Which card is the highest in the game fool. The game is a fool - is there a draw? Let's consider the basic rules of these two types

The game of “throwing the fool” can be played by two to four people.

The game deck consists of 36 cards, where the highest card in value is an ace, and the lowest is a six.

Beginning of the game

The game of "Fool" begins with a hand. Each player is given six cards. In our version, this is done by the computer. After the cards are dealt, a trump card is announced, that is, a suit whose cards can beat any card of a different suit.

The first move belongs to the player who has the lowest trump card in his hands.

The player who throws the cards is called the “leader”.

Progress of the game

The presenter has the right to start the turn with any card in his hands. Subsequently, cards are thrown, the value of which corresponds to those laid out on the table. These can be cards of any suit.

Cards are beaten by cards of a higher value of the same suit, or by a trump card. A trump can beat any card except a trump of a higher rank.

All players, except the one who is fighting back, can throw cards of the same value as those lying on the table (that is, cards that have already been played). The opponent must also “beat” these cards.

If the presenter no longer wants to throw cards, then he says “Bito.” After this, the next player clockwise after the leading player can throw cards. This option occurs if there are 3 or 4 players. The opponent has no right to throw cards.

The fighting player, who cannot or does not want to “beat” the cards offered to him, must take them. Moreover, if less than six cards are thrown to him, then any other player can throw additional cards to him. However, the total number of cards thrown must be no more than six.

The cards being thrown can only have a value that matches the value of the cards being taken.

After the cards are taken or returned, players with fewer than six cards in their hands draw cards from the deck. The turn then passes to the next player clockwise (exception: the player who took the cards).

If the player “beats” all the cards offered or beats six cards, then these cards go to the end (leave the game). All players draw cards from the deck up to six. The leader takes cards from the deck first, then all other players in a clockwise direction. The last one to draw cards is the one who fought back.

End of the game

When the cards in the deck run out, the first player who has no cards left leaves the game. The first one to come out is awarded the victory.

The game ends when all players except one are left without cards. The only one left with cards in his hands is the fool. He is awarded defeat.

A draw is allowed if the last two players who did not leave have no cards left in their hands.

Summing up and rating the game of “Fool”

    for a victory the player receives 2 points

    for a draw the player receives 1 point

    for a defeat the player receives no points

For winning, the player receives 10 game rubles.

A player who does not have enough time to complete a move is declared a fool (that is, a loser). All other players are declared winners.

Card games are fun for gambling people who like to develop their intelligence and try their luck.

Types of games: throwing and transfer fool

The card game Fool has several types:

  • Translated.
  • Flip-up.
  • With shoulder straps.

The classic game implies compliance with all the rules without reservations. Another name is the tossed fool.

Players are dealt 6 cards, the deck is placed in the middle of the circle. The dealer randomly takes a trump card from the deck and places it down, revealing the symbol. The entire course of the game depends on the suit.

The first player's move determines whether he has the smallest trump card. The next games of the game are opened by the one to the left of the loser.

The player throws a card that needs to be returned. The remaining participants make their moves in turn, in a circle. The player repels all moves of his opponents or accepts them, losing the possibility of a move.

The loser deals the next hand. The number of losses of each participant is taken into account. In some circles it is customary to play for money. Casinos banned in Russia offered a variety of games and high bets.

Interesting fact! Many older people amuse themselves by playing the fool.

And to add to the excitement, they put money on the line: rubles or kopecks. A loss will not cost too much, but a win of 10-20 rubles will seem like real luck.

The transferable fool assumes the existence of all the rules with one exception. A player can change the opponent's turn by placing an equivalent card on the table, regardless of its suit. The next player will have to cover it.

Playing a fool with shoulder straps is no different from playing a fool, but there is one nuance. All players begin to collect cards of a certain value in the amount of two pieces.

They are needed so that if you win a game, you can hang them on the shoulders of the loser, like shoulder straps. At first the epaulettes are sixes, but each epaulette increases in value. The next ones are sevens.

When the opponent has been given all the stripes from the deck, down to the aces, he is officially a loser.

Shoulder straps on your hands can be a big nuisance during the game, since the number of cards is limited to 6, and shoulder straps cannot be used for defense or attack. The excitement of this type of game is off the charts.

Secrets of the game or how not to lose

Each type of game requires a deck. When playing the fool, a deck of 36 signs is used. The experience gained while studying the game will help in other similar competitions.

For a gambling person who wants to master the skill of a win-win card battle, our advice will be indispensable.

Three tricks for a win-win game of foolishness:

Description of the method Addition
1 Tagged cards Deception, like any tricks and tricks, but effective. Study the deck, remember all the cracks and bends on the back side, so that you know which card is in your opponent’s hands
2 Studying your opponent's facial expressions to recognize a bluff An additional method will help in the decisive battle. Remember the facial expressions of each player in different situations, study the facial signs of a good and bad situation
3 Memorizing moves Using mnemonics, associate each card with a specific bright image in order to remember which ones came out of the deck and which ones are in your hands. This will allow you to calculate options for the development of events

This will take time, but the result will not be long in coming: you will be able to play for serious amounts, earning money from this, or simply surprise your friends with your abilities.

Important! Luck is a combination of circumstances that is beneficial to a certain person. Take it into your own hands and organize these favorable circumstances for yourself.

The first option from the list is only suitable for certain circumstances: when they are playing with your deck, and the players do not ask why you are looking at other people's cards.

5 ways to learn to remember cards when playing the fool:

  • Lay out cards in rows, according to seniority, put a certain picture on each of them: a magazine clipping or a sticker.
  • Come up with a story associated with the suits, so that in the subconscious they become associated with feelings and emotions.
  • Bind each symbol to a specific character from the film in your imagination. Choose your favorite movie that you've watched a hundred times.
  • Divide on the suit. Let one suit be tied to smells, another to delicious dishes, and a third to familiar people, friends and colleagues.

    Tie the fourth to certain events, dates, facts.

To associate, you need to use one of the proposed methods.

Scheme for linking the card to taste buds:

  1. Arranges all heart suits in order.
  2. Let's start with the smallest one - six. We take it in our hands and imagine the smallest edible dish. Cracker or bagel. We taste it and remember it.
  3. Seven is like a goose, imagine it as an infected dish with apples around the edges.
  4. Eight - a birthday cake for March 8th.
  5. Nine is an orange.
  6. Ten - an empty plate and a fork nearby.
  7. Valet is a young man who ordered sushi for dinner with a gorgeous girl.
  8. Lady - A middle-aged woman preparing borscht in the kitchen.
  9. The king is shrimp.
  10. Ace - imagine your favorite dish.

Remember this order and it will be easier for you while playing. It is easier to remember that a lady with borscht and an orange came out of the deck than a specific card.

Enjoy the game, develop your skills, and win! Using the principle of memorizing cards, you will learn not to forget other important things. It trains your memory.

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The game uses a deck of 36 cards (52 in some cases) and involves two to six players; When playing with a deck of 52 cards, up to 8 players can play. Everyone is dealt 6 cards, the next (or last, possibly any of the deck) card is revealed and its suit sets the trump card for this game, and the rest of the deck is placed on top so that the trump card is visible to everyone. An ace cannot be a trump card. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards. The last player who does not get rid of cards remains a “fool.”



The game differs from other varieties only in that the game is played without trump cards.

Double trump

In this type of game, each player has his own trump card. Thus, if one of the players bets MY trump card, then it will not be a trump card for the opposing player. However, by agreement of the players, the following rule can also be introduced:

  • if one of the players bets ANOTHER'S trump card, then the opposing player must beat it as a trump card.


In this type of fool's game, the suit only plays a role in the selection of the trump card. That is, you need to beat cards with a large card (the suit does not matter) or a trump card.


The game differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that after each “beat” or capture, the players exchange cards with each other. If there are many players playing, they change clockwise: 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-1


This variation differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that immediately after all players have been dealt six cards to each, the deck with the trump card is removed from the game.

Piled up

The only difference between this type of fool is that initially the deck is divided equally between the players.

Second try

This version differs from other types of fool only in that if the player has nothing to beat the card with, he must first take another card from the deck. If this card is suitable to beat the desired card, the player beats it. But if it doesn’t fit, the player takes it. The player can also refuse the second attempt and take the cards immediately.


In this case, the player can move not only his card, but also take one card lying on top of the deck. This action can be done only once per turn (by agreement of the players, this number can be increased indefinitely).

Armenian-Second attempt

This type of fool is a combination of the Armenian fool and the Second Attempt Fool.

Transferable 2

This game differs from the game of translation fool in that you can translate after throwing it up. For example: the first player hit ten of spades, the second beat the jack of spades, and the first threw the jack of clubs, but the second has the jack of diamonds, then he can transfer it and the first player will have to beat it.

Transferable 3

In this version, when transferring one player (1) to another (2), player “2” must beat only the card that player “1” transferred. That is, if player “2” placed the seven of clubs, and player “1” moved the seven of diamonds, then player “2” is required to beat only the seven of diamonds.


This game differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that the player takes cards from the deck only if there are no cards left in his hands.


In this version of the fool, you can only move with the strongest card in your hand (you can beat anyone).


This game differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool in the following way: The game is played with 2 decks of 36 cards (72 cards in total). You cannot fight back with a card of equal value or a card of the same suit. A player who ends up with 52 or more cards loses immediately.


This game is played with 2 decks of 36 cards (72 cards in total). You can fight back according to the rules of a simple, throw-in or transfer fool. If a player fights back with a card of absolutely equal value, the possibility of tossing by other players is blocked (this move is not considered a transfer). A player who ends up with 52 or more cards loses immediately.


The royal fool differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool in that the lowest card (usually from two to ten) can only be beaten by the highest card (usually an ace or joker). And the highest card can only be beaten by the lowest or trump card (the joker can only be beaten by the lowest).

Three rubles

This game is played in general according to the rules of a simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool, with the only difference that you need to enter with three cards at once. If the player has only two in his hands - from two, if one - from one.


In poker fool, before hitting the cards, the player has the right to exchange 2 cards for 2 cards from the deck.

Armenian Poker

Combination of Armenian and Poker Fools.

Poker-Second try

Combination of Poker Fool and Fool - Second Try.

Armenian Poker-Second Attempt

Combination of Armenian, Poker and Second attempt of fools.


The game of point fool differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that the player who wins the most cards wins.


When playing Chinese Fool, cards are dealt as in Piled Fool. The player with nine diamonds goes first. If a player beats nine diamonds, further tossing by other players is blocked (this move is not considered a transfer). If the player was unable to fight back, he takes only the first card that he fought off. The remaining cards end up in the landfill. If the player was unable to return the first card, he also takes it. Otherwise, the rules coincide with the rules of other types of games.


This version differs from the others only in that of the 6 cards dealt, only one is available to players at first. With each end, more and more cards become available (one for each end). If the players run out of cards in their hands, cards are taken from the deck and everything starts over. If the deck runs out, all cards in the players' hands become available. If a player takes cards, all cards taken are available to him.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool, but the cards in the deck are arranged in descending order. That is: aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, etc.


They play with a deck of 54 cards (2 jokers). The game is generally played according to the rules of other fool options. Jokers have a special role in the game. If a player hits the black joker, he will have to give any two of his cards to his opponent. If a player hits a red joker, the opponent must give him any two of his cards. Both jokers can beat any card, and they can also be beaten by any other card. But the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The player who only has a joker at the end of the game loses in any case.
  • If a player puts one joker, and the second one can transfer it with another joker. The second player must give away any five of his cards.
  • If a player bets two jokers, he must give any five of his cards to his opponent.
  • If a player does not have enough cards to give to his opponent (due to a joker), he takes from the deck as many cards as he needs.
  • If either player does not have enough cards to give to their opponent (due to a joker) and the deck runs out, the joker's ability is disabled.
  • By agreement of the players, combinations of cards can be entered that block the joker's ability. A combination consists of any 5 cards. It is best that it consists of three paired cards and two more different ones.

Double joker

The game is played according to the rules of simple, toss or transfer. But the game is played with a deck of 54 cards (2 jokers). If the trump card is hearts or diamonds, the red joker is the highest card in the game, and the black one simply beats all the spades and clubs (black cards). If the trump card is spades or clubs, the black joker is the highest card in the game, and the red joker simply beats all the hearts and diamonds (red cards). If the joker is a trump card, then all cards of its color become trump cards. For example, if the joker is black, all spades and clubs are trump cards, but if it is red, the trump cards are diamonds and hearts. In another variant, jokers cannot be trumps and only cards of their own color are beaten, regardless of which suit is trump.

Single joker

The game is played according to the rules of a simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool, but with 53 cards (1 joker). The Joker can beat any card.

Double joker Novosibirsk

This variation allows the endgame to achieve a balance between the player who has the trump ace and the player who does not. The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in or transfer fool with a deck of 54 cards, including two jokers. The joker beats any ace, including trump, but does not beat any other card. The joker can be beaten by any card except aces and another joker. When a joker lands as a trump card, the game goes on without trump cards, and the joker itself beats any card, but can also be beaten by any card except aces and another joker.


The game is played according to the rules of other fool variants, but with 58 cards (2 jokers and 4 wild). Wild cards can cover any card, but they can also beat any card. Then, after being hit by the joker, “beat” is announced.


This type of fool differs from the others in that when the players can no longer throw cards to the fighting player, he has the right to throw them to himself and then beat him.


The game is played according to the rules of the transferable fool, taking into account the rules of the transferable-2 and −3 fools. The game is played with a deck of 54 cards (two jokers). If a player must bet any card and he has a pair, three or four cards of the same value, he can bet them all at once, rather than tossing them one by one. A joker can beat any card except twos and threes (an ace is beaten by a two, a joker or a trump card), which themselves beat it.


The game is played according to the rules of the Estonian fool, although the game is also possible with another variety. They play with a deck of 55 cards (2 jokers and 1 mega). The only difference between the capital's fool and the Estonian one is the presence of a mega-card (superjoker, superjoker, prime minister, green joker). The mega card beats any cards except fours, which themselves beat it.


The game is played according to the rules of the Chinese fool, however, if the player was unable to beat off and took, as it should be, only the first card that he beat off, the remaining cards go to the next player to clear. If the player could not beat the first card, he takes it and skips the turn. The turn passes to the next player.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, transfer or Japanese fool, but if a player cannot beat the cards and takes them, he does not miss a turn, but goes under the next player.


Each player takes one card from the deck and places it face down. The first taker from the deck is first determined by lot, then it is the loser. The one with the highest card goes first. The remaining players must place cards on this card, one higher in value.

If a player does not have the required card, all the cards are for himself, he takes all the cards for himself. Everything starts all over again. This continues until the deck is completely depleted. If there are two or three highest cards, the card is placed on top of the closest one in a clockwise direction. When the deck is played, the game of Japanese fool begins, given that the trump cards are always diamonds. However, as a special suit, not spades, but clubs are highlighted; they are fought only by clubs of a higher value.

With a tossing dummy

This game is interesting because the game involves an imaginary player - a “dummy”. The player who wins the toss and gets the right to make the first move has the right to toss for the dummy. The idiot has no right to walk around and fight back. The game is played according to the usual rules of a fool. The blockhead is not considered a loser.

With a playing dummy

This game also involves a "boob". However, here the player who wins the lot has the right (or rather should) not only toss, but also to go for it. The idiot can win and lose.


This game follows the translation rules. But you can’t throw it in it. If a player has reached his turn and he has a group of cards of the same value, he, like a simple fool, must bet everything at once.


The secret fool differs from the game of a simple, false or transferred fool only in that at the beginning of the game, as soon as the trump card becomes known from the closed deck, they take another card and place it either under the trump card or next to the deck, naturally face down. When the deck runs out along with a trump card, that card will be revealed and become a new trump card.


This version of the game of the fool differs from the others in that if one player was unable to beat off all the cards and takes them, then the player whose card made the first participant in the game unable to fight off has the right to beat his own card. And thereby add cards in the hands of the taking player, and reduce them in yourself. After this, all players can throw as much as they want (but, of course, what according to the rules can be thrown in this or that case) and, if desired, beat their own cards. Here it is worth considering that those cards with which one player beat his own can no longer be tossed, unless cards of this value were encountered in the game when the player whom they initially played against was still fighting back.


This game follows the rules of a cunning fool, but in order to toss the player must first beat his own card, and only then toss it to the player who was initially targeted. The arrogant fool is much inferior in popularity to the cunning one, but does not die out.

With couples

The game is played according to the usual rules of a fool. But each player is dealt not 6, but 5. If a player has a pair of cards, he has the right to play with this pair and any other card. If there are two pairs of cards, you can also play with them and another card. You can use just one card. But:

  • Other combinations of cards during the move are impossible (you can beat them with any).

From groups

The game is played according to the rules of a fool with pairs, but you can play with threes or fours of cards of the same value. It is not necessary to add another card to groups of cards. It is forbidden to add cards to the three.


The game is played according to the rules of a throwing or transfer fool. But the following concept is introduced into the game - “figure card”. These are cards of higher value than nine, that is: tens, jacks, queens, kings, aces. During the game, all players record how many face cards they hit. If a player first repelled the figure cards, but then another was thrown to him, the figured cards are not counted as repulsed (the player takes).


A comic version of playing the fool. The deck is dealt equally. The one who has a six and who sits closest to the left of the dealer goes first

He moves with this six. The turn passes to the next player. If he has a seven, he puts it on a six. The next player will have to place an eight, then a nine, a ten, ... and so on until the ace, and the ace is therefore covered by a six. If a player does not have the required card, he misses his turn. At the same time, each player in the game is given nicknames, such as “cat, donkey, wolf, horse...”. And if the player cannot place the required card, he makes sounds, in accordance with his nickname. If he did this without either player laughing, he takes the cards for himself. The first one to run out of all cards wins.


The first player takes the top card from the deck and places it in the center of the table. Then he takes another card from the deck. If this card is of the same suit as the one originally taken, and also of a higher value, the player takes both of the above cards. Then the same player takes a third card from the deck and the turn passes to the next player. If the received card cannot beat the laid out one, the player places it next to the laid out one, takes another card from the deck and places it in the center of the table. The turn passes to the next player. The second player again takes cards from the deck and repeats everything described above. If he beats, he will take all the cards on the table. Game continues. When the deck is played, the game is played according to the rules of a toss or transfer fool.


The game is played according to the classic rules of playing the fool. But during every second release, the cards do not go into a closed pile, but are mixed with the deck.


This version differs from other versions of the fool only in that the ace cannot be beaten with the lowest card, but only with the trump card. Therefore, the trump ace in the game plays the role of a “wild” card (“dummy”).

With arithmetic progression

The game is played according to the classic fool's rules, but at first each player is given only one card. After each next move, the cards in the players’ hands are supplemented by 1 more. That is, the second time the number of cards on hand is increased to two, then to 3, 4, 5, and so on until the deck runs out.

With a purchase

A distinctive feature is that when cards are dealt, each player is given a certain number of cards face down - a buy-in. At the end of the game, when there are no cards left in the deck and the player has thrown away all his cards, he takes his buy-in and continues the game.


The game differs from the others in the following way: If one player was matched and he can fight back with the card with the value that the player already has in his hands, he has the right to also put this (these) card, and then the second one will have to beat both cards . For example: player “2” matched player “1” with nine clubs, and player “1” beat with ten clubs, but he also has a ten of spades, he can also put it and then player “2” should hit, he needs beat both tens.


The game is different in that only four players play, sitting opposite each other, who form playing pairs. During the game, only the players of one pair to which the walking player belongs have the right to toss. Accordingly, a win (or loss) is recorded not for an individual player, but for a pair.


  • Trump, trump suit- a suit that has special power, standing above others.
  • Lights out, beat- 1) a situation when the player who was played covered similar cards; 2) similar and covering maps in such a situation; 3) all cards played so far.
  • Shoulder straps- a situation where the last cards the winner plays are a non-trump six or two sixes. These sixes are placed on the shoulders of the fool, and then the latter is called “a fool with shoulder straps” (or with one shoulder strap). Such a loss is considered more shameful than an ordinary one.
  • Wikipedia - A card game in which you need to throw certain cards to one of the players ... Wikipedia

There are many card games, new ones appear periodically, but the classic one, “Fool”, is still popular. Not everyone knows the rules of the game “Fool”, since there are other subtleties and nuances here. In addition, there are several options for tabletop battle. “Fool” can be a flip, a simple one, or a Japanese translation.

General rules of the game "Fool" at cards - beginning of the game

A simple, transferable, flip “Fool” begins with preparing the deck. Usually they use the one with 36 cards, in rare cases they play 52-piece.

The cards need to be shuffled well. Usually the dealer, holding the deck in his hand, hands it to the player sitting to his left with the words: “Take off your cap from the fool.” This must be done, since the dealer can “cheat” and spy on the last card or play a trump card for himself.

These are the rules in the game "Fool". The loser is designated as the dealer for the next round. From 2 to 6 people can participate in a tabletop battle.

Dealing and moves

After the deck is shuffled, everyone is dealt 6 cards. The deck manager places the first deck to the participant sitting on his left hand. When one card is dealt, the second one is also dealt in a circle, clockwise. And so on until everyone has 6 cards.

The next card from the deck is turned face up and placed on the table. This is a trump card; the remaining stack is placed perpendicularly on it.

The one with the smaller trump card starts to move. The goal of the game is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. Whoever does this first is declared the winner. The latter is left in the “fool”, loses and hands over the cards for the next round.

Flip option

These are the general rules in the game "Fool". It is interesting to learn about certain nuances that correspond to different variations of tabletop competition. Just as in the simple, transfer, flip version, you can play with 1-4 cards of the same value. For example, with sixes or tens.

The one for whom they are intended must beat them. You can put the same suit of the highest value or a trump card. When all of them are repulsed, the one who walked has the right to give a similar one. That is, if there is a six on the table, he will throw a 6 of a different suit.

When the player has nothing to throw, this is done by the next player sitting on his left hand. That is, the one who is behind the batter. He has the right to give only 1 card for now. After it is beaten, the right to throw the card passes again to the one who walked. It is very important to know the rules of the game of “Fool” in order to follow the detailed order. After all, players often try to quickly discard the cards they have, which leads to confusion. There are more than 6 of them on the table. But in one move you can only throw this number of cards. But in this case, the batter can choose which card to cover.

If the players have nothing to throw, they say “beaten”, and the turn goes to the person who just fought back. If he could not fight back, he must take all the cards of the turn and those thrown up.

The rules of the game "Fool" state that the first move should consist of no more than five cards thrown. Cards from the deck are also drawn in order of rotation - first this right is given to the person walking, then to those sitting on his left hand, clockwise.

The rules in the game “Fool” speak about this. The loser is declared when no one has any cards left, but he does have some.

Translated "Fool"

A very interesting type of game. First, cards are dealt in the same way as in the first case. The first move is carried out according to the same canons. Starting from the second, you can transfer one or more cards of the same denomination. So, if they went under you with a six, you can put one or two sixes of a different suit and transfer them to the one sitting on your left hand.

If he also has a six, he can transfer it and those on the table to the player next clockwise. These and some other rules of the game “Fool” remain unchanged. But there are others that need to be agreed upon before the intellectual battle begins in order to reach a common opinion.

So, some suggest exchanging the trump ace, lying open under the deck, for a trump six. You can come up with such additions to the rules that make the game even more exciting and interesting.

The rules of the game are quite simple:


The game uses a deck of 36 cards. The smallest card is a six, the highest is an ace. An invariable condition of the game is the choice of a trump card, which can beat any non-trump card, but in its suit has strength only in ascending order;

The game can be played by two to six people. Everyone is dealt 6 cards face down, the next card is opened and placed on the table, its suit determines the trump card of the current game, the rest of the deck is placed on the trump card, without covering it from the participants in the game.

The right to make the first move in the first game belongs to the player with the lowest trump card. In subsequent games of the same game, the move belongs to the player who won the previous game. The move is always made to the left. You can walk either with one cards of any value, or from several cards of the same value. Player, sitting to the left of the person entering, must beat (cover with the highest card in the suit or trump card) all cards, which made the move. The number of cards used to make a move should not be greater than the number of cards in the hands of the player under whom this move was made. If he can't cover at least one cards, he is obliged to take (accept) everything cards, which made the move. The right to move passes to the next player clockwise. If player covered everything cards, then you can’t throw new cards and that’s it cards from the table are sent to the end. You can't look at the lights out until the end of the game. Strayed player gets the right to move. After each move, players collect cards from the deck, missing to six. Takes first cards walking player, the one who fights back takes last. During the game, the entire deck is disassembled, including the open trump card.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Last player, who does not get rid of the cards is considered a loser, provided that cards the deck is out.

A draw (draw) is also possible in the game - when player The one who makes the move goes with the last cards, and the one who fights back with the last cards fights off, while there are no more cards either in the deck or in the hands of other players, that is, as a result, at the end of the game no one has any cards left.


The difference from a simple fool is that:

walking player has the right to throw cards, matching in value with any card on the table, including those that were played and those that were used. If there are more than two players in the game, then player who walked has the right to act first, but when he has finished walking, the rest of the players have the right to throw their cards according to the same rules. You can also throw cards, When player decided to accept cards and don't continue to fight back. However, you cannot throw more cards than the fighting player has left - that is, if the player has three cards, they gave him one, and he decided to take it, then he can only be given two. Throws up cards walking player. If he has nothing to throw, then the players begin tossing clockwise.

walking player he can throw it again when it’s his turn in the circle again. Also, you cannot throw more than five cards, even if the player has more cards in his hands, that is, the total number of cards to clear is six. But this rule applies as long as there is cards, when all cards in the rebound and on hands, you can throw as many cards as the player has in his hands. During the first rebound, you cannot throw more than four cards to the batter (the total number of cards is five), but if player does not fight back, then you can throw in the 6th card.


The rules are the same as in the flip, but with one complication: if player, under which they walk, has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to the already lying card and pass both cards the next player to beat - “translate”. The first hand cannot be transferred if the participants are playing the first game. Next player can transfer again if he has a card of the same value. You cannot transfer more cards than the next one player has in hand, and also if there is a card of the trump suit on the table. When cards transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the batting player, and is obliged to cover everything or accept. Further, the game completely coincides with the throwing fool.


This is a knockout competition between a large number of players for the total prize fund formed by all participants in the games. That is, at the end of the entire set of games that make up the tournament, a single player, who, according to the terms of the game, will become the winner of the tournament. This competition is multi-stage.


The game "fool" is one of the few card games in which it is possible to develop a clear plan of action. In terms of the richness of various combinations, the “fool” leaves checkers far behind, and is partly comparable to chess. The game strategy is based on memorizing cards, probability theory and game psychology. The more player can remember the cards, the greater the advantage he has over his opponent. You also need to take advantage of paired cards. From the beginning of the game, it is advisable to get rid of cards of the lowest suit.

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