Sports game Fort Bayard for children. Scenario of sports and intellectual entertainment for children and parents “Fort Boyard. For children of the graduating group of kindergarten


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 93"

municipality of the city of Bratsk

Sports activities for children of senior preschool age

Fort Boyarde

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor

Petrova A.P.

Bratsk 2016

Goal: to create conditions for increasing the interest of children and parents in physical education and sports.


Promote the development and manifestation of individual abilities.

To form positive emotions, free and relaxed communication between children and with adults.

Foster mutual assistance and sports interest.

Leading: Dear friends! Today we will visit Fort Boyard. Difficult but interesting tasks await you here. A certain time is allotted to complete each task; we will monitor it using an hourglass. For each successfully completed task within the specified time limit, you will receive a key or a hint for a keyword. At the end a surprise awaits you - it is in the chest. You can open it if you collect the keys and guess the keyword. Elder Fura is waiting for you! But first you need to warm up (parents and children dance a flash mob).


Children and parents take turns standing near the basketball hoop. In 2 minutes they must score 10 goals into the basket. If they don’t have time to score 10 goals, they don’t get the key and run on.

2. Tasks

Children and parents take turns running through an obstacle course. They must complete it in 2 minutes. If they don’t have time and don’t get the key, they run further.

3. Tasks

Parts of proverbs are hidden in the area. Children run around the site and find parts of proverbs, and parents must assemble them into a complete proverb, only 6 pieces. 5 minutes are given for tasks. If they don’t have time and don’t get the key, they run further.

4. Tasks

3 participants are selected from the team, who come to the table with dice and take turns playing with the leader “build a tower, the one whose tower falls first loses” you need to win the leader at least 1 time.


There is a container of water on the table with a glass floating in it. Each team member, taking turns with the leader, places coins in a glass. The loser is the one whose glass drowns. If one of the team puts in a coin and the glass sinks, then the team is left without a clue.

6. Tasks

There are 10 sticks on the table. The team chooses 3 people from their team. They take turns with the leader to pull out 3, 2 or 1 sticks; the one who has 1 stick left loses. The team is given 3 attempts.

If the team was unable to collect 3 keys and 3 clues, then they send 1 person to the old man who asks riddles. If a person does not guess correctly, he stays with the elder.

Also, if the team doesn’t have enough keys, they can leave one person behind the key.

After all the keys have been collected, the team guesses the words using hints and runs to the letters and lays out the words.

If the team guesses the word correctly, they receive gold coins.

Leading: Well done to all participants! Everyone completed the task, everyone received the coveted prizes. Everyone was fast, agile, and most importantly friendly, they helped each other.

Let it all be just a game

But we wanted to say with it:

Great miracle family!

Keep and take care of it -

There is no more important goal in life.

Thank you! If you found it interesting and fun, we are very happy. Let this holiday become a good tradition in our kindergarten.

Sports game in the senior, preparatory group. Scenario

Scenario of the sports and intellectual game "FORT BOYARD"

(for children of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten)
Target: promotion of physical education and a healthy lifestyle among preschool children.
Tasks: Let children feel the joy of solving intellectual problems and of the game itself. Activate existing knowledge. Develop logical thinking, improve motor skills (walking, running, jumping, balance). Learn to establish communication in a joint game, promote group cohesion. Foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and hard work.
Heroes: presenter, children participants, elder Fura.
Equipment: recordings of melodies of the television game "Ford Boyard", clue keys with letters, hourglass, gymnastic sticks 10 pcs., 5 balls, easel, crossword puzzle, hoops 4 pcs., chalk, skipping rope 2 pcs., 2 balloons with notes, notes with proverbs, 6 skittles, a basket with notes, the Book of Secrets and the costume of Elder Fura, cards with the names of animals, candy in the form of coins, a diploma

Leading:- Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! Today we have gathered to hold a sports and intellectual game “Fort Boyard”. Let's welcome the participants of this game. (The presenter invites each participant, briefly characterizing him)
Leading:- Guys, I invite you to an exciting journey to Fort Boyard. This is the name of the fortress that we must conquer. To win this game you need to guess the key word. This is not easy to do, you will have to go through many tests, but I hope that you will succeed. Do you agree? (Music sounds and Elder Fura appears). Guys, look, who came to our game? Who you are?

Truck: Hello, brave and courageous boys and girls! I am Elder Fura. It's hard to imagine Fort Boyard without me. I live at the very top of the fort, in the watchtower. In addition, I am also the Keeper of the Keys (shows a bunch of keys).
Leading: Guys, let's all go on our journey together.
Truck: Before we move on to complex sports and logical tasks, I suggest doing a physical warm-up. (game “Turnip”, two teams of 6 people (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse), on the opposite side of the players there are two chairs. On each chair sits a turnip - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. At the signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist) and they continue running together, again run around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. the mouse is joined by a turnip).

Leading:- Guys, do you have a motto?
Children participants:
1st team:"We are guys, preschoolers
They came to Fort Boyard to play.
And our motto is to win!”
2nd team:"We are ready, as always,
It's easy to defeat you."
Truck:- Well done! Guys, remember that the time for completing all tasks will be controlled by an hourglass. So, the first test. You need to use sticks to move all the balls from one side of the court to the other. Let's see how you work together in pairs. This test is called “Friendly Couples”. You must stand in pairs, pick up sticks and use them to move the balls.

After this, the presenter asks you to find a note on one of the sticks with a task that needs to be completed (“Crossword solution” (on the easel).
1. He is preparing lunch in the dining room. - COOK.
2. He sits at the cash register and receives money from customers. - CASHIER.
3. He heals. - DOCTOR.
4. He teaches children at school. - TEACHER.
5. He flies. - PILOT.
6. He paints the fence, walls, ceiling. - PAINTER.
7. He is fishing. - FISHERMAN.
8. He works in the mine. – MINER.
9. He builds houses. - BUILDER.
10.He sews beautiful things. - TAILOR.
If the crossword puzzle is solved correctly, then in the highlighted vertical cells you can read who cuts people’s hair. - HAIRDRESSER.)

Truck: For the correct solution of the crossword puzzle, the captain brings a clue.
Leading:- Well done! You completed the first task. Let's move on to the next task - “Hoop Race”. (lines of 20-25 m are drawn on the track, one from an arc) Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Leading: For correctly completed tasks, the captain again brings a hint key.
Truck:- Clever girls! You have already won two keys. The next task, “Take Your Word,” awaits you ahead. You will need to overcome an obstacle (jumping rope on one leg), take a balloon from the table in which the word will be written, and run back to the team. Next, you will need to make a proverb from these words within a certain time (“Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends”, “Friends are known in trouble”, “A new thing is good, but a friend is old”, “If you don’t have a friend, look for but if you find it, take care”). For a correctly composed proverb, the captain brings the next clue.

Leading:- Well done! Your piggy bank has been replenished with another hint - a key. And we move on to the next challenge, “Obstacle Course.” A line of pins and hoops is constructed. It is necessary to run around the pins, jump from hoop to hoop, take a note from the basket and bring it to the team, if the note with a riddle participants begin to guess (rebus): (li 100 k; 100 lb)

Leading:- You guys are just great! After four tests you have 4 hint keys.

Truck: Your tests took a lot of time! I am convinced that you are inquisitive, smart, dexterous, fast and confidently moving towards victory. And look what I have. (shows the book) This is my Book of Secrets, it contains a great many mysteries that sometimes baffle the smartest players. And I want to tell you some riddles to your parents. Whoever guesses the most will receive a clue.
1. She herself is a baby, afraid of a cat,
Lives under the floor
Everything goes there. (Mouse)
2. The living castle grumbled,
He lay down across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not go into the house! (Dog)
3. Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,
He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water. (Cat)
4. Who wears their home? (Turtle)
5. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird,
Red, not a fox. (Squirrel)
6. He is both slender and handsome,
He has a thick mane!
He uses his hooves - clop-clop!
Take me for a ride, buddy! (Horse)
7. A ball rolls through the forest
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)
8. White in winter,
And in the summer it’s gray.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
9. Walks without a road in summer
Between pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hiding your nose from the frost. (Bear)
10. Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship! (Crocodile)
(If they cannot guess the riddle, the elder asks leading questions. When all the riddles are solved, the elder gives the children a clue).
Leading: Clever girls! And here is the last final test “Relay of Animals”. Teams line up in columns one at a time. The players are called “bears,” the second “wolves,” the third “foxes,” the fourth “hares,” and the fifth “horse.” A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the leader, team members must jump to a given place just like real animals do. (After completing the task, the captain is given the last clue key.)

Leading: So, all tests have been passed. The hint keys, and there are 6 of them, are in your hands. The most important thing left is to unravel the keyword, but to do this you need to unite. From the collected keys you need to create a keyword. And you are given 2 minutes to do this. (After the allotted time has expired, the presenter checks the correctness of the collected word “FRIENDSHIP”. Elder Fura thanks the children for the game, presents the children with chocolates and coins and presents the group teachers with a participation certificate).

Birthday in the style of "Fort Boyard": an exciting and dynamic program for holding an amazing children's party. This team game based on the famous television show will captivate any company, and the variety of tasks will allow each participant to show their strengths and open up in unexpected ways. The quest lasting 2-3 hours can be carried out both outdoors and in any room.

Participants of the quest "Fort Boyard"

6-15-20 players who are divided into 2-4 mixed teams.


A clean place in nature: a city park, a private yard, a forest, a grove, a stadium, a beach.

Premises: a spacious entertainment center, a children's educational and play area, a cafe hall, an assembly hall of a cultural institution, an abandoned indoor building, an apartment.

Travel time: 2-3 hours.

Rules of the quest game “FortBoyard”

  • players are divided into teams that will compete with each other by drawing lots;
  • each team comes up with a name and motto for itself;
  • each team needs to collect as many keys as possible;
  • the key is issued only when the team correctly completes the task within the specified time;
  • players will receive a treasure chest only when they guess the word encrypted by the Guardian;
  • The title of winner is given to the team that has collected the most keys and has the right to be the first to open the treasure chest;
  • In honor of the holiday, the treasures of the chest are divided among all participants in the quest.

Fort: an area with a large number of tasks and tests for players, passing which they will receive secret keys. The heroes of the game are the presenter, Elder Fura and members of the participating teams.

The game is divided into stages:

  1. Riddles: Each one has a maximum of 2 minutes to solve.
  2. Funny questions: up to 2 minutes to answer.
  3. “Strong, dexterous, talented”: the timing of competitions varies.
  4. Secrets of the Fort Guardian: Elder Fura.

A certain time is given to complete each stage. If a participant does not meet the given time, the task is considered not completed and the key or hint is not given to the team. But, if the task is completed ahead of schedule, the team can use the time saved as a bonus when going through the next stages.

Inventory for the quest

The main thing: a sufficient set of keys. They can be either real or cut out of cardboard or scrap materials. You will also need:

  • inflatable balloons;
  • markers;
  • markers;
  • sheets of paper;
  • suitcases or travel bags;
  • hats, scarves, sneakers or sneakers, shirts;
  • scotch;
  • transparent cups;
  • colored drinks;
  • puzzle sets.

All equipment will be needed in quantities based on the number of players and teams in each specific case.

Quest script with tasks

Greeting, introduction to players and rules of the game, formation of teams

The host cheerfully greets the participants in the game and congratulates the birthday boy. Invites each quest participant in turn for an introduction and a brief description. Next, he suggests breaking up into teams. To do this, a draw is carried out, for example, in the form of a lotto. Formed teams come up with a name and a short motto. The presenter introduces the teams to the rules of the game.

Competition 1. Riddles

The team that solves the most riddles gets the key.

Kostya has a notebook in his briefcase,
What's in it? Still a mystery
Let the student earn a number in it,
And in the evening he will show you at home...

Answer: diary.

Sharpen your sharp nose,
Draw a colorful picture:
Grass, sea, sky, beach...
What are you holding?

Answer: pencil.
She's at work during the day,
After: daddy's wife,
If there is a holiday, there will be a lady,
I will answer: this is...

Answer: Mother.

Without which you can’t live
Is it difficult for adults and children to live?
Who is always with us, friends?
Our friendly...

Answer: family.

Get in here, buddy.
One: I'm flying to the ceiling,
And then three somersaults!
Everyone is running to the miracle net.
"Jumping" projectile: ...

Answer: trampoline.

Two wooden horses
They're taking me through the snow.
I hold a stick in my hands,
But not for beating: it’s a pity.
To speed up my running pace
I touch the snow with them.

Answer: skis.

The string rings, she sings
And the song will sink into the soul.
Six strings intertwine freely,
After all, the instrument is forever fashionable.
He is a miracle couple for a musician,
What is the name of the instrument?

Answer: guitar.

I go to the stage in the twilight
In a smart, elegant tailcoat.
I'll wave my magic wand:
And the violins burst into tears,
The harpist plucks the string easily,
And the pipes will wear out.
They all sound very nice!
I am the most important one in the orchestra!

Answer: conductor.

Competition 2. Funny questions

The team that answers the most questions receives the key.

  1. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? Answer: spare.
  2. If a horse is given a bath, what kind of horse will it be? Answer: wet.
  3. Which month is shorter than the others? Answer: May (according to the number of letters in writing).
  4. Which cup should you not drink from? Answer: from empty.
  5. What do we cook but don't eat? Answer: lessons.
  6. What do we see with our eyes closed? Answer: dream.
  7. What notes can you eat? Answer: beans.
  8. What is heavier - a kilogram of hay or a kilogram of nails? Answer: weigh the same.
  9. What happened on February 30? Answer: nothing, February doesn't have 30 days.
  10. Why does a cat meow? Answer: because he can't speak.

Competition 3. “Strong, dexterous and talented”

Keys can be obtained in each competition.

  1. "Jump like a kangaroo" challenge. Team players stand at the starting line. The first player performs a long jump and stands still while the leader comes up and marks a line with chalk along the toes of the jumper's shoes. The next player comes up and switches with the first places, so now the toes of the second player's shoes are touching the chalk line. This trait will be the starting line for him: he also makes the longest jump possible. And so each team player jumps in turn. The team whose final chalk line will be the furthest will win.
  2. Quest “Ready to go.” For the task, suitcases (travel bags), sneakers, shirts, scarves, and hats are brought out. There should be one inventory for each team. A closed suitcase with a set of clothes is placed in front of each team. At the “Start” command, players quickly open the suitcase, take out clothes and put them on themselves, fastening all the buttons, fasteners, and tying the laces. When the player is ready, he claps his hands and begins to take off everything he is wearing and carefully put it back into the suitcase. When the first participant has completed the task, the second one enters the game. And so on until the last member of each team. The team that completes the task faster gets the victory and the key.
  3. “You have a letter” task. At a certain distance from the start line there is a mark that determines the return point. One participant from each team starts the game. The player extends one hand, palm up, and the leader places a sheet of paper (notebook or A-4 format) on his palm. You cannot hold the paper. At the “Start” command, players begin moving towards the mark; upon reaching it, they turn around and move back to the start. If the piece of paper falls to the floor, the player must stop, pick it up and put it back on his palm, and the competition continues. Having reached the start, the paper sheet must be transferred to the outstretched palm of the next member of his team, after which he will begin his participation in the competition. The team that completes the task first wins the competition and receives the key.
  4. "Greedy Beef" task. Time to complete: 5 minutes. There should be a lot of small inflated balloons on the floor. In this case, there should be no long strings from the tails of the balls. Players must collect and hold as many balls as possible. You can put it under your clothes, hold the “tail” with your teeth, or squeeze the balls between your arms and legs. The team that collects the most balls in 5 minutes will win and earn another key.
  5. Task “Artist, draw for me...” Time to complete: 10-15 minutes. Album sheets according to the number of teams are attached to the wall. The facilitator instructs each team to draw a specific picture. No one except the team members should know what exactly needs to be depicted. The players agree among themselves which part of the image each of them draws. The first player approaches the “easel” and begins to depict a given character with felt-tip pens. Having finished his part, he gives up his place near the easel to the next player on his team. After the allotted time has passed, the players put their markers aside, and an authoritative presenter evaluates the “pictures.” The team that completed the task as accurately as possible receives the next key.
  6. Task "Abracadabra". The presenter offers to speak a number of well-known tongue twisters. The team that does the task better overall gets the key.
  7. Task “One for all...”. Time to complete: 10 minutes. In this competition you are invited to assemble a puzzle picture. The team chooses one player who will fight for the key one for all. The presenter gives the players identical sets of puzzles. Within the allotted time, players must present finished paintings. The key to the piggy bank is taken by the team whose representative has compiled the plot completely or as accurately as possible.

Competition 4. Secrets of the Fort Guardian: Elder Fura.

At the final stage of the quest, the Guardian of the Fort comes to the participants: Elder Fura. He admires intelligence, dexterity, and unity of teams. But, before allowing the teams to reach the treasures, he offers to compete with him in tasks, the completion of which requires the use of eloquence, memory and attentiveness.

Quests from Fur:

  1. Players will need to remember and name as many positive qualities of each other as possible that helped the whole team get to the finish line with the keys.
  2. All participating children need to name the dates when their family members were born: parents and other close relatives.
  3. Each team is invited to come up with an original greeting for the birthday person.
  4. On Fur's table there are cups of drinks for each team (juice, tea, compote). After drinking all the drinks, the team will be able to read the letters on the bottom of each cup, from which they need to make a word (the letters are marked in advance by the organizers on the bottom of the transparent cups on the outside with bright markers). Only after hearing the correct word will the Guardian give the treasure chest to the players.

After the winning team has had the opportunity to collect as much treasure as possible from the chest in 1 minute, without using other objects except their own hands and hems, the other team must be given the same opportunity. “Treasures” can be candies or small souvenirs. You can simulate the weighing process, as in the television version of the game, or offer to put the collected prizes in identical transparent containers to compare the volume.

At the end of the quest, satisfied participants can take a photo with the smiling and satisfied old man Fura.

To improve children’s ability to crawl on a gymnastic bench while lying on their stomachs, jump from hoop to hoop on both legs, walk straight along a ribbed path and walk track after track “on planks” in a competitive form during relay games, using games-attractions develop in children observation, attention, and a responsible attitude towards their own movements.

To develop an interest in physical education and sports, develop physical and volitional qualities in competition, coordination and strength, develop an interest in travel, a desire to overcome new obstacles, and achieve an emotionally positive atmosphere. Foster mutual assistance.

Progress of the sports festival in kindergarten

SLIDE No. 1 Today in our kindergarten we are holding a sports festival “Journey to Fort Boyard”. We gladly congratulate all participants in the competition. In order to have good health, be strong, courageous, you need to do physical exercise every day. Throughout our journey, we will compete and a jury will evaluate our competitions (jury presentation).

Children: To have good health

You need to know well, well

All the rules are simple

If you want to be healthy

Celebrate every day with exercise

And air, and sun, and water

Respect the different seasons.

The good mood will then remain

There will always be a fresh mind

Neither your legs nor your heart will hurt

And the disease will not be terrible.

To make the body strong

You need to train skillfully

Let's all stand in order

Let's start charging.

Walking through the hall. Formation of fours.

Warm up with sticks. SLIDE No. 2

1. Raising the stick up

IP - arms extended in front of you, legs together.

1. Raise your arms above your head.

2. Place the stick behind your head on your shoulders.

3. Raise your arms above your head.

4. I.p. (8 times)

2. Bend the torso to the sides.

I.p. Arms bent at the elbows, stick in front of the chest, feet shoulder-width apart.

1. Bend to the right, extend your arms up to your right side.

3 Bend to the left, extend your arms up to your left side.

4. I.p. (8 times)

3. Bend the body forward.

I. Arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, legs apart.

1. Tilt your torso towards your right leg, touching the toe of your leg with a stick.

2. Tilt your torso towards your left leg, touching the toe of your foot with the stick.

3. I.p. (8 times)

4. Squats.

I.p. Feet together, arms with a stick down.

1.Sit down, stretch your arms forward with the stick.

2. I. p. (8 times)

5. Jumping.

I.p. - legs together, hands with a stick down.

1. Right leg forward, raise your arms with a stick forward at chest level.

3. Left leg forward, raise your arms with the stick forward at chest level.

6. Exercise to restore breathing.

Legs spread at shoulder level, with a stick we draw a circle in four counts in front of the chest.

The children walk around the hall and put down their sticks.

We've finished the warm-up

Gain strength for entertainment

Let's compete together

Have fun, have fun.

Presenter Before we compete, we need to say hello. And determine the captains.

Children (together).

We are slim, cheerful, nimble

Look at us all

We are always in a good mood

We are top class teams!

The “Dexterous” team, physical education, greetings to the “Brave” team.

Our team is simply class

We will defeat you!

Team "Brave" physical education - hello to the team "Dexterous".

Victory is our business

We go to her boldly!

SLIDE No. 3 Children, I invite you on an exciting journey to Fort Boyard. This is the name of the fortress that we must conquer. It is located near the Atlantic Ocean coast of France. Athletes from our teams will try their hand at various competitions for the Fort Prize. To receive a prize you need to overcome many obstacles. To win this game you need to guess the key word. Our athletes need to get 6 keys for each team, which will give them the opportunity to get hints. If you guess the correctly encrypted word, you will receive a prize from Uncle Foire.

The competition will be held in teams.

The children board the ship and sail.

(music sounds)

The sailors line up in two columns.

Exit Foire.

SLIDE No. 4 Good afternoon, brave boys and girls! I am Elder Fuara. It's hard to imagine Fort Boyard without me. I live at the very top of the fortress, in the watchtower. In addition, I am the keeper of the keys (shows the keys on the ring). You must pass all the obstacles. For each obstacle, the team will receive a key. When you win all the keys, you can exchange them for the main word, which you will need to lay out from the letters. I'll be watching you from that tower over there.

(shows SLIDE No. 5 on the screen).

All tasks are close to you - figure it out.

Foire exits the hall.

Presenter. Well, let's go get the first key.

Game "Don't step on the floor"

Step from plank to plank to the landmark and return back.

The jury's word. (receive the key)

Game "Who's Faster"

Crawl along the bench lying on your stomach and return along the ribbed path back.

The jury speaks (receive the key)

Game “Fitball balls” SLIDE No. 6

Jump on fitballs to a landmark and return by jumping back.

The jury's word. (receive the key)

Exit Foire.

Well, aren't you tired? Will you continue competing?

Then listen to the following task: you need to reach into the container with your hands and find the key. If there is no key in this container, go back, pass the baton to a friend and stand at the end.

Got it? Do it.

Game "Find the key in the container"

Cones, chestnuts, sand, and grain are poured into the bucket. Run, put your hand in the bucket and find the key. One child one bucket.

The jury's word. (receive the key)

Fuara. Listen to my next task

Attraction game for captains

You need to build a tower out of cubes; whose cube falls first is the loser. Be careful.

The jury's word. (receive the key)

Game “Place the circles”

Look at the circles on the screen; you need to remember them by color, the circle behind which is located. Then reproduce the circles by color on the table. The first one to fail is the loser.

Be careful!

The jury's word. (receive the key)

A crow flies in SLIDE No. 7

Crow. Kar - kar-kar. Who you are? What are you doing here?

Presenter. Let's compete.

Crow. Look, apparently you want to take away the gold coins? They came for treasures. There were a lot of people like you here and they left with nothing. There will be no treasure for you. I'm the owner here. Kar-kar-kar. (Takes a key from each team)

Presenter. Please stop. Give us the keys.

Crow. Okay, I’ll give you the keys if you pass my obstacles.

Presenter. Okay, come on, what did you come up with?

Game "Who's on first"

You need to crawl into the tunnel, then throw a snowball into a basket and jump from hoop to hoop and come back.

The jury's word. (receive the key)

Crow. But I still won’t give you the key. I have one more task.

Game "Web" SLIDE No. 8

You need to crawl between the web made of black elastic and come back.

The jury speaks (receive the key)

Crow. Well, okay, I really liked you, take your keys back, I gave my word. (crow flies out)

Game "Bilbok". SLIDE No. 9

Listen to the next task. I have a ballbok, I need to use it to catch as many balls as possible. Whoever catches fewer balls in a certain time loses.

(one member per team)

The jury's word. (receive the key).

Game "Coins"

There is a container on the table containing water and an empty glass. You need to put one coin into an empty glass, one at a time. The last one to put down a coin and the glass to sink is the loser. Be careful!

Fuara. I have 2 envelopes. There are riddles in them. Will you guess? (Captains choose by envelope) Guessing riddles Envelope No. 1

The first flowers of spring? (snowdrops) SLIDE №10

What kind of wild animal lives in a hole? (fox) SLIDE No. 11

— What is the first month of summer? (June) SLIDE No. 12

Envelope No. 2

yellow head,

White handkerchief.

What kind of flower am I? (chamomile) SLIDE No. 13

What kind of wild animal lives in the den? (bear) SLIDE No. 14

What is the first month of winter? (December) SLIDE No. 15

Fuara. SLIDE No. 16 Well, I see you have already collected a sufficient number of keys. I can exchange them for a keyword. A word will appear on the screen in front of you. SLIDE No. 17 There are letters on the table, you need to reproduce the word that is shown on the screen. This is the key word. Don't repeat the word, you won't see the treasure! (the word "FRIENDSHIP")

(Having recreated the word, the children stand in a circle and wait for coins from the attached large ball. SLIDE No. 18 To the music, the layer bursts and gold coins fall out SLIDE No. 19).

Children collect coins.

Presenter. Well, we found treasures. Thank you Uncle Fuara. Goodbye.

Children board a boat and sail to kindergarten.

Presenter. Our journey has now ended. Did you like it? Where did you travel? Who did you see there? Which task was the most difficult?

Abstract: Motor activity is a natural companion in a child’s life; it is a source of joyful emotions and has great educational power. The joy of movement is easily and naturally combined with cognitive development. Cognitive development combined with physical activity helps children master knowledge more easily. I offer a scenario of sports entertainment for children of the senior group “Fort Boyard”. The action takes place in the gym, which is decorated in the shape of an old castle.



"Ford Boyard"

(Sports entertainment in the senior group)

Prepared and conducted:

Shutareva T.V.


Physical education


promotion of physical education and a healthy lifestyle among preschool children.


Instill in children an interest in physical education and sports.

Promote the development and manifestation of individual abilities.

Develop children's physical activity.

To form positive emotions, free and relaxed communication between children and with adults.

Nurture positive qualities.


recordings of melodies of the television game "Ford Boyard", a picture of a puzzle, 2 gymnastic benches, 6 bars 2 arcs, 2 multi-colored rings for each participant, 2 backpacks, 2 phyto-balls, 30 multi-colored cubes, 2 rubber balls, 10 bags of various fillings, 4 hoops, 2 surprise balloons, notes with riddles, 6 skittles, certificate


2 teams, leader

Form of organization:

frontal, in-line




sports, lightweight

Previous work:

Come up with a motto, team name, make emblems for participants,

Introduce children to the television version of the Ford Boyard game.

Progress of entertainment:

Leading: Dear friends! Today we will visit France, where Fort Boyard is located. There are treasures in the fort. And only the bravest and most dexterous can reach them. To do this, you need to go through many tests and put together a puzzle. If the puzzle is put together correctly, the treasury will open. Well, are you ready for the test? Then let's go!

Leading: Two teams will compete for the right to open the treasury: “Brave” and “Skillful”.

1. "Tourists"

The participants are divided into two teams. Players from each team with backpacks are lined up in columns on the starting line. At the leader’s signal, the participants of each team run, jumping over the bars, crawl under the arc, and run and pass the baton to the next player by touching their hand. The winning team gets the puzzle.


  1. Do not drop the bars, do not touch the arc, keep 2 legs together when jumping.

2. “Colorful rings”

At the signal, players must walk along the bench, stand on the mat and throw the rings onto the rack.


  1. The team with the best result wins.
  2. A penalty point is awarded for violating the rules.
  3. On the bench, keep your balance, stand with 2 feet on the mat, and make an accurate cast.

3. “Squadron of jumping guys”

The first participant sits on a fit ball. At the signal, the player begins to jump to the mark, goes around it and returns back, passing the ball to another on the team. The first person to complete the distance gets the puzzle.


3. Maintain balance on the fito-ball, jump on 2 legs

4. “Inseparable friends”

Participants form pairs in each team. Line up in pairs in a column in front of the starting line. The players of each pair stand facing each other, arms to the sides, hands in the lock, holding the ball with the thoracic spine.


  1. At the presenter’s signal “March!” The first couples of each team quickly move with side steps, turn around at the markings and return to the players of their team with the other side, passing the baton to others.
  2. A lost ball will result in a penalty point.
  3. The first team to finish the relay with the fewest penalties wins.

5. “Capacity of the unknown”

5 participants from each team are invited. There is one container (bag) in front of each participant. In 5 seconds, the participant needs to find a geometric figure in a container (bag). The task is executed on the “March” command and ends on the “Stop” command:

1) peas,

2) sand,

3) cones,

4) millet

5) millet

The containers (bags) contain natural material and various geometric figures, but only one of the figures has the number 5 written on them.


1. The team with the best result wins.

2. A penalty point is awarded for violating the rules.

3. One participant has the right to take one geometric figure in one container.

6. "Don't let the tower fall"

There are cubes of different colors on the table.Build a fortress from cubes.Children take turns placing the cubes on top of each other to form a tower. Whoever drops the tower loses.


1. The team with the best result wins.

2. A penalty point is awarded for violating the rules.

3. Place one cube, with one hand and do not adjust.

Leading: So, all tests have been passed. Puzzles are hints, and there are 6 of them, they are in your hands. The most important thing left is to put the puzzles together to make a picture. You need to unite. Only then will you get the whole picture.

Leading: Well done boys. You were dexterous, brave, fast, resourceful, and most importantly, friendly. (Surprise moment - star rain with candies).

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