs,Far, far awayHe took the guys.Stop! Stop! Who wants to go for a walk? Come out quickly!” Children get off the train and walk around, picking mushrooms and berries. When the locomotive whistles (“oo-oo-oo!”), they again form a column and move on. Other text may be used in this game:The locomotive whistledAnd he brought the trailers:"Chang-chang,Chu-chu-chuI’ll take you far!”Or:Green trailersThey run, they run, they run,And the round wheelsEverything is knocking, knocking, knocking.

We stomp our feet.

The teacher and the children stand in a circle at a distance of arms straightened to the sides. In accordance with the spoken text, children perform exercises:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

We shake hands.

With these words, the children give each other their hands, forming a circle, and continue:

And we run around

And we run around.

After a while, the teacher says: “Stop!” The children slow down and stop. The game repeats itself.


A falcon flew high.

Dropped a feather into the sedge.

falcon feather

We won't find it until the morning.

The sun will rise again -

Ira (Vova) will find a feather.

Children sit on chairs in a circle. A falcon is selected. As the poem begins, which all the children recite, a falcon runs around the circle and drops a feather behind the back of one of the children. With the beginning of the 5th line, the falcon sits on an empty chair in a circle with children. On the last two lines, the guys name the name of the child behind whose back there was a falcon feather. He picks up the feather and becomes a falcon. The game repeats itself.

Option 2 – children stand in a circle, otherwise the actions are the same as in option 1.


Like snow under a hill, snow,

And there's snow on the hill, snow,

And under the tree there is snow, snow,

And there is snow on the tree, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush hush,

Keep quiet!

(I. Tokmakova)

Children stand in a circle. A bear is chosen. He sits on a chair in the middle of the circle and “falls asleep.” On the 1st and 3rd lines, children go to the middle of the circle (4 steps), on the 2nd and 4th lines they go back, from the center (4 steps), on the 5th line they carefully approach the sleeping bear. The last two lines are spoken by one of the children appointed by the teacher. The bear must recognize this child by his voice. The game is repeated with a new child.


There is a child in the center of the circle. The children dance around him, saying the words:

We brought you gifts

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

The child chooses one of the named toys.

Doll . Children put their foot on the heel and wave the ribbon, saying the words:Doll, dance doll,

Wave a bright ribbon. (2 times)

Then they freeze in place in a doll pose and the child chooses the doll he likes.

Horse . Children jump in a circle at a straight gallop, saying the words:

Our horse gallops - click and click

The clatter of fast feet is heard. (2 times)

Children freeze in horse pose. The child chooses a horse.

Top . Children spin around, saying the words:

This is how a top spins

He buzzed and lay down on the floor. (2 times) (at the end of the words they squat down) The child chooses a top for himself.

Airplane . Children spread their arms to the sides, run in a circle, saying the words:The plane is flying, flying

A brave pilot sits in it (2 times)

Children stop in airplane pose and the child chooses an airplane.

Blizzard .

For this game, children must be in pairs. The pairs form a circle.
The players in each pair need to clasp their hands under the elbow, thus standing sideways to each other.
Then the couples take turns twirling to the song:

Snowstorm, snowstorm,

Snow is spreading across the field!

Who is spinning, spinning -

He'll start blowing away!

The song is repeated until the players are spinning.

The couple that spins the longest wins.

Into the ice.

Children stand in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle. He jumps on one leg and pushes a piece of ice in front of him with the other. At this time the players sing:

Captain, captain,

Don't hit your feet with ice,

On crooked boots!

Your nose is knotty

Head with a bow,

Back with a box!

To this the driver answers:

I'm galloping along the path

On one leg

In an old shoe

Over stumps, over hummocks,

Over the hills, over the mountains.

Bang! On your feet!

The driver’s task, with the words “Boom! On your feet! try to hit the guys’ feet with a piece of ice. And the guys must jump so that the ice does not touch them.

Whoever the piece of ice touches becomes the new driver and continues the game.

Grandma Ezhka.

The driver, Grandma Ezhka, stands in the middle of the circle. She has a broom in her hands. The players are running around and teasing her:

Grandma Ezhka,

Bone leg

Fell from the stove

Broke my leg

And then he says:

My leg hurts.

She went outside

Crushed the chicken.

I went to the market -

She crushed the samovar.

Grandma Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a broom. Whoever touches it freezes.


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Card index of round dance games
in the middle group
Card No. 1
Purpose of the game: To train children in the correct coordination of actions and text, to develop an understanding of the different sizes of an object, and to develop speech and motor activity.
Like on Cars name day
We baked a loaf:
Such a height! (children raise their hands as high as possible)
Such lowlands! (children lower their hands as low as possible)
That's how wide it is! (children scatter as wide as possible)
These are the dinners! (children converge towards the center)
Loaf, loaf,
Whoever you want, choose!
I love, I confess, everyone
And Masha most of all.
Card No. 2
We quickly inflate the ball (Children disperse, forming a circle.)
He's getting big
That's what it is! (We show with our hands.)
Suddenly the ball burst - shhhh (Narrow the circle to the center.)
The air has come out, (handles up.)
He became thin and thin. (We show with our hands what the ball has become.)
We will not grieve, (Shaking our heads.)
We'll inflate again.
We quickly inflate the balloon (they diverge, forming a circle.)
He's getting big
That's what it is!
Card No. 3

Walk like this.
Walk like this.

Spin around like this.
Spin around like this.

Stamp your foot like this,
Stomp your foot like this.

Dance like this,
Dance like this.

Bow down like this,
Bow down like this.
movements on the text
Card No. 4
"In an even circle"
Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, saying:
"In an even circle
One after another
We go step by step,
Stay where you are!
Together together
Let's do it like this! »
When the words end, they stop and repeat the movement shown by the teacher or child, for example, turn, bend, sit down, etc.
Card No. 5
"Big Carousel"
Purpose of the game: To teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, coordinate movements with the words of a poem, and respond to a verbal signal.
Progress of the game. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, having first laid out the rope in the form of a ring: “Today we will play the game “Carousel.” Come on, children, stand in a circle near the rope, take it in your right hand and follow each other, it will be a carousel. Let's all say the following words together:
Barely, barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two,
So the game is over.
Card No. 6
Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song, practice coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate a bubble, sound sh-sh-sh.
Blow up your bubble
bloat big
Stay like this
Don't burst
he was flying, flying, flying
Yes, I hit a twig
shhhh. the bubble burst
Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say words until they say “The bubble burst.” Then they lower their hands and sit down, making the sound “sh-sh-sh”
Card No. 7
"Sun and Rain"
Children walk in a circle and say:
“The sun is looking out the window,
It shines into our room.
We'll clap our hands
We are very happy about the sun.
Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically stamp on the spot.
Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically.
At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run to the teacher under an umbrella. The teacher says: “The rain has passed. The sun is shining." The game repeats itself.
Card No. 8
Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in the center. The players go in a circle and say:
“We brought gifts for everyone.
Whoever wants it will take it -
Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,
Horse, top and plane"
When the words are finished, the person standing in the circle names which of the listed gifts he wants to receive. If he names a horse, the children jump, if they name a doll, they dance, if they name a top, they spin. Standing in a circle, chooses a new leader. The game repeats itself.
Card No. 9
Goal: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song.
The children stood in a circle
saw the flag
To whom to give, to whom to give
Who should I give the flag to?
come out, Sasha, to the circle,
Take Sasha's flag
Movements: children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle there is a flag. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say the text. The child comes out according to the text, picks up the flag, then waves it and puts it back. Then the game continues.
Card No. 10
“Vanya is walking”
Goal: learn to stand in a circle, sing along to songs, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.
Children standing in a circle go to the right. “Vanya” walks in a circle, the children sing:
Vanya walks, Vanya walks
In the middle of the circle, in the middle of the circle.
“Vanya” walks in a circle, choosing a “buddy” for himself. The rest of the children are standing.
Vanya is looking, Vanya is looking
For myself, my friend, for myself, my friend.
“Vanya”, having chosen a “buddy” for himself, leads him to the center of the circle.
Found Vanya, found Vanya
For myself, my friend, for myself, my friend
At the end of the song, “Vanya” and “buddy” dance to the clapping of the children.
Another “Vanya” is selected and the game is repeated
Card No. 11
Goal: Learn to move in a circle, clap your hands.
Bunny, bunny, what's wrong with you?
you're sitting there completely sick
stand up, jump, dance.
your legs are good.
Movements: Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and say sentences, while performing movements according to the text.
Card No. 12
Goal: to teach children to hold hands and perform movements according to the text of the game.
Cap, cap
Thin legs
Red boots
We fed you
We gave you something to drink
Put on my feet
They forced me to dance.
Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say sentences according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we gave you water” are said, the circle narrows, then the children disperse back again, forming a large circle, and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle is dancing.
Card No. 13
"We are nesting dolls"
Purpose of the game: Learn to perform movements according to the text, show palms, boots.
Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and say:

And we, like our palms, are clean.
We are nesting dolls, that’s how little we are.
And we, like we have new boots.
We are nesting dolls, that’s how little we are.
And we, like we have new scarves.
We are nesting dolls, that’s how little we are.
We ran, we all ran along the path.
Card No. 14
"The bunny was walking"
Hold hands to form a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:
The bunny walked, walked, walked,
I found a carrot
He sat down, ate and continued on his way.
The bunny walked, walked, walked,
I found cabbage
He sat down, ate and continued on his way.
The bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a potato
He sat down, ate and continued on his way.
When you say “sat down,” stop and squat down.
Card No. 15
We stand in a circle, holding hands. The presenter offers to repeat the movements after him:
We'll go right first
And then let's go left
And then we’ll get together in a circle
And let's sit down for a while
Now let's go back
And we'll spin around in place
And let's clap our hands.
And now everyone is in a circle together.
(Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace)
Card No. 16
To the tune (“like thin ice”)
A little white snow fell
Gathering in a circle (walking in a circle)
We'll stomp, we'll stomp (feet stomp)
Let's dance merrily
Let's warm our hands (rubbing palms)
We'll clap, we'll clap (clap)
Let's jump more fun (springs)
To make it warmer.
We'll jump, we'll jump (jump)
Card No. 17
"The little white bunny is sitting"
White bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He wiggles his ears
(they bring their fingers to their head and move them)
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm our paws (clap hands)
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump (they jump on both legs)
The wolf scared the bunny!
The bunny immediately ran away! (run to their seats)
Card No. 18
"Garden round dance"
Children stand in a circle, “carrots”, “onions”, “cabbage”, “driver” are pre-selected. They also stand in a circle. Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a vegetable garden. It grows its own carrots
This width, this height! (2 times)
Children stop and open their arms wide, and then raise them up.
The “carrot” comes out, dances and at the end of the verse returns to the circle; children, standing still, sing:
You, carrot, hurry here. You dance a little

Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a garden where green onions grow

The “bow” dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children, standing still, sing:
Hurry up here, dance a little,
And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)
Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a vegetable garden and cabbage grows there
This width, this height (2 times)
The “cabbage” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children sing:
You cabbage, hurry to us, dance a little,
And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)
Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a truck, it is neither small nor large.
This width, this height (2 times)
The “driver” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse he returns to the circle, the children sing:
You, driver, hurry here, dance a little
And then don’t yawn, take away our harvest!
Card No. 19
Little bunny, walk around, little gray one, walk around.
Walk like this.
Walk like this.
Little bunny, spin around, little gray one, spin around.
Spin around like this.
Spin around like this.
Bunny, stomp your foot, little gray one, stomp your foot.
Stamp your foot like this,
Stomp your foot like this.
Little bunny, dance, little gray one, dance.
Dance like this,
Dance like this.
Bunny, bow, little gray one, bow.
Bow down like this,
Bow down like this.
movements on the text
Card No. 20
"Geese are flying"
Goal: auditory perception, attention, reaction speed, interaction skills with adults, with children, creating a good mood.
Contents: children sit at the table and place their index fingers on it. The presenter says:
- Geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.
- They're flying! - the children answer and also raise their hands.
- Ducks are flying!
- They're flying!
- The flies are flying!
- They're flying!
- The sparrows are flying!
- They're flying!
- The pikes are flying!
When carried away, children often answer:
- They're flying!
And they raise their hands up.
The presenter lightly slaps hands and says:
- They don't fly! They don't fly!
Card No. 21
"Sunny bunnies"
Goal: relieve emotional stress, improve mood.
Contents: an adult, using a small mirror, releases a sunbeam, reciting the poem:
Sunny bunnies
They play on the wall
I'll beckon them with my finger,
Let them run to me.
Well, catch it, catch it quickly.
Here it is, a bright circle,
Here, here, here - to the left, to the left!
He ran to the ceiling.
Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to point it higher so that the children jump, get it out.
Card No. 22
"Merry Musicians"
Children stand in a circle - “musicians”; “violinist”, “balalaika player”, “drummer” - leave the circle and sit on a chair; in the center of the circle there are 4-5 “hares”. Children take hands and raise them up, through the resulting “gate” a “violinist” (“balalaika player”, “drummer”) enters and sings:
I play the violin:
Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

Bunnies are dancing on the lawn,
Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!
At the last words, the “hares” squat down. “Fiddler” goes to his place. Children let a balalaika player into the gate and sing:
Played the balalaika:
Trendy-brain, trendy-brain!
"Hares" are dancing. Children walk in a circle, then stop and sing, clapping their hands:
Hares are dancing on the lawn,
Trendy-brain, trendy-brain!
"Balalaika" goes to his place. Children let the “drummer” into the “gate” and sing:
And now on the drum:
Boom-boom-boom, tra-ta-there!
The “hares”, having heard the last words, imitate fear, the children raise their hands up, imitating “bushes” and sing:
The hares ran away in fear
Through the bushes, through the bushes!
The "hares" are hiding behind the bushes. The "drummer" continues to play.
Card No. 23
“Who is our good guy?”
Children stand in a circle, sing and clap their hands. “Vanechka” goes to the middle of the circle:
Who is good and who is handsome?
Vanechka is good, Vanechka is handsome.
“Vanechka” rides a horse and waves a whip.
He sits on a horse, the horse will have fun. He waves his whip and the horse will dance after him.
“Vanechka” follows the children standing in a circle, raising her legs (as if “riding” a horse at a walk).
He drives past the garden, the garden is turning green
Flowers are blooming, birds are singing
“Vanechka” returns to the circle and approaches “Olechka”. At the end of the song, they dance together to the clapping of the children.
He rides up to the house and gets off his horse.
He gets off his horse and meets Olechka.

Card No. 24
"We went to the meadow"
Children stand in a circle. At a distance there is a “bunny”. Children sing and move to the right in a circle, holding hands:
We went to the meadow and danced in a circle.
Like this, they danced in a round dance in the meadow (2 times)
Having stopped, the children point to the “bunny”. Putting their hands under their cheeks they show how the horse is sleeping:
A bunny dozed off on a hummock in the cold.
This is how the bunny dozed off in the cold (2 times)
Children imitate playing the pipes. "Bunny" is sleeping.
They wanted to wake us up by blowing their pipes:
Tu-tu, ru-tu-tu, blow the pipes! (2 times)
Children go to the right in a circle, imitating playing the drum:
We woke up the bunny and beat the drums:
Boom-boom, tra-ta-ta, they beat the drums! (2 times)
They call a bunny and he jumps into the middle of the circle. Everyone claps, and the bunny jumps:
Bunny, wake up, come on, get up -
That's it, don't be lazy, come on, get up (2 times)
At the end of the game, a new “bunny” is selected.
The game can be played no more than 2-3 times

Card No. 25

"Cheerful girl Alena"
Children stand in a circle, a girl runs out into the middle of the circle, holding her skirt, she turns slightly to the right and left, the children sing:
Oh, what a dress Alena has,
Yes, with what a green border!
My heel, stomp boldly
Let's dance more fun!
During the chorus, all children stomp their right foot, then their left foot and turn around themselves, the movements are repeated 2 times.
Another girl runs into the circle and, turning right and left, shows imaginary ribbons in her pigtails, the children sing:
My sister brought it to Gannusenka
Blue satin ribbons for braids
A boy runs into the circle. He dances, alternately putting out his right and then his left leg. Children sing:
Look at Mishenka's feet,
Are red boots good?
Children go to the middle of the circle and back, singing:
Oh, and we guys will dance with you,
We can stomp our heels too!

Card No. 26
"In a forest clearing"
Children stand in a circle, with children standing with them depicting a “hare”, “bear cub”, “frog”. The “hare” jumps out into the middle of the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing:
Early in the morning in a forest clearing
The bunny drums loudly, loudly
Chorus: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
In the chorus: children stop and imitate playing the drum. Then the “hare” returns to the circle.
A “bear cub” comes out. Children walk in a circle and sing:
A bear cub crawled out of the den,
He began to stomp and stomp in his sleep
Chorus: Top-top-top, top-top-top, top-top-top!
“Little Bear” dances, waddling from one foot to the other. Children repeat these movements. "Teddy Bear" returns to the circle. The little frogs jump out and the children sing:
Little frogs doing exercises
They dance, they dance merrily, squatting!
Chorus: Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!
Children dance together with the “little frogs” in a squat position. The “little frogs” return to the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing:
The clearing immediately became empty.
The rain is drumming loudly, loudly:
Chorus: Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!
They stop and clap their hands, imitating the sound of rain.

Card No. 27
"Vaska the cat"
Children stand in a circle. A “cat” and 5-6 “mice” are selected. The “mice” go around the circle, and the “cat” goes to the middle of the circle and performs movements according to the lyrics of the song. Children hold hands and walk left and right in a circle, singing:
Gray Vaska walks,
The tail is fluffy white.
Vaska the cat is walking.
He sits down, washes himself,
He wipes himself with his paw and sings songs.
The house will silently go around,
Vaska the cat is hiding, waiting for gray mice...
At the end of the song, the children raise their hands to form a “gate.” The “cat” begins to catch the “mice”, running through the “gate”. The game ends when all the mice are caught.
Mice, mice, you're in trouble,
Don't run anywhere! The cat will catch everyone!
Card No. 28

"All the toys are having fun"
Children stand in a circle and, singing along with the teacher, perform the movements that are sung in the song, or make them up to the words “Tanya and Vanya dolls are dancing” and “Matryoshka dolls are going to dance.”
The drums are drumming:
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Dolls Tanya and Vanya are dancing, -
What a beauty!
The nesting dolls started dancing
Wider the circle, wider the circle
They clapped their hands together:
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!
Rattles began to jingle
Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding!
All the toys are having fun
All day, all day!

Card No. 29
"Come out, girlfriend"
Children run in a circle holding hands. “Soloist” is in the center of the circle. As the song begins, the children stop and clap - the “soloist” dances. When the song ends, another “soloist” is chosen:
Stand on the path
Clap your hands
Stomp on your heels
Come dance with us!
Invite us to the circle
And choose me!

A game"Boots"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, fixing the names of shoe parts, working on the tempo of speech and the layer of voice.

Progress of the game:

Two laces

(Children “hold two laces in their hands by the ends.”)


(Place your foot on your toes, hands on your belt.)


(Put the foot on the entire sole, slightly hitting the floor with the foot.)


(Put the foot on the heel.)

And the tongue.

(Show the location of the tongue of the shoes.)

We will tie two shoes,

(Imitate tying shoelaces.)

Let's close our mouth with a hook.

(They bring their finger to their mouth (without touching it), “close their mouth.”)

We will walk quietly

So as not to wake up mom.

(They walk slowly on their toes, pronouncing the words slowly, in a quiet voice.)

Dad and I went for a walk,

So as not to disturb mom.

A game "White Cloud"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of children’s knowledge about rain.

Progress of the game:

A white cloud is floating

I watered the forest and the garden.

(Stop, turn to face the center of the circle. “water” as if from a watering can, first with your right hand, then with your left hand)

It's raining and the cloud is melting,

Slowly disappears.

(They move back, alternately waving their fingers, gradually lower their hands down)

Rainbow, like a bridge,

Hanging above the ground.

(Squatting a little and then straightening your legs, “draw” a rainbow in the air from left to right, with both hands)

The trees and grass are drunk

(They bring the palms of their hands folded like a ladle to their mouth0

And they washed themselves clean.

(Imitate movements (“washing your face” without touching it))

A game"Grandma Malanya"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, development of auditory and visual attention, general motor skills and motor imitation.

Progress of the game:

At Malanya's, at the old lady's

Lived in a small hut

Seven sons

All without eyebrows

(Children walk in a circle holding hands)

With ears like these

(Stop, turn face in a circle, arms to the sides)

With eyes like these


With such a beard

(Hands down with a tilt)

With such a head.

(Hands above your head in a semicircle)

They didn’t eat anything, they looked at her, they did this.

(They squat down, rest their chin. The leader in the circle shows some movement, everyone repeats)

A game "Borovik"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, enrichment of vocabulary, development of creative imagination, development of intonation expressiveness of speech, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Equipment: boletus mushroom mask.

Progress of the game:

A mushroom grew among the forest,

What is a boletus called?

(Children (“mushroom pickers”), holding hands, walk in a circle to the right. In the center of the circle, a child wearing a boletus mushroom mask is squatting.)

Every day he grew up

And now it has become noticeable.

(Children, holding hands, approach the child sitting in the center of the circle, and then move back from him. The child in the mask slowly gets to his feet.)

Oh, how smart he is

In a dark chocolate hat!

(The children say the words and clap their hands rhythmically, and the child in the mask puts his hands on his belt and slowly spins, showing himself to all the children.)

Oh, how big he is

With a strong and straight leg!

(Children pronounce words and clap their hands rhythmically. The child in the mask spins in the opposite direction.)

Les, your gift is good!

(Children stop, face the center of the circle and bow with one hand from the chest down.)

We'll take it home.

A child in a mushroom mask chooses a new leader, and he himself stands in a circle and becomes a “mushroom picker.”

A game"Air Transport"

Program content:

Development of fine motor skills, enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of the names of air transport. Consolidation of the general concept of “air transport”.

Progress of the game:

All transport is by air

Rises into the air

Transports cargo, people -

He is busy with business.

(Children raise their hands up in front of them and then lower them.)

Airships, airplanes,

Hang gliders, helicopters.

A big balloon

I measured the wind speed.

(They bend their fingers, listing the names of air transport.)

A game "The Crow and the Sparrows"

Program content: correction of speech with movement, automation and differentiation of sounds, training in the elements of pantomime.

Progress of the game:

An important crow came out

One morning on business.

(Children walk around the room, swaying their bodies to the beat of the words, hands behind their backs, chin raised).

I looked strictly to the left -

(Turn their head to the left, make a stern expression on their face).

The sparrows are fighting there.

(Turn the entire body to the left).

“Kar, kar, kar, you can’t swear!

(They threaten with their index finger).

Kar, kar, kar, no need to fight!

(Shakes head)).

The one who quarrels, fights,

The cat will fall into his paws!”

(Show both hands with bent fingers).

The sparrows all made peace, began to play merrily,

(Clap their hands.)

Jump along the paths together,

(Jump on two legs moving forward).

The grains are delicious to peck.

(Tilt their heads down).

Game "Merry Musicians"

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle - “musicians”; “violinist”, “balalaika player”, “drummer” - leave the circle and sit on a chair; in the center of the circle there are 4-5 “hares”. Children take hands and raise them up, through the resulting “gate” a “violinist” (“balalaika player”, “drummer”) enters and sings:

I play the violin:

Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

Bunnies are dancing on the lawn,

Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

At the last words, the “hares” squat down. “Fiddler” goes to his place. Children let a balalaika player into the gate and sing:

Played the balalaika:

Trendy-brain, trendy-brain!

"Hares" are dancing. Children walk in a circle, then stop and sing, clapping their hands:

Hares are dancing on the lawn,

Trendy-brain, trendy-brain!

"Balalaika" goes to his place. Children let the “drummer” into the “gate” and sing:

And now on the drum:

Boom-boom-boom, tra-ta-there!

The “hares”, having heard the last words, imitate fear, the children raise their hands up, imitating “bushes” and sing:

The hares ran away in fear

Through the bushes, through the bushes!

The "hares" are hiding behind the bushes. The "drummer" continues to play.

A game "Spring Sun"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, enrichment of vocabulary, development of creative imagination and motor imitation, consolidation of children’s knowledge about the signs of spring.

Can be used as a call for the Maslenitsa holiday.

Progress of the game:

Sun, sun, come out

(Children, holding hands, move away from the center of the circle.)

And illuminate the whole earth!

(Walk in a circle, holding hands.)

May spring come soon

(They stop and let their hands go down.)

To make us warmer,

(They cross their arms over their chest and rub their shoulders.)

So that the drops sing loudly,

(Movement of the hands, simulating falling drops.)

So that the streams ring in the spring,

(Move your arms in waves in front of your chest (“stream”).)

So that the flowers bloom,

(Raise your arms above your head and lower them down through your sides, palms up, to shoulder level.)

The birds were returning from the south.

(Waving their hands.)

Sun, sun, warm the earth!

May spring come quickly!

(Clap their hands for every word.)

Game "Cheerful girl Alena"

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, a girl runs out into the middle of the circle, holding her skirt, she turns slightly to the right and left, the children sing:

Oh, what a dress Alena has,

Yes, with what a green border!

Chorus: 2 times

My heel, stomp boldly

Let's dance more fun!

During the chorus, all children stomp their right foot, then their left foot and turn around themselves, the movements are repeated 2 times.

Another girl runs into the circle and, turning right and left, shows imaginary ribbons in her pigtails, the children sing:

My sister brought it to Gannusenka

Blue satin ribbons for braids


A boy runs into the circle. He dances, alternately putting out his right and then his left leg. Children sing:

Look at Mishenka's feet,

Are red boots good?


Children go to the middle of the circle and back, singing:

Oh, and we guys will dance with you,

We can stomp our heels too!

Game "Vaska the cat"

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle. A “cat” and 5-6 “mice” are selected. The “mice” go around the circle, and the “cat” goes to the middle of the circle and performs movements according to the lyrics of the song. Children hold hands and walk left and right in a circle, singing:

Gray Vaska walks,

The tail is fluffy white.

Vaska the cat is walking.

He sits down, washes himself,

He wipes himself with his paw and sings songs.

The house will silently go around,

Vaska the cat is hiding, waiting for gray mice...

At the end of the song, the children raise their hands to form a “gate.” The “cat” begins to catch the “mice”, running through the “gate”. The game ends when all the mice are caught.

Mice, mice, you're in trouble,

Don't run anywhere! The cat will catch everyone!

Game "Come Out, Girlfriend"

Progress of the game:

Children run in a circle holding hands. “Soloist” is in the center of the circle. As the song begins, the children stop and clap - the “soloist” dances. When the song ends, another “soloist” is chosen:

Stand on the path

Clap your hands

Stomp on your heels

Come dance with us!

Invite us to the circle

And choose me!

Game “All the toys are having fun”

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle and, singing along with the teacher, perform the movements that are sung in the song, or make them up to the words “Tanya and Vanya dolls are dancing” and “Matryoshka dolls are going to dance.”

The drums are drumming:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

Dolls Tanya and Vanya are dancing, -

What a beauty!

The nesting dolls started dancing

Wider the circle, wider the circle

They clapped their hands together:

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

Rattles began to jingle

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding!

All the toys are having fun

All day, all day!

A game "Cheerful parrot»

The leader pronounces syllable rows by tapping or clapping each syllable. Children are told: “You are funny parrots, and the parrots repeat every word. Can you repeat after me and tap out each word with the edge of your palm? Be careful".

The children and the leader sit opposite each other at the table. At command 1, the child begins to tap and repeat the syllables:

a) identical - ra-ra-ra;

b) with a change of tempo (slow - fast) - ra-ra-ra-ra - ra-ra-ra-ra - ra-ra-ra - ra-ra-ra; ra-ra-ra-ra;

c) with increasing rows - pa - pa-pa - pa-pa-pa - pa-pa-pa-pa - pa-pa-pa-pa-pa.

(It is necessary to monitor the achievement of coordination of voice and movements)

A game "Wind"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, enrichment of vocabulary, teaching elements of relaxation, consolidation of children’s knowledge about natural phenomena (wind).

Progress of the game:

A strong wind blew

(Children run around the room with their arms raised to shoulder level.)

Spun and buzzed:


(They circle and hum.)

Uploaded tree branches

(Lean to the right - left, arms raised up.)

And he bent the bushes to the ground.

(They sit down, simultaneously lowering their raised hands in front of them.)

He flew over the clearing,

(They run around the room.)

Lay down on the grass and flowers.

(Lie down on the carpet.)

Our breeze is resting,

Doesn't buzz and doesn't fly.

(Lie in a relaxed position for a while.)
But only the wind will rest -

(Get to their feet.)

Will take flight again.

(Run around the room or run to a given landmark.)

A game "Swan geese»

A “wolf” is chosen from among the players. The rest of the children are “geese”. Two lines are drawn - two “houses”, and a lair for the “wolf” is outlined.

Children say the words:

Geese, geese!

Ha, ha, ha!

Do you want to eat?

Yes, yes, la!

So fly!

We are not allowed:

Gray wolf, under the mountain

He won't let us go home!

So fly as you want!

(After these words, the “geese” try to fly from one house to another, and the wolf catches them. The caught one becomes a “wolf”)

A game « Burners»

The players become pairs. The burner is in front of the pair, with his back to the players, and says:

Burn-burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

And one, and two, and three.

Last couple, run!

(At the word “run,” the last couple runs around the column and stands in front. The driver must try to get ahead of one of the runners and take his place. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver)

A game"Hats"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, development of fine motor skills, enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of the general concept of “headdresses”, consolidation of the correct use of plural nouns.

Progress of the game:

Lots of hats -

(Children touch their head with their hand)

It’s not easy for me to find mine,

(Shakes head)

But I really want it, guys.

I should go for a walk!


A lot of caps, caps and caps,

Lots of baseball caps, berets and hats,

A lot of panama hats, scarves and scarves,

(Clap your hands)

I can’t find my hat!

(Spread your arms to the sides, raising your shoulders)

A game "Mushroom March"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, work on tempo, rhythm of speech and syllable structure, automation and differentiation of sounds.

Progress of the game:

Under the aspen, under the aspen

Boletuses in a row,

Boletuses in a row

They are wearing red caps.

(Children march in a circle, rhythmically pronouncing the text (“walking” with their fingers on the table or tapping the rhythm) at a pace set by the teacher.)

Under the birch, under the birch

Boletus boletus line,

Build boletus mushrooms.

Let's take them all home.

(Change the direction of movement and march in a circle in the opposite direction.)

A game"Poultry"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, enrichment of vocabulary, development of creative imagination and motor imitation.

Progress of the game:

Our ducks in the morning -

Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

(Children waddle in a circle, imitating the gait of ducks)

Our geese by the pond -

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

(Walk in a circle, stretching their necks and putting their arms back)

Our chickens through the window -

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

(They stop, stand facing in a circle, hit their sides with their hands)

What about Petya the Cockerel?

Early in the morning

He sings to us: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Turn their backs in a circle, rise on their toes, put their arms back)

A game"Foals"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, enrichment of the verbal vocabulary, development of creative imagination, training in the elements of pantomime.

Progress of the game:

There are foals near the mother -

(Children run up to the adult.)

Naughty guys.

“Yoke-go!” - friends are called,

(They say “yoke - go”, wave their hand towards themselves, “inviting friends.”)

They are chewing grass in the meadow.

(Tilt their heads down.)

The foals gallop together.

(Do hops in place or hops while moving in a circle, holding hands.)

They never cry

(Turn their heads left and right.)

The gray wolf gets kicked.

(Alternately move the right and left legs back.)

They jump and play together.

(Jump on two legs or jump on two legs holding hands.)

A game "Wonderful bouquet"

Program content: coordination of speech with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, development of creative imagination, enrichment of the vocabulary with nouns and adjectives, consolidation of the names of flowers and the general concept of “flowers,” development of intonational expressiveness of speech.

Equipment: masks of flowers - red poppy, chamomile, bellflower, forget-me-not, cornflower.

Progress of the game:

Along the path, along the path

(Children walk in a circle holding hands)

It was a long way to get flowers to you.


Poppy, chamomile, bell,

Forget-me-not, cornflower.

(Children wearing masks with the image of a flower run out into the middle of the circle one by one. The rest of the children walk in a circle, holding hands)

Let's collect a big bouquet,

There are no better flowers than you:


Red, white and purple,

Blue and blue color.

(Children with an image of a flower of the named color, standing in the middle of the circle, take turns raising their arms above their heads)

Oh, what a beautiful bouquet!

Wonderful bouquet!

(The rest of the children clap their hands, rhythmically pronouncing the text. Children wearing flower masks spin with their hands raised up, standing in the middle of the circle)

A game "Golden Gate»

A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the goal. The remaining players take on each other so that a chain is formed.

The gate players say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them.

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited.

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

(With these words, hands drop, the gate slams. Those children who are caught become additional gates. The “gate” wins if they managed to catch all the players)

Children stand in a circle.

In the center is the driver with his eyes closed.

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a cuckoo in our garden

Flew in and sings

You cuckoo don't yawn

Guess who's crowing"

The teacher points to anyone in the circle.

The child sings “Ku-ku.”

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. According to the counting rhyme, “Zainka” is selected

Children walk in a circle singing the words:

Ermine Bunny

There's nowhere for the bunnies to jump out

There are high fences all around

And the bunny has short legs

Come on, little bunny, hop and skip,

Turn sideways,

Come on, bunny, turn around

Bow to whomever you want.

At the end of the singing, the bunny chooses a new driver.

Children walk in a circle holding hands.

In the center of the circle is a blindfolded driver.

Everyone sings:

One evening in the garden

Turnip beets, radishes, onions

We decided to play hide and seek

But first we stood in a circle

They stop and count by bending their fingers.

The driver is spinning.

Clearly paid right away

One two three four five,

Better hide

Hide deeper.

Well, go look.

The children crouch down, the driver goes to look.

Trying to find and guess by touch who he caught.

Children walk in a circle and sing. In the center is the driving “Lamb”

You are a little gray lamb,

You are a little white lamb,

We fed you

We gave you something to drink

Don't butt us

Play with us

Hurry up and catch up.

When the singing ends, the children run away. The lamb catches it.

Whoever is caught plays the role of a lamb.

Before the game starts, a stork and a child with a stork cap are selected.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. In the center of the circle is a stork. His hands are folded behind his back, palms together.

Children walk in a circle, the stork walks backwards inside the circle, raising its legs high. He looks for a hat and sings:

Stork: I was walking over the river

This is where I lost my hat

A brand new hat

Warm hat

A little red hat.

Children walk in a circle.

A child behind the circle holds a hat in his hands, walks in the opposite direction and sings:

Child: I came to the river

Here I found a hat

A brand new hat

Warm hat

A little red hat.

When the song ends, everyone stops.

Child: Well, try to catch up

Take away your hat.

Children raise their joined hands, forming a gate through which the stork and the child run. The stork catches up, puts on a cap and dances as a couple inside the circle. The stork remains in the circle, the child with the hat is chosen by another.

If the stork does not catch it, the driver becomes a stork. The stork stands in a circle. The game repeats itself.

Music is playing.

In the center of the circle is a child with a bell.

When the singing begins, they move in the opposite direction.

A child with a bell sings:

I walk with a bell

I'm looking at the guys

Golden bell

Who will dance with me?

At the end of the song a child with a bell

chooses the one with whom he will dance.

Two children dance to any dance music.

The selected child becomes the leader.

Children stand in a circle. In the center is the Astrologer.

Children go in a circle to the right and sing:

The stars are blinking in the sky

The stars want to play

The astrologer counts the stars

One two three four five!

Chorus: (walk in a circle, step back.)

Stargazer, stargazer,

Come play with us!

What will you show us

Let's figure it out ourselves.

Children guess what the stargazer is doing.

Option 2:

We called the Astrologer

Let him count us in a row

In our kindergarten it’s like in heaven

There are a lot of star guys.


Can you guess which one of you?

What am I doing now?

Whoever guesses what the Astrologer is doing becomes the Astrologer.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands.

There is a stork in the center of the circle.

Children walk in a circle and sing

The stork walks with its legs raised high

and flaps his arms-“wings”


The stork went hunting

He walks and walks through the swamp.


I really want to eat a frog,

I really want to swallow a frog!

Frogs are jumping

The stork stands on one leg and flaps its wings.

The frogs sing:

Kwacky, kwacky, kwacky kwacky.

When the music ends, the frogs jump from the stork, and he catches them.

Whoever is caught becomes a stork.

Children holding hands walk in a circle.

The driver stands in the center of the circle.

There may be a hare mask on the head.

As soon as the guys finish the sentence, everyone standing in the circle runs away.

When the music ends, all players must find a partner.

Anyone who has not found a partner becomes the driver.

Oblique, oblique,

Don't go barefoot

And walk around with shoes on,

Wrap up your paws

If you're wearing shoes,

The wolves won't find the hare

The bear won't find you.

Come out, you'll burn!

Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site, and several circles are drawn on the side. This is the driver's house. The players gather behind the line on one side of the court and sing in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch us!

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch!” everyone runs to the opposite side of the site. The driver must catch one of the runners before he crosses the second line. The caught person stands in a circle - the driver's house. Then the children read the poems again and run across the playground in the opposite direction.

After 2-3 attempts, they count how many children are caught, choose a new driver and the game continues..

Holding hands, the children walk in a circle and sing:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

As soon as the last word is said, everyone scatters to the “rocket launch sites” and tries to quickly take a seat in any of the pre-designated rockets. Up to 5 circles are marked inside each rocket. This is the place for the participant. But there are fewer circles in the rockets than there are participants. Those who are late for the rocket are out of the game.

The number of missiles is decreasing. The game starts over.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

I went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn.

The game repeats itself.

Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who should put the ribbon on their shoulder

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle saying:

Barely, barely

The carousel spun, and then around,

And then around and around,

Everything is running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run. At the leader’s command “Turn!” they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't write it off!

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the court.

The players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, and the outer circle in the other direction.

Outer circle - monkeys sing:

We are funny monkeys

We are jumpers, somersaults

We don't sit still

And we eat bananas.

Inner Circle - Tigers sing:

And we tigers are not funny

We are hungry and angry

Sing the song one more time

We'll catch you now.

At the leader’s signal, both circles stop. Those standing in the inner circle raise their hands to form a gate. Cheerful music sounds, the monkeys either run into the circle, passing under the gate, or run out of it. The music stops and the players in the inner circle suddenly lower their hands. Players who find themselves inside the circle are considered trapped. They join those standing in the inner circle and join hands. After this, the game repeats.

Children stand in a circle holding hands. There is a sad bunny in the center of the circle. Children sing:

Bunny, bunny! What happened to you?

You're sitting there completely sick.

Get up, get up, jump!

Here's a carrot! (2 times)

Get it and dance!

All the children come up to the bunny and give him an imaginary carrot. The bunny takes the carrot, becomes cheerful and begins to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is chosen.

The teacher chooses Cucumber, who sits in the center of the circle. Children and their teacher walk in a circle and sing:

Cucumber, cucumber,

You're just like a human being.

We fed you

We gave you something to drink

They put him on his feet (they walk up to the cucumber and pick it up)

They forced me to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose whoever you want.

The cucumber dances, the children clap their hands. After the dance, Cucumber chooses another child to take his place, and the game continues.

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, place chairs at one end of the playroom. The number of chairs must correspond to the number of participants in the game. A cat driver is selected. The teacher acts as a mother chicken. The remaining members are her chicken children.

Mother hen invites all her chicks to join hands. Together they walk in a circle and say the following words:

The crested hen came out,

There are yellow chickens with her,

The chicken clucks: ko-ko,

Don't go far.

The hen and chicks gradually approach the cat, sitting on a separate chair.

On a bench by the path

The cat has settled down and is dozing.

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens catch up.

After these words, the chickens scatter, each trying to take his own chair. Mother chicken is worried about them, flapping her wings. The caught chicken becomes a cat. The game restarts from the beginning.

The words are repeated several times with an increased tempo.

We made a snowball (we dance in a circle)

I follow him one step at a time

The lump grew larger and rolled faster

(we speed up both in speech and in movements)

The lump grew larger and rolled faster

(we're still speeding up)

Hit the gate! Bang! Collapsed!

(we fall carefully)

We get out of the snowdrift

(get up)

And we dust off our clothes.

Yasha sits down in the middle of the meadow.

They dance around him, chanting:

“Sit, sit, Yasha, in the broom bush

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha, ripe nuts.

Catch Yasha, whoever you want."

Yasha rushes after someone.

The caught one becomes Yasha.

Pa poppy sits in the middle of the circle.

“The round dance sings:

Oh, poppy on the mountain, poppy,

White is white under the mountain!

Oh you poppies,

Golden heads!

Stand in a row

Let's ask about the poppy.

The players stop and ask the “poppy”:

Have you sown poppies?

The round dancer answers:

They just plowed the ground.

The chorus is repeated.

Players ask sequentially: “Have you sown poppies?

" - "Sowed"

- “Has the poppy bloomed? "-

"Bloomed" -

“Is the poppy ripe? "-

"I'm in time,

“-Shake it off.”

Everyone rushes to the round dancer and shakes him if he did not manage to escape. If a round dancer manages to hit someone three times, he becomes a round dancer.

Everyone stands in a circle and sings:

“Who wants to know how oats are sown

My father sowed like this...

Show by moving your arms forward:

“Then I rested like this...

Stand with your hands folded crosswise.

Then they spin around in a round dance, chanting:

Oats, oats, God grant that you grow!

New verse:

Who wants to know how oats are harvested?

My father reaped him like this (they show)

Then he rested like this (shows)

After the chorus, they depict how oats are knitted,

how they thresh him (when threshing, everyone beats his neighbor).

Children hold hands, forming a long line.

They walk slowly and smoothly, while slowly singing:

Hang, hang my cabbage

Weigh, weave white

How can I curl my cabbage?

How can I avoid falling into winter!

The leader of the string leads the round dance through a kind of “gate” - raised closed hands, held by the last participants in the string.

When all the players pass through the “gate,” the last one turns and “curls the cabbage,” that is, throws his hand over his shoulder, with which he holds on to his friend.

Then the round dance passes through the second gate, the third, and so on until all the players have “curled.”

After this action, the last standing participant in the line remains standing in place, and the entire round dance “curls” around him, gradually bending around and encircling him in a ring more and more tightly, until a kind of “cabbage fork” is obtained.

Then the cabbage begins to “develop” until it returns to its original starting position.

The game is accompanied by singing all the time.

“Zainka” shows how he washes his hands. All players repeat the same movements:

The players stand in a circle, holding hands, and sing:

Bunny, come out into the circle,

Gray, come out into the circle,

Hurry, hurry, come out into the circle,

Hurry, hurry, come out into the circle!

One of the players, pre-selected by the “bunny,” goes to the middle of the circle. The players continue to sing:

Zainka, you go for a walk,

Gray, go for a walk

Walk here and there

Walk here and there!

“Zainka” walks now in one direction, now in the other, and the players clap their hands:

Bunny, wash your hands,

Gray, wash your hands,

Left, right, wash your hands,

Left, right, wash your hands!

Bunny, wash your face,

Gray, wash your face.

Wash your face from top to bottom,

Wash your face from top to bottom!

“Zainka” shows how he washes himself, the rest of the players repeat his gestures.

Bunny, smooth the fur,

Gray, smooth the fur.

Smooth the fur from behind, in front,

Smooth the fur from the back and front!

“Zainka” runs his hands over his clothes, straightens them, and cleans them. All players repeat:

Bunny, comb your hair,

Gray, comb your hair.

Yes, comb your hair better,

Yes, comb your hair better!

“Zainka” shows how he combs his hair. The players repeat:

Bunny, under the barrel,

Gray, barrel-like.

The Cossack girl is dancing, dancing,

The Cossack girl is dancing, dancing!

“Zainka” dances, the rest of the players also dance. After the words “the Cossack girl is dancing, the Cossack girl is dancing,” everyone runs away, and the “bunny” catches them. The one who is caught becomes a “bunny”.

They choose a driver who squats in the center of the circle.

The rest of the players walk around him, holding hands, and sing:

Spider, spider,

Thin legs

Red boots.

We gave you something to drink

We fed you

They put me on my feet,

They forced me to dance.

After these words, everyone runs to the center, lifts the driver, puts him on his feet and again forms a circle.

Clapping their hands, they sing:

They forced me to dance.

The driver begins to spin around with his eyes closed.

Everyone sings:

Dance, dance as much as you want

Choose whoever you want!

The driver chooses someone without opening his eyes and changes places with him.

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