Demon Warlock WoW; Quests to get demons. Demon Warlock WoW; Quests to get demons Lok quests for pets 3.3 5 horde

Warlocks are mages who have gone deep into the study of demonic magic. Playing a Warlock is not easy enough, but I will try to explain in more detail all its advantages and disadvantages, so that it would be easier for novice Warlocks to learn this rather unusual class.

So, the advantages of Warlocks (I note that there are more advantages than disadvantages 🙂)

  • The most important advantage of the Warlock is the summoning of the so-called minions, according to the standard, all Warlocks must have at least 4 minions: Summon Imp, Summon Abyss Demon, Summon Felhunter, Summon Succubus (I will talk about minions in more detail in the next article)

    • The warlock can create a Health Stone, it can be transferred to other characters, but if you are in a group of more than 2 people, then you can do the Ritual of Souls (in the jargon - Toilet 🙂)
    • Also, the Warlock can create a Soul Stone (in the jargon - SS), it lasts 15 minutes, its cooldown is also 15 minutes, upon death, if you cast this spell on yourself, you can resurrect without anyone's help.
    • Warlock can summon raid members to him, the Summoning Ritual helps him in this, with the help of 2 members of the group, the so-called Sumon Stone (in the jargon - Telek) is placed, but then I think everyone knows what to do there.
    • Also, the Warlock can improve his weapons with the help of the Stone of Enchantment, or the Stone of Fire. (I remind you that only 1 stone can be applied at a time)
  • The Warlock also has a unique mount that only they have 🙂 At Level 20, Summon Steed of Fel, and, accordingly, Summon Steed of Doom at Level 40 of the game.

But like all classes, the Warlock has its drawbacks:

Well, I think that Warlocks don’t have such obvious shortcomings anymore ... oh yes, I didn’t tell you what a Soul Shard is, but I’ll fix it

So, Soul Shard - The Warlock always needs Shards to cast some spells, and to summon minions (except for Summon Imp). There is only one way to get a Shard, when the enemy (a mob or a player of the opposite faction) has little Health, you need to use the Soul Drain spell to finish off the enemy with it. When casting a spell, you cannot move, and the damage from it is quite small, but attention, you can only get a Shard by killing a mob or a player of the opposite faction with about the same level as you (that is, its level must be at least green), if one of them is much lower level than yours, then you will not receive a Shard.

“Hey Big, I decided to create a Warlock, but what race should I choose? After all, the Warlock can be: Human, Dwarf, Orc, Undead, Blood Elf"
Yes, my dear friend, the question is good, if you play for the Alliance and love PvE, then it’s better to play as a Dwarf, because of the racial passive Inquisitive Mind, but if you are a fan of the horde, have fun in the BG, or you love the Arena, then I think the Man will you like it because of the ability Every man for himself.

But if you're playing Horde, then definitely take the Undead, because of the excellent racial ability Will of the Forsaken. Well, in PvE, perhaps the best option would be Orc, because of the racial passive Dominion, as well as because of the “active” Blood Fury.

Warlock Pets

So, as I said, the Warlocks have the so-called Minions, which can be obtained by completing certain tasks, for each Minion they are different (I will tell you more about completing tasks in the next article). Let's start in order, the first Servant we have ...

Xorothian Doomsteed(Xorothian Dreadsteed) - fiery, horse-like demons hailing from the world of Xoroth (Xoroth), which serve as a transport for dreadlords. The best of them belongs to Lord Hel'nurath, the Nathrese, the stablemaster.

In the classics, there was no special variety of mounts, as it is now, and the opportunity to get a flaming demon as one was very pleasing, but at that time there was a lot to go through.

As a small reference: earlier the mount system was completely opposite to the current one, that is, the riding skill itself cost a penny, and the mount cost a kilo of gold (in the classics it was quite a serious amount). So even such a trivial task as choosing a mount color was quite acute, and those people who had several epic mounts were looked at as crazy :)

Now this chain is actually abolished, because. epic mount is now received at level 40 and not 60 as before. It can be bought for a handful of coins from the Warlock Trainer when the required level is reached. Okazualili, not a cake! Yo!! :D

Personally, I consider this quest one of the most beautiful, dynamic and quite entertaining, so I decided to describe it. Well, let's go.

It all starts quite banally and usually: upon reaching level 60, a warlock trainer in Orgri or Ironforge will give a quest to find a certain Mor'zul in the Burning Steppes. With the new quest tracking system, finding someone is not a problem, because they will show it as a fat spot on the map.

This uncle will ask for a can of owl blood from Winter Springs to make ink for summoning runes, well, well, we know these warlocks, if only there was more blood. One way or another, we arrange the genocide of this living creature and return satisfied. Here the chain is divided into 2 branches: collect a bag of all sorts of reagents and again dirty your hands on all sorts of villains.

Collection of reagents

Everything is quite simple here, we hand over the items that are needed to produce the necessary artifacts for the summoning ritual, and this branch is ready. They pull out the hard-earned goldevich, but what can you do.

Full list of required reagents:

2x [Elixir of Dark Energy] — made by alchemists with 250+ skill, vendor's recipe.
6x [Large Brilliant Shard] - 60 blue discoloration.
25x [Dark Iron Ore] - Mining in the BRM instance (BlackRock Mountain - Black Mountain) and adjacent zones.
3x[Black Dragon Scales] - skinning dragonkins in the BRM insta.
1x[Arcanite Bar] - Alchemist Transmutation.

Having handed over all this good, we will close this branch in the quest. Now on the Razuvius server, all this can be bought for 50g on the auk.

Create a scroll of summoning

Everything is more interesting here. We will be given a quest called Lord Banehollow, so we need to find him and talk to him. To do this, you need to buy potions of shadows, which are sold right there. Next, we move to the Felwood (Felwood) and go to Jaedenar. This potion makes you a friendly target in the eyes of the inhabitants of this subzone and you can easily go straight to the lord, he is at the bottom of the caves.

He will give the task to spy the spy and bring his heart. The target is nearby, which is very convenient. We cut out and bring the organ to the dreadlord, and he eats it with pleasure. Kindred soul right. Anyway, now we can buy enchanted dust from him for 150 gold to create a scroll. Alright, back to the Burning Steppes.

There, a happy goblin will give out a jar with an imp and a stick will drive us to Scholomance. By the way, this is one of the few names that was translated and adapted in meaning in our localization perfectly, apparently at the time of working on this piece the translators ran out of grass and acid, which they evaporated all the remaining time, and came out with an excellent result. But back to our demons.

We climb into this dungeon, it is located in the middle of a lake in the Western Plaguelands. Our goal is the room of the lich Ras Frostwhisper. In the lower right corner there are a bunch of tables where you need to open a jar and a joyful imp will go to do his business. Well, the preparatory part is over.

summoning ritual

So, after returning from Scholomance, we will be given the final quest called " Ks Orothian Horse of Doom”, apparently, the supply of grass has resumed :)

We will be offered to buy 3 items for the ritual: a jar, a stone and the scroll itself, with a total cost of 250 Goldevich. But there is an option not to buy these items, but to find a warlock who has already done this quest and he already has items. He will be able to perform the ritual and nothing is required of you.

Eniway, we need to go to Feralas, to the west wing. Dire Maul <- а вот и что-то позерьезней травки подоспело.

Our goal is the location of the boss with the name Immol'thar <- ухх чистяяяк. Чтобы его заганкать надо деактитвировать 5 пилонов по пути следования. Выглядят они так:

Deactivation consists of killing the elementals surrounding the pylon. After removing the protective barrier and killing the dog, you can begin the ritual itself.

And here the most interesting begins. At the 60s levels, a uniform disgrace was going on here, especially if you go into one warlock. We open the jar and release the imp familiar to us. It forms a non-figuring summoning circle and puts 3 artifacts inside: a candle, a bell and a wheel.

The ritual starts, crowds of evil imps and dread guards begin to shove from all sides. We need to hold out for 6 minutes while the ritual circle is being formed to open the portal to Zoroth. This is where these artifacts come in handy. The candle damages everyone in the circle, the bell restores HP and mana, the wheel absorbs damage. From time to time they will fail and the task of the warlock, who has items for summoning in his pocket, is to restore their performance, this requires a soul shard, so take 20 pieces with you.

The main problem is control dread guards for they beat not weakly (for 60 lvl). They go into banish and unslave, so two warlocks with 2 demons under control and 2 bans can easily do everything, it’s more difficult in one.

Runes will light up along the contour of the summoning ring and after 6 minutes of this madness, the invasion will stop. There is time to take a breath.

Next, we use the call scroll and a non-fiery portal opens from which our future horse climbs out. He will throw people out of the circle, so we move our paws and run back. Appears on its own at 50% Lord Hel'nurath, who obviously does not like that you decided to steal a horse. We give on the soup and him, we also finish off the horse. After this disgrace, the ghost of a horse will appear, to which you must turn in the final quest. Hooray, we have a fiery stallion.

By the way, this mount used to require mana to summon, unlike other simple mounts, and it demanded so well in those days. Then, of course, the price was reduced, and in the BC it was completely canceled.

Yes, and those who pass or have already completed this quest are now given a great achievement.

I will dilute class guides on Cataclysm by writing an article for beginners. Here we will talk about how to complete quests to get pets from the warlock (Alliance).

Abyss Demon (Void)

Requires level 10
Quest, of course, we take from the coach. The content of the quest is as follows: the apprentice of the mentor stole his amulet and fled to one of the farms of the Elvin forest (yes, she will really hide there). We come to the student, kill her, loot the amulet and go down to the insidious basement, where a certain call circle will be located, on which we need to use the amulet. A mysterious shadow appears. We kill her. We return to the coach - we get the coveted Void.

Requires level 20
Again we take the quest from the coach. This time we are sent to the Wasteland. Naturally, getting there at level 20 is quite difficult, so run through Ashenvale. We are looking for a mentor in the Wasteland (he is blind and walks with a stick). He will send us to Ashenvale. We come there and use the same tree that the blind man told us about and get a special item that must be used in the summoning circle (in Stormwind, in the cellar, where we have already been last time).

Requires level 30
You won't believe it, but the quest starts with the trainer! ;). It's time to visit one of the capable warlocks in the Wastes. He will send you to Ironforge (where you can have a sip of Darf beer at the same time), where you need to take a couple of items:

  • Moldy tome (coordinates: 27.8 72.8, if you couldn't find it - follow the others - 27.8 72.8).

  • Shabby manuscript (must pass through the Horde). The execution is described in the quest itself. Read - understand.

  • Wand of Direction. We go to the Swamp, there are orc-mages - the same wand falls from them. Then we go to the Ratchet and use the book near the summoning circle and kill the felhunter.

Our site has fallen in positions in search engines (Google, Rambler, Yandex), so I'm posting a couple of links to promoted queries to help PS push me back to the TOP:

H the warlock can gain the ability to summon seven demons. In addition, he has the ability Demon Enslavement", through which he can also gain control over other demons, however, for a limited time. Each of the demons serves a specific purpose. Currently ( The wrath of the Lich King, 3.3) the three main demons are directly linked in PvE to the Warlock talent trees. So, the Imp helps to increase the damage to the Destroyers, and the Fel Guard is the main weapon of the Demonologist. In PvP, Abyssal Demon (the ability to see robbers and a shield) and Succubus (control) are very popular. For more information on how to find demons and what to do with them, in this guide.



T level required: 1 .

P The first demon of the Warlock, outwardly similar to a green devil. In my opinion, the funniest of all, jokes every now and then, sometimes very on topic. This is a ranged dd, the main damage of which falls on fireballs. The demon has a relatively small amount of health, but is able to go into the Astral, that is, become inaccessible to enemy attacks of any level and strength. While in the Astral, the demon cannot attack. In addition, the demon is able to cast a spell on the Warlock and his comrades " Fire Shield", which will deal damage to those who attack with a melee target under this spell.

P You can get an imp by learning the appropriate spell from a trainer or by completing a simple quest on the first level. Until you have the Demon of the Abyss, I advise you to walk with the Imp - more fun and faster. Summoning an Imp does not require Soul Shards.

Abyss Demon


T level required: 10 .

IN The second demon, often called "bruise" because of the color. The elemental-like dark blue demon tank is available from level ten. He has the ability to create a shield around the Warlock. The shield will absorb damage and will disappear if the amount of damage exceeds the shield's capabilities, or after a certain time. The demon deals melee damage. Also, having a large supply of health, the bruise can generate additional aggro, thereby allowing the Warlock to shoot enemies from a distance. To work with him at low levels, I advise you to pump the First Aid skill. And finally, another ability of the bruise allows him to restore health, while simultaneously imposing on the group an effect that makes it possible to see the enemy in stealth mode. In PvP, this is useful for fighting Rogues and Druids.

H You can learn how to summon the Demon of the Abyss by completing a simple quest at level 10. Alliance Quest" Gakin's Invitation"must be taken from Remen Markoth in Stormwind. The Horde take the quest from Ageron Kargal (Brill, Forsaken), Ofek (Durotar, Orcs), Karendin Khalgar (Undercity, Blood Elves). Summoning the Demon requires a Soul Shard.



T level required: 20 .

T third demon, a woman in a revealing outfit with horns, a tail, a whip and wings. Deals melee damage with a whip. Just like a demon, it can hide. Possesses the ability seduction", with which it can seduce humanoids (including players ... and their characters). The succubus is a great helper in PvP, as well as in PvE, if you can control her control ability. It takes some practice to do this. Groups of some monsters for In the absence of the Mage with his "Transformation", they lend themselves perfectly to the "Seduction" of the Succubus.At low levels, the Succubus will help you develop the character faster, since her damage will exceed that of the Abyss Demon, and her ability to survive is similar to that of the Imp.

P Succubus's call is a quest reward. Quest at Alliance starts at Lago Vilefiend (Ironforge), the quest is called " Gakin's Invitation". Go to Gakin (Stormwind). He will send you to the Barrens, where you will meet with the real Seer. Well, the Seer will send you to Ashenvale for a tree, after which you will have to return to Stormwind. Now the most important thing is to summon the succubus and win after that, turn in the quest and get the skill. Hordes several quests. Orcs and others take the quest from Gan "rul in Orgrimmar. Blood Elves at Alamma (Silvermoon). Summoning a Succubus requires a Soul Shard.

Fel Hunter


T level required: 30 .

H The fourth demon, like a dog. The eyes of the dog are on two antennas, and the color of the dog is red. The dog deals good physical damage and works great against magicians, both monsters and players. Thanks to the Silence and Cast Disruption skills, the doggy is very effective in PvP. In PvE on some bosses, her skill is also useful. At low levels, the Hunter is a great way to diversify character development, an alternative to the Succubus. From the point of view of DpS, her positions are constantly changing, so you can only calculate the exact parameters yourself on a dummy or during a battle. In some builds and patches, she is a convenient companion of the Sorcerer.

P You can get the Hunter in the quest " In Search of Fear", which gives Lago Vilefiend (Alliance, Ironforge) or Gan"rul Bloodeye and Karedin Khalgar (Horde). Upon completing the quest, you will receive not only a skill, but also a bag for Soul Shards (14 slots). Summoning a Hunter requires a Soul Shard.



T level required: 50 .

P yat demon, looks like... Infernal. Several glowing green stones, folded in the shape of a man. Infernal falls from the sky, stuns enemies around him and helps the Warlock for three minutes. At the same time, if another daemon was called in you, it will disappear. Warlocks like to call Infernal in mass PvP, as well as before Shaman Heroism in boss fights. The effectiveness of calling Infernal depends directly on how exactly your demon should help you: with its direct damage or a buff to your damage. For example, it would be rational for a Sorcerer to summon him during a fight if his main demon deals little damage. At the same time, the Demonologist is not recommended to summon Infernal, because his main demon will almost certainly deal more damage.

P It's hard to get Infernal, but a real Warlock just has to get all the demons, right? Well, first of all, there is a small chance that you will find a Grimoire in Blackrock Mountain from local Warlocks. The hard way is talking to Nibi- the great warlock. Let's take the quest What Nibi wants". We talk with the Imp. The imp will send you for various essences, which will be quite difficult to get if you complete the quest at level 50. After that, return to the imp. He will say to talk to Nibi, after this conversation, kill Kroshius. Now Nibi will teach you how to summon Infernal Summoning... No, you have to see it yourself.Summoning Infernal requires an Infernal Stone, which can be bought at the Ingredient Shop.



T level required: 60 .

W a simple demon, looks like a big scary orange orc with wings and horns. Moves through the air, sometimes stomping loudly. The demon can be summoned for fifteen minutes with the Ritual of Doom. The Ritual requires a group of five people, including the Warlock. After the Ritual, one member of the group (randomly) loses most of his health, some time ago, after the Ritual, a group member died. But this had a bad effect on the desire of the group to call the Guardian, so now everything is more humane. You can use the Guardian in completely different situations, it is worth remembering that during the battle you will not be able to call him. The following combination is interesting: before the start of the battle, the Warlock calls the Guard, when he disappears, calls the Infernal, and, if necessary, after the disappearance of the Infernal, calls the main demon. It is important to apply as many necessary buffs as possible, then the Guardian's damage will be very high. With proper handling, it can add +3 to DpS. In PvP, using the Guardian is difficult due to the difficulty of summoning.

P You can get the Dreadguard by learning the corresponding spell from the book: Grimoire of Doom. The chance of falling out does not exceed 2%, you need to kill elite monsters, at level 60 you simply cannot do it. The elite monsters of the Blasted Lands are a threat even to a level 80 player. Easier and more interesting to pass the quest. You can take it from Dayo the Decrepit, which is located in Blasted Lands. You'll have to do a few errands: go to Winterspring, kill some monsters there, and visit the Dire Maul to search for Satyr Blood. Quests at level 60 are difficult, require the presence of a good (thinking) group, preferably with a healer and a tank. The last quest in the chain, Imprisonment, requires special preparation. You will have to clear your way among the elite monsters and fight the most elite of them. On this necessarily need a healer. If you are level 80 just be careful, phys. Demon damage cancels your spells. For the Ritual of Doom, you need a Demonic Figurine, sold in the reagent store, along with an infernal stone.



T level required: 50 .

FROM The seventh demon, looks like an iron woodcutter, is also called by the people, walks with an axe. He says terrible things, looks great in the company of a Dwarf Warlock. The basis of damage for the Warlock of the Demonology branch, requires careful maintenance: buffs, health replenishment, etc. In PvP, it is interesting only because it can deal damage while the Warlock himself is out of combat or is far away (read: running from the Warrior). Otherwise, other daemons are preferred. In PvE, sometimes Warlocks with Guardians go to decent DpS places, but in case of loss of the demon (AoE boss, change of tactics and place), the owner's DpS drops to the level of tanks. Behind him you need an eye and an eye, although you can see him from afar.

P The call of the demon is learned thanks to the talent of the Demonology branch, the talent is at the very bottom. There is no other way to get this demon, unless you find one somewhere in Outland and subdue it. To summon a Felguard, you need a Soul Shard.

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Destrolok January 22, 2015 at 16:10 To answer

Yes, everything is clear, the only thing that infuriates in the lock is that the fragments in one cell do not add up to 20, they take up a lot of space

Guest December 08, 2013 at 03:32 pm To answer

damn found two mentors who gives kv for a hunter they just don't have

Guest December 07, 2013 at 04:58 pm To answer

I come to Ironforge to take an apartment for a dog, but he is not there, what to do, help!

Vitalik November 22, 2013 at 01:37 To answer

thank you for the hint, it's very nice to play with the help of wowhead

Guest November 14, 2013 at 19:11 To answer

I don't have a job :(

In it you will find out what pets are available to you, from what lvl and of course what quests you need to go through to get them.

Each of your pets is radically different from each other and they serve different tasks.


Required to get 1st level. The imp is the very first pet with which you are given the opportunity to play. Outwardly, it resembles a green devil, from time to time he tries to joke, in general, a funny pet. Imp's main offensive ability is fireballs. The pet deals medium damage and has a very low health pool, which is at least slightly offset by the ability to go into the astral plane and becomes immune to damage. Another pet spell "Fire Shield" is a buff that can be cast on yourself or party members. The buff deals damage if you are attacked in melee.

Abyss Demon

Required to get 10th level. The people called the demon a bruise, because of its color. The demon outwardly looks very much like an elementary and performs the function of a tank, of course it won’t work to tank with it, but it makes pumping much easier. Has a lot of health and armor. There are spells in his list of abilities to increase aggro, so it will be a little more difficult for the warlock to break aggro. Bruise is also very useful in pvp due to the fact that he can put a shield on his master that will absorb all damage, as well as an ability that helps to detect rogues and druids when they are invisible.

To learn how to summon the demon of the abyss, you need to go through a small chain of quests, which becomes available at level 10. For the alliance, the quest is available only in Stormwind from the npc Remen Markot. The Horde can take the quest in several cities depending on the race: orcs in the city of Durotar (npc Ofeka), forsaken in the city of Bril (npc Ageron Kargal), blood elves in the Undercity (npc Karendin Khalgar). To summon a demon, you need a Soul Shard.


Required to get Level 20. The third of the available demons, the demon seducer, walks in a revealing outfit with a whip and wings. Fights exclusively in close combat. The main feature of the succubus is its control ability \"Seduction\", with which, after a little practice, you can work miracles of control in pvp. In PvE, the pet will not be very useful, except for controlling large packs of mobs. Although once you get him at level 20 he will be a great helper in leveling, because. his damage/survivability combo is better than previous pets.

Kv to summon a succubus. I will not paint the entire chain. there is nothing complicated there. The chain for the alliance starts at the npc Lago Vilefiend in the city of Ironforge, the name of the quest is Gakin's Invitation. For the horde, there are several quarters for different races: blood elves take the quest in silvermoon from the npc alamma. For all other races, HF will be available from npc Gan'rul in Orgrimmar.

Fel Hunter

Required to get Level 30. The people called the demon a dog. The demon deals decent damage in PvE, especially if you play in the afflic spec. Very effective against caster play, as has the ability to nemona and knock down cast. Most often the pet is used in pvp, but in pve it is also sometimes useful. If you are in the sorcery branch, Felhunter will be your main pet due to the talents that increase the damage of the bite ability.

Kv per dog is available from level 30. For the alliance, the quest starts in the steelforge at the npc Lago Spitebreaker. For the horde at the npc CITY Karedin Khalgar.


Required to get Level 50. Inveral looks like a regular inferal, a pile of glowing green stones. Folded in the form of a human figure. When summoned, an inferal falls from the sky and stuns all enemies in a small radius at the point of impact. It can sometimes be very effective to call an inferal in large fights on the battlefield. If at the time of the call you had another demon called, then it will disappear.

Getting an inferal is very difficult and doing it at level 50 alone. Kv is taken from the npc Nibi the Almighty in the Felwood (41.5 45.5). The chain consists of three quests that are not difficult to complete, but you will have to go around the entire map. To summon an Inferal, you need to have an Infernal Stone with you, which is sold in the Ingredients Shop.


Required to get Level 60. The demon looks like a huge orange orc with horns and wings. To summon a demon, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual of summoning, which will require five people, after the completion of the ritual one of them will lose most of his health, before, by the way, one of the members of the group died. The demon is called for 15 minutes. Unfortunately, during the battle, summoning a demon will not work, so after its disappearance or death, you will have to summon a new one. Sometimes it will be relevant to call the guard before boss fights, and when the guard disappears, they call the inferal. When used correctly, the guard adds a decent amount of DPS to you, just remember to ask the group for buffs for your demon, because. this can greatly enhance it.

There are two ways to get a daemon. The first one is farming the book Grimoire of Doom from elite mobs (Dreadguard) in the Blasted Lands lvl 60, the drop rate is 2%. By the way, mobs are very healthy and you can’t do it alone, you need a heal and preferably a tank. The second way is more interesting and simpler. The quest is taken from the npc Dayo the Decrepit in the Blasted Lands (34.1 50.1). To complete the quest, you will need at least a healer, and it is even better that a tank is included in the kit, because. you'll have to fight your way through crowds of elite troops. To summon a guardian, you will need a demonic figurine, you can buy it from the seller of ingredients.


Required to get Level 50. The seventh demon and the last of all available, only a warlock in the demonologist spec can get it. The people called the guard the woodcutter, because of his huge ax. This is a very strong demon, it has very serious damage and amazing survivability. The advantages of a lumberjack in pvp is the ability to make a dash to the target and stun it for a short period of time, thereby knocking down the cast of the enemy, the second plus is high dps, the guard can do good damage to the enemy as long as you are under control. In PvE, the demon is good for its high damage, and if you buff it well, you can count on the first lines in the top, but if it happens that your demon dies and you cannot summon it again, your dps will drop to the level of tanks.

You can only get a fel guard in the demonologist branch. Requires a Soul Shard to summon.

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