Impact on characters in SW KotOR II. Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (part 2) Bao dur how to make a Jedi


You can take from one to three characters per level. In total, by the end of the game you will have collected ten characters aboard the Ebon Hawk, not counting the main character. The developers have introduced an “influence” system into the game. The influence on specific participants in the regatta changes with your actions and dialogues. Having made an impression and carefully walked through the dialogue tree, withstanding the “rolls” of virtual dice for trust, you can turn the character into a Jedi (nun, Etton, Bao-Dur).

Unfortunately, there are no quests from teammates in the game. It's a shame.


The main character, alter ego and the root cause of all troubles. Once upon a time, even before the civil war, he (or she) joined the renegade Jedi who, without the orders of the Council, decided to start a war against the impudent Mandalorians. For this, the Council tore off the scoundrel's shoulder straps, took away his laser sword, deprived him of his connection with the Force, and kicked him out. True, it later turned out that he had deprived himself of the Force, and he was expelled from the Jedi not because of the Mandalorian adventure, but for a completely different reason: a Jedi with the makings of a leader posed a danger to the others. True, the expulsion of the hero did not help the Council later - the Sith still dispersed everyone and forced the valiant Jedi to scatter into corners and crevices.

Despite the fact that the hero (or heroine) now poses no threat, the Sith still pursue him in hijacked Republic ships. The people who love the Exile least of all are stony-faced Zion and tall Nichevok in a cute theatrical mask.

It is after an unsuccessful battle with the dark lords that the unfinished “Ebon Hawk” with the main character on board will fall into our tenacious clutches.

You can choose a character's gender and a dozen face options (Asians turned out to be the cutest). Gender influences some scenes and the composition of the team: men get a nun from Telos, women get a librarian from Dantooine.

Moral choice also matters: the light and neutral Jedi on Nar Shaddaa choose the warlike Mira, the dark ones choose the stupid Wookiee Hanharr.


A blind, unpleasant old woman, it is unknown how she ended up on our ship. As we later find out, she is also a Sith, and with a full set of ugly Sith habits. Regularly establishing a telepathic connection with the main character, Kreia will teach, warn, pressure and comment. True, only through it can the hero receive a prestige class (required: level fifteen, strong bias towards the dark or light side) and several good increases to the characteristics of the character and his laser sword.

But despite this, and despite the fact that she can develop into a good support Jedi and all her healing and strengthening spells echo on the main character... I would not take her on campaigns. He doesn’t wear armor, and for certain reasons he can’t use two swords. Leave her on the “Hawk”, in the plot places she will appear on her own to say her weighty “fi”.

The droid is small and squeaking, one thing. Designed for blasters and is immune to “human” spells. A high level of intelligence will make T3 a good computer and repair specialist.

T3's influence is gained by kind words, which, as we know, are pleasant to the droid. If a character knows how to repair droids, he can strengthen T3 four times by adjusting its circuits. A coaxed droid can make some computer pins for you if you ask him nicely. If you have T3 in your team, then you don’t have to look for workbenches - the droid can easily replace them.

Atton Rand

You will pick up this young man at the very beginning of the game in the colony near Perag. A simple guy, a lover of Pazaak and a former Jedi fighter. Good for blasters, and when you turn it into a Jedi, also for laser swords.

To turn Etton into a Padawan, you must first win his favor with kind conversations. It’s easier for the Dark Jedi - he can commit atrocities that Etton likes. On Nar Shaddaa, don't take the guy with you on your team, and in the refugee sector two Twi'leks will tell you his secret. The rest is a matter of technique, careful dialogue and dice.

I continue about the influence on the characters in SW KotOR II. So,


You restore the HK-47 by collecting all the necessary components. One from the NK-50 on Peragus, one from the NK-50 from the crash over the Academy on Telos, another one can be obtained from the NK-50 at Vogga's warehouse on Nar Shadaa. The rest can be bought from merchants. HK-47 is an assassin droid from the first game. He is probably the best ranged character in the game.

As a result: Gaining Influence points on HK 47 gives you numerous improvements, increasing your own stats and abilities. HK-47 gives you very useful advice on how to kill Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Conversation with NK-47 does not give Influence points, unless you try to end the conversation and NK-47 stops you. You need to say, “Anyone who tries to stop me when I'm finishing this conversation will be dead. Now let me go, otherwise..." After this you will receive Influence points

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - After talking with Master Vruk in the crystal cave, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan, then select "I'm not interested", then: "Die, you hired brute!" (this option leads to loss of influence on Kreia)

Hunda District is (possibly a Bug) the only case where you can gain Influence on HK-47 by gaining Light Side points. When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion, you will gain access to the room with robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Acker and agree not to hand him over. What NK-47 says is clear disapproval, but as a result you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - As with Hanharr, if you kill the Mandalorian stuck on the cliff, you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. NK-47 will be happy about the blood and you will receive Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city and say "Let's discuss this in the city, otherwise..." to gain some Influence.

Cantina - After you meet with Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and his men will attack you. Tell HK-47 that he can kill anyone and get Influence points.

TELOS (DURING ATTACK) - Kill the wounded soldier (instead of healing him) you find in the Telos Station Entertainment Module during the Sith attack. This will give you Influence points.


Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Kreia is a skilled manipulator of events. She travels with you throughout almost the entire game. She uses the Force skillfully and is a great companion to have around. She has a huge number of influence options. More than any other character. Kreia will train you, but this is not related to Influence.

As a result: When your Influence is high enough, you can force Kreia to show stories about her life. They give you some experience.

Influence through dialogue: She only tells you what you need to know. She is neither light nor dark and respects neither of them. So, doing something truly evil (killing) or truly good (saving a life) will lose her Influence, while staying in the shadows and controlling events will give good results. In conversations with her, you gain influence for answering the Dark Side, like, “if she betrays us, then I will kill her.” Kreia is not interested in your opinion of her, only how you react to her opinion. Therefore, answer choices following her advice will always gain influence. If you ignore or reject her advice, you lose influence. Kreia doesn't like it when you kill random people, although you can level up Influence points by asking what she would do if she were you and telling her she's right.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Harbinger - As soon as you board, an argument will arise between Kreia and Atton. You can gain Influence points by supporting Kreia in a dispute.

EBEN HAWK - After the Handmaiden sits down, tell Kreia that you will be keeping an eye on the Handmaiden, and that you will use her as a link to Atris to gain Influence points.

After joining Visas, tell Kreia that you will kill her if she tries to betray you to gain Influence points.

Also, after joining the Visas, after talking about the Visas home world, with good intelligence you can make a guess as to why the world was attacked.

- (Light Side only) When Kreia sees you "glowing", she gets angry and urges you to show less mercy in the future. Tell her she's right.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - After talking with Master Vruk in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan and LIE that you are joining him to gain Influence over Kreia.

Cave of Crystals - When you find a Jedi guarded by mercenaries, do not kill them. Instead, suggest they send a Jedi to Nar Shaddaa. Kreia will say something about creating an echo in the Force, and you will gain Influence.

Enclave sublevel - Lie to Jorran that you destroyed all the Leigrexes. After he dies, you will receive Influence points.

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the "Caution" and "Persuasion" lines of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skill will give you influence over Kreia.

NAR SHADDAA - Main Sector - After you deal with the first group of thugs, a beggar will approach you (this meeting cannot be avoided). He will ask you for alms. Regardless of what decision you make, Kreia will speak to you or enter into telepathic communication (if she remains on board the Ebon Hawk). Agree that she is right and get Influence points.

Refugee Camp - Find the sick person first, but don't heal him. Talk to the Exchange leader in this area, and tell him that he must kill this patient, or the disease will spread.

Port Docks - Nochlezhka - Talk to Luutra to find out about his wife. Tell him that she is dead (an obvious lie, since she is alive and doing well), and that he can trust you. He must accept the Church's offer. You will gain some influence over Kreia.

ONDERON - Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal and tell Kreia that you know what this will lead to in order to gain Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city, this will be followed by a dialogue with Kreia, after which you can gain some Influence.

Palace - If you side with the Queen, then, after Vaklu is defeated, say that you agree that he should be killed, or let the Queen decide his fate for Influence points.

KORRIBAN - Valley of the Graves - Light Side ONLY. Near Ajanta's grave, listen to Kreya's story, then use the Awareness line of dialogue to gain Influence points.


Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Mandalore, the current leader of the Mandalorians, respects violence as a means of communication and strength as a measure of success. He is also good with weapons.

Result: Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Donut hole.

Influence through Dialogue: There's not much you can do with Mandalore. It will not be possible to influence him through dialogue. Also, he doesn't react to the player's actions very often. To gain enough influence over him, you must support General Vakla in the dispute for Onderon.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Tell Mandalore that you want to support Vakla. You will receive more Influence points.

Marketplace - Two people stand near a crowd discussing local politics. Take General Vaklu's side and gain influence over Mandalore.

Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda, who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal and tell Mandalore that you like General Vaklu to gain Influence points.

Palace - If you side with Queen Thalia, agree to kill Vakla. Mandalore will say that you did the right thing and you will receive Influence points.

DESTROYER - Kill Tobin to gain Influence points.


Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Mira will join you on Nar Shaddaa if your character is on the Light Side (otherwise you will receive Hanharr).

Result: Having received enough Influence points, you will be able to train Mira and make her a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: The best way to gain Influence on Mira is to make her “argue” with you. Ask her about why she doesn't kill, follow the "Understanding" dialogue line, and she will argue with you. Develop this and get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Acker and agree not to give him away in order to gain influence over Mira.

ONDERON - Dxun - During the meeting with the crashed assassins, tell Mira that she was also an assassin. She will say that she does not need your protection, but you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her offer and tell Mira that this is a good way to earn credits to gain Influence points.

Cantina area - the Twilek assassin who attacks you will make claims to Mira. Reply "I'm not going to let you insult my companion" to gain Influence points.

Marketplace - When the riot starts, don't take sides. Mira will agree with your choice and you will gain some influence.


Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

T3-M4 is a droid from the first game. A true professional in working with technology and well versed in explosives.

As a result: Gaining Influence on T3-M4 allows you to upgrade T3-M4 by increasing its stats. Also, if your Influence is high enough, T3-M4 will give +1 to your knowledge. Upgrading the T3-M4 requires you to know Computer Use and Repair.

Influence through Dialogue: You can get all the influence you need just by talking to him, and telling him that everything he did was not his fault, or that he is a useful droid. Almost all of his influence gives you Light Side points. Ask about his injuries, and tell him that you are glad to have him with you.

PERAGUS - Fuel Depot - When you return T3-M4 to your squad, praise it to receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free T3-M4, just tell him that he did everything right and made no mistakes to get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - Speak to the damaged protocol droid wandering near the landing site. T3-M4 will beep. Praise him to get Influence points.

Near Hunda - Show compassion towards Acker, the droid merchant, to gain influence over T3-M4.

NAR SHADDAA - Refugee Sector - At the Serocco base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder, which you can restore and allow T3-M4 to check your work for Influence points.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence on T3-M4.

Visas Marr

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 2)

Visas is revealed on the Ebon Hawk after your dark/light side affiliation is clear enough. First you will see a cutscene, and then, when you board the Ebon Hawk again, you will meet Visas and engage in battle with her. Defeat her and she will join you.

Result: With high influence, Visas will teach you Force Sight, an ability that, when used, will allow you to see through many doors, as well as see the dark/light side of people.

Influence through dialogue: Visas gains Influence through dialogue. In fact, one good dialogue with her and you will receive all the Influence points. Influencing her helps you gain Light Side points.

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you will first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money) to gain Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Talk to the sick man at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points.

ONDERON - Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal to gain Influence points. (this will not work if Mandalore is nearby).

Marketplace - Two people stand near a crowd discussing local politics. Take the side of General Vaklu and gain influence over Visas.

Marketplace - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the starport entrance, then say: "Compassion may cause problems, but it is a source of great strength" to gain Influence points.

Cantina - After being attacked by Tobin's soldiers, Visas will ask you for permission to use destructive weapons, which will cause casualties among the cantina's patrons. Allow her to do this to gain Influence points.


Gaining/Losing Influence from killing.

Gaining Influence points from killing: Atton, HK-47, Hanharr, Mandalore, Visas

Loss of Influence points from killing: Bao-Dur, Follower, Maid, Mira, T3-M4

(None of this is guaranteed)

Also, Kreia can force anyone to gain influence if she and another character are present during the assassination, but you must take her advice or lose her influence.

Only one character receives Influence points from each kill.

Lazavvou - Nar Shaddaa

Luutra - Nar Shaddaa

Mechanic near the landing site - Dantooine

Saedh - Dantooine

Opo Chano Droid Trader - Telos

Church Registrar in Church Apartment - Telos

Twi'lek - Telos Military Base

Man in the apartment - Telos

Acker, Droid Trader - Dantooine

Jorran - Dantooine,

Crew without captain in bunkhouse - Nar Shaddaa

Wounded Soldier - Telos (Under Fire)

Translated and designed based on Dan Simpson's description of Influences for the game Star Wars Knights of the old republic II: the Sith Lords

Character location:

Atton - Peragus

Bao Dur - Telos

Follower - Dantooine (female player)

G0-T0 - Nar Shaddaa

Maid - Telos (male player)

Hanharr - Nar Shaddaa (dark side)


Atton is a wanderer you will find on Peragus. He's good at shooting blasters and has repair and destruction skills.

Result: When you get to the refugee camp on Nar Shadda, two Twi'leks will tell you something about Atton for a price. You will receive a new line of dialogue and, with enough Influence points, Atton will be able to become a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Atton likes to be respected and taken seriously. He doesn't like to trust others with his problems, so you will have to extract information from him very carefully.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Harbinger - As soon as you board, an argument will arise between Kreia and Atton. You can get Influence points by supporting Atton in a dispute.

On board the Harbinger - When Atton talks about "a bad feeling", ask him about it, and say: "Then we need to be careful, but we must keep moving." After this you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - Ask any of the Handmaids about your companions before you rescue them from prison. Learn about Echani Atton's training. After liberation, talk to Atton about it. With the right approach, you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Jedi military base - if you bring a conversation with a "member of the Zerk rescue team" to a fight, you can gain influence.

EBEN HAWK - After you "listen" to the Force a second time with Kreia, you will "hear" Atton playing Pazaak in his mind. After telling Atton about this, apologize to him to get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you will first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the Caution and Persuasion lines of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skills will give you Influence points over Atton (in the event that Kreia is not around).

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Atton will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – At the Serocco Base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder that you can repair and allow Atton to check your work for Influence points.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Almost no matter how you deal with this, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – Talk to the sick man at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points. (if Kreia is on your team, the same dialogue will occur as in the case of Luutra, but this time you will lose influence on Kreia).

Bao Dur

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 1)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 1)

You will find Bao-Dur when you reach the surface of Telos.

Result: Just like Atton, Bao-Dur can eventually become a Jedi if you gain enough Influence points.

Influence through Dialogue: Gaining Influence points depends almost entirely on how often Bao-Dur takes part in your adventures. There are no ways to gain influence points through general conversation on Ebon Hawk.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free Bao-Dur from his cell, tell him that it was not his mistake to gain Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - Take the task to find Atmospheric Sensors, which Saedhe gives you, find the sensors in the cave of crystals (they are located in the stone behind the first column from the entrance). Explore the sensors yourself or let Bao-Dur examine them. Either option will give you Influence points.

Hunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Akker and agree not to betray him in order to gain influence over Bao-Dur.

Hunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (the one who says you have his money). This is one of the few cases when you can perform a Dark Side action and gain Influence points (using the Force, convince the bandits to jump into the pit).

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Follower or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Bao-Dur will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As in the case of Atton, you can restore the Airspeeder yourself and, after Bao-Dur evaluates your work, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As with Atton, heal the patient near the entrance to the refugee camp.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, Bao-Dur will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence over Bao-Dur.


Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 1)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 1)

The Follower only affiliates with a female character and is easily influenced. In fact, almost all Influence points are gained through dialogue, with most Influence points giving light side points.

Result: An Apprentice can become a Jedi with high Influence.

Influence through dialogue: His views are neutral, he loves the Republic and the Jedi, so in conversation, all your remarks should not contain hostility towards them.

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” The follower will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Convince Hassef, the leader of the refugees, to join the Exchange. Tell him: “I share your grief...” to gain some Influence.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on the mountain ridge, help him and promise not to turn him in for Influence points.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, the Follower will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence.

Shopping District - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence.


G0-T0 is a droid emissary of Goto who will join you after visiting G0-T0's ship.

As a result: G0-T0 offers you a reward for each planet on which the situation will be stabilized by you (Onderon and Dantooine), you must choose the “Dark” answer options in order to receive the reward, as well as Influence points.

Influence through dialogue: Goto loves order and stability. He doesn't like your noble actions (if any), but he wants you to stabilize Onderon and Dantooine.

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - you will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. You must threaten to turn Acker in. When he becomes hostile, kill him to gain Influence points. Akker will disappear if you join the mercenaries and attack Hunda.

ONDERON - Cantina - Sell the "Open" visa to Sakari. G0-T0 will be impressed that you got the best deal possible. Say: “This is the best way to make a profit,” after which you will receive Influence points.

Cantina area - talk to the droid selling robot parts. If G0-T0 is on your team, bring up the topic of lowering the price in the conversation. Try to reboot the robot. G0-T0 will be interested and offer help. Let him do this and gain Influence points.

Trade District - Use the power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence.


Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 1)

Impact on characters in SW KotOR II (Part 1)

The Handmaiden joins you after you leave the Academy on Telos, but only if you are playing as a man.

As a result: The Handmaiden can become a Jedi after you defeat her in three sparring matches and with enough Influence points.

Influence through dialogue: The maid is a good person and likes it when your judgment matches her character. Most of her Influence points can be obtained from dialogues when you defeat her in sparring. She comments on the appearance of Visas, but you can only lose influence or remain neutral.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - After finding Master Vrook in the cave (this happens after visiting the Enclave sub-level), listen to Azkal's offer and reject it to gain Influence points.

NAR SHADDAA - Refugee Sector - Heal the patient, just like with Bao-Dur or Atton. You will only receive Influence points if both of them are not on the team.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Let the thugs leave. This will give some Influence points to the Handmaiden.

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Follower or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” The maid will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - Rescue the Mandalorian on the ridge, then tell the Handmaiden that the war with the Mandalorians is over to gain Influence points. This will only work if Bao-Dur and Atton are not present on the team.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, the Handmaiden will be impressed and you will gain Influence points.

Cantina - When the meeting with Kavar is disrupted, the Maid will ask that you not harm the visitors. Agree in order to gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the entrance to the star port, to gain influence over the Handmaiden.

Marketplace - Use the power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain Influence points.


Hanharr is a large, hulking Wookiee who you will find in Nar Shaddaa instead of Mira if you have turned to the dark side by then. The bad thing is that he can't become a Jedi.

Result: If you gain enough Influence points, Khankhar will receive a significant increase in stats and abilities.

Influence through Dialogue: You gain influence over Hanharr primarily through dialogue with him. When talking with Hanharr, stick to the fact that all weaklings must be killed or used for your own purposes. Don't be afraid to humiliate or insult Hanharr.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on a mountain ridge, then blow him up instead of saving him: “What detonator? This detonator? Hanharr will like it and you will receive Influence points.

Cantina - After you meet with Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and have his men attack you. Tell Hanharr that he can kill anyone and gain Influence points.

Cantina - Sell the "Open" visa to Sakari. Hanharr will be impressed that you made the best deal possible. Say “I agree” or “I didn’t ask for your opinion” and you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Hanharr will be happy with the blood and you will receive Influence points.

Atton is a wanderer you will find on Peragus. He's good at shooting blasters and has repair and destruction skills.

Result: When you get to the refugee camp on Nar Shadda, two Twi'leks will tell you something about Atton for a price. You will receive a new line of dialogue and, with enough Influence points, Atton will be able to become a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Atton likes to be respected and taken seriously. He doesn't like to trust others with his problems, so you will have to extract information from him very carefully.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Harbinger - As soon as you board, an argument will arise between Kreia and Atton. You can get Influence points by supporting Atton in a dispute.

On board the Harbinger - When Atton talks about "a bad feeling", ask him about it, and say: "Then we need to be careful, but we must keep moving." After this you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - Ask any of the Handmaids about your companions before you rescue them from prison. Learn about Echani Atton's training. After liberation, talk to Atton about it. With the right approach, you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Jedi Military Base - if you bring a conversation with a "member of the Zerk rescue team" to a fight, you can gain influence.

EBEN HAWK - After you "listen" to the Force a second time with Kreia, you will "hear" Atton playing Pazaak in his mind. After telling Atton about this, apologize to him to get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Hunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you will first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the Caution and Persuasion lines of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skills will give you Influence points over Atton (in the event that Kreia is not around).

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Atton will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – At the Serocco Base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder that you can repair and allow Atton to check your work for Influence points.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Almost no matter how you deal with this, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – Talk to the sick man at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points. (if Kreia is on your team, the same dialogue will occur as in the case of Luutra, but this time you will lose influence on Kreia).

Bao Dur

You will find Bao-Dur when you reach the surface of Telos.

Result: Just like Atton, Bao-Dur can eventually become a Jedi if you gain enough Influence points.

Influence through Dialogue: Gaining Influence points depends almost entirely on how often Bao-Dur takes part in your adventures. There are no ways to gain influence points through general conversation on Ebon Hawk.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free Bao-Dur from his cell, tell him that it was not his mistake to gain Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - Take the task to find Atmospheric Sensors, which Saedhe gives you, find the sensors in the cave of crystals (they are located in the stone behind the first column from the entrance). Explore the sensors yourself or let Bao-Dur examine them. Either option will give you Influence points.

Hunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Akker and agree not to betray him in order to gain influence over Bao-Dur.

Hunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (the one who says you have his money). This is one of the few cases when you can perform a Dark Side action and gain Influence points (using the Force, convince the bandits to jump into the pit).

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Follower or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Bao-Dur will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As in the case of Atton, you can restore the Airspeeder yourself and, after Bao-Dur evaluates your work, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As with Atton, heal the patient near the entrance to the refugee camp.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on the mountain ridge, help him and promise not to turn him in for Influence points.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, Bao-Dur will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence over Bao-Dur.


Other reviews:


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06/15/2005 Complete manual for SW KotOR (Mad Le Zisell)
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04/02/2005 (Part 2)
03/26/2005 Tips for optimizing SW KotOR II (Part 1)
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Location of characters.

Creia - Peragus

Atton - Peragus

T3-M4 - Peragus

Bao Dur - Telos

Maid - Telos (If you play as a man)

Visas Marr - On a black hawk after landing on any 1 planet

Follower - Dantooine (If playing as a woman)

Mira - Nar Shaddaa (If you are fair or neutral)

Hanharr - Nar Shaddaa (If you are dark)

G0-T0 - Nar Shaddaa

HK-47 - On the black hawk when you find 4 parts for it

Mandalore - Dexan

What strengths and weaknesses do party members have?

Kreia is a rather weak fighter, she can do almost nothing, but sometimes you can still take her with you - as “Force Support” - No one should underestimate the Jedi Consular. Although the absolute rejection of any armor leads to the fact that if you are not lazy to talk with it often, the hero will get a good increase in experience.

Atton Rand is one of the most valuable companions. Initially develops as a marksman, but can actually become successful at anything. It looks absolutely wonderful as a Jedi. He has an innate feature that lifts him into battle again and again, while at least one ally is still standing.

The T3-M4 is quite durable, but to start doing serious damage, it makes sense to equip it with flamethrowers. However, it can survive against other droids just like that. A good hacker and cracker, a mobile workbench, in addition produces computer spikes of its own production. What else is needed for happiness?..

Bao-Dur is quite good in close combat, he can defuse mines and break down energy doors with the help of his prosthesis. His personal droid constantly revolves around him, capable of shooting at enemies - with little, however, effectiveness.

Brianna or Handmaiden is what "Echani training" means... Pure fighter. She doesn't need any blasters or rifles... or swords, either. With his bare hands (and feet) he can defeat almost anyone. He will also teach a hero. And he doesn’t seem to be able to do anything else.

Mikel or Follower is not a very strong fighter, but can be used as an alchemy table. As a Jedi, he is also nothing special. Useful in that it can help the Exile develop her abilities through the use of holocrons.

Visas Marr - as sad as it is to admit, is just a good support Jedi - nothing more. He'll wave a light saber, conjure something... but neither of them will be of much use.

Mira is a good scout. Can run over mines without getting blown up by them. The same mines are successfully neutralized. It can also break into a not particularly complex lock on a door. He shows himself well in battle mainly after converting to the Jedi. Until then, he will be content with a hand grenade launcher.

Hanharr is also a scout, but of a radically different type. Literally tailored for close combat - considerable natural strength, health like a true Wookiee, plus the ability “Wookiee Rage”. Out of desperation, he may shoot, but with less effectiveness. Also neutralizes mines. It has a serious drawback - it does not wear armor.

G0-T0 is weak in battle, but has a whole bunch of additional capabilities - it flies over mines without activating them, disorients enemy droids, makes master keys, is good at picking locks itself, and finally - it is equipped with a built-in cloaking field generator.

HK-47 - shoots great and is well protected. The disadvantage is the same as that of other droids - it can only be treated with repair kits. However, if you have them in abundance, no one can compare with this comrade in efficiency.

Mandalore - comes to the team with his own machine gun and personalized armor, which he refuses to take off on principle. An excellent shooter, he can also swing a sword in close combat, but is much weaker. The disadvantage is that besides combat, he is not capable of almost anything.

Gaining/Losing Influence for Helping (Light Side)

Gaining/Losing Influence for helping.

Receiving Influence points for helping: Atton, Visas, T3-M4, Bao-Dur, Mira, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mikel the Follower.

Loss of Influence points for assistance: HK-47, Hanharr, Mandalore, G0-TO.

Also, Kreia can force anyone to gain influence if she and another character are present when you help, but you must take her advice or lose her influence.

Only one character receives Influence points for each help.

Lazavvou - Nar Shaddaa

Luutra - Nar Shaddaa

Saedh - Dantooine

Twi'lek - Telos Military Base (although it is impossible to lead him to the exit since he is constantly dumb, and sometimes he can even stand and stand, and no matter how you talk to him, he still stands)

Jorran - Dantooine,

Gaining/Losing Influence through Assassinations (Dark Side)

Gaining Influence points from killing: Atton, HK-47, Hanharr, Mandalore, Visas

Loss of Influence points from killing: Bao-Dur, Mikel the Follower, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mira, T3-M4

Also, Kreia can force anyone to gain influence if she and another character are present during the assassination, but you must take her advice or lose her influence.

Interesting fact: Atton is the only character who gains influence for both killing and helping, without the help of Kreia.

Only one character receives Influence points from each kill.

Lazavvou - Nar Shaddaa

Luutra - Nar Shaddaa

Mechanic near the landing site - Dantooine

Saedh - Dantooine

Opo Chano Droid Trader - Telos

Church Registrar in Church Apartment - Telos

Twi'lek - Telos Military Base

Man in the apartment - Telos

Acker, Droid Trader - Dantooine

Jorran - Dantooine,

Crew without captain in bunkhouse - Nar Shaddaa

Wounded Soldier - Telos (Under Fire)

Kreia is a skilled manipulator of events. She travels with you for almost
the entire game. She uses the Force skillfully and is a great companion to have around. She has a huge number of influence options. More than any other character. Kreia will train you, but this is not related to Influence.

As a result: When your Influence becomes high enough, you can force Kreia to show stories about her life. They give you some experience.

Influence through dialogue: She only tells you what you need to know. She is neither light nor dark and respects neither of them. So, doing something truly evil (killing) or truly good (saving a life) will lose her Influence, while staying in the shadows and controlling events will give good results. In conversations with her, you gain influence for answering the Dark Side, like, “if she betrays us, then I will kill her.” Kreia is not interested in your opinion regarding her, only how you react to her opinion. Therefore, answer options following her advice will always receive influence. If you ignore or reject her advice, you lose influence. Kreia doesn't like it when you kill random people, although you can level up Influence points by asking what she would do if she were you and telling her she's right.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Harbinger - As soon as you board, an argument will arise between Kreia and Atton. You can gain Influence points by supporting Kreia in a dispute.

EBEN HAWK - After the Handmaiden sits down, tell Kreia that you will be keeping an eye on the Handmaiden, and that you will use her as a link to Aitris to gain Influence points.

After joining Visas, tell Kreia that you will kill her if she tries to betray you to gain Influence points.

Also, after joining the Visas, after talking about the Visas home world, with good intelligence you can make a guess as to why the world was attacked.

- (Light Side only) When Kreia sees you "glowing", she gets angry and urges you to show less mercy in the future. Tell her she's right.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - After talking with Master Vruk in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan and LIE that you are joining him to gain Influence over Kreia.

Cave of Crystals - When you find a Jedi guarded by mercenaries, do not kill them. Instead, suggest they send a Jedi to Nar Shaddaa. Kreia will say something about creating an echo in the Force, and you will gain Influence.

Enclave sublevel - Lie to Jorran that you destroyed all the Lygareks. After he dies, you will receive Influence points.

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the "Caution" and "Persuasion" lines of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skill will give you influence over Kreia.

NAR SHADDAA - Main Sector - After you deal with the first group of thugs, a beggar will approach you (this meeting cannot be avoided). He will ask you for alms. Regardless of what decision you make, Kreia will speak to you or enter into telepathic communication (if she remains on board the Ebon Hawk). Agree that she is right and get Influence points.

Refugee Camp - Find the sick person first, but don't heal him. Talk to the Exchange leader in this area, and tell him that he must kill this patient, or the disease will spread.

Port Docks - Nochlezhka - Talk to Luutra to find out about his wife. Tell him that she is dead (an obvious lie, since she is alive and doing well), and that he can trust you. He must accept Zerk's offer. You will gain some influence over Kreia.

ONDERON - Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal and tell Kreia that you know what this will lead to in order to gain Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city, this will be followed by a dialogue with Kreia, after which you can gain some Influence.

Palace - If you side with the Queen, then, after Vaklu is defeated, say that you agree that he should be killed, or let the Queen decide his fate for Influence points.

KORRIBAN - Valley of the Graves - Light Side ONLY. Near Ajanta's grave, listen to Kreia's story, then use the Awareness line of dialogue to gain Influence points.

Atton Rand

Atton is a wanderer you will find on Peragus. He's good at shooting blasters and has repair and destruction skills.

Result: When you get to the refugee camp on Nar Shadda, two Twi'leks will tell you something about Atton for a price. You will receive a new line of dialogue and, with enough Influence points, Atton will be able to become a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Atton likes to be respected and taken seriously. He doesn't like to trust others with his problems, so you will have to extract information from him very carefully.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Fatebringer - As soon as you board, Kreia and Atton will start arguing. You can get Influence points by supporting Atton in a dispute.

On board the Fatebringer - When Atton talks about "a bad feeling", ask him about it, and say: "Then we need to be careful, but we must keep moving." After this you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - Ask any of the Handmaids about your companions before you rescue them from prison. Learn about Echani Atton's training. After liberation, talk to Atton about it. With the right approach, you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Jedi military base - if you bring a conversation with a "member of the Zerk rescue team" to a fight, you can gain influence.

EBEN HAWK - After you "listen" to the Force a second time with Kreia, you will "hear" Atton playing Pazaak in his mind. After telling Atton about this, apologize to him to get Influence points.

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the Caution and Persuasion lines of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skills will give you Influence points over Atton (if Kreia is not around).

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Atton will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – At the Serocco Base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder that you can repair and allow Atton to check your work for Influence points.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Almost no matter how you deal with this, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – Talk to the sick man at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points. (if Kreia is on your team, the same dialogue will occur as in the case of Luutra, but this time you will lose influence on Kreia).

T3-M4 is a droid from the first game. A true professional in working with technology and well versed in explosives.

As a result: Gaining Influence on T3-M4 allows you to upgrade T3-M4 by increasing its stats. Also, if your Influence is high enough, T3-M4 will give +1 to your knowledge. Upgrading the T3-M4 requires you to know Computer Use and Repair.

Influence through Dialogue: You can get all the influence you need just by talking to him, and telling him that everything he did was not his fault, or that he is a useful droid. Almost all of his influence gives you Light Side points. Ask about his injuries, and tell him that you are glad to have him with you.

PERAGUS - Fuel Depot - When you return T3-M4 to your squad, praise it to receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free T3-M4, just tell him that he did everything right and made no mistakes to get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - Speak to the damaged protocol droid wandering near the landing site. T3-M4 will beep. Praise him to get Influence points.

Near Hunda - Show compassion towards Acker, the droid merchant, to gain influence over T3-M4.

NAR SHADDAA - Refugee Sector - At the Serocco base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder, which you can restore and allow T3-M4 to check your work for Influence points.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence on T3-M4.

You will find Bao-Dur when you reach the surface of Telos.

Result: Just like Atton, Bao-Dur can eventually become a Jedi if you gain enough Influence points.

Influence through Dialogue: Gaining Influence points depends almost entirely on how often Bao-Dur takes part in your adventures. There are no ways to gain influence points through general conversation on Ebon Hawk.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free Bao-Dur from his cell, tell him that it was not his mistake to gain Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - Take the task to find Atmospheric Sensors, which Saedhe gives you, find the sensors in the cave of crystals (they are located in the stone behind the first column from the entrance). Explore the sensors yourself or let Bao-Dur examine them. Either option will give you Influence points.

Kunda Area - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Akker and agree not to betray him in order to gain influence over Bao-Dur.

Khunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (the one who says you have his money). This is one of the few cases when you can perform a Dark Side action and gain Influence points (using the Force, convince the bandits to jump into the pit).

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Follower or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Bao-Dur will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As in the case of Atton, you can restore the Airspeeder yourself and, after Bao-Dur evaluates your work, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As with Atton, heal the patient near the entrance to the refugee camp.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, Bao-Dur will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence over Bao-Dur.

Brianna Maid

Brianna or the Handmaiden joins you after you leave the Academy on Telos, but only if you are playing as a man.

As a result: Brianna can become a Jedi after you defeat her in three sparring matches and with enough Influence points.

Influence through dialogue: Brianna is a good person and likes it when your judgment matches her character. Most of her Influence points can be obtained from dialogues when you defeat her in sparring. She comments on the appearance of Visas, but you can only lose influence or remain neutral.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - After finding Master Vrook in the cave (this happens after visiting the Enclave sub-level), listen to Azkal's offer and reject it to gain Influence points.

NAR SHADDAA - Refugee Sector - Heal the patient, just like with Bao-Dur or Atton. You will only receive Influence points if both of them are not on the team.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Let the thugs leave. This will give some Influence points to the Handmaiden.

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Follower or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” The maid will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - Rescue the Mandalorian on the ridge, then tell the Handmaiden that the war with the Mandalorians is over to gain Influence points. This will only work if Bao-Dur and Atton are not present on the team.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, the Handmaiden will be impressed and you will gain Influence points.

Cantina - When the meeting with Kavar is disrupted, the Maid will ask that you not harm the visitors. Agree in order to gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the entrance to the star port, to gain influence over the Handmaiden.

Marketplace - Use the power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain Influence points.

Visas Marr

Visas is revealed on the Ebon Hawk after your dark/light side affiliation is clear enough. First you will see a cutscene, and then, when you board the Ebon Hawk again, you will meet Visas and engage in battle with her. Defeat her and she will join you.

Result: With high influence, Visas will teach you Force Sight, an ability that, when used, will allow you to see through many doors, as well as see the dark/light side of people.

Influence through dialogue: Visas gains Influence through dialogue. In fact, one good dialogue with her and you will receive all the Influence points. Influencing her helps you gain Light Side points.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you will first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money) to gain Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Talk to the sick man at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points.

ONDERON - Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal to gain Influence points. (this will not work if Mandalore is nearby).

Marketplace - Two people stand near a crowd discussing local politics. Take the side of General Vaklu and gain influence over Visas.

Marketplace - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the starport entrance, then say: "Compassion may cause problems, but it is a source of great strength" to gain Influence points.

Cantina - After being attacked by Tobin's soldiers, Visas will ask you for permission to use destructive weapons, which will cause casualties among the cantina's patrons. Allow her to do this to gain Influence points.

Mikel Follower

Mikel or Follower only attaches to female characters and is easily influenced. In fact, almost all Influence points are gained through dialogue, with most Influence points giving light side points.

Result: An Apprentice can become a Jedi with high Influence.

Influence through dialogue: His views are neutral, he loves the Republic and the Jedi, so in conversation, all your remarks should not contain hostility towards them.

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” The follower will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Convince Hassef, the leader of the refugees, to join the Exchange. Tell him: “I share your grief...” to gain some Influence.

ONDERON - Dexena Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on the mountain ridge, help him and promise not to turn him in for Influence points.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, the Follower will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence.

Shopping District - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence.

Mira will join you on Nar Shaddaa if your character is on the Light or Neutral Side (otherwise you will receive Hanharr).

Result: Having received enough Influence points, you will be able to train Mira and make her a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: The best way to gain Influence on Mira is to make her “argue” with you. Ask her about why she doesn't kill, follow the "Understanding" dialogue line, and she will argue with you. Develop this and get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Acker and agree not to give him away in order to gain influence over Mira.

ONDERON - Dexen - During the meeting with the crashed assassins, tell Mira that she was also an assassin. She will say that she does not need your protection, but you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her offer and tell Mira that this is a good way to earn credits to gain Influence points.

Cantina area - the Twilek assassin who attacks you will make claims to Mira. Reply "I'm not going to let you insult my companion" to gain Influence points.

Marketplace - When the riot starts, don't take sides. Mira will agree with your choice and you will gain some influence.

(I couldn't find a suitable picture of this character)

Hanharr is a large, hulking Wookiee who you will find in Nar Shaddaa instead of Mira if you have turned to the dark side by then. The bad thing is that he can't become a Jedi.

Result: If you gain enough Influence points, Khankhar will receive a significant increase in stats and abilities.

Influence through Dialogue: You gain influence over Hanharr primarily through dialogue with him. When talking with Hanharr, stick to the fact that all weaklings must be killed or used for your own purposes. Don't be afraid to humiliate or insult Hanharr.

ONDERON - Dexen Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on a mountain ridge, then blow him up instead of saving him: “What detonator? This detonator? Hanharr will like it and you will receive Influence points.

Cantina - After you meet with Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and have his men attack you. Tell Hanharr that he can kill anyone and gain Influence points.

Cantina - Sell the "Open" visa to Sakari. Hanharr will be impressed that you made the best deal possible. Say “I agree” or “I didn’t ask for your opinion” and you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Hanharr will be happy with the blood and you will receive Influence points.

G0-T0 is a droid emissary of Goto who will join you after visiting G0-T0's ship.

As a result: G0-T0 offers you a reward for each planet on which the situation will be stabilized by you (Onderon and Dantooine), you must choose the “Dark” answer options in order to receive the reward, as well as Influence points. He also admits to you that he is in fact a droid, and not the person whose hologram he showed all this time.

Influence through dialogue: Goto loves order and stability. He doesn't like your noble actions (if any), but he wants you to stabilize Onderon and Dantooine.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - you will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. You must threaten to turn Acker in. When he becomes hostile, kill him to gain Influence points. Akker will disappear if you join the mercenaries and attack Kunda.

ONDERON - Cantina - Sell the "Open" visa to Sakari. G0-T0 will be impressed that you got the best deal possible. Say: “This is the best way to make a profit,” after which you will receive Influence points.

Cantina area - talk to the droid selling robot parts. If G0-T0 is on your team, bring up the topic of lowering the price in the conversation. Try to reboot the robot. G0-T0 will be interested and offer help. Let him do this and gain Influence points.

Trade District - Use the power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence.

You restore the HK-47 by collecting all the necessary components. One from the NK-50 on Peragus, one from the NK-50 from the crash over the Academy on Telos, another one can be obtained from the NK-50 at Vogga's warehouse on Nar Shadaa. The rest can be bought from merchants. HK-47 is an assassin droid from the first game. He is probably the best ranged character in the game.

As a result: Gaining Influence points on HK 47 gives you numerous improvements, increasing your own stats and abilities. HK-47 gives you very useful advice on how to kill Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Conversation with NK-47 does not give Influence points, unless you try to end the conversation and NK-47 stops you. You need to say, “Anyone who tries to stop me when I'm finishing this conversation will be dead. Now let me go, otherwise..." After this you will receive Influence points

DANTOOINE - Kunda District - After talking with Master Vruk in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan, then select "I'm not interested", then: "Die, you hired brute!" (this option leads to loss of influence on Kreia)

The Kunda area is (possibly a Bug) the only case where you can gain Influence on HK-47 by gaining Light Side points. When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion, you will gain access to the room with robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Acker and agree not to hand him over. What NK-47 says is clear disapproval, but as a result you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Dexan Jungle - Wandering through the jungle you will find Kelborn the Maldorian scout, start a conversation with him and talk until the line appears: “Enough chatter, it’s time to hunt” after which NK-47 will enter the dialogue at the end you will receive TC points and impact on NK-47.

ONDERON - Dexan Jungle - As in the case if Hanharr is with you, kill the Mandalorian stuck on the rock, you will receive Influence points on NK-47.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. NK-47 will be happy about the blood and you will receive Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city and say "Let's discuss this in the city, otherwise..." to gain some Influence.

Cantina - After you meet with Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and his men will attack you. Tell HK-47 that he can kill anyone and get Influence points.

TELOS (DURING ATTACK) - Kill the wounded soldier (instead of healing him) you find in the Telos Station Entertainment Module during the Sith attack. This will give you Influence points on NK-47.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Tell Mandalore that you want to support Vakla. You will receive more Influence points.

Marketplace - A Twi'lek and a Devotorian are standing near the crowd, discussing local politics. Take the side of General Vaklu and gain influence on Mandalore.

Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda, who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal and tell Mandalore that you like General Vaklu to gain Influence points.

Palace - If you side with Queen Thalia, agree to kill Vakla. Mandalore will say that you did the right thing and you will receive Influence points.

DESTROYER - Kill Tobin to gain Influence points.

Dantooine - Go to the Jedi Enclave and find a mercenary camp in that location, approach the Mandalorians and start a conversation with them in the process 1 Mandalorian will announce a 1 on 1 duel to Mandalore, kill him and the rest will agree to join him in fear, after joining you will receive influence points to Mandalore.

Nar Shaddaa - Go to the shopping center and find many apartments there, 1 of them are Mandalorians, start a conversation with them and if you have enough conviction then persuade them to join Mandalore, but if conviction is not enough then there will be the same duel as on Dantooine , win or convince the Mandalorians to join Mandalore and then you will gain influence over Mandalore.

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