Game connoisseurs of the rules of the road. A quiz game for the senior group “Connoisseurs of the rules of the road. List of used literature

Natalya Pershina
Quiz game on traffic rules in the senior group "Connoisseurs of the road rules"

Target: repeat and pin Traffic Laws.


1. Consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules.

2. Develop auditory perception based on the distinction of sounds on road.

3. Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with the image.

4. Increase the level of logical thinking, concentration.

5. Cultivate friendly relationships, encourage mutual assistance.

6. Creating a positive emotional mood.

Material: presentation equipment, electronic presentation, music center, two children's tables, children's chairs, split pictures of cars, road signs, ties for teams "Zebra" and "Motorists", easel, chips, cards with traffic lights, certificates.

preliminary work:

Conversations on traffic rules "Urban public transport", "Biking", "Important rules for pedestrians» ;

- didactic games: "Distracted Artist", "Indicating signs", "Answer the traffic light";

Role-playing games "Visiting Trip", "Bus"

Board games on the layout, using models of vehicles, figurines of pedestrians, traffic lights;

Reading fiction;

Looking at illustrations about rules behavior in public transport

Painting "Our street"

Writing a story about road scene situations.

Lesson progress:

To the sound of a song "Chauffeur" includes two teams of children "zebra" and "Motorists".


Hello friends!

Today is a big and interesting day in the hall!

We start our fun

Everyone's favorite KVN!

What is KVN - this is the Club of the cheerful and resourceful! We will compete in knowledge traffic rules.

Our game will be evaluated by the jury. Introducing the members jury:

2 will take part in the game teams: team "Zebra" captain Sasha and crew "Motorists" Captain Lena.

Teams greet each other.

Team greeting "Zebra"

Zebra - skillful team

Smart, strong, brave!

Hurry up to compete with us

We are adults, not kids.

Team greeting "Motorists"

We are motorists

Don't stand in the way

Our team is always ahead!

I ask the teams to take their places.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, facing the screen.

Knock on the door.

Inspector: - Guys, I'm a traffic police inspector, Petrov Nikolai Ivanovich. I heard that you met this year traffic rules movements and want to test your knowledge.

Leading: You ended up in kindergarten, at the game of cheerful and resourceful. The theme of today's game « Road rules experts» .

Inspector: Today I will ask the guys questions.

Leading: remind regulations: you need to carefully listen to the task or question, discuss it in a team

and give an answer. Per right answer the team receives a prize- "typewriter".

Warm up "Blitz questions"

Inspector: Well done, guys with a warm-up you coped.

Let's start round 1 "ABC of the Pedestrian".

Each team is asked four multiple-choice questions. Need to choose correct answer.

Questions and answers to the team "Zebra":

1. What traffic signal can you switch to road? (to green)

2. How many wheels does the car have? (5 wheels - spare wheel; 4 wheels)

3. What geometric shapes on the carriageway of the street and roads marked pedestrian crossing? (Rectangle)

4. If on there was a problem on the road call urgently... (02)

Questions and answers to the team "Motorists":

1. What cars can run a red light? (Special vehicles)

2. What road sign does not exist? (Airplane)

3. Where should I expect the bus? (Stop)

4. Who will help you get through road? (Zebra)

(for every right The team receives the answer for 1 typewriter.)

Inspector: - Well done, completed the task.

This round is over and we move on to the 2nd round. "Guess the sounds road» . (A welcome melody sounds, the name of the round appears on the screen)

Let's see if you can recognize the sounds on road. Team starts "Zebra", then command "Motorists" and so on in turn.

Sounds audio recording of the sounds of the car, police siren, tractor, motorcycle and horse teams take turns guessing the sound. Images appear on the screen.

Inspector: -Answered correctly, guessed all the sounds, you get 1 typewriter. This ends the second round.

Leading: We announce a musical pause! (The title appears on the screen. "Musical pause"). The children go to the middle of the room.

Dance « Road signs»

The children return to their seats.

Inspector: - Let's start the 3rd round "Automulti". (A welcome melody sounds, the name of the round appears on the screen).

All of you love to watch cartoons. Now let's check if you know what kind of transport the cartoon characters traveled on. (Participants are invited to answer questions about cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles. The commands are answered in turn. The screen displays

image of a fairy-tale hero. After child's correct answer, the vehicle appears)

1 team "Zebra"

How did Emelya ride to the king's palace? (On the stove).

What is Leopold's cat's favorite mode of transport? (bicycle).

What did the Good Fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (Into the carriage).

2 team "Motorists"

What personal transport does Baba Yaga have? (Mortar).

On what did the absent-minded person go to Leningrad? (By train).

What did the parents of Uncle Fyodor give to the postman Pechkin? (A bike).

Inspector: -Well done guys, and with this task you too coped. You get 1 more machine.

4th round "Talking Signs" (riddles in which names are hidden road signs) .

(A welcome melody sounds, the name of the round appears on the screen.).

Participants are asked to solve riddles about road signs.

If you are in a hurry on your way

Pass through the street

Go where all the people

Where the sign is. (crosswalk).

And under this sign

No way

Ride on, kids

By bike. (Biking is prohibited)

Lena with Nastenka anxiety:

They need a doctor road.

Don't look sad

Help is near, help is near. (Point of medical assistance)

If you want to eat-

Look here soon:

This sign will tell you

There is delicious food here! (Point of supply).

Here Men at work-

Do not pass, do not pass.

This place is for pedestrians.

It's better to just bypass. (Road works) .

Neither in the yard, nor in the alley,

Not in the empty alley

Don't drive here

This sign will not allow.

Remember! He means "No cars allowed!"

Symbol images appear on the screen.

Inspector: Thanks guys, helped cope with and with this task you get 1 more typewriter.

5 round "The situation on road»

Inspector: I propose to consider the illustration and tell what is on it kids doing it wrong.

(A photo appears on the screen with a certain situation on road, the team needs to explain what danger is present in this situation, 1 minute is given for discussion.) right the answer is received by the typewriter.

(Summing up the results of the 5th round)

Inspector: Team captains will participate in this round. I have prepared envelopes, and we will soon find out what is in them.

"Captain Contest"

(Cut pictures are laid out on two tables. Team captains perform the task.)

6 round "Man in trouble!"- you need to provide first aid.

Leading: It's time to warm up and hold the relay.

Relay race medical care.

Child (a member of the team) sits on a chair at the end of the hall opposite the team (1 member)

2 participant - reaches 1, brings a bandage.

3 participant - reaches 1, bring iodine.

4 participant - brings cotton wool

5. bandages the leg.

6th and 7th participants - help the child jump on one leg.

Well done guys, you completed all tasks.

Inspector: While the jury sums up the results of the competition, we are all with you let's play a game. The game is called"Traffic lights" and she has such regulations: when I show you the green circle, then you should stomp your feet, imitating walking, the yellow circle - you clap your hands, and on the red circle - we keep silence.

Leading: And now we give the floor to our esteemed jury. Awarding with diplomas.

Inspector: Guys, you are all great! The children showed excellent knowledge.

Be careful out there, kids!

Remember firmly these rules.

Remember these rules are always,

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Leading: Our quiz is over « Road rules experts» . Now the guys will sing a song.

The game "Competition of connoisseurs of traffic rules."

Event goals:

Repeat the rules of the road;

Show the importance of following these rules.

Age of participants: 8 - 10 years.


Exhibition of drawings on the theme of the event;

Exhibition of books - reference books;


Road signs cards;

Puzzle cards;

Boots of large sizes - 2 pairs;

2 gymnastic sticks;

6 ropes - belts;

2 hoops;

2 cards for writing competition No. 5;

Sheets of paper.

Jury: educator of the detachment, counselor.

The results were summed up after each competition and announced to the group by the jury members.

Teams were formed from camp units. The condition was only an equal number of players in each team.

The reward that awaited the winning team was candy and applause.

Game idea: to repeat the rules of the road in an interesting way.

Game task:

Actively participate in competitions, achieving victory.

Event progress:


There are so many movements on our streets,

There are so many cars everywhere!

But don't get lost, don't be afraid of the road

And just hurry up to learn the rules!

First student.

The city in which we live with you

It can rightly be compared with the "Primer".

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Second student.

Here it is, the alphabet -

Above head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.

Competition No. 1 "Connoisseurs of puzzles":

Participants must guess the word.

No. 1 (traffic light).


Competition No. 2 "Brainstorming":


1. On the bus, Mitya is called a passenger. And what will they call him if he walks along the side of the road?

(A pedestrian).



2. What is the name of the place on

Is the roadway safe for pedestrians?

("Safety Island").

Walk across the street there, pedestrian

Where is the sign indicated to you


Stitch points on asphalt -


3. What is the name of the most dangerous place for pedestrians on the roadway?


Where do you need to cross the street?

Remember the simple rule:

With attention to the left, first look

Look to the right then!

Spare health, spare life

Follow the movement!

4. Where should pedestrians walk?

(On the sidewalk).

It should be easy to explain

Whether you are young or old:

Pavement - for transport,

For you - the sidewalk!

5. How should you bypass the bus: behind or in front?

(Behind to see cars following the bus).

6. How should a pedestrian move on a country road?

(On the side of the road, towards oncoming traffic).


To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly

You gotta traffic rules

Observe always and everywhere.

Young citizens, Tanya and Petit,

Please remember these rules!

Competition No. 3 "Riddles":

No one in the world can do that

With one hand

Stop the flow of passers-by

And skip the trucks.


I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.


Strange zebra:

Doesn't eat or drink

But without food and drink he will not die.


He is very important and yet

It looks like a brick!

I know, and you, and he -

It's a sign….

("No entry").

In the triangle guys

A man stands with a shovel

Digs something, builds something,

Here is a sign...

("Road works").


What is that underground?

A sign will save you from the car ...

("Underground pass").

This light is the most severe.

If it is on, the path is closed to everyone.

(Red traffic light).

This eye will blink to the people -

Get ready for the transition!

(Yellow traffic light).

Competition No. 4 "Fabulous Pedestrians":

"Puss in Boots":

Run in large shoes between pins, making 3 bows at each pin.

"Frog traveler":

Two on their shoulders (“ducks”) hold a gymnastic stick, and 1 more participant hangs on it, who cannot touch the floor with their feet. Carry "ducks" the whole team.


For three players, tie the legs so as to get 4 legs of the “Beast of the Serpent Gorynych”. Hands are placed on each other's shoulders. This is how they cross the road. Who quickly?

"Teremok", where players become taxi drivers:

6 people in a column. The first one runs to the hoop, gets into it, picks up and picks up the second participant, runs around the skittle and runs after the next.

"Cockroach Run":

2 members from each team.

One participant puts his legs on the back of the other, runs on his hands, rolling a small ball in front of him. The second participant runs on all fours to the finish line. Then they change roles and return to the starting point.

Remember kids!

game on the road

Anyone can be left legless.

And ride, run then

You don't have to, friends, ever!

Contest No. 5:

On the cards of each team, road signs are drawn on the left, and the names of the road signs are given in random order on the right. It is necessary to quickly connect both halves with arrows. As a result, we get such pairs:


Frol rolled on a scooter,

He suddenly decided to take a break.

Soon Frol saw the sign,

Found a place to rest.

The train will be here soon

Having rolled from distant places.

So that trouble does not happen -

Caution: Moving!

"Railroad crossing".

I saw that brick

Thought it was close to a construction site.

Only if you go there

Know: by right - "deuce".

Where is the road work

There the driver cares

But as a result of those works

He will not know worries!

"Road works".

"Caution: children"!

The new sign means:

Here the cars do not hurry,

Because somewhere near

School or kindergarten.


Don't yawn, look ahead

Your route will cross

Not a dog or a cat


Gas station sign and car

Remember: there is a time.

There is no food tastier than gasoline

For the machine inside!

And the driver would too

Need to refresh!

How to see this sign -

No way to keep.

"Food point".

"Railroad crossing".

-What is this fence?

Yegor thinks for a long time.

There is no garden, garden,

For cars, it is still an obstacle!

Not the most difficult road will explain what and how

Your friend is strict and reliable, a true friend is a road sign!

You just need to grow up to go through everything yourself,

Year after year, sign after sign, and - a happy journey!


1. "Educational work in grade 2" / Compiled by Smirnova E. A. / publishing house "Extremum", Volgograd, 2005.

2. Poems "For pedestrians", V. Timofeev; "Friends", A. Eidelman. 1963

3. Collections of riddles.

4. "Road signs" Boris Vakhnyuk, ed. "Hutber - M", Moscow, 2005.

In addition, riddles and poems of their own composition were used.

Intellectual game "Connoisseurs of the rules of the road».

Target: Formation of skills of safe behavior on the roads. To consolidate the basic knowledge of children about road signs, traffic lights, to develop interest in the study of traffic rules, to bring children to the realization of the need to comply with the rules of the road.

Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, ditties, repeating the rules of the road, signs, watching the cartoon “We are going across the road”, an exhibition of drawings.

Equipment: easel, posters on traffic rules, traffic light model, floor road signs, pictures of "traffic situations".

Program content:

    To consolidate the knowledge of children and parents about the rules of safe behavior on the roads, to identify the level of practical and theoretical knowledge of parents.

    Develop intellectual functions: thinking, memory, orientation in space when performing the tasks "Assemble the sign", "Find your road sign".

    Raise the interest of children in the accumulation of knowledge of the rules of the road.

Game progress.

Host: Good evening, dear guests, parents, guys! We are glad to welcome you to the intellectual game "Experts on the road". In our age of high speeds, many cars, traffic accidents, it is necessary to know and follow the rules of the road.

Today, children and parents of the older group take part in the game.

The song "To all passers-by for a long time ..."

We have 2 teams taking part in the game: "Red Light" and "Green Light". (Commands exit.)

Today's meeting will be judged by a competent jury:

1. Head of traffic police department

2. Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6".

3. Chairman of the parent committee.

The word for greeting is given to the Red Light team.

Motto: We are little red lights,

We don't like ridicule.

You follow all the rules

And don't yawn on the road.

Team "Green Light"

Motto: The green ones are ahead too,

They will tell you when to cross the road.

You, remember, this is always a friend,

So that suddenly trouble does not happen.

    Competition "Warm-up"

Questions for children:

    Name the part of the road that pedestrians walk on. (SIDEWALK)

    A striped path, called a zebra, but not the one in the zoo, people all go along it. (TRANSITION)

    I blink my eyes day and night and help cars and I want to help you. (TRAFFIC LIGHTS).

    The house goes down the street, everyone is lucky to work, not on thin chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (BUS).

    Edge of the road. (ROAD).

    What is in the hands of the regulator? (ROAD)

    Transport with a sidecar. (MOTORCYCLE).

    Man walking on the road. (A PEDESTRIAN).

    Not alive, but walking, motionless, but leading. (ROAD).

    Lucky, not a horse, he himself is in boots, he will look at the red and get up. (AUTOMOBILE).

Questions for parents:

1. When the car is moving, which wheel does not spin. (SPARE).

2. Who is the owner of the intersection. (TRAFFIC LIGHTS).

3. in cars. (MOTOR).

4. What color of the traffic signal is missing in the poem "My cheerful sonorous ball." (GREEN).

5. Transport accident. (CRASH).

6. Crossing two roads. (CROSSROADS).

7. What part of the road is reserved for cars. (DRIVING).

8. In which fairy tale and which hero has a hat of the same color as a forbidding traffic light. (LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD).

9. How to cross the street with a child. (HOLD THE CHILD BY THE WRIST).

10. What is the name of the traffic controller's wand. (ROAD).

Presenter: When a person learns to read, he is shown letters. Words are made from letters, sentences are made from words. The road language also has letters - signs. They do not need to be put into words. One sign - one road letter means a whole phrase - a road signal.

The city in which we live with you

You can rightly compare with the primer.

Here it is the alphabet over the pavement

The signs are hung overhead.

It is clear to all smart guys:

Where the road - there is dangerous!

Look out, pedestrian

Black and white transition!

Green light not on?

No traffic lights?

What's happened? How so?

Look for the blue sign.

Is the person walking in it?

So this is a transition.

Stand quietly by the road

Don't run, don't be a bully

Take mom by the hand

Right - look left!

We invite you to move:

Come forward with me!

2 Competition "Caution signs"

Task for children:

1 The Red Light team finds and names prohibition signs.

2 The Green Light team finds and names the prescriptive signs.

Task for parents:

1 Team "Red Light":

    "Hooray! Lessons canceled! (BEWARE CHILDREN)

    "Balls without rollers" (TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROL)

    "Sleep, my joy, sleep" (SOUND SIGNAL IS FORBIDDEN)

2 Team « Green Light"

    "Don't walk on the piano" (CROSSING)

    "The Treasure of the Cat Leopold" (ROAD WORKS).

    “Winds and miles, running away into the distance, you sit down and just press the pedal.” (INTERSECTION WITH BIKE PATH).

Leading: Well done! You have completed the task.

3 Competition "Who is faster."

Game for children "Assemble a road sign."

Players are invited to collect road signs piece by piece. The team that quickly folded all the signs correctly wins.

Game for parents "Truckers"

Players line up one after another, hands are placed on the shoulders of the person in front of them. The first is the driver, the rest is the trailer (blindfolded). Players move between objects. The team that reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

4 Competition "Come up with a road sign."

Teams must come up with and draw a road sign.

At this time, children who are not participating perform ditties.

And avenues and boulevards

Everywhere the streets are noisy!

Walk on the sidewalk

Only on the right side!

If you are on the tram

And the people around you

No pushing, no yawning

Move forward quickly!

If you're just walking

Look straight ahead.

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully!

Here to be naughty - to interfere with the people

Strictly prohibited

Be a good pedestrian

We are all allowed!

Ride "hare" as you know,

Strictly prohibited

Make way for the old lady

We are all allowed!

Red light crossing

Strictly prohibited

With green even for children,

We are all allowed!

We sang ditties to you,

Is it good or bad

You decide for yourself

Just clap together!

5 Competition "Solve the problem!"

Assignment for children.

Teams 1 and 2: (SLIDES)

Guys, we have prepared for you pictures with traffic situations. Consider carefully and point out those children who violate the rules of the road, explain your decision.

Task for parents:

1 team:

6 people got off the bus. Three of them crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing, two went around the front of the bus, and one remained at the bus stop. How many people entered according to the traffic rules? (ONE, We must wait until the bus leaves the stop and only then cross the street).

2 team:

The wolf was driving to the fox in a car on the left side of the road. He was stopped by a traffic police inspector and issued a fine. What rule did the wolf break? (Vehicles are allowed to drive on the road, keeping to the right).

6 Competition "Musical"

Teams must sing a song about transport or about the road.

Leading: Our contests are over. While the jury sums up the results, we will play with the fans.

Game for fans . "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

    Which of us goes forward only where the transition is?

    Who flies forward so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

    Who knows that the red light means there is no move

  1. And which of you, walking home, walks on the roadway?

Leading: well done! Jury word.

Question This type of transport with pedals and a steering wheel was made in Russia by a serf blacksmith Efim Artamonov from the village of Verkhovye in the Urals. On September 15, 1801, thousands of people on the Khatyn field in Moscow watched in amazement at the amazing two-wheeled cart. And now it is quite common. What is it about? Section « Transport » About the bike

Question The name of this vehicle comes from the Latin - "producing in motion" and the Greek - "circle, wheel". It usually has two wheels located one behind the other. Quite often they attach a passenger carriage and then it becomes a tricycle. What is this transport? Section « Transport » Motorcycle

Question The number of different types of such machines is much greater than that of passenger cars. They are intended for the transportation of bulk cargo (cement, flour, sand, etc.). What is this class of vehicles that drop cargo upon arrival at their destination? Section "Transport" Trucks

Question We were walking home from school, We see - a sign on the pavement: A blue circle, a bicycle, There is nothing else. Section "Signs" Mandatory sign "Bicycle path" Indicates that this path can only be cycled or walked on foot 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question I want to ask about the sign. The sign is drawn like this: There is a tram in the triangle, And the sign has a red edge. Section "Signs" Warning sign "Crossing the tram line" Informs drivers of the need to take precautions. It is installed at the intersection of the road with tram tracks. 1. Name of the mark 2. Purpose of the mark

Question Triangle. And inside the children rush, look! The red color burns with fire, What does this tell us? Section "Signs" Warning sign "Children" Informs drivers to take precautions. Installed near schools, children's institutions. 1. Name of the mark 2. Purpose of the mark

Question We see a sign above our heads. Road sign, blue. Here is the fork, here is the knife. You obviously won't pass by. Section "Signs" Service sign "Food point" Informs drivers and pedestrians that there is a place nearby where you can eat 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question We went from the circus with you. Again, a sign above your head: In a triangle - a bicycle. Along the edges - red. Section "Signs" Warning sign "Crossing with a bicycle path" Informs drivers to take precautions. It is installed where there is a bike path, meetings with cyclists are possible. 1. Name of the mark 2. Purpose of the mark

Question I'm walking in a blue circle. It is not clear to the whole district: Why, where am I going? Yes, I don't understand either. Section "Signs" Mandatory sign "Pedestrian path" Shows that only pedestrians can move on this path 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question Here you must first look to the left - in the direction of the approaching transport. When you reach the middle, stop and look to the right. If the path is clear, continue the transition. What road are we talking about? Section "Culture" About the two-way road

Quiz game "Connoisseurs of traffic rules" with children 5-7 years old.

The purpose of the lesson. Generalize the knowledge of children of senior preschool age on the rules of the road.
To consolidate the knowledge of children about the Rules of the road, road signs, rules of conduct on the roads.
Developing. To form a desire to obey the rules of the road. Develop memory, thinking, mindfulness.
Educational. Cultivate friendly, benevolent relations between children.
Preliminary work. Develop a game plan, divide children into teams, board games and posters on traffic rules, conversations.
Material. Models of road signs, a toy baton - 2, steering wheels, chips, emblems, balls, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, easels, hoops -2, traffic controller vests, pictures of cars, reflective bracelets.
Game progress
Children are divided into 2 groups. To cheerful music, children enter the hall, sit on chairs.
Educator. Guys, you live in a beautiful city, and many guys live in villages and settlements with wide streets, lanes and roads. A lot of cars and trucks move along them. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians.
1. There are so many difficulties on the roads, no doubt.
But we have no reason to be afraid of them,
Because the rules of the road
Available for pedestrians and cars.
And so that everyone has a good mood,
Obey the rules of the road people!

2. Around the city, down the street
They don't just go like this:
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.

3. Be attentive all the time
And remember ahead:
Has its own rules
Driver and pedestrian.
Educator. You guys guessed that today we will talk about the rules of the road. But not just talk, but compete in your knowledge about them. We have two teams: drivers and traffic controllers. Team captains...
It will be judged by a jury. Interesting contests are waiting for you. For each victory in each contest, you will receive a chip. Whoever has more of them is the winner. And there are prizes for the winners.
Traffic today is unimaginable without traffic lights. It is necessary to obey without a dispute the instructions of the traffic light.
And now the warm-up is the game "Drivers - red, yellow, green." I show a green flag - all the guys walk around the hall, the yellow one marches in place, the red one stands still. (Children perform)
Guys, remember where they put traffic lights? (at intersections)
Competition 1 "Tell me a word."
Listening to the team "Drivers".
If you are in a hurry to cross the street on your way,
Go where all the people are, where there is a sign ... (Transition)
Team "Regulators".
You must always know for sure:
There is a pavement for cars, for passers-by ... (Pavement)
Team "Drivers"
I want to get home
And I pedal.
It's not a moped at all.
This is .... (Bicycle)
Team "Regulators".
Learn the simple law:
The red light came on - "Stop!"
Green is ahead
He tells everyone ... (Go)
Educator. Good! You have completed the task.
Competition 2. "Road riddles".
1. Light, on which movement is prohibited. (Red)
2. Place of intersection of roads. (Crossroad)
3. What should be in the hands of those accompanying the group. (checkbox)
4. Commanding the rod, he guides all,
And one controls the entire intersection.
Used to stop on the go with one hand
Five ton truck. (Adjuster)
5. He has colored eyes -
Not eyes, but three lights.
He takes turns them on top-
Looks at me. (Traffic lights)
6. I'm walking around the city,
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure
Rules - I follow. (A pedestrian)

Educator. Guys, well done correctly guessed riddles.
Competition 3 "Rules of the road".
1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)
2. Apparatus that regulates the movement? (traffic lights)
3. Where do people wait for transport? (at the bus stop)
4. Who is called the "driver?" (A person driving a vehicle.)
5. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)
6. What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (crossroad)
7. Why can't you suddenly appear in front of a nearby vehicle? (Vehicles will not be able to stop immediately.)
8. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian one? (The traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and the pedestrian two signals - red and green.)
Educator. Okay, we got the job done.
Game "Nimble Pedestrian". All children "Pedestrians" take turns crossing the intersection. Along the way, throw into the green layout - they pass through the intersection. If they hit red, they are out of the game.
Everyone did their job. We continue the game.

Competition 4 "Road signs". Guys, we have assistants on the roads - road signs, the best friends of pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road. Task for the teams: collect road signs and name them. Children collect warning signs (red triangles), prohibition signs (red circles), 3-information signs (blue rectangles).

Educator. Know traffic signs and never forget.
I suggest you guys play the game "Drivers". Each team has a steering wheel in the hands of the driver. The guys are at the bus stop. At the signal of the whistle, the driver “drives” and the children one by one follow the driver. Whose team arrives faster, she will win.

Competition 5 Game "Regulators".
Teams, team captains with a baton in their hands, on a signal, run to the hoop, stand in the hoop, turn to their team - raise the baton up into the hoop and run in the opposite direction and pass the baton to another.

Competition 6 Competition of captains. Task: team captains draw traffic lights.

Educator. And now I suggest you play the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"
I will ask questions, if you agree with him, answer: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”, And if not, then clap your hands.
Which of you goes forward only where the transition is?
Who flies forward without an argument and does not see a traffic light?
Does anyone know that the red light means: "No move"?
Only where is the crossing, who will cross the road?
Who, not knowing these rules, froze in the middle of the road?
Who pays attention on the road very strictly?
Who will name all the rules of traffic without delay?
Who knows that the green light means: "The way is open"?
Well done! And now let's sum up the results of our competitions. (Rewarding teams).
Educator. The jury sums up. We give medals to all children. Today you passed your exams on the Rules of the Road, as a gift you have reflective bracelets.

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