Gravity falls games. Gravity falls bill cipher games play

Today we want to present you a new exciting game Gravity Falls: Take back the falls. In it we will plunge with you into the world of archaeologists. These people are searching for various ancient artifacts and treasures. The main characters of this game, brother and sister, work for a person who collects ancient things. Once he invited them to a meeting and showed them a map. It indicated the path to the ancient pyramid where, according to legend, great treasures were hidden. Of course, our heroes decided to find her. You and I will join them on this adventure. We will move around the locations indicated on the map and on the way we will face various dangers in the form of traps and guards that block your path. You need to destroy all the enemies that you come across on the way. You have both offensive and defensive moves, so alternate between them properly to effectively kill enemies. Remember that they will also attack you and at the same time several people at once. So be careful and you will succeed.
The game Gravity Falls: Take back the falls is quite interesting and has cool graphics. By opening Gravity Falls: Take back the falls on our site, you will have a good and fun time participating in the adventures of our main characters.

Bill Cipher began his insidious plan to capture the planet, and now it seems that no one and nothing can stop him, because the city is on fire, and a lot of various monsters and sorcerers with secret magic have escaped to freedom. And only the brother and sister decided to challenge the antagonist and go to the fight against evil. At the very beginning of the game, you must choose whether you will play as a boy or a girl. They have some differences: the guy has more lives, but the attack is weaker, but the girl has the opposite. Each stage is an arena in the middle of the city, where monsters will attack you from different sides, and you must fight with them. Gradually, you will become stronger, getting and opening a variety of bonuses to improve your constant attack, super moves and defense. At the end of the round, you will get one secret detail, by combining which you can create a mechanical shadow hut, on which you will go to fight the boss. Good luck!

It is enough to launch any Gravity Falls game you like, as it becomes clear: behind its pastoral facade lies something strange and frightening. What exactly? This is what we propose to find out. And you will be accompanied by a pair of twins - Dipper and Mabel Pines, the main characters of not only every Gravity Falls game, but also the cartoon of the same name, released by Disney Television Animation.

During the summer holidays, their busy parents sent them to stay with great-uncle Stan, who for many years owns the most famous souvenir supermarket in Gravity Falls - the Mystery Shack. But as it turns out, trading isn't Stan's only interest. Much more he is fascinated by the arrangement of a secret and mega reliable bunker, equipped with a mass of strange devices. I wonder why he needed it?

At first, Dipper and Mabel were terribly bored in this dull provincial region, but one day, while fulfilling Stan's instructions, they find a strange diary written by an unknown author. It is about the terrible things that are happening in Gravity Falls. From that moment, as they say, it started .....

Gameplay Features

Almost all Gravity Falls games are original adventure quests, during which you will help the main characters solve some local oddities and mysteries. A lot of both have accumulated in the state of Oregon. On the mysterious diary found by the guys is the number 3, which means that somewhere there are numbers 1, 2 and possibly 4.

From this point of view, each Gravity Falls game is something like a nesting doll: one unraveled mystery pulls the next one, that one more, and so on, until all the secrets of the wonderful town come out. To cope with them you will need a lot of endurance, common sense, a willingness to think quickly and act decisively.

Since the protagonists are a pair of twins, many Graffiti Falls games are designed for the same number of players. Of course, you can go through the missions alone, controlling the characters one by one, but doing it together is much more convenient. The developers endowed each of the heroes with a certain set of abilities that are not available to the other. And therefore, only acting together, they will be able to cope with all game tasks. As a rule, one character in such cases moves around the screen with the WASD keys, and the second character with the arrow buttons from the right side of the keyboard.

To use additional abilities, each game has its own list of keys, which you can familiarize yourself with in the main menu before starting the first level. Do not be too lazy to do this, because if you miss this stage, at the most crucial moment of the game, you can really regret it. The fact is that events on the screen unfold rapidly, and you simply won’t have time to search for the right buttons “at random”.

By the way, playing Gravity Falls quests will be useful for both girls and boys. Such toys perfectly develop observation skills, force gamers to use logic and ingenuity. And it's also incredibly interesting and fun, as you can easily see for yourself by finding an hour or two of free time in order to visit a small wonder town in Oregon.

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Gravity Falls and its inhabitants

The actions of all games are somehow connected with the town of Gravity Falls, located in the state of Oregon. The twins, 12-year-old Dipper and Mabel, come here for the summer holidays. This restless couple is familiar to many from the animated series. For those who for some reason are not familiar with the anomalous zone and its inhabitants, it will be interesting to learn some facts from their biography.

  • Dipper is Mabel's charismatic, resilient twin brother. Curious adventurer. Likes exact sciences. From time to time he finds different parts of the diary with spells and descriptions of paranormal phenomena and tries to get to the bottom of the truth.
  • Mabel is Dipper's charming twin sister. She is ready to help her brother in everything, but sometimes she still questions his conclusions. He has his own opinion about many things. Her pet is a charming pig named Bullet.
  • Uncle Stan is an adventurer by nature. In his life for 70 years there were many secrets and adventures. Has a twin brother named Stanley. Children to whom he is a great-uncle call him uncle or great-uncle. Owns a tourist center with the sonorous name "Shack of Miracles".
  • Grandpa Ford is Stan's six-fingered twin brother. In his youth, he showed great promise. Author of diaries describing mysterious phenomena near Gravity Falls.
  • Jesus and Wendy - employees of the "Shack of Miracles" Indigenous inhabitants of the town of Gravity Force.

The incredible adventures of the twins

All Gravity Falls games, like the animated series, are created in the style of Twin Peaks. Mysterious creatures, incredible, inexplicable events, parallel reality - all this makes the games from this series especially attractive.

Twins are never boring. Moreover, this applies not only to a 12-year-old couple, but also to their glorious grandfathers. In diverse games, they meet with evil spirits of all stripes, move in space, get into various stories in one way or another connected with mysterious phenomena. Quests, rpg games, shooters have simply exciting plots. It is no less interesting in games to help the heroes after alterations, or to pick up clothes for them for conspiracy. Puzzles, mahjongs, coloring pages about Gravity Falls and its inhabitants are also not uncommon.

Do not be surprised if you notice a machine gun in the hands of the charming Puffy. Yes, yes, pigs also know how to shoot, and this pig also jumps on a trampoline no worse than a professional acrobat, especially if they promise her something tasty for it. In general, Waddles in the games about Gravity Falls is often next to the mistress in the thick of things. 15-year-old Wendy and 22-year-old Jesus also do not stand aside. At the same time, it should be noted that 12-year-old twins are in no way inferior to their elders in terms of intelligence, and sometimes even surpass them.

In a parallel reality

Separately, I would like to note those Gravity Falls games that take place in a parallel reality. They have common features associated with the similarity of the plot. Objects in them can be transformed, taking, if necessary, various forms. And that is not all. Sometimes the task at hand is incredibly complicated.

You see two characters at once, each of which is in its own reality, but you can control only one. In such a situation, it is very important to calculate every movement, because otherwise there is no way out of pseudo-reality. You can prick yourself on pins and drown in the river and fall into the clutches of all evil spirits. It is always interesting to play such games. Gravity Falls attracts, beckons, calls. There are a lot of offers here for two players. Each of them is unique in its own way, and all together they are saturated with a touch of the unknown and mysterious.

Old Stanley's diaries hide a lot, you can study them endlessly. At the same time, even reading the notes should be done with caution, always remembering that in the vicinity of Gravity Falls you can inadvertently summon some kind of spirits. Although, given that this is just a game that you can stop at any time, or go through again, it's still worth the risk. This is the only way you can be sure that Gravity Falls is a worthwhile place to spend time.

One day, while walking through the forest, which is located near the children's place of residence, Dipper found someone's diary at number 3. He read it a little with his sister and found so many interesting things. There were described anomalies that exist in Gravity Falls. Until the children met a lot of oddities on their way, they didn’t even have suspicions that it was written there, the truth, and not fantasy. The children asked themselves the question, who is the author of these scriptures? Dipper and Mabel are very curious, so they immediately went in search of the person who made entries in this diary. On the way, the children faced many dangers and terrible creatures, which they had never seen before in their lives. Gravity Falls games will reveal the essence of the plot as widely as possible. Here you will find games of absolutely all directions, and puzzles and quests and rpg and puzzles and even fights.

All heroes and participants of the mysterious story

- Main characters:

  • "Dipper Pines" is a 12-year-old boy who is Mabel's twin brother.
  • "Mabel Pines" is a 12-year-old girl who is Dipper's twin sister.
  • "Stanley Pines" is Dipper and Mabel's 70-year-old great-uncle. Owner of the Mystery Shack.
  • "Zus Ramirez" is a 22-year-old craftsman and regular employee of the Mystery Shack.
  • "Wendy Corduroy" is a 15-year-old red-haired girl who is an employee of the Mystery Shack.

- Secondary heroes:

  • "Pukhlya" - Mabel's tame pig.
  • "Stanford Philbrick Pines" is the author of diaries describing anomalous phenomena in the vicinity of Gravity Falls. Has six fingers on each hand.
  • "Baby Gideon" - A 10-year-old imaginary telepath, the main antagonist of season 1. In love with Mabel.
  • "Bill Cipher" is an ancient demon from another plane of existence who wants to penetrate the human world.
  • "Candy Chu" - Mabel's best friends.
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