Ranks in battle carnival. Battle Carnival preview - crooked craft or new carbon monoxide shooter? How are things going with skills?

So that nothing darkens your passing Battle Carnival, and you could confidently overcome your opponents and move in the right direction, knowledge of secrets and nuances will be required. Some of them are presented in our knowledge base.

Specificity and color of heroes

Before proceeding with the passage of the gameplay, you are invited to choose one character that impresses you the most. You can easily choose two characters at once. This will come in handy at the moment when you want to change the hero, but the game project provides that this cannot be done within a week. One possibility still exists - this is the acquisition of a character for real money.

When choosing your hero, remember that this is by no means limited to the skin (the appearance of the hero). Each of the proposed characters is endowed not only with its own story, but also with characteristics. All characters have their own set of weapons and equipment with abilities, as well as a supply of maximum health.

It is also worth noting that the entire future gameplay directly depends on your choice, especially when choosing a game mode in which it is possible to use unique abilities that differ significantly for each individual character.

But do not rush to draw conclusions. In this game project, you can gradually make your character completely unique by purchasing various accessories, clothes and other goods in the in-game store. It is worth noting the customization in the game - here it has a fairly decent level. Plus, the developers announced that in the future they plan to introduce costumes, which will change not only the appearance of the hero, but also changes will occur in his additional arsenal. Each available character has its own active and passive skills. They are also equipped with additional weapons, which we have already mentioned.

How are things going with skills?

As for the skills of the heroes, they are quite colorful and original, in contrast to the additional weapons. For example, a cute girl Cindy has the ability to build a real barricade, only in a completely unusual form - it can be a hefty bear. But one of Papi's skills will be the envy of "Agent 47" along with Sem Fisher. This hero has the ability to disguise himself as a barrel or box. Thus, he gets the opportunity to catch his opponent by surprise. But all this refers to the active skills of the heroes, but after all, passive ones are also provided.

Passive skills are beneficial not only for your hero, but also for his entire team. For example, the same Cindy is able to significantly increase the movement speed of all her companions. From Natalie, companions can get the opportunity, albeit for five seconds, but to see opponents even if there is a wall in front of them. The Lady generally has the ability to auto-aim, and Reno has a powerful minigun.


Of course, all these skills are quite specific and the game balance could suffer from them, moreover, quite hard. Especially the last two of those given in the confrontation are extremely effective. Therefore, the developers provide for the use of these skills only in one game mode - "The Art of War".

Battle Carnival video resources

Getting to know the gameplay during the stress test

Battle Carnival Shooting Basics

Did the channel Gaming Weekdays, behind the microphone Vladislav.

Text version:

Studio Zeppetto what do you know about her? Personally, I heard this name quite recently, which is very strange. For it was this team that created the legendary game. On a cursory examination, you will not immediately say that it was once on almost every PC. I and many of my friends hung out in it for a very long time, we didn't even do our homework ...
Maybe that's why I'm not the smartest at university right now.

The studio decided to enter the market with a new project. Again this is a shooter, again the same distribution model (), or more precisely, Fan F2P. We meet, Battle carnival! Another underplay or a good killer of your time? Today we will find out everything.

The game was announced not so long ago, at the Chinajoy 2016 exhibition in China, held at the end of July. This is a kind of analogue of E3, only with technology. True, it was merged back in early July, under the name Project SOW... Then I attached little importance to the game, even taking into account the fact that the first launch will take place in Russia, bypassing the homeland of the rising sun. I didn't care who the developer is, who is our publisher (and this, by the way, is GameNet). The first videos on the game did not catch on in any way, and all this "humor" disgusted.

Maybe because I didn’t close the session then, maybe the stars didn’t come together so well, I don’t know. But after being able to try Battle carnival personally, the opinion has changed dramatically. This was influenced by a bunch of aspects, you can't put everything in one sentence, so let's talk about everything in order.

Heroes, abilities and ammunition

The project differs from similar ones: the abundance of heroes, their history and abilities. Many will immediately point the finger at Overwatch, but these games are sensitive to different types, although they are online shooters. In most projects, even in a different genre, the developers try to tell an interesting story of the characters, to evoke sympathy, but not here. Local personalities are complete scumbags, each with their own cockroaches in their heads, only a tiny fraction of the characters are distinguished by their kindness and at least some kind of logic in their actions.

Let's say the heroine is Lady, the sheriff's assistant. It so happened that she shoots very well, has various cups, with work on "you", in general, well done girl. And one day, her friend was wounded, with a leg blown off. This is due to the terrorist Kill Joy, beaten off on his head and wanted in all countries of the world. Once he forced the hostages to cut each other, and simply shot the winner, although he promised to release. Even the partners were horrified by this act. Now the Lady, abandoning everything, is chasing in his tracks, killing everyone in her path.

More or less a standard story, but the world of the game can also present a blogger, whom the criminal father taught to shoot and fight from childhood. Once, someone filmed the beating of a guy who was sticking to her on camera. The video hit millions and Cindy became a star. By the way, she's also a pop star. There is also Big Boy, a geek fanatic and beating his boss for a broken figurine in the army. Rumble Jack, dissatisfied with everything and everyone in the military. Russian scout Natasha and a bunch of characters with unique charisma and more.

it "Not only" lies in the completely different appearance of the basic set of weapons (pistol, knife and grenade)... Each has it matched to the style of the skin, which can be bought in the store for in-game currency, like the hero himself. Only one character is given for free forever and two for 7 days, you can change every week (they fly off and you have to choose again).

Already for a well-known plump geek, these are exploding chips or soda instead of a grenade. Natasha wields a rose, a purse and a shoe instead of a knife. For the rest, instead of grenades and knives, a variety of objects are used: slippers, benches, cubic knives and bazookas, dynamites and maracas.

It is already more stable in firearms - all have pistols. Only someone has two revolvers, someone takes a PPK with a silencer, but someone needs a pink mini-pistol (Cindy hides its name). Moreover, more than half of the weapons are modified to their taste and color.

The skills are no longer that crazy and are close to the standard for online shooters. Each hero has two of them - one active, the other passive. Jimmy King can sing a disgusting melody that forbids others to use skills, and after his death, "Requiem" sounds, damaging nearby enemies. Big Boy boosts ammo and throws grenades indefinitely for 5 seconds. Kill Joy hides, Queen puts shields out of combat on herself, and Papi disguises himself as a random object. True, this is not always allowed, and not all skills are equally useful. This is how I move so smoothly to the modes.


So far there are 4 of them, but in fact 2. Just one part is very similar to the second:
  • Technology war- a team of 6 must kill the opposing team. It is forbidden to use skills here, but there are objects scattered around the map: for example, the MGL grenade launcher or RPG-7. There are also temporary cheats that allow you to see people through walls, shoot without recoil, accelerate, jump high, or even all at once. The winner is the team that scored the most points in the allotted time or reached the limit.
  • Destruction- very similar to the previous regime, only everything is prohibited here. You have weapons, grenades and a knife. Let's just say a classic desmatch. As in other modes, you can change the weapon, even buy a new one, by the way, the character can also be changed, but only after death.
  • Undermining- again we are limited in the use of abilities, and there are no matched skills. It's just that one team is planting a bomb, and the other is protecting, then the teams change.
  • Art of War- finally, a mode where everything is allowed. In addition to increasing HP and using the mechanics of the previous "Undermining", abilities are available. This is where Papi will find his calling.


Although there are not many differences in the modes, the maps differ greatly. There are enough of them now, and even legendary ones are present. "Library" - PB players probably recognized this map. I was happy, like a child, to see and run over it again. The Secret Mansion also partially migrated. But Zeppetto did not start stupidly plagiarizing her own, in Battle carnival a wagon and a small cart of new locations. The war will take you to logging and into the desert. To the fish market and to the village where the volcano is raging. You will visit the casino and excursion in the castle with the warship. Maps of completely different plans - suitable for fans of open areas, and for fans of narrow corridors.


In the end, you can touch on the store and a little graphics. I'll start with the second one, since I can't say anything good or bad, it is ordinary. The picture, of course, will not be suitable for nomination. "Best Graphics of 2016" but also for the nomination with the word "worst" too. In general, it is pleasant, there are some shortcomings that lurk against the background of the dynamic gameplay of the old school.


The store in the donate is not bogged down yet, there is an alpha in the yard. The game is going to use three volutes: play money, character points and donation currency. On the shops there are quite a lot of goods, weapons of various types, which, in turn, can be dressed up in a dragon skin, for Halloween or just in a carnival of colors. Weapon skins are even crazier than characters.


After viewing materials on Battle carnival strange impressions are formed. But after you try the game yourself, the opinion improves. Simple shooting mechanics, coupled with dynamics, will quickly appeal to both beginners and experienced players. In the future, we are promised more heroes, maps and modes that I hope will be just as fun. Once we started making Fan F2P shooter, we need to finish it to the end.

GameNet is now periodically launching an open alpha version of the game, so stay tuned.

And if you have already tested the project, write it down in the comments: is the game very similar to its competitors, or did Zeppetto manage to bring flavor?

Battle Carnival. New shooter on the GameNet platform!

BATTLE CARNIVAL - a new fun-to-play team shooter from Zepetto will be available on the GameNet platform this year!

Players will find more than 13 charismatic heroes, 26 different maps and 7 game modes, ranging from standard deathmatch and detonation to exciting battles with the use of heavy weapons and special bonuses.

In addition, players will be able to unleash the full potential of the heroes by fighting in a mode where active skills can be used. Each character has two abilities, the correct use of which will help to win even the most difficult battle.

A large-scale presentation of BATTLE CARNIVAL will take place at the upcoming IgroMir 2016 exhibition, and a closed beta test is planned at the end of October.

Now you can visit promo site games where you will meet some characters, join community VKontakte, and also see first promo video for BATTLE CARNIVAL!

The published trailer introduces players to the first game mode where heroes will be able to use special abilities. The eccentric psychopath KillJoy can turn invisible, the ruthless bully Rhino can use a huge portable machine gun, and Special Agent Papi can disguise himself as various objects on the map: a dumpster, sofas, a stuffed animal and ambush even the most attentive enemy. And most importantly, each of the heroes has their own unique style of play, so you will definitely find the right character for yourself.

In addition, each hero uses his own set of weapons. We are all accustomed to traditional pistols, grenades and knives, but the developers decided to move away from the routine and diversify the gameplay. Kill enemies with a hairpin, ice pick, slipper or boxing gloves. Grenades also have various effects on opponents and an interesting visual design: a pack of chips, dynamite, soda, and much more.

South Korean company Zepetto, known for its popular multiplayer shooter Point blank, presented her new project at Igromir - Battle carnival... The shareware shooter will be distributed in Russia based on the GameNet platform, and the release is scheduled for the end of this year.

At the exhibition, we managed to talk to a GameNet representative and learn something new about the game.

Carnival of stereotypes

We'll start our analysis of Battle Carnival with characters that the developers consider charismatic and cool. GameNet explained that it is the unusual heroes that will draw the attention of the players to the project and provide it with a rebellious image.

Now there are eleven heroes in the game, but it is possible that there will be more of them in the future.

The whole team is assembled.

Warriors Rumble Jack, Phoenix and Papi seem to have escaped from the popular online shooters, well known to most fans of the genre. When you look at the scumbag KillJoy, Payday is instantly remembered. This is probably why during the first stress test, KillJoy became the most popular hero among Russian players.

As for the rest of the characters, we will cite the charms Lady and Taruntula as an example. After all, it is enough to type in the section of pictures of any search engine "cowgirl" or "sexy nurse" in order to evaluate how "unique" the design of these heroines is.

However, there are characters in Battle Carnival whose appearance cannot be called stereotyped. Jimmy King is a funny hybrid of Jimi Hendrix and Prince Prince. Cindy is a little eccentric streamer, somewhat reminiscent of the main character of an anime.

As for anime, the main fan of it in Battle Carnival will be Fat Boy - a fat man from Australia who loves anime figures and video games. Another interesting hero is Queen: a pretty active athlete with truly royal dignity below the waist.

A typical warrior can be dressed up in something funny.

Zepetto and GameNet do not deny that character design actively exploits images that are popular among different age categories of players. Fortunately, even now the problem with the appearance of certain characters is largely solved by the wide customization options. The store sells a basic set of costumes, accessories and small decorations. So if you are sick of the appearance of the hero, then for a fee, you can always change it. In the future, it is planned to introduce costumes that will not only change the appearance of the character, but also update the entire additional arsenal.

Slipper on the forehead

Appearance, appearance, and most importantly in a team shooter - of course, the gameplay. Each character in Battle Carnival has their own unique set of additional weapons and skills (active and passive).

Perfect weapon.

Additional equipment is divided into three groups: pistols, melee weapons and grenades (exception: Rhino - he has a bazooka). With pistols, everything is clear, but some melee weapons can surprise. For example, Natasha wears a titanium alloy shoe fitted with a deadly stiletto heel. A seemingly ordinary Rumble Jack is armed with a formidable tool against winged intruders - a slipper. Now imagine what it looks like from the outside in a match where all the players have conspired to fight with the help of boxing gloves, heels, clubs and various knives.

Some of the characters' skills do not lag behind in terms of originality of the secondary weapons. Cindy knows how to set up a giant bear barricade. Papi, like Snake from Metal Gear, can disguise himself as a crate or barrel. Most characters also have skills that give the entire team an advantage. The passive skill Cindy increases the speed of teammates, and the active skill of Natasha allows the team to see opponents through walls for several seconds.

Little streamer and her big bear.

Of course, it was not without controversial skills that can seriously affect the course of the battle and balance. The Lady's auto sight and the Rhino minigun are sure to be powerful arguments during the fierce battle. It's good that the skills only work in a special mode, otherwise the balance would start to burst at the seams.

By the way, about the modes. At the start of the game, the classic Team Deathmatch, Item Deathmatch (Team Deathmatch with useful bonuses on the map), Skill Mode (the only mode where skills are available) and the classic Demolition will be available.

The shooting mechanics do not give rise to strong complaints, but there is a feeling that the recoil of some barrels is rather weak. With the variety of cards, the situation is ambiguous. Fans of Point Blank will be delighted with the return of the classic map with the library, while the rest will see landscapes that are quite familiar for multiplayer shooters - a marina, a ship, small towns in the Middle East and Europe.

Urgent problems

Battle Carnival will not be a revelation in terms of the wide possibilities of "donation" in South Korean shooters. Do you want to play as all the characters from the very beginning? We hasten to disappoint - only two heroes are allowed to choose each week. Either wait a week to change the annoying character, or buy it for your hard-earned money, but forever. Otherwise, everything (or almost everything) is rented.

CS: GO. ");" border = "0" src = "https://cdn.igromania.ru/mnt/articles/c/0/8/8/7/6/28283/html/img/3ff2017360d49160.jpg" width = "647" height = "337">

Most of the skins are much more lurid than in CS: GO.

In the future, you should definitely hide weapon skins under a separate tab in the store, otherwise the section will be littered with multi-colored views of the same rifle, and the player will have to scroll through the list for a long time in search of the desired weapon.

The store also sells doll keychains that slightly increase the characteristics. Some increase accuracy and compensate for recoil, others - rate of fire and damage.

The developers are going to eventually turn Battle Carnival into a full-fledged esports discipline, as it was with Point Blank. But if the new project from Zepetto follows today's Point Blank rake, trouble is inevitable.

In the past three years, the ubiquitous "donation" has led Point Blank to a complete imbalance, and the game began to scare off newcomers who do not want to invest their hard-earned money. There, for money, you can hang on absurd bonuses, up to helmets with almost complete protection against headshots. The funny thing is that sometimes it is difficult to understand whether a cheater with an auto-aim is playing against you (cheating in Point Blank has been flourishing for several years), or if it is a donor who has invested money in all sorts of tricks.

I would like to believe that the listed problems will bypass the new game. Zepetto and GameNet are now actively discussing the issues of monetization and game balance, but so far there is no specific information. A GameNet representative explained that they themselves are not satisfied with the cheating helmets, they do not want to spoil the balance of the game, and they are already working on protection from potential cheaters.

* * *

Be that as it may, Battle Carnival will definitely find its player, especially among fans of dynamic shooters like Cross Fire or Point Black. It won't be long to wait, because the release of a new project from Zepetto and GameNet is scheduled for December.

Developed and published by Zepetto in 2016, became available on the gaming platform in Russia and the CIS GameNet in the same year. The game is distributed free-to-play.

Battle Carnival has 12 playable characters, each with their own story, passive and active skills, and unique secondary weapons. Each character has a different amount of maximum health and can either move quickly or walk silently.

For the first time, the release of the game on the territory of the CIS countries became known in August 2016. And already in September, the first stress test of the game took place, which became the first stage of testing, in which ordinary players took part. This was followed by several more stages of testing, after which, during the Alpha test, the game was presented at the Igromir exhibition. On December 16, 2016, the final stage of testing started, which was aimed at checking the translation and adaptation of the text, as well as testing game mechanics.


The conflict of the main characters is tied to a mysterious explosion of antimatter. Each of the characters presented in the game is somehow connected with the incident. Someone is hunting for antimatter for their own benefit, someone wants to hide the artifact from the hands of others, and some are fighting for antimatter in the name of a common good goal. Some characters, as a result of an anomalous explosion, received super powers that the player can use during the battle.

Characters (edit)

Cindy is a popular video blogger from Virginia who is adept with firearms. She loves to dress stylishly and does only what brings her popularity.

Bigboy- 23-year-old Australian with a passion for anime, also a skilled engineer who is fond of modifying weapons.

Killjoy- a self-centered psychopath, listed as a particularly dangerous criminals in every country in the world.

Natasha- a secret agent from Russia, specializing in contract killings.

Queen- A 19-year-old British woman from a noble family who regularly serves the state and the crown.

Papi- the gallant commander of a special-purpose detachment, who puts the lives of his comrades-in-arms above his own.

Phoenix- Soldier of the special detachment of the US Navy.

Rhino- A 30-year-old native of Italy who prefers a good fight to conversation.

The lady is the fastest shooter in the United States.

Rumble Jack- a talented fighter who dreamed of living an ordinary life.

Jimmy king- forcibly frozen in a cryogenic chamber a rock star from the 60s.

Veronica- an adherent of the religious cult TGO (transhumanistic society).

Voice actors

Name Voice actor
Cindy Liza Martirosova
Bigboy Petr Ivaschenko
Killjoy Daniil Eldarov
Natasha Tatiana Shitova
Queen Polina Shcherbakova
Papi Sergey Vostretsov
Phoenix Yuri Derkach
Rhino Vladimir Antonik
The lady Olga Zubkova
Rumble Jack
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