Game stalker how to enter into debt. How to join “Duty” in Stalker. Advantages and disadvantages

I, Mikhail Zarubin, imagine a modification of “How to join “Duty”?” for the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat” version “1.6.02”.

Description: The entire game takes place in the attached location from the second part of the game: “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky, “Army Warehouses.” There are 17-18 missions in total (depending on what choice is made at the end of the game), with the passage of each one, the new potential of the location is revealed.

My introductions.

1. New story:

1.1 Missions are mostly of the “locational battles” type. At the same time, there are also quests to find objects, which improve the potential of the “Duty” group.

1.2 Added 2 successes: “Friend of “Duty”” (prize: a subordinate who, on your order, will follow you, or will begin to wait for him on the spot. Friendly relations with “Duty”). “Pathfinder” (prize: Friendly relations with the army) + static successes.

1.3 If you choose a bad ending to the game, then the Sultan will be waiting for you at the army base, which offers a game of the “Arena” type.

1.4 Shootouts, defense,

endless battles with mutants, active assaults and sniper hollows - that’s what awaits you in this game.

2. The “Army Warehouses” location is completely populated:

1.1 Eight anomalous territories (4 frying, 2 chemistry, 1 electra, 1 gravitational).

1.2 Many squads of mutants, if you complete the first five main missions.

1.3 There are few “Free Stalkers” (to be more correct, only at the end of the game a maximum of two squads will appear, or mercenaries - depending on the choice of ending).

1.4 Static oddities are not very common, but there are a large number of radioactive sources.

1.5 Small static caches + 10 caches (any of which is a lottery for success) from me personally.

3. The complexity of the game has become higher: for beginners it is better to choose the “beginner” level, and others will figure it out. Stay away from radiation: it's a really deadly thing.

4. The trade mix has been reconfigured: equipment (weapons, ammunition, medicines) are sold at half the price, artifacts are


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. How to join Debt? (Passed)

The game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat - How to join Debt” will allow you to find out the history of this group, where the protagonist strives to get. A warrior by vocation, the SBU Major goes to the Exclusion Zone to find helicopters, and along the way he learns that there are laws between people here. For their own safety, local mercenaries unite in groups to protect themselves, and at the same time quietly obtain artifacts to sell to merchants. They are trying to survive in this harsh world, and now Chernobyl has become their home, and therefore the guys have dug in very well.

Major Degtyarev arrives at the Zone and begins to learn about incidents related to helicopters, and after completing the main mission you are invited to engage in the Duty group. These guys are special because they have their own interesting secrets, and all their secrets come down to making big profits. Life in this territory made them fall in love with local dangers, and learn to breathe poisoned air, avoiding traps in the form of anomalies. The protagonist decided to stay here longer in order to learn about local life and figure out who ordered the supplies, because this information would be useful to the SBU.

Groups - associations fighting against each other in different locations for control and influence over a certain area of ​​the zone, as well as achieving their own ideological goals. Some groups are hostile to everyone (such as the zombified and Monolith), while another part uses stalkers to recruit into their ranks (Duty, Freedom, Bandits in Clear Sky). Of all the groups in the game, the group of free stalkers (hypothetically the informal leader is Beard, which is debatable) does not have a clear organization and command. A player in Call of Pripyat cannot join one of any factions, but has the right to provide support in any way, however, for one of the warring parties, for which he receives the achievements of a friend of one or another group (Friend of Freedom, stalkers, "Authority" and etc.)

To support Duty or Liberty Firstly :

  • Complete the "Deal" quest as stalkers or bandits (not as Sych!). After completing the quest about the bandits' raid on Shevchenko
  • How to find Morgan's PDA, don't sell it to Sych! If you sell, you will receive the achievement “Proponent of Balance,” which will be equal to your neutrality in the confrontation between factions and will deprive you of the chance to support one or another faction.
  • Give Morgan's PDA on Yanov (stalker base in the vicinity of Jupiter), either to the leader of "Duty" Shulga, or "Freedom" Lokki.

To support bandits or stalkers necessary:

  • Approach the Sultan and discuss the raid on the stalkers in the Shevchenko camp, then decide to support the parties.
  • Complete the "Deal" quest as stalkers or bandits (not as Sych!)

This will give you certain advantages in supporting one of the two associations. Otherwise, achievements are unlikely (most likely on the part of bandits).

The majority of groups are neutral to the main character. The most hostile, in addition to zombies, are Mercenaries and Monolith, thanks to which the player will be able to learn much more about the life of different associations in the zone.

, Unlike other groups, the group is not actually a group due to the absence of hierarchy, management and command structures.

Information about groups

How to join "Duty"? This is a question that worries many players of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. The answer is simple: it depends on which series of the game a person plays. Each part has its own nuances, but the essence is the same: you just need to help this paramilitary group. Read more in this article.

This is our duty!

The founding date of the group is considered to be 2009, when Captain Tkachenko’s helicopter crashed on the territory of the Zone. The officer announced the forced creation of a paramilitary group, and himself - the general of “Duty”. During its existence, the group expanded due to the influx of stalkers from former military personnel, intelligence officers and law enforcement agencies. General Tkachenko himself died when he and a small detachment fell into a temporary anomaly. His successors continued his work, focusing on completing the main task - localizing the Zone, containing it, purposefully exterminating mutants and other threats emanating from the Zone.

In 2010, Dolg soldiers established a base on the territory of the Agroprom Research Institute and for the first time encountered bandits in the zone (whoever is drawn there in pursuit of valuable artifacts and swag) and an ideological enemy - the Svoboda group. The latter consider the Zone to be something like the eighth wonder of the world and wish to coexist peacefully with it, studying its wonders.

The hostility between the factions grew over time into a real internecine war in 2011. A powerful surge opens the way to Limansk, as a result the Zone is literally flooded with bandits and detachments of the Monolith paramilitary group. The new release multiplies the losses in the ranks of “Dolg”; they are forced to move to the territory of the Rostock plant, where they guard the created bar “100 X-rays” - a place that has become a symbol of the group’s stronghold both in games and in literary works.

2012 - the war with the Svoboda group continues. The Dolgovites set up barriers to repel mutant attacks. And also in the game “Shadow of Chernobyl” an attempt is being made to eliminate the commander of the Svoboda members, Lukash. The main character can take part in this.


The paramilitary “Dolgovtsy” are distinguished by strict discipline, live according to the rules, paying tribute to their origin, and also secretly collaborate with the military who periodically appear in the Zone.

According to the plot of the game, sometimes they cooperate with the SBU.

Artifacts found in the Zone are handed over to scientists for research, and not to traders, as other stalkers do in the game.

The latter are treated with caution until the newly arrived stalker proves that he does not pose a threat to the group.

Game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". How to join "Duty"

You cannot enter “Debt” in this part of the game (at least in the original version). You can only get the "Friend of Duty" achievement. You will need to complete several tasks. For example, steal an RPG-6 grenade launcher at the Svoboda base, eliminate a sniper there, save the life of a soldier, and also take part in an attack on the base of a group of these anarchists with the aim of killing their leader Lukash and further eliminating them completely.

It is worth remembering that not everyone has a good attitude towards “Debt”. The achievement will immediately turn the stalker into an enemy of “Freedom”; representatives of the opposing faction will automatically open fire on the player. That is, you can no longer get to the merchant at the Svoboda base, but he sells very good equipment. Therefore, players thinking about how to join “Duty” in “Stalker” need to decide whether it’s worth it.

If the mod is installed

Installed modifications like “People's Hodgepodge” for “Shadow of Chernobyl” implement many hidden features of the game. New quests and dialogue branches are also added if the "Stalker" mod is installed on the game. How to enter into “Duty” in fashion is an equally interesting question. The answer depends on the type of modification installed. In some you can join simply by having a heart-to-heart chat with the desired debtor, and in some you cannot even become a friend. An example of this is the “War in the Zone” mod for PM: wherever you go, there are fights, shootings and stabbings (even mutants fight each other).

Prequel "Stalker: Clear Sky". How to join "Duty"

The game is the prehistory of the events of “Shadow of Chernobyl”. Here the introduction is the least problematic: it is enough to just implement the idea of ​​​​flooding the dungeons of the Agroprom Research Institute so that mutants and other evil spirits stop crawling out of there, preventing an honest stalker from existing peacefully. All that remains is to express your desire to join when talking with the commander. After which the question “how to join “Duty” in Stalker” disappears.

Doomed faction

“Soldiers, mechanics, and scientists” - this is how members of the Clear Sky formation described themselves. The plot of the prequel revolves around the personality of Strelok (the main character of “Shadow of Chernobyl”). The group is confident that the emissions are the result of the activities of the aforementioned stalker, so in this part they find the mercenary Scar (the main character of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. “Clear Sky”), who is tasked with eliminating Strelok.

The group in record time completed the task of breaking through to Limansk in order to stop the advance of the aforementioned daredevil to the Heart of the Zone. Scar and a dozen surviving “cleanies” manage to break through to the station and turn off Strelok’s psionic protection. But a release occurs, as a result of which the survivors (and Scar) fall under the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. program implemented by O-Consciousness and become zombified. This is evidenced by the final video of Clear Sky.

After this, the surviving stalkers left the swamps and scattered throughout the Zone, the group completely ceased to exist.

"Call of Pripyat"

The procedure for joining the ranks of the group in the final part of the trilogy “Stalker: Call of Pripyat” looks more or less obvious and simple. How to join “Duty” in it? You need to help the group in every possible way. It is based at the Yanov station, in the former waiting room, where two militant factions entered into neutrality (exclusively on the territory of this building).

In the southern part you can find the head of “Duty” - Lieutenant Colonel Shulga, and in the northern part - the leader of “Freedom” nicknamed Loki. The main character can go to them, like any other stalker.

This is approximately what the answer to the question about a rather interesting moment in the game “Stalker” looks like - how to join “Duty”? The passage of “Stalker” is very interesting in itself, mods for the game offer a lot of options for the development of events, but we, in turn, will simply invite those who want to become members of the group to familiarize themselves with some of the subtleties.


  1. Having figured out the unscrupulous “debt man” Morgan, who is responsible for guarding the group’s armory, but secretly deals with bandits, mercenaries, and also leaks information to Svoboda for an attack on the warehouse, give Morgan’s PDA to Shulga.
  2. Tell the leader of Debt that Flint is not who he says he is.
  3. Having found out the details of the death of General Tkachenko, give the found PDA to the leader of “Dolg”. If you give the gadget to the leader of Svoboda, the stalkers in the central part of the hall will gossip about the unsuccessful past of the debtors, which will negatively affect the attitude towards the main player on the part of Shulga and the company.
  4. Help the debtors recapture the warehouse they lost due to Morgan's betrayal.
  5. Give Shulga documents from Jupiter, a plant where they may have been secretly developing the Gauss Cannon, a powerful pulse weapon. During a foray into the plant, the main character will be attacked by mercenaries who were guarding the scientists' bunker.
  6. Since due to the above-mentioned events the scientists were left without protection, there is no better candidate than “Duty”. We need to talk to Shulga about guarding the bunker, after which these guys in black can be seen at their posts.
  7. In the process of passing, you can stumble upon a group of “unusual” stalkers. They are former Monoliths who managed to get rid of control over their consciousness and are seeking refuge in one of the groups. If the above tasks have been completed, you can contact Shulga with a request to accept the Tramp and his group into the ranks of “Duty”, after which you can continue playing the game “Stalker”.

We told you how to join “Duty”. The main character is already in the group. In different versions of the game you need to complete a different number of tasks to increase the level of respect of debtors.

Pros of debtors

An undeniable advantage is the support of the group: if the main character gets into trouble, the “Duty” fighters will always come to the rescue. This is what is good about the game “Stalker”. Entering into “Duty” is a smart move that opens up a lot of possibilities, and also affects the further process and endings.

  • For example, a technician named Azot on Yanov from Debt, because the prices for his services will decrease.
  • The neutral medic Chiropractor will start selling army first aid kits.
  • A lot of useful items will be added to your personal box - brotherly adjustments from Shulga.


The negative side of the question of how to join “Duty” in “Stalker” is the deterioration of relations with everyone who sympathizes with “Freedom” or is a member of it.

For example, a Hawaiian merchant will increase the prices of his goods and will be less friendly.

Also, if you don’t complete a single quest from St. John’s Wort, the Svoboda people will have a completely negative attitude towards the main character.

Why is it necessary to unravel the mystery of Tkachenko’s death?

In “Call of Pripyat,” when the main character is wandering around the Cooling Tower, he can hear abrupt calls for help. A voice from the radio announces that food and water have run out.

From the monologue it is clear that the officer’s group found itself in a spatial anomaly. At first they tried to get out, but wherever they went, fog surrounded them and each time they returned to the same place from where they started. First one of them disappeared. Everyone thought that a way out had been found, but that was not the case.

Then one of the officers went crazy, killed his comrades, and then committed suicide. Tkachenko, who was watching all this, decided to make a suicide note on his gadget, after which he himself put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger.

The anomaly can only be detected with the help of the Svarog detector, after which the dead bodies of stalkers and weapons in excellent condition fall out of the “temporary bubble”. When searching the bodies, only General Tkachenko’s PDA can be found.

How to join “Duty” in “Stalker” in this case? We need to give the PDA to Shulga. In the final video at the end of the game it will be said that the Svoboda members were completely forced out of Yanov and died in a skirmish outside the station.

If the player wants to join “Freedom”, he should hand over the gadget to Loki, then in the final video “Duty” will leave the station.

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