How to come up with new unique names for the characters in your stories. How to come up with new unique names for characters in your stories Toho characters

Tired of sorting out the same type of names for the heroes of your stories? It seems that you return again and again to the same trivial options? Here are some ways to come up with interesting, unusual names.


Creating Unique Names

    You can use the first name as the last name. Since first and last names usually sound very different, breaking this rule will help your character stand out a little from the others.

    • Examples of such rotations are: Anna Joey, Robert Gideon, Paul Michael
    • This subtle device is best suited for describing events unfolding in a place and time close to the author.
  1. Look for names in unexpected places. View the credits for a TV show or movie; there you can find a large number of atypical names and their combinations. When walking or driving around the city by bike or car, pay attention to the names of the streets. For a name, you can even borrow the name of a foreign city, a distant nebula, or an exotic plant.

    • This is a rather free approach, so it can be extended to the whole variety of genres and names: both male and female.
  2. Unusual options can be found in books. Look through the telephone directory or dictionary of names, especially children's names. There you can find many rare names and interesting variations of their pronunciation.

    • Is it possible to call common those found there: Resili, Kadia, Joval, Jantani, Karil or Kalin?
    • If you want not just to find a beautiful name, but strive for it to emphasize the character of the hero, refer to the library of myths. However, in order for it not to sound too banal (say, Athena), one will have to abandon Scandinavian, Greek or Roman mythology.
  3. Create names from simple words. They say that some of the names in Harry Potter JK Rowling made up as an anagram for a description of the character's character. There are a number of algorithms for such a search that can be used in such a selection. For instance:

    • Mix common names. So, from "Sarah" and "Josephine" you can get "Josar" and "Serafin"; "Garrett" and "Adrian" can become "Adriette" and "Garran", and so on.
    • Experiment with different pronunciations. Replace Michael with Mikael, Gabriel with Gibrel, etc.
    • Change the order of the letters in your own name (or your friend's name). If your name is Bob Smith, you can use letter inversion to get something like Omi Tibbs. Your friend Eileen can become Nelly, Annabelle Belanna, and so on.
    • Make anagrams for everyday words. For example, “laughter” can become the basis for the name Mesh, “jumper” for Gunpri. You can also use this method to create a name that suits your character's personality. So, a person named Mesh (from the word “laughter”) can be a joker and a merry fellow, and a character with an anagram name for the word “jumper” can really be fond of parkour and be known for jumping the highest.
  4. Arbitrary choice. If you're looking for something truly unique, abandon the principle of building on something you already know and try to come up with something completely new. It could be something in the realm of science fiction or fantasy stories that is completely out of your current cultural context.

    • Type in a text editor (for example, Word) a random set of letters. Then choose from it the sequence that seems most promising to you and redo it so that you like it.
    • Or you can cut out individual letters from a magazine, toss them up and see what combination you get when they hit the floor.
  5. Name a character after your favorite literary character. But try not to make it too obvious, because you don't want to openly plagiarize.

    • Let's say if you want to name your character after Katniss Everdeen, don't just call her Katniss Everdeen, as not only is that unoriginal, it's also a violation of copyright law. Instead, try to create a similar name, such as "Katarina" instead of "Katniss", or "Dean" instead of "Everdeen".
    • You can also use celebrity names to create new ones by mixing or combining them. For example, Justin Beiber and Kate Alexa could become Jaxa Kelbair.
  6. To create new names, use existing words and phrases: adapt them or write them down with errors. It could be a spelling mistake or the use of transliteration.

    • Let's try to write down with errors "Sort of". Let it turn out “Vratitavo”. Then, from what happened, we choose an interesting combination. For example: Titav, Itav or Rati.
    • Write down a short snippet of a song with no spaces between the words and try to find interesting combinations. For example, based on the fragment: “He who believes is on the way. The voice of the wind, the stars of love” we got Tover, Tigol, Etraz, Ritto, Losve, Etra, Azve.
  7. Change the gender of the name. Make a female name from a male one and vice versa.

    • But remember that not all names have an equivalent for the opposite sex.
  8. Look up names online. If you use a name generator program (which actually involves creating baby names, but still can be useful), you will most likely come across at least one, or even several, names that you want to name your heroes.

    Using your favorite letter (or letters)

    1. Make a list of letters that you would like to have in your name. If you are still hesitant, let it be just one of your favorite letters. For example, you want an L or S in a character's name because you like the way they sound or you feel they could match the character's personality.

      Pick an ending. Usually female names end in -a, -bel, -na, -li, -i, -ey, -lin, etc. Typical endings for male names: -ob, -ab, -an, -li, etc. Choose the one you like or make your own!

    2. Make up a name based on any word you like or the name of the first object that catches your eye when you look away from the monitor or look out of the window. If the name of this object, in your opinion, is not a very suitable launching pad for composing a name, pick up synonyms.

      • For example, you are looking at the moon. Why not also use the synonym "celestial body", from which you can create the name "Bessie".
    3. Add more letters to the ones you like. Let your favorite letters be “O” or “A”; you can add "n" and "x" to make "Hanna".

      • If the name you made up sounds a bit clumsy, add more letters, but don't overdo it.

    Finding names that match a character

    1. Use a name that fits into the atmosphere of your story. Names must be appropriate for the setting, time frame and/or country in which the events take place.

      • If the names sound typical of the region, it will add credibility to your story. For example, if the scene is China, then most likely the names should be completely different than in the story that takes place in Africa.
      • Another technique once used by John Brain is to use place names for names from the region or country where your character is located.
    2. Choose a name that is easy to pronounce. Most readers won't have the patience to spell out a hero's name every time it comes up. A name that is difficult to pronounce may even discourage the reader from further immersion in the plot, and he may even stop reading altogether.

      • Give preference to names that you can say out loud easily and practice saying them.
      • Avoid using too many oddly spelled names for your characters, as this can confuse the reader and even dampen their interest in the events.
    3. Think about what meaning(s) can be behind the name of the hero of your work. The meaning of the name can help you find the connection between what his name is and his character traits. Think about how the meaning of the name can emphasize his personality characteristics.

      • You can also use the name-character contrast technique to create a contrast between the sound or meaning of the name and the character's personality. For example, a rough and stubborn girl can be called Lacey, and a boring child can be called Brock.
    • Try changing the order of the letters in the word that describes the character. For example, Sly on Vakul, Shy - on Etzas Winch, Naive - on Naiya Van, and so on. Then you can add and remove letters as you wish.
    • If you need a name for a science fiction work, you can use combinations and combinations to your taste. There are thousands of names, and by combining names from science fiction, you can come up with a completely unique character.
    • Names such as Aristotle, Sebastian and Bridgell are good for classic stories, while Andrew and Tom or Emma and Sarah are great for the protagonists of more “modern” stories.
    • Modify the familiar name to break it into more interesting forms. For example, Chris can become Criss, Criss, or even Crystal.

In the games of the Japanese Touhou Project series, the characters change with each new installation. Only the main characters, Reimu Hakurei and , managed to maintain leadership positions and appear in every game in the Touhou universe. The rest of the bright charismatic girls take leading roles in episodes of the most popular danmaku franchise in the world for no more than one or two times.

Even die-hard fans of the series don't always know in which Touhou Project games the characters they like the most made their first debut. The Toho Project has 27 games, many official comics (manga) and printed stories (light novels). Some heroines are found only in Japanese audiobooks - Drama CD. But today, our focus is on the Touhou Project characters, which earned sympathy even among those Touhou fans who only played one or two games.

Charming Priestess Reimu Hakurei

One of the main characters in the Touhou games. The only priestess of the mystical Hakurei temple, which separates the world of vampires, magicians, gods of death and other evil spirits from the world of people.

Reimu has a developed intuition and sense of justice, she is extremely talented and easily learns new things. In battle, she uses her priestess kit: protective paper amulets with incantations and letters.

As with other Touhou Project characters, information about Reimu would be incomplete without mentioning her shortcomings. Catastrophic laziness prevents the girl from achieving success. Too lazy to spend time and effort in training, the priestess often finds herself in difficult situations in battle. But she is very responsible and never backs down from protecting the barrier.

Mysterious Magician Marisa Kirisame

The second recurring character in the Touhou series is Reimu's best friend. Unlike her, Marisa has only one bright natural talent, and that is her tenacity. It is only through hard work and diligence that Marisa manages to keep her fighting ability on par with the priestess Hakurei.

Kirisame is a mage of the School of Destruction. She owns magic at the highest level, is able to carry out powerful combinations of destructive spells. In Touhou's games, the hallmark of her magic is stars and laser flashes.

Although Reimu supports the idea that there should be order in the world, she herself can cause chaos at times: borrowing rare magical items from other characters "for a while" or playing pranks on her friends. Perhaps that is why the sorceress prefers to spend most of her time alone, doing research or wandering aimlessly through the Magic Forest.

Lazy Death Goddess Komachi Onozuka

Many Touhou Project characters are popular for their strong personalities. Komachi Onozuka is one of those. And although she is a shinigami (goddess of death), she has an incredibly optimistic and cheerful character. Working with the dead does not frighten her: on the contrary, she constantly makes fun of death and her work, which makes dialogues with her especially memorable.

Komachi knows how to not only use a scythe and control spirits. She has a unique power, the ability to manipulate the distance from herself to her destination at will. She actively exploits this power when she transports souls along the Sanzu River.

If you look at what Touhou Project characters look like in pictures, you can see that Komachi is more carefree than other heroines. Her easy-going nature has earned her a large following and has appeared in several spin-offs from the main Toho series.

The Hakurei Shrine is a structure that stands on the border with the human world.

Reimu is naturally talented and has good intuition, but because of her laziness, she neglects training. She has a calm nature and a sense of duty.

Second main character in the series, first appearing in the second game (Story of Eastern Wonderland) as an enemy. Marisa is a sorceress who lives in the Magic Forest. She is a good friend of Reimu and often visits her, but mostly leads a solitary life, doing various magical research. Marisa loves to collect magical (and not only) items, often "borrowing" things without returning them to their rightful owners.

Marisa is selfish and short-tempered, but she is also honest and hardworking. In order to reach the level of Reimu, whose ability comes from talent, she trains hard.

Marisa's specialty is high power destruction magic. In games, lasers and stars are the hallmark of her attacks. Marisa "borrowed" many spells from other characters: for example, she is the author of her "signature" spell "Master Spark".

Highly Responsive to Prayers

Stage 5 boss. The gatekeeper can appear in the following forms: a yin-yang sphere, a female priestess or a male priest.

Stage 10 boss of the Makai route. Represents 5 eyes connected by electrical discharges. His name means "bottomless magical eye".

Stage 15 boss of the Makai route.

The last boss of the Makai route.

Her name is the same as that of the archangel Sariel.

Stage 10 boss of the Jigoku route, and an important character in subsequent PC-98 games. In the past, she was an evil spirit, later she became more kind and humane. She lives near the Hakurei Shrine and likes to play pranks on Reimu.

Stage 15 boss of the Jigoku route. A moon-like sphere engraved with the image of a young girl surrounded by a purple aura.

The final boss of the Jigoku route, the Astral Knight.

Other characters:

  • (playable character)

The Story of Eastern Wonderland

A turtle with a gray beard, Reimu's companion. During his long life (he is older than his mistress) he acquired many magical abilities, in particular the ability to fly. One of two male characters that appear in the games of the series.

Boss 1st (controls "Flower Tank" ふらわ~戦車) and extra stage (pilots "Mad Eye" イビルアイ∑), engineer. The only character in the entire series to use vehicles in combat.

Other characters:

  • (playable character)
  • (boss stage 4)
  • (last stage boss)

Phantasmagoria of Dim. dream

Ellen is an eternally young witch with a bad memory. Presumably not human.

Ellen is originally a character in Hatarakimono (はたらきもの) by Izumi Takemoto.

A princess who calls herself a police officer. Likes to collect interesting (mostly her alone) things.

A mentally unstable girl who became a poltergeist.

One of the few residents of Gensokyo who prefers science to magic. The only girl in the series to wear glasses.

Yumemi's assistant.

Professor, came to Gensokyo to study magic.

Other characters:

She can control the 7 elements (Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, Metal, Sun, Moon), by which the days of the week are named in Japan; hence, she is sometimes referred to as the "Witch of One Week". Due to poor health (in particular), she is not always able to cope with spells. She has a tense relationship with Marisa, as she has a habit of borrowing books without asking.

Stage 5 boss, playable character in Touhou 7-9 and 10.5. Sakuya is the only person in the Scarlet Devil Mansion and also the head maid. The official says that in the past she was probably a vampire hunter, but was defeated by Remilia Scarlet, who, however, saved her life and gave her current name.

Sakuya is able to slow down and stop time, and possibly turn it back. She is proficient with throwing knives and is also a good cook.

The final boss is a playable character in Touhou 7.5, 8, and 10.5. Remilia - the mistress of the Mansion, calls herself a descendant, which in fact is not true. Although she is known as the Scarlet Devil, almost no one died from her bites and did not become a vampire. Despite being over 500 years old, she often acts childish.

She is able to control fate (which, however, has never been demonstrated in games). Remilia also prefers close combat to a bullet curtain.

The name of her musical theme is similar to Maurice Ravel's Pavane for the Death of the Infanta.

Extra Stage Boss. Remilia's younger sister, spent 495 years in the basement of the Mansion due to her destructive powers. Despite this, she loves her sister and doesn't usually try to run away.

Vampires tend to try to keep their victims alive so they can drink their blood, but Flandre has always been fed pre-cooked meals, and she doesn't know the origin of her "food". Therefore, she does not hold back in battles and completely destroys opponents.

Other characters:

  • (playable character)
  • (playable character)

Perfect Cherry Blossom

Boss of the 1st stage. A yōkai that only appears in winter.

Letty rejoices in the long winter, but understands that one day the winter must end, so she does not fight the heroine at full strength.

2nd Stage Boss and Extra Stage Mid Boss. She is Ran's shikigami, who in turn is Yukari's shikigami. Like normal cats, she is afraid of water and loves catnip. In winter, most of the time he sleeps under.

Boss of the 3rd stage, a sorceress. The first character in a PC-98 game (not counting the main characters) to appear in the Windows series.

Alice is the most skilled puppeteer in Gensokyo, her various attacks are based on puppet control; she also prefers strategy over brute force. The names of two of her dolls are known: and Horai (Hourai).

In official writings, she is presented as unsociable and indifferent, sometimes attacking others for fun; however, she prefers a fair fight and will not fight a weak opponent at full strength. In fan art, by contrast, Alice is often portrayed as sensitive and vulnerable.

Fairy proclaiming the coming of spring.

The first mid-stage boss to receive an official game profile (except for Sirno).

Bosses of the 4th stage. In the past, they were the daughters of a noble person (Count Prismriver), but by chance they were separated. The 4th daughter, Lila Prismriver, was unable to leave the mansion with which her memories were linked. With her most powerful spell, she created poltergeists that looked like her older sisters; gradually forgot about her and the mansion. But even after many years, poltergeists continue their noisy life.

They were later hired by Yuyuko Saigyouji to perform at the upcoming Flower Festival. The player encounters them at the gate to the Otherworld.

The older sister plays the violin and prefers solo performances. Honest and probably the most balanced of the sisters.

The middle sister plays the trumpet. She has the strongest magic among the sisters, but her technique is not very good. She is fun and engaging.

The younger sister plays any instrument well, but prefers keyboards. She is cunning and manipulative, often forcing her sisters to fight in her place.

Stage 5 boss, playable character in Touhou 7.5-9 and 10.5. Youmu is a gardener, Hakugyokurou. She belongs to a very rare family of half-ghosts; while the human and ghostly "halves" represent 2 different bodies, which, however, are always next to each other. For a half-ghost, Youmu is very young, under 60; her real age is unknown.

She can move at great speed and is also a skilled swordsman. With the swing of her swords, she creates powerful danmaku; she can also slow down time (not through magic, but because time around her freezes when she moves at high speed).

Last boss, playable character in Touhou 7.5, 8 and 10.5. Yuyuko - "princess", Hakugyokurou. She practically does not communicate with the inhabitants of Gensokyo, her only friend from the world of the living is Yukari.

Despite her playful and good-natured nature, she is intelligent and extremely perceptive. For example, she was the only one who determined who Fujiwara Mokou was at a glance. Yuyuko is able to literally “breathe” death into any living being, but she understands all the responsibility and practically does not use this power. Her danmaku can be recognized by her butterfly-shaped bullets.

Extra Stage Boss and Mid Phantasm Stage Boss. Nine-tailed fox yokai, shikigami Yukari Yakumo. She is powerful enough even without the support of the mistress; besides, she also has a shikigami - Chen. Since Yukari sleeps 12 hours a day, Ran has to do the backlog of work for her.

Phantasm stage boss, playable character in Touhou 7.5, 8 and 10.5. Yukari is an ancient youkai (over 1200 years old) living on the border of Gensokyo, Yuyuko's good friend and Reimu's acquaintance.

He sleeps most of the time, leaving everything to Ran and Chen. She is capable of manipulating space, but often simply calls her .

Other characters:

  • (playable character)
  • (playable character)
  • (playable character)
  • (boss of the middle of the 1st stage)

Immaterial and Missing Power

Oni girl, loves alcoholic drinks, holidays and competitions. Despite her diminutiveness, she is physically strong, fast, and wields powerful magic (for example, she can turn her body into mist).

Other characters:

  • (version 1.10)

Imperishable Night

Boss of the 1st stage. It can gather flocks of insects around itself, including poisonous ones. Afraid of fire and cold.

Stage 2 boss and playable character in Touhou 9. A night sparrow that lives near the road to the human village. Blinds travelers and knocks them out of the way; her singing can deprive a person of reason.

The incident in Imperishable Night where Yuyuko allegedly ate her made Mystia a popular comic character. However, she returned safely to Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

Boss of the 3rd stage. She did not use, but became a werewolf-hakutaku under unknown circumstances. Keine treats people well and considers it her duty to protect their village (she changes history by hiding the village when she senses the approach of a hostile youkai). She is belligerent and often takes simple wanderers for intruders.

In the village, she teaches children and also works with historical documents. Apparently, she has a special relationship with a man named.

Stage 5 boss, playable character in Touhou 9. Her name is a reference to the story from Inaba the White Hare. She evolved from a rabbit to a youkai over her long life (she is approximately 1300 years old). The luck it brings is equivalent to a 40-leaf y.

Stage 5 boss, playable character in Touhou 9. Moon rabbit who settled in Gensokyo approximately 30 years ago to escape the war between the Moon and Earth. She is able to deprive people of their minds with a glance (mainly with the help) and telepathically communicate with representatives of their own species. "Udongein" and "Inaba" are nicknames, the former was given to her by Eirin, the latter by Kaguya.

Some players consider her bullets to be similar to , which makes her somewhat comical.

The boss of the last stage A and the boss of the middle of the last stage B. A genius pharmacist who once lived on the moon. Kaguya convinced her to make the forbidden Hourai Elixir - - and drank it. The crime became known and Kaguya was sent into exile on Earth; Eirin felt guilty for what had happened. Some time later, Kaguya was forgiven and sent to Earth by a group of messengers (which included Eirin) to bring her back. However, she did not want to return, and Eirin destroyed the gonzia in the eyes of the earthlings. As payment for their silence, she gives them the Hourai Elixir and stays with Kaguya in Gensokyo.

Last boss Imperial Night, the Princess of the Moon, who was banished to Earth and became immortal after taking the Hourai Elixir.

Since she has lived in Eientei for over 1,000 years, she is often portrayed in dōjinshi as either NEET (Unemployed).

Extra Stage Boss. The daughter of a noble person (possibly no Fuhito), accompanied Kaguya during her exile on Earth. She began to hate Kaguya after her father was unable to handle Kaguya's Impossible Tasks. Became immortal with the Hourai Elixir.

Accidentally ending up in Gensokyo, she runs into Kaguya. They still hate each other and are constantly fighting, even though they are both immortal.

Mokou can resurrect endlessly, but she still feels pain. She can also control fire.

Other characters:

Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Playable character in Touhou 9 and 10.5, only playable character in Touhou 9.5, stage 4 boss in Touhou 10, main character in official fanbook Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red. A journalist and photographer, he single-handedly publishes a newspaper called the Bunbunmaru Shinbun.

She is serious, which cannot be said about her reports, full of rumors and gossip. She never wrote about Reimu's exploits, citing the impossibility of verifying the truth of these events. Doesn't like to fight.

An abandoned doll that became a yōkai after years of being exposed to Ōue poison. Fights for the rights of dolls (although she is the only one with free will), does not like people for their manipulation of dolls.

Second PC-98 character after Alice Margatroid to appear in the Windows series. Loves flowers. Creator of the Master Spark and Dual Spark spells.

Ferrying souls across the Sanzu River to the afterlife. He often takes his work lightly. Her bullets resemble , symbolizing the payment for the crossing.

Playable character in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.

Her name is likely a reference to the poet Ono no Komachi.

Reimu Hakurei is a miko that appears in almost every game in the Touhou series. Despite his indifferent nature, every time he saves the scene aka Gensokyo (Gensokyo). Became the symbol of Touhou. Also known for the meme "Armpit Sex", but more on that below.

Marisa Kirisame- a sorceress, and not one of those who are shown in a zombie box and whom fairies imagine. Received a reputation as an unreliable member of society: she will borrow anything without permission - from books and dolls to spells and things that are absolutely important for others (Marisa stole the Precious Thing) (And all in the name of science!). It also appears everywhere, as well as Reimu, and became famous for the Master Spark spell (something similar to a super-powerful laser that burns everyone caught in a cone of destruction). Conducts scientific work, experimenting with magic mushrooms.

Suika Ibuki- Japanese giant (Oni), but looks like a horned loli. She became famous for her alcoholism, and thanks to Silver Forest and their song “ Tsurupettan”- also the lack of breasts.

Sakuya Izayoi- meido in the service of a vampire. He owns time, so he can throw a huge number of knives in 1 second. She became famous thanks to the artists from Tasofro (helped ZUN make touhou fighting games), who added breasts to her (ZUN does not care about boobs in his games, and almost all of his characters are breastless), as a result of which there were rumors that Sakuya breast false. However, then they calmed down, but some remember and even use it in their doji. The favorite object of fap for most fans.

Remilia Scarlet- A vampire in the service of which is Sakuya. Able to twirl the fate of the patient or victim, as she pleases. Known for her CHARISMA (yes, that's right), her character and pathos. Afraid of sunlight.

Flandre Scarlet- also a vampire, found only in one game of the series - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Despite this, she is liked by most Tochophages. Sadly famous for her disposition (despite the fact that she behaves and looks like a child, she has the ability to erase objects from the face of the Earth, which, at her momentary whim, can be activated) and srach among Ychanovsky anonymous about the translation of her name into Russian.

Reisen Udongein Inaba- moon rabbit, fled to this planet after the attack from Apollo 11. In terms of the amount of fap material, it seems to overtake the maida mentioned above - Western fans even got the meme “I’m just a useless little bunny, only good for my sex appeal”. (Though, if you take into account the fact that toho girls, basically, serve as just the same object for fap, then we can say that Reisen is perhaps the most useful.)

Kaguya Houraisan- the princess of the Moon, who escaped from there and, after drinking the magical Elixir of Immortality (Hourai Elixir, yoba), does not want to return. Because he sits in Gensokyo with Reisen, Eirin and friendly earth rabbits. Less well-known than Reisen and Sakuya, but became famous among the toufagus for two things: they represent her as NEET, and thanks to the Japanese fan song "Eirin, Eirin, help me, Eirin!" she is sometimes portrayed by fans as a helpless girl who, in case of danger, hides behind her maid doctor.

Yuyuko Saigyouji- a girl who became a hero, but in some unknown way her soul ended up in Hagukyokuro, where she became a kind of "princess of the dead." Because of the joke, ZUNA became famous among fans as a terrible glutton who can go to cannibalism.

Youmu Konpaku Yuyuko's gardener and swordsmanship teacher. Man and ghost at the same time. When using the 200 Yeojan in One Cut spellcard, the slowest sword strikes are calculated to be Mach 70 (seventy times the speed of sound, or 85,120 km/h above sea level), fast enough to circumnavigate the entire Earth at the equator in less than half an hour and about three times as long as it takes to enter the Earth's orbit. One dōjinshi describes too many details trying to address these specifics, and it has been decided that her theoretical maximum speed is about one quarter the speed of light.

Utsuho Reiuji- Yatagarasu aka Three-legged Crow, Chernobyl-chan. Appeared along with SA (Subterranean Animism, the 11th danmaku shooter from Team Shanghai Alice). She became famous as the only true villain in Toho, because in SA she wanted to capture all of Gensokyo. Her venture ended in a fail. Also known for being the only girl to have an Arm Cannon. Utsuho is also known to be an idiot worse than Cirno, as a result of which she has the nickname "⑥". It is a mascot ode to a little-known imageboard, however, pseudoscientific. Every other fan art with Utsuho is epic.

Yukari Yakumo- Almost a G-d in Gensokyo, as her main ability is the manipulation of borders and boundaries. Known for three things: First, she has a shikigami, which has a shikigami. Secondly, she can open a portal anywhere. And thirdly, she is known to be a creepy sleepyhead and a lazy person, although if it comes down to Gensokyo's fate, her Sense of Her Own Patriotism may be heightened. She entertains herself by climbing out of spatial pockets in all sorts of places and subtly trolls anyone who dares to speak to her. Also known for making a mess with Lunar War II just to get drunk.

cirno- Nuff said.

Alice Margatroid- the most famous Alice among the Tochophages. She is a sorceress-puppeteer (however, she wields ordinary, small puppets, thank God not with corpses). Known for her love for Marisa, the meme "Everybody loves Alice" (Allows you to draw any pairing with Alice) and the fact that it is also the most fapable. Among Japanese painters, however, another idea is popular - that Alice, on the basis of loneliness in the society of dolls and unrequited love for Marisa, has become the most natural yandere.

Suwako Moriya is a goddess who appeared in Gensokyo in the 10th danmaku shooter. She became famous for her unusual hat. Some consider her a loli, but Orthodox Tochofagi know that she is just short.

Byakuren Hiziri- as soon as this character appeared, so after a few days he received the reputation of "Youkai Christ". However, this reputation did not prevent Byakuren from becoming the object of a fap among some Touhou nerds.

Ran Yakumo- Shikigami Yukari. Known for showing strong maternal instincts towards Chen and for being a professional nudist. Both things came from phages.

Chen- shikigami Ran. Sweet and cute to the point of horror and nosebleeds.

Nitori Kawashiro is a kawaii kappa with a tougher look thanks to the Double Spoiler. Sometimes he drowns people for the lulz. Anonymous is named after her in Ychan's toho section.

Yuka Kazami- one of the few characters transferred from old games (up to part 6) to new ones. A flower youkai, creator of the original Master Spark spell, which was later "borrowed" by Marisa. Anonymous fell in love with her sadistic nature, love for unhealthy lulz and charming smile. The self-proclaimed strongest yokai and officially a yokai-moe. Also known for her BDSM peering with the masochist Tenshi Hinanai.

Aya Shameimaru and Sanae Kochiya- the first paparazzi tengu and journalist, the second - a colleague of Reimu. They became famous as corrupt girls among some, which is why, probably, they are still the cause of butthurt among them. They got it for the fact that they began to appear more often than other Persians, clearly intending to overtake Reimu and Marisa.

Patchouli Knowledge is an asthmatic sorceress who spends most of her time in the Scarlet Devil Mansion library. Loves books. Considered true hikkikomori, as he rarely leaves the library. Marisa occasionally steals spells (and books) from her.

Koakuma- a kawaii imp, about which relatively little is known. Works as a librarian at the Scarlet Devil Mansion library. Many consider her easy-going and carefree, but Zoon said in an interview quite the opposite.

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