A test of all seasons. When to count chickens

Your first goal is to get to the Academy and solve the personal quests of your companions.

Examine the bodies and you will find out that there is a war on this island between representatives of the Black Ring and the Masters. Some corpses will have a Purging Wand on them - take it with you.

If you saved Delorus in Fort Joy, here he will join your party and give information about the Black Ring and Bishop Alexander.

  • In the Sunken Temple (kill the Black Ring Master to enter), interact with the altar to learn information about Vrogir.
  • In the Temple of Ralich, interact with the altar to see a vision of Ralich.
  • There will be screamers at the entrance to the Elven Temple - use the Cleansing Wand to kill them.

    Alexander will be on top of the Elven Temple (if you agreed to help him by killing the Pale Man). He will help you join the Council.

    In the eastern direction towards the temple of Ralich there will be a cave guarded by a troll:

    Enter the cave and use the Stone of True Sight that Alexander gave you right after the altar to see the false wall. This will open the way to the Sallow Man.

    Kill him and report this to Alexander, for which he will teach you how to enter the Council. (Note: Inside the chest in the Pale Man's war room is a Shaft of Swornbreaker.)

    If you chose to side with the Black Ring, you need to kill Alexander and bring his head to the altar. The pale man will help you enter the Council.

    There are a total of seven temples on Nameless Island, but you don't need to explore each of them to complete the main quest. However, you can explore them for equipment and items.

    Two temples that are easy to miss:

  • Temple of Xanthezza
    To enter this temple, you need to kill the two wargs playing with the ruby ​​near the Moon Gate travel point. Use the ruby ​​to enter the temple.

    https://i2.wp.com/guidesgame.ru/_pu/9/s54007793.jpg" align="" src-original=" width=">

    In addition, there are two secret caves on Nameless Island. You must study them before entering the Academy.

    First cave:

    https://i2.wp.com/guidesgame.ru/_pu/9/s98480318.jpg" align="" src-original=" width=">

    (This cave is in the north of the island - you can teleport there from the platforms of the elven temple. Inside the cave there will be several guards guarding a good sword. Make sure your character has enough strength to pick it up.)

    Now head to the Moon Gate where you need to solve a puzzle.

    1. First, install all seven gods correctly:

  • Man with the Sun
  • Elf with the Moon
  • Gnome with Moon
  • Orc with the Sun
  • To hell with the moon
  • Master with the Moon
  • Lizard with the Sun

    2. Once the gods are positioned correctly, use the Lightning skill to hit the Eternal Conductor (if you don't have this skill, you can place a Phase Capacitor on the conductor), then use the switch to open the gate.

    If you don't want to choose either side (Bishop Alexander or the Pale Man), you won't be able to use teleportation skills to get through the ruined areas in the south of the Dwarf Temple. In this case, in the easternmost area, dig a hole to enter the Council.

    Spiritual Vision", you will be able to see the spirit teachers. Each of them can increase one of your attributes.

    To raise the barrier, you need to activate all three lightning squares in front of it. Like this:

    https://i1.wp.com/guidesgame.ru/_pu/9/s34350525.jpg" align="" src-original=" width=">

    https://i2.wp.com/guidesgame.ru/_pu/9/s93478352.jpg" align="" src-original=" width=">

    Scientific Endeavor"). In the Arena, you will need to get to the end faster than others.

    If Alexander is still alive, he will be here, along with the other companions. You can focus on them and then follow through.

    When you are ready to absorb power, Dallis will suddenly appear and beat you to it. Her actions will destroy the Arena and you will have to escape the ruins before it is too late.

    Angry at your failure, the gods attack you. When you kill them all, use Malady's beacon to escape.

    Once back on the ship, you can spend the night with your companion. When you feel ready, talk to the statue to summon Malady, after which you will travel to Arx.

  • We check the remaining chests of the Gargoyle labyrinth and move on.

    And then there are burning pigs. Again the product of the mad Braccus Rex. By the way, burning pigs are not fiction. In ancient Rome they were used as weapons against war elephants. The Romans coated the animals with flammable substances and set them on fire. The running and squealing pigs caused such panic among the enemy elephants that they indiscriminately began to crush everyone, including their own troops.

    You can save pigs from suffering using the spell Blessing.

    In the center of the island are the ruins of a castle. Here we find Gareth, who is fighting off the masters (the rebels asked him to find him in the second part of the walkthrough). In order for Gareth to go back to the camp alive, he will need to deal with two groups of masters. The first battle was somewhat more difficult - almost each of the masters can teleport and heal allies. On my part, the assassin and archer Sebille give out the maximum damage. My main character is a novice magician, she simply doesn’t yet have such a powerful procast to immediately knock down the enemy’s magic shields. I didn’t build the Red Prince quite right, he turned out to be half tank, half fighter. I think it would be better to raise him in a full tank.

    However, I helped Gareth, after which he ran away to the camp. All that remains is to capture the masters' ship Lady Vengeance (which is in the screenshot above) and get off the island.

    In the forest, next to the ruins, we find a bear cub. Mishka will complain that he lost his mother. Not far from this place you can find a bear killed by the masters. There is no continuation of this story, although I forgot to try the resurrection scroll.

    On the second screenshot is a blank for a Shrieker - the ultimate weapon of masters.

    We free the frost dragon from the chains and he will tell you that he was captured by the witch Radeka the Witch, whom you already met in the second part of the walkthrough. The dragon asks to deal with Radek. Oh, okay, I'll try.

    This time I did not engage in useless and lengthy conversations with the witch. Firstly, she kisses and infects you with some kind of poison, and secondly, you find yourself in the thick of enemies if you approach her. Therefore, I came up with a tactical move called “get the fat one out.” We stand a little further away, send the archer to the hill for more damage and teleport Radek to us. Together we hit the necromancer with physical damage to remove her armor and send her to the camp. The skeletons left without a witch are just trash.

    We return to the dragon and report the good news. As a reward, he promises to help at some “right” moment.

    By this point in the passage, I had opened almost the entire map of the island. There are only a few dark spots left. I go back and check what I missed. Here we have it in order: a statue-altar for fast movement; merchant Zaleskar; old woman Windego. It is because of her that the ship crashes at the very beginning. She found a magical flaw in her collar and took it off, which summoned the Voidwokens (corrupted turtles), which sank our ship. In general, I failed it just in case. She’s kind of suspicious, and also insolent; Tarlene from the resistance camp. He warns that a Shriker is ahead, but does not want to help. I decided to see what kind of shriker this was and was instantly killed (damage 99999) by some dead guy on the cross. Yeah, now it's clear.

    Resistance camp. After rescuing Gareth, Leya agrees to remove the collars from all my companions.

    I return to the masters' castle. I really wanted to enter through the front gate and show the guards my new abilities. For example, in the first screen there is a blessed fire (when you cast a blessing spell on a regular fire). This is an innovation in Divinity: Original Sin 2; this was not the case in the first DOS. Such fire takes on completely different qualities: it heals people, but causes damage to the undead. Accordingly, other blessed surfaces (water, oil, ice, blood, etc.) are also endowed with various unusual properties.

    "Hey, you! Get out! Go away *cough*... leave me alone."
    I'll call the doctor - you don't look very good.
    No! *cough* Don't you dare! I want... I want to end this. I won't let the Reds take me...
    I use my blessing on her
    "What did you do? I was so close... I saw the light! I almost felt her touch again..."
    "You ruined everything! SPOILED IT!"

    Then he goes on the attack. This Mona has a lot of books on necromancy. So that the goods do not go to waste, you can first trade all the literature from her, and then collect your things back from the corpse.

    Clearing the castle courtyard. Paladin Cork can also be found here. As far as I understand, Arhu (the wizard from DOS) sends him to Fort Joy so that Kork can find out what is happening here. Magisters, of course, don’t need their experiences with monks and shrikers to shine through, so the paladin is killed. I had to reboot to save him in time.

    The paladin thanks for the rescue, and after a short dialogue runs away in an unknown direction.

    High Judge Orivand. I didn’t even suspect the existence of such a comrade. And it turns out he is. And here he administers his terrible “justice”, turning the inhabitants of the fort into silent monks. Then these monks were used for experiments in the dungeon of the castle by a sadist. And other masters honed their spells on them.

    Surprisingly, Orivand does not pay attention to the fact that a rather seriously equipped (sometimes wearing the armor of Braccus Rex) group of strange subjects without collars entered the “courtroom,” having bypassed all the guards. The judge continues to talk as if he has the advantage in this case. Why doesn't anyone make NPCs react to your gear level? What do you think, I bought this from a blind woman in a tent for shells? You should now pay off and ask for mercy, but you threaten.

    The royal mansions of the judge and the empty pier. One way to leave the castle is to use a boat. This option is offered by Delorus if you save him in prison (described in the second part of the walkthrough).

    Last preparations before the decisive battle.

    The beautiful girl Feder is a former burning pig. She came to the source of the goddess Amadia in the rebel camp and lifted the curse from herself. Well, miracles. With the remaining gold we buy some very useful things from her.

    Final battle with Bishop Alexander. But this was difficult. There was even an idea that the game could be completed here. One of the problems is that the bishop's fighters are level 8, while mine are level 7. And upgrading the 8th (at least in this alpha version) is unrealistic. I cleared the entire map, even if there are some lost experience points left, they won’t be enough, because the XP requirements are growing exponentially. For the entire passage of the island (without the final battle with Alexander), each Persian earns about 122,000 XP. For level 8 you need about 45,000 more XP.

    Another problem is that Alexander can kill in one move. And whoever he doesn’t kill, he will catch. I'm not talking about the aeroteurge, who throws lightning bolts from the roof, an archer, a knight and an assassin. It’s unclear what to do with all this.

    I remembered the old tactical trick - “get the fat one out.” It just needed some modifications. The location of the fighters is as in the 3rd screen: the lizard mage is at the bottom of the main passage; the ranger is at the very top, behind the steps; The Red Prince is next to the ranger at point-blank range to inflict Rage on the elf (makes all attacks critical); I also put the assassin on the same line as the ranger.

    We choose a magician, then, without any further debate, we carefully catch Alexander with a teleport and land him on the steps on the previously prepared ice. The main thing here is that he stays away from the magician and does not move back. We begin to warm up the bishop with the archer. He will run upstairs, but from this move he will not be able to hit, and no one will give him any other moves. Meanwhile, Alexander's support group notices his sudden disappearance and rushes in our direction. To slow down the enemy, the magician uses rain and lightning to create a static field in the passage. Some enemies will go around on the left, while others will get stunned (an archer usually runs across the field, and if she doesn’t get stunned, she will begin to heal Alexander). The elf under Rage continues to beat the bishop's physical armor, the assassin does a lot of damage, the Red Prince can only knock him down. All. In the next turn of moves, we finish off the main master and take 5040 XP.

    Alexander's assistants will get there, but it will be too late. Without their leader, they are no longer so dangerous. At the end of the battle a worm comes out. It looks big and menacing, although not very mobile. It's not that difficult to deal with.

    At this point, Gareth and his resistance fighters must recapture the masters' ship, on which we will leave the island.

    End of alpha version.

    After the fight with the bishop.

    It's not mine anymore. I got it somewhere on the forum. Also the final version of the character, but from the old alpha version. About the same amount of XP, but the attributes are pumped up for 30. Now per level you get 2 points for attributes.

    When playing Original Sin 2, you are guaranteed to encounter a lot of different problems. No, not of a technical nature - I’m talking about all sorts of puzzles, confusing situations and the like. To solve them, you will need to use certain knowledge gained in the game, ingenuity - or simply take a look at our list of the most asked questions.

    We tried to collect as many questions as possible (and answer them), but if you suddenly have something else to ask, feel free to write in the comments. We will try to answer everything!


    I saw how some players took the second level immediately upon arriving at the Eye of the Reaper, but I don’t have enough experience. What is the problem?

    It's simple. Before entering the cabin with Windego, hit one of the masters a couple of times. As soon as they rush at you (and everyone will become hostile), open the door and go inside. After a dialogue with Windego, she will destroy the ship, and at the same time kill all the masters. You will get a lot of experience points - because they were with you in battle. Now you should have enough experience to take the second level upon arrival on the island.

    I’m trying to get “Retribution” (we already know what this thing is), but Dallis and her gop team are constantly killing me. Any advice on this?

    First, complete the task of Master Arinika first - otherwise you will have to kill her, and you will fail the quest. Now look. You have two options - you can act relatively honestly, or you can cheat. If you want to fight, then barricade yourself at the top of the wall, armed with a couple of teleportation spells (gloves and a spell bought from Gavin will do). Shoot opponents from above, and sometimes teleport away from the wall the Geists and Alexander who made their way there. If this doesn’t work out, try runʼnʼgun tactics - fire at the enemy, move with “Tactical withdrawal” or any similar skill, and so on until victory. True, it will take a lot of time.

    The second method is relatively easy, but to perform it you will need to start a new game. The fact is that on the ship where you are sailing, there is a room with barrels containing the fog of death. You can only pick up barrels if you have 14 strength or pumped up telekinesis, plus everything needs to be done very quickly. Having opened the door to the room, immediately run and pick up the barrels, and then try to run away from the recess in the floor - otherwise you will die from the fog. The easiest way to do this is either by going through the game in co-op (then your partner can resurrect you), or by playing as the undead - representatives of this race don’t care about the fog. After this, all that remains is to carry the barrel to the gate, go around the Dallis group from the rear, and place the barrel behind Alexander. Then blow it up and watch the cut-scene.

    Keep in mind that you shouldn’t leave a barrel somewhere near the gate “for later” - you risk simply not finding it. Well, keep in mind that there is not much fog in the barrel, and it will not cope with all the enemies at the gate. By the way, the fog does not disappear, so be careful when running around the location.

    If you manage to do everything right, and if you took the second level on the ship, then by the end of this battle you will easily get the fourth level.

    Where can I purchase skill books in Fort Joy? I couldn’t find any books from school X, but that’s exactly what I need!

    Some of the NPCs with books you could accidentally kill, some of them leave after completing quests. The rest remain to trade one way or another. Here is a list of people you need:

      Warfare: Kalias, a lizard in the Saykhella cave, in the south Hunting skill: Penka, the girl who stands on the balcony above Griff's kitchen.* Assassin's art: Hilda, a merchant girl who walks around Griff's kitchen. Pyrokinetics: Stingtail, a lizard in the south, to the left of Saykhella's cave. Hydrosophistics: Redzik, a blue lizard who walks near Griff's kitchen. On the left on the map. Aeroturgy: Gavin, the magician who gives you the Teleport quest. You shouldn't complete it until you buy all the books you need. Geomancy: Maol, an elf who roams the southern coast. Polymorphy: Dr. Leste, at the entrance to Saykhella's cave, in the south Summoning: Nebora, the blacksmith Necromancy: Mona, a sick woman in a tent in the east of the camp

    Where can I find a Fain mask and face cutter to create my own?

    Litzerez - from the master in the torture chamber of the fort (later in the game you can find several more). Mask - from the sorceress Windego, after leaving the fort to the left, along the sandy beach. The Fein mask can only be worn instead of a helmet.

    Found X pieces from Brakk's set, where can I find the rest?

    In a dungeon on Blood Moon Island, my fellow party member became possessed by a demon. How can I help him?

    A club to the back of the head. As soon as a fellow party member dies, the demon will crawl out of his body and the scoundrel can be destroyed. If you don’t want someone to be possessed by a demon, make sure that “Blessing” is cast on you during the battle.

    I should immediately note that it is not known how to expel a demon from a girl who can be found in a dungeon.

    On the Nameless Island, I received a task by talking to a piece of black mirror. The task says to kill Alexander. Is there any point in doing this?

    Alexander's death will result in you being able to give his head to White-Face. Thanks to this, you will not have to fight with members of the Black Circle in that cave, plus you will be able to change character tags (once and only for one hero, keep in mind).

    I can't turn on the columns for the entrance to the Academy correctly. How do I get there?

    The correct combination of columns can be obtained in two ways - by talking with Alexander after you kill White-Faced, or by finding them out yourself by passing tests at the seven altars that are scattered around the island. The order is:

      Column of people: sun (Ralik) Column of elves: moon (Tir-Tsindelius) Column of dwarves: moon (Dune) Column of orcs: sun (Vrogir) Column of imps: moon (Zantezza) Column of magicians: moon (Amadia) Column of lizards: sun (Zorl -Stissa)

    After this, place the phase capacitor (you can pick it up from the body of the inactive construct at the altar of imps) on the stand by the door and hit it with lightning. The way will be open. If you are too lazy to bother with the columns, go to the very south and use teleportation spells to reach the camp there. Climb up from the camp, dig up a cache there - and you will find yourself at the Academy by a different route. This is even an achievement.

    The spirit bird in front of the arena says I should be the champion. Champion of what?

    The two previous arenas are in Driftwood and Fort Joy. But in general this is not necessary.

    I reached Arx. I saw a kraken in the port here - will it be a difficult fight?

    The fight will not be easy, but not soon. The Kraken will not appear in Arks itself, so relax.

    I found the embassy of the Ancient Lizard Empire, it is burning, and there are endlessly reborn skeletons burning. What should I do with them, not run back and forth?

    Why not run? But in general, the clue is contained in the name of these skeletons - they are cursed. So set fire/wet/oil the ground underneath them and then cast Blessing on the area. After this, the skeletons can be defeated. There aren't many of them here, so don't worry about wasting Origin points.

    There is an attic in Lord Kemm's mansion - but how do you get there?

    There is a vase in the lord's room on the second floor. Move it aside and you get an extended ladder leading to the attic.

    How to find Kemm's hiding place? I was told about it in several tasks at once, but I didn’t find any basement here.

    The cache is not in the house, but in the gardens - right in the middle of a small pond, near the portal. Find a lever next to the water pump (you need to have a certain amount of perception to see it), use it to release the water. The cache is open, you can search it. Don't forget to pick up the scroll, the painting (on the left side of the vault, if you look up from the entrance) and the cup (on the right).

    There are evil guards in the hiding place, they hit you painfully, and even recover. What should I do?

    After killing the guardian statue, use Source Draw on it.

    There are two paintings here, and between them there is clearly room for a third. I use “Ghost Vision” - I see the ghost of the painting. And where to look for its physical embodiment?

    The painting is located in the Arx sewers, in the hideout of child thieves. You can get there from a room filled with boxes with the fog of death - look closely at the map and don’t miss it. In the shelter, persuade the main one from the children, then buy (or steal, if there is no money) the painting, and return it to its place. A passage further will open.

    I can't follow the Path of Blood in the Cathedral of Lucian - the statue constantly says that I am not worthy to go into the crypt of the Divine. What should I do?

    There are two options. The first is to hire a completely new companion, bring him to the statue, and it will let you through. The fact is that the character should not have a single theft or murder. If for some reason you cannot take a new character into the group, you can do differently. Go to the house of the toy merchant Zanders on Arx Square and talk to him. After mentioning the Path of Blood, convince him to give you the amulet.

    The amulet will need to be charged with the power of the Source - for this you will need a secret passage to Lord Kemm's vault (you need the hall where Arhu was), where you can find the fountain of the Source. After charging the amulet, return to Zanders and convince him again. He will tell you about the Scroll of Atonement - go to the second floor of the house, find the storage table there and write the password “Hydra” on the paper. After taking the scroll, go to the Cathedral. Having reached the statue, turn left - there will be a recess in the column near the wall. Place the scroll and amulet there, and next to you, in the pool of blood, the door to Lucian's tomb will open.

    How to solve the pipe puzzle in Lucian's Tomb?

    First, arrange the pipes as shown in the screenshot below. Then, before starting the stream, cast "Blood Rain" on the grate next to you, and when the blood flows down - "Blessing". Then start the threads and wait until they arrive:

    Okay, the pipes have been passed. And what to do with the levers in Lucian’s tomb, further in the story?

    You need to make words from the first letters of the levers in order to move on. Make a mistake and you will die. The word that needs to be “made up” of levers in the English version is “power”, in Russian it is “right”. Accordingly, if you play in English, then you need the following levers: “Potency”, “Order”, “Wisdom”, “Empathy” and “Righteousness”. If you play in Russian, then choose the levers “Directness”, “Decision”, “Authority”, “Will” and “Courage”. You can enable them in any order.

    White-Face is a side quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Almira told us about the leader of the Black Circle, White-Face. We must find this creature in its lair, in the cave.


    There are several ways to get this quest:

    • use the black mirror received from a member of the Black Circle
    • talk to Almira about Whiteface at the beginning of the chapter
    • carry out the order of the captain of the Black Circle

    To complete this task, avoid conflicts with members of the Black Circle (tell them that you are slaves of Almira, or that you are a member of the Lone Wolves; do not talk to the dream lizards in the Black Circle camp and do not look into the black mirror).

    The main goal of the task is to kill Bishop Alexander and bring his head to White-faced.

    (Note: Read also the walkthrough of the quest “An Unusual Visitor”, in which Aleksandar asks to kill White-Face. In addition, you can receive a hood from the Prince of Shadows, which will protect you from White-Face.)

    Aleksandar can be found on top of the elven temple. Just go there and you will meet the bishop and Gareth (see quest "Thirst for Revenge"). Kill Aleksandar, take his head and go to White-Face.

    (Note: If you eat Alexander's head as an elf, you will not be able to complete the quest!)

    Not far from Ralik's temple, find the entrance to a cave guarded by a troll.

    Just kill him or pass a speech test to convince him to let you into the cave (you'll get 20075 XP for killing him). If you decide to kill the troll, then you need to do it during the game's turn, since during its turn the troll will fully restore its health (you can teleport it into the lava, but you will not receive experience for this).

    Inside the cave, interact with the altar and use Aleksandar's head. This will open the way deeper into the cave (Alexandar's head will remain with you).

    In the center of the cave you will find White Face.

    (Note: If Lowse is in your party, make sure she doesn't get too close to White-Face! If she gets close to him, he will talk to Lowse and recognize the demon inside her, and a fight will immediately begin.)

    Talk to White-Face and give him Aleksandar's head to complete the task and gain experience points. You can also claim a reward (tag change) or leave. Please note that if you claim a reward and select a new tag, one of your existing tags will be randomly deleted.

    When you try to leave, White Face will demand that you make a vow to the God King. If your main character is undead, then you can make a vow to the God King (quest “Culling in the Herd”).

    After this, White-Face will give you a staff that can destroy corpses and prevent their resurrection. You need to kill your party members or force them to also make a vow to the God King.

    Also, instead of the “Blessing” skill, you will receive “Curse”.

    Any other options (refuse the undead vow, or any non-undead answers) lead to a fight with White-Face. Please note that he will resurrect once after death.

    After the fight, pick up the key from the Black Circle robber.

    Go deeper into the lair and use the key to open the door. You will meet Windego. The God King resurrected her so that she is now in undead form.

    Kill her and go to the war room. Take from the chest “Handle of an Empty Promise” - a fragment of the Redeemer’s scythe (task “The Key to Freedom”).

    Here, find a letter from Windego (starts the task “”). The chest from the ledge can be “pulled” using telekinesis.

    Explore the rest of the cave. Use Spiritualism to talk to local spirits, including the spirit of Windego and White-Face.

    Job structure

    Almira told us about the leader of the Black Circle, White-faced. We must find this creature in its lair, in the cave. If we encounter the forces of the Black Circle along the way, we must pretend that we are its slaves.

    It turns out that the Black Circle used a cave next to the human temple to store supplies. We need to scout her out.

    White-faced wants us to bring him the head of Bishop Aleksandar. We must inform him of our success in his secret hideout, in a cave at the base of the mountain.

    The captain of the Black Circle ordered us to go to the elven temple to help in the battle taking place there.

    We discovered that Bishop Alexander is located on the Nameless Island, in the temple of Tyr-Tsendelius.

    Alexander is dead. We need to take his head and transfer it to White-Face either from hand to hand or through the Black Mirror.

    We brought the head of Aleksandar to White-faced.

    Eat Aleksandar's head:

    • One of us decided to eat Aleksandar's head. Now we cannot prove to White-Face that his task has been completed.

    Kill Whiteface:

    • Whiteface is dead. Now we will not be able to fulfill his instructions.

    Options for completing the task:

    • We fulfilled White-Face's request. He seems to have something we need, something important... but he's not willing to keep his end of the deal just yet.
    • We left the Nameless Island without fulfilling White-Face's orders.

    Note. The walkthrough was written based on the English version of the game with partial localization, so some names, names of items or quests may not match.

    Troubled waters

    When you wake up, look around and collect the first items from the table - equipment, an empty flask, a tome. In the future, we will not pay attention to such trifles. Talk to Master Siven, then move to the very end of the ship. Talking with other characters is completely optional. When you go to Master Williams, you will find a witch here. Whatever you choose, the witch will rebel, there will be an explosion and the Void will appear.

    When you wake up, search everything around and be sure to find at least some kind of weapon. Equip it, go up two tiers to find yourself on the deck of the ship. Here you will have to fight for the first time - it will be slugs. Defeat them - the poisoned puddle can be used to lure opponents there, who will take damage. Alternatively, you can get rid of this puddle by using fire.

    When you hover over an object that can be searched, you will see a “golden chest.” Search and then re-aim at the target - the chest will be painted gray. This is very convenient because it will allow you to know what you managed to search and what you didn’t.

    Walk around the deck of the ship in a circle and chat with the children and the gnome sitting in the boat. Agree to help, to the left of the boat there will be a descent into the hold with a fire escape - follow there, go into the room where the prisoners were, and the battle will begin. Defeat all the fiends, after which the characters will run to the deck to the boat.

    Go to the room where you first appeared and decide what to do with Master Siven - you can leave him here, you can finish him off, or you can try to save him until the last moment, pressing the piece of fabric more and more tightly. Eventually, the ship will be destroyed, and after loading you will be washed ashore.

    Fort Joy

    Follow the path forward, there will be two fiends a little to the right - kill them, and then continue along the shore to meet your first potential ally - the Red Prince lizard. Thanks to the fact that you returned on the ship for the remaining prisoners, he will say that he can trust you and will join the detachment. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that the lizard will be useful to you when completing a number of quests - its claws are capable of digging out various mounds. Otherwise you will have to look for a shovel.

    A little further you can meet the Black Cat. If you have the Animal Friend talent, you can even talk to him. The cat will follow you, it will be unclear what to do with it. But the answer is already there: if you lead the cat across the bridge without being killed by the guards, you will earn an achievement and get this cat as a pet. It's about meeting Khan inside the Fort Joy prison and going on a boat ride.

    Continue exploring the beach and collecting useful items, including coins and consumables. Some treasures are buried, so to get to them you will need the claws of a lizard (the Red Prince is a potential companion) or a shovel. To the east of the original location is an altar. Such shrines are used in the game for fast movement. The bridge leading to the fort is damaged, but you can return here after you have the teleportation gloves (or the corresponding skill) - this way you can move one of the squad members to the other side and collect the loot.

    Near the ruined tower there is a small path that leads to the top of the mountain with many useful items.

    Continue south. The game will automatically save right before you encounter opponents. Fiends are one of the main types of enemies in the game. Killing them is easy enough, but be careful as their bodies can explode, causing damage to those around them. This way, you can use ranged attacks in those moments when you deliver the final, killing blow.

    Directly attacking opponents is not always the best strategy in the game. Use environmental effects to make the battle much easier. For example, barrels of oil and poison, surfaces doused with oil, water or blood, etc. The latter conduct electricity.

    After destroying the fiends, continue south until you reach the Fort Joy camp. When this happens, search the body of Master Atusa near the fort gate. If you absorb her flesh, you will open bloody memories (the elf race has this skill - if you are not an elf, then hire Sebilla, located near the “Caves” location). There are various characters here and you can complete many side quests. But the main task at this stage is to find a way out of the fort and move to the eastern part of the island.

    You can discover and complete the following quests in this area:

    - Every mother's nightmare.
    - Extortion.
    - Captive elf.
    - Geist killer.
    - Driven into a corner.
    – Withermoor Jug of Souls.
    – Bloody memories.
    – Artifacts of the tyrant.
    – Signs of resistance.
    - Saheila tribe.
    - Teleport.
    – Arena of Fort Joy.

    Most of these quests will reward you with experience and items, but none of them are necessary for the main story. You can also remove the collar as part of the mission of the same name. To do this, it is enough to become the champion of the underground arena (Arena of Fort Joy), which can be accessed through a hatch located in the camp kitchen. Next, talk to Nebora (the seller near the main entrance) and she will remove the collar.

    Clue. Heart of the waterfall

    If your character has the Jester tag, then you can cheer up a small child near the waterfall. In turn, the child will tell you about a valuable treasure hidden inside the waterfall (where you can teleport).

    At the location, you can recruit even more companions, as well as begin completing their personal quests - the Red Prince, Sebilla, Lowse, Fain and Ifan ben Mezda. Please note that you can take three teammates with you at a time. Some members of the team do not get along very well with each other - for example, Sebilla and the Red Prince. While you can still take them together, be careful not to kill Stingtail or any other characters that are important to their personal quests. By the way, both Sebilla and the Red Prince need Stingtail, which you will encounter as part of the Captive Elf quest.

    There are several ways to escape from this part of the fort. The simplest (but certainly not the easiest) is to leave the fort by force. Four Masters guard the entrance to the main building. Even more is located in the courtyard. Your characters must be at least level five. In addition, you will need good equipment to have a chance of winning - otherwise everything will be in vain.

    However, if you decide to force your way through, you can save the paladin standing in the courtyard, who was sent here by the Divine Order to find out what really happened on the island. The fort has plenty of loot (especially paintings, which are highly prized by merchants). Therefore, it is in your best interest to return here a little later.

    Another option is to use the teleportation gloves, which you will receive when completing the Teleport quest. This is a very useful skill that will come in handy not only for exploration (so you can find one of the potential companions located in an inaccessible place or get to treasure chests), but also in battle. You can teleport an enemy archer into your trap (for example, onto a burning surface or frozen blood), or send a melee fighter to a ranged enemy so that he does not spend action points, but can get closer to the enemy to attack. Even if you use other means to escape, we highly recommend completing this quest!

    If you decide to escape from the location using teleportation gloves, then your characters will find themselves in the dungeons of Fort Joy. But if your level of thievery is not high enough to open some of the doors in this place, you can leave the dungeon using the southern entrance (requires level three and three companions). Then return to Fort Joy, teleport one of the squad members to the second floor of the fort (near the gate guarded by Master Borris and the others), lower the ladder down and make your way inside the prison.

    There are a lot of silent monks in the prison, but they won't attack you, so ignore them. Here you can find the jailers, defeat them and use the sewer or boat (quest by the boy Khan) to escape from prison.

    If you completed the quest "The Jar of Souls of Withermoor", then the lord should have told you about a secret lever hidden in the Sanctuary of the Seven on the territory of the Fort Joy camp. We are talking about an altar of displacement. When you use the lever, a hatch will open, which will also lead you into the dungeon.

    If you completed the Captive Elf quest, Amiro marked a hatch on the map. This hatch will lead to an ancient tunnel through which you can escape from the prison of Fort Joy. If you removed the collar from the main character (after becoming the arena champion), then absolutely all masters will attack you when they meet. If you decide not to resist, you will automatically find yourself locked in the fort prison, from where you can escape.

    You can also sneak into the fort's prison. Have one of your party members sneak past the magisters (through the stairs to the second level of the fort) to the eastern part of the fort to lower the bridge to the other part of the island. You don't need the whole team to do this, since there is another waypoint on the other side (such waypoints automatically bring the whole team together).

    Before leaving Fort Joy, complete the quests of the companions - the Red Prince, Fain, Sebilla and Ifan ben Mezd. You may have two other partners - Beast and Lowse.

    Noisy swamps

    As soon as you move from this part of the island to another, all the masters will automatically become hostile, so be careful. You can still return to Fort Joy and move around peacefully as long as you don't get noticed by the magister. Once you reach the eastern part of the island, the first main goal is to reach the Shrine of Amadia, where the Seekers are hiding. There are two entrances to the camp - in both cases, the vines you can climb must be lowered by Bahara. By the way, the Red Prince needs this clairvoyant for his quest chain.

    In one case, look for Bahara on the cliff of the beach, and in the other, in the place where you will be attacked by a huge number of Void fiends. There will be an area covered in fire and poison. Teleport to move the sources of fire and poison, and then ring the bell to call Bahara.

    There will be many hostile creatures, including fiends and undead, wandering around the island, along with some wizards. Save as often as possible - make it a habit. When faced with fiends, remember that they may not be as safe as the first. Later, stronger fiends may appear, so do not waste potions, etc. If you find that the battle is too difficult, try using surrounding objects against enemies. You can carry barrels of oil or water with you, which will save your life more than once.

    You can start exploring the island by heading east. On the way, everything can be complicated by the appearance of fire or poisonous gas. Using special skills, you can put out fire (rain or hail) or remove poison using flame. The flaming pigs you see along the way can be cured with a blessing and bloody rain, but you will not receive any reward for this, but you will be able to continue an additional quest (more details in a separate material).

    After you kill the three salamanders, continue south along the beach. At the end of the road you will find the Sanctuary of Amadia. Talk to Bahara, who is standing on a hill, and the lizard woman will let you in by dropping vines. The sorcerers in the sanctuary will tell you that they plan to leave the island, taking away the masters' galley. To do this, you need to save their leader Gareth and find a weapon that destroys the Screaming.

    Gareth can be found in the ruins to the north, where he will be attacked by several masters. We are talking about the quest “Driven into a Corner”. If you don't have the blessing yet, come back after you visit King Brakk's treasury and interact with the statue there. If Gareth dies during the battle, then Exter will become the leader of the Seekers.

    There are two weapons you need on this island - inside the illusionist's cave (priestess Gratian, Bracca's former lover, located in the sanctuary of Amadia, will mark this place on your map - the entrance is on the beach in the southeastern part of the island, near the three salamanders). This is related to the quest "King Brakk's Treasury".

    There you will learn the blessing skill, which will be useful not only in battle, but also when completing various quests such as “The Armory” and “Burning Pigs”.

    Clue. Dark Cave

    Do not attempt to interact with the blocking field. Open the map and you will see a way to get around it. There is a statue inside the ruins that will give you clues for the puzzle. The key is each capital letter from which you need to form a word. You can find out about this if you talk to the rats - the Animal Friend talent is required, which Ifan ben Mezda has by default.

    The second weapon you can find belongs to the witch Radeka, hiding in a cave near the gargoyle's labyrinth. She uses her wand to control and capture the Winter Dragon Slaine. You can break the chains that bind the dragon and promise him that you will kill the witch and return the wand to him. In this case, he will help you deal with the Screaming before you get to the last masters, led by Alexander. But you can keep the witch's wand for yourself - you will have to fight Slaine.

    There is also a place in this part of the island that you might want to explore. But it is not necessary to visit - we are talking about the gargoyle’s labyrinth and completing the quest “A Fate Worse than Death.”

    Before you begin your final assault on the Masters, make sure to complete other tasks on the island, because once you board the Lady Vengeance ship, there is no turning back.

    And these are the quests:

    - Eternal admirer.

    - King Brakk's treasury.

    – Healing touch.

    - Armory.

    – Artifacts of the Tyrant.

    Also, don't forget to ask Leia at the Shrine of Amadia and remove the collar (if you haven't done so before).

    After you save Gareth's life and get the weapon, it will be time to storm the magisters' bastion in the northeast of the island. By the way, if you helped Slaine, then you don’t need a weapon - just approach the Screaming Ones and Slaine will destroy them. Report this to Gareth - this will begin the “Call to Arms” quest.

    While Gareth and his men hijack the ship, you and your team will have to attack the masters and distract their attention. This is a difficult task, so you can ask Gareth to send two people with you to help - you can choose an archer, an elemental caster or a fighter. But it may be best to fight the Masters on your own, since Gareth's men have low HP and act uselessly most of the time (you cannot directly control their actions).

    Note. You may need skill books and equipment from Seeker Kerban, a merchant at the Shrine of Amadia. He will be dead as soon as you board the Lady Vengeance ship, and you can take back everything you sold him. But not the skills and equipment available to him initially!!!

    To counter the Magisters, you will need to take out the Screaming Ones first, using Brakk's Rod to kill them instantly. Then, if you do not want to get caught in the crossfire of the masters, do not rush to enter the bastion through the front gate. You can use the door to your right and flank the masters. Or use the corridor to lure opponents one at a time. The Master Knight can use the phoenix skill to ambush you and set the oil barrel on fire, so it's best to teleport the barrel to another location beforehand.

    Bishop Alexander is a very tough enemy and his melee attacks can kill one member of your team per turn. The best way to defeat him is to keep your distance and attack from afar. You can use the teleportation skill to keep him at a distance. Or use the Hail Strike skill, which allows you to freeze enemies. Once Alexander is killed, you can easily deal with the rest of the masters.

    But be careful, Bishop Alexander is not the last boss you must face. To leave the island, you need to defeat the fiend worm, which appears after the death of Alexander and his masters. Sometimes the Worm appears earlier and also attacks the masters. Therefore, you do not need to use all your consumables for the battle with Alexander.

    If you feel that the team needs a rest before challenging the Worm, you can use the ability to escape the battle and return here later.

    Compared to other enemies you faced earlier, the Worm has a large HP pool and better armor. However, it is weak against skills that use water. Use Hail Strike to attack him. Also, avoid having your companions too close to each other, as the Worm has a lot of AoE skills.

    After you defeat the boss, you can talk with Malaise to go to the ship “Lady Vengeance” (quest “Lady of War”).

    Note. As soon as you board the Lady Vengeance ship, you and your comrades will be separated - move all valuable and best items to the main character. In addition, as soon as you leave Fort Joy, all unfinished quests will be archived.

    Ship "Mistress Vengeance"

    After defeating Bishop Alexander, talk to Illness to board the Lady Vengeance galley. Your main task at this stage is to set the ship in motion and go to the mainland - the main quest “Lady of War”.

    The first thing you need is Bishop Alexander's pearl. You need to convince Magister Ranly or kill her to examine the bishop's body. Then you should find out the password for the doors to the cabin. First, find these doors, and then tell her when interacting with her that you forgot the password (you will need to show the Bishop's stone). Ask him to remind you. You will then learn that the password to the captain's quarters is “Fortitude.”

    If you suddenly couldn’t find out the password and chose the wrong phrases, go to another door. If it didn’t work out with her, then change the character and communicate with others.

    Note. There is a mirror on the lower deck that will allow you to redistribute talents, attributes, and even change your character's appearance.

    If you have the Animal Friend talent, then talk to the ship's rat. She will tell you that Dallis uses songs to control the ship. Go to Dallis' cabin and pick up the dusty tome lying on the table. In Dallis' cabin there is a secret room with useful items and coins - guarded by two assistants. Perhaps you should go there after you have companions again.

    After this, talk to the dragon on the edge of the galley and sing a song. Then you will have a choice - to free the ship or to bend it to your will in order to control it.

    Dallis will try to capture the ship with a group of masters. You need to provide enough time for Malaise to cast the spell. You need to hold out for about four turns.

    Explore another world, talk to the Gods and use a blessing on one of them. After you talk to your God (depending on the chosen race), you will be teleported back to Lady Vengeance. When you return, Alexander will leave the ship. You need to talk to Illness to complete the next step and take a boat to the coast.

    Reaper Coast

    On the Reaper Coast, your main task is to find someone who will help you master the power of the Source. The main quest is “A Sharp Awakening”. Just like on the territory of Fort Joy, there are several additional locations in this region. First, explore the beach to fight several fiends and find the masters' caravan. Talk to the dwarf warrior who remains alive to begin the quest “The Plundered Caravan.” You will need to report what happened to the masters in Driftwood, but you will do this later.

    A dying shark is lying on the beach, having left the sea for fear of some monsters. You can kill the shark and take the human limb, which is necessary for another quest - “Hide and Seek”. Near the edge of the bridge you will find a crying boy who needs help. Agree to help him find his mother to begin the quest “They Shall Not Pass.” You need to get to the other side through the paladin's hold and Stonegarden in order to pick the door blocking the path with a master key. You can complete this quest later.

    Approach Driftwood and you will find a chicken coop nearby. If you have the Animal Friend talent, then chat with the main chicken. This will begin the quest “When to Count Chickens.” Go to the indicated place, kill the fiends and take the chicken egg lying a little further. Return it to the chickens, for which you will be rewarded.

    Before you explore other parts of the Reaper's Coast, you may first want to rescue Maester Siva, who is hanging near the entrance to Driftwood. Convince the masters to leave or kill them. Siva will take you to his home (Maester's House on the map) and teach you the useful skill “Seeing Spirits”. This skill is required to complete many other quests on the Reaper's Coast. I highly recommend studying it before moving on. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time searching for information or moving from one place to another.

    There are even more side quests in Driftwood, which we have listed below:

    – Grebb the scientist.

    - Hide and seek.

    - Web of desires.

    - Sleeping traveler.

    - Strange cargo.

    – Love has a price.

    – Driftwood Arena and others.

    These quests will provide you with additional experience points, coins, equipment and new talents. In addition, the quest “Strange Cargo” will allow you to find out information about the master sorcerer.

    Driftwood is dominated by two competing factions - the Magisters and the Dwarves. The Magisters will give you the quest "The Lost Masters and the Law of the Order", while the Dwarves will ask you to complete the quest "Shadow over Driftwood". You can accept both quests, since they both lead to the same place - a ruined cave.

    Note. While you are completing the quest "Shadow over Driftwood" you may discover that there is a lich locked in Mordus's house. It is associated with the Taste of Freedom quest, in which you need to solve a puzzle.

    Head to the ruined cave and along the way you can pick up the quest "Burning Prophet" (just light all the torches to complete it). You'll find a survivor inside the ruined cave, but there doesn't seem to be any way to explore it further. However, as you explore the end of the cave, four enemies will appear and attack you. You and your team members will be separated and sent deeper into the cave.

    Cave map.

    One of the team members (the main character) will be locked in a place without opponents. Explore the surrounding area to find several letters for the quests “Shadow over Driftwood” and “Law of the Order.” If you talk to the gnome near the strange mechanism, you will also advance along the personal quest of Ifan ben Mezd. The door to other areas is locked, so to get to the rest of the companions, you will have to open it with a master key.

    If your character cannot use a master key and break into doors, then switch to another companion who happens to be in the bedroom. The key to the apartment is located next to it. However, this character will have to defeat several possessed gnomes and a fiend to obtain the key. If you want to leave this area right now, then try to find a hidden hole that will take you to the cave entrance. You will need to dig a hole using a shovel or the claws of a lizard.

    Note. Use the spirit vision spell to spot several ghosts in the area. Talk to them to find out what happened.

    The third team member ends up in a cave filled with fiends. If this character is not a strong fighter, then use other companions to save him. By going through the cave in that area, by the way, you can also find the key.

    After you gather all the companions together, you can move to the next area (along the destroyed ship stairs). You will find Mordus attacking you along with his possessed minions. Once you defeat him, the battle will be over.

    If you take the amulet from Mordus' body, you can use it to open the hatch in his chamber. Hidden behind the hatch is a stone that unlocks the dungeon under Mordus' house. Travel to Driftwood to complete the Shadow Over Driftwood (or Law Order) quest.

    There are plenty of other side quests along the Reaper's Coast that might interest you. Aggressive Takeover requires you to speak with Garven at the Driftwood Tavern and agree to investigate the attack site (will be marked on the map). The attack site is near the bridge between the Reaper Coast and the monastery in the forest. Follow the bloody trail to find a small grave. Get the items from there, and then use the Spirit Vision skill.

    You will see the ghost of Garven's partner, who blames not the fiends, but him for his death. You can agree to take revenge on Garven or refuse the ghost's request. On the bridge near the Reaper's Cave waypoint, there is a giant Gorg troll who wants you to kill another Marg troll. Marg is located on the bridge between the monastery in the forest and Driftwood. You can help one get rid of the other (Business Rivals quest), but be careful, as Gorg is a serious opponent who can kill your weak allies with one blow. Before fighting the trolls, make sure you are well prepared and save your game.

    In the monastery in the forest (north of the Reaper Coast) you can find the merchant Eithne (X:168 Y:223). She will ask you to find a specific volume that tells you how to blow up corpses. In the ruins near the monastery waypoint in the forest, there is a powerful sorcerer named Hannag who fights the magisters. You can help the masters or the sorcerer. If you helped Hannag, he will give you another task On the Ropes (you need to explore the Blackpit). This way you will learn more about the Source (this is one of the ways to learn about it, which is required by the story quest).

    To the east of the ruins you will find a demon hunter's house. Talk to him on Fain's personal quest to receive the quest A Hunter of Wicked Things.

    To the north of the ruins there is Alice's corpse, next to the set fire area. Don't try to attack the enemy without proper preparation, as he has many powerful AoE skills and can heal from fire. Save your game before attempting. In the western corner of the monastery in the forest (at coordinates X:115 Y:269) there is a Lamenting Abomination. When you approach him, you will cause wolves to appear and attack you. Kill the enemies, then kneel at the altar to receive the Three Altars quest.

    Another option is coordinates X:414 Y:301, on the river. In the fields of Driftwood you can take on the quests The Ugly Little Bird and Treated Like Cattle. Both tasks require the Animal Friend skill. To take the first quest you need to talk to the sick chicken on the farm. If you have the Scientist tag and the Animal Friend talent (like Sebilla), you can convince the chicken that she is actually a phoenix. All that is needed for this is to turn it into a real phoenix, that is, burn it.

    When she agrees, cast a fire spell and the bird will turn into a phoenix egg. You can decide what to do - eat the egg or leave it. On a farm north of Driftwood, you'll come across a couple of cows that were once human before being enslaved by a witch. They want their human forms back. Treated Like Cattle quest.

    The witch's house is east of the cows, and the key to enter is lying on the ground to the side of the hut. There are a lot of exploding rats in the dungeon under the house - attack the holes in the walls to stop their assault. There is also a lever that opens the door. Or here you can use teleportation. There is only one potion in the dungeon. The witch's book is located on a giant frog, and the witch's eye, one of the ingredients, lies in the house itself.

    Having the Scientist and Mystic tags will allow you to decipher the recipe book to create a witch's potion.

    There is an elven structure east of the Driftwood travel point, and across the river there are four statues surrounding a brazier (at coordinates X: 447 Y: 340).

    Talk to the brazier to unlock the quest A Trial for All Seasons. You need to attack four statues using different skills to complete the task:

    – Hero of Winter – cast Winter Blast or Hail Strike.

    – Hero of Autumn – Static Cloud spell (use an arrow or fire spell on a pool of water, then attack the cloud with a lightning spell).

    – Hero of Summer – Laser Ray spell.

    – Hero of Spring – Raining Blood spell.

    After you interact with all the statues correctly, four enemies will appear. There is an elf camp near the four elven statues to the east. Head there and show your respect to complete the Burial Rites quest. Talk to the elves and they will ask you to save Saheila during The Elven Seeker quest. If you didn't kill Saheila at Fort Joy.

    Saheila is imprisoned in a sawmill in the north, which is guarded by wolves. If you have Ifan ben-Mezd on your team, you can calmly go inside the sawmill (after talking with the wolves, with whom you can even trade, because they have decent equipment and a lot of coins). Sell ​​your unused equipment to the wolves, then you can return it later when the animals become hostile!!!

    At the sawmill you can complete many quests - for example, personal tasks of Sebilla and Ifan ben Mezd. You need to go to the second floor of the main building and kill Rust. He is guarded by two people and a real wolf. After killing Rust, all other lone wolves will become hostile (if they weren't already).

    Escort Saheila to the elf camp to complete the quest, and as a reward, the elf will show you how to master the powers of the Source. If Sebilla is on the team, Saheila will reveal her true identity and give her a choice.

    To the east of the sawmill is the Red Princess's camp. Let your companion the Red Prince talk to her, which will advance his personal quest. Some lizards will attack you, but as soon as you defeat them, the Red Princess will disappear.

    The right location.

    When you travel to the northeastern corner of the Reaper's Coast, the sky will suddenly become dark and all your characters will receive the decay effect. Healing turns into 100% damage! On the damaged bastion you will find the Doom Phantom along with the undead - kill him to return to normal.

    Please note that the cracks that appeared have divided the location into many small areas, so you will have to use teleportation gloves to move around it. Or use spirit vision to find out what happened. However, be careful when teleporting to a certain location - undead will appear due to falling meteorites.

    There is a Healing Chamber northeast of Stonegarden. Go there to unlock the quest “Dangerous to yourself and others.” Help the infected witch in the basement or kill her.

    Gareth can be found in front of the house in Paradise Downs. He wants you to kill the silent monks and take revenge for everything - the Burying the Past quest. You can do what he asks, or talk and talk him out of the idea.


    Stonegarden is another place on the Reaper Coast, rich in story and side quests. However, in order to complete quests in this location, you first need to obtain the ability to see spirits. We wrote about this in the previous chapter.

    Spirit of a dog.

    A black dog named Andras wanders around this area. This is a powerful necromancer who can summon undead trolls. If you have the Animal Friend talent, you can fight him and get a reward. He guards the entrance to the tomb of his master Hannah. Hannah has the Dark Tomb key needed to complete the quest "A Family Affair". She mentions Anathema. Killing her and getting the information along with the key will require a blessing.

    If you activate the see spirits spell, you will see many ghosts. Some of them can provide useful information and items, while others can even give out quests.

    Interact with the rotten flower in front of the elven family tree to enter a small dungeon. There is a tough battle ahead, but you can also find a valuable reward.

    Near the waypoint there is a tomb with two rotating statues. First you must find the missing angel head (to the west of the waypoint, in front of another tomb, lying on the ground). Restore the statue and then rotate both statues so they are facing outwards. You will open the tomb.

    In the churchyard you can find a lizard chest, between two fire-breathing statues. Let the lizard talk to him and you will learn that a password is required to open it. Turning into a lizard won't help here! The password can be obtained from the salamander in Riker's mansion, but this will require a lizard character with the Animal Friend talent.

    At the graveyard gate stands Tarquin, who will ask you to explore the family crypt and find his artifact. To enter the tomb, you will need to unlock the door with a master key or obtain Hannah's key. In the first room there are two buttons on the wall - get close to find them. Click on the buttons to open the stone gate.

    The necessary hatch.

    Have one of your companions go into the third room and stand on the pressure plate. Then activate the vision of spirits (can be learned during the quest "Sharp Awakening") to see three levers on the wall of the second room. Pull the levers (middle, left, right) to open the secret hatch. There is treasure in this hatch. Use the character with the highest luck to rob the place. The artifact is in the coffin. If your character is a lizard, then he will recognize the language he speaks. When you try to leave the tomb, the clay guards will come to life and attack you.

    Cast Vision of Spirits at the Stonegarden waypoint, and you will be able to see the lizard ghost near you. He will ask you to dig up his remains and burn them in eternal fire. Place the remains of this lizard in the correct part of the cemetery (where the two dragon heads emit fire). A lizard ghost will appear and thank you for your help.

    At the graveyard you will hear voices asking for help (at coordinates X: 625 Y: 153). Agree to dig up the one who asks for help, and the skeleton will tell you that he is a philosopher and challenge you to a duel. If you agree, he will ask you three questions. If you cannot outsmart him, the character will die instantly. You need to read three volumes of The Essence of Being to defeat the philosopher. Some tags may also help. South of the Stonegarden waypoint there is a coffin containing four heroes. Study them and find out the location of their belongings. But if you study all four burials, the heroes will come to life as skeletons.

    In the graveyard you will find the gravedigger Farima, who asks you to kill Riker. In the mansion, Riker will ask you to return a certain item to him, in exchange for which he will teach you how to subjugate the forces of the Source - the quest “A Generous Offer”. Use the spirit vision spell and learn more about Riker.

    Cast Vision of Spirits here and you can learn more about Riker. If you find a contract at the sawmill, you will find out that Riker is a lone wolf who must kill all believers. If your character is a lizard and has the Animal Friend talent, then talk to the salamander in Riker's mansion to find out the password to the chest.

    Black Mines

    Head to the Black Mines in the southeast of the Reaper Coast - this place is filled with Hollows and Magisters. The apprentice's house is located at the entrance to the Black Mines, where a group of magisters have captured ordinary people and are about to execute them (you can fight the magisters or leave them alone - this is part of the On the Ropes quest).

    There are magisters guarding the gates that block the path to the next territory. If Raymond gives you the authority to help the masters, you will be able to pass through the gate without any problems. Otherwise you will have to fight. Outside the gate you will see a white master who is busy interrogating a wizard (a student of Hannag, still required for the same task). Approach the harbor where there are magisters blocking the way. You can try to get inside, but two Shriekers are blocking the passage. Use the source of vampirism to destroy them.

    Note. If you have a special rod from Fort Joy, you can use it to destroy the masters. If not, then use the power of the source and complete the ritual in the quest “Sharp Awakening” to learn the “Source of Vampirism” skill.

    Raymond and the other Harbor Masters interrogate a member of the black ring. When they find you, you will have no choice but to fight them. If Raymond's HP is low, he will try to run away.

    After you defeat the masters, search the place and read the notes and letters to find out what happened. Or you can use spirit vision and communicate with the spirits (or let the elf eat the remains). On the other side of the harbor is Anna, guarding the mine in the Black Mines. Defeat her to get inside (nearby there is a place for the quest “Shelter of Heroes”).

    This mine is filled with traps and pipes. Use teleportation or disarm traps. For teleportation, both teleportation gloves and two pyramids from Dallis' apartments on the ship "Mistress Vengeance" are suitable.

    In the distance you can spot the Shrieker guarding the altar of wanderings. Apply the “Source of Vampirism” skill or a special wand on him. Moving forward, you will witness the battle between the masters and the Hollows. Defeat the fiend first, and then try to convince the masters that you got here by accident - otherwise you will have to destroy them too. Search the bodies of the masters to pick up the key to the nearby room. There is a hidden stone door in the room - approach it to make it light up. Behind the stone door is a mechanism that teaches you how to make masks. One source point will be required.

    Leave this place and go to the workshop to meet with several masters. You must defeat them and destroy the gate by using, for example, a fire skill on oil barrels. This way you will go to the ancient temple. Use the mechanism inside the temple to find out more information.

    There will also be a puzzle with a riddle and a shrine of the Seven. You must activate the God statues in the correct order.

    Search the dead body in the ancient temple to find a book with a clue to solve the riddle. Each God is associated with a specific force or element, namely:

    - Shooting gallery with blood.

    - Duna with air.

    - Wrojir with fire.

    – Amadia with magic.

    - Ralik with the ground.

    – Zorl with fire.

    - Xanthessa with reason.

    The order of solving the riddle will be as follows: Amadia, Tyr, Duna, Zorl, Xanthessa, Wrodzhir and Ralik.

    After you click on all the pillars, you will be able to talk to God. You will need to defeat the Eternal and her stalkers. Search the place, collect the loot and get out of here. After you return to the control point to the paladins, you will find that they were ambushed by voids. Help the paladins to get a reward.

    Blood Moon Island

    Before you travel to Blood Moon Island, you will first need to study the power of the source in several places with the help of certain characters, which will allow you to continue the Sharp Awakening ritual and learn the Source of Vampirism skill. It is required for many quests on this island.

    Ask the undead boatman north of the monastery forest to take you to Blood Moon Island. Your first goal is to talk to a Lawyer. This demon will ask you to kill the Black Rings hiding on the island. Note that the Lawyer is the target of the Hunter of Wicked Things quest and Lowse's personal quest, so to maximize profits, try to kill him later.

    Explore the island, but don't go near the ancestral tree. On the eastern side of the island you will find an unfinished shelter. The nearby Black Ring has a silver ingot - kill it and take the item.

    The necessary hatch.

    There is another shelter in the northeast - dig out the nearby hatch. Inside you will find an archivist's journal - read it to find out the name of the ancestor tree. Here you can also find the second half of the artifact for the “Family Affair” quest. On the western side of the island, you can use spirit vision to see several ghosts. One of them will give you the quest “Druid” (in a destroyed house near the demonic enemies).

    In the north of the island, use the ancient forge to create two levers from a silver ingot (there will be one nearby). You can now attack the Black Rings near the Ancestor Tree. Kill them and complete the Lawyer's quest. You can also kill the Lawyer to complete the Hunter of Wicked Things quest.

    Activate the spirit vision spell and talk to the tree spirit. Say his name to continue the conversation and find out the name of the demon who captured Lowse. This way you will receive the Doctor's Orders quest.

    From one of the members of the Black Rings, standing near the Ancestor Tree, you can get the book “Taming the Holy Fire” (before deciphering the book, you need to find a character with the “Scholar” tag). Use the Anthem to unlock statues in three vaults. You need to use spirit vision to see the guards, and then convince them or kill them using a source of vampirism. The silver lever must be used to repair the switch.

    After you deal with everything on the Reaper's Coast, return to the Lady Vengeance and go to the Nameless Island.

    Nameless Island

    Here on Nameless Island, your first goal is to get to the Academy and complete your companion's personal quests. Examine the bodies and find out that the Black Ring and the masters are fighting each other on this island. On the corpses of some of them there is a special rod needed to destroy the Screaming Ones.

    If you saved Delorus at Fort Joy, then meet him here and receive information about the Black Ring and Bishop Alexander. In the flooded temple (to kill inside, you will have to kill the Master of the Black Ring), interact with the altar to find out information about Wrojir. In the Temple of Ralik, interact with the altar to see a vision of this god. At the entrance to the elf temple there are several Shriekers - use a source of vampirism or a rod to destroy them.

    Alexander is on top of the elf temple. You can agree to help him kill the man.

    There are several other side quests in and around the Elven Temple.

    To the east of Ralik's temple there is a cave guarded by trolls:

    The same cave.

    Enter the cave, use the stone that Alexander gave just after the altar to remove the fake wall. This way you can get to the right person.

    Black Ring Camp.

    Kill him and report this to Alexander. He will share the necessary information with you. If you sided with the Black Ring, then you will need to kill Alexander and bring his head to the altar. In this case, you will learn the necessary information from the person who needed to be killed in the previous quest.

    Moon Gate Puzzle:

    You must match all seven gods.

    – Man is the Sun.

    – Elf – Moon.

    – Dwarf – Moon.

    – Orc – Sun.

    – Imp – Luna.

    – Lizard – Sun.

    – Wizard – Moon.

    Once you get it right, use the Lightning skill and then hit the switch to open the gate. If you don't want to take sides, you can use your teleportation skills to get through the ruined areas in the south of the Dwarf Temple. In the easternmost part of the region, you can dig a hole to get inside.

    Through this hole you can get into the academy without anyone's help.

    Before you enter the academy, your companions will temporarily leave the team. You must convince them to agree that you must ascend to Divinity. You won't have to convince your romantic partner. No matter which method you choose, you will eventually end up in the academy. If there is a capacitor, you can repair the informant to find out details about the academy. The key in the vault is in the library.

    If you activate the vision of spirits in the teacher's room, you will be able to see the spirits of the teachers. Each of these can boost one of your attributes if you sacrifice another. To remove the barrier, you need to activate all three squares at the same time. Like this:


    First, place the capacitor on the square in the teacher’s room (capacitors can be found in the Black Ring camp, where it was necessary to kill a person at Alexander’s request, as well as in the rooms of the academy - one in the western storage room, another on a corpse in the library, the third in the library office) . Place the supports in the correct position:

    Solving the puzzle (screen 1).

    Solving the puzzle (screen 2).

    Solving the puzzle (screen 3).

    Solving the puzzle (screen 4).

    After you electrify all three squares in front of the barrier, use the switch to turn it off. Note that if you don't have enough capacitors, you can create a puddle and cast a lightning spell on it to activate both squares.

    Alexander and other believers are behind the barrier (there are no companions in the team). When you're ready, talk to the Eternal Arbitrary to enter the One's arena. Before continuing, you can teleport one of your party members to the Forbidden Library to complete the side quest "Unscientific Endeavors".

    In general, you can complete two additional quests at the academy:

    – Unlearned aspirations (cast a vision of spirits in the library, communicate with the spirit of Taryan and help her find her lover in the forbidden library).

    – Testing Ground (close the door to the teacher's room, enter the portal, then activate the spirit vision to communicate with the bird spirit and challenge the Eternal Protectors). In this quest you can get an excellent blade (Blade of Swornblade).

    When you finish your business at the academy, you will talk to the Eternal Arbitrary and will be teleported to the arena of the One along with other believers. You will have to get to the end faster than others.

    If Alexander is still alive, he will be here along with your comrades who have temporarily left the team. You can focus on them, and then go to the end. When you are ready, absorb the power. Suddenly Dallis will appear and take her away. Her actions will lead to the destruction of the Arena, and you will have to escape from the ruins before it is too late.

    Angry at the failure, the Gods attack you. When you kill all of them, use the Illness Beacon to escape from here. Return to Lady Vengeance where you can spend the night with your lover. When you feel ready to move on, talk to the statue to summon the Ailment and go to Arx.


    Your main goal is to get to Dallis in this location (quest “The Hammer Has Fallen”). First, go to the harbor, the area of ​​which is controlled by the Netherfiends. Kill them all so you can talk to the lord and find out what happened. On the way to Arx, on the bridge you will meet paladins fighting Hollows. Help them to complete the Battle at the Gate quest.

    When you get to Arx, use spirit vision to see many ghosts of magisters and paladins. Some of them can provide useful information. Or use the source of vampirism to get source points. The main goal in Arx is to find a way to get inside the tomb of Lucian the Divine (connected with several quests).

    First, go to the masters' barracks. When you first reach them, you will see Lord Kemm - the leader of the paladins - who is about to execute the paladin without due process. You can save the paladin by convincing Lord Kemm (quest "Execution"). Later you can meet the paladin in the prison and take on the quest “Linder Kemm's Vault”.

    Inside the master's barracks, find a room with traps, where there is a hidden hatch and the master's spirit. To see this hatch, remove the boxes on it. You can try to convince a nearby spirit to reveal the combination to this hatch, but this is extremely difficult (you will need level five persuasion).

    The correct combination to open the hatch is related to the masters' motto:

    - Society.

    – Loyalty.

    For solving the puzzle you will receive experience points, and the spirit will disappear. Therefore, if you want to use the spirit to obtain the source, then do it before solving the puzzle. Inside the magister's vault there are four switches hidden behind paintings. Remove the painting and activate them in the correct order to open the secret room: Mind, Body, Society, Loyalty.

    Location of the first switch.

    Location of the second switch.

    Location of the third switch.

    Location of the fourth switch.

    Inside the secret room, read the report to gain experience points. If you use the vision of spirits, you can get additional information. At this level you can find a book that will activate the side quest “Master of Sleep and Nightmares”. There are three Geists on the second level of the Magister Vault. Defeat them, search the bodies to get another book, which says that Dallis resurrects King Brakk (quest "Rebirth of the King"). Fight Tarkin in the Chamber of Echoes to complete this quest.

    Return to the masters' barracks, go up the stairs to the prison. If you saved the paladin during the “Execution” quest, then you will meet him here. Talk to the paladin guard to learn about the missing prisoners. Agree to investigate this incident (quest “Missing Persons”).

    You can also find Windego in the prison and convince the paladins to let you deal with her. You can free her by providing coins or items to improve relations, and then lower the barrier (quest "Mercy is Strength"). If you have a special blade, you can free Windego from the God King. But it is likely that you will not want to use this blade from Lord Kemm's vault, since it will be needed for the Red Prince's personal quest.

    In the Masters' Prison, activate the spirit vision and talk to the ghost. Agree to help him find Bannet. The corpse of this character can be found near the sewer, where you will have to activate the vision of spirits and talk to the ghost. Enter the sewer.

    Communicate with spirit.

    Inside it you will find a crying boy. If you use spirit vision, you will see how the spirits are holding him. If you let the boy go, he will turn into a madman and attack you along with the undead (quest “Mistakes of the Past”).

    Use the stairs to go to the second level of the sewer - there you will find the thieves guild. Near the room with fog. You can find out the girl's location in the school house.

    Thieves Guild location.

    There is a group of children and trolls here. Buy the painting they stole from Lord Kemm's hideout. Or get it in other ways - part of the quest “Linder Kemm's Vaults”. Go to Linder Kemm's mansion, talk to the character on the first floor and convince him to give you the task "Old is Golden" (you need to collect three items in Linder Kemm's vault). The entrance to Lord Kemm's vault is in his garden - you will need to pull a hidden lever to open this hatch.

    Hidden lever.

    After you pull it, enter the vault through the hatch. Inside Kemm's hideout, there are several automatons patrolling the area. You can either sneak past them or destroy them. For the latter, you will need a source of vampirism.

    The necessary hatch.

    At the end of the vault, use spirit vision and frame the painting you got from the thieves guild. This will open the door to the secret room. There is another painting inside - take it with you. Search the room and then activate the book on the right shelf. Behind the stone door is a hatch that will lead you to the Temple of the King of God. After you finish talking to the king, interact with the sign on the ground. It says here that only King God knows the weight of responsibility (this is the same picture).

    The right book.

    Place the Responsibility painting on the altar to open the hatch to Arhu Prison. Lord Arhu is here. To free him, you need to use spirit vision and use the source of vampirism on these tormentors. The statue has the Swornbreaker blade you need. Once Lord Arhu is freed, four defenders of the Black Ring will appear and attack you. Next, Lord Kemm will arrive, who will also have to be defeated. You will have to teleport Arhu to a safe place to keep him alive. Or, if he is killed, you can talk to him using spirit vision.

    After you defeat Lord Kemm and the Black Rings, Lord Arhu will tell you how to solve the puzzle in the cathedral. Before leaving the shelter, do not forget to pick up three antique items needed for the quest “Old is Golden”.

    Location of painting and scroll.

    Bowl location.

    After you find all three items, return to the appraiser and collect your reward. To enter Lucian's tomb, you will need an amulet and a scroll from the toy seller (quest "Master of Dreams and Nightmares"). Go to the toy store, convince the man to help you and get an amulet that can hold the source. You need to fill out the amulet and then return to Sanders. When you do this, go back to the toy seller Sanders. If you can convince him, he will tell you that the Scroll of Atonement is another item needed to enter the tomb. The scroll is locked in a table on the second floor of the store, and the password is Giyora. If you can't convince Sanders, you'll have to sneak up to the second tier and steal the scroll.

    Side quests of Arx

    In the southeastern part of the location there is a school inhabited by drug addicts and a priest expelled from the church. If you talked to the little girl and convinced her to give the task, she will mark the right place on the map (quest “School Exit”). Talk to Berila Griff. If you share information about Griff from Fort Joy, you will receive additional experience points.

    Beryl will ask you to help rebuild the school. You need to talk to Shori's sister and convince her to leave or force her to leave. Then you can return to Beryl for your reward. There are several ways to get the quest “Secrets of the Dwarves”. Either you make your way to the wedding venue or through the backyard of the house. The wedding invitation can be obtained from the drunken dwarf behind the building.

    One of the passages.

    Alternatively, you can get there through the sewers:

    Path through the sewer.

    Be careful when exploring the sewers, because there is a new type of enemy here - when killed, the spiders release a deadly cloud that kills everyone in the area. Uninvited guests will appear at the wedding - fiends of the Void. If you examine the statue, you will find their traces leading from the pipes. You can talk to the gnomes here to get more information. If you activate spirit vision, you will see wandering guests.

    Interacting with the wedding cake will cause an explosion. Constructs will appear that attack everyone. After you kill them, you can talk to the guards and find out that the pie was made by a certain Doctor (this is connected with Lowse’s personal quest).

    Enter the sewers and then go to the queen. On the east side of the second level of the sewer, use the lockpicks on the suspicious hole in the wall to gain access to the trial. When you meet the queen, you will understand that she is being manipulated by her own adviser named Isbeil. You can convince the queen to remove the fog of death, since it was not her own idea. However, Isbal bans everyone in the laboratory.

    Suspicious hole in the wall.

    After some time of torture, you will be able to free yourself from Isbeil's spell. Now you need to kill the woman and her followers from the Black Ring. This is a very difficult battle as you will be in a cursed poison pit and Isbale and her people will be above you. However, you can use powerful origin skills to defeat your enemies. Use spirit vision to see many ghosts inside the pit - use them to get source points.

    Using spirit vision, you can talk to the spirit of Isbale and find out why she is so angry at Arx. Also, do not activate the device if you are not sure that you want to do this. After collecting loot in this location, find the queen and decide her fate to complete the quest.

    Screen. Go through the illusory door here to find the queen. Note that on the other side of the laboratory there is an illusory door with a death trap.

    Illusory wall.

    The additional quests “Overcoming the Demon” and “The Consulate” are related to the personal search for Lowse and the Red Prince.

    In Overcoming the Demon, if you want to enter the doctor's house, you first need to do something - either kill the dwarf Isabel, or free Arha inside Linder Kemm's vault. When you receive the invitation, go to the doctor’s house (Black House) and at the entrance you will again meet with the Ailment.

    Talk to her, she will teleport you to the demon dimension. Interact with all the candles, go inside and kill the nurse (use physical damage, since the nurse has good magical armor, but weak physical armor). If this is not done, the nurse will cast the demon and heal it.

    After you defeat all the nurses, talk to the doctor and he will reveal his true origin. Try to use the source as quickly as you can, as he may steal it from you. After you defeat the demon, you will see a small surprise from Lowse. Go down to the basement (inside the room with the corpses) and find Jahan locked inside. There are also even more rooms filled with magic that can still be opened with regular lockpicks. In one of the cabinets there is Quinn's armor, which allows him to fly.

    In the northwestern corner there is a lizard consulate, where you can take the quest “Consulate” and continue the quests of the Red Prince.

    Note. The Consulate quest may contain errors, so save before entering here.

    I highly recommend finding the Swornbreaker blade before coming here. You can make it from two parts found on the Nameless Island, or find one in the prison with Lord Arhu (task "Linder Kemm's Vault").

    Use your character with the highest hacking and stealing ability to get into the consulate until you reach the fountain. If you find yourself in combat, use the retreat to start over. You may need a key, which is located in the "office" (the room on the left when you enter). You might be able to unlock the doors with a master key.

    This key opens the door in the room to the right of the entrance. You then have a second locked door to the garden. I don't know if there is a key for it, but it can definitely be hacked with the fifth level theft skill.

    When you approach the fountain, use the teleportation pyramid to regroup with your team. Then use spirit vision to see the portal above. You will be teleported to a strange arena. There you will have to fight the shadows of Malaise, Bishop and Windego. However, they do not appear immediately, but only after you move away from the center.

    They will be reborn even after death, so you will have to break all the mirrors in the arena for a magic door to appear. There's a little trick here that will make a very difficult fight look easy. If you have a character with a long-range weapon (crossbow or bow), you can destroy all the mirrors without leaving the center of the arena (before the start of the battle). You need to choose the right angles and destroy objects. It may not work out right away, but I’m telling you for sure – it is possible!

    After that, move towards the door, and when the battle begins, simply use one of the heroes to approach the door and interact with it - the entire squad will be teleported. Talking to the dreamers will open a portal to the princess's hideout. If you have the Swornbreaker blade, then you can free the princess from her attachment to King God. Have the Red Prince use his fire breath to revive the dragon.

    Leave this place to complete the quest.

    Once you have the information from Lord Arhu and the amulet along with the scroll from the toy seller, you can go to the cathedral. It's best to do this after you've completed side quests and companion personal quests. There is a switch in front of Lucian's temple. Place the amulet you got from the toy merchant in it, then read the scroll to open the hatch:

    We open the hatch.

    When you enter Lucian's crypt, a puzzle with pipes awaits you ahead.

    To solve it, first, you need to create a pool of blessed blood. Spill blood on the sink, bless it. If you don’t have the bloody rain skill, you can attack any companion to add blood. The second step is to align the pipes. Here is one possible solution:

    One of the solutions.

    Once you place them correctly, touch the altar to activate it. Lucian's coffin will be moved and a secret hatch will open. Coming forward, go into a room full of levers and traps. Use the source of lifesteal to kill enemies, and then pull the five levers with initials to spell the word POWER. Perhaps in Russian localization it will be the word POWER (four levers). Make sure you're ready to continue before entering Lucian's Crypt, as you won't be able to return once you do. Equip the best items, stock up on source and choose the best skills.

    Final battle

    This chapter is related to the final battle in which you will participate. Prepare as best you can because the battle will be long and difficult. When you come to the tomb, your followers from the “Lady of Vengeance” (Illness, Gareth and Tarquin) will appear and agree to pray for the hero. Their prayer will reduce the initial cost of all skills.

    Please note that you need to divide all resurrection scrolls evenly for all comrades. During the battle, it is likely that one or more of your companions will die, while others will be able to save them. Lucian Deval faked his death and is waiting for you with Dallis, King Brakk and several masters. The Lucians will explain their plan.

    Dallis will also reveal his true face. You can surrender to him, otherwise you will have to kill both Lucian and Dallis. Surprisingly, out of all three bosses, Lucian is the weakest. And he's the only one you can really beat at this point. Focus on him, after which he will soon lose consciousness.

    If you neutralize Dallis, Brakk will help her by summoning the Kraken, which attacks everyone else. The battle will move into the second stage, where the health of Brakk and Dallis will be fully restored. If you knock out Brakk, he will also be freed with the help of Dallis.

    The second stage of the battle is much more difficult than the first. The Kraken has many powerful AoE attacks and can summon followers from the Black Ring (Isbale, Lord Kemm). If you manage to kill all three followers, the Kraken will begin to summon the defenders of the Black Ring. If you allow several masters to survive in the first stage, the battle can be significantly simplified, since they are at enmity with the Black Rings. Use them to keep the Black Rings occupied - teleport the Masters directly to them. The skills of summoning creatures can also help, especially shooting slugs and the Red Prince's dragon (learned in the "Consulate" quest).

    Focusing on one target while attacking it with all your characters is a good strategy. Perhaps the enemy will teleport to a safe location to restore health. Dallis especially likes to do this - as soon as her health bar drops to a critically low level, she can turn into a dragon to fully restore her HP and armor.

    Constantly use the blessing to heal the land - this is another key to the team's survival. Before attacking any opponents, carefully study their parameters to discern their strengths and weaknesses. Killing the Kraken is very difficult because it can teleport from one place to another and you cannot interact with it in melee combat. But as soon as you defeat Brakk, the Kraken will also be considered defeated.

    Once all the bosses have been defeated, you will have to choose what to do next. Either you become Divine, or rid the earth of the source, or allow everyone who can to use the power of the source. Regardless of your choice, the quest will be completed, and you will find yourself on the “Mistress of Vengeance”.

    After character creation, you will awaken on a ship as a prisoner. You, like many other wizards, were sent to Fort Joy for “cure” due to the fact that you are dangerous both to others and to yourself. A certain witch deliberately used the power of the Source in the city so that she would be caught and imprisoned with you, and now the intrigue continues.

    You will find a collar on you that blocks the power of the Source. Talk to the warden to find out about the murder that took place in one of the cabins. Next, go to the crime scene and talk to the master. It turns out that someone managed to throw off the collar and then finished off a wizard from your brethren.

    After that, go further into the ship and talk with other NPCs. Some of them (specifically, five people, if you also play as a hero with a backstory) are the most interesting, since in the future they can become your companions.

    Get to the opposite side of the lower deck to start a dialogue in which the same witch from the prologue (she was the one who managed to remove the collar and commit the murder) will summon a kraken-like creature, knock you out and disappear.

    When you wake up, you will see that most of the masters have died. Examine future companions who have fallen unconscious, and then rise higher. On the new floor, visit the lower room, the key to which hangs on the right in the corner (hold Alt to highlight objects), and go inside. Agree with the masters there or kill them, then leave the room. Finally, visit the small room in the corner where Fane sits.

    This is one of the companions that you may have noticed earlier in the form of an elf. The undead will refuse to come with you, so get out to the upper deck on your own.

    Outside you will see a summoned monster destroying the ship. Kill the fiends, and then run to the opposite side, where the lifeboat is located. You can drop her right away, or tell her to wait for you and then return for potential companions. If you save them, you will improve your relationship with them (they will survive in any case).

    After the battle with the fiends, return to the boat. Unfortunately, due to the delay, you will not have time to get out, but this will not affect anything, since the ship will sink anyway.

    Fort Joy


    After the shipwreck you will wake up on the shore. Go forward and talk to Baby Tom at the statue, which is a fast travel point. To use the teleport, simply open the menu and select the altars.

    Now you won't be able to teleport anywhere, so continue on your way. You will soon discover the Red Prince - one of the possible companions that you can take into your group. That's exactly what we did.

    Next you will come across a black cat that will follow you. If you have the “Animal Friend” perk, then you can talk with him, but the cat won’t tell you anything interesting and will follow you anyway. Make sure he doesn't die if you want to get the Summon Companion spell.

    Climb onto the broken bridge, where you can pick up a shovel and a sleeping bag. The first will make it possible to dig holes (in the absence of a shovel, a lizard can do the same), the second will restore health and armor outside of combat.

    Walk forward, staying close to the thicket, until you come across a cave. The entrance will be hidden by vegetation, so keep your eyes open. Once inside, you will be taken to the Secret Alcove area, where Fain will be waiting for you.

    Recruit him if you want and then get to the end of this area where there is a waterfall with a chest. To pick up the last one, you need teleportation magic (put a mark on the map near the chest so you don’t forget about it and come back here in the future). Here, on the beach, deal with three turtles.


    There are a lot of tasks directly in the city. You can talk to all NPCs, but only a quarter will be able to tell you something interesting.

    First, turn right, where you can hear a woman crying. Here you will receive the task “Mother's Worst Dream”. The woman Terah cannot find her daughter Erma, and no one, they say, wants to help her. A person standing nearby will tell you that little Jet has died. Tell Farrah about this to complete the quest.

    After that, go up the stairs and approach Griff's mercenaries. Two gnomes playing cards will invite you to join - agree. If you lose, you can lose all your items. True, you can also tell the cheaters that you have nothing, and then they will not touch you.

    The "Extortion" quest can be obtained to the left of the entrance. Resolve the conflict between the elf and the man, among whom is another possible companion: Ifan. Accept him into the group or refuse his services, and then follow the elf if you decide to help her, or continue on your way.

    Get to the city center where the kitchen is located. Here the head of the mercenaries, Griff, will tell you about the loss of his goods and point out the thief who is sitting in a cage. The thief will be an innocent elf named Amiro, who will ask you to rescue him.

    Below the fortress you will come across a fishermen's camp where Stingtail sleeps. The Lizard is a soothsayer required by the Red Prince on his personal mission, which you should already know about if you accepted him into the group and talked to him. Nearby is Sybil, another potential partner, who, in turn, wants to finish off Stingtail.

    If you accept both companions into the group, you will have to decide which side to take. You can also talk to Stingtail in the presence of the Prince, and only then include Sybil in the party and complete her task.

    Before killing the lizard with Sibylla, inspect the nearest box where the smell of oranges remains. Tell the lizard off and demand that it be returned. Once you have the orange, decide Stingtail's fate as you choose.

    Open the orange through the inventory to get the narcotic plant. Return this stuff to Griff, and then release Amiro. The elf will reveal to you the location of the secret path that will lead you out of Fort Joy, but it’s too early to go there yet.

    Not far from the Kitchen you can find a hatch that will lead you to the Arena. Here you will receive the task “Fort Joy Arena”, in which you need to defeat four opponents in one battle. The enemies will be level three, so it’s better not to meddle here in the early stages.

    After completing the quest, go back outside and find Blacksmith Nebora nearby. Having learned that you have become a champion, she will agree to remove the collar from you (but not from your companions). You should not take advantage of this offer yet, as all masters will become hostile to you.

    The quest “Geist Killer” is taken on the city wall. Talk to Magister Arnica, who is trying to find a certain Migo. You will find the missing person lower and to the right near the shore. It turns out that Migo was subject to corruption, which turned him into a mad cannibal. It is not necessary to fight him; on the contrary, you can ask him for a ring (you must have an Arnica flower), and then return the item to Arnica.

    The girl will believe you that you found her father, and then go to Migo. To complete the task, visit them on the beach. By the way, the newly united family can simply be killed in order to take the good breastplate and ring.

    The quest “Finding Emmy” is given out by a dog named Druzhok. Your friend, if you are kind to him, will show you the location of the key. Ask him about the key to find out about the missing Emmy, the dog that was taken by the masters. You will find the dog later when you reach the Fort Joy Prison.

    Visit the cave where the elf invited you. Here, talk to Amiro, if you have already saved him, as well as other inhabitants. The main elf, deprived of sight, is a soothsayer, and it is she who will tell you a lot of interesting things.

    By the way, Amiro will ask you to tell other elves who live on the continent about them, but you will return to this task much later. Finally, Lois can interact with the soothsayer - another companion that you could find in the city near the tents with a fire.

    Talk politely to the lizard if you want him to show you his wares. Next, go deeper into the cave, having first removed or broken the barricades, behind which lies a secret path. She will lead you to poisonous frogs - kill them.

    The task “Jar of Souls of Withermoor” will be given to you by a child. Agree to play peek-a-boo with him twice and find him. After this, find a small hole in the wall to activate a new replica: the child will tell you about a secret hatch that lies nearby. Go down the hatch.

    You will find yourself in the Forgotten Tomb with a statue of Lord Withermoor. Remove the spear from the statue's chest and then talk to it. Withermoor will ask you to find his soul in the Bracca phylactery, which you will reach later through the dungeon.

    You will receive the “Teleport” task from Gavin. The guy will call you for a private conversation - agree if you want to get the teleportation gloves. To do this, you will have to disconnect your portrait from the group and take the rest of the party away, and then talk to your counterpart Gavin.

    On the second or third level, get to the beach at the top left where the crocodiles are. Kill them to get the above item. Next time Gavin will meet you at the exit at the top, where he will ask you to leave the Fort. Using teleportation, you will escape, but Gavin will soon die. You can pick up a good robe from his body.

    Fort Joy Prison

    There are three ways to escape from the Fort, but each of them involves going through a prison:

    1. The first option is associated with the already described Gavin, with whom you will get to the beach. You can only get out of there through the cave, which is the transition to the prison.
    2. The second option is to use the hatch to the right of the statue, which is in the center of the city. Inside, activate the lever to go to prison.
    3. The last method is connected with a hint from Amir, who will tell you the location of the tunnel for your help.

    The third option is the most complete, so it's better to go with it. In the tunnel you will find neutral fire slugs that were once human. Their queen was once the wife of King Brakk, known for his tricks - it was he who turned the queen and her subjects into slugs.

    After the conversation, go upstairs to the cells. A lizard is imprisoned in one of them, but he will not tell you anything interesting. Break through the door to move on. In one of the cells, talk to Verdas, the dying elf. Examine the camera at the top right and take the amulet from the body using the teleporter.

    By the way, the farthest cell on the left, which cannot be opened, will become your home if you commit a crime and are captured.

    Eventually you will reach the end of the corridor, where the masters want to eliminate the renegade. Kill them, take the key and move on. If you give Delorus the potion, he will tell you about the boat, which will help you leave the fort.


    Inside the prison you will find a bunch of monks - mindless creatures that were once living lizards, people, gnomes, etc. They won't attack you, so feel free to step forward.

    In one of the rooms, find Emmy - the same dog that Friend told you about. If you tell her about Buddy, then she and other dogs will not attack you. They can also throw a ball if you managed to find it earlier.

    On the other side of this area is the boat Delorus mentioned. Tell the masters the password (Delorus told you this too) to avoid the battle. After this, talk to the boy Khan, who will invite you to leave the Fort. It's better to refuse for now.

    On the right side of the zone is a torture room, run by an insane sadist. You will have a difficult battle with the psychopath himself, as well as his monks.

    Moreover, golems in cages will also resist you, but first they will have to break the cages (it will take 3-4 turns).

    After the battle, take the Face Cutter from the corpse (useful to Fein), and then talk with little Trice. Here you can also unlock the eastern tunnel, which will lead you out of the Fort in the same way.

    In the same area, to the left of the stairs going up, approach a small altar, near which your perception skill should work. If successful, you will discover a lever that will open a secret path to Brakk's phylactery.

    Kill the skeletons inside and take all the jugs. One of the jugs belongs to Withermoor, whose task you have already accepted. The remaining jars will also come in handy, so it makes sense to save them. Before leaving, interact with the statue on the left (perception above 14 required) to receive the Tyrant's Leggings.

    The stairs, as well as the left exit, will lead you to another part of the fort, where you will have to fight the masters.

    Courtyard of Fort Joy

    In the courtyard, kill the masters and go upstairs. Explore the room and go out to the balcony, where you can activate the stairs that will lead you to the masters' chambers.

    If you leave the prison through the left entrance, you will find yourself in front of the gate. Go to the only possible turn, where there are even more masters. Kill them and save Paladin Kork. If you manage to save him, he will tell you that his order knew nothing about the atrocities of the masters. Otherwise, an elf in your party may eat part of his body to learn about a wizard named Arhu.

    After this, visit the main hall inside the building, where the trial led by Judge Orivand takes place. Kill everyone.

    After destroying all the masters in the fort, leave the territory by any means. Pass the swamps and climb the hill where Zaleskar, an undead merchant, stands.

    Go up, keeping to the shore, until you come across the witch Windego. She was the one who destroyed the ship, so it's time for revenge! After killing her, take the Mask of Reincarnation - a valuable artifact for Fane and any other undead.

    Not far from here, find a destroyed tower with a thunderstorm raging inside. Use teleportation on the items inside to move them down. In the bones of the corpse you will find the most valuable item, which is called the Tyrant's Boots.

    You will receive the task “Cornered” above from the broken bridge. Paladin Tarlin will inform you about the Shrieker hanging on the pillar. You cannot go through this creature in the usual way, as it will instantly destroy you. It is necessary to kill the Screamer using a rod with the “Cleanse” ability, or the Helm of King Brakk, which has the same skill.

    In the fiery ruins above, kill a group of masters, and then another one that is trying to defeat the paladin Gareth. It is in your best interest to keep him alive, since it depends on him whether you remove the collars or not. However, if he dies, other ways will appear.

    You will receive the “Armory” task nearby by looking into the basement. You will find yourself in Brakka's armory, where the half-dead Master Sang is located. The corruption is consuming him, so do him a favor and kill him. From him you can learn that the nearby lever is cursed, making it impossible to use.

    Use the Origin skill “Blessing” to clear the lever and move on. Inside you will find the Helm of Brakk and an endless tank containing the Source.

    Leave the dungeon and walk along the bridge. At the dead end, search the skeleton. Continue walking until you reach a road with a blinded Master Locke next to it.

    You don't have to kill him if you agree to surrender. This will be followed by an attack by enemies, during which Lok will be hostile to both you and the monsters. You can deliberately not hit him, after which, when the enemies are killed, the battle will stop and Lok will let you go.

    At the end of the road, talk to the bear cub who lost his mother. You will find her body a little further, but you cannot tell the bear about it. Scare him or inspire him.

    Mission “Burning Pigs”: from the center of the map, go down until you reach a burnt village with strange pigs. The poor animals are engulfed in flames that cannot be put out in the usual way, so you must come up with something. Using the animal friend perk, you can find out that pigs are actually people, and Brakk is responsible for this curse.

    To heal the pigs, you must learn the Blood Rain spell and cast it on them. When the surface around is saturated with blood, use the power of the Source “Blessing” on it to create a sacred fire that will extinguish the damned.

    When one pig is healed, you will find an undead lizard named Scapor. He is a kind of beholder who watches the execution of the curse. You'll have to fight him.

    After this, you can come across the last pig, which is located to the north at the entrance to Dragon Beach. To save her, advise her to visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and take a dip in the pond there. When the job is done, she will become one of the merchants and offer you interesting goods.

    Central ruins

    On your way through the center of the location, you will come across a group of fiends, whose bodies, after death, emit infected blood. Be careful with her, as she applies a painful "debuff" for several turns.

    Next, you will have to fight the monster Moloch of the Void, who, together with other creatures, will decide to finish off the Red Prince, and at the same time you. The battle can seem like a real challenge if you haven't found good equipment yet and are at a low level.

    Coast in the South

    The eastern road through the forest will take you to the southern shore. There you will be attacked by two poisonous and one fiery salamanders. Again, the battle will be difficult if you are below level five.

    Not far from the battle site, you will find the Bahara lizard, which guards the approaches to the Sanctuary of Amadia. If you have already saved Gareth or previously rescued the boy Han (the boat in the prison), then she will give you a vine that you can climb up.

    The Red Prince, by the way, will ask for the opportunity to talk with Bahara, since she is a clairvoyant.

    If you have already saved Gareth, you will find him on the territory of the sanctuary. Talk to the locals as they all have interesting information and some are traders.

    You will receive the “Healing Touch” quest a little higher in the Sanctuary of Amadia, where a certain Simone is trying to heal wounded soldiers. To complete the quest, use some kind of healing spell on all fighters.

    The quest “Eternal Admirer” is given by the priestess Gratiana, who guards the statue of Amadia. After talking with the priestess, you can talk directly to the face of Amadia in the form of a stone, and how your visit to this place will end depends on the lines you choose.

    If you are rude, a fatal battle will ensue, but if you respond with respect, Amadia will call you the chosen one, and the pond around will be covered with sacred flame.

    Dark Cave

    On the quest “Treasury of King Brakk” you must visit a cave, the entrance to which is located near the shore not far from the Sanctuary of Amadia. Inside you will meet a rude undead creature named Trickster, who will insult you and tell you that you cannot go any further.

    Next to the Trickster are boxes, each of which will simply freeze you if you activate them. At first glance, there is nowhere to go from here, but the solution is simple and lies in the illusion - just step on the abyss behind the boxes so that the invisible bridge appears.

    Behind the bridge you will have your first battle with the Trickster, who will create two illusions to help himself. After the battle, you will find yourself in a hall with a statue in the center, as well as many doors that are traps.

    Behind the next door you will have another battle with the Trickster. This time there will be more opponents, but do not forget that the seemingly limited location is dotted with invisible bridges that you can use. After killing the Trickster, pick up the “Cursed Ring”.

    Advice: Keep in mind that when you put on the ring, you will become cursed and get the corresponding hunched animation. Moreover, if you remove the ring, your characteristics will drop and remain reduced until the item is put back on. To get rid of the curse, the ring must be given to one of the companions, but it is better not to use it at all.

    At the end of the dungeon, a real treasury awaits you with heaps of excellent items, gold and phylacteries. Urns, mind you, can be swallowed or broken. The Trickster Urn is connected to an enemy you already know, who, as it turns out, did not really want to harm you, but Brakk's curse forces him to guard the treasury.

    You can take the Urn of Gratiana to the priestess herself in the Sanctuary of Amadia to find out the truth about her. The last three urns are associated with necromancer skeletons from the Gargoyle's Labyrinth.

    The quest “Champion of the Gods” is activated at the end of the room with the help of a statue. Using it, (only the main character) you will be transported to the “Chambers of Echoes” - an otherworldly world where you will have to talk face to face with your god (each race has its own deity). Here you will be taught the Source skill “Blessing” and indicated your further goal.

    Eastern Bank

    Higher up from the salamander beach, walk along the rocks until you find vines. Along them you can climb to a plateau leading to the eastern shore.

    The quest “Labyrinth of the Gargoyle” is located here. Near a structure with many doors and traps, you will find a gargoyle who will invite you to go through the labyrinth. If you put on the Ring of Brakk, the statue will mistake you for the king himself and immediately take you to the end.

    To complete the maze, you will have to split the group (unlink the portraits on the left of the screen from each other to make the chains break). In the first room, stand on the slab so that a skull appears on the altar nearby - an object that allows you to open doors in the labyrinth.

    After the first use, the skull disappears, so you will have to find a new one for each door. Now open the door on the left and get to the hatch, which will take you upstairs. Be careful as there are many traps placed around. With one character stand on the slab to open the door, with the second character go inside and stand on the slab, with the third character take the skull from the altar.

    Unlock the doors on the right, which will lead you to the main building. This is where the gargoyle can immediately teleport you if you show her the ring. However, such a trick still will not save you from collecting valuables in the maze on your own.

    Before entering the building, you can open other rooms. The third one, which is located next to the room where you opened the blue door, can only be accessed by teleportation.

    The fourth one leads to the right door at the entrance to the labyrinth, where you will find a portal on a small ledge. To get there, use the teleporter. Next, you will be transported to another platform with a portal, which will lead you to the “Kingdom of Orobas”.

    Inside this small area, you can use the teleporter again to collect valuable items.

    Finally, in the center of the maze are three burning skeletons and a cursed Historian. Kill the first and help the last by removing the damage from him using the method you already know: blood and blessing.

    The quest “A Fate Worse than Death” is activated inside the building in the labyrinth. In the right room you will come across necromancer skeletons playing cards, with whom you will have to fight. After the battle, if you have already obtained the jars from the Treasury of Brakk, break the phylacteries of these undead, otherwise they will rise again (this will continue indefinitely).

    Having picked up the key from the body, go through the only door. Inside, activate the plate using the iron box from the next room, since the usual ones will quickly burn out.

    After this, you will find yourself in a spacious room with many rooms, each of which is worth exploring.

    In the end, you will run into a magical shield, which can be unlocked both with the help of the power of the Source (answer option in the dialogue) and with the help of Withermoor, who will appear here if you helped him in the past.

    Outside the gate, collect all the valuables, including the Tyrant's Gloves. Before leaving, look into the closed recess on the right, where the well is located. Throw 150 gold at him to get a good item.

    Dragon Beach

    The quest “Sourceless Dragon” is taken to the right of the plateau in the east. Here you will find a frozen area, in the center of which lies the Winter Dragon Slaine. Break the chains that bind him, and then have a chat.

    From Slaine you will learn about a certain witch who in the past charmed him, and then deceived him, chained him and began to use him as a source of energy. Go in search of the witch, who is located in a cave nearby (the entrance looks like a huge skull).

    After passing the traps in the cave, you will soon reach the witch Radek. If you start fighting her and refuse to deceive Slaine, then you will have to fight both Radek and three beetles and the dead. It makes sense to place part of the group at the beginning, since the beetles will appear there and begin to attack you from afar.

    Radek herself uses necromancy spells, so get ready for charms and other tricks.

    Pick up the wand from the witch's body and return it to Slaine. The dragon will thank you and say that he will come to the rescue when you are not waiting for him. By the way, you can kill Slaine, but rest assured, the dragon will not surrender to you so easily.

    You will receive the “Call to Arms” quest from the druid Immit, who will inform you about the Screaming. You may have met one of them already and you probably know that the only way to kill the Screaming One is with the Cleanse spell. A little further you will meet Gareth and his group, who are preparing to attack the masters.

    You can start preparing for the attack yourself. To do this, after rescuing Gareth, visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and inform the locals about your success. After this, the strange companion of the gnome will be able to remove the collars from all your companions, and then all the refugees of the Sanctuary will go towards the ship.

    On the spot, the refugees will set up a camp and will be waiting for you. To let them pass further, you must destroy the Screaming Ones blocking the way using the appropriate wand or ability on Brakk's helmet. Finally, the dragon can also help you if you have previously freed it.

    After this, the refugees, led by Gareth, will go towards the ship, but you will have to divert Bishop Alexander’s attention to yourself. Just go down to the pier to start the fight.

    It is worth noting that the battle ahead is incredibly difficult (you have never encountered such difficulties on the island). In addition to the bishop himself, you will be confronted by Geist and four masters of different classes.

    After two turns, a side hostile to everyone will join the battle, namely the Void Worm - a huge creature with a ton of health, which will not leave you even a 1 on 1 chance. The easiest way is to take your group away while the masters and the worm destroy each other, and then deal with winner.

    When the battle is over, you will meet the elf Malaise. Before you go with her, make sure that you have completed all your tasks on the island, as it will not be possible to return here.


    Ship "Mistress Vengeance"

    On the ship you will encounter a new difficulty: it turns out that the ship is alive, as it was made of elven wood. You need to convince the ship to carry you.

    First, explore the upper deck, and then go down to the next level.

    Gather all your companions and continue down to the lower decks until you reach the cage with the surviving Bishop Alexander. He is unconscious, so you won't be able to talk to him. However, persuade the guard to let you through, and then rip the necklace from Alexander's neck.

    At the same level you will find a mirror that allows you to change the appearance, characteristics and abilities of both the protagonist and named companions free of charge.

    On the opposite side you will come across doors. Before opening them, look for a diary nearby that contains the code word “Fortitude.” Return to the door, insert Alexander's necklace, and then say the password.

    In Dallis's cabin you will meet a certain Tarkin - a mysterious necromancer with ambiguous answers. Decide for yourself whether he helped Dallis intentionally or under duress, and then make the appropriate choice - kill or spare (there is an achievement for sparing Tarkin).

    After that, explore the cabin. Near the bed you will find a mechanism that will remove the closet and open a mysterious button - it is this that will unlock the door to the treasury. Now pick up the pyramid near Tarkin and use it to move to the hidden room below.

    You have to defeat two serious opponents - Geists. When the battle is over, pick up the book with the song and return to the upper deck. All you have to do is sing the text in front of the ship, and then it will agree to transport you. The disease will say that your next goal is the city of Driftwood, where Maester Siva lives.

    Along the way, you will be attacked by Dallis along with a mysterious hooded wizard. You have a difficult battle ahead of you against bloodhounds, masters, and gheists, who are impossible to defeat at high difficulty levels.

    Moreover, the mission will not require complete victory from you - you only need to hold out for five turns, protecting the Ailment, which will then transport you to a safe place.

    During the battle, immediately run to the Ailment, because the enemies will do the same. Protect her with healing spells, apply armor with a geomancer, restore magic shields, in general, do everything so that she does not die.

    Especially watch out for gheists and a warrior with a two-handed sword, as their blows can mow down 250-300 health at a time (we remind you that Sickness has only 700 plus armor).

    The task “Into the Halls of Echoes” is activated immediately after teleportation. This time you will see all the gods, but in a non-trivial position: they will all be suspended on the Tree of the Void.

    Bless your god with the magic of the Source, and then talk with him. It turns out that you are the last hope of the gods; moreover, you will become the Chosen One and lead your race.

    About possession of the power of the Source

    Reaper Coast

    The quest “Sharp Awakening” is completed quickly. After the Ailment brings you back, you will finally reach dry land and go ashore. A little higher, find a gnome fighting a giant insect. They will disappear right in front of you, and then a battle with the fiends will follow.

    On the quest “Plundered Caravan” you will find a place of massacre where fiends attacked a caravan with people and dwarves. One dwarf will survive, so you can talk to her and find out what happened. Next, having received the necessary information, present it to the guards at the gate so that they will let you into Driftwood.

    From the beginning of the location, you can turn right to the raised bridge, where the boy Barrin is standing. He will ask you to save his mother on the quest “They Shall Not Pass,” which you can do both in the future and now using teleportation.

    If you want to complete the task now, then simply go to the cliff and use teleportation to move three companions with the wizard onto the boat below (the spell's distance is enough).

    On the way towards the city, you will come across a chicken coop and chickens, which, if you talk to them, will tell you about the stolen eggs. The task “When to Count Chickens” will begin. Head a little north of Big Marge, keeping to the shore to find the monster. Kill him and explore the area - nearby you will find one surviving egg, which you need to take to the chickens.

    The quest will continue in the future if you return here again. The chicken will hatch and kill all the chickens, after which you can take it with you. All that remains is to take Squeak to the bridge with the paladins, behind which there is a magic rooster. Near the last one, your chicken will turn into a monster, so you will have to kill it.


    The quest “Law of the Order” is issued in the city. Get to the main street with merchants, and from there turn towards the shore, towards the piers. There, talk to Magister Raymond, who will find you suspicious. Mention in conversation that you want to join the order, and then Raymond will leave you alone.

    As a result, the master will give you a certificate, thanks to which you will receive immunity: none of the guards will dare to touch you. When Raymond leaves, talk to Julian to learn about the missing masters. The quest will continue later.

    The task “A Man and His Dog” is taken on the square. Just talk to the beggar with the dog sitting next to him. Even without the “Friend of Animals” perk, you can simply unscrew the dog’s collar and find out that the object has needles sewn to it, because of which the animal is suffering. Tell the beggar off by driving him out of town or robbing him.

    If you are kind to her, you will find out that she is the mother of the same crazy master you had to kill in the prisons of Fort Joy.

    After this, have a few words with Garvan, who will give you the task “Losses in the Ledger”. The latter is to search for valuable cargo, which you will go after a little later.

    Then talk to Lovrik if you want to use intimate services. From him you can buy a night with a lizard - an expert in alcove affairs, which is located on the third floor.

    After a stormy night, you will find yourself wearing only trousers and at gunpoint with a crossbow. If the Red Prince takes advantage of the opportunity, then the lizard will turn into the Red Princess and there will be no attack.

    The task “You Can’t Fill Up Grief” is taken on the second floor of the same tavern. Talk to Captain Ableweather, who will tell you about the shipwreck. After that terrible night, she can neither sleep nor eat, as she is haunted by terrible sounds.

    In another room, interact with the sleeping adventurer to get some recipes from him. You can also break into his chest and take away valuables.

    In the basement of the tavern you will find the entrance to a cave. The bully gnome will not let you through just like that, so you will have to fork out fifty coins. Inside you will find a separate tavern where smoking mixtures are sold.

    Talk to Ganges the lizard first if you have the Red Prince in your party. Next, go to the teleportation statue, near which there are two pressure plates hidden - stand on them to unlock the secret room on the side.

    On the left you will find the headquarters of the head of the local gnomes named Lohar. The latter is in conflict with the masters, which you will learn about from him. The dwarf will also ask you to help him with the disappeared dwarf Mordus, who has disappeared into thin air, and now no one can find him.

    Before leaving the tavern, talk to Dorothea the Luxurious to accept the quest “Web of Carnal Desires.” A girl will offer you a kiss around the corner - agree if you want to redistribute your characteristics a little.

    Before interacting, you will have to disconnect your companions and show up to the meeting alone.

    Dorothea will turn into a giant spider, after which you can either kill her or accept the kiss. In the latter case, you will have the opportunity to add two points to any characteristic, while losing a physique unit.

    Finally, at the top of the area lies the Driftwood Arena, where, like in Fort Joy, you will have to defeat the local champions. You will have to fight against five enemies, moreover, your eyes will be blindfolded, which will significantly affect your accuracy and reduce the range of abilities to a minimum.

    Outside, to the right of the tavern, is the Driftwood Prison. In it, you can talk with the boss to negotiate a reward for finding the master's killer.

    In the basement of the same building, talk to the bored master who is fed up with his work. Leave him or convince him to leave the hated place.

    The “Missing Masters” quest develops further. Visit the fish warehouse near the port where the inspection takes place. The masters, as you will learn, suspect that the junk dealer is hiding the real killer.

    But do not think that the masters are right, since the elf Stewart, sitting outside the tavern, will tell you that the real criminal is among the visitors to the tavern.

    At the warehouses, talk to the boss who will refuse to give you valuable information. After this, find the gnome Kannox and convince him that you need to find the suspect. Say that you managed to escape from Fort Joy, and then the gnome will reveal himself to you. It turns out that the criminal is hiding in a barrel.

    Before this, you can look into the basements of the warehouse, where the masters cannot find the entrance. In one of the rooms, simply move the barrels and use the hatch. Below you will find a spacious basement with traps - go past them and get to the end of the room.

    Open the barrels marked with a cross, from which poison will flow. Eventually you'll come across a barrel of Source weapons, and then you'll be attacked by fiends.

    You will conclude that in fact, behind the rotten fish in the barrels lies a powerful weapon, as well as the fog of death, with the help of which the dwarf queen wants to conquer the world.

    In the right room near the shore, open the barrel to find Higba the Ragman. Help him get out of the encirclement without getting caught by the masters. If you get caught, then you will have to either fight or surrender Higba with his guts. After a successful escape, the junk dealer will say his thanks and slip back into the barrel. He will also reveal to you that he got the cheeks of the murdered masters from the cook Uivlia.

    Visit the cook and accuse her of murder. It turns out that she really slaughtered the law enforcement officers, and then chopped them into soup. However, it will not be possible to imprison her immediately, since there is no hard evidence.

    The task “Lost and Found” is taken west of the building with the fish. Near the shore, talk to Lagan, who has lost his wedding ring. Offer your help and find the ring by simply holding Alt. When you do this, fiends will attack you - kill them.

    You can now continue with the quest "A Sharp Awakening". Visit a house near the entrance to Driftwood where a girl is playing on the porch. From her you will learn that the masters took Siva to the scaffold.

    Leave the city the same way you entered, and then go a little higher to find a scaffold. Approach Siva and free her, then kill all the masters. Next, return to Siva's house, talk to her and go down to the basement.

    You have to perform a ritual that will call upon God. Complete the following steps in the order described:

    1. Take the root and blade.
    2. Take the bowl.
    3. Use the blade to bleed yourself.
    4. In the craft menu, cross the bowl, root and blade.
    5. Place the created brew near the dragon figure, and then activate the wheel.
    6. Inhale the smoke and hold your breath.

    After this, a god will appear who will teach you a new Source ability called Spirit Sight, which allows you to see ghosts. Go back and use the skill to see Master Harrick.

    Then you can continue the task “The Missing Masters”. Visit the tavern again and use the skill you learned. Talk to the first spirit to find out that the cook killed him. Now the spirit cannot leave in peace, since the ring holds it here.

    With the help of the robber character, sneak into the left room while the maniac is in the other. There, open the board in the floor and pull out the hand on which the desired ring is located. If you take this evidence to the boss in prison, he will immediately send a subordinate to arrest the cook.

    Alas, the same fate awaits this master as everyone else. If you tell Stuart everything, he will be able to return to the ranks of the masters. Finally, showing the ring to the killer will trigger a battle. When she dies, pick up a piece of paper with the names of the victims and give it to the boss.

    Before leaving Driftwood, you can feed the cat rotten fish corrupted by the void. After such a meal, the animal will die, and a spirit will appear in its place. Talk to the ghost to get the achievement.

    Soon after leaving the city, you will be attacked by crazy gnomes. Kill them and move on. You will come across a lonely statue, next to which there are constantly extinguishing torches. You won't be able to light them individually, so use a fire AOE spell.

    Further on the shore you will find a lamp with a genie. If you have an agility above 20, you can convince him to fulfill one of your wishes: to get rich (you will receive a stolen necklace, which you need to sell as quickly as possible without being seen by the guards), ask that enemies not come into your sight (you will go blind forever), or ask for the power of the gods (lightning will kill you). Otherwise, you will have to fight the genie.

    Continue along the western shore until you find a cave shaped like a skull.

    The quest “Shadow over Driftwood” takes place here. You have to fight with void crawlers, of which there are incredibly many here. The cave itself is quite large, so you will have to wander for a long time. Moreover, it is dotted with minks (they allow you to quickly move around the location), one of which will lead you to four crawlers.

    You can also simply avoid climbing into that hole and get to the very north of the cave, where the road leading into the abyss is located. You will be able to move your heroes across the abyss using teleportation to immediately find yourself in the place where in the future the game would throw you with the help of the four fiends described above, and fight the enemies with the whole team.

    After exploring the entire cave, get to the center with the wreckage of the ship, where the dwarf Mordus is located (it was him who Lohar asked to find). Mordus will turn out to be an undead necromancer, so get ready for a desperate battle.

    If one of your heroes dies during the battle, then Mordus will immediately absorb his Source and turn into a huge fiend, which at current levels cannot be defeated if you play on tactical difficulty or higher. To defeat Mordus, try to kill him first and as quickly as possible.

    After the battle, Mordus will remain alive and will ask you not to kill him. If you save his life, you can learn more about the magic of the Source. You can also find out information about the owner from him by threatening to kill him. As soon as Mordus begins to speak, something will destroy him.

    Before leaving, visit the room on the side, where the body of a gnome with a yellow stone is located. When you try to leave the room, a huge ship will break through the wall, containing neutral crabs and a hostile shark. Kill the shark, pick up its hand and feed it to the elf to find out about the dead boy Joe.

    It was him that the children were looking for on the shore of Driftwood on the assignment of “Hide and Seek”. Return to them if you want to complete the task.

    After that, visit Driftwood again and look into Mordus's house. You could get here right after your date with Lohar, but overall there is no difference. If you visit Mordus's house after killing him, then you won't have to make an extra circle.

    Inside the house you will come across a gnome - one of Lohar's workers. Tell her that you are working with her master to get inside, or just kill her. Explore the dungeon, release the imprisoned gnomes, and then approach the mysterious stone head, into which you need to insert a yellow stone (you will find or have already found it after the battle with Mordus).

    The “Taste of Freedom” task will start immediately behind the opened secret entrance. Inside you have to solve a puzzle, which is presented on a 4x4 field. Use the power of the Source to go to the spirit world and see the right combination.

    If you look at the door to the treasury, standing in front of the field, activate the plates from top to bottom and left to right as follows: first row third plate, second row second and fourth plates, third row second plate, fourth row fourth plate.

    Next you will find undead chained to a table, as well as many vases. The undead will ask you to release it by activating the levers opposite. You can also simply interact with one of the vases to start a battle.

    A battle will follow in which the undead will help you. After that, talk to him and choose a reward. Keep in mind that the lich will offer you to increase one of the characteristics - agree immediately and do not ask questions, otherwise he will hand you a random book of skills and go on his way.

    Now return to Lohar and tell him about Mordus. When you visited Mordus's dungeon, you (or at least you should have) found a letter from the Dwarf Queen, which talks about her plans. If you first hand over the letter to the masters, a battle will follow when you visit Lohar. The letter can be given to Lohar himself. One way or another, as a reward from both factions you will receive the key to the chest.

    The “Competitors” task takes place on the bridge on the left side of the location, which is guarded by the troll Grog. To pass, you will have to give him five thousand gold, or eliminate his competitor.

    Both trolls have a lot of health and also have an ability that regenerates six thousand health in one turn (they will only activate it during the first turns).

    Fire works well against Grog, but poison works well against Marg. After killing one troll, the other one will refuse to let you through, so you will have to fight twice.

    The "Aggressive Capture" task is activated on the bridge with the troll. You will find dead bodies and bloody trails that will lead you to the area with the chest that Garvan mentioned (from the quest “Losses in the Ledger”. Use the Source spell to talk to the ghost Liam.

    It turns out that Garvan finished him off for selfish reasons and no such monsters attacked him. In order for the spirit to find peace, it is necessary to take revenge on the killer.

    Killing Garvan is quite difficult, since he is in the city and never leaves it. If you don't want to become a criminal and go to jail, just find poisoned food and feed it to him. To do this, visit the toilet behind the pub, in one of which there is a suffering person. He will tell you the recipe for spoiled food: meat stew and mackerel poisoned by the void.

    The first can be purchased in a tavern, while the second is in abundance in warehouses. Create food and give it to Garvan so that he will run into the toilet, where you can finish him off.


    Go to the bridge in the north, where the paladins are camped. Talk to Tom Hardwin, who will ask you to bring the white masters to clean water. Go to the mines to the east and follow the deeds of the masters.

    On the quest “Buried Past” you will come across Gareth (if he survived in the first location), who has captured and wants to kill Master Jonathan. If desired, ask Gareth to spare this criminal.

    The Ugly Duckling quest takes place in a meadow nearby. There you will find the sick bird Ferno, which is actually a phoenix. Burn the bird to cure it. In place of the charred creature there will be an egg, which can be left in the inventory for the future or eaten on the spot.

    On the quest “Bestial Treatment” you will come across talking cows, who are actually bewitched people. Naturally, the cows will need your help in killing the evil sorceress.

    Explore the witch's house (the key is in the thicket below), capturing her eye. To develop further events, you need to finish off Alice Alisson, which you will be able to do a little later.

    Finally, there are scarecrows in the meadows, each of which are opponents. As soon as you talk to one, all the others will come to life and attack you. The battle, keep in mind, will be difficult, since the scarecrows have the passive skill “Horror,” which turns enemies into a stampede without the possibility of further control if the target does not have magical protection.


    Along the eastern bank, move south until you reach the cemetery. The "Family Affair" quest is awarded by Tarkin (if he was spared on the ship). The necromancer will need you to go down to the Surrey crypt and get the artifact there. Inside, you'll have to solve a lever puzzle using ghost vision.

    The three switches will only work after you step on the pressure plate in the very last room. Number combination: 2-1-3.

    The quest “Stranger in a Strange Land” is given in the north by the ghost of Vilnx Kriva. The lizard wants you to bury it according to its own customs, that is, cremate it. Pull your leg out of the grave and then throw it into the flames of the dragon statues.

    Continue your journey. Nearby you will find a stone platform, which is guarded by four ghost gnomes. The Featherfall bird sits there, feeding on its owner. Part of the latter's body can be eaten by the elf to learn the necromancy ability Bone Cage.

    There is a bench nearby where you will see Zimsky's ghost. Interact with him to improve your luck stat by one and receive a vial of Source.

    Next you will come across a guard dog named Andras. Andras is guarding the grave and will not let you inside. If you try to pass, then you will have to fight the monster Kedelon Bonecrusher, as well as a gang of skeletons that this warlock dog will summon.

    A little higher on the hill you will find the burial site of Victor Flynn with a note saying that he faked his death. Alas, he still failed to avoid death - his skeleton lies in the crypt.

    The task “Reluctant Servants” is activated in the cemetery. Silent servants roam here, which the watchman Farima will tell you about. It turns out that the servants are controlled by Master Riker, so in order to free the poor puppets, you will have to kill him.

    The quest “Heroes' Shelter” is issued immediately. Get to the center of the cemetery and open the small crypt where four famous warriors are buried. In everyone's grave lies a clue to the treasures they left behind in the world.

    By the way, if you open all four coffins, then the heroes will rise up and fight you. The first three caches of Garrick, Halla and Bromley are located above and to the right at the exit from the cemetery, to the north at the entrance and to the left, not far from the sawmill, respectively.

    The “Generous Offer” quest is taken near a living estate, the door of which will speak to you. If you admit that you are awakened, then she will let you through. Inside you will find Master Riker, who will give you an order to find the tablet in the Black Mines location.

    The "Snake's Tongue" quest is given out at the master's house. After interacting with the silent salamander, return to the cemetery and look for a burning chest near two statues. Move the box towards you using teleportation or telekinesis to open it. It turns out that the password to the chest is made in the old lizard language, which the silent salamander knows about. The Red Prince can unlock the cache in the same way.

    “Existential Crisis” is a task that you will receive higher and to the right in the cemetery. A voice will be heard near one grave - dig it up to rescue the skeleton philosopher. Crispin will ask you three burning questions that will need to be answered.

    All answers without exception must contain the “Undead” tag, so put either Fain or an ordinary undead on your side for a verbal duel. If you lose, one of your companions will die.

    Near the cliff on the right side, visit the altar, which is opposite the giant tree. Use the Source skill “Blessing” on the altar to activate an event: the elf will drag your companion down.

    Follow the missing person to save him. Kill the elf without using poison skills against him, as they heal him.

    The mission “They Shall Not Pass” continues. Go past the gated southern part of the cemetery using teleport or brute force. Below you will reach the very house where it was impossible to get to at the beginning of the location, since the connecting bridge was raised.

    As we mentioned at the same time, the barrier could be overcome with the help of teleportation. Otherwise, the only option left is the one described above - to go around on foot.

    Black mines

    On the right, at the edge of the location, you will find a path into the mines, blocked by insects. Kill them and then talk to the spirits using Source magic.

    The mission “On My Last Gasp” will unfold here, during which the masters will finish off ordinary peasants. If you do not intervene, then all five people will be executed, otherwise you need to attack the masters immediately if you want to save everyone.

    After the rescue, it turns out that another family member is in danger - the nephew. Go to the oil rig where he was hanged. Get to the top and talk to Master Jonathan, who will have to be killed immediately (after the first line) if you want to save your nephew.

    Keep in mind that the entire district in the form of other masters will come running to Jonathan's aid. Moreover, the rescued person will begin to use the magic of the Source, which will attract the attention of the oil fiends, which will then turn into fire fiends when the oil catches fire.

    The quest “No Exit” is given in the west of the fort, where a couple of masters are trying to burn down a house. You can kill the masters to save the person inside, who turns out to be blue blood Owen Anchoret.

    Finally visit the coast where the Shriekers are located. After destruction, get to the buildings with the masters, in which they conduct operations to extract the Source from the magicians.

    Deal with them and find a diary that tells about a safe path to the Black Mines.

    The “Excavation” task is already developing in the mines. The beginning of the cave is dotted with traps, so it is better to leave the whole team at the beginning, letting one thief go ahead, who is able to neutralize the entire path.

    One way or another, soon you will reach the defeated master, after talking with whom you will have to fight with the fiends. Next, go down into the mine. Inside, look into the side room where there is a fragment of a column.

    After a while, you will come across a chicken who will inform you of a threat on the way - the Screaming One. Finish him off normally or bypass him using teleportation.

    In the ruins, find a hole hidden in the wall, which can be opened with the key from the waterfall. Inside you will find the second fragment.

    In the workshop, kill the masters or intimidate them to avoid a fight. Next, you need to restore the oil pump, obtaining information from engineer Krug.

    After exploding the wall with barrels, you will reach a temple with statues of the ancient people to which Fein belongs. Pick up the artifact that lies in the nearby boxes, and then go to the last room with the statues. From the digger's diary you will learn about the correct order for activating the statues; Moreover, the necessary information is contained on the altar.

    The order of activation of the statues is as follows: the top one is first, the second in the last row is second, the second in the third row is third, the second in the second row is fourth, the first in the third row is fifth, the first in the second row is sixth, the first in the last row is seventh .

    After the puzzle you will unlock a force field, behind which you will find an ancient tablet. Next comes a real challenge in the form of a level fourteen boss (if your level is lower, better come back here later). Eternal Ethera opposes your deities, but now she has just awakened, so you may have enough strength to defeat her.

    After the battle, return to Master Riker. You won't find him there, so visit his room, equipped with instruments of torture. Before handing over your find to the master, ask him to teach you the new powers of the Source. Ultimately a battle will follow that cannot be avoided.

    The master's house also gives you the quest “Opposites Attract.” To do this, simply draw a line of food between the turtle and the rat. Now all you have to do is visit the paladins on the bridge and tell them about the atrocities of the masters.

    Paradise Hills

    Beyond the paladin bridge you will receive the “Three Altars” quest, in which you will have to help living deer in the battle against their dead relative. To complete the quest, you need to visit two more similar places.

    The quest “Test of All Seasons” is activated in a forest clearing, where you will find a bowl surrounded by statue trees. To complete the quest you will need to cast specific spells on specific statues, as each one represents a different time of year. Listen carefully to the riddle from the mysterious voice, and then the task will become easier.

    On the road below and to the left, deal with the opponents and talk with the undead named Victor.

    The Buried Past quest continues. Gareth attends to the funeral of his relatives under the protection of paladins. Near Gareth, pick up the gloves of the culprit who killed his parents. Next, get past the outpost in the form of paladins, negotiating with them or using brute force.

    Inside you will find four assassins. Use ghostly vision to talk with Gareth's dead relatives who live nearby.

    It turns out that they do not want revenge; on the contrary, Gareth’s peace is important to them. After this, Gareth will enter the room and decide to finish off the killers. Dissuade him from staying on the hero's path, or give the go-ahead, and then Gareth will embark on the path of revenge.

    Finally, the spirits will reveal to you the name of the main culprit - Master Jonathan. Kill him if you didn't do so earlier when visiting the Black Mines, and then bring Gareth the Master's Ring.

    The task “Dangerous to yourself and others” will start in the eastern part of the location, where you will find the healer Swann. From him you will learn about the dangerous infected Natalie, who is located in the basement. You can help her, but then you will have to fight monsters. Keep in mind that AOE spells will damage the girl.

    On the way up you will come across a sawmill and a gang of "Lone Wolves". Use ghostly vision to see how many restless souls are following them.

    The spirit of the wizard will ask you to avenge him and finish off the mercenary nicknamed Faithful Eye.

    Corbin Dey will complain about his slave fate and complain about the master Rust Anlon. You can finish off the latter in the future, thereby freeing Corbin.

    The spirit Black Widowmaker will tell you about the treacherous murder: his partner Snake Root slipped him poison. The girl will refuse to confess to what she did, so you can kill her.

    The Grave Digger's spirit will tell you about the Woodcutter who finished him off. Visit the latter and, using the answer option tagged “Mystic,” make her see the Grave Digger in her dreams. After this, Dremoseka will show you the location of the treasure.

    The task “Log Like a Log” takes place here. You need to look at the sawmill and talk to the log. The elven piece of wood will ask you to pay the woodcutter who cut it down for it. You will find the woodcutter at the bottom of the location, but he will also be dead. To destroy his spirit, use the Soul Absorption skill.

    The task “Valuable Booty” is taken from the head of the mercenaries, Rust Anlon. He holds Saheila, already familiar to you, captive, so he will have to be finished off. Moreover, Sybil will want the same. If you kill Rust, then from that moment all the mercenaries of the brethren will become hostile to you.

    After the sawmill, visit the clearing to the east by breaking down the gate. There you will find Sadhi - the Red Princess, with whom your red-skinned comrade can retire. This will be followed by a battle with the killers, and the princess will disappear again.

    Above and to the right you will find riddled soil, broken into small areas of land. To move, use teleportation or wings.

    Next you will reach a lonely hut where Almira and Mikal are located. Together the couple left the hot spot, but there were some injuries. You won’t be able to cure Mikal just like that, because there is a curse around him.

    The source of the corruption is the dragon, which you will find above and to the right from here. Finish him off and return for your reward.

    In the future, you will meet a couple on a ship. Then Almira will ask you for one more favor, which is to find the tablet. In the past, you could already get it on Riker's instructions.

    Monastery Forest

    A zombie named Eithne is a librarian. If you convince her that you are not a member of the Black Circle, she will allow you to buy books with various abilities from the schools of Necromancy and Transfiguration.

    Reach the ruins in the center where Hannag lives. The masters are trying to kill the lizard, so help her if you want to get an additional slot for the Source abilities. Next, Hannag will tell you about his student, who may soon be executed. If you manage to rescue him, she will make you a student, but if not, she will only hand over a book about the Source.

    The Three Altars quest continues nearby. You will find the monster surrounded by wolves, who will increase its strength. The monster must be stunned every turn, as it is quite capable of killing your entire group at once.

    In the north of the location you will come across the corpse of a fortune teller, whose name is Alisa Alisson. The body flies on a cross and is quite capable of fighting; moreover, one of its abilities - a passive aura - takes away four hundred HP every turn from the entire squad. A dangerous opponent, so don't even think about fighting him if your level is below 15.

    After the murder, visit Alice's hut, which is located in the meadows. In her chambers you will find ingredients with which you can create a potion (witch's eye, mushroom and catalyst) to heal people turned into cows.

    On the other side of the bridge you will find a lonely house, next to which there is a cage with two demons. Their current owner is Jaan - the same master of the Source that you have already encountered more than once. Find and kill the demon located on Blood Moon Island for him if you want to more fully master the power of the Source.

    On the shore you will meet the Dead Ferryman, who transports everyone to that very island. Any character other than the undead will not survive this journey, as it takes place through the fog of death.

    To overcome the obstacle alive, use the following trick: separate all the heroes from one character who is going to use the boat. When he turns out to be dead on the other side, the rest of his living party members will immediately teleport to him.

    Blood Moon Island

    Go down and to the right until you reach the demons led by the Lawyer. Immediately you will find a familiar Ailment, which teleports without talking. Next, you can make a bet with the gnome who just spoke with Illness, betting with him for five hundred coins.

    The lawyer will offer to teach you new features of the Source's power, but in return he will ask for a counter favor - to kill the Black Circle group. You will find the targets in the center of the island, after which the Lawyer will reveal to you the location of the Nameless Island.

    Next, you can finish off the Lawyer, since Jaan asked you to do so. As a reward, you will receive an increased Source resource. Jaan will also need you to find the owner of the Lawyer by asking the spirits on the island about his name.

    Find a bridge assembled from fragments, and then a map with statues, an archive and a mountain marked on it. The mission “The Forgotten and the Damned” is activated.

    Go up and to the right and at the turn you will find loosened ground, under which there is a hatch hidden. You will find yourself in the Archives, where the ghostly abbot of the library is located. Behind one of the cabinets you will find part of the Anathema weapon, as well as a new pyramid for fast movement and a special book with a spell to tame the flames, which you will need to destroy the statues.

    Near the statues you will find cages with demons. Before opening them, look into the world of ghosts and negotiate with the guard spirits to get permission to release the prisoners. You have to defeat a baby, a gnome and a lizard, each of which uses demonic abilities.

    Preparing to sail

    The mission on this part of the land is coming to an end, so it’s time to set sail. For the next journey, you need to open three additional slots for Source abilities, learn the Source Drawing skill, discover the location of the mysterious Nameless Island, solve Gareth's dilemma, and also (optional) complete the personal quests of your companions.

    Keep in mind that opportunities to increase Source slots can be easily missed. There are four characters in total who can help you in this matter: Mordus, Riker, Hannag and Jaan - remember these names.

    You will receive the ability to extract the Source from Siwa when you open the cells described above.

    Finally, the location of the island can be discovered by the Lawyer, God (according to the ritual in Siwa’s hut), and also the Ailment. When all conditions are met, return to the ship and order it to sail.

    B unnamed island

    This part of the land is a whole battlefield, where masters and paladins on one side, and the Black Circle on the other, constantly fight. Your task is to visit all seven Divine Temples and complete the tests there. When the job is done, you can proceed into the depths of the mysterious Academy.

    Talk without leaving the ship with the succubus Almira, who wants to find two pieces of the Deliverer. Also here you will find Master Delorus, whom you met back in Fort Joy. He can become a companion, but his level is too low for full-fledged battles.

    Temples of the Gods

    Temple of Ralik

    The first sanctuary represents the people, and here you will stumble upon a confrontation between the masters and members of the Black Circle. Choose a side and then take part in the battle. After the battle, activate the altar with a person so as not to receive the “debuff”, or with another race, but then you will become blind for a while.

    Temple of Vrogir

    Go up and to the left until you come across a Cheka squad. If you convince them that you are the embodiment of Almira, then there will be no battle.

    The inside of the temple will be flooded, which was done by order of the Cheka. You can cancel the order and send the entire group off the island. After this, find the key that will allow you to unlock the secret path to the Armory with valuable items.

    On the same shore you will find a Gloomy Cave, where you can find powerful weapons. Picking up the Blade of the Eternals will provoke an attack from the apologists.

    Inside the demon sanctuary, you will find that a necessary item is missing from the altar. Go to the ghostly world and talk with the spirit of the imp, who will tell you the reason for the loss - it turns out that the crystal was stolen by members of the Black Circle.

    Go west until you come across two mongrels who found a strange stone. Kill them or simply throw meat at them to get the crystal you're looking for. You can now use the altar.

    Activating the altar will take you to the miniature world of Zantezza. First place the boxes on the nearest plates. Go further, bypassing the blocked doors using teleportation.

    To speed up time, use the hyperactivity device in the hall on the right. The other device will initiate a kill protocol, so don't touch it. Finally, in the center you will find a core, which you need to get to as quickly as possible, otherwise you will die.

    After this, move along the northern path to find the Cheka group. Kill them and take the Dark Mirror from the head.

    Elves will meet you on the approaches to the temple. To avoid a fight, answer them that you are awakened or are carrying out the will of the masters.

    Here you will learn that Bishop Alexander has gone after you and has already landed on the island. You will find him at the very top of the elven sanctuary in the company of Gareth, who wants to kill him. Help Alexander, who has separated from Hammer, or complete Gareth's revenge and finish off the bishop.

    Another task will be given to you by Sybil if she is in the group. The tree in the temple will direct her to take the life of the Prince of Shadows. When you leave the temple, your friend Saheila will advise you to destroy the Tree so that the elves will finally gain freedom. Decide what to do.

    Temple of Amadia

    The ancient people's sanctuary is located in the lower left corner of the island. You can get there only by climbing up the vines, which will lead you to the temple floating in the sky.

    On the spot, overcome all obstacles and chasms using various blessings of Amadia. Along the way, if Fain is part of your party, you will receive unique gloves. Get to the center and interact with the altar.

    Temple of Zorl-Stissa

    Get to the shrine and interact with the altar. No difficulties. To the east of the temple you will find the Prince of Shadows lizard, whom Sybil has been hunting for throughout the game. She will go into a trance due to the lizard's magic, so you will have to sing a song to her. A battle will follow in which you will have to fight invisible people.

    Finally, the Red Prince can also interact with the Prince of Shadows. After the murder, travel to the ghost world to find out the reason for the hunt for the Red Prince. It turns out that your partner and Princess Sadha can give birth to real dragons, which does not at all appeal to the nobility of the lizard empire.

    Temple of Dune

    On the way to the sanctuary, overcome all the chasms using magic. Inside, defeat the cursed Dune warrior, and then fulfill his request - absorb him. After starting, go around the temple from the north and talk with the undead. She will ask you to finish off the damned gnome.

    On the assignment "White-Face" you have to finish off the eponymous leader of the Black Circle. Using the black mirror, pretend to be White-Face's subordinates in order to safely reach his hideout, which lies to the left of the Temple of the Moon near the mountain.

    The entrance will be protected by the troll Krug, with whom it is impossible to reach a compromise. There's no point in fighting him honestly, so just teleport him into the lava.

    In the cave you will see an altar that you cannot interact with. Dispel the illusion behind him by using Alexander's Hood, and then finish off the leader.

    In the Cheka camp you can find an acquaintance of Windego, who could have been killed back in Fort Joy. One way or another, she will have to be dealt with again.

    Now that all the temples are activated, head to the Sanctuary of the Moon. Inside you will find seven pillars, each representing a specific deity. Each of the seven represents either the Sun (light) or the Moon (darkness), as you learned when visiting the temples.

    Set the affiliation of the gods to the luminaries, and then use the lever. To activate the lever, move the lightning bolt thing called the Phase Capacitor onto the pressure plate.

    If you wish, you can go a completely different route without activating the altars. To do this, visit the corner of the island on the lower right, where the islands are located. Using them you can get to a separate land where a hatch is hidden. It is he who will lead you to the halls of the Academy.

    Inside the Academy, you will meet a fiend of the void, who will reveal to you that their true motives lie in the desire to return the power illegally stolen by the gods.

    Go into the hall, dotted with the bodies of teachers. You can interact with them to strengthen some characteristics instead of weakening others. Then find the panel and install the Phase Capacitor, which will fire the beam. It is necessary to direct the beam to the post using mirrors.

    In another room you will find the key to the room on the left with valuable treasures. Near the pillar that the beam should reach, install a couple more capacitors, and then interact with the lever. This will take you to the Hall of Heroes.

    In the hall you will meet all the story companions, as well as Gareth or the Bishop, depending on your choice. Agree to fight.

    After this, a battle will begin in which all the chosen ones will take up arms against you. Get to the Divinity Key, which lies on the right. Ultimately, when you overcome the Guardian challenge, you will be greeted by the long-forgotten Dallis Sledgehammer.

    If you managed to change the Bishop to your side, then she will immediately finish him off. Dallis then annihilates the key and goes into hiding.

    Finally, the destruction of the arena will follow, during which the battle will unfold. You will have to defeat your own copies in the form of divine avatars, as well as the Source Titan, which will appear at the end. When the job is done, Illness will appear and ask you to launch the beacon - do this to leave the location.

    Once on the ship, talk to Illness. Your next goal is Arx, where Dallis went.

    Oh hota for Dallis


    Directly on the ship you will move to the hill. Pass the camp near the shore and get to the port. Once there, it turns out that the harbor was attacked by a kraken. If you think that your strength is enough to destroy 18 levels, then give him a fight.

    After this, search the shipwreck and find the key. Also talk to the ghosts to learn about Dallis, who rushed to the tomb of Lucian himself. Defeat the vampires by helping the paladins to let you into Arx.


    In the city center, find the artist and use ghostly vision to talk to the spirit. The latter will reveal to you that the local prince owns a rare painting.

    After visiting the nobleman’s residence, you will stumble upon Kat, who will also mention the paintings and offer you help. On the top floor, prepare to meet the guards; in the hall there is a key that can only be transferred to you using telekinesis. Finally, you will find the treasured path to the basement outside the house.

    The “Execution” quest will begin with a series of executions: paladins will kill masters, wanting to find secret members of the Black Circle. Talk to Marie, who will ask you to rescue de Selby. The latter violated discipline and refused to carry out executions, so she herself ended up on the scaffold. The only way to save her is to kill the local head of the paladins.

    On the quest “The Power of Mercy”, visit the prison on the lower level of the city. Deal with the guards, and then find the cage with Windego's old friend. If you let her go, you will learn a new spell that allows you to turn fiends into allies. She will also reveal to you that the local leader of the paladins, Kemm, is secretly working for the demons.

    The quest “The Last Stronghold of the Masters” is activated in the barracks. In the ghost world, find Marvell, who lives in the kitchen. Next to it, clear the path from the boxes and use the hatch.

    By the way, on the hatch there will be a password in the form of four phrases, two of which can be found in the next room (the others will have to be selected at random).

    On the lower level, find the secret button to get into the master's vault. Next, to unlock another secret, remove all four pictures, behind which there will be buttons. As a result, you will find yourself in a new room where the ghost of Hux lives. Here, pick up the key and go down to the next level through the closed hatch.

    You will eventually come across Master Raymond surrounded by Geists - kill him. Next, examine his documents and read the information about Dallis, which contains all the plans of the masters. It turns out that they set out to destroy the Source, Divinity and the Void itself, for which they have already recruited Tarkin, whom you know. The latter took upon himself the responsibility for the resurrection of King Brakk.

    Return to the city and go up and to the left, where the burning part of the city is located. Visit the lizard embassy, ​​where you can find a mysterious portal.

    To the right of the city, explore the apartments of the artisan Zanders, who makes toys. One of the toys came to life and disappeared - you will find it near the pier and learn that there are corpses in Zanders' basement. Visit his house again, and then talk to the master himself and decide his fate.

    Then visit the library, where history doc Hubert will examine you. Correct answers: House of Dreams, 1234, Tenax and Cassandra. If you answer correctly, Hubert will ask you to go down with him to the basement, where he will open a new story and give you a book of talents of your choice. There is also a chest, the key to which is in the previous room.

    On the quest “Just What the Doctor Ordered,” you will visit the Black House, where Deva lives. If you defeat White-Face on Blood Moon Island, the doctor will let you inside. Next, Deva will offer you a deal: half of the divine power on your part, help in the battle against Dallis on his. Keep in mind that the transaction will definitely have consequences. If you refuse, you will discover that the powerful demon Adramalich is hiding behind the doctor's guise.


    The quest “Secrets of the Dwarves” is activated when you approach the gnome area. Make your way to their courtyard from the east by teleporting to the balcony of the wise man's house. Here you will find stones that will help you get to the other side.

    On site you will find the place of the already completed wedding, which has taken on the appearance of a slaughterhouse. If you activate the cake, a battle will follow with the toys that crawl out of it. There you will also find a message from Dev. Before leaving, examine the bodies to find the key.

    Take a look into the house where newlywed Isla Gall has taken up residence. On the top floor you will come across her dad Michel, who is about to leave Arx. Next, look into the kitchen and take the Lulabelle wine to unlock the secret passage.

    You will find yourself in a sewer full of spiders - kill them. Next, visit the right side of the dungeon, where there is a brotherhood of child thieves who will pit you against the troll. When the battle is over, take the Strange Painting, which is that rare image.

    Ultimately, you will find yourself in the secret abode of Queen Justinia in the company of Isbale. If you released Windego after the interrogation, you learned that Isbeil was consorting with demons. That is why you can now surrender it to Justinia, after which the latter will refuse to stand up for Isbeil in battle. After the battle, talk with Justinia and decide her fate.

    Before leaving, you can visit the sewer branch, which will lead you to the prison. There you will come across the boy Karon, who is an awakened one. If you return here again after some time, you will not find Karon in place, but you will find him in the western part of Arx, where he will commit a massacre.

    Visit the temple and speak with Avenny to receive the key to Arhu's private chambers. After exploring the chambers, at the exit you will find paladins who will accuse you of killing Arhu. Finish them off or try to negotiate peace.

    On the opposite side of the temple, talk to Charlie the dog to find out about the true culprit behind the disappearance of Arhu. It turns out that Kemm, whom you know, is behind the crime.

    Talk to Lyle to learn about the Blood Path pilgrimage. It turns out that only an absolutely sinless person can overcome it. Come inside.

    Along the way, you will come across a statue of Lucian, who will ask you four questions. It doesn't matter whether you answer honestly or lie, because if you actually committed crimes, the statue will instantly destroy you. If you have sins, then you can use a trick: return to the ship, take an “empty” companion who has not yet participated in your adventures, and then bring him here and take the test with him.

    Next, a riddle with pipes awaits you. It is necessary to pass liquids of three different colors into three bowls on the opposite side. As a result, it turns out that one liquid is missing - use “Bloody Rain” over the center of the platform, and then bless the blood with the Source skill.

    After solving the problem, continue on your way. Behind the door you will find minions of the Source, who are easy to kill, but pointless, since they are reborn. To overcome this challenge, you must dial the right combination of levers. Each of the levers represents a separate letter, and you need to collect the word “RIGHT”.


    The "End Times" task is the final one. Malaise and Tarkin will act on your side. In the hall, talk with Lucian and Dallis. It turns out that the first faked his death in order to unhinderedly absorb the Source of the gods.

    Dallis is an eternal one who has always worked for Lucian. Moreover, Fane is her father. Hammer's ultimate goal was to completely consume the Origin and move it to a safe place - one where the Void could not threaten it.

    Next you will have a battle with King Brakk. The leaders you know will fight on his side, while Lucian and Dallis are on your side. You won't have to kill Brakk personally, since you won't have enough strength, so just try to survive.


    1. If you make an agreement with the doctor, you will meet with him again to give half of your divinity. Next, Lucian and Dallis will die, and you and the demon will divide the world in half, creating a balance between light and darkness.
    2. The second ending is "Ascension". You will become a sole god without the help of a doctor.
    3. The third ending involves the spread of the Source throughout the world. Each of the inhabitants of the Earth will become a magician and will contain the Source.
    4. The final ending hinges on the destruction of the Source. Magic will leave Rivellon forever.

    Video: walkthrough of Divinity Original Sin 2

    Like if it was useful

    is a side quest in the game that asks you to go through all the seasons and find an unknown elven building, which will be surrounded by four strange statues.

    Passing the quest

    First of all, we will need to find the necessary clearing in which the brazier will be located, surrounded by four statues. For convenience, we suggest using the coordinates: X: 448, Y: 343. In order to receive the quest, we need to interact with the brazier and accept the task. As a result, we need to attack all four statues using different elements.

    Each statue has its own name:

    • Hero of Winter;
    • Hero of Autumn;
    • Hero of Summer;
    • Hero of spring.

    Each will require its own individual approach. It is strongly recommended to attack the Hero of Winter with the spell “Cold Explosion” or “Destructive Hail”. a combination of “Rain” and “General Cooling” will also work.

    The Hero of Autumn will be attacked by casting a fire spell on water. After this, you need to electrify the resulting cloud using the “Electric Discharge” skill. You can also use similar skills that can be created using . An alternative option is to use an electric boom.

    To attack the Hero of Summer, you must use the Laser Beam ability. Another option is to use a fire slug. This is necessary so that he can use the aforementioned spell. If your character does not have one, then summoning a slug is the only possible option.

    The Hero of Spring will be attacked using the Blood Rain skill. You can also use the elf racial ability called Flesh Sacrifice.

    Immediately after the very last statue is attacked, four challengers will appear in front of your character, with whom you must fight. Each of them reflects the seasons in Divinity Original Sin 2. In addition, it is endowed with its own immunity, which had its own individual element. If your character is developed at the same level as the statues, that is, level 14, you will still have a rather difficult time. Therefore, superiority in development will not play a big role.

    After you defeat each of the opponents, you will receive congratulations on your victory from the brazier. As a reward, you will find a chest containing an artifact and a phoenix heart.

    Note: You will need this to unlock a new ability called Flames. To do this, just eat this heart in front of the elf.

    This way you will complete the Seasons quest in Divinity Original Sin 2.

    Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a deep, epic, mature and smart classic RPG wrapped in a beautiful package with freedom of action available only to a select few of the genre.
    Most old-school RPGs favor isometrics, which loses the finer details of the environment that create some of the atmosphere. Here, the authors created a completely three-dimensional world with a free camera that can show an entire floor of a mansion, hidden objects in cracks on the wall, or elegant patterns on armor from any angle.

    The system requirements for such features are quite impressive. Therefore, to play Divinity: Original Sin 2 without lags and get maximum visual pleasure, you need an above-average PC. Recommended system requirements:

    • System: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit or higher;
    • Processor: Intel Core i7 or better;
    • RAM: 8 GB or more;
    • Video card: GeForce GTX 770 or Radeon R9 280;
    • DirectX: Versions 11;
    • Space: 35 GB.

    About the game

    Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 give players as much freedom as possible, encouraging freedom of action and ingenuity with quests, rare equipment and achievements. A complete first playthrough can take 100 hours even on medium difficulty. And if you take into account mods that open up new opportunities and hardcore mode, the adventure can consume over 200 hours. It is much more difficult to kill the enemy, because the enemy has become wiser and is fully using the tactical arsenal.

    At the “Tactics” or “Valor” level, sometimes you think about trainers and codes, because the enemies begin to cast such combinations of skills that the novice player’s squad is left with a pile of ashes. Fun fact - on the day of the release of the second part, the creators did not have time to release the Russian localization, but two weeks later a patch was released and no localization was needed.


    Lucian the Divine is dead and the Voidfiends have broken into Rivellon. Sorcerers and the magic of the Source are blamed for everything. The Masters of the Divine Order fanatically pursue mages throughout Rivellon. Captured sorcerers face prison and forced purification, during which the magicians lose their power along with their own personality and turn into silent zombies.

    The main character is one of the magicians of the Source, captured by the order. The adventure begins on a ship heading to an island prison with the ironic name of Fort Joy.


    The character is accompanied on his travels by companions. At the same time, the game allows you to travel alone with talents that increase action points. But the cost of loneliness is high, since companion quests and comments from party members disappear.

    Companions vary in race, personality, and personal history. You can customize classes and create your own hero or play as a ready-made character with a story:

    • Lowse;
    • Beast;
    • Fein;
    • Ifan ben Mezd;
    • Red Prince;
    • Sybil.

    During his travels, he meets other allies, for example, Gareth or Tarkin, as well as sworn opponents. In dvinity original there is no clear division between good and evil, so friends can become rivals, and enemies can become new allies.


    An interesting feature is crafting. Hundreds of reference books, guides and books, including recipes, are hidden in Rivellon. Many recipes can only be learned through experience. To create some things or a special rune you will need ingenuity, perseverance or a wiki. For example, through trial and error, you can connect boots and nails. In such boots, the character will never slip on an icy surface.

    There are several hundred different recipes, so you never know which ingredient might come in handy. Even from an inconspicuous plant, ordinary water and a metal spoon, a good rune can be crafted.

    Skills and magic

    Leveling up in Divinity is a separate topic. Only a video guide or a large class guide can fully cover the topic, since there are 10 types of skills alone:

    • Warfare;
    • Hunting skill;
    • The Art of Murder;
    • Pyrokinetics;
    • Hydrosophistry;
    • Aerotheurgy;
    • Geomancy;
    • Necromancy;
    • Summoning;
    • Transformation.

    You can upgrade any skills, the main thing is that you have enough free points. When learning each spell or skill (excluding eating corpses and legendary artifacts), an original skill book is required.

    In addition to the 10 indicated types, there are unique combined skills with the magic of two spells, as well as deadly skills for source points. There are a lot of crafting options, but they are all collected in any game wiki.

    Divinity: Original Sin 2 features over 150 side objectives, spread across seven episodes. The first playthrough can be difficult, as you might accidentally miss something or get confused when solving the next puzzle. We invite you to watch an overview of the most interesting and difficult tasks. To make it easier to find NPCs, locations or items, see the X and Y coordinates (mini map).

    Chapter 2

    Here we have to face the order, recruit party members, figure out how to remove the collar, and escape to the mainland in the eastern part of the Reaper's Eye.

    One of the first interesting places in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is the Fort Joy Arena. In dialogue with Nebora (212, 135) we find out information about the underground arena. We find a hatch in the floor in the kitchen (215, 131), talk with Tola Spiked and challenge a group of enemies to battle. After winning, you can ask Nebore to remove the collar from the main character. Be careful! If guards see a prisoner without a collar, they will have questions.

    Tyrant's Artifacts

    During your travels, you can get a rare set of armor, consisting of five fragments with a good armor rating. The equipment is cursed and must be equipped at the same time to avoid the curse. The search begins with the statue in the Ancient Passage (15 perception points). After the monologue, with a stone figure we take the first fragment included in the tyrant’s set - the “Tyrant’s Step” leggings. The helmet is hidden in the king's sanctuary in the ruins of the castle where Gareth is first encountered. Gloves can be taken from the sarcophagus in the king's tower. “The Tyrant's Boots” are kept in a tower near the meeting with the maddened sorceress (378, 248). The “Heart of the Tyrant” armor is kept in the treasury of King Brakk.

    Geist killer

    At Fort Joy, Arnika lost her father Migo. Lost Migo wanders on the southeastern shore. Grab an arnica flower in advance, which will bring Migo to her senses. As a reward, Migo will give a ring that should be given to Arnica, then run with Arnica to Migo. If you pass, you will receive the achievement.

    Withermoor Soul Jug

    In the caves in the south there is a hidden underground hole covered with sand. Go down the hole and chat with Lord Withermoor. It will take 12 strength to remove the spear from the lord's chest. He will pray for the release of the soul. Look for the jar containing Withermoor's soul in the Ancient Passage. Use the loophole on the floor next to the temple in the fort square and go down to the prison. Find the secret lever that opens the way to the Ancient Passage, break the second jug on the left.

    Gargoyle Labyrinth

    To enter the Brakka Tower, you need to go through an intricate labyrinth. There are many doors inside that open with skulls. Use teleportation and find six skulls or show the gargoyle the “Ring of Brakk”, you will immediately be transported to the tower, bypassing the labyrinth. However, then you will not see the undead being burned by the cursed fire. You need to know how to extinguish a historian, because the usual methods are useless. To save the poor guy from suffering, use the bloody rain skill and bless the undead.

    Sourceless Dragon

    On the right side of the island lives a dragon captured by the sorceress Radek. Break the shackles with chains and promise the dragon to return the small staff - the wand of deliverance, with the help of which the sorceress deprived her of power. Go to the dragon's mistress and pick up the wand of deliverance. By the way, only here a rare rose grows, so don’t forget to grab your find. Give the rod to the prisoner and in gratitude he will kill the screaming ones during the escape.

    Flaming Pigs

    In the east there are squealing burning pigs running around that cannot be extinguished. Use the blessing to dispel the curse and defeat or convince Guardian Scapor. Run to Dragon Beach from the top side and meet Feder the Pig. Run with Feder to the Sanctuary of Amadia and offer the pig a dip in the healing water to remove the curse.

    King Brakk's Treasury

    On the west coast near the crocodiles, read the diary of Magilla's corpse and go look for the treasure of King Brakk in the east. Jars with damned souls are stored here for the plots A Fate Worse than Death and The Eternal Admirer. Take the jugs with you for later use. After the victory, we take the Trickster's Cursed Ring. If you put on a cursed ring, you will have to remove the curse - to do this, remove the ring and bless yourself.

    Mother's nightmare

    Desperate mother Terah (180, 188) searches for her lost daughter Erma. Talk to Farrah and then to Jet. After the dialogue with Jet, contact Erma again and complete the search.

    Chapter 4

    Once you arrive, you'll be taken to the shores of Reaper's Coast. You'll meet your god, visit a ton of interesting places, and engage in the Ruddy Awakening storyline. This is the largest location, so we recommend staying longer on the coast. Having stepped ashore, immediately finish off the dying shark (450, -46) and take the remains of the child. Later in the city, find Ben's child and tell him about his friend's death, complete the Hide and Seek objective.

    Driftwood Arena

    Under the tavern there is a fighting arena with difficult fights with a blindfold and with the current champion Murga. Win two victories and you will be awarded the key to the treasury. Collect treasures and don't forget the Chosen Key. The key will come in handy in the fifth episode, when you encounter the Academy and the Test Site quest. Dorothea the Luxurious also lives nearby, activating the Web of Carnal Desires mission. As a reward, you can receive the unique talent Spider's Kiss.

    ugly duck

    South of the city walls lives an ugly sick duckling who is actually a phoenix. Use the fire skill on the duckling and take the trophy - a phoenix egg. It can be sold or eaten by learning the Phoenix Flight spell.

    Law of the order

    In town, talk to Raymond and Julian at the Brighton Barnes Fish Warehouse. A letter from the Dwarven Queen is kept in the Cave of the Shipbreakers. Give the letter to Julian or Lohar. If you give the letter to the masters, you will have to fight Lohar.

    When to count chickens

    On the Reaper's Coast you will meet chickens. When to count chickens is a task that the Big Margin chicken will give. Conversation requires a talent for communicating with animals. Go after the missing chickens and return the remaining egg to Big Marge. After a while, return to the chicken coop, where you will be greeted by a squeaker (chicken from a rescued egg). Thanks to spiritualism, find out from Big Marge where the father of the chicken is the Magic Rooster (437, 304). Take the chicken to its father and fight the fiends of darkness into which the chicken will turn.

    Window of opportunity

    In the Monastery Forest you will encounter Hannag, fighting with the masters. If you help her and convince her to teach her the power of the gods, she will reveal the goal On her last breath, in which you will go to the Black Mines and save the student Gwydain. On your way to the mines, visit Gareth and start the Bury the Past objective, in which you will have to deal with Jonathan. Stop by the Paladin Outpost along the way and start the Dark Deeds in the Black Mines adventure with Tom Hardwin.

    Be careful in the south of the Monastery Forest, as Alice Alisson lives there. The fight with her is extremely difficult, but for defeating the evil sorceress you will receive rare items for the quest Bestial Treatment. In the west of the Monastery Forest lives the merchant Eithne (167, 222). Combine the book of necromancy and pyrokinetics and sell the combined spell to the merchant. To complete, visit the remains of Eithne in the Churchyard (566, 130).

    A little west of the undead merchant you can begin the unusual quest three altars. The first sanctuary is guarded by the Weeping Abomination (115, 269). Kill the wolf demon and say the prayer at the shrine to activate the task. Find three altars at the coordinates:

    • 115, 269;
    • 414, 301;
    • 482, 260.

    Dangerous to yourself and others

    Gregorius Swann lives in a house northeast of the Churchyard. You need the scientist tag to cure the girl. Fight the demons and don't kill Natalie. Carry out the operation through a dialogue with the girl and sequentially select:

    Visit Jaan east of the Monastery Forest and take on a quest to kill a dangerous demon. We recommend completing all the quests on the dangerous Blood Moon Island, because there are a lot of them here! Study in advance, read the book from Jaan’s house “The Ornamented Hymn Book” and set course for the Blood Moon Island after the demon.

    You can cross the deadly fog through the ferryman in the north of the Monastery Forest or through the destroyed bridge northeast of Jaan. A dangerous demon lives here, which will help you develop your power if you take on the additional subtask Lawyer. Go to the ancestral tree and fight the necromancer fanatics. Return to the demon and finish it off to complete the objective.

    When you learn about the necromancers who tried to get through the fog of death, the Mysteries of Blood Moon Island task will appear. Head east, where you'll find a hatch (requires high perception) that you can climb down to reveal an archive. Search the archive, find out the name of the ancestor tree and begin the subplots Sublime Deception, Bound by Pain and Silent. Leave the archive and go south, where you will come across an ancient forge. Here you can craft a Silver Lever from Silver Ingots. The lever will come in handy during the passage of The Forgotten and the Damned, during which you will visit three vaults under the sculptures.

    Missing Masters

    Near the city prison, visit Carver and investigate the disappearance of members of the order. Go to the Black Bull Tavern and ask the elf at the entrance for details. Learn about the killer from Harrick's ghost and pick up the victim's ring in the kitchen under the floorboards (high perception required). Show your find to the cook and fight her. Report your successful investigation to Carver.

    There are many tasks in the tavern that can be completed at once. On the second floor, find Captain Ableweather and find the spirit near her through spiritualism in order to fulfill the order of Grief Cannot Be Filled. Convince the spirit to leave Ableweather and find out from the captain the location of the sunken treasure ship. A man with a mysterious chest sleeps next to Ableweather's room. Talk to him and start the Sleeping Adventurer mission, which requires you to open a talking chest.

    If you have a Red Lizard Prince in your party, order Droughtwood Exotics from Lovrik and head up to the second floor to begin the Love Has a Price mini-adventure. After a passionate night, the lizard will find himself in the arms of the Red Princess, who will meet later in the northeast of the location.

    Saheila tribe

    After rescuing Amiro at Fort Joy, tell her relatives in the northeast on the Reaper's Coast about Saheila. Chat with Tova and go to the sawmill in the north to save Saheila from the clutches of the Lone Wolves as part of the Elven Seer storyline. If Sebilla is in the party, then here you can complete the task Valuable booty. After rescuing Saheila, there are many tasks at the sawmill, most of which are available with the Spiritism ability, including the Log as a Log story.

    A little west of the elf camp (448, 343) rise four elven idols. Solve the puzzle The Challenge of All Seasons by activating the four statues:

    • Autumn - use an electric arrow;
    • Winter - use Cold Explosion;
    • Spring - let blood next to the idol;
    • Summer - use the Laser Beam.

    The reward is the Heart of the Phoenix. If there is an elf in the group, eat the heart and add the Tongue of Flame spell to your collection.

    Empty dreams

    Travel to the southwest coast from the city walls in search of a magic lamp, inside of which lives a genie. And on the western bank you will notice a sculpture and receive the Burning Prophet task. Light five torches at the same time and collect the reward from the prophet.

    Shadow over Driftwood

    Under the Black Bull tavern lives the leader of the gang, Lohar, who will ask you to inspect the house where Mordus lives. Run to the house to the west and go down to the basement. Hidden behind the drawers is a bookshelf with a note about the order to kill Lorhar. You can also see a skull in one of the walls, which begins the Taste of Freedom mission. Tell Lohar about your findings and head west of the city to the Shipwreckers' Cave to finish off the conspirator.

    Losses in the ledger

    In the tavern, the merchant Garvan is eating lunch, and he will tell you about the attack on the caravan and the death of Liam’s mentor. Follow the remains of the caravan and look for traces of blood (perception required). Search Garvan's supplies and communicate with Liam's spirit (190, 168) through spiritualism. Take the Aggressive Capture task, promise to get rid of Liam's death and bring Garvan's head. Nearby on the bridge lives the troll Grog, who will give out an additional goal of Competitors and ask you to get rid of the other troll. Return to Garvan and hand over the equipment if desired. If you want to bring the head to Liam, kill Garvan without attracting attention with any prepared stew of void-touched fish.

    Generous offer

    The main character in the cemetery, Riker, will help you develop strength if you help get the tablet from the mines. Hitting the mine in the Mines will start the Midnight Oil objective. During research, you can obtain an artifact of the Eternals, from which you can create the armor of the mighty Eternals. To destroy the wall, you can repair the oil pump. The oil pump will break the wall thanks to the created flammable barrels.

    Next to the caretaker is the salamander Ziu. She will activate the Serpent's Tongue quest and tell you the password to the chest on fire on the southeastern side of the cemetery. Ziu will only tell the lizard with the tag scientist the password. In his mansion there are three books for solving the Existential Crisis puzzle. After finding all the Essence of Essence volumes, you will pass the tests at the Crispin skeleton (625, 153). In the basement of the mansion, you can help the lovers rat and turtle by completing Opposites attract. Talk to the animals and lure the rat to the turtle with a trail of food.

    Near the northern gate of the cemetery stands Tarkin, who issues the mission Family Affair. After completion, you will have Anathema - the strongest weapon. First, look for Joanna Surrey's grave in the cemetery. The first fragment of the artifact in the shadow sarcophagus. The key to the tomb is held by the sorceress Kwanna in the neighboring tomb, near the entrance of which is the guard dog Andras.

    Be careful when exploring the area. Especially near the graves of fallen heroes. When you open the sarcophagi, cursed undead will appear as part of the Hero's Haven challenge. After defeating them, you can go after the heroes' treasures. Chest locations:

    • 729, 53;
    • 458, 394;
    • 562, 458;
    • 651, 200.

    If you did The Man and His Dog, then in the cemetery area you will meet a dog (530, 65). Also living in the Pogost is Farima, who will ask you to finish off Raikr. It is better to go through Servants unwillingly after completing the request of the owner of the Graveyard.

    And if you like a broken angel statue, you can fix it using the head found next to the stone knight. Scroll the angelic figure and open the doors to the tomb.

    Chapter 5

    Upon arrival at the Nameless Hidden Island, the location appears to be quite modest, but this is a deceptive feeling. There are a lot of interesting locations here that you can easily miss the first time. And when you think that most of it has been completed, the mystical lands present surprises.

    The main activity will be solving the puzzle of the lunar temple. Near the entrance there are seven movable columns of deities. When visiting the sanctuaries of the gods, you need to find out where the deity draws its power from. Place the columns with the appropriate sign to unlock the magic door.

    Moon symbol:

    • Amadia;
    • Dune;
    • Zantezza;
    • Tyr-Zendelius.

    Sun symbol:

    • Vrogir
    • Zorl-Stissa;
    • Ralik.


    Hidden underground is a giant shelter surrounded by lava, in which the leader of the Black Circle lives. You can get into the lair through a dilapidated altar by placing Alexander's head on it. Explore the surroundings in search of the hilt from which the scythe of deliverance is created. Thanks to the scythe, you can complete Almira's order, The Key to Freedom. Inside awaits the continuation of the story of the witch Windego, who will be encountered in the mission The Power of Mercy.

    Non-scientific research

    Entering the forbidden library, with the help of spiritualism, you will meet wandering spirits. To complete the challenge, follow Master Tremley's route. Repeat the steps and open the locked doors. Convince the spirit of Redalus to return to his beloved and accept the reward.

    Mother tree

    If Sebilla is in the party, visit the upper plateau with the elf temple. The tree will ask you to kill the Prince of Shadows, but another development option will appear. The seer Saheila wants to destroy the tree. You have a difficult choice ahead of you.

    Chapter 6

    The next stop on the path to godhood is the majestic city of Arx. Unraveling political conspiracies, you will learn the secrets of the dwarves and obtain ancient divine treasures. The final stage of the adventure will be the Tomb of Lucian and the Path of Blood. To enter the shrine of Lucian you will need the master of secret dreams and nightmares Zanders.

    The last stronghold of the masters

    There is a secret hideout hidden under the barracks in Arx. The hatch in the floor is closed with a combination lock. Select the answers sequentially to open the hatch:

    • Purity;
    • Discipline;
    • Order;
    • Loyalty.

    There are buttons hidden in the storage behind the paintings on the walls. Press the following buttons one by one to get to the secret room:

    • Intelligence;
    • Society;
    • Body;
    • Divine.


    We strongly recommend checking out the ruins of the consulate in the west of Arx if there is a Red Prince in the party. Having passed through the portal of dreams, an unexpected turn in the fate of a party member will be revealed. The constant resurrection of the damned dead creates some difficulties. Apply bless necroflame, removing the cursed surface, and the undead will stop coming to life.

    Blood Gift

    A mini-detective awaits you at the gnomes' wedding. After receiving it, search the house in the east of Arx and enter the basement through the hatch under the bed. Retrieve Dorian Gall's diary, fill your backpack with antiquities and return to the dwarven wedding to Michel Ros to complete it.


    The party RPG genre is making a comeback thanks to Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity. And after the release of the game Divinity, the genre gained even more new fans. Every review on STEAM makes this clear. It has 93% positive reviews, which, without a doubt, makes us wait for a sequel.

    Testing all the seasons is a side quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. In a clearing in the forest, we came across an elven building - a brazier surrounded by four statues.


    Find a clearing in the forest with four elven statues and a brazier in the center (X: 448, Y: 343). Interact with the brazier and complete the test. You will need to attack four statues using different elements.

    Hero of Winter - use the spells “Cold Explosion” or “Destructive Hail”. Rain + Global Chill will also work.

    Hero of Autumn - Cast a fire spell on water, then electrify the resulting cloud of steam with an Electric Discharge spell or similar. Or just use an electrifying arrow.

    Hero of Summer - Use the Laser Beam spell or summon a Fire Slug as he has that spell.

    Hero of Spring - use "Blood Rain" or the elf racial ability "Sacrifice of Flesh".

    Once you activate the last totem, four challengers will appear and start fighting you. Each challenger (Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring) is immune to their respective element and is quite strong if you are at the same level as them (14). Defeat them all and the brazier will congratulate you on your victory. As a reward, you will receive a chest with artifacts, as well as a phoenix heart (eat it as an elf to get the “Tongues of Flames” ability).

    Job structure

    In a clearing in the forest, we came across a certain elven building - a brazier surrounded by four statues.

    We have solved the mystery of the brazier. And then four elf pretenders appeared nearby and attacked us.

    Options for completing the task:

    • We defeated the elves and passed the test of the brazier.
    • We ran away from the challengers and, apparently, thereby failed the task of the brazier.
    • We left the Reaper's Coast, but never learned the true nature of the elven structure in the forests.
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