Races in Blade and Soul and their description (Lina, Gona, Fen and others). Overview of classes in the game Blade and Soul Blade and soul new race

Blade and Soul, is a dynamic, fast, action-oriented modern MMORPG from NCSOFT. If you are a fan of games like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden, then you will definitely appreciate Blade and Soul, as this game is a successful combination of the two, which unites the world of Final Fantasy. Thanks to the unusual game mechanics and non-target system, Blade and Soul stands out significantly from other MMORPGs.

The storyline of the game

The plot of this game is very typical and according to it you have to avenge the death of your master, for the murder of which the Palam empire, of course, accuses you. As the storyline unfolds, you are shown various accompanying videos that contribute to immersion in the gameplay.


The quality of the graphics at B&S is good news. The game fascinates with its visualization and entertainment. Physics and mechanics of blows are worked out and traced to the smallest detail. When you raise your huge ax over your head or jump on your victim from heaven, you literally feel the full power of your blow and the strength of your character. Despite a slight touch of gloss and a certain cartoon character of the characters, everything looks quite natural and impresses with its diversity.

Races, classes and customization

There are 4 races in B&S:

  • Gin(the race of people familiar to all)
  • graceful tribal warriors Kuhn(a kind of amazon)
  • muscular massive brutals Gon
  • cute with animal ears and tails Lin.

The game features 7 classes:

  • Blademaster(sword master)
  • Assassin(master of stealth and dodge)
  • KungFu Master(master of fistfighting)
  • Destroyer(huge ax killing machine)
  • Force master(Airbender)
  • Summoner(Summoner and Master of Nature Magic)
  • Lyn blademaster(Lyn's swordmaster is a mixture of Blademaster and Destroyer with a touch of Forcemaster).

B&S does not have a clear gender reference, except for the Kun race, in which only female characters can be created. But at the same time, there is a certain connection between race and class.

Customization of the character's appearance, as in similar games of this level, is quite elaborate and does not differ much from the general standards. You can change the proportions of the character's body, his height, eye and hair color, while relying on the characteristics of the selected race.


In Blade and Soul, the entire gameplay is very much tied to both the skills of the character and your personal playing skills (analysis of enemy tactics, reaction speed, etc.). Lack of healing classes in the game forces everyone to actively use all kinds of cans and food for HP regeneration. B&S does not have a classic division into support, tank and damage dealer. Tanking here is not the easiest thing to do. In order to hold the arg, the tanker must do enough damage while dodging and blocking attacks.

For a successful game, especially at later levels, you need to know the skills of the enemy. All classes are simple enough to play, but have their own unique set of skills and techniques, which can be combined to achieve mastery in this game. The combination of skills and build can be selected depending on the situation (patch, mass PVP or raid).


Blade and Soul delights players with a variety of costumes and looks that do not affect your combat stats in any way. Costume selection is the main way to customize your character. You can improve your character's stats with weapons, accessories and Bo Pae (this is an analogue of equipment). Almost all things can be improved by sharpening them with other "unnecessary" things.


The creators of Blade and Soul have installed experience limit received by the player per day... There is no way to enlarge it. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the farming of gold, gear, crafting and resource collection. By gaining experience points, you gradually waste energy. You can save the unspent experience for the next day. You will receive the saved experience the next day in the form of a bonus of 50% of the number of saved points. In this case, the saved experience is spent first with a rate of x2.

Let's sum up

Blade and Soul? a beautiful, dynamic game that can delight any MMORPG fan. Moreover, there is something to please: large picturesque locations, perfectly detailed controls, a convenient crafting system and wonderful graphics.

We hope our Blade and Soul review will help you in choosing a game for yourself =)

The game Blade and Soul is not replete with a wide variety of races, but still stands out for their colorfulness.

There are four races in Blade and Soul:

  • Zhin (Sheng);
  • Kun (Feng).

Different race names are due to different localization of the game.

Races in Blade and Soul

Zhin (Sheng)

Jin is a fairly typical human race for all MMORPGs. As with most MMOs, they also have the most leveling classes available.

Sheng is also considered to be the descendants of the great Shengui turtle, which was famous for its wisdom and strength. The main goal in the life of every Zhin is self-improvement.

Can take classes: Master of Shadows, Master of Swords, Master of Kung Fu, Master of Spirits.


The Gons are a race of giants when compared to the rest. Their enormous weight and size are responsible for their extraordinary strength.

Gon are followers of the elements of the earth, which in itself justifies their strength and strength. According to the game, they are great friends and allies.

Can take classes: Master of Kung Fu, Master of Ax.


Little cute creatures with ears on the head and a tail in ... in ... behind is Lin. In general, they are a symbiosis of neko and loli.

Lin are more accustomed to relying on their agility and agility than on strength. They are the heirs of "Qilin" - the deities of the world of Blade and Soul. Lin is also called Eldar, for they see and feel more than all other races.

Can take classes: Sword Master Linov, Master of Summoning, Master of Elements.

Kun (Feng)

A nation of warlike girls capable of commanding the elements of fire.

The progenitor of the Kun race is the Fenghua phoenix, a particle of which each Kun carries in himself. The soul of the phoenix allows them to perfectly manage the fire element.

Can take classes: Blade Master, Elemental Master.

There are 7 classes in Blade and Soul. Each class has unique features and tactics of the game

Most recently, in January 2016, the MMO RPG became available to Western players. Yes, exactly, you and I, as well as all European and American users, have waited for the release of this wonderful toy.

Here we have a well-developed PvP and PvE, a very interesting combat system and excellent graphics. By the way, if you don't like Korean MMOs, try to overpower yourself and still appreciate the project, it's worth it. And he, in many ways, is a classic example of the Korean game industry. That is, an unusual plot (perhaps even delusional in places), conventionally dressed (or even underdressed) and incredibly curvy ladies, and very spectacular fights. Well, grind, where can we go without it.

This is all well and good, but which classes are the best to choose? After all, the game is new for many. And if you also remember about a very unusual combat system, then the wrong choice of character can kill any pleasure from the gameplay at all. In order for you to understand who and what can do here, we have compiled this review.

How to choose a race to play

Blade Master is adept at wielding swords and is considered the most popular class.

Why did we start with races? In the game, each class is tied to a certain race, and therefore, before choosing a character class, you must choose a race for him. So, who do we have to choose from:

Shengs(Jin in English). More than everyone else, they look like ordinary people. In principle, these are ordinary people, "only better" - that is, stronger, smarter, more beautiful, and so on. Three classes are available to them: Master of Sword, Master of Kung Fu and Master of Shadows (aka Assassin).

Lina(Lin). A nation, entirely consisting of funny babies with ears and tails. But do not underestimate them because of their small stature and harmless appearance - in battle they are formidable opponents. They can master the following specializations: Master of Elements, Master Summoner, and Master of Sword Lin.

Van(Gon). Severe brutal men and handsome muscular (but also harsh) ladies. Once created by the prince of dragons, the representatives of this race rely on strength in battle, but they also know how to act quickly and use magic without any problems. The classes available to them are Ax Master, Kung Fu Master and Elemental Master.

Fans(Kun). This race is the main choice of most adolescents. The fact is that this whole nation consists entirely of girls alone. And they are all incredibly beautiful - sheer grace and pleasant curves. These ladies specialize in the following classes: Sword Master, Elemental Master, and Kung Fu Master.

Summary of classes

Assassin class - classic assassin with the ability to disappear

And now we will try to paint for you who and what can, what role he performs on the battlefield, and also - what is best suited for. These seven classes are available to us for the game at the moment (at least in the Russian-language version of the game):

Sword master(Blade Master). A very good all-rounder that fights in close combat, but has a set of skills that are directed against all kinds of shooters. However, it is dangerous to face him and other melee fighters. In PvE, he can work as a good damage dealer (although you can also make a tank from him), in PvP one of the most comfortable characters for playing, although not the strongest. Basically, one of the options for beginners to start with.

Elemental Master(Force Master). A classic magician who can do good damage. In PvE, you can take it as a classic ranged fighter, but in PvP, he, recently, does not feel very comfortable. At the very least, beginners shouldn't take this character for battles against other players.

Kung Fu Master(Kung-Fu Master). Another melee all-rounder. It does not deal particularly powerful damage, but this is only as long as it does not knock the enemy down (and this he does masterfully). Then he literally scores the enemy, leaving him almost no chance. It is not imboy neither in PvP nor in PvE, but it feels very comfortable in both modes.

Master of Shadows(Assassin). A very fast and dangerous melee warrior. His only specialization is dealing damage. And he does it by disassembling opponents with frightening efficiency. He is especially good in PvP, where he is, at the moment, the best fighter. But keep in mind that in order for this character to play in your hands, you need to learn how to use all his abilities correctly.

One of the most powerful characters, he can calmly lift the enemy and tear him apart in a few blows

Ax Master(Destroyer). Not very fast, but very strong melee class. He can work as a tank or a damage dealer in PvE, but in PvP he has some problems. If you only let him squeeze the enemy in the corner, then there are few chances against the Master of the Ax, and he turns out to be especially dangerous against melee fighters. But fast hand-to-hand fighters like the Sword Master or Kung Fu can benefit from movement speed and quick strikes.

Blademaster Lin(Blade Dancer). A very strong hand-to-hand fighter, possessing, among other things, considerable vitality. In PvE, it can be a tank or a damage dealer, and can take out some bosses even alone. And in PvP, this is a very dangerous opponent, which, despite all the nerfs, should be feared by any player - one on one he is able to deal with almost any character, although this will require some experience of the game.

Master Summoner(Summoner). Not a bad ranged fighter with quite interesting mechanics. But now, in order to play comfortably on it, a certain skill is required. It's not too difficult for them in PvE (he knows how to inflict damage), but in PvP only experienced players will be able to play well with this class. Of course, a beginner can take a chance and try, but it will be difficult for him in battle.

Which class to choose in Blade and Soul?

The Lyn Blade Master appeared much later, but due to its strength became a very popular class.

First, the best take melee fighters- now it is they who "run the show" in the game. Although, if you are into PvE, you can try the Summoner Master or the Elemental Master.

It is best to take the Blade Master as the starting character. An alternative to him can be a Kung Fu Master. Blade Master Lin or Master Poleaxe are not bad either, but a little more difficult to master.

Who is better at PvP and PvE? To exterminate computer opponents (that is, PvE), take Blade Master Lin or Master Summoner, if you want to play as a shooter. Well, for PvP, the Master of Shadows will be the best choice - there are practically no competitors for him here.

Blade and Soul offers 4 main races to choose from to create your character. The options offered are very extensive and will surely cover the tastes of any user. On your way you will meet small, fluffy animals-Lina, as well as massive and very tall Vans. We propose to dwell on each in more detail!

Jin / Sheng (Jin)

Sheng (earlier, on the pirate server - Zhin) resemble an ordinary person in their appearance, in fact, this race belongs to the "humanoid". They are distinguished from all other races, perhaps, by the maximum number of related playable classes.

"Jin" is translated from the ancient language of the Eastern continent - "Unyielding". Behind a too mundane appearance, there is incredible strength and perseverance.

Wang / Gon

Perhaps the most notable race in Blade and Soul. Their main difference is their extreme massiveness and high growth. Vana women personify long-legged beauties with embossed bodies, Vana men are huge strongmen who can deal with any enemy.

The Vans (Gons) believe that their ancestors were born from the breath of Dragons and they proudly cherish this legend. Physical strength and combat skill are prized among them. They strive to be able to overcome any challenge and use their strength for the benefit of others. Despite the Gons' impressive size, their nature is indeed very trusting and subtle. Because of this, they often succumb to deception. If your intentions are really pure, do not hesitate, Vans will always help!


Little pussies with huge tails and cute ears. Miniature Lina in some characteristics resemble animals. The race is adapted only for some classes, but their number has increased with the advent of the Warlock. By the way, it is planned to realize the possibility of creating a Warlock of the Lin race.

Lina are descendants of the great Kirin, legendary animals that were originally created to be mischievous and unpredictable. The Lin race is weaker than everyone else. However, one very interesting feature allowed them to survive: an innate sense that allows them to sense danger.

Feng / Kun (Yun)

Fung Hyang is a mythical Asian bird that transmitted all the most delicate and graceful features to its descendants - Feng (previously, on the Kun pirate server). The Fans' innate aesthetic skills make them some of the finest artisans in all areas. Other races view them as the pinnacle of artistic excellence and creativity, as they create beauty in everything they do.

The race is composed exclusively of girls, which makes it special. Thin facial features, fair skin, long and slender legs create all this unique beauty of Feng girls.

When the game was just released, there were only 6 classes and there was not much to choose. But now players have a choice of 10 classes, eh! Eyes run wild, head dizzy - how to choose a class?

The easiest thing to do is to superficially familiarize yourself with them inside the game itself when choosing, but you can only learn many things closer to the maximum level. In order not to be unexpectedly disappointed in your choice and wasted time - read our short review.

Attention - the article contains an overview and recommendations for choosing a class depending on preferences, and not full-fledged guides

This opportunity appeared not so long ago. You can create and test the abilities of a character of any class in a special training arena.

You don't need to buy a coupon, it's completely free!

How to do it:

  • select the class and race of interest
  • customize your appearance (optional)
  • give a name to the character (any available)
  • select server (any)

A plate with a choice of character level (1 or 50) will appear in front of you. Choose level 50.

Press the button "Create", a dialog box will pop up. "You can complete the task only if you have a quick development coupon" - we don't need it now, click "OK".

Everything, the character is created. Come into the game. Complete tasks using the on-screen tips. After completing a series of simple tasks (a couple of minutes of time), you will be taken to the training area with a dummy, where you will be offered to complete training from a simple single move to basic class combinations.

Do the workout, thereby testing the class. You can create up to 11 characters on your account - that's enough to check all the classes. Then you can easily remove them.

general information

The first thing to note is that there are NO useless classes in Blade and Soul like in most classic MMORPGs. Also, there is no classic concept of "Tank" and "Hill". You can easily go through any instance in 6 DD and not worry about the composition of the party.

Of course, for a raid or a difficult mode of an instance, you should collect parties of a certain composition. But this is just for convenience and simplification.

The second point is that there is no separation of skills for PVP and PVE in the game. Damage is calculated in the same way and is not cut. Therefore, you do not have to be smart with builds (as in Tera or Dragon Nest, for example).

The third point is that each class has 2 specializations. Each specialization opens up many branches of the character's skills to players. You can change your selection an infinite number of times throughout the game at no cost.

The developers of Blade and Soul have directed every effort to equalize the elements of each class, so that players can choose a style of play according to their taste, not according to their benefit. So the main advice is to choose what you like. You will not be kicked from everywhere just because you have chosen the Master of Shadows (unless, of course, you have not managed to become famous as a super crooked player)

Classes will be viewed along the following lines:

  • What races is available for
  • Complexity
  • Role in PVE
  • Role in PVP

On March 19, 2019, a major patch was released, in which they introduced Battle Royale (large-scale PvP), awakening classes, increasing the maximum level, prolonging the plot and a new location. If you were planning to start playing Blade and Soul - now is the time, coupons are available for pumping your character immediately up to level 60

Master of Wrath (Warrior / Var)

A hero with a fiery disposition, putting his own rage into his attacks with a double-edged sword, becoming a truly merciless foe. He wields the hardest zambato, which affects the speed of the character's attacks.

Race available Wang,Lin and Sheng... The newest class in the game, introduced in the 9/11 Patch. The third tank has a buff like a Warlock. Loved by many players for the unique mechanic of abilities (uses its own health to apply skills). The gaming community lovingly calls the Shovel Master. The character is rather slow, but has powerful attacks and huge AoE.

The Master of Wrath has specializations:

  • Furious Warrior - Sweeping, furious two-handed sword attacks. No one will escape the merciless punishment
  • A righteous warrior is a clear mind combined with tremendous strength. Rare but accurate attacks overwhelm the opponent with no chance of winning

Both specializations are well applicable in any area, choose what you like

The system assigned the Master of Wrath difficulty 3.5 stars... A highly justified difficulty for a class, as the player is required to meet a number of conditions in order to inflict acceptable damage. Perhaps in the future there will be nerfs and reworking of rotations (as at the time for Ganner and Warlock), but so far there are not even rumors about this.

  • Buff - awakens the hidden abilities of characters (analogue of the Warlock's "Spirit Wings" skill)
  • Tank - has excellent defense and aggression abilities. It is considered almost the most convenient and simple class for tanking bosses.
  • DD - despite the slowness of action, it can cause very serious damage
  • Total AoE - Perhaps the Master of Wrath is leading in this category
  • Huge instant damage - after being introduced into the game, this is the only class that can destroy the enemy with one ability, if it is lucky for critical damage
  • Damage Absorption - Special mechanics allow you to absorb significantly more damage than any other class

Despite the 3.5-star difficulty, Master of Wrath is a good fit for newbies. This class will allow you to feel the features of the game and not be disappointed in it.

Sword Master (BM / BM)

Accurate and powerful attacks, impenetrable defense, feels comfortable both at close and long range due to the ability of rapprochement and control at a distance. A fairly versatile class.

Race available Sheng and Feng. Not the most popular class in the game in the realities of the latest patch. What this is connected with is not entirely clear. There were no serious Sword Master nerfs, on the contrary - they updated the once useless skill tree.

Sword Master specializations:

  • Furious Blade - Uses a fiery sword. The combat of the Sword Master in this specialization is similar to dance - smooth movements carry deadly slashing attacks
  • Swift Blade - Uses a lightning sword. Fast lunges, lightning cuts - it's hard to keep track of the movements of the Swordmaster of this specialization.

The system assigned the Master of the Sword difficulty 4 stars... In fact, the class is not the most difficult to master, but you will have to sweat (especially if you decide to play in the "Swift Blade" specialization).

Role in PVE:

  • Tanking bosses - a buff is available that increases the aggression of mobs / bosses
  • DD - if the tank is already there, then it can take the role of DD
  • Support - there is the ability to protect the entire party from the deadly attacks of bosses, for which it is very appreciated

It is rather rare in PVE. The best BMs have long been disassembled into top raids and practically do not appear in auto-selection.

Role in PVP

  • Total control - BM has many abilities that prevent the enemy from moving
  • Ranged and melee abilities allow you to fight in a comfortable environment
  • Again - massive party protection

Feels comfortable both in 1x1 and 3x3 / 6x6. Perhaps one of the best classes for PVP.

Swordmaster is a really good choice for a beginner to get familiar with the game and not be disappointed in it.

Shadow Master (Sin)

Attacks from the shadows, under cover of night. The victim will not even understand who became the killer. Fast travel and colossal damage.

Race available Sheng... Shadow Masters can be found in almost every party, because the Assassin has always been one of the most popular classes in any MMORPG. To some extent - a classic killer, but the concept of "inviz" is slightly different here.

The master of the shadow goes into invisibility for certain periods of time (6-15 seconds), but can maintain this state if he entered the battle and uses the necessary abilities. That is, running in invisibility in the open world will not work out so easily.

The Shadow Master has specializations:

  • Poisonous Shadow - as the name suggests, almost all assassin's attacks poison the target. This specialization presupposes insolent head-on attacks. There is no room for cunning - only cruel ruthlessness
  • Ghostly Shadow - also uses poison to amplify its damage. But attacks are carried out in a state of invisibility. Shadow masters of this specialization blend in with their surroundings and attack unexpectedly. There is no place for a battle rage here. Only composure

The system assigned the shadow to the Master difficulty 5 stars... This is partly justified. The class requires good reaction and fast keystrokes.

Role in PVE

  • DD - takes the first line in damage (although it escaped not far)
  • Support - at a critical moment, it can save the squad from death. If an ally is dying, it can pull it out of the deadly zone and help to recover (unfortunately, it is almost never used)
  • "Taxi" - can transfer the entire squad through the danger zone using the transfer mark at a distance of up to 50 meters

As already mentioned - a very popular class in PVE. However, meeting a really good Sean at auto-matching is almost like a holiday.

Role in PVP

  • Like BM, it has a terrifying amount of controls. May not release the victim from the camp if desired
  • Protecting party members with a massive save
  • Can easily trick or confuse an opponent

In PVP it is very difficult to master, but the fight proceeds very nicely (if played aggressively). If you plan to wear down the enemy and endlessly run away from him in invisibility - get ready for curses, they don't like this here. But "the winners are not judged." Sin feels comfortable in 1x1 and 3x3. In 6x6 it becomes more difficult, as the class is not suited for mass combat.

It is also a good choice for beginners, but we do not recommend choosing the Phantom Shadow specialization as a first acquaintance with the game.

Kung Fu Master (KFM / KFM)

A merciless melee fighter who uses his fists (brass knuckles) and legs as weapons. An excellent ally and a terrible enemy.

Race available Sheng,Feng and Wang. One of the most unpopular classes due to the difficulty in mastering. Uses kung fu techniques in combat with his opponents. Able to quickly close the distance and go to the ground. Long-range combat is not his strong point.

The Kung Fu Master looks iconic in the Blade and Soul universe. But not recommended for beginners

KFM owns specializations:

  • Blue Dragon - considered the choice of "true" masters due to its high difficulty and total damage. A popular choice for CFMs. A series of kick attacks are used in combat.
  • Red beast - combinations of attacks with fists are used in battle. Balanced specialization in terms of damage / difficulty. Not the most popular choice among players, but beginners should start their acquaintance with the Kung Fu Master in the Red Beast specialization

The system assigned the Kung Fu Master difficulty 4.5 stars... This is less than Sin, but more than BM. Perhaps this is the fairest assessment of the system.

Role in PVE:

  • Tank - although it is not canonical, it replaces BM without any problems
  • DD - in the role of DD, the Kung Fu Master feels much better than in the role of a tank
  • Support - has a buff for the team, which increases damage and critical strike chance

KFM's abilities are very welcome, both in the usual party on a daily quest, and in the most difficult raids. The Kung Fu master seriously increases the damage of the group, and if he also tanks, he becomes irreplaceable at all.

Role in PVP:

  • Enemy control
  • Buff groups
  • Damage absorption

Let's be honest, QFM for PVP is not the best option. Despite the constant ups with each patch, QFM is still far behind other classes in terms of convenience and strength. The difficulty in PVP for KFM is not much different from that of Sin, but at the same time the damage is much lower and the chances of an attack are also lower. The style of play is more defensive than attacking. The only place where KFM is doing well now is 6x6. But on condition that the gear is at the pre-top level.

Of course, there are top CPMs that will say the opposite. We do not argue that competent Kung Fu Masters terrify the arena. But starting acquaintance with PVP for KFM is a 90% chance to be disappointed in the arena as a whole.

Elemental Master (FM / FM / Force)

Overflowing with Chi, the Elemental Master uses powerful spells to crush opponents and protect allies.

Race available Lin, Feng and Wang... A very popular class. The Elementalist is reminiscent of a classic MMORPG wizard, hurling fireballs at opponents and invoking a meteor shower. He also does not hesitate to freeze the enemy, making him helpless.

If you want to play as a classic magician - here "past the box office". There is no concept of "magic" and "physical damage" in the game. There is "simple" and "spontaneous" - such a division is absolutely for all classes

Force owns the elements:

  • The Lord of Fire is a popular choice for players. Not too difficult to master, allows you to inflict high damage in a short period of time
  • Lord of Ice - until recently it was not used at all. Forces began to switch from fire to ice with the wording “ice is more convenient”. Deals measured damage throughout the fight

The system assigned the elements to the Master difficulty 2.5 stars(guess where the popularity comes from?). The class is considered balanced in both PVE and PVP.

Role in PVE:

  • DD - attack from a long distance from any position
  • Support - protecting allies from deadly attacks

For the most part, Forsov is taken to the party just because of the protection. At the moment, there are an abundance of Elemental Masters, which makes it difficult to find a raid with average equipment values.

Role in PVP:

  • Ferocious AOE damage
  • Allied Defense

Another super comfortable class for PVP in absolutely any mode.

Also great for beginners, very comfortable class. But if you plan to join a raid somewhere, and not collect yourself - be prepared for a long search

Ax Master (Destroyer)

A brutal warrior with a huge ax, terrifies the enemy with one of his looks. Reliable protector of your allies.

Only available for race Wang... The popularity of the class is at the CPM level (that is, almost none). Despite the size of the weapon, it is a very mobile class. Delivers sweeping blows with an ax with a good area of ​​effect.

Destr owns the elements:

  • The power of the earth - sharp attacks in a battle rage. The power of attacks directly depends on the character's rage
  • The power of darkness - thanks to the latest patches, the element has become playable. Not only in terms of damage, but also in terms of convenience. Most popular choice among players

The system assigned to the Master the axes difficulty 3 stars. In fact, the class is not much more difficult than Force, but due to the fact that you have to be in close combat and avoid most of the boss's attacks, the difficulty increases. Also a very balanced class for PVE and PVP.

Role in PVE:

  • DD - makes impressive damage, easily destroys crowds of mobs
  • Support - protects against deadly attacks. If an ally is dying, it can be dragged to a safe zone or blocked from enemy attacks. Speeds up meditation
  • Grab - takes the enemy by the throat (if small) or lifts him above himself (if large), making him helpless and allowing allies to deal huge damage

In PVE, it is appreciated both in regular parties and in raids. Due to the low popularity, finding the squad will not be difficult.

Role in PVP:

  • Dealing AOE damage
  • Exhaustion of the enemy. Due to the defensive abilities of Destr, it is difficult to attack directly - you have to wait for a moment that rarely occurs
  • Total control (including capture)

In PVP it feels quite comfortable, not too difficult to master. If you look at the professional scene, you can always see Destra.

Destr is the only class in Blade and Soul that hasn't received significant nerfs or ups over the entire history of the game. This suggests that the class is the most balanced of all.

Suitable for both beginners and experienced players

Lin Blade Master (BD / LSM)

The battle of the Sword Master Lines resembles a sword dance - graceful, graceful, but deadly for a partner. A real little beast.

Race available Lin. LSM resembles a cross between BM and Destr - there are similar abilities. However, the class is unique and the playstyle is somewhat different. The class has an average popularity among players. Attacks at close and medium range.

LSM owns the elements:

  • Lightning Power is the most popular spec. Attacks are carried out at the speed of lightning. Frequent attacks will allow the player to control the movement of the enemy
  • Force of the Wind - The Lin Sword Master has conquered the storm and commands it. Air currents inflict high damage and knock up the enemy

The system assigned the Sword Master Lin difficulty 4 stars... The class really resembles BM in terms of difficulty because of the speed of the game. Although, in principle, it is not more difficult than Destr.

Role in PVE:

  • DD - deals damage in a small area
  • Capture - like Destr, but with a different animation. Capture immobilizes the enemy and increases the damage of the ally
  • Defense - Shields allies from deadly boss attacks

In PVE, a welcome guest of most parties and raids. Not too hard to learn.

Role in PVP:

  • Exhaustion of the enemy - many defensive abilities do not allow attacking directly, you have to wait for an opportunity to attack
  • Air combos are the longest of all classes. Lots of aerial combo options
  • Capture

LSM is not as stuffed with control abilities as BM, but he does not need them - high damage completely covers their need.

LSM was literally born for PVP - one of the most convenient and simple classes for mastering the arena. Suitable for beginners

Summoning Master (SM / Cat / Catman)

The Summoning Master is never alone. He always has a reliable ally - a war cat (yes, with paws).

Summoning Master is similar to the classic Summoner, so fans of this class should like

Only available for race Lin... One of the few classes that is SO out of the ordinary concept of the game. Because of the cat ally and constant "Ali" is the most popular class in the game. There are even more cats than Forsov. The player will be able to choose a cat ally at the very beginning of the game and give him a name. In the future, he will be able to dress in special suits and change the appearance (eyes, coat color, etc.).

Cattlemen are the first of two classes that can heal opponents. Hill is far from the classic concept, but nonetheless it is.

Cats wield the elements:

  • Harmony of nature - if you have chosen this specialization, you can forget about the appearance of the weapon. You will almost always see a shooting sunflower in the hands of a character. The main difference between the elements - AOE
  • The energy of nature - there are no sunflowers, but there are wasps. Targeted specialization without impressive AOEs

Both specializations are equally popular with players. So you can choose calmly and not be afraid of censure.

The system assigned the Summoning Master difficulty 1 star(guess where the popularity comes from? (2)). Another fair assessment of the system. The easiest, most facerolling and cutest class in the game.

Role in PVE:

  • Hill - although there is no extreme need for it, it brings some benefits (especially noticeable in raids)
  • Protection - blocks allies from a deadly attack with a dandelion
  • DD is absurd, but the damage of the class is in no way inferior to the rest
  • Capture - the cat-ally goes with the enemy to the ground (funny, yes), immobilizing him and weakening the defense
  • Res - an ally cat conducts resuscitation actions to the lifeless body of an ally and resurrects it. 4 seconds faster than any other (plus the Catman himself is not distracted from the battle)

As you can see, the class is very useful, but they are biased towards it. And it is all the fault of unscrupulous players who for a long time formed an opinion about the Master of Summoning as a class for little girls, perverts and schoolchildren.

The excess of Cats creates a problem for finding a raid, but in general there are no big obstacles to the game. The Rusty Cat (like any other class) is always held in high esteem.

Role in PVP:

  • Capture - for capturing, the Cat can literally destroy the enemy if done correctly
  • Allied Defense
  • Exhaustion of the enemy - a lot of protective and immobilizing abilities + healing will allow you to fight almost endlessly

Cats are not deprived of control abilities and have a fairly high damage in PVP. Beginners often win by simply hitting buttons at random. But at a higher rating, this will not work.

The Summoning Wizard is also suitable for beginners. The class is not very haty, if you do not show off. It's quite comfortable to play

Spirit Master (WL / VL / Warlock)

Calling on the spirits, attacks opponents with powerful spells. Able to summon a powerful ally from the underworld.

Race available Sheng and Lin... Another class of the "summoner" type, but not so classic. Summons a dark spirit, which fights on the side of the owner for a short period of time, and then returns to the other world, waiting for new commands. The only ranged character with a static block. Not the most popular class - not for everybody.

Warlock owns the elements:

  • Distortion - powerful attacks combined with high speed give a significant advantage over the enemy. Specialization is not deprived of mobility
  • Curse - fast, but not as powerful attacks, rather low mobility. High damage is achieved by combinations of lightning attacks

Here, too, the specializations are quite balanced and not condemned by the community. Choose what you like

The system assigned the Master of Spirits difficulty 2.5 stars... A warlock is noticeably more difficult than a cat - you have to watch out for various kinds of curses to maintain adequate damage.

Role in PVE:

  • DD - damage is on average lower than that of other classes in equal equipment
  • Buff is the only good reason why Warlock is taken on any raid, even without gear.
  • Protection - forms a circle of fortitude that protects allies from control and reduces incoming damage

Buff Warlock "Wings of Spirits" activate the hidden abilities of characters and significantly increase damage. Due to the low competition and the urgent need for Warlocks, the doors are always open for them in any party and raid.

Role in PVP:

  • Aerial combo - merciless damage in a helpless state
  • Exhaustion - defensive abilities and the summoned spirit do not allow attacking the Warlock head-on
  • Total AOE Damage

If you want to benefit your party members, but you are not confident in your abilities, the Warlock is for you. Not the best choice for beginners due to the difficulty in mastering

Qi Master (SF / SF)

The qi master has attained spiritual excellence and has perfected the martial arts. Melee or ranged - it doesn't matter.

Race available Wang, Feng and Sheng... As well as LSM, it resembles a cross between KFM and Force. Similar abilities, but no more - the style of play is completely different. SF is able to switch without difficulty from melee to long-range and create comfortable conditions for combat. Unpopular class.

SF is the second and last class to have healing abilities. Hill is not as effective as Cat's, but in certain situations it is much more useful

SF owns the elements:

  • The circulation of qi - until the current patch was the only correct choice. The element has not lost its relevance, it is still very popular among players
  • The power of qi is upnut by the latest patches. Considered the choice for experienced players

Both specializations can be used seamlessly in any situation. But “Qi Power” is objectively more complicated. Choose what you like

The system assigned the Qi Master difficulty 2 stars... This is somewhat unfair, since the class still has significant difficulties. Subjectively, SFa can be estimated at 3-4 stars.

Role in PVE:

  • DD - huge damage in the initial stage of the battle
  • Hill - instantly restores a significant amount of health to allies
  • Buff - increases the maximum amount of health of allies for a short period of time
  • Res is a massive instant resurrection, an indispensable ability in complex instances

SF is an indispensable ally in difficult raids thanks to its resurrection and buff. Due to the low competition, the class is in great demand - you can easily find the raid.

Role in PVP:

  • Total control - a huge number of abilities that unbalance the enemy
  • Huge damage - under the right conditions, blurs the enemy into dust in seconds
  • Exhaustion - healing, coupled with defensive abilities, as well as the ability to toughly counterattack, prevents the enemy from attacking directly

As you can see, SF feels great in PVP in any modes (1x1 / 3x3 / 6x6), although it is not quite easy to learn.

The class for beginners is not quite suitable - you should start with something simpler

Shooting Master (Gunslinger / Ganner)

Using two pistols in battle, terrifies enemies with a rapid series of shots.

Available for races Sheng, Feng and Lin... Another very popular class since its introduction into the game. There is always a Gunner in every stalemate. Easy to learn, deals a lot of damage and has useful party abilities. In addition to pistols, he uses harpoons, with the help of which the class becomes super mobile.

Ganner owns the elements:

  • Furious Shooter - Crazy fierce shooting at the enemy, leaving him no chance to escape
  • Dark shooter - uses curses and is on the verge of madness. Step over the line - prepare for the consequences

The system assigned the Master of Shooting difficulty 2 stars... If we are fair to look at the class, it is no more difficult than the Cat Breeder (and this is 1 star).

We have prepared a small guide to rotations and initial equipment.

Role in PVE:

  • DD - damage in the most classical sense. Many and merciless
  • Buff - rolls back the cooldown of the main abilities of other classes (first of all, buffs for damage)

In general, that's all. This is the only reason why the Gunners are taken. There is an excess of them and it will be difficult to find a raid in weak equipment.

Role in PVP:

  • All-Out Damage is the only class that can easily dust an opponent into dust under minimal conditions
  • Exhaustion - Harpoons will prevent the enemy from getting close to the Shooting Master. In case of danger, Ganner can take off on an aerial platform and wait out the dangerous situation.

In PVP, everything is also quite simple and straightforward.

The class is easy to learn in both PVP and PVE. Suitable for beginners

Top 3 classes for beginners


So we examined the main features of each class. Do not attach much importance to the estimates of the system's complexity - they are built by the developers and often do not correspond to the real situation.

Remember a simple rule: if you want to enjoy the game, then do as you WANT, not as you SHOULD. Choose an interesting class for you, a convenient specialization and play.

You will always have time to choose another option - the account provides the player with 11 slots for creating characters! They do not need to be opened - they are immediately available in full

Discover a wonderful new world!

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