How to play the star wars board game. Star Wars. Clone War. How is damage determined?

Being an abstract game, Fluxx by Andrew Looney easily changes clothes, with virtually no changes in the rules. Which is quite ironic, since the essence of the game is to constantly change the rules. They are literally created as the action unfolds.

At the beginning there is only one law: each player draws one card on his turn and plays one card. There are no more conditions, as well as goals of the game; they appear in the process. Each card is a new rule (for example, take 3 cards at once or not have more than one in your hand), victory conditions (have Milk and Cookies cards in front of you), topics (the very items necessary for victory), actions (for example, right there draw 2 cards and use them) or problems (cards that the player is obliged to play, and they prevent him from winning).

At some point, the game turns into real chaos: players take five cards, play three, pass them from hand to hand counterclockwise, discard excess cards and take cards from each other, and the victory conditions change every turn. To the point where Problems become the Goal of the Game. It’s impossible to plan, but that’s the point, so that you don’t lose focus due to the abundance of “bureaucratic delays” and play your winning theme on time. It is probably no coincidence that tournaments are held for Fluxx. At the same time, the duration of the game literally varies from 5-10 to 40 minutes - depending on how the cards go, randomness still decides a lot here.

Since 1996 Fluxx was published in many variant editions, both on any topic - ecology, space, Mars, zombies, Cthulhu and other obvious ideas - and under licenses, including "Monty Python", "Adventure Time", "Batman", "Firefly" And "Doctor Who". Now they have been joined by a distant Galaxy, where players will have to make their own rules.

From a mechanical point of view " Fluxx Star Wars» differ from the base in a new type of card - Surprises, although, strictly speaking, they appeared in the “pirated” version. Surprises can be used at any time, even on someone else’s turn, but then its effect will be different. For example, "It's a trap!" On your turn, you can take two cards and force another player to discard one, and on someone else’s turn, you can cancel the effect that takes away the theme from you and take it from your opponent.

Another difference is in the ratio of card types: in the “ Star Wars» many more Problems and Goals due to the New Rules. In addition, all Problems have additional effects, for example, with the Death Star you can reset another player's topic and slip him this card. This causes the victory conditions to change even more frequently than in the normal version. And this is also more thematic: yet Star Wars- it's about overcoming evil, be it stormtroopers, Darth Vader, the Emperor or X-Wing.

In this situation, all players take 1 card, play 2, and leave no more than 3 on their hand. The goal of winning is to have Luke and Leia in your hand at the same time, which the player is halfway close to achieving, but the stormtroopers get in the way anyway. The player has just played an action that will remove one of the new rules.

By her own Fluxx An excellent and fast filler game for a fun group of up to 6 players, with no hardcore fans. It is also suitable as a warm-up before a serious board game or, conversely, after it to switch gears if you don’t expect much from it. Edition with " Star Wars", which was made by Hobby World itself, is, of course, intended primarily for fans of the universe. I think they will appreciate the humor (what do you think of the Shaggy Rug Target - a combination of Chewbacca and Ewoks?) and fanboy fantasies (the teaming of Vader and Luke Skywalker). However, perhaps it will be interesting to look at it for those who have long been familiar with Fluxx: However, the balance in the game is slightly different compared to the “base”, and gives new sensations.

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, the first Star Wars film was released in 1977. George Lucas revolutionized the film industry, at the same time creating an entire universe that has a huge army of fans. Today, some people would rather not know who Alexander Fleming is, but would easily guess Darth Vader by his breath. And some even learned to understand what the Wookiee was saying.

And then there was a long, long break, during which we yearned for R2-D2, the force, the Sith and epic battles with light megasabers. But fan love for the franchise did not diminish. And then in 2015, the world was covered in an eruption of delight. The Force Awakens came out with such near and dear characters as Han Solo's beloved grandfather, Leia, Chum, and a piece of Luke Skywalker. And in 2017, our enjoyment of The Last Jedi was extended. And that's not even taking into account the mass of spin-offs that entertain us in between the main parts of the franchise. And all the most interesting things are, of course, ahead. Just don’t compare new films with old ones - we beg you! This is stupid and pointless, because the main thing is that the story continues.

The new parts pleased us with a scattering of new and very interesting characters. It’s already indecent to joke about the ears of Adam Driver, who played Kylo Ren, so we’ll limit ourselves to the fact that he is an interesting character and is embodied with great talent. The fair-minded stormtrooper Finn makes you want to drink a glass of beer with him and form a funk band. And, of course, it is worth mentioning the mysterious girl named Rey, who comprehended the “force” faster than a good half of the Jedi Order during its dawn.

Against the backdrop of fabulous graphics, their adventures were especially interesting to watch. And it is not surprising that they have become the faces of the most interesting board games that the leading Russian publisher of board games, Hobby World, offers us to purchase. Games based on the Star Wars universe (as members of the NOM group call it) are no longer new. They are loved and played with. And not only because they help to better study your favorite cinematic universe. First of all, they are played because they are interesting, and those games that we will tell you about now valiantly hold their mark. Regardless of whether you dream of living in a “distant galaxy” or just watched it as a child, we recommend playing them. Unless, of course, you are interested in luxurious leisure.

Let's briefly describe the essence of the game. Star Wars. Destiny is a collectible card game set in the legendary setting of the cult film Star Wars. But this is not some kind of witcher’s “Gwent” or Heartstone. It is not like any of the existing CCGs. There are completely different mechanics here, based on dice rolls, and the damage system itself is unique.

It all starts with you building a deck of your favorite characters, adding upgrade, event and support cards to it, and choosing a battlefield. Once the striking force has been formed, players begin to take turns taking their turn, taking any action of their choice that best suits the tactics of the game (play an upgrade or event, roll the dice or apply their result, etc.). The game is very balanced, so that the powers of one character are easily neutralized by another, and vice versa.

The fate of the galaxy and famous characters is in your hands, and the outcome of the battle depends only on your ingenuity, strategy and luck. In a sense, you act as a screenwriter and a commander at the same time, drawing out your story of the struggle between good and evil in interstellar space. But even if for you Master Yoda is a fairy-tale animal, and Qui-Gon Jinn is the name of a Vietnamese strong drink based on juniper, it will be interesting in any case. Because what captivates you first of all is the process itself, and not the bright pictures and history of the universe.

No matter which side you take in this struggle between good and evil on a cosmic scale, your chances of winning are exactly the same. After all, the “dark side” has no fewer fans than the light side. And if you delve into the essence of the story, you will be surprised to discover that the evil in this universe is as ambiguous and unobvious as in “The Master and Margarita.” Whose side is more true: the Sith or the Jedi is a big question, no matter how charming Master Yoda may seem to us. Therefore Star Wars. Destiny offers you two sets that represent the so-called light and dark sides of the force. First things first.

Star Wars: Destiny. Rey Starter Set

So, the starter set is named after the ward of Luke Anakinovich Skywalker himself. If you are already involved in fighting evil on the side of charm with a lightsaber, then you will have to fight with a bad organization called the First Order. The same conscientious Finn, 24 heroic cards and 9 special cubes are allocated to help her.

Star Wars: Destiny. Kylo Ren Starter Pack

If the dark side of the force is more your thing, then you'll definitely appreciate the Kylo Ren set. In it you will find special character cards and will be able to fight against the miserable rebels. The game mechanics are similar to the previous set - the only difference is the unique cards and individual character set.

Star Wars: Destiny should be played by every person who calls himself a fan of the universe, because the game provides a unique opportunity to choose a side, a character and completely rewrite the events of the universe, using only his skills and talent. It doesn't matter which side you choose in this battle - the game is balanced on all sides. There are no obvious favorites - each side has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s up to you whether you will work on your weaknesses or develop your strengths.

You can choose several options for developing the game; play attack, defense, develop certain cards, but in any case the game will require strategic thinking from you. Tactics play a huge role, because, for example, at first glance, a strong alignment in a certain situation can be defeated by a weaker one - it all depends on the situation and how you built your defense. Activate cards, make moves, create unique combinations that will crush the enemy and bring you victory. It all depends on how broadly you can think, because this game will force your brain to work at 100. Sometimes a hopeless situation can turn into a victory, and vice versa: if you underestimate the enemy, he will immediately strike in the most vulnerable place. What awaits you is not just a game - it’s a battle of wits, a battle of empires.

Board card game Star Wars invites you to carefully think through and assemble your own deck, with which you will act on the side of Light or Darkness against your opponent. The courageous Jedi will once again face the treacherous Sith, but, unlike the legendary film, the outcome of this battle will never be predetermined :)

Star Wars. Card game: a little more about the game

In a galaxy far, far away, things are, admittedly, not going too well. The Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire keeps the population of all inhabited planets in fear, and only powerful gangster corporations do not obey the Emperor too much, carrying out their dirty deeds without any fear. The Sith, meanwhile, are trying to further increase their power, and the Rebel Alliance continues to selflessly fight for peace and tranquility in the Galaxy, attacking imperial bases. On the side of the rebels are also smugglers, as well as other romantic rabble wandering throughout all corners of the Empire.

Well, the time has come for the decisive battle, in which each side, using friendly factions (there are six in total in the game), will try to put an end to the enemy once and for all.

Star Wars- this is a so-called “live” card game, where you create a deck yourself, in accordance with some clever strategy you have come up with. True, unlike other toys of this genre, here the deck is assembled not from individual cards, but from so-called “directive sets”, that is, small sets of cards connected by a common plot. Each directive set includes one directive card and five cards of any other type (unit, development, faction, event, or doom cards).

The basic set of the game includes four ready-made decks representing the most significant factions: Rebel Alliance, Jedi, Sith, Imperial Fleet. They can be supplemented with new sets, of which, apparently, as many will be released as needed to satisfy the most capricious fan Star Wars:) The game begins with the participants choosing several directive cards that they will put into play, and also taking six random cards from the shuffled command deck.

Players take turns; Each turn is divided into 6 phases, during which opponents try to destroy enemy directives, play unit or development cards, try to subjugate the opponent's units, in general, do all sorts of nasty things to each other.

In order to play cards, players need resources, which are produced by the cards already on the table. Thus, as you understand, with each move the capabilities of each participant increase, he can play more and more necessary cards. Players have different paths to victory - the dark side needs to complete the Death Star (it is represented by a special counter), while the light side wins if it manages to destroy three directives of the dark side. You can also win if your opponent runs out of decks and cannot get any cards (however, even the Sith consider this method inglorious) :)

Mechanics of the Star Wars game

The four unique factions in the Star Wars board game provide a variety of playstyles. Both sides of the conflict, Dark and Light, choose directives that represent strategies, ideologies and missions. Each directive card has 5 more cards associated with it. Together they form a directive set. From the directive sets chosen by the player, his deck is formed, the characters, starships and events of which create an exciting atmosphere of an epic movie in the game.

Unit cards are heroes, creatures, droids, vehicles and starships that the player uses to attack enemy troops.

Meanwhile, development cards, skills, weapons and buildings increase the effectiveness of units, and event cards introduce special talents and tactical opportunities, the use of which in a board game will take the heedless enemy by surprise.

But you can't escape fate. Doom cards are responsible for unpredictable accidents that disrupt the brilliant plans of staff strategists. So, whether you're helping Luke on his journey to Dagobah or tightening your grip on the heart of the empire, each new set of cards will force you to make increasingly critical decisions.

How to play

In the struggle for intergalactic dominance, each side in the card game selects supporters, supplies them with weapons, provides tactical support, and throws them into battle to destroy enemy directives. To return peace and freedom to the Galaxy, the forces of Light need to destroy three directives of the Dark Side, but time is not on their side. With each new round, the Death Star counter heralds the approaching victory of the Dark Side.

Of course, this exciting game also works great with standard decks in the core set. is a living card game that allows you to assemble unique gaming decks according to special innovative rules. The cornerstone of the deckbuilding system is the principle of directive sets.

A directive set consists of a directive and five associated cards that are permanent for that set. When creating a deck, the player selects a faction and at least 10 directives that he needs in the upcoming game. With each directive, 5 more cards from the corresponding set come to his deck. The player receives a directive deck of 1 card and a command deck of 50 cards, this is actually all he needs to play.

To change the game deck, the player continues to operate with directive sets, deleting irrelevant ones and introducing new ones. The directive is gone - remove the 5 cards associated with it from the deck. If you want to add a directive, do not forget that 5 new cards will come from it. Remember that cards from the white and dark sides with different backs cannot coexist in the same deck. Within these simple rules, players can do whatever they want with their decks.

The fate of the Galaxy is in your hands

Strength is a powerful ally and both sides of the conflict are trying to use it to their advantage. Do you want to restore the freedoms of this republic or do you prefer to extinguish the last pockets of freethinking? The card game is your way to answer these questions and decide the fate of the Galaxy.

The Star Wars card game is a serious board duel in which you will have to fight in the name of the chosen side. It is perfect for fans of card board games, lovers of good strategies and, of course, fans of the great universe that has captured the hearts of millions of people in different parts of the world. Lead an Empire and conquer an entire universe, or join the resistance and destroy tyrants, all now at your gaming table in a tabletop card game.

Preparing for the game

Inside the Start Wars board game box are the rules, two large stacks of cards, and various tokens. This core set includes four ready-to-play decks: Imperial Navy and Sith on one side, Rebels and Jedi on the other. Having chosen a side, the player places three corresponding power cards in front of him. Players now choose and build a deck to play with. For beginners, there are ready-to-play lists of cards.

Players reveal their faction cards. The entire set of cards is divided into two piles, Directive cards and the Command deck. They are mixed separately. The Balance of Power token is placed with the light side facing up and the Death Star counter is set to zero.

Players receive the top four directive cards, choose three of them and place them in the playing area in a closed area. Players place the remaining card at the bottom of the Directive deck. From the command deck, everyone receives 6 cards, and then all the directives are revealed, first from the dark side, and then from the light side.

Beginning of the game

The preparation is complete and you can play. Players take turns starting from the dark side, and each turn according to the rules of the card game is divided into 6 phases.

Game phases in the Star Wars board game

Balance Phase

Balance Phase Dark Side starts by moving the Death Star counter forward one space, then if the balance is on the dark side, the counter moves forward again. If the balance is on the Light Side during the Light Side Balance phase, this player can deal a unit of damage to any current unit of the opponent's directive.

Report Phase

IN Report phase The active player removes one command token from each of his cards and all shield tokens. If the active player has fewer than three directives left, he unlocks a new one, which can immediately bring a special effect to the game.

Summoning Phase

At first Summoning phases The player gets the opportunity to discard one card from his hand, and then makes the number of cards in his hand equal to the value of the faction reserve. This may require both drawing and discarding cards.

Extension Phase

IN Extension phase The player plays squad or development cards from his hand, paying for each number of resources indicated on it. Units represent the character's troops, and development cards represent various upgrades.

Conflict Phase

Now comes Conflict phase . The active player tries to destroy enemy directives by attacking them. You can attack several directives, but one at a time. Each directive in a card game can only be attacked once per turn. To begin with, select a target and your fresh, that is, without order tokens, units that will attack. The defender then selects his fresh units to defend. The attacking player now has the right to play one Doom card from his hand face down. The defender can then do the same, or pass.

This will happen in turn until both pass and then both piles are revealed. Now, in ascending order of primacy values ​​(upper right corner), all Doom cards are played, and finally all players count the number of power symbols on their cards. The player with the majority becomes the winner of the skirmish. Starting with it, the opponents one by one give all their fresh cards the order to strike.

How is damage determined?

Damage to enemy units is determined by the number of blaster signs. Tactics tokens determine how many order tokens a player can place on enemy units when attacking. Critical damage allows you to deal damage directly to the directive, bypassing protection. In this case, black signs are always used, and white ones only when winning a skirmish.

Each unit of damage in a card game is indicated by a corresponding token, and if the amount of damage received is equal to or greater than the card's durability, it will be destroyed.

If at least one attacker and no defender survives the encounter, the attacker deals additional rout damage to the involved directive.

Winning the game

Destroyed enemy directives go into the player's victory pile. If the dark ones destroy the directive of the light ones, the construction of the Death Star will advance as many steps forward as there are cards in the dark ones' victory pile. If the counter reaches division 12, then according to the rules of the board game, the dark ones win. To win, the light ones need to destroy any three dark directives.

Power phase

At the end of all conflicts, comes Force phase. The active player can subjugate up to three of his completed cards to the power. Such units will be able to participate in the struggle for dominance, but at the same time they will become more tired when participating in regular combat. Next, each player totals all of his power marks on all of his fresh power-subordinate units. The balance of power token is placed with the majority side facing up.

Now the player passes the right of move to his opponent and everything starts again. And the winner of the game will be the one who first fulfills the winning conditions of his side, or the one whose opponent cannot get a card when it is necessary.

The game can be played by 2 to 4 people. If there are two or four players, then split equally, distributing the sides you will play for. When playing with two players, one player chooses any of the heroes of the Light Side (Obi-Wan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker), and the second one of the heroes of the Dark Side (Count Dooku or Assaj Ventress).

When playing with four players, each player chooses a hero to play as. Players who choose heroes of one side will act as a team. In a three-player game, a pair of players on one side will team up against a third player on the other side. He can choose any hero of the opposing side and receives some advantages over other players.

When playing with two players, the turn order is determined between the players by throwing a die. When playing with three players, the player who is in the minority goes first, the other players by agreement. If you are playing with four players, the turn order is determined by agreement, but so that the player from one team is next after the player from the other team.

By selecting characters and determining the turn order, each player receives:

  • a figurine of your hero;
  • your character card;
  • your character’s battle card and 3 duel cards (Group technique, Piercing technique and Clinch technique);
  • a token with a portrait of your character;
  • 2 blue tokens “1” and “10” (to indicate the Inner Strength parameter);
  • 2 yellow tokens “1” and “10” (to indicate the Force Field parameter).
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