Didactic games find the differences middle group. Find the differences games. Conclusions about the level of development of perception

The purpose of this technique is to determine to what extent the child is able, by storing images of what he has seen in short-term and operative memory, to practically use them, solving visual problems. The technique is designed for children 5-6 years old.

1. Before showing the picture, the child is asked to find several differences between the two pictures.

Evaluation of test results

10 points - very high.
8-9 points - high
4-7 points - average
2-3 points - low
0-1 point - very low.

2. The child is shown picture A for 20-30 seconds, saying: “Remember all the objects shown in the picture and their location.” Next, Figure A is removed, and they are asked to look at Figure B and say what has changed in this picture compared to the previous one.

Evaluation of test results

10 points - the child completed the task in less than 20 seconds
8-9 points - the child solved all four problems correctly in a time from 21 to 30 seconds.
6-7 points - the child spent 31 to 40 seconds completing the task.
4-5 points - the child spent 41 to 50 seconds on completing the task.
2-3 points - the child’s time working on the task took from 51 to 60 seconds.
0-1 point - the child did not complete the task in more than 60 seconds.

Conclusions about the level of development of perception

10 points - very high.
8-9 points - high
4-7 points - average
2-3 points - low
0-1 point - very low.

The beauty of this world is in the details, and you need to be able to keep your eyes wide open so you don't miss anything! Exciting find the differences games will not only allow you to have great fun in the company of your favorite characters, but will also serve as an excellent mindfulness trainer. Notice even the smallest details, and you will easily complete all the find the differences games! The pictures only seem the same, if you look closely, you will see how many details there are in them, and how much they mean - but at first glance you can’t tell!

Needle in a haystack

Sometimes we spend a huge amount of time to find this or that thing. In such cases, it is customary to blame the eyesight, but let’s be honest with ourselves: are the eyes to blame for the fact that you simply do not pay attention to the object, which is often lying in the most visible place? Attention, that’s what you miss so much in your everyday life!

But what to do if nature has deprived you of such an important property? Just like any muscle, your own ability to be attentive needs to be trained. The more you strain your attention, the more tenacious it will become! Free online find the differences games will help you develop your attentiveness and take it to a whole new level.

You will begin to quickly notice what has changed in one drawing compared to another - and, therefore, in life you will be much less likely to lose your things or forget important assignments. Maximum concentration is what is required of you, and then things will go smoothly.

We have collected the best find the differences games for girls that we could find on the Internet on our website. All find the differences games for girls are available online and completely free of charge! You don't even have to download them: to start training, you only need a computer with an Internet connection and some of your free time.

Maria Ignatieva
Interactive game “Find 10 differences”.

Interactive game"find 10 differences" is intended for children 6-7 years old. This game can be used in a preschool setting by teachers and in a family setting by parents. A game aimed at implementing the content of the educational field "Cognition", namely sensory development.

Implementation form interactive game individual, steam room or frontal.

Children need to compare two pictures and find 10 differences. Then with the left mouse button you need to click on the desired figure on the left or right picture. The search result is displayed as an enlarged figure and a sound signal.


1. Continue to develop the ability to consistently consider and find differences in similar pictures

3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

4. Activate children's speech.

Environment, editor in which it is executed product: MS Office Power Point.

The resource can be used in mathematics lessons and preparatory classes for school.

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The game “Find the differences” is a trainer for attentiveness, memory and concentration. Moreover, unpretentious and understandable stories perfectly relieve stress and contribute to the formation of a situation of success.

The essence of any game in this category is extremely simple. After clicking on the “Start” button, the user is presented with a pair of images, and is immediately given a task. The main conditions for winning are to find the differences in the pictures in the stated quantity and meet them within a specific time.

The timer is ticking - the user is searching. As soon as all the differences are found, the picture changes and the game continues.

What do these simulators teach? In fact, they solve many problems. The first and fundamental one is the ability to concentrate attention and hold it for as long as possible. Only concentration will help you cope with difficult levels. In addition to concentration, the user trains perseverance, attention, patience, and memory. All these properties are very important for children to develop, but games are also useful for adults.

On our website you can find stories of any complexity. Little ones will see familiar cartoon characters - large images with pronounced differences. More complex games have been prepared for adults: black and white, with fine detail, oversaturated with elements and colors, with a minimum amount of differences. Each game has its own peculiarity, so any gamer can easily select a program to suit his taste, skills and abilities.

Games of this kind provide aesthetic peace, promote excellent relaxation and light brain exercises.

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