Presentation "role-playing games in the dhow". Role-playing game “Hospital “If you take the instruments, you can play together”

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions, use medical instruments during play and name them; promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue, form a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the sick person, and evoke sympathy for sick toys.
P Preparatory work: excursion to the nurse’s office, reading art. literature, examination of plot illustrations.
A tributes: teaching aid “Miracle Tree”; toys: doll, bear, bunny, cat; children's hats and gowns; “Doctor” game set: thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, pipette, phonendoscope.
AND Game task: cure sick toys.
Org. Moment: Children are included in the group. There is a tree against the wall on which bright bags with colored bows hang.

Progress of the game:


And at our gates

The miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not the leaves on it,

And the bags on it,

And the bags on it,

Like apples!
Educator: Look, guys, here it is, what a miracle tree! Let's see what grew on it. Let's get it and find out. There's a lot of something there. Sit on the carpet in a circle.
The teacher removes the bags from the branch and gives them to each child. The teacher opens his bag, in the bag….

Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is the doctor, now let's see what's in your bags?

Children take medical supplies out of the bags, examine them and name them.

Educator: Guys, hear, someone is crying in our corner. Oh, but this is a Masha doll. Let's find out what happened to Masha?

The doll reports that she is sick.

Our doll is sick.

I didn't even eat in the morning.

He barely opens his eyes,

Doesn't laugh, doesn't play.

She's silent all day long

Even “mom” doesn’t scream.
Educator: Let's ask Masha what hurts her, where does it hurt?

Children ask. The doll shows: it hurts here.

Educator: What hurts Masha?

Children: Head.

The doll shows, and the teacher offers to name what else hurts the doll. Children realize that their throat hurts. The doll complains: it even hurts to swallow!

Educator: We need to do something urgently. How can I help Masha? How can I help you?

I came up with an idea. Now I will put on a white coat and treat her. I am doctor. This is my hospital, my office. There are medicines, thermometers, syringes for injections, and bandages here.

Educator: How will we treat Masha?

Children begin to suggest: measure the temperature, give medicine, etc. The teacher listens to everyone.

Educator: Well done, everyone wants to help! Let's start. Help me.

Hello, sick! Come in, sit down! What hurts you...head, throat?
Educator: Now I’ll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. The lungs are clean. Let's look at the neck, open your mouth wider, say “ah-ah-ah.” If we still need to measure her temperature, we'll put a thermometer on her. Our doll has a sore throat. Let's give her some pills and spray her neck.

Suddenly the doll came to life again,

Now she is healthy!

Can blink its eyes.

Leaning over, calling my mother.
Educator: Masha, in order not to get sick, you must do exercises in the morning.

Phys. just a minute

Do you all do exercises in the morning? Let's do it together.

The sun looked into the crib,

One two three four five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

(Children make the movements mentioned in the poem,
repeating the words after the teacher.)

Educator: And now I will have lunch. Another doctor will take my place. Alyosha, come on, now you will be a doctor. Put on a white cap and robe, you are now a doctor, you will examine patients and prescribe medications. Maxim will be a nurse, he will treat patients: give injections, give pills.

Educator: Andryusha, come on, as if the bunny got sick and also came to the hospital.

The bunny has a cold in his ear -

I forgot to close the window.

I need to call a doctor

And give the bunny some medicine.
Educator: What hurts the bunny? How can we help him? (children's answers).
Educator: Maxim, the bear is also sick.

Little bear is crying

The hedgehog pricked him

Right in the black nose

Lesovik is agile

Educator: What hurts Mishka? How can we help him? (children's answers)

Educator: Maxim, the cat Murka is also sick.
The unfortunate cat injured her paw

He sits and cannot take a single step.

Hurry up to heal the cat's paw,

We need to rush to the doctor as soon as possible
Educator: What hurts Murka? How can we help her? (children's answers)

The teacher hands out toys to the children, asks them to take pity on their toys, calm them down, and offers to stand in line to see the doctor so that he can help them.

Game continues.


Educator: Well done, guys, you helped your toys and cured everyone! Did you like the game? What did we play today? (to the doctor). Right!

Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves -

He is the happiest of all!

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Role-playing game in the second junior group
Prepared by the teacher of the “Malinka” group of GBDOU No. 30 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg Barchenkova N.V.

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“Game is a creative processing of experienced impressions, combining them and building from them a new reality that meets the needs and desires of the child himself” L. S. Vygotsky

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Play is the main activity of preschool children. Role-playing games in kindergarten and at home are an important means of self-expression for the child, a test of strength. A role-playing game gives the child the opportunity to try himself in adult roles, to show a creative approach in non-standard life situations, and forces him to solve various problems that arise during the “living” plot of the game.

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Role-playing games in kindergarten, as well as on the playground or in the apartment, perform a number of functions: socio-cultural function, communicative function, active function, self-realization function

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One of the important tasks of raising children is their timely mental and speech development. Children's perception and speech are formed in the process of playing with didactic toys and games. During activities and games, the child develops important qualities necessary for successful development - attention, independence, curiosity. In our group, children enjoy playing role-playing games: Shop Family Hairdresser Hospital Garage Bus Post Office Theater Builders Cook

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Role-playing game “Family”
Objectives: To develop children’s ability to creatively reproduce family life in games

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Role-playing game “Family”
I have a family - Mom, dad, brother and me. We live better than anyone else, We sing songs loudly.

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Role-playing game “Bus”
Objectives: Create conditions for consolidating children’s knowledge about the profession of a driver. Develop children’s ability to establish relationships in play

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Role-playing game “Bus”
What a miracle the Long House is! There are a lot of passengers in it. The house goes down the street. It takes everyone to work!

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Objectives: Develop interest and respect for the hairdressing profession; introduce the rules of conduct in a hairdressing salon. Develop the ability to independently develop the plot of the game, agree on a theme, and distribute roles. To promote the establishment of role interaction in the game and the assimilation of role relationships. Form proper relationships between children in the team.

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Role-playing game “Barbershop”
The hairdresser, taking a comb, deftly does his hair. The scissors quickly cut the hair, creating a new look.

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Objectives: To develop children’s ability to coordinate their own game plans with the plans of their peers, and change roles during the game. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games; develop dialogical speech.

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Role-playing game "Shop"
And now we’re in the store. All the products are on display. Tea, sweets, sausage - My eyes widen. Come, buy, give money to the cash register.

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Objectives: To develop children’s ability to display knowledge about life around them in games, to show the social significance of medicine. Foster respect for the work of medical workers, establish rules of conduct in public places.

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Role-playing game "Hospital"
Always attentively, with love. Our doctor treats you guys. When he improves your health, he is the most happy.

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Role-playing game "Garage"
Objectives: To develop children’s ability to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to reflect the relationships between the players. To cultivate interest and respect for the work of transport workers, to awaken the desire to work conscientiously, responsibly, to take care of the safety of equipment, to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. Develop children's memory and speech.

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Role-playing game “Cook”
Objectives: To develop children’s ability to independently assign roles and act in accordance with the role, to teach them to independently create the necessary environment, to consolidate the skills of friendly, polite communication. Encourage children to make wider use of knowledge about life around them

Presentation for the role-playing game "Policlinic"

GBOU "School No. 2009" SP12 compensatory group for children with mental retardation

From the experience of working as a teacher of a compensatory group for children with mental retardation Natalia Ivanovna Volodina.

This material is intended for teachers of specialized groups for teaching children with mental retardation role-playing games.

Training takes place gradually, daily both in class and in free time; different forms of teaching and methods are used, ranging from conversations with children, reading and looking at illustrations, preparation of a subject-development environment, equipment; acquaintance with attributes plot-wise- role-playing games and their purpose, etc.

In the learning process game a large role belongs to the teacher, who at the initial stage of education takes part in game, then helps with advice and actions to develop game plot, monitors the relationships between children. At the same time, correctional tasks for speech development and vocabulary enrichment are also solved.

Publications on the topic:

Modern concepts of preschool education note that a preschooler feels the need to establish positive relationships.

Project in the second junior group on the role-playing game “Doctor” Worked on the project: Sezneva N. S. Type of project: short-term, game.

Goal: Work on developing skills in gaming activities, while reflecting the work of adults. Objectives: 1. Provide basic knowledge about the work.

In role-playing games, the child’s personality, intellect, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed. The children in our group love it very much.

Good day, dear colleagues! In the last publication you saw the attributes for a role-playing game; these were food products.

Features of organizing classes in role-playing games Among the variety of children's games, role-playing games occupy a special place; they are the child's first social practice.

Plan - summary of the plot-role-playing game. Topic: "Pharmacy" Plan - outline for a plot-role-playing game Age target: senior group Topic: “Pharmacy” Goal: expand ideas about professions.

REGULATIONS ABOUT THE COMPETITION “IN THE WORLD OF ROLE-PLAYING GAME” (production of attributes for a role-playing game) 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Creation of conditions.


“Plot-role-playing game in the development of children 4-5 years old.”


Relevance of the topic:

In the life of a preschool child, play occupies one of the leading places. For him, play is the main activity, a form of organizing children’s lives, and a means of comprehensive development. Every kindergarten teacher is faced with the task of creating a friendly, organized team and teaching children to play.

Role-playing games help children learn, take into account the opinions of their comrades, and take into account each other’s capabilities and desires. They are taught to respect each other’s interests and rights.

Through role-playing games, educational, educational, and developmental tasks are solved. In the process of role-playing games and preparation for them, a preschool child exhibits the following activities: gaming, communicative, labor, motor, cognitive-research, musical-art, perception of fiction and productive.

Project type: group, educational.

Project duration: short-term (1 month).

Project participants: teachers, children, their parents.

Children's age : middle group.

Justification of the problem:

    children’s inability to play role-playing games, follow the rules and course of story games;

    insufficient knowledge of children and parents about the structure of role-playing games and ways of presenting them to children.

Objective of the project: to develop in children and parents the interest and ability to play role-playing games.


    Teach children to play role-playing games, following the rules and course of the game, developing their interest and active participation.

    To acquaint parents with the structure of a role-playing game, its educational objectives, and ways of presenting it to children.

    Enrich, expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the medical profession and the work of the clinic.

    Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose.

    To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots.

    Cultivate respect and gratitude for the work of doctors and nurses. To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Project methods:


  • Verbal


  • musical;





    joint and independent;


    familiarization with fiction;

    acquaintance with art;

    familiarization with the surroundings;

    formation of temporary concepts;

    development of communication abilities.

Equipment and materials:

    attributes for the game "Hospital": doctor's coat, nurse's coat, caps with a red cross, disposable syringes without needles, plastic bottles, jars, droppers, children's phonendoscope, toy thermometer, mustard plasters made of yellow paper, bandage, napkins (cotton wool), forms for prescriptions, doctor's bag with a cross;

    doctor's kit;

    illustrations, pictures;

    selection of works of art about the profession of a doctor, a hospital;

Integration of educational areas: NGO “Social and communicative development”, NGO “Cognitive development”, NGO “Artistic and aesthetic development”, NGO “Speech development”.

Implementation deadlines: January February

Expected Result:

    At the end of the project, children began to use the role-playing game “HOSPITAL” more often for games and played it with great interest and success.

Parents were introduced to the structure of a role-playing game, its educational objectives, and ways of presenting it to children. Parents were interested in the topic and received new and useful information, successfully tested on their children, which is clear from conversations with parents on this topic.

Project stages:

1.Preparatory stage:

    Study educational and methodological literature, articles in the magazines “Preschool Education”, “Hoop”, on teaching children role-playing games.

    Prepare equipment for decorating the “hospital”

    Prepare substitute items for the child’s independent play.

    Design a wall newspaper based on the role-playing game “Hospital”.

    Excursion to the medical office of the kindergarten.

    Observing the work of a nurse or doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions).

    Conversation with children “How I went to see a doctor with my mother”

    Puppet theater “Doctor Aibolit”. Reading literary works about the work of a doctor: (B. Zhitkov “Collapse”, S. Marshak “Ice Island” Y. Zabil “Yasochka Got a Cold”, E. Uspensky “Playing in the Hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “ Who to be?").

    Conversations about the doctor's profession using illustrations and looking at paintings.

    Manual labor: making a thermometer, phonendoscope, mustard plasters for the game “hospital”.

    Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording.

    Modeling “Gift for sick Yasochka.”

    Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

2.Main stage.

    Help create a game environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.

    To develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play.

    To form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

    Reinforce previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor.

3. Final stage.

    Organizing a photo exhibition for parents “By playing we learn, by playing we learn! ", where you can see what role-playing games children play in the group.

Visual information “Plot-role-playing game in the life of a child.”

Options for the role-playing game “Hospital”:

“The doll Katya is sick.”

Pedagogical idea: to teach two children to take on the roles of mother and doctor, to act adequately to the role, to bring the role taken to the end of the game. Teach children the actions of a doctor: examine the patient, take the temperature, look at the throat, listen with a straw; use attributes in the game for their intended purpose, accompany your actions with speech, and conduct simple dialogues. Cultivate a feeling of caring for the patient, convey this through gentle speech.

A doll with a bandage is lying in bed. The teacher asks the children what could have happened to the doll? Why doesn't she get out of bed? Why is her throat tied? Listens to the children's answers, gives comments about them, then clarifies whether the children know what to do when someone gets sick? Who treats children and adults? Invites children to think and say who should be called to the sick doll.

The teacher suggests playing at the clinic. He assigns roles and briefly instructs about who should do what during the game. In the first lesson, children act on verbal prompting.

As the plot develops, the mother (child) calls a doctor at home by calling the clinic: “Hello, my daughter is sick. Can I call a doctor? “The doctor (child) replies that he will come to the patient. A doctor arrives with a medical bag, wearing a robe and cap. An adult helps develop a dialogue between mother and doctor about the doll’s illness. Then the doctor measures the temperature, listens, looks at the throat, and gives recommendations for treatment (drink pills, gargle). An adult helps the child doctor conduct a dialogue with the doll and mother. Mom gives her daughter pills and drinks. He speaks affectionately to his daughter. The teacher helps the child conduct a conversation with the doll and perform play actions.

"Dad calls the doctor."

Pedagogical intent: to teach children to take on the roles of mom, dad and doctor, to act adequately to the role, to bring the role they take to the end of the game. Continue to teach the actions of a doctor: examine the patient, measuring the temperature, looking at the throat, listening with a straw: use the attributes in the game for their intended purpose; accompany your actions with speech, conduct simple dialogues. Cultivate in children a sustainable interest in play and friendly relationships. Teach to treat the doll like a daughter.

The teacher suggests playing “doctor”. The roles of the doctor, mother and father are assigned, and the actions of the participants are discussed.

The adult helps the children start the game by assigning roles “in the family”: dad calls the doctor by phone to see his sick daughter, and mom sits next to the child, strokes her on the head, gives her a drink, etc.

A doctor comes in a white coat with all the attributes. Dad meets the doctor at the entrance and invites him to wash his hands, and takes the doctor to his daughter. The doctor asks the daughter what is hurting her, examines her, puts a thermometer, listens, looks at her throat. As the game progresses, the teacher constantly helps the children perform actions and accompany them with speech, addressing the children according to their role, for example: “Mom, ask the doctor how you should treat your daughter? “or: “Doctor, tell mom and dad what temperature their daughter has: high or normal,” etc.

In the next lesson, a child can play the role of the patient, thus four children are included in the game, etc. as the plot develops. It is advisable that all children take turns playing different roles.


Pedagogical intent: to strengthen children’s ability to take on the roles of a doctor, driver, mother, father, patient, and to act according to the role taken. Learn to adequately use the attributes of the game, consolidate their purpose and actions with it.

In a short introductory conversation, the teacher talks about what should be done if a person is seriously ill or falls ill at night, and how he can be helped. Introduces the plot of the game to children. Helps distribute roles. Starting the game, the teacher tells the children that dad is sick and cannot get out of bed to go to the doctor.

The adult asks the children what should be done in this case? Children, in accordance with the proposed plot, guess that they need to call an ambulance. A daughter or son calls an ambulance by phone, the ambulance officer on duty accepts the call and informs the doctor. The doctor arrives, rings the doorbell, my mother opens it, invites me to go into the apartment, wash my hands, gives me soap and a towel. The doctor washes his hands and goes to the patient. An adult helps, if necessary, to conduct a dialogue between the patient and the doctor, to accompany the actions with speech. As the game progresses, the doctor examines the patient, puts him on a thermometer, and offers to give him an injection. When performing this action, the teacher can provide assistance (showing, explaining the actions). If the doctor tries to leave immediately, the teacher draws attention to the fact that it is advisable to observe the patient, sit by his bed, measure the temperature again, etc.

The doctor sits for some time at the patient’s bedside, asking him questions about his health. Family members see him off and say goodbye. The doctor leaves by car.

“An ambulance takes the Katya doll to the hospital.”

Pedagogical intent: to continue to teach children to take on the roles of a doctor, driver, mother, father, patient, to act according to the role taken, to adequately use the attributes of the game, to consolidate their purpose. Continue to cultivate a polite attitude towards each other and sympathy for the patient.

The teacher offers a new plot of the game, explains it in detail to the children, and helps distribute roles.

An adult, together with his children-parents, is worried about the illness of the Katya doll and suggests calling an ambulance doctor. Mom (child) calls the doctor by phone. The doctor answers that he leaves, gets into the car, the ambulance driver drives the car, drives away. Dad meets the doctor, offers to wash his hands and takes him to his sick daughter. Mom meets the doctor at her daughter’s bedside and answers the doctor’s questions. The doctor examines the patient, listens, takes the temperature, feels the stomach, etc. The doctor offers to take the daughter to the hospital. The mother takes her daughter in her arms, gets into the car with the doctor, and they go to the hospital. Dad stays at home, puts everything in order, prepares dinner, etc. In the hospital, where mom and the sick doll Katya come, there are 2-3 beds on which the “sick” dolls lie. The doctor meets the arrivals, takes Katya and puts her to bed, calms her mother down, invites her to come to the hospital with her dad tomorrow. Mom is leaving. The doctor gives Katya medicine, etc. The parents call the hospital and find out about Katya’s health.

During this game, you can teach children to “visit” patients in the hospital, walk with them, help the nanny feed sick dolls, etc.

“The doll has recovered.”

Pedagogical intent: to introduce children to a new plot, to reinforce the doctor’s game action: take the temperature, examine the throat, listen with a straw, etc. Continue to teach children to accompany their actions with speech, to conduct simple dialogues.

A short conversation about the work of a doctor in a clinic, the distribution of roles.

As the game progresses, mothers with their daughters and sons (dolls) come to see a doctor at the clinic.

The doctor takes turns seeing visitors. Mom with a doll comes to the doctor and says hello. The doctor asks questions about the child’s health, looks at the throat, takes the temperature, listens, etc. All actions are accompanied by speech, the teacher helps organize dialogues, directing the doctor’s actions and questions, for example: “Doctor, look at the throat, is it not red?” After inspection and recommendations, they say goodbye. The next mother enters with her child and so on (2-3 children).

This plot can be played out over several games until all the children have played the role of a doctor and parents of sick children.

"Doctor and nurse."

Pedagogical idea: to introduce children to the role of a nurse, her responsibilities, work actions: giving injections, putting drops in the eyes, ears, putting mustard plasters, compresses, lubricating wounds, bandaging. Fix a chain of game actions between the doctor, the mother who came to the appointment with the child, the doctor and the nurse, in which the doctor gives orders to the nurse. Continue to teach how to use attributes, introduce substitutes. Continue to work on activating children's vocabulary.

In order for learning new game actions to take place in the context of the game, the teacher takes on the role of a doctor. Brief introduction by the teacher, explanation of the course of the game, distribution of roles.

A doctor and a nurse are sitting at a table in a clinic. Nearby is a cabinet with medical instruments. Visitors sit on chairs in front of the office. The patient enters. The doctor asks him questions, clarifies what hurts, turns to the nurse with a recommendation on what needs to be done, for example: “Please wash the wound, lubricate it with iodine and bandage it.” The patient approaches the nurse, she (he) carries out the doctor’s orders. The doctor looks and helps if necessary. Then the doctor invites the patient to come the next day for procedures with the nurse. The patient thanks and leaves. The doctor calls the next one (2-3 visitors).

During subsequent games, the registry is turned on. Patients first come to the reception desk, take a card, then go to see a doctor and nurse. Gradually, the nurse’s “office” is equipped separately from the doctor’s office, additional treatment rooms are introduced, etc. Thus, the game expands and deepens in content.


Pedagogical intent: to introduce children to the role of a pharmacist, cashier, and pharmacy visitors, to teach how to perform game actions, and to follow their sequence.

Materials: cash register, “money”, a pharmacy display case with various medicines and patient care items, personal hygiene items, a pharmacist’s white coat, recipes, pictures depicting medications, patient care items.

The teacher talks with the children about the last excursion to the pharmacy. He remembers what he saw in the pharmacy, who works there, what he does and how, who comes to the pharmacy, what is needed to be able to buy medicine, etc. The adult invites the children to equip the pharmacy and place everything they need there. Children do this together with the teacher. Distribution of roles: an adult takes on the role of a pharmacist, invites some of the children to be a cashier, and the rest - visitors.

The pharmacist-teacher stands behind the display window, the cashier sits at the cash register. Visitors enter, each holding a doctor’s prescription, money, and a bag. They go to the display window and see if the medicine they need is there. The pharmacist helps them with leading questions, gives recommendations, and leads children into a conversation about medications and their purposes. Children take turns receiving checks at the cash register (cards with mugs, go to the pharmacist, take medications. The adult makes sure that all children voice their actions, for this he uses both direct and indirect questions.

In the next game, the role of the pharmacist is assigned to one of the children, and the teacher becomes a visitor and, together with the children, buys medicines, talks with them, etc.

Game situations: “At an appointment with an ENT doctor,” “At an appointment with a surgeon,” “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist,” etc.

Ophthalmologist– checks vision using a table, writes out a prescription for eyes, or a prescription for glasses. Patients buy glasses at the pharmacy (without lenses).

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor looks at the neck, tongue, ears. Measures temperature and gives appointments for procedures. The nurse is warming up.


The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him and takes him to the room. The doctor examines patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse gives medications to patients, takes temperatures, gives injections and dressings in the treatment room, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room and changes the linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.


The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: gives his full name, tells his age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. A doctor and a nurse go to a patient. The doctor examines the patient, listens carefully to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, and looks at his throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the doctor’s instructions: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very bad, he is taken away and taken to the hospital. An ambulance doctor goes to your home, asks what’s wrong, gives an injection, and takes you to the hospital.


On the topic of: Organization of role-playing games in the second junior group "Hospital"

Prepared the presentation

teacher at MBDOU "Yagodka"

Shilets Tatyana Sergeevna

Noyabrsk, Vyngapurovsky microdistrict

  • To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions;
  • Expand children's knowledge about the medical profession: what a doctor does, who he treats, how he treats. Learn to show a caring attitude towards toys;
  • Enrich children's understanding of the medical profession.


  • Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the surrounding life and the hospital in the game.
  • Develop creative imagination. Continue to introduce not only the profession of a doctor, but also certain rules of behavior in the clinic, in the doctor’s office, in the pharmacy.

Play equipment

  • Doctor's robe and cap;
  • Doctor set;
  • Recipes;
  • Medicines (boxes).

  • Conversation with children about how they and their parents went to the hospital or pharmacy;
  • Children's stories about what they learned new about the medical profession.

  • The doctor conducts the appointment, listens, looks at the throat, writes a prescription.
  • Nurse – helps to receive patients, carries out doctor’s orders, gives injections.
  • The patient comes to see the doctor, tells him what worries him, and follows the doctor’s recommendations.

Main stage "I'm playing"

  • Solving problems with children;
  • Help create a gaming environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles;
  • To develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play;
  • Form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness;

  • The guys really love to play the role-playing game “Hospital”. In this game they are also reflected in valeology education, since children project the acquired knowledge into the game in the classroom, enriching it with new situations and methods of treatment.
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